by Richard C. Cook
Exopolitics Journal, vol. 4, no. 2
December 2013
ExopoliticsJournal Website
In 1970 Richard
Cook graduated from the College of William and Mary,
receiving a degree with honors and election to Phi Beta
He then came to
Washington, D.C., to study meditation and spirituality
and serve as an analyst with the federal government.
While at NASA Cook warned of a possible disaster due to
faulty O-ring joints in the space shuttle
solid rocket
The disaster came
to pass with the loss of Challenger and seven American
astronauts in January 1986. Cook then worked at the U.S.
Treasury department for over two decades.
Upon retirement in
2007, he wrote articles predicting the financial crash
of 2008. Cook has published several books, including "In
the Footsteps of the Yogi" on his spiritual experiences;
"Challenger Revealed" on his time as a whistleblower
with NASA; and "We Hold These Truths: The Hope of
Monetary Reform"on how to change the financial system.
In his latest book, Return of the Aeons: The Planetary
Spiritual Ascension, Cook says that Ascension is real
and applies to all human beings.
Cook writes further
that the Divine Beings known in ancient times as Aeons
are here and available to guide us. Cook and his wife
Karen now live in Roanoke, VA, USA, where they teach
Ascension Meditation and Healing™
at the Lifestream
Center. |
This is a chapter from the book,
Return of the Aeons: The
Planetary Spiritual Ascension (2013).
The book’s objective is
to explain today's spiritual ascension of earth and
humanity at this unique period of planetary history
and how the Divine Beings are helping us transcend
and transform. The book is part of the literature
that is being created about the post-2012
The book is deeply
grounded in the author’s own personal experience in
working with the spiritual masters, in teaching
spirituality to others, and in connecting the
spiritual changes with current world events such as
the environmental crisis, financial collapse, UFOs,
and war and political crises.
The book also offers
detailed information in the traditions of Gnosticism
and the perennial philosophy and provides numerous
aids for seekers on establishing and maintaining
their own spiritual practice…
How, in the face of
overwhelming environmental, political, economic, and
ethical problems facing humanity, the New Earth is
yet in formation and how each individual can be a
part of it.

This is the Space Age, though no one has
ever been able to define exactly what that term includes.
We know it covers humans in space,
satellites, robotic space probes, etc. But how about beings like us
living elsewhere in the universe? Of course many "primitive" peoples
around the world have had legends that such beings not only exist
but were their own ancestors.
This includes both the Australian
aborigines and some Native American tribes who believe their
forebears came from the Pleiades.
The media constantly ask, "Are we alone?" But do they want to hear
the answer?
The idea
of UFOs
and ETs fits perfectly with this
book, because if we are surrounded by Higher Beings who
influence human life, maybe some of those beings have come on
spaceships and are here now.
The following narrative is based on the best sources I have been
able to discover, including information from the RA Material and The
UFOs or UFO-like objects have been reported throughout history,
including ancient Rome and medieval times. As stated in Part One,
researchers such as Erich von Daniken have postulated that
UFOs and ETs are the source of many ancient legends of visits from
the gods who left traces of their presence in archaeological
phenomena such as
the Nazca lines in Peru or
the pyramids of Egypt.
In our own era, military officers, pilots, government officials and
citizens from many countries have reliably and extensively
documented tens of thousands of UFO sightings for more than six
In fact millions of people worldwide
have seen UFOs of types that appear to be unlike anything made by
earthlings, though it is likely that some sightings are of UFO-like
craft built by earth’s governments.
Compared to UFOs, there have been far fewer well-documented reports
of ET sightings and contacts, but again, the eyewitness reports have
been sufficient to establish that ETs are here. Meanwhile, there has
been complete denial by the U.S. government that UFOs or ETs even
exist, especially after 1969, when the Air Force’s Project Blue Book
was terminated.
In 1968, Science and Mechanics magazine published accounts of UFO
sightings from the Air Force’s official files of Project Blue Book
held at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio.
The accounts appeared in the book,
The Official Guide to UFOs (Ace Publishing, 1968).
In 1969,
Project Blue Book was discontinued
permanently, though secret government investigative programs
continued. Following are excerpts from official government records,
all labeled by the Air Force as "unexplained."
The quotations are from the official Air
Force reports.
The first publicized UFO
sighting of the modern era was by pilot Kenneth Arnold,
flying in the vicinity of Mt. Ranier, Washington, on June
24, 1947. The encounter lasted 1 minute, 42 seconds. Arnold
observed nine disc-shaped craft two-thirds the size of a
DC-4 transport flying at 9,500 ft. at 400 MPH. The objects
flew in a chain-like line, as though linked together, spread
out over five miles. Arnold was interviewed at length by the
Air Force.
On March 23, 1966, at 5:05 a.m.
in Temple, OK, a man driving a car saw an object like a
conventional aircraft without wings or engines but with a
"bubble" on top. It rested on supports and had bright
forward and aft lights. The observer stopped his car,
approached the UFO on the highway and saw "a man wearing a
baseball cap enter it by steps from the bottom." The UFO
then rose from the highway and flew off.
On November 27, 1960, at 7:30
p.m. in Chula Vista, CA, there was a twenty to thirty minute
sighting by seven observers, including two amateur
astronomers. They saw a craft that was round with a long
antenna and a flashing white light of high intensity running
along the pod. They said it "moved all over the sky in huge
circles and made dashes at terrific speeds."
On April 24, 1964, at 5:45 p.m.
in Socorro, NM, a squad-car police officer saw an egg-shaped
object the size of a sedan automobile standing on two
girder-like legs. It settled to the ground with a
retro-rocket that had a bluish-orange flame. According to
the report, the officer said he "saw two persons standing
beside it dressed in white coveralls; they seemed startled
when he arrived at the scene, got back in the object and
took off; observer described them as ‘normal in shape, but
possibly they were small adults or large kids.’"
On September 3, 1965, at 2 a.m.
in Exeter, NH, there was an observation by a young man about
to enter the Navy and two police officers. They saw five
bright red round objects moving in formation. The report
stated, "The lights moved over a large field and sometimes
fluttered to a lower altitude in a maneuver that resembled a
falling leaf…These mysterious lights were so bright that
they illuminated the surrounding landscape with a red glow."
On a day in the spring of 1966,
at 5 a.m., from Atwater, OH, to Freedom, PA, there was a
moving observation by two sheriff’s deputies plus eight
civilians. They saw a "dazzlingly bright" circular object
with an antenna projecting below. The object moved straight
ahead of the police car chasing it. After about twenty-five
minutes it slowed down, allowed the car to catch up and
hovered for a while above the car. Then it was off again,
ahead of the car. When it moved too far ahead, it hovered
and appeared to wait for the car to catch up with it.
On March 14, 1965, at 1:30 a.m.
in Everglades, FL, there was an observation by a
professional dog-trainer, who saw a circular craft with a
dome about twenty-five feet high. Ten feet of the lower
portion contained four rows of brightly-lighted windows.
When he approached the craft he was hit by a paralyzing beam
of light.
On June 18 and July 2 and 3,
1965, at the South Pole, there was an observation by
Argentine, British and Chilean personnel, including the
Chilean Antarctic Commander, who saw a craft "like a
gigantic double-convex lens, extremely brilliant but solid."
It had a "zig-zag trajectory, changed speeds and directions
often and once hovered motionless at an altitude of about
three miles for about fifteen minutes. Another time it
stopped suddenly from high speed to hover motionless for
twenty minutes."
On December 13, 1961, at 5:05
p.m. in Washington, D.C., there was an observation by three
men in car, including an ex-Navy pilot/flight instructor,
who saw a "diamond- shaped craft about the size of a Piper
Cub if it were squared off." The craft gave off a pulsating
brown-orange glow underneath the center as it passed over in
a straight line at an altitude of 1,200-1,500 feet.
Again, these are official U.S.
government records, including accounts of investigations by
trained Air Force personnel.
The last entry on the sighting in
Washington, D.C., was particularly interesting to me because it took
place on Virginia Avenue near the State Department a couple of
blocks from where I worked at the U.S. Civil Service Commission.
On November 9, 1965, came the great Northeastern blackout, where the
states of New York and New Jersey, the Canadian province of Ontario
and most of New England experienced a complete power failure lasting
twelve hours to the minute, where thirty million people were without
electricity. The New York Times reported that 800,000 were trapped
in subways when the power went off.
UFO researchers claimed that the lights
went out when military fighter planes gave chase to a UFO over New
York state.
The official version, which was never
proven, was that personnel incorrectly set a protective device on an
electrical relay line. Despite the innocuous cover story, after the
incident electric companies made major upgrades to protect their
systems from electromagnetic radiation.
Researchers postulate that
electromagnetism is a common means of UFO propulsion.
Electromagnetic energy is routinely detected
at crop circle sites where UFOs
also have been reported.
NASA "officially" denies any knowledge of UFOs or ETs, which is
When I moved to Washington, D.C., in
1970 one of the first people I met was a man who worked for the NASA
office that was engaged in the Search for Extraterrestrial
Intelligence (SETI). NASA had been quietly seeking intelligent life
elsewhere since it was founded. Government denials in this and other
areas mean nothing.
Government officials are trained to lie
to outsiders. It’s called "security."
Over the years there has been a steady stream of alleged sightings
coming from NASA of UFOs tracking and accompanying manned and
unmanned space launches. There are credible reports that Neil
Armstrong (1930-2012), the first human to walk on the moon, told
industry representatives at a conference that
the astronauts saw UFOs on the lunar surface.
Armstrong also reportedly said that
humanity had been "waved off" the moon by extraterrestrials who did
not want us visiting there. And by the way, yes, NASA did send
humans to the moon. But the lunar program was suddenly discontinued
after 1972, with no reasonable explanation.
Astronaut Gordon Cooper (1927-2004) was one who saw UFOs and
discussed them at a UN panel discussion in 1985.
He spoke as one who knew they existed,
not as offering mere speculation:
I believe that these
extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this
planet from other planets, which are a little more technically
advanced than we are on earth…
We may first have to show them that
we have learned how to resolve our problems by peaceful means
rather than warfare, before we are accepted as fully qualified
universal team members.
Having worked for NASA and the U.S.
space program, it is my own belief that one of the reasons NASA was
created by President Dwight Eisenhower in 1958 was to meet
the challenges posed by UFOs and ETs present on earth in the 1940s
and 1950s.
I find the reports that President
Eisenhower met with ETs in 1954 and
was party to some kind of treaty or protocol with them to be highly
It is intriguing to consider speculation
that the scene in Steven Spielberg’s film Close Encounters of the
Third Kind of the meeting in the desert between earthlings and ETs
was based on a real-life meeting at Holloman Air Force Base in New
Film footage of that meeting is said
actually to exist.
It is also plausible to consider that the sudden development of many
types of high-tech gadgetry starting in the late 1940s was due to
the retro-engineering of components of crashed UFOs, such as
those at or near Roswell, and/or
was provided to the U.S. government by ETs seeking to have
relationships with humans.
Such technology is said to have
the laser
the computer micro-chip
It has been the micro-chip that has made
the era of modern data processing possible, was pioneered for space
flight by NASA on the space shuttle and has led to the internet
It is in fact plausible that the
internet is a gift from the ETs, aka, the Higher Powers,
being the single most powerful escape currently existing for
humanity to prevent total domination by the Controllers.
Of course the Controllers are racing to
use the Internet and other computer
technology for even greater enslavement of mankind.
Ronald Reagan had a deep
interest in the space program. It was Reagan who proposed the
Strategic Defense Initiative, or "Star Wars" program, believing, he
claimed, that it would replace the "Mutually-Assured Destruction" -
"MAD" - philosophy of the nuclear standoff with the Soviet
Reagan had reported his own sighting of
He was also documented on several
occasions as speaking about an extraterrestrial threat.
According to a White House transcript,
Reagan remarked during a December 4, 1985, meeting in Moscow with
Soviet General Secretary Gorbachev:
How easy his task and mine might be
in these meetings that we held if suddenly there were a threat
to this world from some other species from another planet
outside in the universe. We’d forget all the little local
differences that we have between our countries.
Reagan said in a speech at the United
Nations on September 21, 1987:
In our obsession with antagonisms of
the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of
humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make
us recognize this common bond.
The history of UFOs reported at or near
military sites or in contact with military aircraft both in the U.S.
and abroad can leave little doubt that by Reagan’s time the
perceived threat from them had become a matter of strategic concern
for both the U.S. and Soviet governments.
The best source for documentation of
these incidents is Richard M. Dolan’s massive and authoritative
UFOs and the National Security State,
Vols. One and Two, with Volume Two subtitled, "The Cover-Up
No person who has failed to read this
mighty work has a right to say one word in denial of UFOs and ETs.
By the 1980s, according to
Tom and
The Nine,
there were twelve separate extraterrestrial civilizations with
spacecraft either on the earth or in earth’s vicinity. Not all of
these were benign. In fact, perhaps a majority, Tom says, owed their
allegiance to The Others.
Included were
the Greys from the Zeta Reticuli star system,
only thirty-nine light-years from earth.
The Greys, it is said, are the ETs
responsible for most of the "alien
abductions" reported over the past several decades, where
medical experiments and examinations have been performed on human
subjects who were then returned to earth.
Tom and The Nine say that the Greys are conducting these experiments
because they are looking for a place to which to relocate due to
growing environmental problems with their own planet.
UFO/ET researchers are convinced the
U.S. government knows about the Greys and has allowed them to
function here, leading to calls by such researchers as
Stephen M. Greer for disclosure
by the government of all they know. Greer operates what is called
the Disclosure Project for this
Another extraterrestrial race believed
to be working cooperatively with the U.S. government are the
Nordics, operating out of bases in the Nevada desert.
But the U.S. government by no means could feel even remotely in
control of its relationships with ET civilizations. ETs are able to
maneuver their craft into and out of dimensions inaccessible to
humans who live only in third-density consciousness. Tom and The
Nine say that the reason for the rapprochement between the U.S. and
Soviet Union starting in the 1980s under Reagan and Gorbachev,
leading to the fall of the Soviet Union in the 1990s, was common
fear of the ETs.
It was also at this time that both the
U.S. and Soviet Union abandoned the "space race" and decided to work
cooperatively on developing and deploying the International Space
This was a startling development for
those of us who had witnessed the sometimes bitter competition
between the U.S. and the Soviet Union up to and including the
decision by the U.S. to build a space station called "Freedom" that
would compete for space domination with the Soviet Mir.
It is completely plausible to believe
that the reason the space race ended was the perceived ET threat.

Not everyone sees the ET presence as
the Roman Catholic Church has not
taken an official position, Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a
member of the Vatican Curia, has gone on Italian television a number
of times to state his belief that extraterrestrial contact is a
genuine phenomenon.
Balducci emphasizes that
extraterrestrial encounters,
"are not demonic, they are not due
to psychological impairment, they are not a case of entity
attachment, but these encounters deserve to be studied
In a Vatican newspaper piece titled "The
Extraterrestrial Is My Brother," the Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes
said the expansiveness of the universe means there could be life on
planets other than earth.
"In my opinion this possibility
exists," Funes, the director of the Vatican Observatory, told
L'Osservatore Romano
"As there is a multiplicity of
creatures on earth, so there may be other beings, intelligent,
created by God. This does not conflict with our faith, because
we cannot put limits on the creative freedom of God.
Funes said human beings could even
consider another life form an "extraterrestrial brother," because
it, too, would be one of God's creatures.
It seems odd that almost alone within the world’s authority
structures, these two men who are high up in the Catholic Church
should have such a positive attitude. What do they know? Of course
the Church has many scholars and officials who are highly informed
of all that takes place on the planet.
It has also been reliably said that some
modern popes have had their own profound visions of Jesus/Jeshua,
angels, etc.
So it seems likely that the Church is
aware of The Nine and their revelations that
Jesus is
from the extraplanetary civilization of Hoova; i.e., that
Jesus himself may be an extremely refined extraterrestrial,
as stated in Part One of this book.
Meanwhile, UFO researchers continue to document the facts of what
has been going on for over half a century.
Leslie Kean is a widely published
investigative journalist and author of the book, UFOs: Generals,
Pilots, and Government Officials Go On the Record (Crown Books
Leslie Kean’s bestselling book documents
major UFO incidents worldwide taking place from 1976 to 2007, where
official eye-witnesses and expert investigators have concluded that
craft using technologies not in existence anywhere on earth have
freely been roaming our airspace for decades.
Kean describes encounters with UFOs taking place where human-flown
aircraft have disappeared, the UFOs evaded attacks from military
fighters, UFOs as large or larger than aircraft carriers have been
seen in the sky and where the UFOs have traded signals with human
She documents that UFOs make sudden
maneuvers that defy all known laws of aerodynamics, may be silent
though visible to radar, seem to be made of unknown materials,
appear and reappear as though passing between dimensions and display
lights of a brightness and behavior unknown on earth.
She also uses official records to
describe the CIA program that was initiated in 1953 whereby the
government decided to use,
"mass media such as television,
motion pictures, and popular articles" to debunk UFOs and make
the public afraid even to talk about them.
The CIA also decided to infiltrate
civilian groups that studied UFO phenomena.
It was these actions, along with the
1968 government-funded
Condon Study that "made the subject
of UFOs scientifically unrespectable" and squashed serious UFO study
in the U.S. to this day.
As an example of an undeniably authentic sighting, Leslie Kean
describes a major UFO appearance in Phoenix, Arizona, on March 13,
1997, called the "Phoenix Lights."
The phenomenon was witnessed by,
"many hundreds - more like
thousands" of people, including Governor Fife Symington. The
sighting lasted from 8:15 to 9:30 p.m. The craft was triangular
in shape and "incredibly huge."
According to Kean:
It was the size of multiple football
fields and up to a mile long, many said. A little league game
had to stop as the massive object passed over the heads of moms,
dads, kids and coaches staring in disbelief.
Some people described its color as a
dark gun-metal gray, and many people were awestruck by the
silence of the object, given its size, especially when watching
it take off in the blink of an eye.
(Leslie Kean, UFOs: Generals,
Pilots, and Government Officials Go On The Record, p.248)
The federal government took no action,
dispatched no investigators, and later said the sighting was merely
of some "flares" that had been set off on a nearby mountain.
Governor Fife Symington, a pilot
and former Air Force officer, saw the UFO with his wife and
described it as,
"a massive delta-shaped craft." He
said, "This craft did not resemble any man-made object I had
ever seen."
Let me ask everyone who happens to be
reading this book:
And as I speak to groups on this subject
and listen to individuals describe their own UFO sightings, I am
amazed that officialdom should so resolutely ignore them and even
try to make those who have seen such things with their own eyes
think they are crazy.
The attitude of mainstream institutions
is worse than criminal; it’s diabolical.
Similar is the attitude of the
mainstream to crop circles, which it debunks as a wholesale hoax.
This attitude is, of course, also
absurd. Crop circles, particularly in southern England, are a potent
means of communication between Divine Beings and humans,
designed mainly to engender feelings of awe but also to provide
information of a metaphysical nature.
The crop circles are huge, complex and have been observed in their
formation many times by persons who camp out and film them as they
are created by rapidly-moving balls of light. Many of the crop
circles are constructed in patterns relating to the number twelve,
which is a number mentioned by Tom and The Nine as being a completed
pattern of synchronous relationship between the Divine and human
Another recent crop circle was a
gigantic depiction of the Kabbalah’s Tree of Life.
An excellent resource on current scientific research on crop circle
formation is Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles (Paper Chase
Press, 2000) by Linda Moulton Howe.
A comprehensive analysis of the
relationship between crop circles and Ascension may be found in an
article entitled "Crop Circle Phenomena and 2012" by Wendy Flentri,
M.A. (Exopolitics Journal 4:1, March 2012, p.126-144)
To summarize, the existence of UFOs and ETs has been a thoroughly
documented occurrence since the mid-1940s, with tens of thousands of
credible reports both in the U.S. and other nations. From the start,
UFOs have been viewed by the U.S. government as enemy combatants,
invading our air space and threatening us with superior technology.
There has been substantial reported
military combat, including loss of life, and possibly other types of
interaction between UFOs, ETs and the world’s military
establishments, especially that of the U.S.
A scientific correlation has been suggested by Frances’s official
UFO agency between the frequency of UFO reports and periods of
nuclear weapons testing.
For many years, military witnesses have
suggested UFOs are in process of examining or disabling nuclear
weapons at military bases.
A hypothesis has been developed
in the UFO/ET literature that the influx of UFOs between
World War II and today has had as a major purpose to stop
nuclear war from breaking out on earth.
A second hypothesis has been
that, with the coming of the space age, human beings are
being studied, used for experimentation, or somehow oriented
to the interplanetary/interstellar community.
A third hypothesis is that
UFO/ET contact is to get humanity used to the idea that the
earth and mankind are undergoing a dimensional shift in
spiritual evolution and help us respond; i.e., the
One thing is certain:
the U.S. government and mass media
do not want you to believe UFOs or/and ETs exist.
And the U.S. may be much further along
than we think in creating its own space planes, flying saucers, etc.
It also seems possible that technology
gained from government control of
Nikola Tesla’s confiscated archives has been used for
secret military projects, including his designs for a flying saucer
powered by energy extracted from empty space.
Some say that beneath the mountains of western North Carolina near
the Pisgah National Forest are underground bases containing
government-made UFOs. Some believe that the purpose is to fake a
UFO/ET invasion that will frighten earth’s population into embracing
the New World Order.
According to scientist Carol Rosin,
just before he died in 1977, Dr. Wernher von Braun, father of
the rocketry that sent men to the moon, spoke at length to her when
they both were working for Fairchild Industries.
Speaking frequently at UFO conferences,
Rosin says that von Braun warned
that in order to sustain the military-industrial complex, a false
threat of an alien invasion would someday be created.
Was Ronald Reagan with his
comments on a possible alien threat reflecting that secret
Is this why Hollywood in the
last twenty years has begun to portray space aliens as
horrible monsters? This portrayal has been far different
from such benign treatments as the movie E.T. The
Extraterrestrial released in 1982.
Why such a change?
Has Hollywood been working with
the secret government to terrify people?
So where does this leave us as we return
to the theme of this book: The Return of the Aeons: The Planetary
Spiritual Ascension?
In the pages of this book we have also
looked at the Divine Beings from many perspectives:
Jesus/Jeshua coming
through channeling, visions, and tangible appearances
God-realized human
teachers who themselves have seen the Divine Beings in
beings from Earth’s inner planes
all-pervasive Spirit
the Divine Mother
RA, the social memory complex
who gave Carla Rueckert and her colleagues the RA Material
Tom and The Nine, speaking
through Phyllis Schlemmer to the group that included Dr.
Andrija Puharich and Eugene Roddenberry, creator of Star
And there are millions of people around
the world who communicate with angels, spirits of the departed,
guides, and the Divine Beings themselves, including myself.
Now we have on top of this the ETs, both those which threaten and
those which appear to come in peace.
As an example, here is a report from
UFOs and the National Security State, Vol. One, by Richard M.
On the other side of Monterey Bay,
California, that night [Jan. 29, 1965], radio technician Sid
Padrick claimed to have encountered UFO occupants. At about two
a.m., while taking a late stroll before going to bed, Padrick
claimed he heard a loud humming noise and saw a machine shaped
like "two thick saucers inverted."
An entity told him not to be afraid
and welcomed him aboard. "You may call me Zeeno," the being said
to him.
For what it’s worth, Xeno is the
Greek word for stranger, something Padrick did not know. The
being asked Padrick if he wanted to pay his respects to the
supreme deity, and Padrick reported having a deep spiritual
Perhaps surprisingly, officers from
nearby Hamilton AFB interviewed Padrick for three hours.
According to Padrick, "They wanted my account of it, word for
word." He said there were certain details which they asked him
not to talk about publicly, but he talked anyway.
Reporters found that Padrick was
backed up by everyone who knew him; he was not a nut, nor a
religious fanatic, nor interested in UFOs.
(UFOs and the National Security
State , Vol. One, p. 371)
Another phenomenon related to visitors
from space is that
of Wanderers, mentioned previously
in this book.
Wanderers are individuals born on earth
as humans who may have incarnated from other planetary systems.
Individuals such as Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and Nikola
Tesla were identified by RA as Wanderers.
Secrets of the UFO, Don Elkins
and Carla Rueckert have devoted an entire chapter to the
Wanderers, explaining their presence as follows:
His purpose [i.e., the purpose of
the Wanderer, also called, sometimes, an "apple"] in coming to
earth is twofold.
First, he hopes to advance his own
vibration or thinking by experiencing the strong catalyst of our
physical world. It is a sort of trial-by-fire approach, the
chance to advance more rapidly than is possible in less dense
Secondly, he hopes that he will be
able to reawaken the dormant memory of why he came to earth, and
so be able to carry our his mission of service to earthmen by
helping to increase their awareness of universal reality.
(Don Elkins and Carla Rueckert,
"Secrets of the UFO," p. 125)
The Wanderers are here, in other words,
to 'help' with
the Ascension.
They run the risk, however, of being
caught up in earth’s dense physicality, forgetting their origins and
becoming trapped in the cycles of reincarnation to which
earth beings are subject.
Don Elkins had learned how to hypnotize
people for purposes of past-life regression. Those who displayed
signs of having come to earth from other planets sometimes portrayed
their experience as highly traumatic in leaving the benign
atmosphere of their former home for such a troubled and depressing
place as they found here.
Later, Carla Rueckert became a kind of
guidance counselor for Wanderers and wrote her book
A Wanderer's Handbook
to help them survive and learn from their earthly experience.
The reverse may also be true, in that humans who become enlightened
may be able to escape earth and its constrictions altogether.
Through heightened consciousness, say
some sources, they may be able to elevate themselves to other
planets in other solar systems that exist on a much higher level of
spiritual attainment.
Of the times in which we live, George
von Tassel has written of information acquired when he was an ET
contactee in the 1950s in his book,
The Council of Seven Lights:
There are
twelve densities in the system
we occupy.
Each of these is divided into twelve
major cycles. Each major cycle is divided into twelve minor
cycles. When a system moves out of one density into another, it
is called a master cycle.
The solar system we are in is now in
the arc between the third and fourth densities. For the planet
earth and this solar system, this is the time of times. The
earth is culminating a minor cycle, a major cycle and a master
cycle all at the same time. This will bring about a rebalancing
of the planet on new poles.
When this occurs, the great
earthquake written of in Revelation will take place.
(Ibid, p.181)
In her privately printed book, Voices
of the Gods, Carla Rueckert wrote the following channeled
Your planet, along with its
neighbors, is moving, as your galaxy is, into a new area of
space, a new vibration. In this creation, there is nothing but
order. It is only necessary to look about you to see the order
and perfection of this universe.
You are about to receive a gift. The
gift will be a new understanding of love. Some of you have
already begun to experience this, and as the progression takes
place, it will become more and more apparent to many of those of
earth. We are here to help with this experience. This is the
reason that so many of your brothers from space, as you call it,
are here now with planet earth.
We are here to serve and to help the
Creator’s plan bring to you the love you desire.
(Ibid, p.75)
One of the great modern popularizers of
the paranormal has been Brad Steiger.
In his book The Aquarian Revelations
(1987) he wrote:
The philosophical and metaphysical
content of the essential message allegedly entrusted to the
contactee is nearly always the same. A distillation of the Outer
Space Apocrypha would reveal such concepts as the following:
Man is not alone in the solar system. He has "space brothers"
and they have come to earth to reach him and teach him.
The Space Brothers have advanced information which they wish to
impart to their weaker brethren. The Space Brothers want man to
join an intergalactic spiritual federation.
The Space Brothers are here to teach, to help man rise to higher
levels of vibration so that he may be ready to enter new
dimensions. According to the Outer Space Apocrypha, such a goal
was precisely what Jesus, the prophets, Confucius and the
leaders of the great religions have tried to teach man.
Man stands now in the transitional period before the dawn of a
New Age. With peace, love, brotherhood and understanding on
man’s part, he will see a great new era begin to dawn.
If man should not raise his vibratory rate within a set period
of time, severe earth changes and cataclysms will take place.
Such disasters will not end the world, but shall serve as
cataclysmic crucibles to burn off the dross of unreceptive
(Ibid, p. 190-191)

So what comes next?
Tom and The Nine say that humanity
cannot afford to sit on their hands and wait to be rescued from the
multiple environmental threats that face us. They say that if we
just let spiritual evolution take its course, earth will enter an
ice age where no living thing will survive, though the planet itself
may be spared.
But the souls of humanity will be locked
up in darkness for millions of years.
Is that what we want for our children
and grandchildren?
The Nine say we must demand of the world’s governments freedom and
justice for all earth’s inhabitants and an end to the destruction of
the natural environment.
Earth and nature are going to defend and
renew themselves in any case, but what if we all worked on the
spiritual level, through love and meditation, to relieve the
tensions that result in natural disasters?
The Nine say,
"This is the time of the people,"
and we should listen.
They say it is not enough to meet in
small groups for private devotions. There must be action beyond
Many of the sacred sources also speak of a coming "Landing" of the
twenty-four civilizations that are called by The Nine the Council
of Guardians. But it cannot happen as long as
the Controllers on
earth remain in charge.
If the Divine Beings came visibly
to earth, they would be attacked by those who control governments
and have armed themselves to the teeth against any perceived threat.
Much must change before a Landing can take place. And it is not
right for humans to expect the Divine Beings to bail us out when we
have not done all we can to make the New Earth a reality.
The great change may take a while longer. RA says it could be
100-700 years before the transition is complete.
What are people
going to be doing between now and whenever the great change takes
place to cooperate and prepare? Obviously it can’t be business as usual,
because it’s business as usual that is killing the planet and
enslaving those who might survive the cataclysms that may be coming.