Patricia Cori
SirianRevelations Website
Accelerating human awareness as we
prepare for ascension of our sun, our earth and ourselves,
lightbearers from the ascended Sirian star, Satais, are committed to
helping us achieve the awakening of our light bodies, activation of
our dormant DNA strands and a greater understanding of what we can
expect as we approach the ascension vortex of our passage into the
fourth dimension.
They provide the Awakening with a
greater understanding of the forces behind the global conspiracy to
keep us from realizing our starseed legacy: to assist in the
re-birthing of Planet Earth, bring the light of truth to those who
are still huddled in the darkness and assist those who intend to
serve as healers and guides of the ascension, during the great
transformation of all life in our quadrant of the three-dimensional
Are you torn in the struggle of darkness and light, anxious about
what is transpiring in the global theater - or are you one of the
Awakening, clear in your resolve and intent… and committed to
personal and planetary healing?
Now is the time, starseed, to remember
who you are. Now is the time to remember.
Aided by extraterrestrial intelligence of the higher dimensions, The
Speakers of the Sirian High Council, we, starseed of other worlds,
explore our greatest challenges and opportunities - to bring
healing, to bring the awakening tools to those lightworkers who are
committed to helping prepare the way for our ascension into the
fourth dimension.
Our eyes, our hearts, our minds are open and we are empowered by the
wisdom and light of the Sirian High Council, who, like the Pleaidian
Light Emissaries and Light Ones of higher dimensions, have come
to help us understand the conspiracy that has held us in
powerlessness, to reveal the secrets and lies that have denied us our true heritage as children of the stars, and to achieve our
true destiny as starseed of the Cosmos of Soul.
The Source
The Speakers
of the Sirian High Council
“We, the Speakers of the
Sirian High
Council, represent the consciousness of countless Sirians who
are connecting with Earth from the ascended star system of
Satais. We are old, much older than you and we know much about
the human race, for our elders were part of the Great Experiment
- the seeding of your race.
At key times in your development we have materialized on the
earth plane, crystallizing in matter so as to better serve
humankind - starseed of the universe. This occurred at the time
of the second cycle of Atlantis, when you were blossoming in the
light of that civilization; it occurred in ancient Egypt and it
is about to occur again, at the closing of the Mayan calendar.
We have opened many channels amongst you so that our messages
can be received on the broadest scale, for it is time that you
remember your purpose on Earth.
We have come to serve you at
this time of your evolution into light body, for we know what
awaits you - we have known your process. We are here to help you
over the threshold by bringing you the knowledge that has been
kept secret from you, for we believe you have come to the point
of individual and planetary liberation.
Many are the Light Beings now focused upon Earth’s transition;
consciousness from the
Pleiades and
Andromeda is working with
you, joining with us to help raise the vibration.
desperate they may seem to you, the current events playing out
in your world are part of the process of your awakening.
attention but observe with detachment what goes around you. Be
centered, stilling the lower emotions. Be wary and look
carefully about you, turning your focus away from the horror and
towards beauty, love and the miracles that surround you in every
moment of your lives.
We ask that you come to our teachings with an open mind,
trusting that knowledge always sets you free and we ask that you
accept only that which rings true in your hearts - for we
believe that you must listen to the voice of your souls.
We have worked with the vehicle, Trydjya, since her appearance
in body in the middle cycle of
Atlantis, where she served as a
Keeper of the Crystals. Like many of you, she returned to
physical form during the Last Generation of the Atlantean
civilization, a karmic debt that has brought you, children of
Atlantis, back to serve at this time.
She has walked in
Ancient Egypt, in
Sumeria and Mesopotamia and
has begun to retrieve those memories that serve the higher
purpose of the All.
She received attunement in the Hyperdimensional Spiral at
Stonehenge (known to you as the Julia Set crop circle) and it is
from that time that established open communication.
Our first
two collections of transmissions, THE COSMOS OF SOUL and
ATLANTIS RISING are readily available to you and the third NO
MORE SECRETS, NO MORE LIES, has been timed to reach you now -
when you need the information most.
As the polar forces exert their dark
influence over the living of your world, you need to awaken the
dormant memories of how it was done in Atlantis, for these
memories are essential to the outcome of your current events.
The channel Trydjya (Patricia Cori) has come into body at this time to serve -
as have you all.”
About the
Sirian Star System
“Sirius is a triunal stellar system,
which consists of three Solar Deities: Sothis, Satais and Anu
(identified by your astronomers, respectively, as: Sirius A,
Sirius B, and Sirius C.)
In the universe of matter, Sothis shines brighter than any star
in your night sky, dominating the celestial canopy during the
winter of your Northern hemisphere.
It is the fifth nearest star
to your sun, a mere eight light years from yours, and is
inextricably connected to your Solar Deity, RA.
At a point in the space-time continuum so distant from your
reality as to be indefinable in your terms, a great cosmic
exchange occurred in our stellar system. At the time of this
cataclysmic change in our complex stellar body, the Deity,
Satais, collapsed, passing through her own astral chords and
onto higher dimensional planes.
What was left behind in the world of
matter was, in stellar terms, a minuscule dwarf star of super
dense matter, which was eventually pulled into an elliptical
orbit around the dominant sister star, Sothis - as was the
distant cousin, Anu.
The collapse of Satais (Sirius B) - its ascension beyond
material space - caused a monumental chain reaction through the
entire Sirian system, out across the constellation of stars
known to you as
Canis Major and, indirectly, your solar system
became involved in the dynamics of our evolution.
This is one of the most significant reasons why we are so linked
to you and why we are so focused upon your evolutionary
The Sirius-Ra

Sirius, located in the Canis Major
constellation, can be considered directly ‘upstream’ from our solar
system in a cosmic sense that refers to its relative position in the
Milky Way galaxy.
A highly-charged stellar field, it rains
its high-end electromagnetic currents over our solar system (Ra),
affecting the solar activity and planetary vibrations of every
celestial being that comprises our solar family.

Image of Sirius A and
Sirius B taken by the Hubble Space Telescope.
Sirius B, which is a
white dwarf, can be seen as a faint pinprick of light
to the lower left of
the much brighter Sirius A.
To the ancient Egyptians, the arrival of
Sirius (the Sun behind the Sun) in the pre-dawn sky of early winter,
signaled the start of that abundant time of the flooding Nile, the
life-blood of that civilization - a time of fertility and new life.
Our western New Years ritual is a
reflection of the ancient ritual which celebrated the return of
Sirius to the mid-heaven position at midnight, which has occurred
throughout recorded time around the first of January.
This midnight alignment marks the moment when the energies of
Sirius, directly overhead, most closely touch our lives with the
most direct influence upon our sphere.

The ascension of Sirius B sent waves of
unimaginable energies coursing through the three-dimensional fields
where she had held resonance until that glorious moment of her
passage out of the universe of matter.
Casting off the physical body, untold
quantities of its denser gasses (elements heavier than hydrogen)
were sent coursing through the Milky Way galaxy, as Satais shed her
physical cloak to pass through the ascension cords of her being.
Ra, directly downstream, was directly affected, as were the
neighboring stellar bodies; this inter-stellar energy exchange is
one of the primary aspects of the Sirius-Ra connection.

The Physics and Metaphysics of the
Ascended Triunal Star Family
These exciting images provide clear viewing of the relationship of
Sirius A & B, two of the three stars that comprise the Sirian star
The third star, Sirius C, is so
infinitesimal in comparison that it is invisible to the photographic
lens, dwarfed by its too greater siblings. Indeed, scientists are
still debating whether it exists at all - while the
Ancient Dogon tribes have known of its existence for over
5,000 years, when they were visited by the Nommo of Sirius,
amphibians that communicated their uncanny knowledge of celestial
movements so many thousands of years ago.
Here is what we know about the stars of
Sirius A - Sothis
It is ten times larger than our
sun, twice as massive, and registers twenty times as much
It is the largest, most
brilliant star in our hemisphere and it is known as the
blue-white star.
Sirius A is 8.7 light years from
Earth and moving on a direct course toward our solar system.
It is located in the jaws of the
Great Dog, Canis Major constellation - hence it is known as
the Dog Star.
It is visible in the Northern
hemisphere of our evening sky from November-April; it can
be located by following a direct line through the belt of
Orion towards the horizon.
It is a three-dimensional
stellar being with enormous gravitation fields.
Sirius B - Satais
It is called a
white dwarf star,
with the equivalent mass of our sun packed into a globe four
times the size of our Earth.
It travels in an eliptical orbit
around Sirius A, which it completes in a 50 year cycle.
Although it was only discovered
by the scientific community a mere fifty years ago,
the Dogon tribes knew of Sirius B, which they described as a
heavy, small, powerful star, as early as 5,000 years ago.
The Sirian Revelations tell us
that while Sirius A is still a 3D stellar presence, what we
observe as the dwarf star, Sirius B, is actually the remains
of the ascended star, which has traveled through its own
astral cords and now exists in the sixth dimension. It is
here that the Sirian High Council reside, in light body, and
from here that they are directing their overlighting
energies to the Awakening of Earth and to others who reside
in the body of our solar system.
Sirius C - Anu
This, the third of the Sirian
stellar family, did also ascend from the third dimension at
the time of the Sirian shift.
Although the scientific
community has not confirmed the existence of Sirius C, the Dogon knew of it by the name,
Enome Ya, and they described
it too as revolving around Sirius A.
Of the planets that orbited Anu,
one did not achieve ascension when the star, which remains
in the fourth dimension, did not: that planet is
Nebiru, the
home of
the Anunnaki.
Nebiru was flung out of Sirius,
was captured by our sun, and ricocheted back to Sirius and
it is to this day caught between the two star systems, on an
elliptical journey that takes approximately 3,600 years to
Messages From
The Sirian High Council
A bright light shines upon your world tonight.
Transcending time, transcending space,
transcending the density of your known universe. The light that
shines through defies the dark umbrage of shadow and cloud; it
shines through the veil of the unknown…of ignorance, through
borders, boundaries, limitation and separation.
This is a light so
bright it defies the very nature of your holographic reality, the
third density… the world in which you believe you exist, for it is of
such a frequency that it cannot be perceived there in any measurable
terms and yet IT IS - and always will be.
Such is the brilliance of the light that pours through the Cosmos of
Soul this day that it glitters in the conscious collective as do
diamonds bathed in the rays of the sun. It strums the eternal
strings of the heart and resounds in the music of the spheres with
the sweetness of birdsong - with the roar of Gaia’s mighty waves
when they crash upon her shores.
It is the music of all experience; it is
the laughter, the wonder, the joy of all existence: The Power and
The Will and The Glory.
Those beyond the world of Gaia observe your struggle, celebrate your
victories, share in your quest for peace and the higher vibration.
In the cosmic clock, we, Sirians of the
sixth dimension, are only minutes ahead of you and we are of you as
you are of us. We know the density of fog. We know the longing to
bask in that light where darkness never again can cloud the soul’s
determined climb along the perilous journey back to Source.
And yes, we know the light eternal where
darkness cannot shroud the soul.
And that is why we come to you
in this sacred space…
to remind you as we have always
done. A bright light shines upon your world tonight. Draw it into your heart as you would embrace a newborn in
your arms. A bright light A light A light shines eternal in the heavens as it does on Earth.
Message from the Sirian High Council
As Gaia Rings… As Gaia strums the
chords of her heartstrings, her song ringing throughout the
Universe, the music of the spheres resounds with the lights and
sounds of your solar deity in transformation.
The Earth, your planetary family,
your Sun, that brilliance that is the galaxy in which you
currently appear - all are tuning their instrument to the higher
octave in the Universal chorus of life.
Your planet is ringing new
frequencies into the Cosmic sea and all intelligence is attuning
to the cosmometric proportions that are woven into the light
strings of love holding us in the Oneness.
Ours is a distant lens upon Earth affairs, yet we are so near to
you that we can feel the warmth of your breath and hear the
thoughts that delight or torment you. We feel great compassion
for those who are drowning in that sense of hopelessness and
dread, as all the outer realities that have appeared to be
secure are disrobed of the illusion and seen for what they are
through the dim light of those who would manipulate events to
control you.
These controls have always been
there. They were simply veiled, awaiting the structures that
would hold your race back from a global uprising once the mass
mind awakened from the slumber of so many civilizations past to
If you will only look back objectively upon the pages of the
human story, you will recognize similar epochs of war and
destruction, the
deceit and omnipotence of the few, the violent
chord, the decline of the human spirit - just as you will read
of the Enlightenment, the Renaissance, the re-birth - when the
cyclical nature of life lifts humankind from the dust and the
ash and is reborn.
Those who intend to destroy you simply cannot conquer the human
spirit. They cannot kill the light, dim the brilliance, inter
you in their darkness.
They have tried to ‘unplug you’, to
infect you, to numb and silence you… yet still you rise, for
within you all is the blueprint of the Cosmic Soul and its
primary objective: to be LOVE. Some leap from their sleep,
filled with the wonder. Others cling to the comfort of the
dream, denying themselves the splendor of the early morning sun
- but all rise. All eventually awaken.
Within you is the eternal flame, which cannot be extinguished,
no matter how great the force of obstruction would so will it.
Within you is the sense of wonder, the beauty, the sensitivity,
the trusting child… the loving nurturer.
What the disempowered are NOT seeing is the enormity of your
light emerging, the luminescence that pours the light of the
human heart into the Cosmos, for this has never been brighter
than now, this moment, this time of untold awakening amongst
you. And yet their fear blinds them to it, just as it destroys
their will and deters them from joyously walking the path of the
soul’s design.
As you walk through the Desert Days of life there upon your
Earth, for these have indeed begun, tossed about in the daily
whirlwind of emotions, world events, the tether of contrasting
forces pulling at your sense of hope, of faith, of vision for
what is to come… you know deep within you that all is in Divine
Order as it always has been and forever will be.
You know it. You live it. You are the Divinity and the love and
the order in chaos.
The giant waves of Gaia’s rebellion have recently swept over you
with an eerie vengeance, calling you to attention. These
messages, screaming out from Earth’s core, are coming far more
rapidly now, far more powerfully than ever before. All is
changing. All is being redefined, updated, attuned to the new
that forever awaits you, eternal creation.
When you give pause to the
contemplation of these upsetting events, we ask you to forever
bear in mind that the Earth, great Cosmic Deity, is also the
carrier of the flame within - and all is infinite, all is in a
constant state of change and evolution.
Your fearing these events creates far more destruction than your
acceptance of them - your understanding that the Earth Changes
are the manifestation of your Deity in transformation (and all
life within the Earth realm) and that She knows exactly what to
do. The vibratory patterns of terror and fear amplify the
magnitude, altering the manifestations of Earth Changes and this
the Power instrumentalizes to exacerbate the emotional
disharmony of your world populations.
We hear your doubts and questions regarding the violence of the
Earth and the death of the many in the wake of Gaia’s rage and
we wish to tell you this:
However difficult it is for you to accept what appears to be
meaningless death and destruction, never forget that those who
take themselves to the moment of Gaia’s rage, the innocent who
swim in the waters; the not-so-innocent who commit to the
killing fields of war and violence… all have an appointment and
are aware, at the soul level, that they are fulfilling a soul
pattern when they elect to leave the
Earth School of Karma.
Even the children.
The age of the soul has no direct
reflection in the age of the physical being and many of those
who are washed away in the tide or buried in the rubble are old
souls who came in for just a moment, serving a higher purpose or
completing a contract that is not clear to those who remain,
suffering the loss.
All is divinely in order in the Cosmos of
Children of Gaia, if only you will lay your head upon the rich
earth and listen you will hear the sighs and whispers, the anger
and frustration, the love and the wisdom… Know that the true
Mother would not abandon her young nor obstruct the destiny of
the one and the many.
Hold Center now. Steady as She goes, trusting all the way.
Message from the Sirian High Council
“We come to you in great humility
this day to speak as far as we can attempt to understand and to
answer the questions resounding through the higher realms - and
to address whatever fear may be swelling inside you.
The voice of humanity calls out to
the heavens: ‘where is God’? We hear your implorations: ‘why
must there be such suffering in the world’?… These profound
questions we wish to elaborate with you as we watch and
experience the range of emotions of the human collective.
Now there are many messages being spread amongst you in this
time of great uncertainty on Planet Earth. As always, we invite
you to exercise discernment. There are seers, politicians,
messengers of every nationality and voice… channels such as
Some are the voices of truth, some
are false prophets, some speak with hidden agendas, some accuse,
some deny - it is up to you to wade through all of the noise and
clutter to find what resonates with you and that is what you
will embrace and reverberate back out into the ethers as the
truth you perceive in this hour… truth that will bend and take
new form, perhaps, as your understanding and awareness in these
days grow and become more crystalline.
So great is the expression of Gaia’s explosive rebellion that we
dare say there is not a being in your world who has not been
affected in some way, to some degree, by the new that is born
from this moment. All have been presented with the ‘cruel’
realization that the material world as it is known to you can be
washed away in an instant… and nothing is permanent.
Nothing, not even the density of
those great concrete walls and steel foundations, can stand
against the unleashed fury of nature. You are being given the
ultimate opportunity to dissolve your collective illusions… and
you are witness to the manifestation of those illusions
evaporating before your incredulous eyes.
They are being washed away in the
waters of Gaian emotion.
What emerges from this epic catastrophe is a rapidly evolving
universal dialogue in your realm that has finally recognized the
conscious will of Gaia and the relationship of the living beings
of the planet to the emotional and spiritual body of the planet
In the wake of this enormous disaster, in which you are actually
witness to the lands of the earth being reshaped and redefined,
the mass mind of humankind is awakening to how all the living
are inextricably dependent upon the balanced energies of the
Earth. The next phase, inevitably, will bring more human beings
to the understanding of how that balance is utterly determined
by the thoughts and actions of the All.
We observe with
reverence how this tragedy is triggering you into higher states
of conscious existence as caretakers of Planet Earth.
As you reeled from the terrifying images of the destructive
unleashing of Gaia’s emotions, you could not but feel powerless
before the goddess. You held your heads in your hands, filled
with compassion for the suffering and a growing sense of dread -
for you realized from this cataclysm that your great planet is
finally rebelling.
She is refining, remodeling,
releasing in preparation for her passage and you know this deep
within the soul. You fear it on some levels, you celebrate it on
others but you do know it… you always have. Although you still
may not completely remembered why… you came here to take part in
Gaia’s revolution.
You came here to serve and you are soon to
know your role in the unfolding.
Today, as you observe with what swiftness and solidarity the
international relief effort has moved into action, you are aglow
with the wonder of how humanity always rises to the call of the
needy and as the shock of these difficult days wears off you
begin to see beauty even in tragedy.
You are reminded of the greatness of
simply being human, stripped of pretense, stripped of religions,
nations, status… you are reminded of what you are capable of in
the most desperate hours of human trial and despair.
Where is God? God is within you
God is the light of love that shines from every cell of your
The heart, a hand, the word
God is the reaching out
The utter compassion
The selfless savior
The strength to renew, rebuild, restore
The Light
Why must there be suffering?
This is far more complex.
Perhaps it is because through darkness we are reminded of
our godliness
We seek to find the light; we are challenged to move beyond
To find our way out of the cold dark chasm and into the
warmth of the Sun
To move beyond the blackness of stagnation and into the
shimmering brilliance of progress
We believe it is our own Creation - our reflection.
What of the innocent? What of the children?
We believe we are all innocent, all children of the universe
Trying to find our way out of the chaos
Moving back to Source
Some of the children are far more ancient than you
Perhaps they have come to touch you ever more deeply
For you are always moved by the innocence of the young
These are thoughts that trouble us
For we wish for you lives of joy and celebration
We wish love and comfort for all the living of your realm…
for the children
And yet, we too have passed through pain to reach this place
We know it as the soul’s progression
Each must move through suffering to know bliss.
We do not purport to have the answers to the riddle of
But we can tell you this.
There where these souls have passed-far higher ground -so
will you.
There is light
There is forgiveness
And eternal Love abounds.
The Light will Prevail.
The Light Always Does.
Message from the Sirian High Council
Mammoth leaps in human consciousness
have called greater numbers of Sirian Emissaries to observe the
human arena in which you find yourselves, now racing through the
Olympiad of your evolution… in time for the great changes that
will herald the dawn of the Enlightened Age of Humankind.
We observe with celebration that as
more of us become aware of your rites of passage, more of you
become aware of our guardianship over your world and that is
indeed a divine wonder to us, as it is to you.
You are understanding, as you have never understood before, just
what your soul essence intended when the decision was taken to
appear at this particular point in space-time. You are
remembering who you are and what you came to do.
You are remembering, starseed
beings, all the wonder of your journey through the eternal
voyage of being.
You were sensing…now you know
you know
You were listening… now you know you hear
You were watching… now you know you see
You were becoming - now you know you ARE
Although it may appear that Earth
and the living of your world are spiraling forever deeper into
an abysmal dark night of the soul, those of us holding the light
of humanity in our hearts observe an untold brilliance emanating
from the Earth and we assure you that your prayers, your
meditations, your visions of harmony and celebration are raising
the vibration of Gaia and so, your Sun:
forever outward - across the
seas of universal soul; forever inward, weaving love’s
golden light through the intricate cosmometry of every
particle of your being.
The bands of the controllers are
rapidly disintegrating as the False Lords of Earth scramble to
create the new techno-grids.
Yes, they are more determined than
ever to corral you, to round you up in cages and hold you in
servitude, to crush your will and harness your power - but with
every new dawn you realize ever more that their omnipotent
manipulation of your lives is simply not working.
It is not working, that is, FOR THEM.
It may be difficult yet for you to recognize how those dark
players, so committed to disruption and the de-unification of
the race, have actually helped you raise your expectations for
the greater human experience - the heightened vibration of
global consciousness. Their wanton destruction of the
environment has called Gaia to action with far greater urgency
and you respond to those outbursts of Earth’s rebellion with
renewed determination to heal the planet.
Their force-feeding of fear and
terror wears tedious and you see that they are actually helping
you face the demons that lie buried once deep within you, now
rising to the foreground of your minds’ eyes to be released or
Indeed, contrary to their intent to
weaken and disintegrate human hope and nobility of spirit, their
horrendous manipulation of human affairs is actually serving you
- is it not? Is it not the great catalyst for what they most
fear - the awakening of the masses?
By exasperating the human condition, they are forcing you to
face the inequities that exist in the world and through their
misguided vision a new global awareness is emerging.
comfort zones are being re-defined or eliminated altogether.
Although it is painful to experience violence, to know the
constant uncertainty of terror, to feel the suffering of
others…you must know what lies beyond your safe harbors if you
are ever to truly understand how absolutely connected you are to
all the living.
Redefining your barriers will soon take on new meanings, as you
face the questions of alien life, for once and forever, as will
the entirety of your civilization. You who have come to our
message trust that there are numerous layers and levels of
consciousness involved and dedicated to your smooth transition
into the unknown - your awakening to the Galactic Family.
You may also be aware that there are
significant numbers of alien beings (some already walk amongst
you, others observe or visit you from various vantage points in
space) who are absolutely bent upon utilizing you for their own
ends. To deny that inevitable possibility would be to
underestimate your understanding of the polarities in which you
reside or worse - to create for you a pabulum that can be easily
swallowed but which offers no nourishment for the soul - no
extraordinary questions for the mind to contemplate!
You may also realize that there there are plans being drawn for
the inevitable contact moment, when science fiction meets the
21st century, and you are confronted, face to face, with beings
from other worlds on an immense planetary scale.
What is required at this critical
phase of your understanding is that you consider that encounter
with great objectivity and a fearless curiosity - for you will
face this in your lifetimes.
You are soon to know how incredibly
vast is the universe of the living, and with what diversity your
own galaxy is populated.
What will this mean to those
who wish to control you and to own Earth’s wealth?
Consider: what will happen
to the world government when the entirety of the human
race is faced with the fact that all its arsenals and
weaponry have been unable to hold back a massive fleet
of alien ‘invaders’?
What will happen when Homo
Sapiens confronts the reality that these same journeyers
have far surpassed humankind in their technological
prowess and their understanding of the physics of the
Indeed, what will happen
when they stand before you, no longer cloaked in the
mysterious uncertainty of your own wild imaginings?
We believe that all those postured
in power positions upon your planet will be more or less
immediately dethroned - their reigns of terror ended.
The Secret Government, built of
hidden agendas and humanity’s apathy, will lose its true weapon,
as Truth resounds through the valleys and hills of every tribe,
every community, every state. The delicate economic structures
of your world trade markets will crumble - for reality will have
so changed the game that the old will not hold its value.
War, that great creator of wealth
for the few and the mighty, will end - all human eyes gazing up
to the stars. All human beings will anxiously and with
understandable fear wait for the first gestures of alien
intelligence: will it be war-like, will it be loving?
We wish to remind you that the collective consciousness of
humankind ripples forever through the cosmic seas of universal
mind and we invite you to help others understand that
Your perception of the arrival affects the arrival;
the vibration of those thought waves determines the vibratory
nature of the matter upon which those craft will enter into
Earth atmosphere - changing the very fabric of the time-space
continuum… changing the beings, the craft, the consciousness of
each and of the many.
In essence, we are telling you that the One Mind of humanity
will determine the time and place of the great arrival.
It is
about when you are ready, it is about where the greatest numbers
of you have consolidated your energies enough to hold the space
around these events. Countless ships have already appeared, each
altering the nature of your 3D material substance, changing the auric field of
Gaia - altering time itself.
They are studying
the human response, measuring the fear and the wonder, helping
you assimilate what is about to unfold.
Moreover, the dimensions are bleeding into each other and beings
from every level are passing through the portals. Craft and
ships are not needed to make the journey and you know this deep
within you. Some are mere holograms, helping you understand the
essence of contact. And there are the fields - forever imprinted
with the signs of our communications. Channels are opening, the
lights are on, your hearts are ready… hopeful…inviting.
It is up to you what you make real in your lives
What you weave into your hearts and shine golden in the light of
your souls
How you approach the unknown - fearless, with eyes wide open…
.or cowered in powerless and dread - determines just how
extraordinary will be your experience as universes, worlds,
nations, peoples, animals celebrate the Great Reunion.
You have an appointment with destiny.
Live it with joy, starseed.
Live it with joy.
The crop circle of May 30th,
2004 at
Ridgeway, in the UK

The Sirian Seal
first received from the Council in
2003, made available in February 2004
A picture is worth a thousand words…
Looking at the crop circle I felt like dancing for joy.
It also brought peaceful
feelings and a sense of ” coming home”.
It says to me that Patricia
is “right on target”
Richard Dill
April 2004 - Message from the Council
“Let there be no doubt in your minds
that those who have have grabbed your world by the throat and
shaken your humanity to the blood with their talons are losing
their unrelenting grip.
They are slipping, falling through
the cracks their web of lies can no longer cover and conceal. It
is unfolding everywhere around you - in these days of merging
realities and the cleansing of Earth’s fields. The voice of
truth rings crystalline through the haze of lies and deception
and you are the voice and the wonder and the power of light
You, sweet starseed, co-creators of
all realities, are setting the vibratory pace where the lower
frequencies of deception can no longer cling to the human race
and you know we are here with you, helping you understand such
mechanisms, helping you recognize who you are and what you have
come to do.
Light Beings from many worlds and
dimensions are helping you (as within the parameters of
universal law) to alter the direction the misguided have wished
to take not only the human race but all species of the earthly
gardens of your days… and of days ‘passed’.
To those who still wonder when it is that we will come to save
you…to those of you who question and doubt our existence (and
you do well to question everything that you encounter as somehow
outside of your own exquisite experience) we sound the call to
Now is the time when you truly
realize that you are the saviors - you are the Earth Light
Brigades and you are succeeding in your missions as light
bearers of your sphere, in this pivotal point upon the
time-space continuum: Ra Ascending.
Your community, your global outreach, your meditations, your
prayers, the love - all your lightworking has been woven into
the karma of your world, releasing the knots and cords of darker
intentions. Many are the guides and leaders who are rallying the
light teams to encircle your world in healing waves that are
helping to create this magnificent shift in the design that was
laid before you - we celebrate all of you.
We have called you to action,
rousing the drowsy from their beds, sounding the wake up call
for the sleeping and they have heard the call. More and more are
rising up, joining the Alliance of Light and Truth, raising the
voice of humanity and it is a glorious thing to behold.
Children of beauty and light - you are the shining faces of
every Earth generation, come to breathe back into Gaia the
gentle wind and the breeze; you have come to still the raging
waters, to plant the seeds of human consciousness in her rich
brown soils and to carry the torch of her eternal flame.
You call upon angelic beings, spirit guides, the Masters and the
countless entities of light and otherwordly dominions. We, in
turn, stand behind you, calling you to the frontlines and you
are there as are we: light warriors all. There you are, dear
ones. You are marching to the rhythm of the Gaian drum - the
heartbeat of the Goddess - and you will not be deterred.
You know that you are here as
warriors of the Light and how you perform your mission is not
the relevance key: what matters is that you shine your
brilliance down those dark halls where minds are still shadowed
in fear. That is the ultimate battle - you understand.
Fear is
the darkness - it is the force with which to be reckoned. Love
is the light that shines from the lanterns you all are asked to
carry for those who are still bent in their terror, as it has
been imposed by the loveless masters and as it has existed
within them, product of their own demons.
You are asked to turn up the flame
so that all the lost and disempowered can know the dark
passageway is illuminated and they do not walk alone.
The kings and queens will not go quietly.
There will be more chaos, great challenges, the clash of
darkness and light - the trump card will be played.
But they have exposed themselves for what they are. You can see
them for what they are. And hence, the game is lost to them.
Never, not even for a moment, must you lose sight of the one
TRUTH: the Light will prevail.
The Light always does.
Light, you understand, is All that Is. Despite the ghostly
shadows of your 3D stage, you do know that light is everywhere
around you and within you.
Knowing that, you will watch the icons of the dark illusion
slowly melt into the oblivion and fade away as you dizzy from
the whirling spiral of events that have you spinning into
position, about to leap into the new.
You are at the threshold..
So close you can taste the wonder.”
We are the Sirian High Council
The Feeding of fear, the Fueling of Terror
“We wish to discuss your growing
fascination with all manner of apocalyptic
prophecy, ancient and
new, and how you bring about and create your nemeses by feeding
the very fear of them through the lower vibrations of
consciousness: the survival self, your three dimensional
existential ‘cage’.
Although it is still a relative abstraction to you that you
‘think’ things into being, we remind you that the entire
illusory field of ‘vision’ that comprises your global
perspective is utterly formatted through projections of the
collective unconscious. This is becoming clearer to you on the
one hand, where you recognize how operating in right mind and
right action produces positive and constructive manifestations
of those energies.
On the other, you remain rather
mesmerized by the overwhelming shadows that you have still to
recognize as your own demons, for it is your stimulated fear
that hypnotizes you into fueling your terror and strips you of
your power - as you shrink before the dark fields, where
expressions of disharmony are brought to crystallization as the
events now playing out in the Earth realm.
So let us look again, and again, and yet again… to recognize the
fear. To dissect it, piece by piece, until the very essence of
its nature can be held up to the light, just as a cell is
revealed through the microscope… Let us move beyond the shadow,
where you walk with the light of All-That-Is directly overhead,
proud and erect, in clarity and serene awareness of your
unfolding personal reality.
You are the decision-maker; you are
the free-willed consciousness unit that determines what
transpires in your life - however else it may appear to you.
This is your movie: you are the director, you are the actor, you
are the camera and the film… the audience.
State your real fear, the nature of that beast that takes you by
the throat and shakes you from your roots, out loud, valiantly
and with a new determination.
You have an incredible assortment of
fear factors from which to choose, but,
What is the primordial fear?
What is at the core of this
growing terror? Is yours a fear of total annihilation?
Is it the fear of death that
grips you?
Do you fear the omnipotent
master, cracking the whip of arbitrary authority over
Is it the fear of losing
what has been, or facing what may come… the end, the
beginning… or this historical moment, when all appears so
decisively dark and irresolute?
Is your terror the lurking
madman, intent upon your death and destruction?
Does it come in the form of
‘weaponized’ bacteria or in ships from outer space… a
careening comet?
Are all of these demons
intent upon your demise?
Time it is that you consider how
your perpetual state of mind affects not only your personal
reality but that of all that surrounds you.
The momentum of mass media and the thought-shapers is building
the Armageddon scenario, where all goodness and beauty is
destroyed and only darkness survives.
Will you shake yourselves
from this feeding frenzy and stand for that beauty and
goodness and Light?
Will you send into the
ethers, that infinite viewing screen of the greater
perspective, a knowing that the farce that is playing is
but a ‘limited engagement’, and that the true nature of
the human spirit is rising?
And will you understand that
this is the Great Initiation, humankind’s opportunity…
nothing more, nothing less?
You decide if you will cross the
Tibetan bridge, leap from the burning tower or reach the highest
mountaintop. You and you alone decide whether you will conquer
the fear and move into position - heralding the New Dawn.
Observe. Look between the cracks, through the smoke, and beyond
the obvious. Truth shines through.
State your intention:
“I am spirit essence - I am the
embodiment of Universal Mind. I intend that the heart and
conscious mind of the light forces of the Universe prevail.”
Deflect the comets from your
sovereign space, refuse the bearers of dark tidings, stand tall
against the winds of change.
Be brave, be strong… be starlight.”
The Desert Days Have Begun And So Your
We wish to speak to you of the
despair and fear that has been exalted by the fallen towers -
Emergency 911 - and all that is emerging as the new reality of
your present times.
We wish to calm your anguish and
help you find center, so that you can focus on the greater
issues at hand - your emergence. We wish to calm your fears,
dear ones, and shine the light upon those dark waters of your
mental bodies - there where your fears of survival and suffering
cloud the godlight of your souls.
Know that the true beginning of that which we refer to as The
Desert Days was marked by the oil tanker disaster
(January 2001), which spilled
almost two hundred thousand gallons of petroleum upon your last
pristine ecosystem, the
Galapagos Islands.
Do you even remember it?
That incident marked the beginning
of a phase of unimaginable and rapid disruption of the biosphere
and the accelerated deterioration of the natural habitats that
once held - like crystals in the cave - the magic of Earth’s
That one event marked a most significant moment in your planet’s
process - far more significant than the orchestrations of your
governments or the winds of war - for it is was the straw that
broke the back of the camel… that indomitable animal of burden
that simply could no longer bear the weight of its unending
Many of you, those tuned in to Gaia, felt this in your hearts.
You knew, deep within you, that it was a turning point and we
would be foolish and ineffectual to deny it, for the events of
these volatile earth years speak for themselves.
We recognize a growing sense of
impotence taking seed within you. We read your anger and your
sense of outrage, for your growing awareness of the ecological
crisis in which you find yourselves will not let you ride this
over or look away… ignoring the significance of that particular
catastrophe and all that has emerged cacophonous - Earth’s total
geophysical disharmony.
The destruction of the Galapagos archipelago was of such
monumental importance because it was, in many ways, the final
gesture - a symbolic slap upon your hopeful faces - and it
stung… like salt in the open wound.
But still your hearts, dear ones.
You must not bend in resignation.
We and countless others of the cosmic community empathize… and
we understand your despair, for Earth’s process is of great
interest to conscious beings beyond your world and your pain
vibrates upon the heartstrings of the universe. We feel your
angst and we hear your cries of indignation. Gaia’s discord is
The call of the animals and the sound of the coral
forests choking in the blackness… these too, are vibrations
moving through us.
We embrace you, children of Gaia… our love around you. We
surround you with the strength and courage of our love and
commitment, that together we (the Light Ones of the Universe)
may understand the purpose of these destructive processes and
learn from them. This process, that of confronting the lower
emotions and then raising them for the good of the entirety, is
the higher aspect of what is taking place around you now.
It will be easier to understand the nature of these events as
you move ever closer to the moment of the great transition.
It will be easier to forgive the
destructive forces when you understand how decay serves as
preparation for the birthing of new forms. You are being tested
to the limit and we see that some of you, the awakening, fear
you are losing the way. Weighted with the suffering of your
world, you may have begun to question if the light will, indeed,
be there to guide you through the portal, but fear not.
The Light of Gaia is intensifying.
In your humanness, it is absolutely understandable that you look
upon the tentacles of black death washing over the white sands
of your hope and your dreams of utopia and feel despair - and
you are wise to mourn if that will help you purge those
defeating emotions. Know, however, that such feelings will soon
blow past you, for the clouds of Gaia’s despair have only
momentarily taken you to the doom, blocking your vision of the
path upon which your soul journeys ever upward.
You will soon be on your way again, carrying the lantern for
those who are still lost in the fog of human indifference.
Do not be afraid, children of Earth.
You are the bold pioneers and you are filled the wonder of your
purpose - the knowing that yours is a most incredible mission.
Go now.
There is much work to be done and a
great urgency.
You must move quickly… more quickly than ever before.
Let there be a clear focus.
Commit yourselves to the moment… knowing
that there is no other
knowing that the time is upon you.
We ask you to take inventory of your
methods, your intention and your resources.
We call upon you to take responsibility for every thought, every
act, every word.
And we ask that you move decisively and with absolute
determination -
speaking your truth in every moment
and space:
to be as leaders, unshakable models of integrity and the
clearest voice.
To be as teachers for the children
While laying yourselves open to their visions of the New
You do know what you’ve come here to
although life’s distractions may
have blurred your memory.
But here is the moment you knew was coming -
The time when you are being called upon for your
clarity and strength -
your ability to shine the light into the darkest corners;
your desire to rouse the sleeping from the deep;
your capacity to serve as beacons for those lost at sea.
Rally the others and help them, too, to move swiftly…
in the light of human consciousness.
Never losing sight of the fact that it is the time of the Earth
Keepers -
a time to give back what you have taken from the earth.
Go now, children of Gaia
…you are at the threshold,
ready to turn the key
ready to walk through.
The Dangers of Genetically Modified
“The beginning of the new millennium
marks a more critical phase of imbalance on your planet, of
which many of you are all well aware. The signs surround you, as
Gaia storms her rage upon the winds and waters: these are
aspects we have dealt with in the first transmissions - The
Cosmos of Soul.
Here we wish to address the question of the food supply, which (with
genetic manipulation) is becoming poisonous and
deadly to human and animal organisms… far more than ever before.
Those of you who choose to ignore this aspect, we believe, are
either uninformed or unconcerned for your personal health and
that is your free will choice to make. However, we call upon
you, units of Earth consciousness, to consider the overall
well-being of Planet Earth and the effect genetic mutation of
the food supply is having on the living beings of your world.
Then, as concerned citizens of many
nations (whose governments all serve the greater interests of
global industry), you may give more consideration to the issues
that we present here, becoming more aware of what is taking
place and more consciously involved in what you feed your
mental-emotional and physical bodies.
You may rebel, taking back the power
over your own lives, beginning with what you bring into the
physical body as nourishment of the soul.
In The Cosmos of Soul, we have given you a simple structure to
follow regarding your foods, bearing in mind that you will need
to draw as much light into the body (at the cellular level) as
possible, as you prepare for the process of evolving into light
body. This has been, until now, best achieved by ingesting a
high volume of fresh fruits and vegetables, ideally those of
organic agriculture, and the elimination of meat from the diet.
However, given what is being brewed in the laboratories of top
level industry, you must now examine with caution the quality
and the origins of the PLANT FOODS and their end products now
gracing the shelves of your favorite supermarkets.
You need to know that:
The meat supply is becoming ever
more infected; the spreading of ‘mad cow syndrome’ has moved
out of the restricted areas and across the borders; it is
spreading from species to species, from cows to sheep and
pigs. What is not infected carries growth hormones, enormous
quantities of antibiotics, and adrenal overloads, being fed
with genetically modified feed, also treated with toxic
pesticides. These you are absorbing into your bodies every
time you cut into the juicy steak, or bite into the greasy,
flavor-enhanced hamburger. Think about it.
North America leads the world in
the cultivation and wide-scale distribution of
genetically-modified foods, much of which you are unaware
that you are ingesting - for the industry clearly does not
wish to stimulate your curiosity or product-resistance.
Therefore, beware. Those who have switched from dairy and
meat to soy-based alternatives should know that over 50% of
commercially available soy products have been genetically
modified or chemically-treated, so you are wise to buy only
those which are clearly labeled organically grown.
Corn, canola, dairy and potatoes
- and their commercial end products - are the most likely
foods to have been genetically modified. Awareness of this
problem is slowly appearing in the media, but so much is
hidden from you. You will have to give more attention to the
matter, becoming far more discerning in your approach to
food preparation and consumption.
Irradiated foods are
proliferating in the supermarkets - particularly in the
produce sectors. Trust that you do not want to bring
radiation into the digestive track and that such foods do
not enhance human health. Have you considered cultivating an
organic garden? There, you will bring to your being the
nature of the food; its live elements, rather than life
prolonged by radiation!
Why must you be concerned?
The meat supply is dying - plain
and simple. You hear daily warnings about the tremendous
diseases appearing in cows, sheep, pigs and let us not
forget the disease carried in poultry; the use of rotting
duck meat - considered for the gourmets amongst you.
Aside from the metaphysical
aspect of meat in your diets, there is an ever-increasing
risk associated with ingesting meat. See if you can let it
go… see if you can let yourselves release from the darkness
of dead animal flesh once and forever.
Genetically modified foods can
cause damage to the organs and most significantly they
destroy the immune system.
The governments do not have your
best interest at heart. The political bodies serve their
‘generous’ industrial lobbyists by enacting legislation that
protects those corporate entities that would poison you in
the name of profit. Therefore, do not be complacent,
awaiting the official word from you central governments; do
not be lulled into a feeling that you are being cared for as
a people. The legislation that best serves you is that which
you enact as individuals, as families and communities.
Children are particularly
vulnerable, due to their consumption of dairy and the often
excessive consumption of processed foods - many of which are
corn or potato based. Processed cereals should be reduced
substantially, if not eliminated and chips and such snack
foods are the worst offenders. Do you care enough about the
health of your loved ones to remove these poisons from their
You see the drastic increase of
allergic children and adults. Know that genetic manipulation
increases (dramatically) the risk that the plant will
develop toxic or allergy-causing elements.
One objective of genetic
manipulation is to cause the plant to emit its own very high
levels of pesticide, with the idea to create an improved
form of pest control in agriculture. Know that the levels of
toxins being emitted are far beyond those that occur with
spraying, and that these are far more damaging to the being.
They can cause birth defects and lead to numerous
malfunctions of the physical body.
Another objective is to create
genetically altered drug producing foods. These are referred
to as ‘functional foods’. These are absolutely
counter-productive to the health of the human organism but
of great potential to the pharmaceutical industry’s profit
Genetic manipulation is
devastating to the environment; they are altering not only
the corn and soy but the entire ecosystem. The flora of
Earth know no boundaries, and the genetically altered crops
are crossing over into the others.
What can be done?
The growing resistance to Global
Industrialization has begun to demonstrate itself in various
parts of the world. Become involved. If your personal
circumstances or beliefs do not allow you to be an activist,
we do encourage you to be aware of the issues for which your
brothers and sisters stand against the Power. These warriors
are fighting for humankind, and, although there will always
be those who use such stages for their personal agendas,
most are there to represent the greater whole. Your support
will keep the Voice alive.
Wherever possible, grow your own
produce. For those who are without land, you may join
together in communal gardening projects; these are
‘sprouting up’ in various places across the globe. Contact
your local and regional community offices for information.
Investigate alternative sources
of food, such as health food stores, food cooperatives.
Contact your supermarket and
express your concerns, letting them know that you are being
forced to find an alternative to their store in search of
foods that are not genetically-modified or irradiated.
Write to your government
representatives; the louder your voice, the sooner the
response - for they need you. They need your vote in order
to hold the seats of authority.
Educate the children, bearing in
mind that they are a highly valuable target group for the
advertisers of junk foods. This means, however, that you
must create the alternatives by dedicating more time to the
selection, harvesting and preparation of truly good food.
Throw away your microwaves; they
produce enormous amounts of
electromagnetic radiation and,
by their nature, encourage the consumption of
pre-fabricated, plastic food - food that has NO NUTRITIONAL
Boycott investing in any company
that produces genetically modified crops, such as
Monsanto - one of the worst
Love yourselves and be conscious
that what you are creating on the physical plane resounds in
the ethers.
There is only so much that can be
done at the individual level.
We call you to unite as an
international force, to reverse industry’s disastrous plan for
global genetic manipulation of the produce and meat supplies of
your planet.
We call upon you to
stand for yourselves and for each other
for the plants and animals
and all the living beings
for Gaia.
you are precious - lightworkers of Earth
If not you... who then?
About Internet
“We wish to initiate these
transmissions with a brief commentary - an extra-dimensional
observation regarding the workings of this vehicle of
telecommunication: the Internet.
We have asked you to call upon your
Spirit Warriors, to create a light field around you before
entering this site, a point of connection with Sirian
consciousness. If you have not yet done so, we call upon you to
encircle yourselves in pure white light and ask that the
brilliance travel the ethers and penetrate here, increasing the
vibratory fields of the Sirian Messenger site so that all who
connect here will feel your brilliance.
Layer upon layer, within and
with-out us all, we will so join consciousness to serve the
greater body of those who, like you, have chosen this as a point
of exchange and unity.
Know that
the Internet, if used properly,
can and does serve to open your group consciousness to
information that is needed now, at this time of your preparation
for what lies ahead of you. Many are those who have brought to
you vital information regarding the
Secret Government, their covert
activities, extraterrestrial visions, cosmic events and so many
more of those fields of awareness have been facilitated through
this means.
It is no wonder that you delight in
this aspect of your progress, seeing in this electronic vehicle
a way to reach there where you have never reached before.
However, there are aspects of the Net that are insidious and
often dangerous, and we ask you to consider those as well. There
are inaudible electromagnetic frequencies cursing through the
underground cables, emanating from your screens as ‘subliminal
sounds’. Most of you are unaware of this intrusion, but it is
there, deliberately imposed upon you to create addictive
entrainment to the Net while manipulating your moods and thought
There are subliminal images as well,
things the subconscious perceives that the conscious does not.
These are
controlling, manipulative technologies which can take
your power and will from you, as they have throughout many
millennia of human civilization. We simply ask that you be aware
of this potential, setting your intention to deflect such waves.
Built into the Internet structure is a perfect tracking system
for anyone who would benefit from knowing your movements, your
contacts and interests - particularly if they go against the
dogma of conventional thought.
So be wary in your investigations of
‘sensitive’ material, remembering that you are totally
‘track-able’ and that all communications can be intercepted.
‘Secure’ sites do not exist, unless you set your intention
before entering as you have done here, where we, too, have come
with the highest intention.
Remember that your being aware of these possibilities diminishes
their impact, and so we ask that you come to all Internet
information with due circumspection and that, before journeying
in the virtual zone, you bathe yourselves in the white light,
calling in the Spirit Warriors, always affirming that whatever
you connect with is for your highest possible good. Your asking
helps maintain the integrity of our mission.
In finding new avenues of communication, we are fulfilling our
purpose of bringing you the Light of knowledge with which you
are lifting off the veil and setting yourselves free.
We celebrate the connection.
Children of Gaia, we salute you.”
Patricia Cori talks to Freedom Central
January 05, 2010
YouTube Website
Patricia Cori talks to Freedom Central for the second time in
Amsterdam after doing her DNA activation workshop. We are so proud
to be associated with this brazen warrior, a true servant of Gaia
and we hope that she will inspire you the way she inspires us.