by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger
Spanish version
January 24, 2010
NaturalNews Website
In the world of medicine, "skeptics" claim to be the sole
protectors of intellectual truth.
Everyone who disagrees with them is just
a quack, they insist. Briefly stated, "skeptics" are in favor of
vaccines, mammograms, pharmaceuticals and chemotherapy. They are
opponents of nutritional supplements, herbal medicine, chiropractic
care, massage therapy, energy medicine, homeopathy, prayer and
therapeutic touch.
But there's much more that you need to know about "skeptics." As
you'll see below, they themselves admit they have no consciousness
and that there is no such thing as a soul, a spirit or a higher
There is no life after death. In fact,
there's not much life in life when you're a skeptic.
What skeptics
really believe
I thought it would be interesting to find out exactly what
"skeptics" actually believe, so I did a little research and pulled
this information from various "skeptic" websites.
What I found will make you crack up
laughing so hard that your abs will be sore for a week.
Take a look...
Skeptics believe that ALL
vaccines are safe and
effective (even if they've never been tested), that ALL
people should be vaccinated, even against their will, and
that there is NO LIMIT to the number of vaccines a person
can be safely given. So injecting all children with, for
example, 900 vaccines all at the same time is believed to be
perfectly safe and "good for your health."
Skeptics believe that
fluoride chemicals derived
from the scrubbers of coal-fired power plants are really
good for human health. They're so good, in fact, that they
should be dumped into the water supply so that everyone is
forced to drink those chemicals, regardless of their current
level of exposure to fluoride from other sources.
Skeptics believe that many
six-month-old infants need antidepressant drugs. In fact,
they believe that people of all ages can be safely given an
unlimited number of drugs all at the same time:
Antidepressants, cholesterol drugs, blood pressure drugs,
diabetes drugs, anti-anxiety drugs, sleeping drugs and more
- simultaneously!
Skeptics believe that the human
body has no ability to defend itself against invading
microorganism and that the only things that can save people
from viral infections are vaccines.
Skeptics believe that pregnancy
is a disease and childbirth is a medical crisis. (They are
opponents of natural childbirth.)
Skeptics do not believe in
hypnosis. This is especially hilarious since they are all
prime examples of people who are easily hypnotized by
mainstream influences.
Skeptics believe that there is
no such thing as human
consciousness. They do not
believe in the mind; only in the physical brain. In fact,
skeptics believe that they themselves are mindless
automatons who have no free will, no soul and no
consciousness whatsoever.
Skeptics believe that DEAD foods
have exactly the same nutritional properties as LIVING foods
Skeptics believe that pesticides
on the crops are safe,
genetically modified foods
are safe, and that any chemical food additive approved by
the FDA is also safe. There is no advantage to buying
organic food, they claim.
Skeptics believe that water has
no role in human health other than basic hydration.
Water is inert, they
say, and the water your toilet is identical to water from a
natural spring (assuming the chemical composition is the
same, anyway).
Skeptics believe that all the
phytochemicals and nutrients found in ALL plants are inert,
having absolutely no benefit whatsoever for human health.
(The ignorance of this intellectual position is
Skeptics believe that the Moon
has no influence over life on Earth. Farming in sync with
Moon cycles is just superstition, they say. (So why are the
cycles of life for insects, animals and humans tied to the
moon, then?)
Skeptics believe that
the SUN has no role in
human health other than to cause skin cancer. They
completely deny any healing abilities of light.
Skeptics believe that Mother
Nature is incapable of synthesizing medicines. Only drug
companies can synthesize medicines, they claim. (So why do
they copy molecules from nature, then?)
Skeptics do not believe in
intuition. They believe that mothers cannot "feel" the
emotions of their infants at a distance. They write off all
such "psychic" events as mere coincidence.
Skeptics believe that all
healing happens from the outside, from doctors and technical
interventions. They do not believe that patients have any
ability to heal themselves. Thus, they do not ascribe any
responsibility for health to patients. Rather, they believe
that doctors and technicians are responsible for your
health. Anyone who dismisses doctors and takes charge of
their own health is therefore acting "irresponsibly," they
Skeptics believe that
cell phone radiation poses
absolutely no danger to human health. A person can be
exposed to unlimited cell phone radiation without any damage
Skeptics believe that
aspartame and artificial
chemical sweeteners can be consumed in unlimited quantities
with no ill effects.
Skeptics believe that human
beings were born deficient in synthetic chemicals and that
the role of pharmaceutical companies is to "restore" those
deficiencies in humans by convincing them to swallow
patented pills.
Skeptics believe that you can
take unlimited pharmaceuticals, be injected with an
unlimited number of vaccines, expose yourself to unlimited
medical imaging radiation, consume an unlimited quantity of
chemicals in processed foods and expose yourself to an
unlimited quantity of environmental chemical toxins with
absolutely no health effects whatsoever!
All the beliefs listed above were
compiled from "skeptics" websites.
(I'm not going to list those
websites here because they don't deserve the search engine rankings,
but you can find them yourself through Google, if you wish.)
aren't consistently skeptical
If you really look closely at the beliefs of "skeptics," you
discover their skepticism is selective. They're really skeptical
about some things - like vitamins - but complete pushovers on others
such as the scientific credibility of drug company studies.
Here are some of the many things that "skeptics" should be skeptical
about, but aren't:
Skeptics aren't skeptical about
the corruption and dishonesty in the pharmaceutical
industry. They believe whatever the drug companies say,
without asking a single intelligent question.
Skeptics aren't skeptical about
medical journals. They believe whatever they read in those
journals, even when much of it turns out to be complete
science fraud.
Skeptics aren't skeptical about
the profit motive of
the pharmaceutical industry.
They believe that drug companies are motivated by goodwill,
not by profits.
Skeptics aren't skeptical about
the motivations and loyalties of
the FDA. They will swallow,
inject or use any product that's FDA approved, without a
single reasonable thought about the actual safety of those
Skeptics aren't skeptical about
the safety of synthetic chemicals used in the food supply.
They just swallow whatever poisons the food companies dump
into the foods.
Skeptics aren't skeptical about
the enormous dangers of ionizing radiation from
mammograms and CT scans.
They have somehow convinced themselves that "early detection
saves live" when, in reality, "early radiation causes
Skeptics aren't skeptical about
the mass-drugging agenda of the psychiatric industry which
wants to diagnose everyone with some sort of "mental"
disorder. The skeptics just go right along with it without
asking a single commonsense question about whether the human
brain really needs to be "treated" with a barrage of
mind-altering chemicals.
Skeptics aren't skeptical about
mercury fillings. What harm could mercury possibly do
anyway? If the ADA says they're safe, they must be!
Skeptics aren't skeptical about
the demolition-style collapse of the World Trade Center 7
building on
September 11, 2001 - a
building that was never hit by airplanes. This
beautifully-orchestrated collapse of a hardened structure
could only have been accomplished with precision explosives.
Astonishingly, "skeptics" have little understanding of the
laws of physics. Concrete-and-steel buildings don't
magically collapse in a perfect vertical demolition just
because of a fire on one floor...
Skeptics aren't skeptical about
the safety of non-stick cookware, or the dangers of cleaning
chemicals in the home, or the contamination of indoor air
with chemical fumes from carpets, paints and particle board
furniture. To the skeptics, the more chemicals, the
Nature is bad,
chemicals are good
Summing up the position of the "skeptics" is quite simple: Nature is
bad, chemicals are good!
If we only had more chemicals injected into more babies, the world
would be a better place, they say. If we could only ban all plants,
herbs, vitamins and supplements, we'd all be so much healthier
because then we'd take more pharmaceuticals!
Seriously. This is what they believe. They openly admit this is
their position.
And all you people drinking green smoothies, and growing your own
food, and getting natural sunlight, and taking care of your own
health, and drinking herbal tea... well you're all just fools, say
the skeptics. You're all just too stupid to understand "real"
science. Because if you understood real science, you'd give up all
those useless herbs and super-foods and healing vegetables and you'd
be taking twenty different prescription medications instead.
Then you'd be really smart, see. Because all those chemicals make
you healthy and smart. A few extra vaccine injections will
make you even smarter.
Then you can join the skeptics because
you're smart enough at that point to understand that chemicals are
the answer to all of life's problems:
...there's a chemical "solution" to
every problem you might experience.
What skeptics
really are
I hope it's fairly obvious to you by now that skeptics are the most
misinformed people on the planet.
They are the easiest people to fool. They're the easiest to
hypnotize, too, because they lack independent thinking skills.
Rather than thinking for themselves, they have joined a "club of
skeptics" where they can be told what to think and then label
themselves "intelligent" for following others in the group.
These are the people who line up to be injected with
useless H1N1 vaccines. (The joke is
on them, of course. Those vaccines were
a complete fraud...)
These are the people who stand in line
at the pharmacy to buy a dozen different prescriptions (costing
sometimes thousands of dollars) that their doctors told them to
These are the people who eat processed,
dead junk food laced with chemicals that make them sick - and then
they wonder why they're sick. These are the people who sit at home
watching television and think to themselves how smart they are
because they follow the medical advice they learned in drug company
These are the real "skeptics." They are so incredibly isolated from
reality that they don't even believe in their body's own ability to
heal itself.
Skeptics don't believe in God or any sort of spiritualism,
either. They are almost all atheists. They don't believe in a
higher power of any kind: No God, no spirit, no angels, no
guides, no creative force in the universe... nada. They think the
universe is a cold, empty, lonely, stupid place full of soulless,
mindless, zombie biological bodies who have no free will and no
Gee, no wonder these skeptics are so misguided.
They have the most pessimistic view
possible. No wonder they seek to destroy themselves with chemicals -
they don't even think they're alive to begin with! Skeptics are bent
on self destruction. And they believe that when you die, the lights
just go out and you cease to exist. Nothing happens after that.
You're just a mindless biological robot whose life has no meaning,
no purpose, no higher self.
This is exactly what the skeptics believe.
They'll even tell you so themselves!
Never argue
with drones
Realizing this, it makes it so much easier to debate with skeptics
on any topic.
Whatever they say, you just answer,
"WHO is saying that? Are YOU, a
conscious, free-thinking person with a mind and soul saying
that, or are those words simply being automatically and
robotically uttered from the mouth of a bag of bones and skin
that has no mind and no soul?"
If they answer you honestly, they will
have to admit that they believe they are nothing more than a robotic
bag of bones and skin that is mindlessly uttering whatever nonsense
happens to escape their mechanical lips.
At that point, you've already won the
debate because YOU have a soul, and THEY don't. You're arguing with
a mindless robot.
Seriously. Think about this deeply.
If you believe what the skeptics want
you to believe (because they are always right, of course),
then you must accept the fact that THEY have no consciousness. They
are not really "alive." They are just robotic biological machines.
They are drones, in other words. And drones are not equal to a being
of energy with a consciousness and a soul, inhabiting a human body
with purpose and awareness.
Never argue with drones. You only waste your time and annoy the
Skeptics... zombies... drones... different words for the same thing.
Soulless, mindless, lacking
consciousness and free will, having no awareness of the value of
life... these are the skeptics arguing for vaccines, mammograms and
chemotherapy today.
They are agents of death who can only
find solace in an industry of death - the industry of modern