by Dan Winter
GoldenMean Website
We have always known the root of all religions (Father of all
religions - abRAham, RA is our Anunnaki ancestors lineage of Enki)
was a single family lineage.
We explored how the
Anunnaki names for
their leading
NINE - became the names for God in most of Earth's
religions. But the true politics of religion is actually HOW you teach the
hygiene for bliss that CAN make your memory immortal.
Here is the
It is simple really: learn to be
fractal and phase conjugate enough to attract the biologic charge
called "GRACE" and you WILL take memory thru death - and BECOME the
Since we have such a GOOD handle on the hygiene (which basically
turns religious language into a simple science which teaches the
physics of bliss) - let us finish the story by fixing the HISTORY.
The history is now clear - while the Christians were clearly up to
their waists in the blood of the Muslims they murdered BEFORE the
other way around - actually, the KArma goes further back.
The real start, is a bloodline (the Seraphim - Uru/Dragon) had a
genetic problem... (see below video)
AND their representative (yes the SAME secret agent) name GABRIEL,
came and announced some necessary hygiene measures to:
The Christians (Mary spoke to Gabriel)
The Mormons (Joseph Smith spoke to Gabriel)
The Muslims ( Muhammed spoke to Gabriel).
So... who were these Seraphim whose message Gabriel brought to ALL
religions? What is the story? Where do we fit in??
The simple conclusion is that ALL the religions have the same
source: The hygiene information for how we immortalize our Biologic
(DNA) Energy fields!
There is a certain stage in
the Anunnaki tales, when we are informed
repeatedly that our gene-pool has been saved (Enki did love his
kids)... by the Lucid Dreaming star ancestor named GALZU. We suspect he was of the Ophanim, Bird Tribe (Enki's
Paa Taal line).
The fun question is: what made him suspect
that OUR gene-pool was SO important and worth saving - that we might
BE the vaccine to those nasty Orion Wars (Hint: Empire Strikes
.. kids this is even MORE fun than STAR WARS!!!
And you ARE the hero
when YOU choose to ignite your DNA with the (microchloridians) of
your own BLISS.
This FILM SERIES (below) is the most extensive and vibrant synthesis
ever released of the real extra-terrestrial history of our gene-pool.
Beautifully synthesizing into a compelling narrative -
Montauk, Dan's own research - and detailed biologic
memories of numerous global researchers, fitting perfectly the
works (set after the Anunnaki arrived on Earth) of
and many others...
The reading material for with these presentations,
is Dan Winter's world's largest and most synthesized library on
How do we use this history of the UR - Seraphim Dragon Blood lines
to heal religion wars?
Let us look of the origin of the Q'UR-AN. We recently learned much
more about who the UR are, we have long known who the An line is
(AN as in AN-unaki is generally interpreted to mean "Sun God" or
Solar being - see the film...). We know their alphabet is a genetic
DNA programming electric field symmetry sequencing software.
We know
that Gabriel - who narrated the Q'UR-AN to Muhammed - was offering
the genetic hygiene wisdom of the Seraphim bloodline, as he did to
Joseph Smith, of the Mormons.
The KAtholics are clear, that Gabriel
is the communicator with Mary. We know that the Seraphim Draco
apologized for creating both the Christian and Muslim religions -
for the same (hygiene instruction) purpose - only to realize too
late, the result was mostly mass murder. (Here is the moment when
the Draco Seraphim first had their genetic disaster:
We even know, that the well documented Kundalini like seizures that
Muhammed, experienced in chatting with Gabriel, are the classic
symptoms of mind meld with the Assa Uru queens... the REAL Baphomet
or SKULL TOUCH. Today's Indiana Jones interest in crystal skulls... (more history next time on that)... is about
genetic memory of the
fall of the skull touch, ability quite linked to the genetic fall
of the Nephalim, from the Seraphim URu line.
We must assume that
Galzu, who was clearly responsible for saving Enki's genetic experiment here (see why WE are the vaccine in the
URion wars - in the film - below) - must represent the Ophanim Paa
Taal ancestry of Enki's mother.
"Galzu was a real mysterious
guy... even the Anunnaki had no idea who he was... he could enter Enki's dream and gave a design of a boat (KA?) which could sustain
So to understand the URigens of the Ophanim and Seraphim genetic
history in URion - and restore your aURa, with full phase conjugate
fractal genetic memory - we must phase conjugate into oneness - the
following hURstURy stURy ...
Part 1
Note: first
18 seconds about have problem's sound...
Part 2
"Angels Exist!"
For video, click above