by Peter Farley
Spanish version
November 6, 2008
WarIsCrime Website
Note: As with all
my work, I “stand on the shoulders of giants,” those who
have spent their time methodically pulling together the
findings for each one of the pieces I write utilizing
information from other sources. Reference to the
original articles is included or listed at the end of
this article. |
If you haven’t realized it until now, this whole war that has been
raging in this corner of the Universe for eons is over the issue of
control—the power to control the lives and energy of those beings
who reside, not only on this planet, but also on all the other
planets in this vicinity, and even into the other dimensions.
As always, the best allegory I can find
for this situation is in the book
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline
Simply put, the whole thing is a battle between the Darkness and
the Light for the ultimate control of the Universe. If this
sounds like you are living in another episode of the Star Wars
series, welcome to reality and the biggest thing going on in
Creation right now. This bigger war, which is raging in the
macrocosm of the Universe, is also raging within each and every one
of us, also called the microcosm. And the chemtrails can be a
fearful weapon in this war, as long as we remain in the victim state
of consciousness.
Planet Earth and its inhabitants, as the prizes in this latest and
final battleground of the
Galactic war, are crown jewels to
the victor, not only because of the position this planet holds on
the outlying edge of the galaxy, but as is explained further in my
upcoming book, because it is a microcosm of the galaxy. Much like
the United States is on planet Earth — Earth itself is a melting pot
of so many different alien races, that it’s conquest represents a
conquest of all the home planets as well..
The key to this penultimate battle is the coming ascension of planet
Earth back into the fifth dimension, and the choice its people to
either stay here in this dimension, or to go with it. The chemtrails
fulfill that part of the
Hopi prophecy spoken of about the
Day of Purification when cobwebs would be spun in the skies.
What you do if you were already
in control of this planet?
What would you do if you had
already spent inordinate amounts of time and energy making
it into
the most sophisticated prison camp in
the Universe—so much so that most of the
inhabitants didn’t even know they were prisoners?
What lengths would you go to in
order to prevent them from pulling off the Great Escape by
beaming themselves and the whole camp up and out of your
self-governing enclosure?
Two things would become necessary for
you to do:
close or control the doorways or
portals in and out of your camp (the always crucial “head
‘em off at the pass” in Earth wars)
keep the prisoners,
preoccupied with their
health and the day-to-day grind
genetically incapable of
making the jump into hyper-space
Voilà! — the chemtrails...
The ultimate purpose of the chemtrails can be seen in the most
ubiquitous of symbols seen everywhere in the trails left behind over
so many cities—the X. As one researcher discovered while researching
the source of the X rune (Gebo) in the original Teutonic texts, it
literally means a gift, or offering—the symbolic meaning being
“sacrifice of the lower for the higher.”
Certainly that is a familiar theme in
the ways of
the Illuminati here on planet
Earth. All the true knowledge of Creation is withheld from us, the
lower, and our lives and very existence here on the planet are
sacrificed in service to those who deem themselves the higher and
therefore more worthy to retain this cosmic wisdom.
The first part of the
New World Order’s solution
concerning the blockage of the portals into and out of the planet is
dealt with in my upcoming book (available soon through
my website). This blockage is being
done from both inside the planet’s atmosphere (at ground level), and
also from outside the atmosphere through the many “secret missions”
carried out over the past decades of “space exploration” by NASA
and by the space shuttle, as well as many other earth-based space
Part A of the second aspect of the solution has to do, obviously,
with keeping the economy insecure. This involves taxing the
people so heavily as to keep the power out of their hands and with
little or no money left even to stay alive. If this means inflating
the stock market and the economy, or
plunging us all into a “recession” or a
depression as they have done before, then so be it.
The evidence of these things is all
around us if we simply choose to open our eyes.
The whole idea behind the old “company
store” was to keep the workers alive and working, reaping a windfall
for the company, while growing further and further into debt by
buying necessities at inflated prices through the company store. The
workers then became hopelessly reliant on the “social security” of
their benefactors, using their own free will to sell themselves into
a lifetime of self-imposed servitude.
Not only are food supplies and housing now the most expensive
commodities available, but we even have to buy such things as water
and even air to remain somewhat healthy and alive. The medical
system, a crushing blow to freedom as it is now, is not only
responsible for as many deaths as for the lives it saves—but it has
also been positioned to bleed the economy dry of all its resources
through high-priced sugar pills and drugs which cause more problems
than they cure in the hands of ill-trained practitioners. All this,
while never once dealing with what is really killing the people —
fear and emotional stagnation.
Part B of this scenario is to keep the people unhealthy, all the
while genetically altering them enough so that they cannot even
conceive of making the proposed jump back into hyperspace along with
the struggling planet.
The process of doing this began a long long time ago with the
race of aliens featured so prominently in Sumerian and
Babylonian history and the work of
Zecharia Sitchin. These beings were responsible for
originally stripping us of our 12-strand DNA in order to make
of us a slave race. By doing this, they also stripped us of our
God-given connection to our Higher Selves, that part of
ourselves which is truly interdimensional and in touch with its
By manipulating both
the portals to the planet and the
personal portals in our own DNA, the New World Order and its
controllers hope to keep both us and the planet trapped here in the
third dimension indefinitely for their own personal uses.
This has already created a problem in
that so many of those who have been passing on over this period of
time have been reincarnating back onto the planet instead of going
on to other places and other lessons, simply because they have been
trapped here by the dense physicality created on this planet, and by
their attachments to worldly things and their inability to reconnect
with their Higher Selves.
As more and more children and adults become re-attuned to their
original 12-strand DNA status with the increase in the planet’s
frequency, and as the date for planetary ascension draws ever
nearer, the urgency to control this re-connection to our original
selves has become an urgent and necessary part of the New World
Order’s agenda.
In a recent article by
Patricia Resch circulated on
the web, Dr Berrenda Fox provides her insights into these
cellular and DNA changes. Dr Fox is the holistic practitioner of the
Avalon Wellness Center in Mt Shasta, California.
She has proven through her own work and
blood testing that some people have actually developed these new
strands of DNA.
“We are making an
evolutionary change, yet we
don’t know what we are changing into,” says Fox. “Everyone has
one double helix of DNA. What we are finding is that there are
other helixes that are being formed. In the double helix there
are two strands of DNA coiled into a spiral.
It is my understanding that we will
be developing twelve helixes. During this time, which seems to
have started maybe 5 to 20 years ago, we have been mutating.
This is the scientific explanation... “
What Fox is referring to is that the
planet is already passing through the fourth dimension of vibration
as of about 1982, headed for a quantum leap into the fifth level in
2012-2013, the famed end of the
Mayan Calendar.
Hence we have the increase in
UFO sightings (dimensional
phenomena), and also in people’s telepathic and intuitive abilities.
“The changes are not known publicly,
because the scientific community feels it would frighten the
population,” says Fox. “However, people are changing at the
cellular level. I am working with three children right now who
have three DNA helixes.”
Fox suggests that most people know and
feel this already, and that many religions have talked about the
change and know it will come about in different ways.
“We know it is a positive mutation
even though physically, mentally, and emotionally it can be
misunderstood and frightening... You would almost think by
knowing these children that they are half angelic or superhuman,
but they’re not. I think they are what we are growing into
during the next few decades.”
Our immune and endocrine systems are the
most evident of these changes, say Fox, and that is the reason she
says she works with research into immunological testing and therapy.
It is also one of the chief reasons why
the chemtrails and other NWO practices target our immune systems
and endocrine systems so heavily.
“Some adults that I have tested
actually do have another DNA helix forming. Some are even
getting their third. These people are going through a lot of
major shifts in their consciousness and physical bodies, because
it is all one. In my opinion, the Earth and everyone here is
raising its vibration. Many of the children born recently have
bodies that are magnetically lighter. Those of us that are older
and choose to change have to go through many physical changes.”
Fox suggests that the easiest way to
mutate our DNA is through a
virus. DNA viruses like Epstein Barr and the
Herpes #6 change cellular structure. This fact, as we shall see,
has obviously not gone unnoticed by the New World Order.
“Most people who go through this
process and come out the other side,” says Fox, “have a new
profession, a new way of thinking, or at least a starting of a
new way of life. Even though they may feel really sick, tired,
or hopeless at times, it can be a gift.”
“As I understand it,” she adds, “we
have until about
2012 to complete this process.”
The DNA and other body changes are also
spoken of in an article titled “The
Bigger Picture” by Susanna Thorpe-Clark:
“We are being changed physically
from carbon-based beings with 2 strands of DNA into crystalline
beings with 1,024 strands of DNA (eventually), because only
crystalline substances can exist on higher dimensional levels.
“This new state of being requires therefore that we physically,
mentally and emotionally let go of 3rd dimensional concepts.
Just as in death, the letting go is a major part of the change
process, for one cannot take the old values and way of being
into a new completely different afterlife. So the progression
through changes compels us to let go of current relationships,
jobs, careers, homes, possessions, and so on, if they are unable
to support our new way of being …
“Is it any wonder therefore, that there is a great deal of
anxiety and fear being felt because these changes are already in
progress, even though most people are not conscious of it …
“These changes are not necessarily being experienced by everyone
concurrently. A very small percentage of adults have already
completed the entire change into crystalline form and now embody
1,024 strands of DNA … Some people are only just starting to
move through these changes, and many others have yet to start.
This process of change is known as the Awakening, or as
the Ascension process, or known
as achieving the Merkabah, or light body.
“We need to transcend our fears and learn about love, real love,
which has to start with the self. Because, until we can love and
trust ourselves, we cannot truly love or trust anything or
anybody else.”
How does all this relate to the
chemtrails and to the New World Order?
The original three major theories
explaining the chemtrail phenomenon, i.e.,
...have all been pretty much discounted
by researchers as pointed out in Stan and Holly Deyo’s May 31st,
2006 newsletter.
None of these theories adequately
explains the range of data gathered.
Furthermore, spraying is occurring worldwide, thus it has to
be run by a multinational alliance of some kind, the likes of which
can only put it into the class of that monolith known simply as the
New World Order. The secrecy of the
chemtrail phenomenon also puts it into the domain of
black budget projects and shadow
government operations in terms of the US, or even for any other
government for that matter.
Right now, people are still recovering from chemtrail induced
sicknesses. Since chemtrail related deaths have been extremely low,
the possibility of chemtrails containing only one single agent is
very low.
Double agent spraying is more likely. One somewhat benign agent is
applied now, and its combination with an activator in the future
would turn it lethal or at least trigger the desired results. The
activator can then be another biological or chemical substance which
triggers this new reaction in tandem with the first agent.
To see how the chemtrails are manipulating both out health and our
genetic makeup, we have to take a look at the contents of samples
taken after chemtrail spraying.
These ingredients have been obtained
from the many analyses performed upon chemtrail residue samples and
listed on the web:
Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A
common hardy bacteria that can be found in dirt. This could
suggest possible contamination of chemtrail ground samples
but also perhaps not considering that it is commonly
genetically engineered by companies as
PathoGenesis for
various purposes. The natural strains have been found to
contaminate hospitals and drinking water.
When inhaled into
immunosuppressed lungs such as those of victims with cystic
fibrosis, it forms slime clusters called biofilms which are
virtual bunkers against immune system defenses and
antibiotics. It can transfer horizontally, meaning between
species, genetic information to the host via transduction
and conjugation.
Conjugation involves the
bacteria injecting a genetic package called a plasmid via a
‘handshake’ into a host cell, which receives it and in
effect makes it a part of its own DNA. Transduction is
similar, but instead of the bacteria sending a plasmid into
the host, it sends bacteriophages (viruses) that contain
some of the original bacteria’s DNA and implants it within
the host’s DNA.
This allows for genetic
manipulation to occur.
Aerosol Barium salts such
as were used in Libya, Panama and Desert Storm where they
were sprayed and exploded overhead to make the people
extremely sick and weak. It is a radioactive material that
accelerates and magnifies the effects of other mix
ingredients by altering the chemical structure of the other
A spectrum analysis reveals only
the barium compounds and hides the “bad stuff” by placing a
shell around it. After time, it releases the other agent.
Think of it as a time release death pill.
Ethylene dibromide (dibromethane).
Banned in 1984 by the EPA, EDB (C2H4Br2)
is a carcinogenic fuel additive and insecticide with a
chloroform-like odor. It is claimed to be similar to silver
iodide, which was once used for cloud seeding and weather
modification purposes.
When absorbed, EDB causes
central nervous system depression and pulmonary edema, which
is fluid accumulation in the lungs.
Symptoms of pulmonary edema
include shortness of breath, anxiety, wheezing, and
coughing. It is extremely irritant to mucous membranes and
to the respiratory tract. These are all symptoms associated
with the “chemtrail cough,” and with the growing
lethargy noticed in populated areas both here and around the
world where spraying is taking place.
If anything, EDB serves partly
as a condensation nuclei around which water vapor in the
atmosphere can condense, making thick chemtrails visible for
satellite tracking.
Pseudomonas fluorescens.
Another strain of the Pseudomonas variety found most often
in soil and on plants. On plants, it produces antibiotics
which shield the plant from fungal and bacterial infections.
Most likely a contaminant in the analysis.
Includes E.coli and salmonella which are culprits in cases
of food poisoning. Most interesting of the
Enterobacteriaceae family is the Klebsiella genus, whose
species is responsible for pneumonia infections (enough
Serratia marcescens. A
dangerous pathogen that can cause pneumonia. One link from
the Canadian Intelligence Security Service formation
on the San Francisco 1950 biological testing reports that,
At one point, 5000
particles/minute were sprayed from the coastal areas inward.
During this time, 1 man died (in hospital) and 10 others
became infected in what was described as “a mystery to
doctors.” Although the military claimed it never did many
follow up studies on these tests, one result was that it
showed nearly every single person became infected with the
test organism.
In hindsight, now that some of
this information has become declassified, it’s been shown
that during periods following spraying tests, there were
“5-10 times the normal infections reported.”
Although attributed to the
military and government sources, similar experiments were
revealed to have also been performed by the Australian
government on its people using various bacteriological
agents, a country known for its extremely high rate of
asthma and chronic lung problems.
This advance testing was
obviously an early phase for the NWO’s “final solution.”
“Streptomycetes are used to
produce the majority of antibiotics applied in human and
veterinary medicine and agriculture, as well as
anti-parasitic agents, herbicides, pharmacologically
active metabolites (e.g. immuno-suppressants).”
A restriction enzyme used in
research labs to snip and combine DNA—such an enzyme cleaves
open DNA and allows desired segments to be inserted before
Other bacteria and toxic
molds capable of producing heart disease, encephalitis,
and meningitis—of which there are renewed outbreaks,
especially in heavily sprayed cities such as Houston—as well
as acute upper respiratory and gastrointestinal distress.
It is known that within three days of a particular heavy
spraying, outbreaks of respiratory illnesses occur in the
exposed population. Some develop pneumonia, others colds,
flu-like symptoms, and depressed immune functions.
Instances of meningitis and
encephalitis have also increased in correlation with
Note that no
viruses are listed above.
This is because viruses are difficult to
detect in the laboratory, much less identify. However, most of the
resulting illnesses do not respond to antibiotics, suggesting
their causes are indeed viral. Such viruses are most likely
retroviruses such as the adenovirus for use in the genetic
Chemtrails now appear worldwide, though it has been
claimed that none have been sighted in China. The Chinese influence
on the Clinton presidency has been well established, not to mention
the increasing dependence so many countries now have on China for
both their manufactured goods and as a source of cheap labor. US
military and scientific technology has been freely given to China
under much protest in spite of its aggressive stance towards this
country. The New World Order seems to have made China into a new
power base for capitalism since the death of its infamous Communist
leader, Mao Tse Tung.
Although chemtrails in foreign countries may be due to planes
originating from the US, or from US military bases in those
countries, the heaviness of spraying there suggests that foreign
governments and commercial agencies are also heavily involved.
answering machine tape recently
given to chemtrails researcher Will Thomas’s
Lifeboat News Service includes a message allegedly from the
Victoria, British Columbia, Airport Authority’s Manager for
Airport Planning and Environment to city resident Mark Porter,
who had inquired about unusual contrail formations being seen in the
sky over the city. It seems to confirm that controversial
“chemtrails” are being spread over that city as a joint US-Canadian
military operation.
Another researcher in a bedroom community of Portland, OR, a city
which is sprayed often, relates that chemical tankers have been
photographed on the ground at the Oregon National Guard base
adjacent to the Portland International Airport just a few miles from
his home.
Considering the frequency and density of coverage of the
chemtrails, the urgency of the NWO’s agenda to head off the
ascension process is self-evident. The project has risked discovery
by employing commercial airlines to help with the spraying, and such
a risk can only be justified if the project itself were in the
nature of an emergency. They have also risked their secrecy by
spraying during the day (especially on weekends) to affect as many
people as possible, when all below can plainly see these contrails
are anything but.
The altering of one’s DNA via incorporation of foreign DNA from
bacteria and viruses is the key to the genetic manipulation of
our beings in order to stop the
ascension process from going on
within our bodies.
This process is suggested in
a Leading Edge article, quoted as
“One of the indications that
vaccinations may in fact be changing the genetic structure of
humans became evident in September of 1971, when scientists at
the University of Geneva made the discovery that biological
substances entering directly into the bloodstream could become
part of human genetic structure.
“In an experiment in Geneva, scientists extracted the auricles
of frog hearts and dipped them for several hours in a suspension
of bacteria. Afterward, they found a high percentage of RNA-DNA
hybridization between bacterial DNA extracted from bacteria of
the same species as that used in the experiment and titrated DNA
extracted from the auricles which had been dipped in the
bacterial suspension.
Bacterial DNA had been absorbed by
the animal cells. This phenomenon has been dubbed
There is evidence that this kind of
phenomenon is happening all the time within the human body. It
is conceivable, for example, that heart damage following
rheumatic fever could be the result of the immune system
reacting to its own cells producing a foreign RNA complex after
absorption of foreign DNA.”
For those interested in the
transcession capability of
vaccines, consider this quote about
gene therapy:
“Yet another technique is to simply
inject naked DNA. This approach wouldn’t work well as direct
injection into the bloodstream because the body’s DNA degrading
enzymes would quickly digest it. But some experiments have shown
that when naked DNA is injected directly into muscle tissue [as
in a vaccine injection], say, the cells start producing whatever
proteins the DNA codes for.”
In other words, transcession is
the process whereby bacterial DNA becomes part of a host cell’s
The term transcession is more
commonly known as transduction, or conjugation, more
generally termed horizontal gene transfer.
Horizontal means between species,
as opposed to vertical which is from parent to offspring. This is
one way gene therapy seeks to correct genetic diseases, but
it can also obviously be used to create genetic mutations of a
different kind.
Here’s another excerpt from an article
confirming the use of viruses in gene therapy:
“To turn viruses into gene ferries,
scientists have developed ways of stripping the genes out of a
virus and substituting copies of the genes they want to transfer
into cells. The virus is then mixed with cells taken out of the
body that are then returned. Or they can be injected directly
into the body itself, homing in on the cells of interest.
Retroviruses, which insert their
genetic code directly into the chromosomes of the host cell,
have been used a lot because of their ability to break into
chromosomes and insert the DNA.
Other viruses are now also being
used. One of the big drawbacks of viruses is that the immune
system can’t tell the difference between bad viruses and those
that carry a beneficial gene. So, many of the viruses are
rapidly wiped out [that is, of course, unless the immune system
is weakened by other chemical/biological agents, such that these
viruses survive long enough to transduce their DNA into the
The article which first got me
interested in this whole field was one I found in a newspaper about
viruses being found in the tails of comets passing through
The theory was that this might be how
“life” and diseases could be spread from one planet to another, like
in some weird science fiction movie such as The Day of the Triffids
or Invasion of the Body Snatchers. To exist in such an environment
as space, however, viruses would not be considered a life form as
Viruses tend to travel through the
nervous system, and are more like a parasite, living off its
biological host—a true alien invasion indeed, energy vampires, much
like those creatures portrayed in the recent hit movie,
The Matrix, for the nervous system is in fact the
electromagnetic system of the body.
Non-invasive methods of gene therapy are already well established. A
team at the Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia
accomplished just that using an oral method of gene therapy.
madsci.org has something to say
about these non-invasive methods:
“Gene therapy is one of the most
interesting and valuable techniques to come out of the field of
genetic engineering. The adenovirus used to deliver the CF gene
to human cells for gene therapy is known as a vector. Since most
cells normally will not take in or absorb DNA, we need a
delivery system to get the gene into the cell.
Adenovirus is a good vector since it
can infect cells in vivo, or while they’re in the body, which
means that the gene can be delivered through an inhaler (instead
of having to manipulate the cells in vitro, or in the
laboratory, then return the cells to the body). To use the
adenovirus as a vector, it’s genome was first altered by
removing all the virus DNA except for the minimum necessary for
the virus to live and infect the cells. Genetically engineered
viral vectors like this are harmless and usually can’t live
outside of the laboratory.
“But some virus vectors are not without drawbacks. All viral
approaches suffer from the drawback of introducing unwanted
viral genetic information into the recipient host. Retroviral
vectors and adenoviruses have additional disadvantages.
Retroviruses are only suitable for delivery of DNA to
replicating cells, and present a risk of reversion to
replication competent infective particles, whilst DNA expression
using adenovirus delivery systems tends to be short lived [thus
the need for the repeated chemtrail sprayings over the past two
years in the same geographic areas and the use of a host of
vectors to ensure success if one fails].
“A novel vector with potential for use in gene therapy has been
developed by Professor Beverly Griffin and colleagues in
the Department of Infectious Diseases at the Hammersmith
Hospital Campus of Imperial College. Her team has shown that
pseudocapsids of the mouse polyoma virus, consisting solely of
the VP1 protein, can be used to transfer DNA into mammalian
cells in vivo, to give expression at clinically-relevant levels
over a period of weeks.”
This work and its subsequent
implications suggests a reason for the dramatically increased
investment by governments and industry alike over the past few
decades into research at educational institutions of higher
learning—now part of the expanded military-industrial-education
It also should make us all stop and
remember the Hanta virus carried by the deer mice of the Four
Corners region of the United States and its subsequent deadly
effects over the past decade.
“Polyoma virus has a very broad host
range which means that the pseudocapsids will be taken up
by essentially any human or other mammalian cell. Development
and selection of mutant VP1 proteins, together with engineered
specific labels may enable cell-specific targeting for in vivo
applications. Pseudocapsids completely free of viral genetic
material can be produced easily and economically.”
In other words, the technology already
exists for allowing virus vectors to effectively alter the DNA of a
host’s cell. This is not science fiction. One company among many,
AEA Technology, is presently
researching and selling aerosol products for use in gene therapy.
From the evidence available then, adenovirus vectors are the most
likely culprits in chemtrail-related sicknesses, and in summary,
both bacteria and viruses are capable of incorporating some of their
own genetic information into the cells of a host.
Bacteria do it via transduction and
conjugation, and viruses via direct infection of a cell.
Conceivably then, one could become infected with either such a
bacteria or virus and would feel sick as a consequence. Meanwhile,
the bacteria or virus goes to work altering one’s cellular DNA
slowly, before later being wiped out by the body’s immune system.
After the illness is eliminated, the altered cells remain and
continue to reproduce (Recommended lecture: "The Miracle Mineral Supplement of
The 21st Century").
Sometimes it becomes
malignantly cancerous if the gene transfer is crude and faulty
(as in vaccinations), and other times the changes are so subtle the
body continues to operate as previously, or so the victim thinks (as
in chemtrail exposure).
The easiest way to mutate our DNA is through a virus [in this case,
the easiest way to un-mutate DNA or suppress it from mutating is
also a virus].
The chemtrails then are ultimately
attacking our cellular DNA - it’s only possible explanation to
head of the pending ascension process to keep us as a slave race to
do the bidding of our masters.
Mutation and its implications are therefore most relevant in
explaining chemtrails. The X-Men movie is a good analogy for what is
happening here on planet Earth at this very time.
It has also been confirmed that DNA’s crystalline helical
structure makes it very sensitive to low strength but specific
magnetic frequencies and wave shapes. Depending on the field
strength and Fourier components, the effects can vary from
rejuvenation to cancer, with one possible effect
being the unlocking or suppression of junk DNA.
Since some of the “new” strands of DNA
are actually electromagnetic or
multi-dimensional in nature, DNA is
also sensitive to not just earthly electromagnetic fields, but it
also responds to the body’s soul-nature. Soul nature is the
vibrational etheric/astral composition or signature of a particular
Genetic structure and soul-nature are
intimately coupled; a change in one can lead to a delayed change in
the other.
Manipulation or control of our earthly behavior can simply be
garnered by the use of
low-watt microwave transmissions,
the effects to the cerebellum of the human brain when it is within
three feet of such a device are devastating to the organ. FM, AM,
and the
microwave GWEN towers can all be
used to manipulate or to control the unruly masses in this way.
author of some of this included material
gives as his conclusion the following:
“Humanity is evolving, emerging from
the past millennia of abysmal darkness and oppression. The power
structure, knowing its reign is about to end, has worked
tirelessly in a last ditch effort to keep us suppressed.
Chemtrails are but one small weapon they are employing to
accomplish this.”
A very true statement.
His suggestion that,
“their ultimate goal is a New World
Order, global totalitarianism and a reinstatement of their
absolute power” and that “the NWO will fail if citizens become
genetically empowered to wake up and fight with superhuman
powers against tyranny” and that “this is already occurring, and
the chemtrails are ultimately ineffectual at preventing the
inevitable” is highly debatable, however.
It is even incorrect in terms of what is
truly going on.
It is fairly obvious to anyone who tries
to talk to the “man in the street” that:
firstly, they haven’t noticed
this problem
secondly, that if they have
noticed it they simply don’t seem to care about it
thirdly, that if they have seen
them and do seem to care, then they certainly do not feel
they have any power to do anything about them, and so must
just suffer
As I’ve said in previous articles,
despite what you read anywhere else, the general consciousness of
planet Earth has decided not to go on with the ascension process —
whether this be through coercion or through their own free will,
does not really matter.
There is now only the choice left to the
individual whether he or she wants to take that next step for
themselves, into a higher dimensional state.
Two ‘anonymous’ emails sent to
seemed to come from someone in the know on the subject of
chemtrails. These e-mails talk about the “culling” of the
population. This is a word I, too, have been given in guidance as
another aspect of the chemtrails. It is also a word used in these
e-mails as being attributed to a four-star Admiral in the Office of
Naval Intelligence.
One of these e-mails has been titled “The Great Dying
- The Real Reason
Behind Chemtrails.”
It speaks of the overall
scope and agenda behind Chemtrails
(Operation Clover Leaf, Operation Red Sky,
Operation Rain Dance being the code names for these operations),
and harkens back to what it calls the beginnings “way back in the
late 1950s with
aspartame, and illegal street
narcotics.” It also speaks of the fact that the agenda is “at the
80% completion point in these CT operations” (when the e-mails were
written) with the final completion date to be “by March of 2001.”
The e-mails list as the main and ancillary operational objectives of
chemtrails of Operation Red Sky to be:
“Phase One main objective: Creative
cleavages in spatial perceptions. Creating blockage in the brain
of the interaction of various amino acids that relate to higher
consciousness and the increase of dopamine in the brain
producing a listless, euphoric state of lower, reactive mind.”
(Thereby trapping us in the third dimension—the choice of the
lower plane energy.)
To understand this objective
necessitates an understanding of the human Soul, the spiritual Self
and the connection between the two as related to the endocrine
system functioning within each human host, and remembering what Dr.
Fox (see above) said about our immune and endocrine systems
showing the most evidence of these changes—these seeming to be
the most important targets of the chemtrail’s ingredients.
The endocrine system is the group of specialized organs and
body tissues that produce, store, and secrete chemical substances
known as hormones.
As the body’s chemical messengers,
hormones transfer information and instructions from one set of cells
to another. Because of the hormones they produce, endocrine organs
have a great deal of influence over the body. Among their many jobs
are regulating the body’s growth and development, controlling the
function of various tissues, supporting pregnancy and other
reproductive functions, and regulating metabolism.
Endocrine organs are sometimes called ductless glands because
they have no ducts connecting them to specific body parts. The
hormones they secrete are released directly into the bloodstream.
The primary glands comprising the endocrine system are the:
pineal body
reproductive glands—the ovary
and testis.
pancreas, an organ often
associated with the digestive system, is also
considered part of the endocrine system
The hypothalamus, found deep within the
brain, directly controls the pituitary gland (also known to be the
source of psychic vision or what spiritualists call “the third eye,”
that which sees inter-dimensionally). It is sometimes described as
the coordinator of the endocrine system.
When information reaching the brain indicates that changes are
needed somewhere in the body, nerve cells in the hypothalamus
secrete body chemicals that either stimulate or uppress hormone
secretions from the pituitary gland. Acting as liaison between the
brain and the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus is the primary link
between the endocrine and nervous systems (remembering that viruses
commonly travel through the nervous system). If changes are to take
place in the body, then this system is also the guardian over those
changes as well as being the director of them.
To genetically manipulate mankind through the ingredients in the
one must first suppress the
endocrine system
second, the natural defenses of
the immune system — the two most directly targeted areas of
chemtrail spraying
The e-mails go on to say that the goals
of the chemtrails are to make,
“the overall ‘frequency’ of each of
their charges (human beings in each country) to function at a
specific rate below the threshold of awareness. The study
of brain-wave,
Remote Viewing techniques, and
other related research holds the key to this.
As we know, a physical brain
functioning at 12 to 14 cycles per second is agitated and
cannot, therefore, become perceptive of any cycle not within the
same frequency, especially if that brain is
artificially stabilized to that frequency.
How can one perceive love, when the brain can only register
impatience, anger, etc?”
Fear is a key factor here, and it
is through fear that we open ourselves up to control. Fear is the
frequency which registers most with our fourth and fifth dimensional
manipulators, and allows our auras, our protective shields, to be
breached, leaving us open to their Light-sucking, energy-sucking
The e-mails also say that,
“the immune system of the host must
be depleted. This relates to control, simply put. If the
slightest breeze makes you dizzy, what kind of defense can you
be expected to put up if you can’t lift your arms above your
head without getting a headache? …
This is the main reason for much of
the desiccated red blood cells found in chemtrails:
biowarfare. This also allows the parasite to latch onto the
human host with little resistance from the organism so
The third and last objective the e-mails
point out are that
the NWO needs our agreement.
David Icke stresses this point
in his work as well.
The e-mails continue:
“This last statement is by far the
most crucial stage of all. It isn’t enough to make us slaves, we
must want to become slaves. Food scarcity, low wages, false
idealism as propagated via network commercials, all create a
state of low-level dependency to a state system, but it is
not enough. To win… (they) need our permission to do what they
will to us (Universal Law). The system of this biosphere has one
final gate that only each of us can open or close and it is, in
fact, free will…”
How and when will they do this?
According to the e-mails “a fake alien
invasion” or a biowarfare incident on a major US, European or
Australian city could be used to trigger us to give up out free will
in return for the safety and protection of a seemingly benevolent
but in the end dictatorial force.
With regard to this, be careful of
‘announced disclosures’ from seemingly reputable alien-seeking
organizations. The control goes deeper than you suspect,
and these organizations are needed to feed this supposed threat.
As any good researcher or experiencer
can tell you,
they are already here - in more ways than you
Preserve your free will. Make a choice for ascension rather than
remaining. Utilize love in all your actions rather than dwelling in
fear. Be an observer rather than a victim. And trust that there are
those who care about what is going on here, and will take care of
things as long as you do your part.
Have faith.
I wish you strength.