by Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri
February 20, 2011
CarnicomInstitute Website
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WayBackMachine Website
Educator and environmental writer Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri is the
author of the highly acclaimed book, “The Uterine Crisis.”
“The Ecologist” calls this book “an inspiration.”
She is an
Associate of the Carnicom Institute. |
Part 1
February 3, 2011
January 22, was the first Chemtrails Awareness Day.(1)
For those of
us who, for years, have been researching these aerosol toxins that
continue to be sprayed on us, it was a day to redouble our efforts
once again to educate those who have not been paying attention to
the momentous changes in our skies. Just look up!
We rarely have
full days of real sunshine. Instead, now we have 20% less sun, and
mostly a blanket of artificial “clouds” filled with toxins. This is
due to illegal Weather Modification programs that have never had any
official public discussion. Our air quality, over the past 12-15
years, has declined dramatically. Do we really think we are immune
to these poisonous effects?
If one connects the dots as to how this
has affected our well being, all we need do is see how illness has
increased significantly in humans, animals, and plant life (in
short, all living things). Millions of people are getting sicker,
not better. What has happened is staggering in implications for all
life on this planet.
Yet, despite two documentaries,(2) the
important and vital research contributions of Clifford Carnicom,
various Skywatch and other citizens groups’ concerns, Dr. R. Michael
Castle’s 2007 Unified Atmospheric Preservation Act (stalled in
Congress), and possibly thousands of calls and letters to those in
charge, US public officials and agencies continue to either ignore
our real concerns or dismiss them as unfounded.
There has been
absolutely NO accountability and NO precaution. Instead, lies and
deceit abound. This cannot continue. How many more days do we want
to be poisoned?
A new preliminary draft report by
Arizona Skywatch
shows dramatic
increases in heavy metals that simply do not belong in our air.
NOTE: The level of Manganese is so shockingly high that Arizona Skywatch also included additional information about it (see below).
This report will be posted online shortly.(3)
Here are the
pre-publication results. [NOTE: the Manganese and Copper ratio.]
This is only a preliminary overview of Arizona air particulates.
2010 Air Particulates
These figures indicate how many times they are over the “allowable”
toxic limit:
Aluminum: 15.8
Antimony: 63.3 [This is not a typo]
Arsenic: 418 [This is not a typo]
Barium: 5.3
Cadmium: 6
Chromium: 6.4
Copper: 9
Iron: 43.5 [This is not a typo]
Lead: 15.7
Manganese: 513.8 [This is not a typo]
Nickel: 10.7
Zinc: 7.5
These figures show that there is no air “quality” [a word meaning:
excellence or worth], but instead there is a combination of
hazardous metals permeating the air.
These toxins do NOT belong in
the air we are breathing. In fact, if precaution were accurately
factored in, the “allowable” toxic limit should be ZERO.
Due to the extremely high level of
Manganese, Arizona Skywatch also includes
the following information on this metal:
We are looking at a few metals that are without question harmful to
health and environment, such Al [Aluminum] and Ba [Barium].
third year of air particulate collection and analysis shows lower Al
and Ba but still much higher than rated as safe. Manganese [Mn]
continues to be extremely high for 2010. The full report for 2010 is
not complete, but do not be fooled by the idea that Iron or Mn are
harmless - there are defined health impacts with high intake.
all the Manganese being ingested will be from food, fine particles
of Manganese passes through blood-brain barrier and can be
deposited. [For how this happens, see Mark Purdy’s research below.]
See 2008 and 2009 particulate report analysis
- 2010 will be
finished and posted in the coming weeks.
Manganese is a pinkish-gray, chemically active element. It is a hard
metal and is very brittle. It is easily oxidized. Manganese is
reactive when pure; and as a powder it will burn in oxygen. It
reacts with water (it rusts like iron) and dissolves in dilute
Manganese is essential to
iron and steel production. At present, steel making accounts for
85% to 90% of the total demand. Manganese is a key component of
low-cost stainless steel formulations and certain widely
used aluminum alloys. Manganese dioxide is also used as a catalyst.
Manganese is
used to decolorize glass and make violet-colored glass.
compounds that find applications are: Manganese oxide (MnO) and
Manganese carbonate (MnCO3): the first goes into fertilizers and
ceramics and the second is the starting material for making other
Manganese compounds.
Manganese in the environment
Manganese is one of the most abundant metals in soils, where it
occurs as oxides and hydroxides, and it cycles through its various
oxidation states.
Manganese occurs principally as pyrolusite (MnO2),
and to a lesser extent as rhodochrosite (MnCO3).
More than
25-million tons are mined every year, representing 5-million tons of
the metal, and reserves are estimated to exceed 3-billion tons of
the metal.
The main mining areas for Manganese ores are South
Africa, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Gabon, and Australia. Manganese is
an essential element for all species. Some organisms, such as
diatoms, mollusks and sponges, accumulate Manganese.
Fish can have
up to 5 ppm and mammals up to 3 ppm in their tissue, although
normally they have around 1 ppm.
Health effects of manganese
Manganese is a very common compound that can be found everywhere on
Manganese is one out of three toxic essential trace elements,
which means that it is not only necessary for humans to survive, but
it is also toxic when too-high concentrations are present in a human
When people do not live up to the recommended
daily allowances, their health will decrease. But when the uptake is
too high, health problems will also occur. The uptake of Manganese
by humans mainly takes place through food, such as spinach, tea, and
The foodstuffs that contain the highest concentrations are,
grains and rice
olive oil
green beans
After absorption in the human body Manganese will be
transported through the blood to the liver, the kidneys, the
pancreas, and the endocrine glands. Manganese effects occur mainly
in the respiratory tract and in the brain. Symptoms
of Manganese poisoning are hallucinations, forgetfulness and nerve
Manganese can also cause,
lung embolism
When men are exposed to Manganese for a long period of
time, they may become impotent. A syndrome that is caused by
Manganese has symptoms such as schizophrenia, dullness, weak
muscles, headaches, and insomnia.
Because Manganese is an essential
element for human health, shortages of Manganese can also cause
health effects [and include]:
Chronic Manganese poisoning may result from prolonged inhalation of
dust and fumes. The Central Nervous System [CNS] is the chief site
of damage from the disease, which may result in permanent
Symptoms include:
emotional disturbances
spastic gait
recurring leg cramps
[AUTHOR NOTE: How many people who have caused “public”
disturbances and/or have “behavioral outbursts” are actually
suffering from environmental chemical brain injury due to poisoning
from heavy metals or other toxic chemicals, but are being treated
like criminals? ISP]
A high incidence of pneumonia and other upper
respiratory infections has been found in workers exposed to dust or
fumes of Manganese compounds.
Manganese compounds are experimental
equivocal tumorigenic agents.
Environmental effects of manganese
Manganese compounds exist naturally in the environment as solids in
the soils and small particles in the water.
Manganese particles in
air are present in dust particles. These usually settle to earth
within a few days. Humans enhance Manganese concentrations in the
air by industrial activities and through burning fossil fuels.
Manganese that derives from human sources can also enter surface
water, groundwater, and sewage water.
Through the application of
Manganese pesticides, Manganese will enter soils. For animals,
Manganese is an essential component of over 36 enzymes that are used
for the carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism. With animals that
eat too little Manganese, interference of normal growth, bone
formation, and reproduction will occur.
For some animals, the lethal
dose is quite low, which means they have little chance to survive
even smaller doses of Manganese when these exceed the essential
dose. Manganese substances can cause lung, liver and vascular
disturbances, declines in blood pressure, failure in development of
animal fetuses, and brain damage.
When Manganese uptake takes place
through the skin, it can cause tremors and coordination failures.
Finally, laboratory tests with test animals have shown that severe
Manganese poisoning should even be able to cause tumor development
with animals. In plants, Manganese ions are transported to the
leaves after uptake from soils. When too little Manganese can be
absorbed from the soil this causes disturbances in plant mechanisms.
For instance disturbance of the division of
water to
hydrogen and
in which Manganese plays an important part.
Manganese can cause both
toxicity and deficiency symptoms in plants. When the pH of the soil
is low, Manganese deficiencies are more common. Highly toxic
concentrations of Manganese in soils can cause swelling of cell
walls, withering of leaves, and brown spots on leaves. Deficiencies
can also cause these effects.
Between toxic concentrations and
concentrations that cause deficiencies a small area of
concentrations for optimal plant growth can be detected. [Please
watch for this posting soon on
Arizona Skywatch.]
In addition to this information by Arizona Skywatch, there is also
the important, but little-known independent scientific research done
by the late Mark Purdy.
He spent decades investigating, tracking,
and testing soils around the world for heavy metals and what happens
when human intervention changes the earth’s natural metals balance.
Purdy, who was also a devoted organic farmer, showed that the
toxicity of organophosphate compounds used in the UK as sheep-dip
pesticides were linked to the BSE [Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy]
He also documented that Manganese particles in the air
come from both natural geological sources AND military munitions,
sonic [jet planes] and/or electromagnetic stimuli, and,
“metallic nano-clusters” or nanoparticles [such as nano-particles of fiber
coated Aluminum found in Chemtrails] “provide the driving force”
that explain “the underlying mechanism which promotes the… pathology
of TSEs.” (4)
Purdy documented that a high dose of Manganese and the
resultant low dose of Copper [see ArizonaSkywatch figures above] may
be the cause of BSE and other forms gathered under the nomenclature
TSEs [Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy].
This also includes
the human form of TSEs, variant
Creuzfeldt-Jakob Disease [often
knows as vCJD]. His independent research is persuasive.
Purdy notes:
Intensive exposures to natural and artificial sources of infrasonic
acoustic shockwaves (tectonic disturbances, supersonic turbojets,
etc.) have been observed in ecosystems supporting mammalian
populations blighted by clusters of traditional and new variant
strains of TSEs.
But TSEs will only emerge in those
‘infrasound-rich’ environments which are simultaneously predisposed
to specific environmental factors that induce a high Manganese (Mn)
low Copper (Cu)/low zinc (Zn) ration in brains of local mammalian
Purdy cites three issues that were responsible for the epidemic
outbreak of BSE in the UK:
Copper chelating insecticides
Intense infrashock waves from turbojet aircraft (which metamorphoses
the atomic structure of Manganese) and causes the third issue
Once Manganese changes, due to this shock, a “sleeping prion” comes
into the scene to create havoc
He also writes:
“the so-called
‘infectivity’ of the prion is a misnomer and should be correctly
defined as the magnetic/’reactive’ free-radical generating capacity
of the Mn 3+ component of the prion.” (6)
TSE diseases are caused by
prions - the body’s proteins that fold abnormally
- and corrupt the
surrounding molecules.
Purdy further notes that there are,
“numerous flaws in the
conventional consensus on the origins of BSE…[and] environmental
perspectives of TSEs [were] entirely excluded by research programs
to date [2002] …An impartial study of the epidemiology of BSE/vCJD
suggests that the conventional consensus on the origins of BSE/vCJD
is severely flawed.” (7)
The erroneous news reported internationally
was that these so-called BSE cows became infected from eating feed
with parts of dead sheep who were infected with
reported in 1985, by 1993 35,533 were reported to have mad-cow
disease, aka BSE.
NOTE: In the UK, about 6-million cows born before
1994 were slaughtered. BSE was not tracked in the US. This is yet
another governmental failure: what isn’t tracked, then isn’t a
How does the increasing use of the secret
HAARP arrays around the
world (not just in Alaska) link to the causes and increases in TSEs?
HAARP can be included in what Purdy calls “tectonic disturbances.”
These have also been on a significant rise over the past decade.
Also, how do the Weather-Modified ELF artificial clouds link to
these neurodegenerative diseases that also include ALS [Amyotrophic
Lateral Sclerosis, also known as Lou Gherig’s Disease, and
Parkinson’s Disease]?
Purdy also notes that TSEs:
can be linked to a solar charged battery on continuous charge; where
the Mn [Manganese] contaminated/Cu [Copper] depleted circadian
pathways absorb and pile up, rather than conducting the vital life
force energies of incoming ultra-violet, acoustic and geomagnetic
Instead of harnessing these energies for the body’s own
biorhythmic requirements, an infrasonic shock induced metamorphosis
of the Mn atom intervenes; initiating an explosive free-radical
mediated pathogenesis that perverts the healthy pathways of sound
and light; Cu prions are replaced by ‘hyperpolarized’ Mn prions that
seed self perpetuating ‘cluster bombs’ of radical mediated
neurodegeneration. TSE ensues.(8)
Mark Purdy was awarded the 1997 Nobel Prize for his discoveries. His
research has been confirmed by Auburn University (see reference 4).
How many more people in cities, towns, communities around the US,
North and South America, Europe, and Australia are breathing air
every day that is so hazardous to our very survival? Given our daily
and deadly chemical, heavy metals, hormone disruption and ELF/plasma
exposure, we must completely revise the so-called “official
allowable toxic limit” for humans and other living things.
mentioned above, these “limits” should be ZERO.
We must have accurate information. With our current exposure on
complete overload, we simply cannot wait more months or years. In
fact, what do we think we are waiting for?
In many parts of the US,
the Chemtrails assault appears to have intensified over the past two
Just look at the artificially induced crazed weather around
the US just during this past month: The temperature in Texas was
0-degrees yesterday; and whatever “white stuff” is falling from the
skies throughout New England is not snow that looks anything like
what used to fall 15 years ago.
This white material smells full of
The Chemtrails-Weather Modification [read:
situation is now far past critical.
How many people have had their air tested for these metals by a
reputable independent lab [with no government ties]?
How many of the
millions of people who love to garden have tested their soils?
the robins return in the Spring, will they be pulling heavily-pesticided
and Manganese-infested worms (part of the web of life and our food
chain) out of the ground to eat?
What other
mass bird-deaths might
[Note: a well-known scientist told me that the recent mass
bird and fish deaths were caused by man-made scalar activity. Their
deaths were not natural.]
It is now essential that, over a short
period of time, we make a collective effort to get samples tested
around the country. Resources can be pooled.
Other things that could
also be included for analysis are,
biological materials (molds,
fungi, viruses)
EDB [Ethylene dibromide]
possibly radioactive uranium, thorium, and strontium
We can then
have a clear picture of the extent of the damage to which we are
subjected. For our SAFETY, this is now of the utmost urgency.
Standard blood tests do not show up heavy metals poisoning. However,
a simple hair analysis can detect heavy metals, so people have a
base from which to determine their own risks. This hair analysis can
even be done for your pets. Many toxic chemicals and heavy metals
have overlapping and similar poisoning symptoms. So, it is always
important to consult your primary health care provider.
The only
problem there is that most physicians have little-to-no-training in
environmental medicine, or the effects of these omnipresent poisons,
or how to treat them. This is now in abundant evidence with the
mega-crisis situation in the Gulf of
There are not enough doctors who really know how to deal
with this epic catastrophe caused by the mixture of
lethal Corexit
dispersants, crude oil, and Chemtrails.
Doctors Without Borders and
the American Academy of Environmental Medicine both have been
silent. This is reprehensible. Around the Gulf, hospitals are
overwhelmed. This is an unprecedented brew of poisons.
depending upon the extent of medical issues, it is possible to detox
from heavy metal poisoning - provided this toxic aerosol assault
Since the new millennium began, there has been a concerted and
sped-up effort to destroy decades of environmental laws that had
been enacted to protect us.
We now have corporations running our
country into the ground with the help of “public” officials whose
salaries come from our taxes. This is done with the cooperation of
news media that hardly do either any investigative journalism or
truthful reporting. We now need this so urgently; and it is
essential to our very continued existence.
Mainstream news is
distracting “spin” but certainly not real news. This is especially
relevant, as it concerns our less well-educated younger generations
who do not have accurate news input, or often the ability to analyze
issues, and/or think critically. They are constantly on their cell
phones and oblivious to much else.
Here, too, there is abundant
documentation and scientific reports of
the brain damage done by
daily cell phone use.
Brain cancer, once rare, is now on a steep
The following are additional important issues relating to Chemtrails.
This Haz-Mats [hazardous materials] assault has now created multiple
illnesses, dramatic increases in chronic respiratory and coronary
illnesses (now the leading cause of death in the US), and cancers.
Two weeks ago, Becky, the sister of a friend, died from cancer.
brother told me:
“Becky was a very forgiving person and one thing
she taught me, by the example in her life, is how to give grace to
She was young, and her death is another needless tragedy.
Over the past five years, how many more of the people whom you love,
or in your own circle of friends, have died prematurely? These are
our own private sorrows WRIT LARGE!
There is no government
precaution or accountability, little in the way of safe corporate
practices [the latest is BP, called “Beyond Prosecution”], and no
concept of prevention. All of this plays out in the toxins that
envelop us 24/7/365, year in and year out, to wreck our lives and
immune systems.
The higher the particulate matter in our air, the more illness we
have; and, due to this, obviously, the higher the death rate is.
Particulate matter,
“represents a complex class of air pollutants
that differ from other gaseous air pollutants (e.g., ozone). The
transport and effect of particulate matter, both in the atmosphere
and in the human respiratory tract, are governed principally by
particulate size, shape, and density.” (9)
Many of the air pollutants
are found in Chemtrails, as seen from the ArizonaSkywatch report
above. All these environmental links to illnesses and deaths have
been documented countless times.
Morgellons, unknown 15 years ago and now linked to Chemtrails, has
now affected possibly millions of people.(10) [More evidence on this
will be in Part 2, forthcoming.]
The polymer filaments that have
been found over many years repeatedly in the air, collected, and
examined under high power microscopes, are the same filaments also
found in human blood, saliva, skin, ear, and dental samples of those
afflicted with Morgellons.
Environmental Protection Agency whose
duty it is to “protect human health and the environment” has refused
to examine samples sent. Repeatedly, the EPA has failed in its
mission (not just on this issue, but on many others).
I would refer
all readers to Clifford Carnicom’s “Aerosols and Morgellons: A
Systems Perspective.” March 23, 2009:

This gives a brilliant overview and shows these connections from the
aerosol assault to which we are exposed all the time.
Our Thinking
is Impaired
Brain damage from numerous kinds of daily chemical injury is also on
a steep increase.
I would also refer readers to the ground-breaking
work of Dr. Kaye H. Kilburn on
Chemical Brain Injury. Millions
(possibly billions) of tons of
nano-particles of fiber-coated
aluminum are part of the Chemtrails mix, and the military has
admitted to using it, calling it “chaff.” (11)
It is well know that
Aluminum causes cognitive impairment and brain damage. It takes
years for this damage to become evident. During this time, it works
its slow, but insidious, destruction on the brain. But, even in the
beginning, muddle-thinking is noticeable.
Why are so many people
acting odd? Many more people appear to have a very short fuse.
do our children have an epidemic of ADD, ADHD?
Why are so many of
our young children on long-term prescription drugs for
behavioral/cognitive troubles?
Why are millions of adults on years
of anti-depressant drugs?
In our human history, all this is
Dangerous vaccine ingredients, including thimerosal
[mercury] also play a part.
What are all these drugs doing to our
society’s “collective” functioning?
In addition, what are all the
heavy metals, that target brain function that we are breathing
daily, also doing to our ability to think clearly?
drugs/vaccines/chemicals/heavy metals give corporations record
profits, but often at our expense.
We need to address prevention and
precaution; but that would cut into corporate profits. A company’s
bottom line is money, not our wellbeing. But we are the one’s
purchasing their products that keeps them in business.
Over these many years of being poisoned,
How does the possibly
synergistic interaction of Aluminum, Manganese, and Mercury affect
the brain and cognitive function?
How do cell-phone use, Wi-Fi,
daily computer use, and changes wrought by HAARP-induced
Electro-Magnetic Frequency [EMF] also affect our ability to think
We MUST DEMAND real answers to these vital questions!
However, we will never get answers from those in charge, because
they are the ones harming us.
How does breathing plasma and Chemtrails daily affect our functioning? All of this is a massive
assault on our bodies.
What happens to a fetus, as it is conceived,
with all these dangers surrounding nine months of pregnancy, while
the brain is forming and growing?
What happens to our DNA with this
kind of multi-pronged chemical and electrical assault?
What happens
to our young babies, toddlers, and youngsters who have this toxic
input from conception on?
Millions of youngsters carry cell phones
with them all the time; and all the while they are breathing a Chemtrails assortment of poisons. “Our Stolen Future” (by Dr. Theo
Colburn et al.) addressed the chemical hormone disrupting aspect of
some of what is happening; and it is essential reading.
But this
book was written before the Chemtrails/Weather Modification/HAARP/Geoengineering
attack on us was in full swing.
Three things are very obvious:
Human attention span has dropped dramatically
People are very forgetful
Short term memory has been affected
For many people, thinking and thought processes are very difficult
issues to contemplate or even discuss.
No one wants to be told that
s/he is not thinking clearly. Even if there are scientific data to
support this, this concept goes to the very heart of who we think we
are! It is not you. It is the result of what is being done to all of
us! However, it is easier to attack the messenger, than comprehend
the enormity of military/government involvement - especially since
nothing is reported by mainstream controlled news.
It is easier to
dismiss valid information, or be on the defensive, rather than take
personal responsibility for critical issues that already are
detrimentally affecting our lives.
Citizenship requires accurate
knowledge, participation, and vigilance. Shoppers or couch potatoes
are not citizens.
All of the bogus media
trivia/advertising/DVDs/movies/societal violence are deliberate
distractions from the serious and urgent issues affecting our lives.
This also goes to the core of what we think this nation is all
about. Some people simply refuse to go there.
Anyone who is
emotionally or intellectually “shut down,” or in denial that there
is any problem, or refuses even to consider new ideas, is already at
an enormous deficit. They are set in their ways and function on
automatic pilot, even if these behaviors are injurious to their own
Understanding who we are and what makes us “tick” all require
contemplative time and the ability to think critically. In the chaos
this deliberately caused Depression, when millions of us are out
of work, lost our homes, and/or are quite ill, when war and violence
are the only things making money, and the police have illegally
become an invasive military presence, who has time to THINK?
However, if these issues are ever to be addressed, then we must be
willing to re-evaluate what we think we know, based on reliable new
information. Our window for change is now very small.
If more of us are having trouble thinking clearly, due to what we
are breathing and eating, how can we conduct our lives in a safe
manner or act intelligently on important decisions that affect our
lives? To begin to change this requires personal courage, stamina,
and fortitude. It is also a known fact that neuronal brain synapses
have to be created when someone wants to try something new.
repeated and continuous practice, over a period of time, these new synaptical brain connections are created. Then we feel comfortable,
because we have these brand-new pathways in the brain that help us
to feel okay, relaxed, and at ease. This is the physiological base.
It can be compared with practicing the piano, or learning to dance.
With repeated daily practice, scales become easier to do, dance
steps become familiar. Then we can play a new tune or learn more
complicated dance steps. Then it’s fun to do. A person no longer
feels un-easy, because mastery is a new part of who that person is.
We all have the capability to do this.
Another dangerous ingredient found in numerous Chemtrails samples is
Ethylene dibromide (EDB). It is highly toxic.
It was used in leaded
gasoline and “extensively as a soil and post-harvest fumigant for
crops and a quarantine fumigant for citrus and tropical fruits and
vegetables” until it was found in ground water and some grains.(11)
Why should our farmers have to use such deadly fumigants? It makes
no rational sense.
These toxic products are for corporate profits,
nothing else. In healthy soil, companion planting keeps insects
away. However, people have bought into marketing and sales gimmicks,
and promotional lies. High-level exposure to EDB can affect and
damage the heart, kidneys, liver, and can cause respiratory tract
infections and pneumonia. EDB is also a desiccant. It dries up our
mucosal tissues and skin (causing severe itching, redness, swelling,
and cracked skin that is slow to heal).
How many people notice how
especially dry their skin is this Winter? EDB is persistent in our
soils. It is mutagenic and carcinogenic. It also has been shown to
lower sperm count.(12)
Here are some recent US annual figures for 2009: (13)
Coronary Deaths: 616,067. In 2009, 785,000 Americans had a
coronary attack. This
is now the leading cause of death in the US.
Cancer Deaths: 562,875
Brain Cancer: 22,070 new cases diagnosed in 2009.
Respiratory illnesses (bronchitis, asthma, COPD, and CLRD, the
abbreviation for Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease) are the fourth
leading cause of death in the US. In 2007, 9.9-million Americans
were diagnosed with chronic bronchitis and 4.9 million had
emphysema. More than 20-million Americans now live with asthma; and
127,952 have CLRD.
From my own decades of on-going research on women’s reproductive
illnesses, these too have increased dramatically.
Twenty years ago,
women did not have trouble conceiving. Today, this is a major issue
for both women and men. How do staggering high rates of Manganese or EDB’s toxicity figure into this? US women also have the highest rate
in the world of hysterectomies.
Why? It is not simply a one-issue
problem. It is rather an assortment of numerous poisons (including
heavy metals and chemical hormone disruption) that are now
ubiquitous in our environment. How they act synergistically is not
part of most research. Our soil, water, and air are now all highly
Therefore, a deadly chemical brew that affects our
Immune and Central Nervous Systems constantly surrounds our every
move. Sleeping or waking, indoors or out, these poisons continue to
take a heavy toll on all living things.
For those of us who have chosen an “organic” lifestyle (both in food
and other daily necessities), the term “organic” no longer exists.
Today, the only difference between “organic” and regular food, is
that no pesticides or other chemicals are supposed to be used.
when one factors in all the millions of tons of Chemtrails heavy
metals in the air falling regularly on these crops, organics are now
poisoned along with everything else in the entire food chain.
many millions of people are spending the extra money to have an
apparently safer food supply that really doesn’t exist anymore?
isn’t the entire organic community helping to get the word out about
They could be a powerful source for leadership to help stop
this assault.
Regrettably, and an obvious enormous betrayal, is the news this past
week that several major organic business have,
“decided it's time to
surrender to
Monsanto. Top executives from these companies have
publicly admitted that they no longer oppose the mass
commercialization of GE crops, such as Monsanto's controversial
Roundup Ready alfalfa, and are prepared to sit down and cut a deal
for ‘coexistence’ with Monsanto and USDA biotech cheerleader Tom Vilsack.” (14)
Who was paid off? There is no “co-existence” with
these poisoned Genetically Engineered crops. They contaminate
everything else.
There are 25,000 “organic” farms and ranches
involved. How many more people will get cancer from the deadly
Genetically Engineered herbicides used and toxic “edible”(sic)
plants grown in this poisoned soil? Where is there any healthy,
well-balanced soil when there is a daily Chemtrails barrage above
and GMOs below?
We are in between this.
One of the best online resources for up-to-date GE information and
the scientific evidence for the extensive damage Genetically
Modified Organisms [GMOs] continue to cause is the London-based
Institute of Science in Society [ISIS].
Mae-wan Ho, the Director of ISIS, has written several books on the
dangers of GMOs.
F. William Engdahl’s “Seeds of Destruction” is also
an excellent book to find out what the corporations are doing to
control all seed production world-wide and destroy our web of life.
None of these companies have our safety in their corporate
practices. It’s all about high profits at any cost along with grave
harm to all of us.
We have been sold out again in some nasty
back-room deal.
When are we going to wake up and realized that we do
have enormous and untapped consumer power?
In addition, high-tech “Star Trek” type instruments surround our
every move. From
cell phones and their towers, Wi-Fi, and
Added to this horrific brew also are illegal and criminal military
uses of
Depleted Uranium on civilians, and the Gulf of Mexico’s
nine-month attack under the deadly Corexit dispersant (now carried
on the winds around our planet) mixed with Chemtrails, and other
carcinogenic chemicals.
Our immune systems and our lives are under
chronic siege! Anyone living anywhere near the Gulf of Mexico is
already at life risk. The natural functioning of our immune systems
has been severely compromised and damaged. Despite national and
international laws that supposedly forbid the use of these assorted
dangers on humans, nothing has been done to stop any of this.
continue to be uninformed experimental laboratory animals for secret
agendas by imbedded Trojan horses that are causing all of us
extreme, but often invisible, harm every day. In humankind’s entire
history, there has never been such an environmental toxic assault on
As I have written numerous times:
Invisible technology, or the
chemicals we don’t see (but are breathing and eating), doesn’t mean
we are safe.
None of this is sustainable for life on our planet.
Certainly not for our children and grandchildren.
It is possible not to shop at any company that harms us.
Why should
we support them with our hard-earned money (and its increasing
shrinking power)?
Do we want to continue to get sucked into a
completely broken system that does not value anything but
destruction and war?
Just look at all the social services that are
being continuously cut to the bone, while the behemoth military
budget is the largest in our history.
All our social services are
being gutted.
Global Research reported on January 18 that “Obama may
Cut Social Security.” (16)
Do we get it? Everything else, that once
made ours a shinning example to other countries, is being
deliberately destroyed by those in charge. These economic and
environmental crises are no accident. They are planned.
We must now join together in a concerted effort to collect evidence
across the country. Get your air, soil, water, and snow tested by a
reputable independent lab for heavy metals, biological components,
and polymers. Put samples in clean (sterilized) glass jars, not
plastic. (More information on this will be posted very shortly.)
None of these things belong in the air we breathe! Once, we were
part of a wonderfully inter-connected harmony of all living things.
Our gorgeous “blue marble” is our only home. We cannot let this
destruction continue. If we value what is left of our lives and
those whom we love, this must be stopped!
In ancient Greece, the
Earth was represented by the Goddess
Gaia, Mother Earth. She is now
under daily and chronic siege by those in charge; and we are an
integral part of this horrific assault. For malevolent and secret
agendas, they have created havoc and done nothing but continue to
put us all in harm’s way.
Look up at the sky! Really look. Smell the air. Can you take a deep
breath, without coughing or choking? None of this is natural. None
of this was made by Mother Nature.
We, the citizens of this planet,
must begin to take a new and safe direction.
Now, it must be in our
February 6, 2011
Weather Modification Evidence
There is a brand new YouTube posted on
Feb. 2, of radar verifying that HAARP was involved with the intense,
freakish Winter storms that covered two-thirds of the US last week.
Another storm is due the weekend of Feb. 5-6.
Here are some photos and commentary on
these storms from London’s The Daily Mail (Feb. 4):
America braces for NEW snowstorms as country
digs out from 'bomb scene' blizzard of ice and snow and
NASA photos.
For those readers unfamiliar with what HAARP is and what it does,
there are two excellent books:
Both of these are essential reading.
Special thanks: to Dr. R. Michael Castle for his continued sharing
of research and illuminating conversations, and also to Bridget
Colman Conroy, Arizona Skywatch. I urge readers to check out these
references below.
1. See: http://aircrap.org/world-chemtrail-awareness-day-january-22-2011/33385
2. Two DVD documentaries have been produced: “Chemtrails: Aerosol
Crimes” available at www.carnicom.com; and “What in the World Are
They Spraying”: www.youtube.com/watch?v=-K9rXydMmfw
3. See. www.arizonaskywatch.com.
Results for 2008 and 2009 air toxins are available at:
4. Mark Purdy. “Auburn university research substantiates the
hypothesis that metal microcrystal nucleators initiate the
pathogenesis of TSEs.” Medical Hypotheses. Vol. 66 (2006): 197.
5. Mark Purdy. “The Manganese Loaded/Copper Depleted Bovine Brain
Fails to Neutralise Incoming Shock Bursts of Low Frequency
Infrasound. The origins of BSE?” J. of Cattle Practice (J. of the
British Cattle Veterinary Assn.) Vo. 10, Pt., 4 (2002): 311-335.
6. Purdy. See reference #5 above, p.1.
7.Purdy. See reference #5 above, p. 2.
8. Purdy. See reference #5 above, p. 2.
9. Yip, Fuyuen Y., et al. “Unhealthy Air Quality - United States,
2006-2009.” Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Report (MMWR): www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/su6001a5.htm?s_cid=su6001a5_e&source=govdelivery
10. See Clifford Carnicom’s articles: “Morgellons: An Environmental
Source”: Dec. 14, 2009: www.carnicom.com/epa11.htm and “Morgellons:
Pathogens and the General Population.” April 9, 2008:
www.carnicom.com/morgobs6.htm More information will be forthcoming
in another article.
11. “Effects of Navy chaff release on aluminum levels in the
Chesapeake Bay.” PubMed. US National Library of Medicine. June 2002: www.ncbi.nl.nih.gov/pubmed/12061831
12. “Ethylene dibromide (EDB) Toxicity.” Extension Toxicology
Network. Cornell, Michigan State, and Oregon State Universities, and
UC Davis. http://pmep.cce.cornell.edu/profiles/extoxnet/dienochlor-glyphosate/ethylene-dibromide-ext.html
13. Leading Causes of Death. Centers for Disease Control:
www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/lcod.htm According to the CDC “every 25 seconds, an American will have a
coronary event.” See: “February is American Heart Month.”
For asthma statistics see: www.asthmacapitals.com
14. Ronnie Cummins. “The Organic Elite Surrenders to Monsanto: What
Now?” Organic Consumers Assn. Jan. 27, 2011: www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_22449.cfm
15. Fred Banks. HAARP: Secret weapon for weather modification,
electromagnetic warfare?” Jan. 21, 2011:
16. Sahil Kapur. “Obama may cut Social Security.” Global Research.
Jan. 18, 2011: www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=22847