by Michael E. Salla, M.A., Ph.D.
March 2012
ExopoliticsJournal Website
Michael E. Salla,
PhD., is the author of Exposing US Government Policies
on Extraterrestrial Life (2009) and Exopolitics:
Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence
(2004) He has held full time academic appointments at
the Australian National University, and American
University, Washington DC. He has a PhD in Government
from the University of Queensland, Australia. He is the
Founder of the Exopolitics Institute (www.exopoliticsinstitute.org
) and the popular internet website Exopolitics.Org;
Chief Editor of the Exopolitics Journal, and
Co-Organizer of the Earth Transformation: New Science,
Consciousness and Cosmic Contact conferences in Kona,
Hawaii. Main website: www.exopolitics.org |
Panel Presentation
Call for World Peace from The Universal
Istanbul Turkey
November 1st, 2011
Celestials are defined as beings able to move through space-time
without any kind of physical technology.
The have attained high
states of “unity consciousness” and have been witnessed together
with service-to-other or ethically evolved extraterrestrial races.
This paper gives a number of examples of celestials using a typology
of civilizational evolution first developed by the Soviet Astronomer
Nikoli Kardashev in 1964, and later popularized by Michio Kaku.
Celestials are argued to belong to a Type IV civilization that can
tap into an unseen universal energy grid, and are best described as
a universal brotherhood.
It’s an honor to present my research to a conference dedicated to
World Peace and recognizing that humanity is not alone, and is being
helped by an unseen universal brotherhood.
So thank you to the
conference organizers for inviting me to speak, and opportunity to
share my research on the contribution of exopolitics to World Peace.
It’s always pleasant to speak at conferences such as this because
you can share insights about what it is you are seeing and feeling
around you. What I’m seeing is something to be really excited about.
There’s a fundamental transition that we are about to witness in
slow motion. The transition is “reconnection” - reconnection with
the Universe.
We have been living for thousands of years as a pretty
isolated planetary culture. We really have been very insular - look
at the history books. What do the history books write about? Go back
to the ancient Greeks, the ancient Persians, the Romans, the Ottoman
Empire, the Chinese and so forth. History is very limited to the
recorded events of a select number of civilizations on this planet.
Our history is much richer, however, much older, and it is Cosmic!
It’s Galactic! It goes beyond the planet.
It’s been hidden from us
for a long time.
This is why it’s so exciting because I am witnessing changes in slow
motion. Like many of the audience, we want things to change quickly.
We only have 30, 40 or 50 years, or so to really contribute to life
around us with our ideas and energy. We want things to happen
quickly, and we want it to happen in that period when we can see
them. The changes I’m speaking about are going to happen within the
next few years.
Within the next decade, I am very confident that we
will transition from an isolated planetary culture into a galactic
culture. What I’m going to give you today is really a kind of a
snapshot into what lies ahead. It’s really exciting, and something
to look forward to because we’ve got a lot of friends out there in
the galaxy.
We have a lot of friends, but we’ve forgotten them. We don’t know
who they are so in a way I hope that I can reintroduce some of you
to our galactic friends.
Those that have been helping us from the
sidelines, and supporting us as we move forward in a very dark
period in our collective consciousness. This is an experience for
humanity where we have chosen to experience a dark night of the soul
- collectively! With any dark night, however, it ends eventually. We
are now going to experience a wonderful awakening which involves
reconnection with our Galactic family. So that’s what I’m going to
be doing.
I want to begin with the question of “what would extraterrestrial
life be like?”.
There are many approaches to answering this
question, but the one that has become most popular with scientists
was first proposed in 1964 by a Russian astronomer,
Nikolai Kardashev.
Kardashev wanted to develop a scientific way of
categorizing extraterrestrial life. So he came up with a way of
categorizing extraterrestrials on how well they use energy around
So Kardashev argues that they evolve based on the ability to use
energy at different macroscopic levels, so now I’ll explain what
that means.
A Type 0 Civilization,
is like the Earth where we use energy in a
very limited way. We use fossil fuels such as oil, coal and gas, and
other limited energy sources such as Uranium.
These are limited
resources found around the planet that we use for energy consumption
and they are non-renewable. Competition over the control of these
energy sources has led to many wars and misery on our planet.
dangers of nuclear energy have even threatened our planetary
A Type I civilization,
is able to use energy at a planetary level.
It’s able to tap into the energy of the ocean, or of the Earth’s
core, or volcanic/seismic activity.
A Type I civilization can even
tap into the energy grid of our planet. Our planet has an electrical
energy grid as discovered by pioneers such as
Nikola Tesla.
are also other ways in which energy even more subtle flows around
the planet. All of these are renewable energy sources which makes
them very different to the limited energy sources used by Type 0
A Type I civilization can tap into these planetary
energy sources without ever exhausting them, and use them for many
Type II civilization,
can efficiently use energy from an entire sun.
The sun is constantly emitting energy. We know that. We see the
light, we feel the warmth. It’s not just the warmth and the light.
The sun is constantly emitting
enormous amounts of plasma energy in all directions - 24
hours a day, seven days a week. It never rests. Some of the
solar flares, Coronal Mass Ejections coming from the sun are
incredible in size.
This is the size of the
Earth in relation to the Sun which we know is big.

Look at the size
of one of these Coronal Mass Ejections - it’s huge compared to the
Earth. If one of those ever hit the Earth directly we’d be in big
So Type II civilizations can harness the energy of a sun
like that.
Now we get to Type III civilizations. For many we are getting into
the realm of science fiction - they can use energy from the Galactic
Core, and deal with galactic wide energies such as
Galactic Superwaves.
Just as our sun is constantly emitting plasma energy
that goes out filling our solar system - just as a Type II
civilization can use that energy - a Type III civilization can
utilize energy emitted from the galactic core - galactic superwaves
going in all directions.
Type III civilization,
can create or manipulate
black holes.
One of the things about the creation of black holes was that
Sagan when he wrote his book,
Contact, he asked a very famous
astrophysicist by the name of Kip Thorne to see if it was possible
for a wormhole to be created through a black hole.
And found that
yes, it was possible provided that there was something that could
keep a black hole open. He called it exotic matter. It was
theoretically possible but our science was very far from being able
to do anything like that. In contrast, this would be possible for a
Type III civilization.
Type III civilizations can also move or engineer entire solar
systems, and even create a galactic GPS using pulsars. Pulsars are
like galactic beacons. They have a frequency that is pretty constant
so you could navigate the galaxy by pulsars. So Type III
civilizations can tap into and use Galactic wide energy.
That’s where Nikoli Kardashev stopped in his typology because it was
enough for scientists to wrap their minds around these kinds of
advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. A civilization that could
use the energy of an entire galaxy, there wouldn’t be a need to
think about anything more evolved than that.
But of course it would
evolve. Life evolves. If life evolves from Type 0 to Type I, and
from Type I to Type II, and Type II to Type III wouldn’t it evolve
from Type III to Type IV?
Of course, but what would a Type IV
civilization be like?
A Type IV civilization,
would be able to tap into energy at a
universal level. Not just the galactic core or the energy of an
entire galaxy but something that is truly extra-galactic or
universal in scope.
As you can tap into energy at a universal level,
your consciousness would evolve, naturally!
So you have reached the
point where your civilization’s collective consciousness would be
very familiar with and can easily tap into universal energy. It
would be very obvious for a civilization at that level, because
that’s what they are tapped into.
Just as our planetary consciousness is really focused on fossil
fuels, oil, coal, etc. Think about it. Our entire culture is fixated
on it. We ask what happens when oil prices skyrocket, what happens
when the oil runs out? Our whole culture is fixated on that limited
energy resource because the way we use energy as a civilization is
what is going to have a very large impact on our consciousness.
Similarly for a Type I civilization, they use energy at a planetary
level so their consciousnesses evolves on this basis. The same
happens as civilizations go through the different levels.
So if we are talking about a Type IV civilization that uses energy
at a universal level, their ethics, philosophies and spirituality is
going to be focused on universal consciousness, or a universal force
or a universal energy. Once you have developed consciousness to that
degree that you can tap into and link with the universe itself, you
would be able to do incredible things compared to what we are
familiar with.
So are there examples of this? There are examples in
our science fiction literature.
What I’m going to do is give you a snapshot of what we were exposed
to in the Star Wars movies.
When I saw Star Wars for the first time,
I was elated. I was so happy with Star Wars because for the first
time it talked about something universal. It talked about “the
Force” - it was great. Thank God they’ve finally begun talking about
something universal that goes beyond technology, beyond what we can
utilize for our technologies. That is beyond anything that our
culture is identifying with.
That is something that I’m sure many
millions, like me, celebrated. All of a sudden it was like new idea
entering into our collective consciousness. Now we can talk about
the Force, something truly universal.
Star Wars when it first came out, it was an example of how you can
train to use this Force, trap into this universal energy that
pervades all life. And the Star Wars series has been one of the very
few SciFi movies, series or franchises that has talked about this
universal energy field that we can learn to tap into with our
It was something that broke new ground, and I think
is part of the reason why it’s such a big favorite for so many of us
who can watch it again and again; because it reminds us that yes, we
have that ability! We can do that! We can tap into this universal
We know how to do it! Sure, we’ve forgotten how to do it,
maybe our society doesn’t encourage it, but we know deep down inside
that we know we can do it. That’s why Star Wars was something that
was pioneering.
Other sources of literature also talk about ways of tapping into
this universal energy field, here we have examples of that in terms
of what would a civilization be like. How would it be structured? If
you have a Type IV civilization that is able to tap into this
universal energy grid, or this field, what would it be like? Would
it take on the parameters of a civilization that we are familiar
with? We have another version of what a civilization like that would
be like.
Keys of Enoch is a book written by Dr
JJ Hurtak. It came out in
the 1970s, and he talked about various levels of universal spiritual
orders that comprise celestials.
The celestials are beings similar
to the Jedi Knights in Star Wars that are able to use energy at a
universal level and possess a kind of cosmic consciousness. So Hurtak was talking about these orders, these brotherhoods that exist
throughout all planetary systems, throughout all galaxies.
Civilizations, in this model, evolve and reach a point that they now
become members of a brotherhood or sisterhood that expands
throughout the universe.
They comprise beings with a Type IV
consciousness where they can tap into the universal energy grid.
One of the orders is the universal Order of Melchizadek. It’s
interesting that the Old Testament refers to the Order of
Melchizadek in Psalms 110. Melchizadek is
someone of major importance since he was the father of Enoch, a very
old pre-diluvial figure in the Hebrew scripture.
What I would like to do is talk a bit about celestials, and who
these beings are that have this universal consciousness.
How do they
operate? What are they like? A really good introduction to
celestials is a series of books by Baird Spalding, called Masters of
the Far East. He described how 11 scientists traveled to the
Himalayas in the early 20th century.
Along the way they were helped
by a group of beings that were basically
Ascended Masters.
Ascended Masters had all of the abilities seen in the Star Wars
movies. But these Ascended Masters had these abilities fully
developed. They could levitate; they could bilocate; telepathy was
something they could do very easily; telekinesis - they could raise
objects easily.
Within the Masters of the Far East series you read
story after story of how these Ascended Masters helped that
scientific mission. The mission was there for a number of years, and
these celestials or Ascended Masters ensured that Baird Spalding’s
expedition could be introduced to the philosophies, to the sacred
wisdom of the Far East.
Spalding was certainly incredibly impressed
about that and wrote his series of six books about what happened
there. The interesting thing about the Ascended Masters was that
they described themselves as part of a vast brotherhood, that wasn’t
just on the Earth, but beyond as well.
Again you have that idea of a
universal brotherhood.
This is something that “Madam” Helena P. Blavatsky talked about in
terms of
the Great White Brotherhood. She was the first to describe
them as this association of Spiritual Adepts. They could do things
through the power of consciousness alone - move through space-time,
manipulate matter, incredible powers of telekinesis, bilocation, all
of those psychic abilities.
These Ascended Masters had these
abilities to a very high level. She went into great depth into the
Masters. I give this as an example of a civilization - it’s probably
more appropriate to call them a brotherhood. That’s why they are
called the Great White Brotherhood. There are other terms used such
as the Brotherhood of Light.
These are beings who through spiritual development, spiritual
discipline, have been able to rise beyond the limitations of the
body, thinking of the mind, to truly embrace and connect with a
universal energy field so the power of their mind and intent was so
focused that they could instantly do things. If we look at
ourselves, we have very great difficulty in silencing and focusing
our minds - even for ten seconds.
Yet the Great White Brotherhood,
or beings that have been able to go through the spiritual discipline
and practices, have been able to train themselves to do that. We
know it can be done.
There are many examples of those that have been
able to discipline their mind to do these incredible things. So we
know it can be done, it’s just a matter of disciplining yourself so
you go through or rise beyond the point of where you are thinking
about silence, to where you actually begin to be silent. That’s
where the power really comes in.
One of the quotes that I want to mention was by Charles Leadbeater a
theosophist from the early 20th century.
He said:
The Great White Brotherhood also includes members of the Heavenly
Host (the Spiritual Hierarchy directly concerned with the evolution
of our world), Beneficent Members from other planets that are
interested in our welfare, as well as certain unascended chelas.
So Leadbeater was basically putting in a very concise way what the
Theosophical Society believed.
The Ascended Masters, the Great White
Brotherhood, the Brotherhood of Light, wasn’t just limited to the
Earth. This was a Universal Brotherhood of celestial beings.
An example of an Ascended Master is from India -
He was
described at length by Paramahmsa Yogananda who write that very
influential autobiography, Autobiography of a Yogi. I remember
reading that about four times. It’s one of those classics that you
read again and again. It’s like being in a desert and you find this
Oasis and you think you got to drink deeply because there’s a lot of
desert to walk over.
Yogandanda talked a lot about Ascended Masters
and the beings in his particular spiritual order,
Kriya Yoga.
So Babaji was described as living for thousands of years in the
Himalayas, and maintains a youthful appearance. That’s something
that’s pretty important. These Ascended Masters are not necessarily
long bearded men with gray hair but maintain a youthful appearance
for a long time.
Personally I think that’s important to keep in mind
as we move into these possibilities of a greater connection with the
Galaxy and the Universe. Even the aging process is not an iron law
of the universe. Babaji and other Ascended Masters illustrate that.
So, to summarize so far. Celestials are highly developed ethical
beings that have been described in the literature in many different
ways, as Angels, Ascended Masters, Elohim, etc.
The important thing
is that they share that one characteristic, that they can tap into
to the universal energy grid and work with that energy in developing
high states of cosmic consciousness, and manifest things in their
lives and around them for the benefit of society.
Now we get to the question of what’s the difference between
celestials and extraterrestrial life? I began to talk earlier about
extraterrestrial life and the growing scientific interest them. So
what’s the difference with celestials?
Well, celestials travel
through the universe using the power of consciousness alone, and
they are not confined to any one physical location. They don’t need
technology to move.
An Ascended Master, one of these celestials, can
move instantaneously just by using the power of consciousness. That
distinguishes them from these different extraterrestrial
civilizations that I spoke about earlier, Type I, Type II etc., that
really need technology to be able to move through space and time.
Celestials have attained that advanced state of consciousness - oneness with the universe
- and they don’t identify themselves with
one particular place in space-time. So if you think about it,
because we are a Type 0 Civilization we identify ourselves primarily
as American, Australian, Italian, Turkish, etc.
For Type I
civilizations it would be a planetary system, from a planet in the
Pleiades, or Sirius star systems, and so forth.
These Type IV
civilizations would identify themselves with the Universe, they
don’t identify themselves with any particular place in space and
The interesting thing about literature dealing with extraterrestrial
life is that extraterrestrials are often seen in the presence of
Masters of Wisdom, Ascended Masters, celestials, whatever you call
Also, the extraterrestrials regard the celestials as teachers,
as mentors. That’s really fascinating.
Something we need to think
about deeply. I expect that most in this audience would almost take
it as self-evident that a being of higher consciousness would be
revered by those with more highly developed technology.
Most people,
however, would ask why would any advanced civilization flying around
the universe in starships, be impressed by someone wearing robes and
living in a cave?
There are many contactee reports describing how celestials have been
interacting and intervening in the modern era to encourage policy
makers make better policy when it comes to things like nuclear
There are examples of this.
The first contactee to report about celestial intervention is
Van Tassel back in the 1950s. Each year he organized major
conventions at Giant Rock, California. The biggest one ever had
11,000 people, that was in the early 1960s.
Van Tassel said that
the Ashtar Command is a fleet of
extraterrestrial ships headed by this being Ashtar who works
directly under celestials.
The celestial that is referred to in the
literature is Sananda. In the metaphysical literature, Sananda is
referred to as a Christ-like being, and Ashtar is representing the
executive branch of a Galactic legislature headed by this ascended
hierarchy of masters.
So that was very interesting.

It was in 1952 and this is what in fact happened.
George van Tassel
relayed information given to him by Ashtar to the US Air Force at
Wright Patterson AFB just prior to the detonation of the very first
Hydrogen bomb.
Just before it happened, Ashtar advised George Van
Tassel to send a message to the U.S. Air Force not to go ahead with
this testing of Hydrogen bombs, and instead seek peaceful
cooperation at an international level. All this happened around the
time of the 1952 Washington flyover which was a demonstration of
force by the Ashtar Command. This is something the Ashtar Command
was involved in.
Another contactee who gives even more insight into celestial
intervention is
George Adamski who was first known for photographing
spectacular extraterrestrial motherships and their scoutcraft
(above image).
you have there a mothership and these are the scoutcraft
coming out of the mothership. He took these back in the early 1950s.
That’s George Adamski (below) having a meeting with Orthon, an
extraterrestrial that came out of a scout ship, one of the smaller
ships that came out of the larger mothership.

That was back in November
20, 1952.
The date’s important because this was only a
few weeks
after the testing of the first Hydrogen bomb. The intervention of
the extraterrestrials we see that entering a new phase once we have
the development of Hydrogen bombs. He described being taken into one
of the motherships and meeting one of these masters.
Adamski was sitting at the table with the extraterrestrials on board
of their ship when he met one of their masters of wisdom.
This is
what Adamski said:
Now as we sat around the table, all eyes turned to the older space
man as he began to speak.
Although it was only later that his
stature on all planets was explained to me, it was impossible not to
realize that I was in the presence of a greatly evolved being, and
the attitude of all present clearly indicated that they, as well as
I, felt very humble before him.
I learned that his age, in his
present body, was close to one thousand years.
So not only was Adamski impressed by this being, this
Master of
Wisdom, the extraterrestrials also revered him.
It was beyond just
one planetary culture that he was revered, but he was revered by
many planetary systems. So again that’s an example of this kind of
universal brotherhood that spans the Galaxy.
The celestial warned Adamski of the dangers of nuclear weapons, and
this is what he said:
Our main purpose in coming to you at this time is to warn you of the
grave danger which threatens men of Earth today. Knowing more than
any amongst you yet realize, we feel it our duty to enlighten you if
we can.
Your people may accept the knowledge we hope to give them
through you and through others, or they can turn deaf ears and
destroy themselves. The choice is with the Earth’s inhabitants. We
cannot dictate.
This is a warning about the dangers of these nuclear weapons, and
about the policies we are following as a planetary culture.
Another example is
Enrique Rincon from Colombia who was taken by Pleiadian extraterrestrials to meet with a group of 24 contactees in
a remote location in the Andes. So here you have 24 other people
having experiences with extraterrestrials who were taken to the
Andes for training. A kind of ambassadorial training to prepare
humanity for the truth of extraterrestrial life.
This is what Rincon said at the end of the training, a culmination
of the three days he was up there.
He and the other contactees were
taken to meet with a Master of Wisdom or celestial.
The instructor [an ET] approached the entrance to a tunnel carved in
the living rock and clasped his hands twice. He retired to one side,
and the most incredible Being made his appearance. We were
astonished beyond description.
That being looked exactly like Jesus,
the Master. I thought immediately that the Pleiadians had brought us
here with the purpose of meeting Jesus Christ, who was here again,
fulfilling the prophecies…
So this is an example of Pleiadian extraterrestrials with advanced
technologies taking someone who they recognized as having potential
to embrace their message for the benefit of humanity, to a remote
location in the Andes where he meets with someone who lives in a
Importantly, extraterrestrials also revered this cave dweller.
The Master of Wisdom then dispelled Rincon’s belief that he was
Jesus Christ.
I am not who you believe I am. My name is a thousand names, give me
any, and That I Am. I am ancient before you, not in age, but in
knowledge… My name is Age, for I am the Ages and the Time. I am
Wisdom, and my name is Wisdom. I hold thirty five percent of
universal wisdom.”
That last statement that he said,
“I hold thirty five percent of
universal wisdom,” is pretty important.
If you have a society or
culture that learns how to tap into the galaxy, or beyond the galaxy
into the universe, then what you would value is the ability of those
that have learned to be able to access universal energies to be able
to channel that creatively for constructive purposes.
You would
probably develop a way to measure a person’s ability to tap into
universal energy.
This being, was incredible. The Pleiadians recognized and revered
this person. For Rincon, this magnificent being was Jesus.
being said, however,
“I hold thirty five percent of universal
So he is actually saying,
“as exalted as I may appear before
you, I am not that really high up in the universal order of things.”
Another contactee example is
Luis Fernando from Bolivia.
He met with
extraterrestrials from the Confederation of Planets and they had
established a base underneath Lake Titicaca, Bolivia. So there’s Bolivia, there’s Peru and there’s Lake
The border between the two countries is there.

Notice the
Island of the Sun (Isla del Sol), and a number of small islands throughout Lake
Titicaca. I mention those a little bit later. It’s important to
remember that this is a vast lake at 13,000 feet in the Andes, and
you have islands there.
Luis Fernando was taken to Venus.
This is what he said happened to
“After three years of preparation, I was in the middle of the Andes.
They told me that at eight o’clock at night a ship was going to come
to a valley called "Valle Potosi".
This ship was going to monitor
the materialization of the door through which I would be able to get
in touch with them, and through which I would arrive at a city not
located on this planet, Earth, but on Venus in a valley known to
them as… the Valley of Silence.
This is a place where there are
concentrated the academy of the spiritual science of this
He describes actually meeting with the
Venusian Masters of this
It’s important to point out that this civilization on
Venus is not on the surface. He says it’s an interior civilization.
It’s within and under the surface of Venus.
Luis did a recreation, an animation of what happened to him.
[Translation of Luis in video clip]
This is a way to concentrate
solar energy and this is how the inhabitants of Venus receive solar
energy, and forward it on to other places.
There is vegetation in
this valley, and they live subterraneously. Not a dark cave, but it
looks like the sky is within the cave itself.
They manifest it when
human beings reach this understanding they’ll take the reins in
their own hands and change the future. Positive not only in itself,
but for everyone else.
The important thing here is that again you had this example of this
advanced technological civilization in the interior of Venus, an
underground civilization.
Again you had these masters of Wisdom
occupying leadership positions.
Luis also talked about how the Confederation of Planets communicated
with him. The interesting thing was that he had these experiences.
He was taken up and had this experience on Venus.
He was meeting
with extraterrestrials from Venus and at a certain point in time
they said to him,
“we want you to meet someone. We want to introduce
you to someone.
There’s this being who lives right where you are,
very close. He is a Master of Wisdom, and a descendent of the
ancient Tiahuanaco civilization that was itself a remnant of
Atlantis. He is an Ascended Master and we want to introduce you to
So that’s what the extraterrestrials did.
They introduced him to
this Ascended Master or Master of Wisdom from the pre-Incan
Tiahuanaco civilization. The really important thing to recognize
here is that you have an example of a contact experience where the
extraterrestrial tells the contactee we want to introduce you to an
Ascended Master or Master of Wisdom and he is indigenous to the
So here you have a couple of examples that I’ve given.
First, with
Enrique Rincon with the Andes where you had that Master of Wisdom
that the Pleiadians introduced him and the other 24 contactees to.
Second, you have Luis Fernando also being introduced to one living
in this area, in this underground forgotten city under Lake
Titicaca. That whole region in the Andes is filled with these
underground caverns.
This is archetypally symbolic of what we have become as a society,
as a civilization.
We’ve forgotten about the Masters of Wisdom, we
don’t care about them.
We are interested as a culture in advanced
technologies, and extraterrestrial civilizations. Now that’s
wonderful since it is a mind opening and consciousness elevating
When however you do go down that path eventually these
extraterrestrials gently tap you on the shoulder and say,
“hang on,
you really need to get in touch with these beings because they’re
really special.”
So if the extraterrestrials are telling us that,
how long do we have to wait for?
Finally, Luis said that Lake
Titicaca is interesting because there’s a Confederation of Planets
base there, and there’s also this ancient city established by the
remnants of this
pre-Inca Tiahuanaco civilization.
In conclusion, celestials are here to help.
Contactees work directly
with extraterrestrial groups, and these extraterrestrials are
working in tandem with these celestial beings, and helping humanity
prepare for some of the challenges posed by contact.
When contactees
talk with celestials/Ascended Masters they learn that most
intelligent civilizations in the universe are peaceful.
They have a
vast brotherhood and they recognize truth-tellers. They recognize
the suitability of these Ascended Masters to be leaders of their
worlds, of their cultures, their civilizations. No wonder then that
you have the authorities scrambling really hard to suppress
information like what George Van Tassel was talking about, about the
Ashtar Command,
the Vrillon message.
Of course, the authorities
don’t want us to know about that. They want us to know about a very
different reality concerning extraterrestrial life. Our world is
being thrust from a very insular shallow planetary civilization
where we think it’s only us, to a civilization where we recognize
there’s a much bigger reality happening out there.
So we are going through this great change and the scientific
community is starting to come on board, thinking about the
possibilities of extraterrestrial life. That’s a very good thing.
More scientists are talking about what extraterrestrials are like,
using the typology developed back in the 1960s by the Russian
astronomer Kardashev.
Eventually as we understand the evolution of civilizations from Type
1 to Type III, in future people will begin appreciate that there are
Type IV civilizations out there, and ask, what are they like? Maybe
an example is these Ascended Masters, Masters of Wisdom,
Great White
Brotherhood, or celestials.
It’s interesting that celestials are not
only found throughout the galaxy, throughout the universe, but they
are also here on our planet Earth. Sometimes we lose touch with that
reality. We get focused on the possibility of life out there and
forget about the incredibly evolved conscious beings that live on
the Earth.
Celestials are here to help us rectify the imbalance between
technology and consciousness.
That’s one of the things I talk about
in my book, Exposing U.S. Government Policies on Extraterrestrial
Life. For more than sixty years the U.S. government has been
secretly liaising and developing agreements with some
extraterrestrial civilizations that are very far removed from this
celestial universal consciousness that I’ve been focusing on for
much of my presentation.
This is something that has been happening secretly and not been a
good thing.
So it’s really important to expose these policies, and
this book does that. It’s important to expose because not even the
elected governments or even appointed militaries of the United
States and NATO countries such as Turkey has control over this any
more. It’s become privatized in corporations.
Exposing such policies
is what I call in the book the primary “Challenge of Exopolitics.”
So what lies ahead? We will learn that the vast majority of
extraterrestrial life is friendly and willing to assist in
humanity’s evolution in positive ways, and helping us achieve world
Celestials and more evolved extraterrestrials will assist humanity
in transitioning from a Type 0 civilization reliant on fossil fuels
into a Type 1 society using free and alternative energy sources.
Along the way, exopolitics will help us develop transparency and
wise response to the many different extraterrestrials wishing to
provide us technology, and the wisdom of celestials.
We are poised
to become a galactic civilization where world peace and universal
brotherhood become important markers of who we are to become.
is our future.