by Victor Viggiani
News Director - ZlandCommunications
August 29, 2011
NewsExopoliticsInstitute Website
Spanish version
There are few books I have read that both entertained and disturbed
The Grandest Deception by Dr.
Jack Pruett is assuredly one of
From the preface, through the opening chapters and well into the
book itself Dr. Pruett kept me turning the pages not only by heaving
disquieting opinions this reader’s way but also by hurling
convincing - if not totally unarguable points of view about,
Where does one begin when one attempts to overthrow the belief
system of an entire civilization? Dr. Pruett begins, ‘In the
beginning…’ by rattling civilization’s very core.
One of the core pillars of the Judeo-Christian belief system is
Bible. In essence the Bible has always been portrayed in ancient and
modern times as the divine and historical relationship of God with
mankind - the 'word' of God.
Countries have been founded on this
premise; churches of all Christian denominations have used the Bible
to disseminate the word of God.
Irrespective of one’s belief system and according to biblical
scholars from St. Thomas Aquinas to
Billy Graham, the Bible
represents the only divinely revealed foundation and guide depicting
God’s relationship with mankind. Few other writings have predisposed
humanity’s intellectual, political and religious development in such
an influential and pervasive manner.
Until now...
After a modest preface and without wasting too much of the reader’s
time Dr. Pruett states in the first chapter of his work:
“The Bible
is not a story about God or the Supreme Being. The Bible is a story
the Anunnaki. That my friend is the grandest deception and has
far-reaching implications.”
Dr. Pruett’s book is essentially concerned with these far-reaching
implications - the Anunnaki's imposition of slavery on this newly
created species to mine gold in servitude to a race of beings from
planet called Niburu.
One could well contend that this bold statement and the many
interpretations that follow are abjectly frivolous or quixotic.
However, coming from someone who at one time taught scripture, has
graduated with a medical degree in obstetrics and gynecology and who
has seen life emerge from the womb over five thousand times, the
above statement about the Holy Book struck my mind’s eye like a
shaft of piercing light… I had to read more.
In addition to its central argument about the nature of the Bible,
Dr. Pruett’s work speaks to a whole host of global, historical and
societal issues.
In detailing these issues Dr. Pruett employs an elaborate mixture of
speculation and evidence to express his contention the planet and
our civilization are essentially doomed. He argues
the belief
systems used to establish our civilization as a planetary genus are
seriously flawed and, without a major reconstruction, we as a
species are off to hell in a hand-basket.
Dr. Pruett weaves the threads of a grand deception through an
historical tapestry; an alarming lattice of ideas many will dispute.
However he quite adequately depicts our wanton and mounting
incapacity to deal with an adversarial and dysfunctional political
and judicial system of governance. Pruett also points to humanity’s
lethargy in excising the ascendancy and dominance exerted on all of
us by a
sinister and elitist economic system; one that fans the
flames of warfare and ethnic violence.
The reader is left with the distinct impression that Dr. Pruett
believes the primordial servitude imposed on mankind by the
and the slavery modern institutions engender at all levels, have
spawned a citizenry deluded into believing everything will be ‘just
fine’ if we just let the rich and powerful manage things while we
all look the other way.
Moving from his primary premise that mankind was not created by a
single god or multiple gods but was created by ancient astronauts
from another planet, to his bold condemnations of the Federal
Reserve, governments, religion, secret societies and other social
Pruett quite effectively illustrates how the tapestry
has become a web of incredulous deception. Even the figure in the New Testament
known as
Jesus Christ and his role in the deception does not
escape the scrutiny of Dr. Pruett.
The book is divided into two parts:
Part Two begins with a somber eye-opener
that spirituality is not contingent upon a belief in a God or a
Dr. Pruett then suggests what amounts to insurrection by
engaging humanity in a rebellion towards freedom by ridding America
the Federal Reserve Bank and the
ruthless monetary ganglia
embedded in a global financial warfare system that has the planet in
a strangle hold.
Dr. Pruett pulls no punches as he insists pervasive radical change
is a terrestrial imperative. His invitation to readers to dialogue
with him about this need for radical change illustrates not only his
commitment to change but his drive to attain it.
Notwithstanding the earth-shaking journey that Dr. Pruett takes his
readers in this provocative work, two things will occur.
First, his
analysis will be roundly criticized
Secondly, you will turn the
pages as frenetically as I did to see where he takes you next on the
This book is indeed an act of political courage.