Chapter 19
Time and the extraterrestrials are a strange mix. Since ET ships can
move through time with the ease with which we walk across a street,
it makes little sense for us to target the Reptilian home world at
the current time. The Reptilians may be coming here from a time long
in our past, or even a time far in our future. What makes more sense
is to target the Reptilian home world at the peak of their
That way we can discern key characteristics of their
nature as a civilization that may help us understand their current
behavior. Since the Reptilians are here interfering with our home
world, it only makes sense for us to shift our awareness to their
home world. They have inadvertently gotten our attention. Let us
now discover more about these uninvited "guests" by asking from
where they carne.
The essential cue and qualifiers for this chapter's target are as
TARGET 3298/0219 Protocols used for this target: Enhanced SRV
The viewer perceives through the consciousness of the Galactic
Federation Contact Person for The Farsight Institute, to remote view
the home world of the Reptilian ET species that is currently
operating on or near Earth (during the apex of their civilization
on their home world). In addition to the relevant aspects of the
general target as
defined by the essential cue, the viewer perceives and describes the
following target aspects:
the physical environment of the subjects' living conditions the age and gender variations among the subjects the emotional state of the subjects
the dominant groups among the subjects, including any governmental
organizations the primary thoughts of the collective consciousness of the
subjects the level of technology available to the subjects any environmental or other problems that affect large numbers of
this species
27April1998 11:53 a. m. Atlanta, Georgia Protocols: Enhanced SRV, Type 2 Target coordinates: 3298/0219
Phase 1 begins with the repeated perceptions of hard, artificial
structures. I deduct Reptilians on numerous occasions. I also deduct
the idea of a gladiator. I perceive sentient subjects. After my
fourth ideogram, I deduct the Reptilian home world, and I sketch a
group of structures, deducting a village. I also perceive something
in motion. Phase 2 data are particularly interesting for this
session. I perceive a mixture of noises.
Temperatures are very warm,
and I deduct Africa. Colors are blue and green with bright
luminescence. There are sweet tastes, and I deduct fruit. Something
smells organic, like healthy soil. My viewer feeling is that the
place is beautiful and that I like it. My Phase 3 sketch appears to
represent a curved surface of a planet on which a collection of
structures is located. Something is moving quickly over the
structures. There is an orb in the sky, perhaps a sun or moon.
In Phase 4, I immediately perceive the taste of blood. Clearly
something is both salty and red. I move to the optimal location with
the widest useful angle perspective, and I perceive a planet with
what appears to be a sun overhead. My attention is drawn toward a
particular location on the planet. I am hanging in nothingness, a
void. The planet is below.
There are a multitude of lights on the
surface of the planet. There is both land and water
visible to me. I execute a movement exercise to gradually move to an
optimal location to perceive the center of the target. As I move my
awareness, I perceive that my vector of motion passes through
turbulent atmospheric conditions. I am approaching land, and this
place feels like the lush tropics. I have the deduction of the
"time of the dinosaurs."
There is a great deal of vegetation here. I now perceive a single
male subject who has a humanoid shape. But the subject does not feel
human. He is old, and I have the deduction of a wise elder. There is
a path cutting through the vegetation to a clearing. The subject
does not appear to be perceiving me. Other subjects are nearby in
the lush tropical vegetation. I perceive that this is a happy time,
even between subspace and physical relations. It is a good place, a
home world.
I probe the emotional collective deep mind of the target subjects,
and I perceive them to have highly strung, strong emotions. I sense
barking and yelping sounds, and I perceive the concept of fighting.
There appears to be a collective personality that is genetically
programmed. It is simultaneously reactive, sensitive, and combative.
I target the male subject that I perceived earlier, and I execute a
deep mind probe. He is a leader, both older and wiser than most of
the others. His clothing has multiple parts, in the sense that it is
not a one-piece suit. I can discern that he is aware of the bigger
picture. His skin appears dark and somewhat firm, yet it is also
soft and silky, almost slippery, but dry.
I cue on the environment in the central target
area, and while I
find it to be lush, I do note that there is some pollution and
mismanagement. The abuse of the local resources seem very typical
of current human standards, but things are not yet as bad as they
are on Earth today. Some of the environmental waste in this target
location is very toxic. But I note an abundance of plant life that
seems healthy.
Shifting my awareness to another essential aspect of this target, I
perceive a fast flying metallic object. It is curved in shape, and I
perceive that it is predominantly used for atmospheric transport.
Moving inside the flying object, I find it cramped with little empty
space. It is densely packed with complex technological parts. I
move my awareness to the aspect of this flying object that is the
most important to observe, and I perceive a subject
wearing a uniform. He is a pilot. He has a personality suited for
command. This feels like some central place inside the object. There
is technology here controlling something.
Once more shifting my awareness to the next most important aspect of
this target, I again perceive the planet from a wide angle
perspective. The environment is generally good. The mismanagement of
waste appears minimal. There is a rich atmosphere. In general,
things seem optimal here. There is technology, but it is not super
advanced. The place also does not feel overly populated, although
there are many subjects here.
Since it seems clear that this location is not Earth, I execute a
procedure in which I compare the current target location to Earth at
the target time. When I probe the Earth at the target time, I get
the sense of things that are out of control. Things are primitive
and disruptive. Much is turbulent and chaotic. Earth is in a
primitive state, like the planet is either coming apart or coming
together. I perceive rocks, and I deduct volcanic activity. I cue on life on Earth at the target time.
The environment is not
easy for life on Earth. Something has happened here. It is a burned
planet. There is fire and rock, and the entire planet seems a
cinder. All the building blocks of life are present, but it will take
time to evolve. It is like life is supposed to evolve here again,
but differently. There was an evolutionary mistake, and something
had to change. It is like the planet has been wiped clean. It feels
like this is Earth, but it also feels like this is an entirely
different kind of Earth, an alternate Earth, or not my Earth.
Feeling somewhat confused with my perceptions, I decide to cue on
Buddha, a subject with whom I have had some remote viewing
interactions previously (some reported in
Voyage). I quickly
perceive him, and I execute a deep mind probe. I cue on the question
of what is going on in this session, and I perceive the flavor of
his thoughts.
This is an alternate time reality. It actually does exist. It is as
real as myself. There is no "good" or "bad" reality, just a
continuum of differentness. All subjects struggle for their own
existence in a "slice" of experience, like a fish in a small
of a large body of water. Yet everything is connected, in the sense
that all aquatic life could be located within the same body of
water. There is nothing really "separate." There are degrees of
between slices of experience, geographical, dimensional, time, etc.
But there is only one existence.
I am experiencing a state of
cross dimensional contact. The Earth
need not be "my" Earth, although the Earth experienced in the
session does exist somewhere in some reality. The current target is
significantly separate from Earth's current time stream as I am now
experiencing it, and given current conditions and realities on
I thank Buddha and end the session.
This session adds further complexity to my analysis of our current
situation. The Reptilians visiting Earth in our current time frame
may not even be from our own dimensional reality. If they have ships
that can span time and space, then getting here from almost anywhere
is probably possible.
It is of interest to ponder whether or not my perception of the
Earth in the Reptilian's own dimensional reality represents a time
early in Earth's history, or if it is an Earth that is in our
future. Some of the data seem to suggest that life needed to start
over again on Earth.
This might indicate a situation in which life
on Earth was destroyed, perhaps purposefully, so that a new order
of things could emerge. I wonder if this is an Earth that the
Reptilians want to create, an Earth in which all human life is
eradicated so that a new form of Reptilian life can prosper. This
thought seems too horrible to contemplate. On the other hand,
perhaps the Earth that I perceived is Earth in the distant
primordial past.
Yet one thing seems certain. The Reptilians evolved from an
environmentally rich home world that was lush, warm, and tropical.
In their most golden era, they were a happy, although apparently
quick-tempered species. I do not know how long this golden era
existed. I do not know what happened to their home world after the
peak in their civilization.
Did they eventually destroy their
environment, or did they continue to maintain it?
After they
learned to travel through space, did they favorably colonize other
planets, bringing a golden era to far-off places?
Or did their own
evolutionary history mirror that of humanity, full of ups and downs,
golden eras followed by dark ages?
One day
human remote viewers will have the time and the resources to answer
all of these questions.
The existence of a prior golden era for a civilization does not
change our evaluation of the behavior of the Reptilians who reside
in our own current time frame and reality. While we now know a
measured amount regarding their history and their planet of origin,
we still need to know more about Reptilians as a group today.
We need
to know about their society, their current civilization. We need to
know more about how "our" Reptilians live among themselves, and how
they organize themselves. I address these issues in the next
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Chapter 20
It is one thing to observe the activities of a species, and quite
another to obtain a complete overview of their civilization. The
advantage of using the Social and Political Protocols to explore
Reptilian society is that one can learn more in one session using
these protocols than is possible from many sessions using Basic or
Enhanced SRV. From the previously presented chapters involving the
Reptilian ETs, they appear to be a confrontational species.
We need
to know more about the groups in their society.
Do all Reptilians
support the overall Reptilian agenda involving humans and Earth?
What are the characteristics of the most dominant group in the
Reptilian government?
Are the Reptilians who are interacting with
humans on Earth working as an extension of their official
government, or are they a renegade group?
Answers to all these
questions, and more, are vital to our understanding of these
The essential cue and qualifiers for this chapter 's target are as
TARGET 9023/4792 Protocols used for this target: SPP The viewer perceives through the consciousness of the
Federation Contact Person for The Farsight Institute, to remote view
the civilization of the Reptilian ET species that Ąs currently
operating on or near Earth (at the time of tasking). In addition
to the relevant aspects of the general target as defined by the
essential cue, the viewer perceives and describes the following
target aspects:
the overall civilization as it exists in the current tasking time
frame the most dominant group in the government of the civilization the group that is physically located on or near Earth in the
current tasking time frame any group of the Reptilian ET species in the current tasking time
frame that is opposed to the current activities of the primary
group of Reptilian ETs that is operating on or near Earth the primary thoughts of the collective consciousness of the
Reptilian ETs who are interacting with human governments (or their
employees) on Earth
30 April 1998 12:10 p.m. Atlanta, Georgia
Protocols: SPP, Type 2
coordinates: 9023/4792
In Phase 1, I identify a target macro with three significant groups.
The groups are separated by the way they think and perceive. The
macro itself feels cohesive despite sub-macro variations among the
groups. One of the groups is a central group that seems to have
authority over the macro society.
There is another sub-macro group
that is held together by a sense of cultural commonality. I
perceive that it is internally homogeneous. I also perceive that
there is a loosely assembled populace, or perhaps a collection of
groups within the macro-society. This collection of groups has a
common need that is satisfied by the larger society.
In Phase 2, I sense that the macro-society is huge. There is a large
subspace component to this society, as well as a very large level of
variation among the beings on the subspace side. It is a diverse
collection of groups. There is a central pull that binds these
groups together. The pull feels weak, in the sense that a group
could resist and defy it if it chose to do so.
But there appears to
be no useful competitive alternative attractor for this society
with a stronger pull. It is as if the central authority in this
society is the only game in town worth playing. The pull toward the
center is constant, like the steady gravity of a planet or sun. I
perceive no sense of rigid authority or any enforcement of
allegiance to the central authority in the macro-society, however.
Most of the activity on which members of this society are focused
reside in the subspace realm. There is also an extensive use of
telepathy among these subjects. The physical side of this society
seems highly dependent upon the subspace authorities.
When I probe the significant leader of the macro-society I perceive
no resistance to my probes. There seems to be a benign welcoming.
There is no sense of brutal authoritarianism in the subject's mind.
Yet the consciousness of the subject conveys the sense of powerful
leadership. This being has a large and complex array of means to
assert authority. The relationship of this subject to the sub-macro
groups is clear. This subject's job is to connect the disparate
groups to the center of the macro-society
In the Phase 2TM consciousness map, I perceive that the physical
subjects of the society are being led, somewhat blindly On the
subspace side the focus is not on control but on collective
advancement. In the Phase 3TM sketch of the target macro, I again
identify three groups, and I label them in the conventional fashion,
G1, G2, and G3.
G1 is a medium sized group with both physical and subspace aspects.
There is a highly focused concentration of authority in this group.
There is only a single authority attractor in this homogeneous
group. The ideology of this group contains a theme of allegiance to
authority. The pervasiveness of this theme is both strong and total.
There is rigidity in the political ideas among the membership of
this group, and there is a notable lack of deviation or variation
in this regard. Membership in this group feels almost bureaucratic,
and I feel no sense of emotional competition between the members of
the group.
There is a significant level of physical activity among members of
this group; however, they use telepathy extensively in
communication. The subspace side of this group dominates the
physical side. I again perceive a highly rigid central authority for
this group, and the macro-society accepts this authority.
When I probe the significant leader of this group, I perceive a
subspace being who is a central authority figure. There is a
softness to the consciousness of this being. He is male. I sense
that he is aware of my probes and not resistant to them.
Shifting my awareness to a typical non-leader member of this group,
I perceive a gentle consciousness that is non-aggressive. This
subject is not emotionally demanding of the central authority. The
subject has unquestioning obedience to the central authority,
Moving to the next identified group (G2) in the society, I perceive
a large population. There is significant physical genetic variation
within this group, but minimal subspace variation in development.
This group is highly different from the first group (G1).
organization of this group is predominantly political. There is the
collective sense that the group needs to compete with other groups
in the larger macro-society as a means of survival and advancement.
The leadership is judged by how well it performs this role of
guiding the rather crude struggles with the group's neighbors. The
group is highly competitive and potentially hostile in a general
The activities of this group appear more focused on the subspace
realm, and there is extensive use of telepathy as well. However,
the relationship between the subspace and physical sides of this
group are not highly supportive. The subspace side has only a weak
influence over the physical side, and the physical side is quite
disappointed in the quality of the subspace leadership.
This group is driven by competition and petty jealousy. It is not in
total harmony with the center of authority in the macro-society.
There is a lack of understanding regarding the motivations of the
macro-authority and culture. The macro-society looks at this group
with significant dismay and worry. It is like the macro-society does
not know what to do with this group.
Shifting my awareness to a significant leader of this group, I
immediately perceive that this being is a Reptilian. He is a male,
and he is a fighter. This subject is resistant to my probes, and
fiercely so. It is like he is being held down and forced to let me
perceive him. He is the political head of his group. He is in power
due to his own abilities to compete politically. His position is not
totally secure. If the group becomes disappointed with his
leadership, he could be ousted.
Shifting my awareness again, I focus on a typical non-leader member
of the group. Again I find a fighter. There is the sense of a need
to seek prey. This subject's perception of the collective good
includes help from the group leadership to hunt, compete, struggle,
and persevere. The subject questions leadership only if group
performance falters with respect to competitive struggles.
With a consciousness map, I determine that the emotions of the
physical side of this group are like that of a typical football
game, excited and highly strung. On the subspace side there is
sensitivity and panic.
The final group, G3, has a large population. There are moderate
physical variations within this group, and subtle differences among
subspace types. G3 has a group mentality. The members define their
own existence in terms of their participation in group activities.
This group participates in the activities of the larger
macro-society because it is in the nature of all members of the
group to struggle and advance in cooperation with other groups, or
at least to work within a group setting.
This group could and would
struggle alone, but that is not its preferred way of advancement, or
of living. There appears to be no single authority or individual
ruling this group. It feels almost like there is a collective means
of resolving disputes and problems.
This group is highly focused in its
activities on the subspace
realm. There is also close cooperation between the subspace and
physical sides. The macro-society values this group. It is a stable
and reliable component of the larger society.
From a consciousness map of this group, I perceive subspace emotions
of worry relating to the behavior of the larger macro-society. The
membership of this group perceives participation in group activities
to be almost spiritual in nature.
Since the macro-society has a
wider and more heterogeneous group membership than this group, the
members worry about the reliability of the larger society to satisfy
their needs. But there appears to be no alternative for this group
than to participate within the framework of the larger
The Macro-Society Developmental Trajectory
The development trajectory of this macro-society indicates an early
period in which chaos and group fragmentation dominated. There is a
"Wild West" flavor to this early time. Many groups were at odds with
each other.
Soon after this chaotic beginning, I perceive a crucial point of
I sense a determination among the members of the
society to resolve long-term potential for chaos, and to change the
macro-society to operate in a more orderly direction.
Near the end of the identified developmental trajectory, there is
greater coherence in the society. This society has learned how to
resolve many of its inner conflicts. There is smoother social
functioning and more isolated potential for conflict, especially
violent conflict.
All in all, the Reptilian society seems rather normal when compared
with human standards. There seem to be normal variations among
various groups in the society, and I perceive no overall sense of
strong authoritarianism. However, the second group examined (G2)
seems remarkably different from the rest of Reptilian society, and
it is probably worthwhile to comment on this group specifically.
Note that only one of the qualifiers of the target cue focuses on
the group that is physically located on or near Earth in the current
tasking time frame. All other qualifiers focus on either the overall
Reptilian society, the dominant group in that society, or any group
of Reptilians that may be opposed to the activities of the
Reptilians operating on or near Earth. Since my data collected in
other sessions suggest that the Reptilians interacting with humans
are quite authoritarian and potentially hostile, those Reptilians
are likely associated with group G2.
All of the other elements of
Reptilian society seem relatively benign politically. There seem to
be no inherent traits among Reptilians generally that would make me
believe that their entire species is hostile. However, the observed
behavior of Reptilians interacting with humans closely matches the
characteristics of group G2. Moreover, the deep mind probes of the
leadership of G2 qualitatively parallels that which I experienced in other sessions with
this group.
My interpretation of these data now lead me to suspect that group G2
is a renegade Reptilian faction. This group is qualitatively
different from the remainder of Reptilian society. It is similar to
human society, as we too have our authoritarian or totalitarian
factions. These factions have often behaved in total disregard to
the wishes of the larger community. It now seems clear that there
exists a group of Reptilians who have a chip on their shoulder.
are highly competitive and emotionally arrogant. I suspect it is
this group that is at war at the current time, not the entirety of
Reptilian society.
If my interpretation of these data are correct, then we truly have a
significant problem.
If the larger Reptilian society itself cannot
control this group, then how are we to control them?
If this group
defies the authority of its own larger species, then will it obey a
directive from the United Nations?
I suspect that this Reptilian
group will do whatever it wishes to ignore, manipulate, or
circumvent human authorities. In my view, it will not be possible to
interact openly and productively with this group of Reptilians, and
it would be foolish for us to try to do so. Our own experience with
human totalitarian and authoritarian regimes should help us to
understand the dangers associated with working with such groups.
Based on my observations to date, we will need outside help. Unless
further data suggest another course of action, I see no alternative
to this. As relative newcomers in these galactic woods, we cannot,
we must not, act alone.
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Chapter 21
During the first half of 1997, I obtained information from an unusual
but seemingly reliable source that suggested that the Grey ETs might
be placing technological objects in a desert location, possibly in
the northern United States. The information suggested that the
objects may be spherical in shape, and that the U.S. government (or
at least part of the government) knew about their location.
At first
I did not think much of this information.
I had no way to corroborate it, nor did I understand how it might involve my own
activities. If the Greys were placing objects in chosen locations,
so be it! At least that is how I felt about this matter, until I was
given the following target by a colleague for one of my regular solo
viewings. After May 8, I took the matter of strategically placed ET
technology much more seriously
The target cue for this session employed an older version of the
Institute's cuing formulas. The Type 3 target was given to me as one
of my regular practice sessions by someone at the Institute. The
cue is as follows:
The Grey ET technological objects in North American Desert (at the
moment of tasking)
8 May 1997
11:30a.m. Atlanta, Georgia Protocols: Basic SRV, Type 3
Target coordinates: 0476/9827
Using Basic SRV, I perceive land and a structure. In Phase 2, I
become aware of the sounds of machinery as well as a whirring noise.
The textures are glossy and polished. The temperatures are warm. I
perceive the colors blue, black, silver, and gold. The level of
luminescence is low, and the contrasts vary from medium to high. I
perceive salty and bitter tastes, and I smell a variety of scents.
The magnitudes of the dimensions for the target include intense
energetics that are somehow compact. I deduct a computer chip. My
Phase 3 sketch is of a rectangular structure on which is placed
another smaller rectangular structure. The smaller rectangular
structure has numerous wavy lines within it.
In Phase 4, I perceive bright light. There is energy at the target
site, and this energy is a mixture of a variety of energetics. I
perceive particles associated with this energy that are flowing in
orchestrated or uniform directions. There is the feeling of
pathways along which this energy is channeled.
Something at the
target site is both large and small. It is big on the outside but
small on the inside. Again, these are intuitive feelings, and they
may not make logical sense at first. It is as if activity is
occurring in the inside of something that is on a small scale. But
this small scale activity results in something else happening on a
large scale.
I continue to perceive bright light as well as the sense of flowing
energy. I am also beginning to perceive emotions at the target site.
These are not human emotions. The emotional quality is very uniform,
as if the feelings are smooth and flowing throughout a collective
consciousness. I perceive a hive mentality, and I deduct the Greys.
The emotions of the subjects feel both wide and deep. They are
emotions from a collective consciousness that penetrate. I begin to
perceive the beings physically. I note their eyes and skin.
beings appear to be nonhuman, but they are humanoid. Their
consciousness and physicality extend deeply into the subspace realm.
I have the guided deduction of the Grey home world, and the
deduction of the so-called HaleBopp Companion.
(Note: The
"HaleBopp Companion" refers to what appears to have been some type
of dimensional gateway or portal that was briefly located near the
comet HaleBopp and which has
been repeatedly viewed by many remote viewers at The Farsight
There is a structure associated with these beings. It has
technology, and I perceive it is constructed of metal (at least in
part). The structure is small, and I sense that the emotions of the
associated beings are deeply connected with this object. It is like
there is a collective consciousness of beings that extends
perceptually throughout time and space.
There is very deep awareness
that is associated with this target. Inwardly I reflect that this
seems like consciousness as an art form. I do not perceive any human
emotions associated with this aspect of the target. I deduct
zillions of Greys. Humans do not have consciousness like this. It is
clear and beautifully deep.
There are also humans at the target site. They do not seem as
"rough" as regular humans. But they are certainly different from the
Greys. I probe my Phase 3 sketch and perceive technology. The
structure in the sketch feels metallic and nonmetallic
simultaneously. It is definitely a structure that contains a high
level of technology. I deduct molecular level technology. It is as
if there are circuits inside solid metal, and the metal is alive
with a network of channels containing the flow of energy The object
acts to control something. The technology involved with this
structure may be a hybrid biological technology, and perhaps on a
very small scale. It is as if this object is alive.
Within the object, something small and possibly biological seems
almost alive and moving in a purposeful way It is not purposeful
solely for the organism, but also for a larger purpose that is
unknown to the organism. The target structure has microcircuits, or
pathways, with great internal complexity. The thing is almost
But it is a device nonetheless. It seems to have been
designed by beings who wanted all things, even their creations, to
join them in self-awareness. The internal mechanisms of the target
structure seem to be arranged in a stratified pattern, with open
areas below the structure and densely packed technology on the
upper level. I begin to perceive that some activity is associated with this
target structure.
The activity is orchestrated by many beings,
apparently not human. Something is happening quickly I am now aware
of a bright light in the sky. The concepts associated with that
light are "watching," "pulsing," "rhythmic," "movement,"
and "orchestrated." The sense of deep penetrating emotions are
pervasive with this target. There are multiple structures moving in
the air, and I deduct ET ships. There is a bright yellow light
associated with a target, and it appears to be in the sky. There are
intense levels of energy associated with these airborne structures.
I am now becoming aware of a large subspace presence associated
with this target. It is like the physical stuff originates from a
small hole in time and space that leads to an enormous subspace
existence for some species. Allowing my own consciousness to extend
through this hole to the other side, I perceive vast numbers of
beings, and a collective consciousness that seems to extend without
end. On the subspace side of this target, there are emotions that
are mixed across what feels like different levels of Being.
Remote viewing targets related to Grey ETs are always a remarkable
experience for me. The aspect of their lives that stands out is the
quality of their consciousness. The only way I can describe this
quality is through an analogy that does not do it justice, but that
will have to suffice. Whenever I extend my consciousness into their
own, I get the sense of an endless clear body of water. It is as if
one could drop a pin and hear it across the universe due to the
seamless clarity of their mentality that extends, apparently,
everywhere. The consciousness of the Greys is always collective.
They are individuals, but their minds are linked in a way that makes
the totality of their collective seem as though they are almost one
being. In my opinion, they have raised consciousness to an art
form, and their ongoing awareness is nothing less than
breathtakingly beautiful. This is not to say that they do not have
problems, or that humans should try to follow their evolutionary
path of collective existence. Nonetheless, just as I can recognize
the beauty of a flower when I see one, I can similarly recognize
that the quality of their collective consciousness is sublime.
The current session lends support to the idea that there are ET
technological devices strategically located in the United States. I
have remote viewed these devices more than once. Apparently,
the Greys use "consciousness enhanced technology," a phrase I once
heard used by
Steven Greer, a gifted and courageous medical doctor
who has been involved in efforts to encourage Congress and the
president to openly investigate the extraterrestrial phenomenon.
The technological objects that are the focus of the current session
are apparently good examples of this type of consciousness related
technology. Indeed, it appears that the technology of the Greys is
sufficiently evolved that at least some of their machines are
approaching the level of being self-aware.
After reflecting on this session, I began to wonder how humans
would react to the idea that consciousness can be more than a
metaphor, and that the members of another species consider their
own development in consciousness to be the primary goal of their
collective evolution. Will humans continue to focus their attention
on the physical aspect of life, marginalizing spiritual concerns
into a soon forgotten once a week trip to a house of worship? It
seems that we could learn so much from the Greys about their
experiences in consciousness. Will we ever lose our fear of them,
thereby allowing us to interact with them productively?
In my own mind, I feel certain that humans should not direct their
collective evolution in the manner of that experienced by the Greys.
We must not lose our individuality as we grow in spirit. But at
least some of what the Greys have accomplished on the level of
consciousness needs to be examined seriously by humans.
magnetic draw toward the beauty of their thought is nearly
overwhelming to me. Such grace is truly Godly. Perhaps we can grow
to experience that same penetrating quality of clear transcendental
thought without sacrificing the individuality of our personalities.
Back to Contents
Chapter 22
In late 1996, The Farsight Institute published some remote viewing
data relating to what appeared to be an interdimensional portal or gateway that was located (at least for a
short time) in our solar system near the comet HaleBopp. This was
soon popularly labeled the "HaleBopp Companion." After we announced
our original remote viewing results, a cottage industry seemed to
form across the planet. Many people directed their attention toward
the heavens in the direction of the then famous comet. They wanted
to see the Companion.
They looked across the Internet, sometimes
with success, for previously posted photos of the comet that
contained some potentially anomalous aspects. Amateur astronomers
were the most active in the search for the HaleBopp Companion. No
one to my knowledge ever claimed that the Companion was always
visible near the comet. Some speculation suggested that it might be
able to appear or disappear at will, turning itself on and off like
the headlights of a car.
As the weeks dragged on with no resolution
to the matter, the comet disappeared on the other side of the sun.
Some remote viewing Type 4 data collected by advanced students at
the Institute during this period suggest that the Companion would
change direction once the comet went behind the sun. Personally, I
do not know what happened. I do not even
know if the Companion was even following the comet, or whether it
might have been located near the comet only briefly.
Readers should remember when they read this session that we do not
know much about the Companion. If it was a dimensional portal, or
something similar, its original size may not correlate with its
current size at all. If the Companion is a product of advanced ET
technology, we should abandon all preconceptions of what it is, or
even what its purpose may be.
The cue for this session was written using an older form of tasking
structure. I was given this Type 3 target "out-of-the-blue" by
someone at the Institute. The exact wording of the cue is as
The object formerly known as the HaleBopp Companion (at the moment
of tasking): The viewer will clearly perceive and describe the HaleBopp Companion. The viewer will clearly describe the subjects
associated with the HaleBopp Companion.
The viewer will clearly
describe the location of the HaleBopp Companion. THE VIEWER
15January1998 2:58 p.m. Atlanta, Georgia Protocols: Enhanced SRV, Type 3 Target coordinates: 1883/1129
My first ideogram feels soft and natural. I declare the target
aspect a subject. I perceive the color beige and feel something
soft. I sketch a humanoid's face. The second ideogram is again soft
and natural. I again declare this aspect a subject, and I perceive
something semi hard and angled. I sketch a standing humanoid
leaning over a rectangular object.
The third ideogram is again soft
and natural, and I again declare this aspect as a subject. I
perceive something angular, both hard and soft, and the sense of
something multiple. I sketch one humanoid sitting on something
squarish while leaning over something else that is rectangular. Two
other humanoids are facing this first humanoid while standing on the
opposite side of the rectangular object.
The fourth ideogram feels hard and artificial. I declare it a
structure, and I perceive the colors gray, blue, and yellow.
Something is bright, shiny, and glowing, with high contrasts. There
are energetics here, and I sense something humming. It is round, and
I deduct an ET ship. I sketch a circle. My final ideogram again
feels hard and artificial, and I declare it as a structure. I
perceive something light and hollow, round and glowing, yellow and
gold, and I deduct the idea of ET spheres. I sketch a circle with
shading on the left side.
Moving to Phase 2,1 perceive the sounds of wind. The dominant
texture is polished. Temperatures are cold. Among the visuals, I
perceive the color gold, luminescence that is glowing, and contrasts
that are high. I smell manure, and something that smells like solder
paste. The magnitude of the dimensions of the target site are short
verticals, narrow horizontals, something sloping, something curved
and rounded, something that is light, and all this associated with
energetics of some sort. My Phase 3 sketch is of a sphere or globe.
The globe is shaded on the left side.
In Phase 4,1 perceive bright light that is glowing with a gold
color. I again sketch a globe or sphere with shading on the left
side. I perceive the concept of something round. There are motions
at the target site that I describe as having "high energy" There are
multiple objects that I perceive as having some specific purpose. I
have the guided deduction of globes. The color is yellow, the
temperature is cold. The object is very light, almost weightless.
I perceive what appears to be a different rounded structure on flat
land. I deduct the idea of a dome and draw a picture of a dome on
flat land. There is dirt, soil, ice, and melting water in a cold
environment. Again I sense the color gold associated with a round
structure, and I again deduct the idea of a dome. Something is
hollow and round at the target site, and I again draw the sketch of
what appears to be a dome on flat land.
I perceive a dome or curved structure on top of or embedded into the
ground. It is hollow inside. There are subjects inside the
structure. The outside climate is cold and harsh. There is land
below the structure. The structure itself has thin walls, and it is
made of artificial materials that are multilayered.
Cuing myself to move into the structure, I perceive curved walls.
There are multiple subjects, both male and female. However, there appear to be more males than females. I execute a binary
technique that allows me to determine the types of emotions of the
subjects at the target site. I find their emotions to be generally
positive. I perceive people working at what appear to be desks
arranged in a geometrical pattern, and I sketch this. I get the
sense that these are offices of some type, and I sketch a wide-angle
perspective of the arrangement of the desks or workstations. They
are arranged in concentric curved rows.
I note that the subjects are wearing clothes, and that the
environment is neat and clean. Some of the subjects are wearing
uniforms. I deduct the sense of something military, as well as the
idea of a satellite tracking station. The subjects are definitely
humanoid, and I get the sense that this is a facility. It is
complex. The emotions within this facility convey the idea of
tension and worry This is a working environment, and I have the
guided deduction that this is a military facility.
Cuing myself to move around inside the structure, I perceive walls,
partitions, and compartments. There is a complicated, mazelike
layout within the structure, with lots of compartments. I deduct
the idea of office dividers. The site feels like a main office. I
closely examine one male subject who is wearing a uniform. I get the
concept that this person has a high rank, like that of general or
commander. I enter the person's mind with a deep mind probe, and I
feel worry, concern, and fear.
There is a sense of patriotism within
this man's mind. But something is out of control. Things are not
right. This target subject is very worried. It feels like he is
worried about the future. There is some element of depression
within his mind, as if he is in a deep funk. He does not know if
what is happening is good, or if it could be controlled. He feels
sad, almost weepy. It feels as if he knows things others do not, and
that they are happier than him as a result. He feels some sense of
responsibility and seems to be worried about failing.
I cue myself to move 1,000 feet over the structure. It is curved and
rounded. It is on land that is both wet and dry. There are nearby
rectangular structures. Moving to the center of the target, I
perceive subjects wearing clothes. They're working on some
activity, some project. The focus of this target seems to be
purposeful activity associated with this project. When I cue on the
purpose of the activity, I get the sense of deception, or sleight of
I execute some binary procedures that help me focus on the designed
purpose of the target. I find that the focus is not people or
activity, but a physical description. I then move to the location
that will be optimal for me to achieve the purpose of the target. I
perceive a round, spherical structure. I draw a sketch of a globe
that is shaded on the left side. I perceive other objects. I cue on
the objects and perceive the concept that they are gold in color,
round, and of ET origin.
There is advanced solid-state technology
inside the objects. I perceive no moving parts. I cue on the
connection between the domelike structure and the objects. The
concept of being in control is very clear to me. I deduct the idea
of "explosive," and I remember perceiving some desire to explode
the objects. There is some connection between the dome and the
objects, but it may not be symmetric. It is not clear if the dome
people have any control over the objects.
I cue myself to move to another aspect of the target location. I
find myself outside in a cold and windy, harsh climate. There is
land with structures that are modern and rectangular nearby. The
buildings are gray, and there are subjects who are human or are very
humanlike. I deduct a campus, a city, or a facility.
Readers should understand that when the so-called Hale-Bopp
Companion was originally targeted by viewers at The Farsight
Institute, there was no clear indication of its size. The assumption
was popularly made that the Companion was extremely large, possibly
much larger than the planet Earth. But the initial remote viewing
data clearly indicated that the object was more than just a physical
device. It seemed to be a dimensional window or portal of
extraterrestrial origin, and more, much of which we could not
I have always assumed that what was originally perceived could vary
dramatically in size. A dimensional window or portal could expand or
shrink as needed, given the circumstances at the time. It could
perhaps shrink to a molecular size, or expand potentially to a size
greater than that of our solar system. It is simply impossible to know the fixed dimensions of such advanced ET
The object known as the Hale-Bopp Companion is clearly not a
companion of a comet. Yet I do not know where it is currently. These
data suggest that a governmental facility with a large domed
structure is monitoring it, or perhaps searching for it. The humans
in the facility are apparently very aware of the ET object. It is
spherical, shiny and has a golden color. The governmental facility
is apparently in an area that has a harsh and cold climate, most
likely in the northern or northwestern parts of the United States.
Perhaps the Dakotas might fit this description.
The high-ranking personnel who are in charge of monitoring this
object appear to be quite worried about the implications of its
existence. Some of these personnel would apparently like simply to
destroy the object. There is a tension in the air as they continue
to observe it or to search for it.
I do not know the purpose of this object. It obviously can move
through space, and it possibly can be used to transport beings and
physical equipment. The object itself may be any size. I simply do
not know its current size, nor can I discern its size from these
This object has caused more controversy than any previous UFO
sighting except the famous Roswell crash. The existence of this
object is probably extremely important in the drama that grips
humanity today. Its existence is also evidence that some ETs want to
force us into a psychological crisis of awareness. They do not
appear to want to hide their ships or their controversial
technology. They want us to see them.
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Chapter 23
The Greys have a very interesting society. With this species, we are
talking about very large populations. Since the Greys are not
limited to a single planet, their numbers are not limited either.
Also, they have the technological capabilities to satisfy their
material needs. Interestingly, however, though they lack for nothing
physically, it is spiritual growth that they seek most strongly.
Never have I encountered a species in which the quest to evolve
toward God is felt as deeply. In my view, this species looks toward
spirituality like a starving man looks at an apple. Thus, when we
examine this huge society, it is useful to note variations in their
organization, as well as in their spiritual outlook. Be sure to
closely examine the qualifiers in the target cue. The cue is
designed to identify groups of Greys based on their level of
evolution. This is one society in which such a differentiation
between groups truly makes sense.
The essential cue and qualifiers for this chapter's target are as
TARGET 7984/2324 Protocols used for this target: SPP The Grey Society (at the time of tasking). In addition to the
relevant aspects of the general target as defined by the essential
cue, the viewer perceives and describes the following target
the macro-Grey society that is
directly or indirectly involved
with contact with Earth humans the most highly evolved group of Greys
that is directly or indirectly involved with contact with Earth humans the least highly evolved group of Greys
that is directly or indirectly involved with contact with Earth humans
16 May 1998
4:04 p.m. Atlanta, Georgia
Protocols: SPP, Type 2
coordinates: 7984/2324
My first ideogram reflects a large target macro with intricate group
heterogeneity. There is great complexity here, with many small units.
I perceive that most of this population are subspace beings. The
second ideogram represents a smaller sub-macro group that is
homogeneous. It has particularly clear cultural definition. These
are physical subjects.
The third ideogram reflects a combination of
physical and subspace subjects, and I deduct the Greys. There is
some heterogeneity in this sub-macro group, and I deduct the idea of
"shades of gray". My fourth ideogram reflects physical subjects who
have a clear cultural definition. They are experientially connected
in some way.
In Phase 2TM, I perceive a very large macro aggregation. The
population numbers are simply tremendous. There is an extreme
variation in physical and subspace types, a complete continuum. The
target macro is very loosely organized, leaning toward anarchy. The
dominant similarity of thought among the various subgroups is of an
experiential sort, as if everyone experiences something different,
and it is having the experience that matters. This society is highly
fragmented with low levels of habitual behavior.
Most of the activity and communication in the macro-society is
subspace oriented and telepathic. The subspace side has a weak
administrative role over the physical side. Variation among the
sub-macro groups is tolerated, even when such groups are
confrontational. The leadership of the macro-society reflects this
low-key approach toward subgroups as well.
The subspace collective psychology of this macro-society includes
the ideas of administration and governance. When the subjects are
physical in this society they find it hard to follow some of the
subspace administration. Some of the sub-macro groups in the society
are confrontational, while others are cooperative. There is a
complete mixture of everything in this society. Yet the macro-society tolerates this diversity religiously.
When I focus my awareness on the significant leader of the
macro-society, I perceive a subspace being who has total telepathic
awareness. It feels as though my consciousness has difficulty
understanding the nature of this subject's consciousness. The leader
is as far as one can be from authoritarian. Indeed, this leader
significantly expands the definition of tolerance in the direction
of anarchy.
In Phase 3TM, I identify three sub-macro groups. I label them
conventionally as G1, G2, and G3.
G1 is a strange group. (That is a viewer feeling!) It is small in
size, with a high concentration of authority. The type of authority
seems highly sensitive to maintaining a flexible and egalitarian
quality. There is almost a religious flavor to this group, held
together by some kind of experiential/belief mixture.
There is little or no fragmentation with this group. The group's
primary focus is on subspace activities, and the group itself is
apparently a subspace group. The macro-society is not clear about
what this group actually does, or how much it can or will do. The
leadership is tolerant and compassionate, and the membership is
similarly high-ranking in some sense.
More specifically, the group is highly homogeneous. If one can say
that this group has a common ideology, the best word to describe it
would be religious (although this is not quite right). This ideology
is totally pervasive within this group. Politically the group has an
administrative flavor, as if confrontation is not part of their
normal political nature.
Focusing on a significant leader of this group, I perceive a
subspace subject who is caring and compassionate. This subject has
generally positive feelings that are laced with some concern or
worry This subject holds an appointed position that must be
approved by the larger group. In this sense, one may also think of
this subject as a democratic leader, although a human understanding
of democracy would probably not fit in this situation.
The collective psychology of this group contains a mentality that is
a blend of philosophy and emotions. But the emotions are difficult
for me to understand completely.
G2 feels like a predominantly physically focused group. It is of
moderate size. There is a high concentration of authority in the
sense that there is not much competition among individual members of
this group. But the authority is irregular, with competitive or
alternative authorities existing on a religious level.
There are political and religious themes that run throughout this
group. High levels of fragmentation exist at this level. The group
is aware of the physical/subspace interaction, and the subspace
activity of this group seems to be coordinated with the physical
This group is highly dependent on outside assistance or
intervention of some type. The macro-society acts to protect this
group in the same way that humans protect endangered species. The
secular leadership is administrative in nature, and the group
members rely heavily on this leadership. Indeed, the group
membership seems vulnerable and dependent in some fashion.
The significant leader of this group is male. He has a political
mentality. He has good administrative capabilities and holds
comparable responsibilities as a project coordinator.
The final group upon which I focus is very large with primarily a
subspace focus. There is also a great deal of physical variation
among the members of this group. The group appears to use telepathy
for all of its inter-group communication.
In some way, this is a simple culture, and other ways it is highly
complex. The concentration of authority is quite diffuse, with
multiple attractors within the group. The pervasive ideology is
nearly religious, although this description does not fit exactly.
There is the sense that work and membership provide
service, and that service is the political orientation or belief
structure of the group. That is, the group believes in service in
the same way that humans might believe in patriotism.
The subspace side of this group views the physical side almost in
an artistic or even experimentalist fashion. The group seems
somewhat isolated from the remainder of the macro-society in some
way, and the macro-society does not entirely understand the group.
Leadership of this group is collective. While I do not understand
the mechanics of governance within this group, it is clear that
there is no one single leader. The group members feel very secure in
their membership, almost as if they feel that they are members of a
The Macro-Society Developmental
I identify three significant points in the development of this
macro-society In the beginning there was a significant crisis that
led to a complete disruption of the society. There was a war, and
various groups disintegrated.
At the end of the trajectory, I perceive lower emotional energy,
even numbness relative to that found at the beginning of the
trajectory. There is calm and peace at this end point.
The period between the beginning and the end of this trajectory
feels smooth, as if there is a uniform transition between the two
end points. But there is one critical period, a point of
breakthrough in the awareness of this society. It is a critical or
pivotal point. It is like a new element is added at this midway
point that causes an evolutionary shift.
This is such an interesting society. The Greys are so different from
us. Their consciousness has an innocence that is almost childlike.
They are capable of witnessing all human activity, and they have a
rich history of experience that would fill any galactic library. Yet
they have turned away from simple physical enrichment. As a
spiritual species, or at least a species dedicated to the inner
growth of that which is spiritual, is how I perceive these beings.
I am always surprised when I hear someone say they fear the Greys. I
certainly perceive no element of militaristic hostility
authoritarianism, or aggressive emotions from any group of Greys.
In my view, fear of this species makes no sense. They themselves do
not feel fear, at least not the way we feel it.
When they perceive
our fear of them, it must baffle them. They have much to tell us,
much to teach us. In my view nothing is so important for humanity
than for us to learn how to seek God more clearly more
scientifically and more lovingly Too often we speak of God's love in
the context of a fear of punishment. Religiosity and spirituality
are two separate things. My experiences with remote viewing suggest
to me that our understanding of spirituality, and our practice of
religion, would be enhanced significantly by studying how the Greys
perceive and interact with the heavenly realm.
We should learn what the Greys have learned, and we should add their
knowledge to our own, thereby enhancing our own evolutionary growth.
My experiences suggest that the Greys do not wish to hide anything
of themselves from us. They are an open book. What is required is
courage on our side to open our eyes and minds and avoid the
blinding influence of fear, and to accept a gift of love that they
seem so willing to share.
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Chapter 24
If you place 15 people in a room for an afternoon, within a short
time someone will collect money for a pizza run. Wherever there are
sentient beings, they organize themselves. This is true not only of
humans. Organization is as natural as existence itself. Nearly every
form of life that I know of exhibits some form of collective
organization, from the growth patterns of lichen to the complex
electoral processes of modern democracies.
In a setting of a galaxy full of life, communication and transport
technologies are the only barriers to the formation of galactic
governmental organizations. Evidence based on ET activities on or
near Earth indicating the widespread existence of such technologies
suggests that galactic government is a very possible proposition.
The Farsight Institute we have often targeted an organization that
we call the Galactic Federation. This is a target with many unusual
aspects, and the breadth of stimuli associated with this target
often demands much of a viewer's perceptual abilities. For obvious
reasons, the headquarters of this organization is of especially
great interest.
The target cue for this Type 3 session is written using an
alternative cuing formula that was once used at The Farsight
Institute. The exact specification of the cue is as follows.
The Galactic Federation Headquarters Structure (at the moment of
The viewer will clearly perceive and describe the
structure housing the Galactic Federation.
The viewer will clearly sketch the structure housing the Galactic
Federation. The viewer will clearly perceive and describe the
location surrounding the Galactic Federation Headquarters structure.
16 December1997 11:53a.m. Atlanta, Georgia Protocols: Enhanced SRV, Type 3 Target coordinates: 1911/0325
I initiate my target contact with an ideogram that I perceive to be
semi soft, having both natural and artificial elements. I perceive
the colors gray black, and white. Some aspect of the target is light
and compact, as well as irregularly shaped. I deduct the idea of a
robot, and I sketch an oddly shaped object with many angles. There
are two large squares within the object.
Probing my second ideogram, I perceive some aspect of the target to
be hard and artificial. I declare this target aspect as a structure.
Something is making a loud, sharp, grinding or rat-tat-tat sound.
There are bright blue and white colors with high contrasts. My
sketch is of a curved horizontal line with many rectangular
structures below.
My next ideogram again feels hard and artificial. I sense the colors
gray tan, beige, and silver. There is a chirping sound. Some part of
the target feels smooth, small, and compact. It is irregularly
shaped. I deduct the idea of a space suit, and sketch another oddly
shaped object, but this time with a convex, lens shaped object
Moving to Phase 2, I perceive sounds that I interpret as "bratting,"
or "rat-tat-tatting." There are rough textures with warm
temperatures. Colors include blue, yellow, and green. The
luminescence is bright with high contrasts. Somewhere there is a
foul and pungent smell that reminds me of sewage. The magnitudes of
the dimensions include short verticals, wide and long horizontals,
as well as something sloping.
Some aspect of the
target is definitely curving or round. There is also the sense of
something being open, as in open spaces, and I sense some type of
energetics that feels like it is buzzing or humming. For my Phase 3
sketch I draw a curved horizontal line that resembles a planet's
horizon as seen from space.
In Phase 4, I observe something rough and irregularly shaped. It is
compact and small, and I draw the sketch of a curved structure
within which are placed smaller rectangular structures. Inside the
structure is something complex. I perceive many subjects, and I can
sense their thoughts. These subjects are short, and I can perceive
their clothes as well as their skin. Their heads are
triangular shaped. All of the subjects are of a similar type. I
sketch the head and face of one such being, and deduct the idea of
Greys. The face looks very similar to that of a typical Grey.
There is a great deal of subspace activity at the target site. The
sense is that the activity is connected to the existing physical
activity. Both physical and subspace activities are going on
simultaneously with transparent coordination. There is a great deal
of subspace technology at the target site. I deduct the idea of a
plan. I again perceive many subjects, and I am aware of the floor of
the modern structure where they are located. It is shiny and
polished, and I focus my attention on a particular room. I sketch
this room.
There is one humanoid and many oddly shaped objects
inside the room. There is a door and curved walls. It is a medium
size modern structure with technology inside. The room is
very clean, and I perceive no dust. There is a great deal of
subspace activity, and the subspace side of things seems more active
than the physical side. The activity is not frantic, but it is very
There is some kind of concept or idea associated with this target
that characterizes the physical and subspace activity. I want to
call this concept or idea "planning," but this is not quite right.
It is as if the activity is already in progress, very active, not
planning to be active. It is like a campaign. The emotions at the
target site feel subdued, but with great or sharp interest. I again
perceive small subjects that seem young, and I deduct "young
Greys." These subjects not only feel very young and fresh, but also
innocent in some way. There are many of them, and many more subspace
beings than physical beings.
I am now perceiving huge numbers of subjects. They are
trying to initiate or trigger something. There is no sense of
attacking to destroy There is a concerted effort that is
coordinated and determined.
There is a large group of subjects involved in a concerted campaign
of highly directed intense activity. The sense is of an
all-or-nothing intensity. Some type of total commitment has been
made. There is no turning back. Retreat would be possible but
undesired. I perceive the idea of "their right." There is an
obligation at stake. It is the sense that the activity at the
target site is owed. Someone has the right to collect on a debt.
There is the sense of fighting for that which is morally and
defensibly theirs.
I also perceive the emotions of anger and the concept of betrayal.
The anger is collective. Something was done, a debt was incurred,
and someone is trying to stop the collection on that debt. The
collective anger is a result of the effort to steal that which is
rightfully theirs. There is also some mild shock and indignation
that is connected to the notion that the debt was incurred honestly
and with innocence, in the sense that such a debt should be honored
with equal honesty and innocence. There is anger specifically
directed at someone or some group.
Again focusing my attention on the structure, I perceive many rooms
with advanced technology within. I cue on the concept of activity
and again perceive the idea of something that is directed or
coordinated. Everything is organized. There is no play time here. I
cue myself to move 500 feet up so as to change my perspective, and I
sense that the concept "up" has no meaning.

I then decide to move
1500 feet away from the target in an
optimal direction to view the overall activity. I perceive
structures that are modern and metallic. I sketch a large circular
structure with many floors within. There are many subjects on the
floors. It is a bright curved or round structure with many colored
lights, lit up like a Christmas tree.
I then cue myself to move to the subspace activity that is at an
optimal location for understanding the target activity. I sketch an
oddly shaped object that resembles a flower vase turned on its side.
There are elliptical or round objects inside this object. I deduct
the idea of a wormhole. There is fast movement associated with
transportation inside. I get the sense of being sucked through this
object. It feels metallic and self-contained. I focus on one of the
curved or elliptical objects inside the larger object, and I deduct
the idea of a ship.
This object seems isolated, not connected to
anything physical. I perceive the color black. I then sketch this
smaller object. The shape of the object is almost like that of a
slice of pie. Around the object is not just a vacuum, it is nothing,
almost like the thinness of time and space. The space seems black
with some white. I cue on the purpose of the object and sense that
its purpose is to fly
These session data are filled with descriptions of a large
structure that has both physical and subspace aspects. The
structure seems to be a nexus for activity and communication between
distant places and groups. Currently however, there appears to be
activity within the headquarters that is very directed and intense.
Some major campaign is underway apparently the
Galactic Federation
Headquarters is not a place where beings sit around and amuse
themselves with idle thoughts. It is a place of activity and
struggle. It is a hub, an organizational center probably somewhat
similar to our own United Nations. It seems that many Greys operate
from within the headquarters.
Interestingly this headquarters also
seems more based on the subspace side of existence than on the
physical side.
What is meant by the sense of needing to collect on a debt?
What was
done that has since been betrayed?
How was innocence answered with
Does any of this have to do with activities relating to
humans, and Earth?
These questions are not
answered by this session. Indeed, these data generate at least as
many questions as they attempt to resolve.
Yet this much appears certain. The Galactic Federation Headquarters
is a place of action. It is a meeting ground for activities that
matter in important ways. Humans would be foolish to postpone
knowing more about the activities of this organization. It may be
that one day this organization will be summoned by ourselves to help
us in our own struggle to survive and to grow as a species.
Knowledge of the capabilities and the scope of this organization's
influence may one day be crucial to our own future. Indeed/ we do
not understand the meaning behind the current activities at the
headquarters. Perhaps some of the observed activity is associated
with their efforts to assist us even now in our struggle to define
our own future.
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Chapter 25
In my earlier book,
Voyage, I included a discussion of Buddha.
My tasker had targeted Buddha, and a number of my remote viewing
experiences suggested that he currently has a leadership role in the
Galactic Federation. As odd as this may seem at first, in
retrospect, everyone has to do something after physical death.
Moreover, it makes sense that an important personality such as
Buddha would obtain a substantial role in a predominantly subspace
organization that is attempting to influence events on Earth. My
best guess is that Buddha has a leadership position that is
involved in some way with the relations between Earth and the
Galactic Federation.
The Type 3 session for this chapter carne as a major surprise to me.
At first I was not going to include it in this volume because I
could not understand it. But eventually I realized that it fit with
everything else I was discovering about current activities in our
galactic neck of the woods. I now think this session is possibly
very significant.
The essential clue and qualifiers for this chapter 's target are as
Buddha (current time). In addition to the relevant aspects of the
general target as defined by the essential cue, the viewer perceives
and describes the following target aspects:
the target subject's state of mind the target subject's surroundings the target subject's activity
20 April 1998 12:02 p.m. Atlanta, Georgia
Protocols: ESRV, Type 3
coordinates: 6978/5654
My first ideogram is of a structure that is curved and rounded,
heavy and dense. The second and third ideograms are again of a dome
or curved structure. I remember during the session being able to
look up into the top of a dome shape that emitted bright light. I
perceive a number of subjects below or within the dome. My fourth
ideogram is of a subject who seems both middle-aged and heavyset.
The final ideogram is of a manmade structure. My Phase 3 sketch is
of a large globe near another curved surface. There is something
pointed above the globe.
In Phase 4, I again perceive the large domed object. I also sense
strong emotions associated with this target. There is land here with
structures, and water is nearby. The intense emotionality of the
subjects who are near the structures returns to my awareness. I
perceive from the subspace realm a strong concern regarding the
activities at the target site. The subspace side is rooting for
something. There is fighting going on, a significant conflict. I
perceive a cacophony of shouted voices. While I sense a conflict, I
do not perceive any physical shooting, or the use of weapons. This
does not seem like a military battle, but it is just as serious in
its own way.
There is intense subspace activity associated with the events at the
target. The subspace realm is deeply involved with this activity.
There is a struggle here, and I deduct a war and a battle, although
again I do not perceive that kind of fighting in front of me. But
somehow this seems associated with a war. Many people are involved
in this event. Subjects are moving around some structures. There are
so many subjects that they cover all of the ground, including the
spaces between the structures.
I move to the center of the target, and I perceive a male subject.
I sense that this subject is important, and I deduct a king. This
subject is a bit heavyset. He is inside a structure looking at
something. It is dark inside the structure.
I execute a deep mind probe of the male subject, and I detect that
he has strong emotions at the target time. He is upset with
something. I deduct the Pope, a gathering at
the Vatican, and Pope
John Paul II.
I move 1,000 feet above the target, and I perceive land with
structures. There are many subjects. There are loud noises, like
shouting and horns. Lots of people are gathered between the
I again shift my awareness to the central aspects of the target, and
I perceive the male subject inside the structure again. The subject
is experiencing intense emotions. Apparently he is upset.
I remember the visual impressions of this session clearly. What
troubled me at first about this session is that I could not
understand why Buddha would be involved in a conflict that is
possibly as severe as a war.
Doesn't Buddha sit around and meditate
all day?
In retrospect, my understanding of the activities of
evolved beings was certainly naive. If my interpretation of these
data are correct, then I have a much better idea of how active all
of our lives will be after we leave this physical existence. Heaven
is not a gathering ground for the sleepy headed. It is a place of
Apparently, Buddha and the Galactic Federation are deeply involved
in an intense struggle that conveys the sense of a major conflict,
perhaps a war. I do not know from the data in this session if the
struggle is exactly the same as that associated with the renegade
Reptilians, but I suspect the two conflicts are related. In my view,
the most important aspect of this session is the very fact that
Buddha is highly upset about the conflict that he is witnessing.
This is a struggle that matters. It is not an idle squabble between
Whenever I turn my mind in the direction of
the Galactic
Federation, I perceive an organization in the grip of opposing
tides of destiny. When I look at my own planet and perceive all of
conflicts that we humans have, I realize that the same must be true
of those beings who live elsewhere. In an expanding universe, it
would make sense that some of the various civilizations would end up
fighting to control a larger share of the available resources,
however these resources may be defined.
Buddha is apparently
involved in helping to resolve at least one of these conflicts.
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