by Georgi Stankov
September 5, 2011
extracted from post of Sep 15, 2011 by Christian H.
StankovUniversalLaw Website
Spanish version
It will Trigger the Visible
Split of Earth in
Ascended Earth (A) and Catastrophic
Earth (B)
in October 2011. |
Comet Elenin in the
Public View
Comet Elenin is in the news and the minds of the world community
since it was first discovered by the Russian amateur astronomer
Leonid Elenin on December 10, 2010, through remote control of the
International Scientific Optical Network's robotic observatory near
Mayhill, New Mexico,
This discovery triggered a new wave of doomsday-scenarios, first
launched by the paid governmental deceivers in the mass media and in
Internet, and then vehemently rejected by NASA and other official
scientific institutions. The unaware public was torn between these
two alternatives - a wrong thesis, attributed to officially
disdained doomsday-prophets, and an equally wrong official dementi
as an antithesis to the initially wrong thesis.
The confusion is
currently total and mind-boggling, as anybody can convince himself
by checking on comet Elenin in Internet.
The fake doomsday scenario is that comet Elenin will hit earth and
cause havoc. This allows NASA to present its "bella causa" , by
proving scientifically that Elenin will pass earth at its nearest
distance, which is more than 90 times the distance between earth and
moon. Based on this fact, all doomsday scenarios are dismissed
outright by NASA.
But what is the truth behind this cosmic event that should not be
evaluated with three-dimensional scientific arguments that
inevitably miss the point?
The actual truth about Elenin can only come from scientists who have
a direct contact with the higher astral realms of pure knowledge -
be they the Galactic Federation or other levels of cosmic awareness.
Elenin is a Mother-Ship of the Galactic Federation
The first brand-new information is the role, which the Comet Elenin
will play in the coming crucial events.
Contrary to the current
confusion in the mass media and Internet, deliberately instigated by
the dark ones, Comet Elenin is
a mother-ship of
the Galactic
Federation and is heading towards earth to support the begin of
human Ascension. It is tarnished as a hollow planetoid/asteroid of
comparatively modest proportions.
The more important bigger
5th-dimensional part of this mother-ship is invisible to human eyes
and cannot be detected with material devices.
Before we proceed with the Ascension scenario in the coming two
months, let us explain first, how this fraud has been created by
NASA and other governmental bodies.
The Comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin) was first discovered by the Russian
amateur astronomer Leonid Elenin on December 10, 2010, through
remote control of the International Scientific Optical Network's
robotic observatory near Mayhill, New Mexico, U.S.A.
At the time of
discovery, the comet was about 150,000 times fainter than can be
seen with the naked eye. The discoverer, Leonid Elenin, estimated
that the comet nucleus is 3-4 km in diameter.
This discovery triggered a wave of wild speculations around the
doomsday scenario, which the dark ones fodder for many years in
film, television and mass media.
As the comet was fairly small, it
was postulated that a brown dwarf is hiding behind it that may have
a huge gravitational impact on earth and cause massive devastation.
These horror scenarios were deliberately launched by the dark Cabal
to inflate the collective fears of the people and delude them from
the ascension timeline, which they can only enter, if they are free
of existential angst.
In a second step, NASA entered the scene as a
competent interlocutor and rejected all these doomsday-prophecies
with seemingly irrevocable scientific arguments.
Here is a small
sample of the forged scientific dementi of NASA, which will be
discussed from the point of view of the new physical
Theory of
the Universal Law:
"You may have seen the scary headlines. You may have read those
alarming emails. But do you believe it? Just in case, NASA has
issued the facts about a comet called Elenin. And no, these aren't
the "facts" doomsayers will tell you.
In short, the 3-5 kilometer-wide comet can't hurt us. Really, it
can't. It's too small and its closest approach to Earth will bring
it 90 times the Earth-moon distance. 90 times the Earth-moon
distance. That's a whopping 35 million kilometers (22 million miles)
away. Could there be any conceivable impact to our everyday lives by
this dirty snowball?
I seriously doubt this will calm the overactive imaginations of some
conspiracy theorists, but NASA has felt the need to respond to the
crazy theories being flung around and to address some of the more
rational questions. (NASA did a similar thing in 2009 when
responding to
the 2012 doomsday nonsense, issuing a statement that
there was no known astronomical reason for the end of the world on
Dec. 21, 2012.)
Helpfully, two NASA scientists have been hard at work over the past
few months responding to questions from the public. Yesterday, NASA
compiled some of the most popular questions, creating an "everything
you ever needed to know about Comet Elenin"
The Elenin answers were provided by
Don Yeomans of NASA's Near-Earth
Object Program Office at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in
Pasadena, Calif., and David Morrison of the NASA Astrobiology
Institute at the NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif.
Morrison is no stranger to responding to these kinds of questions,
having become NASA's in-house 2012 doomsday debunker.
It seems that doomsday theorists and astrologers alike believe that
any celestial object, no matter how small or distant, can have some
magical influence on Earth.
Fortunately, this isn't true".
This should be weighed upon the
information, leaking from NASA that shortly before the last space
shuttle was launched in space, the employees of NASA were informed
at a special meeting that they will have to be dismissed not because
the space shuttle program has been terminated, but because NASA is
expecting very soon an invasion of evil aliens.
However, all the
dismissed employees could seek refugee in one of the many
underground bases of the dark US-Cabal.
This was the usual manipulation of intimidated humans by the dark
ones with the aim of dumping down any critical scientists in NASA,
who may have asked some specific questions or even leaked secret
information on Elenin and the upcoming events. These are of course
known to the bosses of this camouflage organization, operating as a
cover-up for the secret joint ventures of the US-Elite with the
Orion Empire.
This same tactic was used only several days ago when a helicopter
with 20 men from the special secret services that allegedly killed
Osama bin Laden in Pakistan was deliberately crashed in Afghanistan.
The dark US-Cabal around Obama wanted to prevent that some of these
men may leak out that it was not the entity Osama, who was killed in
the compound in Pakistan but a clone, a double, of him, while the
real entity is still alive under a false identity.
This cold murder
was also meant to scare the other personnel involved in this huge
fraud around Osama in order to save the reputation of Obama and to
diverge the public attention from his birth certificate fraud and
from the fact that he is not an American citizen and thus not a
legitimate president of the USA.
Some of the other seals have gone
in the meantime underground as to avoid being killed by the dark
These facts will definitely play a major role in the ousting of
Obama in the course of this or next year when the times of
Revelations will begin on this planet and all current rogue
governments will be substituted by enlightened caretaker bodies.
This is part of the divine plot for this planet.
This information on
the crimes of Obama and many other politicians are given to the
author by the causal worlds in a telepathic way and will be
confirmed very soon.
Elenin will Trigger the Split of the Ascended Earth A from the
Remaining Catastrophic Earth B
Now back to Elenin.
It is not the
purpose of this mother-ship of the Galactic Federation to cause
natural catastrophes on earth, but to help the split of the two
timelines of earth in the End Times.
As the author writes in his
last book, earth will ultimately split in an ascended earth (A) and
a degraded, catastrophic earth (B) in the three days of stasis
around December 21, 2012, when a huge photon tsunami from the
central sun of the galaxy will flood upon earth and transport the
ascended earth to the 5th dimension.
This process will actually begin with a full force on the 16th of
October 2011, when Elenin will reach the closest distance to earth.
The influence of Elenin can only be understood in conjunction with
the energetic transformation of earth that is going on since
01.01.01, when the crystalline 144-grid of earth started to be
renewed. After the Fall of Atlantis and the full conquest of this
planet by the Dark forces from the Orion Empire, the earth was put
under quarantine from the rest of the galaxy as not to intoxicate
the other civilizations with its negative energies.
In the first place, the crystalline grid from the
Atlantean and
Lemurian times was wrapped up. As a result, the earth sunk into
greater density and physicality.
The veil of forgetfulness became
impermeable and the energetic interceptions with the higher realms
of cosmic awareness and excarnated souls were practically cut off.
This quarantine lasted till 1987, when the first harmonic
convergence took place in the summer of that year.
After the final
decision was taken in the early 90s in the highest realms of Cosmic
Providence that earth and humanity will ascend in
December 2012, and
that earth will not be destroyed, the regeneration of the
crystalline 144-grid was initiated on the 1st of January, 2000.
Each year, a new star portal is opened at the specific numerological
dates: 2.2.2, 3.3.3... 11.11.11, and 12.12.12. Each portal
corresponds to the building of about 8.5% of the earth's crystalline
On 11,11.11, the grid will be completed by about 93%.
The regeneration of the crystalline 144-grid is actively supported
by the Planetary Ascending Team of the star seeds, who have
incarnated on earth in the End Times. The stars seeds comprise 0.5
-1% of the current world population and constitute essentially of
two generations - the older generation of indigo children and the
recent generation of crystalline children.
The number of the last
souls has exponentially grown since 2000, when most of the children
born on this planet, at least in the Western world, are crystalline.
These souls have already finished with their incarnation cycle and
have no karma to work out. They only come here to be conduits of
light and to help establish the planetary light network of all star
seeds, also known as "light workers" for this job, which will
encompass the whole planet and will heave it in the 5th dimension.
This is only possible because of the long, tedious and often lonely
effort of numerous indigo children since the end of WW2. They are
dispersed throughout the globe and have lived through the most
darkest period in the history of humanity. They cleansed much of the
darkness on this planet and prepared the energetic ground for the
crystalline children to incarnate on earth.
Many of them have
already left earth and are awaiting humanity in the 5th dimension.
None of the crystalline children will stay on Earth after Ascension.
They will return to their original, highly evolved civilizations in
the 6th and higher dimensions, such as Arcturians, Pleiadians,
Sirians etc., all of them belonging to the Galactic Federation. Many
indigo children, being also star seeds, belong to these
civilizations too.
There are, however, many old human souls, who
come from the highest realms of cosmic awareness, such as
the White
Brotherhood. They will support the ascended humanity in the first
years in the lower levels of the 5th dimension from their higher
After this transitional period is successfully
completed, they will dedicate themselves to other transgalactic
These are the hard cosmic facts, which NASA deliberately hides from
the public, although the dark Cabal know very well what is ongoing
on earth in the End Times. Instead they are playing insidious games
with the incompetent and ignorant public by averting the attention
of the people from the real facts.
The impact of the Mother-ship of the Galactic Federation, known as Elenin, will not be at the gravitational level, as it has been
intentionally disseminated by NASA specialists, but at the high
frequency levels, which currently cannot be measured with material
instruments. In this respect all astronomical data that have been
given by NASA are irrelevant.
Stankov has proved in his scientific books that there is an upper
limit of discrimination, which material devices cannot overcome.
This is the famous
Planck's constant h, which is the smallest quant
of energy that can be currently measured. This fact is in the centre
of present-day failed quantum mechanics and is known as the
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle or the
Copenhagen Interpretation
of the breaking of the wave function.
This information
counter-balances the pseudo-scientific fraud of NASA with sound
scientific arguments.
The Planck's constant is the basic action potential of the
electromagnetic spectrum. All the information, which humans acquire
from the universe, is limited to the electromagnetic spectrum. This
is illustrated by the constant speed of light c, which is the
carrier of all information at the micro- and macro-level. However,
the high frequency realms are not limited by the speed of light.
Their simultaneity and synchronicity is the proof that all energetic
interactions in these realms occur immediately without any speed
The limited speed of light is the basic camouflage for the
hallucinatory perception of 3d-space-time by the narrow human
senses. In this respect NASA only reiterates the global human
illusion as to stir confusion and create new fear with respect to
the End Times. It is very important to understand this
fear-mongering strategy of the dark Cabal, as it will be the
greatest hindrance to Ascension in the coming days.
Before we proceed with our elaboration on the positive effects of
Elenin, one last proof for NASA's policy of fraud.
Several days ago,
the Orion Empire launched a massive nuclear strike against Elenin,
as the author was informed by the causal worlds. The missile
exploded in the stealth shield of this mother-ship of the Galactic
Federation, but had no effect on its orbit. There was a huge
explosion that was observed by many astronomers.
To cover-up this
attack, the Cabal propaganda of the paid deceivers in NASA announced
in advance that Elenin will intercept with the coronal mass
ejections from the sun and this will cause an explosion three days
How did they know it in advance, except that they were informed
about this assault, is not explained. And how such a singular
explosion could physically occur with sun flares that are
incessantly emitted from the sun remains a great mystery. NASA has
given no explanation to it. This is the greatest nonsense that has
ever been distributed in the mass media, and it defies any
reasonable scientific mind.
But this latest awkward fraud also shows
in what a precarious situation NASA currently is.
Now back to our sound scientific explanation of Elenin's impact. As
already said above, all our information comes from the
electromagnetic spectrum, Humans are essentially "eye-animals", as
the author calls them. This holds true for all astronomic
information. This information is systemically flawed.
What all
humans still do not truly understand, is that there is no difference
between electromagnetism and gravitation.
This has been proven for the first time, after the author discovered
the Universal Law. The proof can be found in volume I and volume II
on physics. But the unity of electromagnetism and gravitation can be
easily explained with a simple example.
The Germans developed the magnetic train in the 70s, but never
realized it in this country. The company that developed this
technology comes from Munich, where the author currently lives.
However, they built the first and only magnetic train in China,
This train is based on the following energetic principle:
Huge magnets establish alternating electromagnetic fields between
the rails and the body of the train, which are opposite in direction
to the gravitation and offset its force. The train is elevated and
slides like a hovercraft without any resistance upon this
electromagnetic field.
This is a simple practical example which shows that the two forces
are interlinked - precisely, they are manifestations of one
primordial energy, which is All-That-Is.
This is the basic statement
of the new physical theory of the Universal Law.
At this place the reader should be made aware of the fact that
according to the standard model, which is the most advanced
theoretical model of present-day failed physics, gravitation cannot
be integrated with electromagnetism and the other two fundamental
The actual effect of Elenin will be in the high frequency astral
levels, beyond the detection of material instruments, which are
limited to the electromagnetic spectrum. In the first place, it will
augment the wobbling of the earth, which is in a process of mitosis,
to use this term from biology, describing the division of growing
cells from the original one.
The same phenomenon is also observed
with earth in the End Times. This wobbling of the earth has begun
after the last portal 10.10.10 was opened and is now gaining
momentum. The earth wobbling causes the split of the two earth
versions -
the ascended earth A and earth B.
wobbling will reach a preliminary peak after October 16, when Elenin
is nearest to the earth and will subside in the following months.
This peak will lead to significant consequences for mankind and
earth that will be discussed.
The First Wave of Ascended Human Masters Will Take Place in the Fall
of 2011
During the time between October 16 and November 11, the veil between
3d-space-time of earth and the high frequency realms of the souls,
defined as 5th and higher dimensions, will become very thin
for a
short period of time.
During this time, Elenin and the other cosmic
forces that manage the Ascension of our planet will establish
interdimensional portals on many places on earth. These
portals will remain throughout the next year, when mass Ascension of
humanity is scheduled to take place in
December 2012.
Some of these
portals will stay after that and will link the catastrophic earth B
with the ascended earth A for some time, so that some laggards will
still have the possibility to ascend after mass Ascension. They will
be like a driver on a highway, who has missed the right exit and
takes the next one, but still arrives at his final destination with
a minor delay.
Purely for this reason, the period between October 16 and November
11, 2011 is the ideal time for the First Wave of Ascended human
Masters to take place.
This is will be the most dramatic event in
the history of mankind. It will be the actual "First Contact" with
us - we will encounter us for the first time as immortal,
multidimensional beings. This insight will profoundly change human
perception of mankind as a transgalactic civilization. The
subsequent appearance of representatives from the Galactic
Federation, the Inner Earth Agartha, etc. will be of secondary
importance, contrary to the current aspirations and expectations of
many light workers.
Mankind must be informed about the insidious role of
Powers That Be from the
Orion Empire that have controlled this
planet and humanity for more than 10,000 years. The
collapse of the
financial system, the stronghold of these dark forces, will precede
this event and will contribute to their demise and expose.
In this respect Elenin will be also a relay station for some
ascended human entities, before they establish themselves firmly in
the 5th dimension and help prepare the already existing blueprint of
the new humanity for the arrival of billions of ascended human
beings at the end of 2012.
From this mothers-ship, the members of
the Galactic Federation will be also able to lower their frequencies
and to acquire a human-like light body that will enable them to
communicate with the earth people. Since most of these galactic
civilizations dwell in the 8th and higher dimensions, it is very
difficult for them to lower directly their energy as to appear in a
physical vessel on earth. They need such relay stations as Elenin to
perform their energetic transformation in a stepwise manner.
This is
the second function of Elenin in the public manifestation of the End
Times on earth.
Good Comet versus Bad Comet
- What is the role of Nibiru in the End
The third reason, why Elenin has appeared on our skies, is
associated with
Therefore, it is not a coincidence that all
false-flag announcements of NASA and the dark Cabal regarding Elenin
are deliberately associated with Nibiru.
At the end of 2010, Stankov
received much detailed information from the causal worlds about this
celestial body and wrote in his last book (see letter to Kahu Fred,
Kirael in my book "The Cosmic Laws of Creation and
Destruction") the following about Nibiru:
"I have no strong opinion on the Planet X, also known as the 12th
Planet or Nibiru, which is on the way to earth with Reptilians on
board from the Draco Planet in the Orion constellation, as it will
not affect Ascension, but I can give you some detailed information
on it.
It is an artificial planetoid now approaching earth that
cannot be observed with a telescope because it is cloaked like a
stealth bomber. There are some videos about this planet in Internet,
however according to my opinion, these are presenting optical
Until now the existence of this planetoid has been kept secret by
the scientific establishment for reasons, I will disclose below,
although the author
Sitchin wrote some books about this planetoid in
the 70s and 80s, and this was a popular theme in the New Age
movement in the USA at that time.
However, very soon the astronomers can no longer hide its existence
and will be compelled to announce it, as it will affect earth’s
orbit sometimes next year.
What I cannot tell you at present with
certainty, is whether this announcement will precede the
announcement of the existence of the Galactic Federation of Light
Forces which are preparing earth's Ascension or will be done
thereafter. Anyway, the people must be prepared for some spectacular
revelations, beginning next year, as there is very little time left
prior to Ascension.
As you may know, there was an assessment on the energy conditions on
earth in July 2010 in the higher realms - the so called second
harmonic convergence (the first one was in 1987 when the actual
process of earth's Ascension truly unfolded) - and it was concluded
that the threshold (light quotient) of awakened souls on earth had
not been reached, because many light workers were seduced by the
dark forces and have been distracted from their initial soul
contracts of enlightenment.
As the Forces of Light have to respect the free will of the
incarnated entities on earth and have to be asked by a sufficiently
large number of human beings to officially intervene, they have
postponed many times the "First Contact”, which they have
extensively announced during the last three years through numerous
I was personally involved in the July decision in the dream state,
in which I am most of the time in full consciousness. This will be
the normal state after Ascension in the 5th dimension.
It was
actually decided that the first very small wave of light workers,
who have already ascended in the 5th dimension by augmenting the
frequencies of their physical vessels during the individual light
body process (LBP) in the last 10-15 years, had to stay on earth for
a while and help other light workers to progress in their LBP.
was a huge sacrifice on the part of these highly evolved entities,
which they, including myself, made on behalf of their soul brothers
and sisters, who have difficulties with the current energetic
changes on earth and have not progressed sufficiently enough in
accordance with their pre-conceived soul contracts.
This help is energetically accomplished by augmenting the energies
of the ascended light workers in the higher realms, while they are
repeating the LBP in a short version once again and by projecting
these harmonious energies onto the laggards. This is a very complex
energetic phenomenon based on the laws of constructive and
destructive interference that can be hardly explained in verbal
It is essentially the same job, which many light workers are
performing nowadays on earth by augmenting the frequencies of this
planet with their astral fields at the quantum level. They are, so
to say, conduits of Light that flows from the higher realms through
the human bodies of the light workers into the earth body and has
the function to delete the low frequencies of Darkness that have
reigned for eons of time on this rather toxic planet.
For this
reason, the first and second waves of human Ascension were merged
and will most probably occur around 11.11.11., when the last, but
one, star gate is opened. The third wave will be mass Ascension of
humanity as announced for the end of 2012.
Now, all these events are associated with the coming of the Planet X
(Nibiru) in many ways, as everything is interconnected in the
universe. Most of the plots of science-fiction films from Hollywood
were given by proxies of the dark forces to prepare the masses for
the inevitable revelations that will begin next year. This practice
began in the early 50s, after the transmission of the famous play of
H.G. Well about the invasion of Mars aliens before WW2 triggered a
panic in the USA.
Since then, the Elite and the hidden government
decided to keep their contacts with the dark forces secret and
eliminated anybody who tried to reveal the truth.
The ultra-secret dark forces know about the upcoming Ascension since
many years, as they have been informed by the Greys and the
Reptilians, who have some technologies (remote viewing) that enable
them to see future timelines. The human Elite is building huge
underground bases with the help of these aliens in the hope to
survive the Rapture and proceed with their enslavement of incarnated
human beings on the descended planet.
For this reason, the Elite and the hidden Government of
the New
World Order are now trapped in a dilemma:
Should they go with the
dark forces or with the Forces of Light of the Galactic Federation,
which has contacted the US- and other governments on many occasions
in the last years, but the latter have so far declined to co-operate
with them?
This is due to the fact that most of the responsible
politicians nowadays are reptilian shape-shifters who have their own
agenda and do not care at all about mankind.
Reptilians are in
much smaller numbers on earth at present than
the Greys, but they
control most of
the Elite and
the Khazars in the financial sector.
From this, one can conclude that the history of mankind is much more
complex and dark than most people and light workers currently
assume. There is a kind of refreshing naivety among most light
workers that is overwhelming and breath-taking, and this attitude
has hindered an earlier Revelation of the true situation on earth -
the expose of The Powers That Be and the Disclosure of the Forces of
The Dracos, although military more powerful than the Greys, have
conceded that the Greys from the Orion Empire control earth and
humanity, because they are more experienced in the management of
planets. Their number is much smaller than that of the Greys and for
that reason Planet X is currently approaching earth with a large
number of Reptilians.
They want to establish supremacy on the
remaining catastrophic earth after the shift will occur on December
21, 2012.
This is part of the agreement between the Forces of Light and the
dark forces at the highest level of Cosmic Providence. It provides
that these evil aliens will not expand any further in this part of
the universe after earth’s shift and Ascension, as the catastrophic
earth, on which they will continue to exhibit their unlimited
control, will not be able to render the necessary resources to
expand in this part of the galaxy. But these dark ones always break
their contracts.
However, this should not bother us, who will ascend in the 5th
dimension. After Ascension, when half of mankind will be in the 5th
dimension, the situation will change in the blink of an eye. The
technological basis of the new ascended humanity will be much more
advanced than that of the current controllers of earth, Soon, human
beings will have access to soul-technologies, which do not need
external devices, but work on the basis of immediate imagination and
Some of these technologies may be introduced by the
Galactic Federation after Disclosure on this earth prior to Mass
Ascension as to prepare humanity for the new life in the 5th
The Reptilians on Nibiru are coming to earth at this point in time
because they consider themselves to be the legitimate owners of this
planet. Their original planet is now dying and they are in search of
a new planet.
Since earth is for more than 500 000 years under the control of the
Draco/Reptilian faction from
the Orion Empire (notwithstanding the
fact that there have been local enlightened civilizations, such as
Lemuria and
Atlantis), their intention is to debark on the
catastrophic earth shortly after Ascension.
This earth version will
degrade into greater 3d-density and separation from the Source,
after the shift has taken place and the 5th–dimensional earth has
already ascended with a substantial part of the enlightened human
The 3d-earth, which will remain under the control of the current
Powers That Be, will evolve into greater density and separation from
the higher realms - from God. This is the experience that some
incarnated entities have chosen to have on earth at this time.
Purely for this reason, there is a huge battle between the dark and
light forces on earth for the souls of the sleeping majority. Its
outcome is not predictable with respect to the number of harvested
souls on both sides.
The alternative is - paradise or
The final date of Ascension
is however a done deal and independent of the actual outcome of this
battle for human souls. By the way, this battle was depicted
allegorically by John in his Revelations as the battle between Gog
and Magog at the time of the appearance of the Antichrist,
respectively the Beast.
This was an allegory for the dark forces,
constituting of Greys and Reptilians, and their human proxies on
However, there is one additional unknown variable in this cosmic
drama. Some small Greys (zeta reticuli) are not very happy with the
arrival of the Reptilians on Planet X, because they know that they
will have to become sooner or later their slaves, as these
Reptilians are more powerful than them. Some Greys are inclined to
help the humans get liberated from the Reptilian influence.
In this
respect the landing of the Reptilians from Planet X on earth B is
not yet certain. However, it will pass near the earth’s orbit and
this will have a huge devastating effect on the remaining 3d-earth,
where life will become intolerable very soon after the Shift.
planetoid will not affect the ascended 5th dimensional earth."
This quotation on Nibiru from 2010 is given at some length in order
to explain the true role of this planetoid in the End Times.
Currently, there is much confusion about this celestial object. This
information is almost an year old, but it is now brilliantly
confirmed by the latest news obtained by Stankov from the causal
worlds. Of course, the ultimate proof will be given in the next
several months.
Stankov is working with astral probability alternatives since the
year 2000 and have established in the meantime a fairly robust
method of assessing the probability range. The events discussed here
will certainly happen, because such is the divine plan for this
planet. They will happen in this fall, as the portal 11.11.11 is the
deadline for these events.
At this date planet earth will enter
fully the photon belt, coming from the central sun of the galaxy; it
will cause the Ascension of earth in the 5th dimension.
That is why Elenin will approach earth in this time. However, it is
not possible to tell at this point in time the exact sequence of
events with a 100% certainty. Except from that, everything fits into
the scenario, as predicted by Stankov for this fall more than an
year ago.
And now let us discuss the causal relationship between Elenin and
Elenin is the good comet, the harbinger of Light and
Nibiru is the bad comet - the comet of Darkness and
further enslavement of the remaining mankind on the catastrophic
earth B
It makes sense, doesn't it?
It does not make any sense only
to those, such as the channel Matthew and his followers, who do not
assume the further existence of a debased earth B. Mathew is
omitting this fact from a psychological point of view, as he does
not want to scare the many light workers, who are reading his
However, he is doing a disservice to their enlightenment,
as they do not have the full picture and cannot interpret the
current events in a correct manner. Hence the importance of this
article as it puts all the pieces together and completes the final
cosmic mosaic of earth in the End Times.
By the way, the arrival of two comets in the End Time is a recurrent
motif in many old prophecies, such as those of
the Hopi.
The Galactic Federation knows very well the intentions of the
Reptilian faction on Nibiru for the End Times and for that reason it
has sent Elenin, so that it can arrive before Nibiru and create a
"fait accompli" on earth, before this planetoid nears our planet
and harvests those souls that will remain on planet B.
By launching Elenin, the Galactic Federation will hinder these reptilians to
influence the outcome of the Ascension process that will begin to
unfold on a global and visible scale during this fall and will soon
encompass the whole humanity.
This will lead to an enormous spiritual boost that is currently
circumscribed as the "Quickening", although this process has begun
in the year 2000. Those few incarnated souls, who have decided in
their soul contracts to stay on the catastrophic earth B, will most
probably reject or neglect the occurrence of such dramatic events as
the coming of Elenin,
the splitting of the two earth versions, the
first wave of ascended human masters, etc.
Instead, they will
experience in their fear driven timeline the collapse of the old
economic order, with which they identify themselves, and the many
natural catastrophes that will peak in the remaining 15 months prior
to mass Ascension as part of the final cleansing of mother earth
from the rest dark energies. These devastating events will determine
their future life on earth B.
The split of humanity in these two
timelines will officially begin with Elenin in October 2011.
Around September 9-11, 2011, a new, very powerful high frequency
cosmic wave will sweep over earth and humanity. It will merge with
the already existing high frequency energies that flooded this
planet in July and August. Their combined effect will be felt after
September 20. The new energetic situation will no longer support the
old world order, so that all its financial, political, and social
structures will crumble within a very short period of time.
As the reader may already perceive, this prognostic publication
gives an all-round picture of the Ascension scenario in the coming
several months.
Based on this scenario, humanity must expect many important events in
the coming months and weeks.
But this is nothing new - there is a
general feeling of impatient, heightened awareness among all light
workers that something big is in the making on this planet. All
channeled messages in the last several weeks are full of such
predictions. One must be blind not to see the signs of imminent
This prognosis, though maybe the most daring, precise, and
detailed one in the current times, is thus not a unique
manifestation of personal intellectual courage - the author is
simply seeing the inevitable.