extracted from
Matrix II
The reality of alien interaction with
humans can be seen throughout history. In the 1st century, the Roman
statesman Cicero wrote of strange spheres in the sky. There are
records dating back to 8th century France that tell of individuals
during Charlemagne’s time that were taken up by strange craft and
shown various marvels. At that time, if they revealed what had
happened to them or if it became public knowledge, they were killed.
There are even records during that time which speak of strange
aerial ships destroying crops.
All the major religions of Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Americas are
dominated by adoration of “Gods from the sky”. There is evidence
that these custodial rulers from the stars controlled every aspect
of human society from the initial appearance of the current version
of Homo Sapiens about 30,000 years ago. It was at the same time that
the Neanderthal version of Homo Sapiens mysteriously and suddenly
vanished from the face of the planet.
Early investigations into this matter were done by Charles Fort, who
lived between 1867 and 1932. He found that extraterrestrial
societies were very much involved in Earths prehistory, and that the
status of the human race appeared to be like self-satisfied
livestock. His final thought was that humans were used as slaves.
The idea of humans as a slave race is not new.
Ancient Sumerian
records dating back to 4500BC relate that humanoids from the sky
were the rulers of humans. Human priests acted as intermediaries
between the rulers from the sky and the human masses. The rulers
from the sky were described in those records as having male and
female sexes, racially diverse, and behaviorally similar to humans.
The records of that time also relate that it was the general
Sumerian belief that the first humans were bred in the wombs of
alien females. Sumerian records indicate that the alien rulers were
involved in mining and other exploitation of natural resources that
involved humans performing lifetimes of backbreaking labor. The
actual creation of the Homo Sapiens species occurred sometime
between 300,000 to 500,000 years ago. (see "La
Creacion del Hombre - El 12º Planeta")
Records in ancient Mesopotamia credit an alien by the name of Ea for
directing the creation of Homo Sapiens as a genetic hybrid. Ea was
also known as the Prince of Earth. Other portions of the Earth were
controlled by Ea’s half-brother. During the time of his
uninterrupted influence, marshes by the Persian Gulf were drained
and dams and dikes were constructed. Ea was the main advocate of the
hybrid species later known as Homo Sapiens before the council of
aliens that managed operations on the planet.
Sumerian records indicate that human
beings were spiritual beings animating physical bodies, and that the
alien rulers contrived an original plan to keep entities attached to
physical bodies, body physically and psychologically, so that the
humans could function as slave labor. Population control measures
were carried out on the humans. Food supplies were cut off, humans
were forced to cannibalism, diseases were introduced, and there was
global flooding.
In order to prevent the humans from banding together and realizing
the predicament they were in, the aliens sought to block spiritual
recovery for the humans. Various immediate measures were taken in
order to prevent human unity. Formal religions were introduced,
people were scattered around the planet, and different language
functions introduced. The aliens made sure that existence for humans
became a physical chore that would preclude excess time on their
Ea, when in power, was dedicated to the dissemination of spiritual
knowledge to the newly created human hybrids. He was aware of the
desire by other alien groups to promote human bondage. Despite his
good intentions, Ea failed to maintain the freedom of the human
species. His faction, sometimes known as the
Brotherhood of the
Snake, was defeated by other alien factions. Ea was banished to
Earth by the other aliens, and his title was changed from the Prince
of Earth to the Prince of Darkness. He was then portrayed to the
humans as the “enemy of a Supreme Being” and the humans were told
that all their troubles were the fault of Ea. Humans were
subsequently programmed to detect any trace of Ea in future
Under negative alien influence, the Brotherhood of the Snake was
changed from a force disseminating scientific and spiritual
knowledge to one that became known for spiritual repression and
betrayal. Corruption of the Brotherhood was evident in Egypt by
2000BC. The Pharaohs and priests were indoctrinated into the
Brotherhood as Elite who would manipulate the masses for their own
ends. Brotherhood functions in society eventually evolved into
Mystery Schools, which twisted spiritual knowledge, and restricted
public access to any truths which had survived. Traditions were
started that transferred knowledge orally and also embedded it in
symbology which only the Elite could understand.
Monotheism was one of the most insidious teachings of the
Brotherhood. It was started in Egypt during the reign of Akhenaton,
and eventually evolved into the teachings embodied in Judaism,
Islam and Christianity. Humans were taught that the aliens were
Gods, and
the aliens enforced human obedience. One group of alien custodians
was named the
Jehovah, who had influence over the
Hebrew peoples.
The Hebrews were befriended and ruled by the Jehovah, who typically
landed his craft in the mountains. In order to promote the “God”
concept, only specific humans were allowed to approach the Jehovah,
which were presented to the humans as a succession of singular
beings, named Jehovah, over a long period of time.
Over time, a network of Brotherhood
organizations imposed alien institutions on the human species and
generated conflict and war in order to manipulate and divide the
human race.
Brotherhood influence in India was embodied in 1500BC when the
faction known as the Aryans (who supported alien aims) invaded the
area. The Aryans were a non-semitic white-skinned race that
established a system of religious-feudal religion that became known
as Hinduism. During this time the
aliens traveled openly in ships
with humans, engaged in warfare with other alien factions (which
involved the
use of nuclear and beam weaponry). It was described at
the time that some of the aliens had
blue skin. The aliens then
imposed the caste systems, further confusing and dividing the humans
in the area. The Hindu religion introduced the concept of
“reincarnation” and the principle of “obedience bringing
Due to the influence of the custodial aliens, a succession of
maverick religions began to spring up. These religious concepts
attracted millions of adherents and basically consisted of six
“systems of salvation”, mixing truth and manipulative concepts.
The first “system of salvation” (hereafter
SOS) was Samkya, which
was introduced about 500BC. It taught that Souls were infinite in
number, consisted of pure intelligence, were independent, incapable
of change, and bound in matter. The system taught humans the concept
that “suffering” was the result of “bondage to matter” and lack of
The second SOS was Toga.
The third was
Mimamsa, which was an attempt
to maintain Aryan creeds. The conflict in Mimamsa was between the
ideas of rigid obedience to doctrine versus spiritual freedom.
Buddhism was the fourth SOS. It was founded about 525BC. It opposed
the caste system of Hindism, but added new and more insidious
elements to human lives. Buddhism taught that “freedom will come
some day”. One of the most influential teachings of Buddhism was
what became known as the Mettaya Prophecy.
The Mettaya Prophecy said that an individual with great knowledge
and ability “will arrive some day to save the human race”. This
eventually evolved into the various “End of the World” doctrines,
which became known in the concepts of Day of Judgment, Final Battle,
Armageddon, and Messiah From God (750BC). One of the most
influential people in this area was Zoroaster, who disseminated the
Mettaya concepts together with Monotheism. This had a catastrophic
effect on human society.
The ideas and concepts injected by the being known as
deteriorated very quickly due to custodial influence, and in 325AD
the Council of Nicea began defining and interpreting religious
concepts having to do with the Jesus Ministry. Thus, what began as
an attempt by an advanced being deteriorated into the fifth SOS. The
Nicene Creed redefined the entity Jesus as the “son of God", and
banned the concept of pre-existence of human beings in other lives.
The introduction of the concept of “sex
as sin” produced devastating effects on the humans. It mentally tied
them to anxiety and frustration about natural processes and
furthered human focus on the body. In modern times, this is seen as
a component of a whole system of ego defense mechanisms embodying
security, sensation, and power that today create a feeling of
powerlessness and dependency in human beings. It also promotes the
“wheel of fortune” mentality that blinds humans to the truth of
their own capabilities and nature.
The sixth SOS was promoted by Mohammed in 570 AD, who had a mission
in life that was triggered by the appearance of an apparition. It
taught that Allah is the Supreme Being, brought in the concept of
“fire and brimstone” as embodied in the Koran, and was a custodial
religion centered around “obedience”. The Koran also promotes the Mettaya ideas, and what became
Islam eventually became the source
for a series of holy wars and crusades.
Here the
Brotherhood concept of
assassinations was introduced. It eventually evolved into the “lone
assassin” concept used by the CIA and other extensions of the
Brotherhood to mask their involvement in the manipulation of the
Alien custodial religious programming embodied the following main
concepts to confuse the human population:
Sources of teachings were
said to be a “God or force.”
Belief in a “single Supreme
Belief in “physical
immortality.” See Mormon belief system.
Belief and adherence to
Belief in “severe punishment
to backsliders/non-believers.”
Belief that “reincarnation
is part of a spiritual plan.”
Belief that “higher forces
control human destiny.”
Belief that “one Supreme
Being created the universe.”
Belief that “human suffering
is part of a broader plan.”
Belief that “spiritual
recovery” or “salvation” is “upon the Grace of God".
Population Control
The creation of the mentality that produces chemical and biological
weapons owes its source to alien influence. The appearance of global
disease is also there. Between 540AD and 592AD the bubonic plague
ravaged the East Roman Empire. Records show frequent aerial
phenomena in conjunction with outbreaks. Very often, plagues would
be preceded by mysterious foul smelling mists, humanoids dressed in
black, and "comets" in the sky.
A small list of plagues that were
preceded by the above events:
Year |
Description |
1298-1314 |
Large “comets” seen over
Europe |
1333 |
Plague commenced after a
vile mist appeared |
1347 |
Plague epidemic in Europe.
40 million dead in 4 years |
Note: This scenario
happened every 10-20 years until the 1700’s, resulting
in the death of over 100 million people |
1500-1543 |
26 “comets” recorded |
15 “comets”
recorded |
preceded plague in Vienna |
preceded plague |
9 “comets”
recorded |
preceded general worldwide plague |
Through recorded history, there are also references to humanoids
dressed in black. Their presence would signal an almost immediate
outbreak of the plague. In 1559 men dressed in black were seen
spraying an oat field just before an outbreak of the plague in
Brandenburg, Germany.
During the plague years, there was tremendous ethical decay among
humans. There was attempt by various religious factions to eliminate
others. There was an attempt by the Christians to eliminate the
Jews. There was more genocide during this period than during the
second world war. Genocides during this period were often incited by
German trade guilds, who were Brotherhood organizations.
The effect of the plagues was:
Plague + Inquisition +
Genocide = Religious Apocalyptic Prophecy Fulfilled
Bavarian Illuminati and the Rosecrucians were behind many of the new movements which appeared at
this time. One of the earliest movements was the “Friends of God"
that appeared in 1347, which is the same year that the black death
struck Europe. It introduced a nine-step program designed to have
humans be “obedient to God". The teachings were apocalyptic and
secured a lot of converts. Eventually, the movement evolved into the
Reformation of Martin Luther.
Destruction of
Records and Knowledge of the Past to Isolate humans
There are many records which indicate that Brotherhood forces
destroyed the library at Alexandria, which contained records dating
back almost ten thousand years. Early Christian missionaries
destroyed all records relating to religions in the early Americas.
standing order of the Brotherhood was to limit the perception and
knowledge of the human species to a narrowly defined limit.
The Mayans
Mayan beliefs and legends tell an
interesting story about the “creation of man". It tells that mankind
(humans) were created to be the “servants of the Gods”. These “Gods”
made “figures of wood” before they made humans. These figures of
wood “had no souls”. They were bodies animated with no spiritual
beings inside. The Gods thus produced creatures to which spiritual
beings could be attached. The first humans, according to the Mayans,
were too intelligent and had too many abilities, so the “Gods”
reduced the intelligence and vision of the humans.
John Calvin was an important leader in
the Reformation. In 1536 he wrote his first religious tract in
Basel, Switzerland. According to Luther, “salvation” requires an act
of belief. According to Calvin, “salvation” is “determined by
Calvin promoted the idea of pre-destination, and introduced the idea
that some humans were “favored by God before birth” and were “the
Elect”, who had a “duty to suppress sins of the others” as a
“service to God". According to Calvin, the “original sin” was the
attempt to gain knowledge of ethics and immortality. From these
concepts arose the idea that “war must be a necessary step to
spiritual salvation.”
Mormon beliefs are quite outspoken about custodial intentions on
earth. Mormons believe that humans are immortal spirit bodies and
that the object is to “dwell in a perfect immortal human body”.
Mormon teachings encourage the idea of endless entrapment in human
bodies. Through these tenets, spiritual memory is dimmed and ethical
questions remain unresolved. In this system, wars are seen as
“God's tool of control”.
The Marxist philosophy follows alien custodial patterns. The
philosophy is strongly apocalyptic and describes a “final battle”
followed by a “utopia”. In this system, spirit is a product of
physical and material phenomena. The teachings of Marx promote the
custodial aim of entity entrapment.
Perhaps one of the largest, most influential movements of the
Brotherhood, Nazism subscribed to the ideas of the Aryan movement,
destruction of all beings not like themselves, and absolute power,
domination and control over the planet. There is evidence that the
Germans made several agreements with different alien factions
during the life of Nazism. Post WWII activities of this faction
includes creation of the CIA, Interpol, and the
Federal Reserve
System which, oddly enough, was also embodied in the Communist
Brotherhood Symbols
Common symbols that are characteristic of Brotherhood involvement
Snake or Serpent
Eye of Horus/All-Seeing
Eye/Masons/Seal of USA
Money Systems
Inflatable Currency
System as a System of Control and Manipulation
Eventually, elite world power structures were assumed by the
financial monetary and banking system. In the 16th thru 18th
centuries, the money system was the key element in wars and
revolutions. The true purpose of money is to represent the existence
of actual tradable commodities. The introduction of the inflatable
paper money system started in Holland in 1609.
Banking is socially and economically destabilizing. It is a source
of wealth and power to the Elite who create the money supply.
Through the system of inflatable paper currency:
People eventually become
Notes are issued in excess of
the asset base
The struggle for physical
existence is made more difficult
Steady inflation reduces the
value of money so that accumulated wealth is eroded
Creates massive debt and
parasitic absorption of wealth
Methods of Control
Novel forms of killing and
AIDS and Genetic products of
Chemical warfare
Implants and Electronic
manipulation and Control
Mind Control programs. CIA/MKDELTA/MKULTRA
Creation of human conflict to
weaken and delude species
“Lone Assassin” management of
targets of elimination
Nature of the
“Supreme Being”
The true nature of the “Supreme Being” is that there is no “Supreme
Being”. All spiritual beings are units of awareness of the
intelligent conscious matrix that underlies everything. It is in
this way that undifferentiated potential can undergo maximum
differentiation; it provides for the maximum creation effort and
evolution of consciousness.
There is creation from more than one
perspective or viewpoint.
