- 'Accidental'
Contamination of Vaccine With Live Avian Flu Virus
Virtually Impossible
Español |
Acusan a La OMS y a Obama de Bioterrorismo Por La Gripe
Español |
Amenaza de Una Epidemia de Efectos Secundarios Por La
Vacuna de La Gripe Porcina en Todo El Mundo
A New Giant Vaccine Scandal
Exposes Government Lies and Psyops
Español |
Armas Silenciosas - La Epidemia de Gripe Porcina
- ¿Realidad o Delirio?
Big Pharma Company "Accidentally" Contaminates Vaccines
With Live AVIAN FLU Virus in 18 Countries
Big Pharma Concocts First Swine Flu Vaccine
Bill Deagle About Influenza H1N1
CDC's Revised Swine Flu Death Estimates A Fairy Tale
Scare Story
Español |
Científicos de La OMS Investigarán Si El Virus AH1N1
Salió de Un Laboratorio
Español |
Conejillos de Indias Humanos
- España
Dangers In The Shots
- Components of H1N1 Vaccines - They Are Considered a
Biodefense Agents
David and Goliath
- Influenza, H1N1 and Jane Bürgermeister
Disappearance of 'Annual Flu'
replaced with COVID-19 shows 'Corruption at its Highest
Level' at the CDC
Español |
El Fin de La Pandemia de Gripe A |
Español |
El Mayor Peligro No Es La Gripe... Es La Vacuna |
Español |
Epidemia de Influenza en México
- Bioterrorismo
Evidence of The Actual Origins of The 2009 "Pandemic
- With a Glimpse Into Its Esoteric... |
Evidence of The Use of Pandemic
Flu to Depopulate U.S.A.
- Bioterrorism |
Flu is Not The Biggest Danger... It's The Vaccine! |
Flu Warning - Beware the Drug
Español |
Fraude de La gripe Porcina + Vacuna = Asesinato
Full List of Swine Flu Cases, Country by Country
H1N1 Swine Flu "National Emergency" Warning!
H1N1 - Swine Flu
- Flying Pigs, Tamiflu and Factory Farms
Español |
Influenza - Comercialización de La
Vacuna por Mercadotecnia de La Enfermedad
Influenza - Marketing Vaccine by
Marketing Disease - British Medical Journal
Is It The "Mexican Flu", The "Swine Flu" or The "Human
Flu"? -
What Are The Origins of The Pandemic?
Español |
Jane Burgermeister - El Interrogatorio KAFKIANO en La
Corte de Viena
- ¿Está Baxter Detrás de Esto?
Journalist Files Charges Against
WHO and U.N. for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass
Deutsch |
Journalistin erstattet Anzeige gegen WHO und UN wegen
Bioterrorismus und der Absicht des...
Español |
La Gripe H1N1 - Una Fabulosa Estafa Planetaria
Español |
Influenza H1N1
- La Gripe Que Traen los "Cerdos" - Esto es Lo Único Que
Está Claro
Leaked United Nations Report Claims Swine Flu Could
"Kill Millions" and Cause "Anarchy" in Poor Nations
Español |
Muchas Cosas Sospechosas En Esta Crisis Sanitaria
- Expertos Alertan Sobre Guerra...
Español |
OMS - Acusan de Corrupción al "Papa de La Gripe A"
Español |
Pandemia de Gripe A - Incoherencias y Falta de
Pandemic Flu Alert - Media Reports Virus Vaccine
Political Lies and Media Disinformation Regarding the
Swine Flu Pandemic
Español |
Quien Tiene La Influenza Porcina???
Russian Scientists Warn of Genetically Modified Fast
Food Link to Pandemic Flu
Squalene - The Swine Flu Vaccine's Dirty Little Secret
Startling New Evidence That The 'Swine Flu' Pandemic Is
Man-Made - Novartis Patent Detailed
and Mass...
Stay Away from Doctors and Their
Flu Vaccines
- Avoiding Serious Complications from Viral Infections
Swine Flu - Bad Science and Massive Cover-Up
Swine Flu Is Deadly Mix of
Never-Before-Seen Viruses
Swine Flu Madness
Swine Flu Pandemic Was a Hoax
- Investigation Chief Says
Swine Flu Peaks Out Before Vaccines Even Make It Into
Widespread Distribution
Ten Swine Flu Lies Told by The Mainstream Media
The CDC Votes in Favor of A Flu
Vaccination Assault on Americans' Health
The Flu and You - H1N1 And What To Do!
- Dr. John Waterman
The Flu Vaccine Returns... And It
Should Get The Same 'Treatment' |
The Killer H1N1 Vaccine
- Canada
The Pandemic Virus is Not Only Lab-Created... it Is
The Strange Case of Joseph Moshe - The Swine Flu Global
Eugenics Program
The Truth Behind The Great H1N1 Scandal
- And Why The Majority of Health Care Professionals
The WHO Plays with Pandemic Fire
- The Continuing Saga of the Flying Pigs Pandemic Flu
Thousands of Americans Died From H1N1 Even After
Receiving Vaccine Shots
Truckers Unwittingly Used to Transport Dangerous Avian
Flu Materials?
Español |
- ¿Una
Emergencia de Salud Pública?
- La Pandemia Mundial de Influenza H1N1 de La Especie
Español |
Un Nuevo y Gigantesco Escándalo de
Vacunas Expone las Mentiras y las Operaciones
Psicológicas del...
Español |
U.S.A. en
Panico Luego de Que Aviones 'Chemtrails' Fueron
Obligados a Descender en La India y Nigeria
U.S. Reported In "Panic" After Chemtrail Planes Forced Down In India, Nigeria
U.S. Swine Flu Spray Plane Shot Down In China
Virus Mix-Up by Lab Could Have
Resulted in Pandemic
Why Millions of Americans Don't Need a Swine Flu Vaccine
WHO and The Pandemic Flu "Conspiracies"
- The BMJ and The Bureau of Investigative Journalism
Additional Information |
Adverse Effects of Adjuvants in
Advertencia a Los Barones de Los Medios
de Comunicación Sobre el H1N1 y Otras Armas Biológicas
A Glimpse Into The Scary World of
Vaccine Adjuvants
A Warning to The Media Barons About H1N1 and Other
Baxter Files Swine Flu Vaccine Patent 'AHEAD of
Baxter Vaccine Patent Application
US 2009/0060950 A1
Big Brother's Coming!
- Revealed Secret Plan to Tag Every Man, Woman and Child |
Big Pharma Prepares to Exploit New
Swine Flu Scare
Bird Flu - Another attempt to
'Control the Food System' and Make a Profit
Bird Flu - Another Phony
"pandemic"... this time for Chickens
Bird Flu Research Rattles
Bioterrorism Field
Changing TH1/TH2 Balance in Split
Influenza Vaccines With Adjuvants
- Novartis US Patent 20090047353A1
Chemtrail Flu - Have You Got It
or How Disaster Movies "Educate" The Masses
U.S. Scientist Creates Deadly New Flu Strain for
Pandemic Research
A Superbug Be The New H1N1?
Swine Flu Vaccine Cause Narcolepsy? -
Scientists Probe Link Between Drug and Increase in Cases
Criminal Charges to Be Filed Against Dr M. Chan and WHO
for Mass Murder
Español |
- ¿Cuál
Es La Diferencia Entre 'Un Resfriado' y 'La Gripe'?
DARPA's Blue Angel
- Pentagon Prepares Millions of Vaccines Against Future
Global Flu
Deadly Flu Spreads Across Ukraine
Español |
Denuncia Penal Contra 'Ayudantes'
de La OMS
- Vacunación Forzada
Depopulation of A Planet
- Thinning Out The Useless Eaters - An Unspoken NWO
The Alternative Media Force U.S. Government to Block
Deadly Bird Flu Study?
Different Late Influenza Virus
Doctors Express Serious
Reservations About Vaccine Safety
- HI Legislators Question H1N1 Vaccines
Does Virus Vaccine Increase The
Risk of Cancer?
- German Health Expert's Swine Flu Warning
Drug-Resistant Superbug Found in
U.S. and Canada
Español |
El Documento 'Airforce 2025' de
1996 Mencionaba una Pandemia de Gripe que Mataría a 30
Millones de...
Español |
El 'Nuevo Cuento' de la OMS -
Gripe Aviar en Humanos...
Epidemic Influenza And Vitamin D
Everything Is A Lie
- The Deliberate Intent To Deceive People Is At An All
Time High
Fear Mongering on Bird Flu - Deaths Overstated More
Than 238,866 Times The Reality
First Genetically Engineered Flu Vaccine Now on The
'Epidemic' Numbers Don't Add Up - Vaccine Scare Tactics
Strike Again
Flu Vaccination Ban Goes National
After Fever, Convulsions in Children
Flu Vaccines Revealed as The
Greatest Quackery Ever Pushed in The History of Medicine
H1N1 Swine Fu Hoax Falls Apart at The Seams
H1N1 Vaccine Linked to 700 Percent
Increase in Miscarriages
H1N1 Vaccine Liquidation Sale Now
On -
Hurry While Supplies Last!
Has Baxter International Released a Biological Weapon?
Historical Facts Exposing The
Dangers and Ineffectiveness of Vaccines
How to Orchestrate an Effective
Pandemic Campaign for The Flu
In Humans
- A 2009 Vaccination Odyssey
Influenza Vaccine Demand - The
Chicken and The Egg
Español |
Inmunidad Legal Para Los
Fabricantes de La Vacuna de La Gripe A
Key Feature of Immune System
Survived In Humans and Other Primates For 60 Million
Español |
La Despoblación de Un Planeta
- Reduciendo la Cantidad de Comelones Inútiles - Una
Agenda No...
Español |
La Epidemia de La Gripe "Española"
la Causaron Las Vacunas
Español |
La Nueva Amenaza de "Pandemia" de
la que todos Hablan - ¿Debería Preocuparse?
Español |
La Plaga Neumónica Que Asola
Legal Action You Can Take Against Forced Vaccinations
- Opinion
Español |
Lo Que La Mayoría de Los Médicos no Le Cuentan Sobre Los
Resfriados y Las Gripes
Manipulating Data to Enrich Drug
Companies - The H1N1 Swine Flu
Martial Law and The Militarization
of Public Health
- The Worldwide H1N1 Flu Vaccination Program
Mercury Contamination and The Flu
Microbiologists Continue to
- Flu Bug?
Military Poised to Help FEMA Battle Swine Flu Outbreak
Generation Bioweapons
- Genetic Engineering and Biological Warfare
No Value in Any Influenza Vaccine - Cochrane Collaboration
Now Legal Immunity for Swine Flu Vaccine Makers
Obama Administration Launches
Deceptive Swine Flu Propaganda Blitz
- To Counter Growing Criticism...
Obama's H1N1 National Emergency Declaration Could Invoke
FEMA Response to Pandemic (Opinion)
Officials Warn of Weaponized H5N1 Bird Flu Pandemic Amid
Pandemic Charges Filed With FBI in NYC
- Len Horowitz
Pandemic Vaccination - Why You
Should Be Concerned
Patients Suffer Complications After Swine Flu
Español |
Patopráctica de Confrontación
Contra La Vacunación Forzosa de La 'Doctadura'
Previous Swine Flu Outbreak Originated At Fort Dix
Prince Philip's Flu Is On The March
Professor Reveals Shocking Report
on Flu Vaccinations
Profit Driven Swine Flu Propaganda
- Pump Up The Volume
Scientists Brace for Media Storm Around Controversial
Flu Studies
Scientists Engineer Bioterror
Scientists Hyping 'Universal' Flu
Shot to Perpetuate Vaccine Scam
Scientists Weaponize Deadly Bird
Flu, Consider Releasing Results Necessary to Create
Seasonal Flu Vaccines Increase
Risk of Pandemic H1N1 Flu
- Stunned Scientists Discover
Shameless Flu Shot Pushers Use
Strip Clubs to Entice People Into Medically Useless
Silver Hydrosol "Nanotechnology"
- NanoScam Earns Mega-Profits - Environmental Groups...
Español |
Si Tu Doctor Recomienda Que
Vacunes a Tus Hijos, Ofrécele Este Documento Para Su
Squalene - The Swine Flu Vaccine's
Dirty Little Secret Exposed
Swine Flu Latest - The Legal Moves
- A Summary
Swine Flu Treatments
- Emergency Natural Allopathic Medicine
Swine Flu Vaccine Causes Chronic
Nervous System Disorders - Conclusive Link Now
Swine Flu Vaccine Linked to 900
Percent Increased Risk of Developing Narcolepsy
Swine Flu Vaccine 'Linked to'
Sleeping Disorder
Swine Flu Vaccine of 2009
- Unlicensed and Untested
The Avian Flu Fright
- Politically Timed for Global "Iatrogenocide"
The 'Bird Flu Hoax' is being
Recycled again to create 'Fear and More Profits' for Big
The CDC Votes in Favor of A Flu
Vaccination Assault on Americans' Health
The Illuminati Agenda for The
Coming New Order - The PROMIS of DAYLIGHT
And The ORACLE 8i
The Martial Flu - U.S. Pandemic Laws Align with
International Health Regulations
The Most Mysterious Diseases Known
To Man Are Not So Mysterious At All
The Truth About Tamiflu
- Has The U.S. Wasted $1.5 billion on An Ineffective
The WHO Is Pursuing Aggressive Vaccine Production
Español |
Todo Es Una Mentira
- El Intento Deliberado Para Engañar a Las Personas Está
en Su Punto Más Alto
Health Officials Probe Possible Flu Jab Link to
Narcolepsy in Children
Ukraine Health Minister Says New Strain of H1N1 Swine
Flu -
Possible Mutation
Español |
Ultimos Tipos de Virus de La Influenza
Español |
Una Reflexión y Una Propuesta en Relación a La Gripe
Español |
Posible Invierno de Caos - El Ébola y la Gripe
Urgent Lawsuit Filed Against FDA
to Halt Swine Flu Vaccines
- FDA Violated Federal Law
Government Urges Scientists to Censor Findings on New
Strain of Bird Flu
Vaccine Adverse Reactions
- EMEA Document Reveals That Were Very Common in
Vaccine Revolt! - Swine Flu Vaccine Support
Crumbles as Flimsy Rationale for H1N1 Shots Becomes...
Vaccines as Biological Weapons?
Español |
Vacunas de La Gripe Estacional
Incrementan el Riesgo de La Gripe Pandémica H1N1
What Most Doctors Won't Tell You About Colds and Flues
WHO List Reveals Flu Advisors With
Financial Ties to Pharma, Vaccine Manufacturers
Treatments for Cold and Flu |
Español |
- ¿Ayuda
la Cebolla a Combatir la Gripe o Influenza?
Español |
Gripe Epidémica y Vitamina D
Iodine a Natural Medicine
- Nascent Iodine vs. Iodoral, Lugols, Detoxified Iodine,
and Heritage
Español |
Las Cebollas y La Gripe
Scientists Discover Natural Flu-Fighting Proteins
Español |
Se Ha Probado Que La Vitamina D es
Mucho Mejor Para La Prevención de Infecciones de Gripe
Sodium Bicarbonate - For
Cold And Flu
The Five Best Anti-Viral Products to Beat Influenza,
Swine Flu, Bird Flu and SARS
The Healing Power of Sunlight and
Vitamin D - An Exclusive Interview With Dr. Michael Holick
The Potent Healing Power
of Baking Soda
Treatment of Influenza and Other Diseases - Iodine Dosages
UK Non-Profits End Era of Sunlight
Ignorance and Vitamin D Denial
Using Bicarbonate Against
The Swine Flu
Vitamin D Proven Far Better Than
Vaccines at Preventing Influenza Infections
Español |
Yodo, una Medicina Natural
Zinc Helps Prevent Pneumonia in The Elderly
Books-Treaties |
- "The
Common Cold" - Etiology, Prevention and Treatment
- by Volney S. Cheney
Multimedia |
1976 Swine Flu Propaganda
Alan Watt on The Swine Flu
- The Alex Jones Show - May 01, 2009
Alex Jones Expone El Fraude Del Virus H1N1
Avian Swine Flu Created by The CIA
Baxter Corporation's "Accident"
Campanas por La Gripe A
David and Goliath
- Influenza, H1N1 and Jane Bürgermeister
Doctor Leonard Horowitz Explica Quién Creó Esta Pandemia
Emergency - Avian Flu
Entrevista a Alexander Backman
- Sobre el Bioterrorismo y la Influenza en México
Flu Vaccine Use to Modify Human
- Leaked Pentagon Video
Forced Vaccinations
- A Whistleblower's Clear Warning
Gripe A - La Visión de La Medicina Natural
- Dr. Miguel Pros
H1N1 Swine Flu "National
Emergency" Warning!
Jane Burgermeister Sobre La Gripe A o H1N1
- Vacuna Mortal y Gripe Artificial
Audio |
Last News From Bill Deagle
- Phone Interview
La Vacuna - Crimen Sin Resolver
Obama's H1N1 National Emergency
Operación Pandemia
RFID Bracelet Once You Have Had
The US-666 & EU-666 Vaccination
Say No to The Vaccine
State of The Planet Conference
Presents George Green Via Skype in Amsterdam
- "Swine
Flu Was Cultured In A Laboratory" - Dr. John Carlo, Dallas
Co. Medical Director says...
Truth About Swine Flu 1976
Vaccine Creators Refuse To Take
H1N1 Vaccine
Vaccines - This Video Could Save
Your Life
Depopulation Agenda
- Google Georgia Guidestones Eugenics...
W.H.O Declares Official Swine Flu
WHO's 2009 Swine Flu Threat Now
Exposed as A Hoax!
- Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg on Alex Jones Tv
Related Reports |
Air Force 2025
Bioterrorism - Hi-Tech/Top Secret
Military Weapons
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Ebola - Global Pandemic or Global
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- Federal Emergency Management Agency
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Killer Vaccines - Vacunas Que
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Martial Law in USA? - The Death of
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Coronavirus and the 'Fear Factor'...
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The Investigations of Leonard G.
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The Killing of Science
- Spread Elimination of Scientists Worldwide
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