by Kenn Thomas
I remember Jim Keith writing this book. At the time, he was also
working on an article for the coming issue of Steamshovel Press. Jim
contributed regularly to the magazine and stayed in phone contact
for research help and to chat conspiracy. He mentioned that he was
trying to summarize all of his current thinking in a single themed
The original Saucers of the Illuminati, in fact, may have been Jim
Keith's last contribution to the zine world. The original book had
an 8x10 format, spiral bound and resembled more a magazine than a
book. Then, many people who knew Keith at all knew him primarily
through his small-circulation "fan" magazines (although it is hard
to conceive of a conspiracy/UFO cover up "fan"), Dharma Combat being
the most well known but certainly not the only example.
Zines were
the happening means of the parapolitical underground in those
pre-internet days and Keith served as the super-celebrity of that
scene, broadcasting his charm and humor through self-published
photocopied wonders, but also writing letters and doing commentary
for similar zines produced by others.
Going through my stack of Keith masterworks recently, I discovered
Notes From The Hangar #1 from the early 1990s. In it, Keith
published the rant of one Jason Bishop III, making declarations
about humans working side-side with aliens in
Dulce, New Mexico.
Today it has become quite a familiar story, but at the time it was
lore that had yet to reach the pinnacle of its currency in UFO
In fact, it was still part of what I see as a "barium meal"
of UFO disinformation perpetrated by Air Force intelligence agents
partly to drive a man named
Paul Bennewitz insane.
In Notes In The
Hangar, Jim presented the rant without edit and included several
pages of critical response, declaring that he didn't necessarily
believe any of it, but he believed in the importance of having it
all discussed.
In Saucers of the Illuminati, Keith summarized his understanding of
that history in a chapter entitled "MJ-12". That chapter remains one
of the most concise and complete reviews of that important episode
in the history of the ufological subculture, but at the same time
comprises only a portion of what this book has to say. From there
Saucers expands upon Keith's notions about the arcane and occult
forces behind human history.
It was a point of view that developed over time, actually re-doing
Saucers in 1998 in actual book form and now which resonates as a
defining echo of the weirdness of the post-9/11 world, years after
Keith has gone on to his reward.
As the book cover attests,
"as the
21st century approaches, many people suspect that something earth
shattering is about to happen..."
On the phone back then with Keith explaining the over-arching view
he felt he had captured in this new manuscript, I asked him if he
thought he could really find a wider audience for the perspective.
Wasn't it a bit obscure for the average reader?
We both had televisions on in the back ground as we spoke, both
watching CBS News. As Dan Rather segued to the commercial, the newly
redesigned CBS logo graphic appeared in the upper left corner of the
It was the CBS eye neatly pressed within a pyramid.

As I looked in surprise at how much it
looked like the backside of a dollar bill, Keith asked,
"What was that you were saying about

The Great Seal of the United States of America
featuring what some
believe to be the symbol of the Illuminati

Adam Weishaupt,
founder of the Bavarian Illuminati
Back to Contents
In 1993 a miniscule two hundred copy photocopied "researcher's
edition" of my book Saucers of the Illuminati was rushed into print,
upon my urging, by IllumiNet Press.
My purpose for authorizing this
informal edition was to get into print certain interesting
connections that I had made between occult philosophy, the lore of
UFOs, and the totalitarian
New World Order - ideas that I had
discussed at length with other researchers and that were already
twinkling into being in a firmament of articles by some of those
worthies. I was a little... paranoid is not the word I seek...
concerned that by the time a proper paperback edition of Saucers was
ushered into being, that I might be accused of plagiarizing myself.
As it turned out, my worry was largely unfounded, and little of what
I wrote about in '93 has been grappled with, understood, or even
mentioned in the conspiracy or UFO press, much less by the New York
Times. I take this to be positive proof that I was on the right
Actually, my sense is that the ideas in Saucers tend to jump
disciplines from political conspiracy, to UFOs, to the occult, in an
attempt to synthesize the information in each. The researchers in
those varied disciplines almost never have any truck with and so are
confounded by their adjoining truckstops in arcane research. The
Left Hand Path doesn't know what the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy is
doing, you might say. But these topics are, at the deepest levels,
intertwined and clarify the notions of the others.
Another matter: the ideas in Saucers of the Illuminati are
dangerous, not to mention extremely weird, and stray very close to
Things You Are Not Supposed to Think. In fact, in current
polite-read mind controlled - society you are not even supposed to
think that there are things that you are not supposed to think... Do
you follow?
Since the lightning appearance and disappearance of the researcher's
edition of Saucers in 1993 copies have been completely unavailable,
aside from a pirate edition that was rumored to have been put into
print. That unavailability created a few misunderstandings about the
book. Some speculated in print and on the Internet that the book was
too incendiary, too Politically Incorrect, and that it went so
quickly out of print because it was suppressed by the CIA or the Men
in Black or somesuch.
Those things have been known to happen in the
annals of conspiracy research, of course, but not in this case.
Simply, when I might have been expanding the text of Saucers to a
length more appropriate for a paperback, I was doing lots of other
things: writing nine other books, chasing the wolf of velvet
fortune, things like that.
But I finally got around to the revision in 1998. Now here is the
bells and whistles version of Saucers, with a lot of material not
included in the book's original incarnation. Since the first
appearance of the book, a great deal in the text has been clarified,
and the revised work reflects new theories, new understandings
obtained, and an arsenal of new smoking guns. Also included in this
edition is the text of "UFOs at the Edge of Reality," a lecture
delivered in Atlanta, Georgia in 1995.
I admit it. Saucers of the Illuminati is my strangest and most
controversial work. That fact has been underlined by the largely
uncomprehending and sometimes hostile reviews given to the first
edition. The book may also be the most true that I have written.
Hold on to your brains. Maybe the world is ready for this stuff now.
Back to Contents
1 - A Process
of Decoding
Regardless of our experience or research, we seem no closer to
finding an answer to the puzzle of the UFOs. These strange craft and
their equally strange occupants behave in a manner that seems to
contradict physics and logic, appearing and disappearing seemingly
at will, dropping curious objects and artifacts (including potatoes
and pancakes), mutilating cattle, abducting people and leaving
cryptic messages embedded in the brains of their awe-stricken
These activities, these odd messages seem only to
compound our confusion as to whom these interlopers on "our" cosmic
turf are and what their motives might be.
While many saucer contactees or the variegated cults that have risen
around them characterize the visitors they have confronted as
angelic "Space Brothers" or advanced elder beings intent on warning
humanity away from nuclear proliferation or other humanly-fostered
evils, other indications as to the motives of these strange-lings in
silver ski suits are not so positive.
Many individuals claim to have
been abducted against their will by aliens in UFOs, and they have
reported every kind of bizarre and grisly experience, ranging from
mystical enlightenment, to the transmission of apocalyptic messages
that they must deliver to mankind, even the implantation of tiny
electronic brain devices apparently used for mind control or
monitoring, perhaps in the same fashion that earthly ranchers now
monitor cattle with under-the-skin electronic implants.
very strange indeed is going on.
Analyzing the conflicting signals that we have received about the
nature of these visitors, it is almost as if we are purposely being
misled and befuddled by these mysterious agents, purposely being
deceived about the motives behind these visitations, and perhaps
even directed in some mysterious transformative operation of which
we are not aware.
My own interest in the matter of UFOs is rather personal. Although I
have been intensely interested in UFOs and the paranormal since my
childhood in the early 1950s, it was not until 1972, in the Los
Angeles, California suburb of Upland, that I experienced my own
first contact - maybe. I came gradually awake in the middle of the
night to find an archetypal grey alien staring in my face from a
distance of about one foot. I leaped out of bed and raced into the
living room. When I returned to my bedroom, the visitor was nowhere
to be found.
I really didn't know what to think about what had happened.
Was the
experience an hallucination at the edge between dreaming and
Was it an actual encounter with an alien presence?
it a cross-dimensional experience that defied the boundaries of
dream and reality?
I have never been prone to this sort of
nightmare, and have not experienced anything comparable in the
intervening twenty-five years.
But there was nothing solid to grasp onto about the event, and so I
shunted it into the category of maybe. I more or less forgot about
the incident until I read Whitley Streiber's bestselling book
Communion many years later, and one of the accounts in that book
tipped the scale toward categorizing the event as being reality,
rather than as a nightmare.
In Streiber's book it was
noted - coinciding with unnerving accuracy with my own apparent
encounter - that the color and skin texture of the alien skin was not
grey, but rather a deep blue grey, and that it had the shiny almost
wet-seeming texture of plasticine. Here was a coherence with
another's alien experience that challenged-fractured-coincidence.
So, while I am perfectly aware of the fact that the U.S. military
and others have experimented since at least the early 1950s with
aerial craft that fit the description of UFOs, while I also know
that the UFO experience has been hoaxed, including by American
intelligence agencies and by UFO buffs, and that UFOs and abduction
experiences may sometimes be a ruse to conceal mind control
operations as described in a number of my books, I also leave the
latch string out for other more "alien" interpretations of at least
a percentage of UFO events.
One intriguing possibility is that the incident in Upland was one of
beamed electronic mind control of the sort I have described in a
number of my books. The house where the incident took place was a
large hippie/radical commune where any number of anti-Establishment
pipedreams were hatched. The strange motley of activists in
Technicolor dream coats that came and went from the place at all
hours no doubt drew the attention of those who monitor such things.
And so it occurred to me: Was I zapped electronically with the image
of an alien? Was it just a byproduct of the chromatic chromosomes so
prevalent at the time? I will probably never know. What I do know is
that there are depths to the UFO enigma that are not plumbed by most
researchers in the field, Horatio.
John Keel, for one, is a pioneering researcher who has been able to
peer beyond the simplistic "space beings from another galaxy" device
that is the primary stock-in-trade of UFO journalism.
Of these
strange visitors Keel has said:
Many flying saucers seem to be nothing more than a disguise for some
hidden phenomenon. They are like Trojan horses descending into our
forests and farm fields, promising salvation and offering us the
splendor of some great super civilization in the sky.
While the
statuesque long-haired "Venusians" have been chatting benignly with
isolated traveling salesmen and farm wives, a multitude of
shimmering lights and metallic disks have been silently busying
themselves in the forests of Canada, the outback country of
Australia, and the swamps of Michigan.
Other researchers have proclaimed that the motives of the visitors
may not be altogether benign.
It was the famous UFO researcher
Jacques Vallee who coined the term "Messengers of Deception" and he
has speculated of the UFOs:
They are physical objects, the product of a technology, but they are
also something else: the tools of a major cultural change. I think
UFOs are perpetrating a deception by presenting their so-called
occupants as being messengers from outer space, and I suspect there
are groups of people on Earth exploiting this deception.
Speaking of the experiences of abductees in
Messengers of Deception, Vallee surmises:
It is more likely that they have taken a
non-physical trip,
controlled and guided by a system that acts on human consciousness
(the Soviets use the term "psychotronic" to designate such devices),
rather than one that is purely physical. The symbols it uses are
engineered to have certain effects.
Vallee also reports,
"I believe there is a very real UFO problem. I
have also come to believe that it is being manipulated for political
ends. And the data suggest that the manipulators may be human beings
with a plan for social control."
I concur.
The evidence that I present in this book suggests that our vision
has been purposely obscured by what we have been led to believe
about the UFO experience, and it is probably not directly being done
by insectoid extraterrestrials.
Aside from the genuine activity of
hoaxers and disinformation agents, at least some of them factually
connected to government, there seem to be certain elements of the
UFO "message" that appear to be purposely designed to deceive. It
appears that it was intended that we should be deluded from the very
beginning, and it also appears that there is a definite method to
the UFO madness.
To my mind the most sensible, yet least voiced explanation is that
some UFO encounters are being staged for an ultimate - and
ulterior - purpose. Is it within the realm of possibility that there
is a group working behind the scenes to convince us that we are
being invaded by space aliens?
In order to understand at least a portion of UFO sightings and their
purpose, we need to work on decoding what amounts to their curious
"language" - a language pieced together from the strange events and
messages of hundreds and thousands of encounters, composed of word
and symbol and deed apparently bearing meanings beyond the obvious.
We must peer below the surface, the
appearance, and furthermore, we
must view these strange craft and their occupants in a different
manner, in a manner that is perhaps not so different than the "open
eyes" that secret societies attribute to their metaphysical
Back to Contents
2 - The Human
If you were to assimilate the information contained in a large
quantity of current books, motion pictures, and television
presentations on the
subject of UFOs and UFO
abductions, I believe
that you would be likely - by weight of the evidence presented - to
come to one of three conclusions.
we are being invaded by aliens from outer space, or
that a high percentage of the human race is crazy and suffering from
hallucinations of little green men or worse, or
you would take an "agnostic" approach undecided on one of the first
two possibilities.
I will not discount either of the first two possibilities as being
the ultimate explanation of what is going on, however I consider it
highly unlikely that you would even suspect, based upon information
that is generally available, what I consider to be the most likely
origin of this phenomenon.
My investigations have shown me that UFO
sightings (or at least a significant percentage of same) in all
probability are the product of an entirely different praxis or
control process than either alien invasion or hallucination, and
that the parties responsible for the phenomenon have, so far as I
can determine, never been named as such.
In preparation for the reality shift that I intend this book to
entail, I would like to cite a few instances of UFO abductions that
do not entirely fit into the media template as to what these
encounters are like. In this fashion I hope to shatter the
generalized and predictable nature of what are usually put forth as
"characteristic" UFO encounters. This will perhaps open the door for
new interpretations.
Bruce Smith probably still regrets having chosen to attend a lecture
by Budd Hopkins, reputed expert on alien abduction (who, oddly,
never entertains the human quotient in his writings), in New Jersey
in 1991. The lecture profoundly affected Mr. Smith (as abduction
accounts have affected many others) to the point where he packed up
his belongings into his trailer home and headed west.
Perhaps Smith
felt that New Jersey did not have the requisite privacy that
encounters with ufonauts usually require.
Camping in Tesuque, New Mexico, Smith woke up in the middle of the
night, sensing that he was being visited by someone. Suddenly his
ankles were grabbed by a pair of hands and, while woozily drifting
in and out of consciousness, he saw a hazy creature looming in front
of him... and, oddly enough, wearing glasses and a white,
button-down shirt, the kind that his father had worn, according to
So far, so bad. Smith was dragged away from his tent and campsite
but, still semi-conscious and able to partially grasp what was going
on, he was able to see that it wasn't toward the expected glowing
saucer-craft that he was being carried.
Smith maintains that he was manhandled into a large, dark blue van,
with markings identifying it as belonging to the U.S. Navy. After
traveling for an hour in the back of the van over winding New Mexico
roads, Smith maintains that the van stopped and he was levitated out
the back door, and was then carried into a huge building that he
believes was a portion of the Los Alamos nuclear laboratory.
Once inside the building, Smith was placed on an examination table
while a big-headed "alien" examined him and "gouged" at his eyes
with a scalpel. Smith went unconscious again and woke up back at the
campsite that he had been abducted from.
These terrifying experiences were uncovered several months later
while Smith was under hypnotherapy. Smith concluded from the
memories that welled forth under hypnotism that he had been abducted
many times in the past, but this seems to have been the only time
that it happened in collusion with the U.S. Navy.
One is tempted with this account to believe the stories that we hear
of government/alien collaboration in abduction and hideous medical
experiments - the sort of stories that John Lear and Bill Cooper used
to make hay with on late night talk radio, and which still have some
currency with the more excitable end of the UFO hobbyist
community - but that is not the only possible explanation for the
events that Smith says he endured.
The dark blue van is the obvious sticking point in this abductee's
tale. Why, pray tell, would space aliens be driving around in vans
in order to abduct people? Mysterious vans of this sort are also
reported to have been prevalent during a UFO flap in Montana, with
"Smithsonian Institute" emblazoned on the side. Researchers
contacting the Institute found that they didn't know anything about
the vehicles.
In John Keel's
The Mothman Prophecies, he describes a similar modus
operandi taking place in rural Virginia, at the height of the UFO
flap of 1973:
People up in the back hills had been seeing mysterious unmarked
panel trucks which sometimes parked for hours in remote spots. There
seemed to be several of these trucks in the area and the rumor was
that they belonged to the air force. Men in neat coveralls were seen
monkeying with telephone and power lines but no one questioned
It is perhaps a gauge of the quality of much UFO research that it is
considered a serious possibility that these vans sometimes reported
in conjunction with abductions and cattle mutilations (or
alternately, the black helicopters that often show up around cattle
mutilations) are disguised, shape-morphing extraterrestrial craft.
Strange, but if aliens are involved in all of this - and I have grave
doubts that they are - instead of vans, wouldn't the more commonly
described Star Trek-like "teleporter beams" as depicted in
Fire From
the Sky be more their speed, much more convenient, and less liable
to be discovered? More to the point, when driving vans, would little
grey aliens be able to see above the steering wheel?
Perhaps the answer is that the beings driving these vehicles aren't
alien at all, or at least not quite so alien as we have been led to
think. There is no shortage of available accounts of human beings
being unaccountably connected to UFOs in the annals of this
research, and "close encounters of the human kind" often take place
without any accompanying extraterrestrial-appearing characters being
involved in the incidents at all. Statistics compiled by James
M. McCampbell in the book Ufology show, surprisingly, that over one
third of "close encounters of the third kind" that are reported
involve contact with UFO occupants who are apparently human.
John Keel is the source of another anecdote:
One family of seven people swore they had seen a circular object
land near a wooded area on Long Island. They stopped their car to
watch and were astonished when they saw two figures,
normal-human-sized beings, exit through a door in the object as a
large black car crossed the field and stopped nearby. The two beings
got into the car and it drove off. The object took off quickly and
disappeared into the night sky.
Another UFO encounter involved two highly credible women,
Betty Cash
and Vickie Landrum, and Landrum's young grandson, Colby.
The trio
were motoring near Dayton, Texas in 1980 when they noticed an
unusual moving light in the sky above them. They pulled the car over
to the side of the road, and the light approached, hovering at
approximately 135 feet in altitude and only a few hundred feet away,
until it was so close that it was blinding in intensity. By that
time the witnesses were able to perceive that they were viewing some
kind of huge aerial craft.
Betty Cash, the driver, got out of the car in order to better view
what they could now see was a huge, diamond-shaped craft. Flames
shot out of the base of the UFO, and a roaring sound engulfed them.
Betty Cash returned to the car, where she found the door handle hot
to the touch. The strange aircraft slowly moved away. Then the
observers saw the approach of twenty-three large, twin-rotor
helicopters (apparently Army Chinooks), that looked as if they were
escorting the UFO at a distance of about three-quarters of a mile.
After returning home all three of the witnesses of the strange craft
had come down with what was apparently radiation poisoning. Betty
Cash, the woman who had exited the car for a better look, suffered
the worst case, with headache, loss of hair, eyes swollen shut, and
sores on her skin, causing her to be hospitalized for six weeks.
Since the incident Cash has also contracted cancer that she
attributes to the incident.
The other two witnesses suffered lesser
degrees of eye inflammation and "radiation burns."
When contacted by Cash and Landrum, the Army responded in typical
cover-up fashion. Despite the reports of other witnesses that Army
helicopters had been in the area at the time of the UFO sighting,
they issued a denial of having taken part in the maneuvers. An
independent UFO investigator found a blackened area on the road in
the vicinity where the witnesses had observed the UFO and the
choppers. Within a few days an unidentified road crew hurried to the
location, dug up the portion of the road, and replaced it.
What these and similar accounts seem to say is that UFOs and
encounters of the third kind are not always an entirely alien
affair, that tabloid television may not have all the answers, and
that humans may be involved to some unknown extent in many of these
incidents - perhaps in some unknown plan of directed transformation
that they are trying to implement.
Few, very few, contemporary
researchers have made this connection, most of them instead opting
for the more-easily-graspable notion that the ufonauts are visitors
from nearby star systems. There, leave it at that, they seem to say.
What else could they be?
There are exceptions in the research community, however. Some
prominent investigators such as Jacques Vallee, Martin Cannon,
Constantine, and John Judge seem to have entirely abandoned the idea
that UFOs are extraterrestrial phenomena, although any alternate
hypotheses are rarely hinted at in the mass media.
Bogeymen "Greys"
from outer space make better press it seems, and there are other
For the general public, I suspect the possibility that UFOs are
controlled in some fashion by humans, for some conspiratorial
purpose, is unthinkable. Why? The answer is simple. The public is
the victim of a massive propaganda assault where you would be least
likely to expect one. There is an almost total media blackout about
the possibility that UFOs are anything other than extraterrestrial
When humans are mentioned in relation to UFOs it is always in the
context of some eldritch and vast science fictional conspiracy that
includes government/alien collaboration and secret treaties,
underground bases, and macabre scenarios of human-alien vat clonings.
The monolith of this unlikely scenario is sustained upon a
foundation of no hard evidence whatsoever; odd, since it apparently
involves hundreds of thousands of human participants scuttling in
the dark underbelly of terrestrial politics and selling out the
human race for a place in the sun after the coming alien takeover of
An additional filter on the truth is that the whole subject of the
existence of secret, conspiratorial groups manipulating politics
from behind the scenes is treated as a big joke by the media, and as
the province of crackpots, as can be readily deduced from the
treatment accorded to Oliver Stone's motion picture JFK.
Six months
prior to the release of the film, there was a huge media campaign to
discredit the production, along with the whole notion of
conspiracy being involved in the John F. Kennedy assassination.
Certainly there is abundant evidence showing that it is almost
impossible that Lee Harvey Oswald was the sole individual
responsible for the murder of Kennedy, and that the large number of
inconsistencies in the government story suggest that a conspiracy is
at least possible. But that evidence, so it seems, is irrelevant.
There are no political conspiracies, and that's that, chump.
Likewise, against the preponderance of evidence, almost the entirety
of UFO literature (including motion pictures and television) assumes
that the solution to the enigma of the saucers is, in a sense,
already known to us. It is taken for granted that we already know
that extraterrestrials from other planets pilot these super-science
Perhaps, after all, it serves someone's purpose for the
public to believe this way.
Perhaps it assists the transformation I
have spoken of, a transformation that is taking place all around us.
Back to Contents
3 - The Mind
To understand the motives that might prompt humans to organize such
a massive deception, a mass mind-twisting of this scope, I believe
that we should look outside the literature of UFOs, consulting the
history of other recent and verifiable mass manipulations and
If we are attempting to unravel the secret of the most
perplexing mystery of this century, we should acknowledge that
certain segments of mankind, in order to accomplish their
power-hungry plans, have often been happy to pull a veil over the
eyes of (if not put out the eyes of) their fellows who inhabit this
Since the middle of this century (and very probably before that) the
intelligence agencies of the United States, as well as other
countries, have been involved in covert programs intended to modify
beliefs and behavior - to control the minds of the population of the
world. The rubric "National Security" is employed by these
manipulators as a catch-all shield to veil the illegal (and
definitely immoral) activities of intelligence agencies involved in
a welter of Orwellian mind-bending programs such as ARTICHOKE,
Although intelligence agency brainwashing is only very rarely spoken
of in the mass media, this does not reflect on its prevalence or on
the magnitude of its ambitions, which have involved thousands of
programs and billions of dollars of funding into research on mind
alteration and the control of often unwitting victims.
Many volumes
(although few published by major publishing houses) have been filled
with horrendous accounts of brainwashing, electroshock,
psychosurgery, drug experimentation, and the experimental injection
of hostile bacteria and viruses, all performed by "our" employees,
the U.S. military and intelligence agencies.
Walter Bowart in the classic expose
Operation Mind Control
characterizes the purpose of intelligence agencies as being take human beings, both citizens of the United States and
citizens of friendly and unfriendly nations, and transform them into
unthinking, subconsciously programmed "zombies," motivated without
their knowledge and against their wills to perform in a variety of
ways in which they would not otherwise willingly perform.
This is
accomplished through the use of various techniques called by various
names, including brainwashing, thought reform, behavior
modification, hypnosis, and conditioned reflex therapy.
A survey of some of the gothic monuments in the landscape of mind
control research include:
The advent of television in the late 1940s has provided a potent
mind drug administered to the vast majority of the population.
Providing a substitution for actual human life in the modulating and
hypnotic electronic flicker of the television tube, studies have
been conducted showing that television actually induces a trance
state that, with years of watching, becomes permanent. Television
is, without a doubt, the most potent societal soporific in the mind
control arsenal.
Susan Bryce, writing in Nexus, aptly describes what takes place
during television watching:
There is so much information coming at viewers over a short time,
that they sit lethargically staring blankly at the screen. This is
precisely what you are supposed to do. In this lethargic mode, when
people are almost snoozing, more is taken in subconsciously by the
mind. Have you ever wondered why people fall asleep in front of the
Viewers become passive recipients, on the treadmill of mindless
consumerism, routed endlessly from one shopping center to another,
buying, buying, buying. Mass programmed shoppers. Becoming absorbed
in the pursuit of media popularized roles or fashions, in the vain
hope of becoming loved, respected, rich, socially popular or
sexually desirable. Sheep who venerate compulsive neurotic behavior
as normal, desirable human contact.
Madness Network News chronicles that:
Between 1953-1967, the CIA paid Ewen Cameron over $18,000 to test
LSD, Thorazine, and sensory deprivation on mental patients.
Dr. Carl
Pfeiffer was paid $25,000 a year by the CIA to drug prisoners with
Dr. Harris Isbell drugged prisoners with LSD for 11 years under
CIA auspices.
Dr. Louis Jolyon West of UCLA, Dr. Sidney Malitz, Dr.
James B. Cattell, Dr. Amadeo Marrazzi, Dr. Paul Hoch, and many other
psychiatrists were also on the CIA payroll.
Robert Heath at Tulane University in 1955 was employed by the U.S.
Army to combine the administering of LSD with implanted brain
electrodes on psychiatric victims.
Between 1952-57 Dr. Paul Hoch at the New York Psychiatric Institute
was funded to the tune of $200,000 by the Army, to research mind
control by drugging on humans.
Nineteen fifty-six saw the CIA authorizing the use of
and other drugs on state penitentiary inmates. Bulbocapnine was
deemed to be especially useful in inducing catatonic states in which
brainwashing and implanting of information or commands could be
In 1961 Dr. W. Fry and Dr. R. Meyers conducted experimentation
involving the use of focused ultrasonics to create brain lesions,
while in 1963, Dr. Peter Lindstrom at the University of Pittsburgh
used sonic beams in the focused destruction of brain tissue - a
technique said to have been evolved to replace pre-frontal
One prime notable in mind control is Dr. Jose Delgado who, beginning
in the 1950s and funded by Naval Intelligence and the Air Force,
among others, crafted the first radio controlled brain implants,
what he termed "stimoceivers."
Delgado described the capability of these early, crude stimoceivers
in the following terms:
It is already possible to induce a large variety of responses, from
motor effects to emotional reactions and intellectual
manifestations, by direct electrical stimulation of the brain.
several investigators have learned to identify patterns of
electrical activity (which a computer could also recognize)
localized in specific areas of the brain and related to determined
phenomena such as perception of smells or visual perception of edges
and movements. We are advancing rapidly in the pattern recognition
of electrical correlates of behavior and in the methodology for
two-way radio communication between brains and computers...
The individual is defenseless against direct manipulation of the
brain because he is deprived of his most intimate mechanisms of
biological reactivity.
In experiments, electrical stimulation of
appropriate intensity always prevailed over free will; and, for
example, flexion of the hand evoked by stimulation of the motor
cortex cannot be voluntarily avoided. Destruction of the frontal
lobes produced changes in effectiveness which are beyond any
personal control.
Delgado's stated purpose in the invention of the stimoceiver was the
"master control of human behavior," although after a popular
treatment of the subject in his book Physical Control of the Mind
was released, research into the area of direct electrical
stimulation of the brain was rarely referred to again.
In the mid-70s, Dr. Louis Jolyon West, director of the Neuropsychiatric Institute at UCLA, suggested a centralized
"violence reduction center" to be created at an abandoned missile
base in California, a concept that was greeted with approval by
then-Governor Ronald Reagan.
West reported in a secret memo that one
purpose of the center would be the implementation of brain surgery
" by implanting tiny electrodes deep within the
brain... [it] is even possible to record bioelectrical changes in
the brain of freely moving subjects, through the use of remote
monitoring techniques."
At the same time that the military and intelligence agencies were
drugging, implanting, and sawing up the brains of their experimental
subjects, the nation at large was being stupefied by massive
drugging promoted by the so-called medical profession and the media
as the answer to their cares.
Peter Schrag in Mind Control records that,
"by 1975 American
physicians were writing 240 million pharmacy prescriptions annually
for psychotropic medication for people who were not
hospitalized - roughly one for every man, woman and child in the
country - enough pills all told to sustain a $1.5 billion industry
and to keep every American fully medicated for a month."
Since that
time the prevalence of pharmaceutical drugging in this country has
only increased.
During the 1960s a shift seems to have taken place in emphasis in
mind control projects.
The U.S. military commissioned a number of
experimental projects delving into the use of electromagnetic
frequencies for controlling and altering the behavior of subjects.
Between 1965 and 1970,
Project Pandora researched the effects of low
intensity microwaves on the health and psychology of humans. This
was at the same time that the American embassy in Moscow was being
irradiated by microwaves by the Russians, causing numerous harmful
physiological effects in the employees there.
Studying Soviet literature on microwaves for the CIA, Milton Zarat
"they believe that the electromagnetic field induced by
the microwave environment affects the cell membrane, and this
results in an increase of excitability or an increase in the level
of excitation of nerve cells. With repeated or continued exposure,
the increased excitability leads to a state of exhaustion of the
cells of the cerebral cortex."
Eldon Byrd of the Naval Surface Weapons, Office of Non-Lethal
Weapons, engaged in research into anti-personnel electronics,
described the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the offspring
of animals.
He spoke of,
"a drastic degradation of intelligence later
in life... couldn't learn easy tasks... indicating a very definite
and irreversible damage to the central nervous system of the fetus."
Byrd also described experiments in which,
"At a certain frequency
and power intensity, they could make the animal purr, lay down and
roll over."
Even more startling brain control possibilities were researched.
1976 DIA report suggests that,
"Sounds and possibly even words which
appear to be originating intercranially can be induced by signal
modulations at very low power densities."
Anna Keel, in Full Disclosure magazine, discusses one such
Dr. Sharp, a Pandora [Project] researcher at Walter Reed Army
Institute of Research, some of whose work was so secret that the
couldn't tell his boss, conducted an experiment in which the human
brain has received a message carried to it by microwave
Sharp was able to record spoken words that were modulated on a
microwave carrier frequency by an "audiogram," an analog of the
words' sound vibrations, and carried into his head in a chamber
he sat.
Dr. James Lin of Wayne State University in his book
Auditory Effects and Applications discussed the Sharp experiment and
remarked that,
"The capability of communicating directly with humans
by pulsed microwaves is obviously not limited to the field of
therapeutic medicine."
Anna Keel writes:
What is frightening is that words, transmitted via low density
microwaves or radio frequencies, or by other covert methods, might
be used to create influence.
For instance, according to a 1984 U.S.
House of Representatives report, a large number of stores throughout
the country use high frequency transmitted words (above the range of
human hearing) to discourage shoplifting. Stealing is reported to be
reduced by as much as 80% in some cases. Surely, the CIA and
military haven't overlooked such useful technology.
Keel also remarks:
Another indication that the government entertained notions of
behavior control through use of fields and sound, is a 1974 research
proposal by J.F. Schapitz. To test his theory, his plan was to
record EEG correlates induced by various drugs, and then to modulate
these biological frequencies on a microwave carrier. Could the same
behavioral states be produced by imposing these brain wave
frequencies on human subjects?
His plan went further and included
inducing hypnotic states and using words modulated on a microwave
carrier frequency to attempt to covertly condition subjects to
perform various acts.
The plan as released (through the Freedom of
Information Act) seems less part of a careful recipe for influence
than Adey's and other DOD scientists' work, and may have been
released to mislead by lending an "information beam" science fiction
like quality to the work.
In an upcoming chapter we will examine the possible use of an
"information beam" employed in a highly science fictional manner.
1993 issue of the Tactical Technology newsletter reported on
the then-current state of Soviet mind control technology:
While visiting Russia in November 1991, Morris [Janet Morris,
research director of the U.S. Global Strategy Council, a think tank
located in Washington D.C., founded by Ray Cline, previously a
deputy director of the CIA] and other members of a team sent to
investigate Russian technologies for commercial development were
invited to a demonstration of mind control technology.
A volunteer
from the U.S. team sat down in front of a computer screen as
innocuous words flashed across the screen. The volunteer was only
required to tell which words he liked and which words he disliked.
At the end of the demonstration the Russian staff started revealing
the sensitive, innermost thoughts of the volunteer - none of which
had been previously discussed.
The recorded message was mixed with what appeared to be white noise
or static, so when played back it became indecipherable.
Since there
were no more volunteers in the U.S. group, the Russians volunteered
to go upstairs and let the Americans choose a mental patient for
demonstration. The Americans declined the offer.
The Russians told Morris of a demonstration in which a group of
workers were outside the hospital working on the grounds. The staff
sent an acoustic psycho-correction message via their machine to the
workers telling them to put down their tools, knock on the door of
the hospital and ask if there was anything else they could do. The
workers did exactly that, the Russians said.
The Russians admitted to using this technology for special
operations team selection and performance enhancement and to aid
their Olympic athletes and an Antarctic exploration team. Unlike lie
detectors, this machine can determine when the truth is spoken,
according to Morris.
Being an infrasound, very low frequency-type transmission, the
acoustic psycho-correction message is transmitted via bone
conduction. This means that earplugs will not restrict the message.
An entire body protection system would be required to stop
reception. The message, according to the Russians, bypasses the
conscious level and is acted upon almost immediately. They also say
that the messages are acted upon with exposure times of under one
Morris envisions this technology will be miniaturized into a
handheld device. Presently the International Healthline Corp. of
Richmond, Va., is planning to bring a Russian team of specialists to
U.S. in the near future to further demonstrate the capability...
Trilateral Commission kingpin
Zbigniew Brzezinski has nicely
summed up the mindset of the brain tinkers in these
government-sponsored programs, in between gloating over the wonders
of the coming New World Order in his book
Between Two Ages - America's
Role in the Technetronic Era:
In the technocratic society [that Brzezinski sees as the
New Order
of society coming into ascendance after Marxism] the trend would
seem to be towards the aggregation of the individual support of
millions of uncoordinated citizens, easily within the reach of
magnetic and attractive personalities effectively exploiting the
latest communication techniques to manipulate emotions and control
Could Zbig have been any more straightforward in talking about
We do know that authoritarian (and often covert) control of society
continues unabated, the techniques becoming more finely honed as
experimental subjects are utilized by the thousands and then
discarded. The populace has been drugged, shocked, irradiated, made
ill, manipulated, and even killed in the efforts of the military and
intelligence agencies and their psychiatric dupes to devise the most
effective and invisible manacles for the containment of members of
our "democracy."
Is there any suggestion that this sort of mind programming might
have been expanded to incorporate UFO incidents and the public's
belief in UFOs to assist in their bamboozling? Whatever the answer,
I believe that there is little doubt that such UFO incidents could
be simulated in this fashion.
What additional capabilities than those described above, and the
perhaps added usage of hallucinogens and hypnosis, along with
various "extraterrestrial" stage props, would be required in order
to convince an abductee that he had been waylaid by a flying saucer,
rather than a dark blue van?
I am not suggesting that this is the
entirety of the answer to the UFO riddle - but might not mind control
experimentation of this sort, conducted with UFO space trappings,
comprise a statistically significant part, and might not hoaxing,
unusual natural phenomena, and the tendency for many UFO buffs to be
extremely gullible account for most of the rest?
Ufologist Otto Binder has said,
"At any rate, it would seem that the
expanding series of saucer sightings in waves, from 1964 to date, is
all building up to a crescendo, as if the saucer men are
conditioning earth people in seeing saucers, and gradually forcing
even the most recalcitrant scientists and government authorities to
realize the sightings are not figments of imagination, but real."
The recent huge, triangular UFO seen by thousands of residents over
Arizona is exactly the sort of sighting that cannot be ignored.
why would extraterrestrials have to be, or be interested in,
conditioning humans to believe in their existence?
Back to Contents
4 -
Although the forces that appear to dominate UFO research seem to
prefer that everyone maintain a "Goshwow! Aliens are among us!"
approach that beyond disinformational purposes also serves in
marketing to the slack-jawed yokels with underbites, there seem to
be certain forces afoot today other than just grey aliens.
thus far we are only able to evaluate circumstantial evidence of
UFOs being connected to human occupants (rather than aliens) and the
military, there are a number of accounts of the military attempting
to infiltrate public UFO research organizations, apparently in an
attempt to monitor and disinform the field, and to delude the public
at large on the subject of UFOs.
On a number of occasions the UFO
field has been infiltrated by military intelligence personnel, and
well-known UFO "researchers," possibly even the majority of the
prominent ones, have loyalties that seem not to reside with the UFO
research community or with the truth.
In the early 1950s H. Marshall Caldwell, then acting as Assistant
Director for Scientific Intelligence for the CIA, penned the
following memo to CIA Director Walter Smith.
Caldwell wrote:
With world-wide sightings reported, it was found that, up to the
time of the investigation, there had been in the Soviet press no
report or comment, even satirical, on flying saucers, though Gromyko
had made one humorous mention of the subject. With a
State-controlled press, this could result only from an official
policy decision.
The question, therefore, arises as to whether or
not these sightings:
(1) could be controlled (2)
could be predicted (3) could be used from a psychological warfare point of view either
offensively or defensively
The public concerns with the phenomena, which is reflected both in
the United States press and in the pressure of inquiry upon the Air
Force, indicates that a fair proportion of our population is
mentally conditioned to the acceptance of the incredible.
In this
fact lies the potential for the touching-off of mass hysteria and
panic... A study should be instituted to determine what, if any
utilization could be made of these phenomena by United States
psychological warfare planners...
In the book Clear Intent, authors Fawcett and Greenwood detail the
destruction of the early civilian UFO investigative group, the
National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), by
government intelligence agents.
They cite the involvement in the
group of Nicholas de Rochefort, member of the Psychological Warfare
Staff of the CIA, Vice Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, a director of
the CIA, and Bernard J.O. Carvalho, another apparent CIA asset.
They describe the removal of Donald Keyhoe as NICAP's director in
1969, and point to the actions of chairman of the board Col. Joseph
Bryan, former chief of the CIA's Psychological Warfare Staff as
being instrumental in Keyhoe's ouster. They also note that John Acuff, the head of the
Society of Photographic Scientists and
Engineers - connected to Defense Department intelligence units and
the CIA - was the man who replaced Keyhoe.
Acuff seems to have
defanged NICAP, as far as the government was concerned, turning it
into a sightings collection group without a trace of its earlier
governmentally-critical policy, an approach that eventually drove
the organization out of business. Acuff was replaced by Alan Hall,
retired from the CIA, with the group eventually being dissolved.
Further investigation of government manipulation of UFO researchers
must include a mention of William Moore, the co-author of The
Philadelphia Experiment and The Roswell Incident, as well as editor,
until recently, of Far Out magazine, published by Larry Flynt of
Hustler fame.
Moore, who continues to be a medium weight popstar of
the UFO research field, for reasons which remain unclear to me
admitted at the 1989 MUFON Symposium that he had functioned as an
agent for members of the U.S. military, reporting on at least one
UFO group and involved individuals in exchange for "leaked,"
allegedly secret government documents about UFOs. To me this is
The only reason I can imagine that Moore might betray
his own activities in this way is that he feared that
someone else was going to "out" him as working with the
government, and he was attempting damage control by his
"voluntary" admission.
Other information on Moore involves the
matter of UFO researcher
Paul Bennewitz.
Bennewitz, a self-employed electronics
expert, believed that he had discovered alien technology in action
at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, and contacted the military
in an attempt to alert them. Bennewitz was apparently fed a series
of documents outlining military collaboration with the aliens and
other matters that are currently the stock-in-trade of the "Aliens
are among us and polluting our vital bodily fluids!" end of the UFO
research spectrum.
According to Moore,
"[Bennewitz] was the subject of considerable
interest on the part of not one, but several government agencies,
and [I discovered] they were actively trying to defuse him by
pumping as much disinformation through him as he could possibly
Moore admits that he knew that Bennewitz was being disinformed by
the government - with evidence suggesting that Special Agent Richard
Doty was at least partially responsible - but according to his own
admission he took no action to disabuse Bennewitz of the lies that,
Moore says, were gradually driving him crazy.
Bennewitz got to the
point where he believed that aliens were invading his house and
poisoning him. He gradually broke down from the disinformational
(and perhaps other) attacks, until he was put into a psychiatric
Richard Doty, one of Moore's contacts who was involved in
the Bennewitz matter, was a special agent with the Air Force Office
of Special Investigations at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque,
New Mexico.
During the course of his employment with AFOSI he
invited Linda Moulton Howe - a well-known investigator of cattle
mutilations who oddly never seems to bring up the government
connection - to visit him at Kirtland. Once Howe had arrived at the
Air Force base, Doty showed her alleged secret documents that seemed
to reveal information on crashed alien vehicles and their occupants.
According to Howe:
These pages... contained a summary of this government's retrieval of
crashed disks and alien bodies, including a live alien from a crash
near Roswell in 1949. The paper said that this extraterrestrial had
been taken to Los Alamos National Laboratory, where it had been kept
until it died of unknown causes on June 18, 1952.
Then the paper
summarized some of the information that had been learned from this
distinctly alien life form about our planet and its civilization's
involvement with this planet. One of the paragraphs said,
questions and mysteries about the evolution of Homo Sapiens on this
planet have been answered, and this project is closed" ...
it stated in the paper that these gray extraterrestrials had been
personally involved in the genetic manipulation of already evolving
primates on this planet, suggesting that Cro-Magnon was the result
of genetic manipulation by the gray extraterrestrials.
Another meeting was arranged between Captain
Robert Collins, Howe,
and John Lear, the UFO "expert" and former employee of the CIA.
is the man who has done more than anyone including Bill Cooper to
convince the public that aliens are among us, living in huge
underground bases, and collaborating with the government to put us
all in the vat-prepared soup. Collins furnished Lear and Howe with
more alleged secret documents on the aliens, and mentioned to her
that he had worked with William Moore for years.
It also is within the sphere of William Moore's influence that the
bogus MJ-12 paper, a faked 1947 presidential "briefing document" on
crashed saucers, surfaced.
Back to Contents
5 - MJ-12
In mid-1987, when UFO buffs first got the MJ-12 document in their
hands, many of them thought that they were fondling the Holy Grail
of UFO research.
This photo reproduction of an eight-page alleged
government document is purported to be a preliminary briefing on
UFOs for President-elect Eisenhower, released on November 18, 1952
(also officially the first day of the formation of the CIA).
The MJ-12 document was allegedly used to brief Eisenhower by Rear
Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, said to be a member of Majestic-12,
a top secret research team composed of scientists and military men
empowered to investigate UFOs. The MJ-12 document claims that in
July, 1947, an alien disk craft crashed in Roswell, New Mexico, and
that a second craft crashed on the Texas-Mexico border in 1950.
From where did this historic and apparently earth-shaking MJ-12
document originate?
In December, 1984, a roll of undeveloped 35mm
black and white film was received in the mail in Burbank,
California, by Jaime Shandera, a television producer. Shandera has
said that the package was postmarked at Albuquerque, New Mexico. The
roll of film was developed by Shandera and William Moore, who found
photo images of the pages of the MJ-12 document.
The first publication of a portion of the MJ-12 document appeared in
the London Observer newspaper, on May 31, 1987. A small portion of
the document was printed in an article by Martin Bailey, titled
"Close Encounters of an Alien Kind - And Now if You've Read Enough
About the Election, Here's News from Another World."
The article was
reprinted in many American newspapers in the weeks that followed.
According to British UFO researcher Timothy Good, he was the first
to publish
the complete MJ-12 document, in his book
Above Top
Secret, in May, 1987. Where did Good get his copy?
He stated,
received the document from a CIA source in March of 1987."
queried as to whether the CIA source had anything to do with William
Moore, Good responded,
"I am sure. Oh, absolutely."
The document was published and re-published in magazines, analyzed,
touted as extraterrestrial gospel, decried as a hoax. But it
captivated the imaginations of many UFO researchers, and injected
life into an ailing UFO research field to a degree that had not been
seen since the halcyon days of the 1960s.
For those UFO buffs who are interested in objective evaluation the
fact that no original copy of the MJ-12 document is available is
only one of the difficulties in proving or disproving its validity.
Because of this fact, no evaluation of the authenticity of
signatures, paper, or ink can be made.
The document also is suspiciously similar to a description of the
one that was shown to Linda Moulton Howe at Kirtland Air Force Base,
if a more refined version.
Other details suggest that the document is a hoax. The dating format
is a mixed civilian and military style, as for instance in the date,
"18, November, 1952." The military format would be "18 November,
1952," lacking the added comma.
Single digit dates also have an
added zero inserted before them in the MJ-12 document, a practice
that did not come into use in the military until the 1970s. As
pointed out by debunker Philip J. Klass, in available examples of
Hillenkoetter letters and memoranda, the conventional military date
format is used.
Also, according to Klass, a Los Angeles document examiner has
determined that the typewriter used to type the MJ-12 document was
not available before 1963.
Researcher Kevin Randle points out another significant discrepancy
in the MJ-12 document:
"The document is constructed as a
paper for President-elect Eisenhower, suggesting that Eisenhower had
no knowledge of the Roswell crash. The problem is that Eisenhower,
as the Army Chief of Staff in July 1947, would have been completely
aware of the Roswell crash."
The MJ-12 report does not resemble in style or substance anything
else that I have seen originating from the government, and I have
examined hundreds of government documents originating from the same
period, many of them dealing with UFOs. The document is also not
written in typical "bureaucratese," that elusive jargon so valued in
government circles.
The main problem with the MJ-12 document for me, however, is that it
solves too much, wrapping up too many of the loose ends of the
contemporary UFO controversy, and "proving" exactly what most UFO
buffs "already know."
Little new information is offered on the
alleged saucer crashes themselves, which is rather odd given the
fact that this constitutes our first clear look inside the "Cosmic
Watergate" so toured by Moore, Stanton Friedman, and others. If this
in fact is a briefing provided to Eisenhower, then it is a comic
book briefing that would have raised far more questions in the
President-elect's mind than it answered.
The loose ends that are
wrapped up in the document also neatly intersect with the specific
stated beliefs and investigative involvement of the men most closely
associated with the report: Shandera, Moore, Friedman.
After the publication of the MJ-12 briefing documents, another
unsigned document was allegedly discovered in the National Archives,
dated July 14, 1954. This is
a purported memo to General Nathan
Twining, Air Force Chief of Staff, from Robert Cutler,
Special Assistant for National Security.
This document states,
President has decided that the MJ-12 SSP briefing should take place
during the already scheduled White House meeting of July 16, rather
than following it as previously intended."
The alleged memo was
unsigned, with Cutler's name and title typed at the page bottom.
Advocates of the authenticity of the original MJ-12 pages claim that
the Cutler memo provides proof positive that the document - and the
alleged secret MJ-12 consulting group-was real, while detractors
suggest that the memo is just another fake.
The authenticity of the Cutler memo, this supposed confirmation, is
doubtful. Advocate Stanton Friedman insists that the memo is real
because "it was in a classified box in a classified vault," but this
only points up Friedman's willingness to overlook the obvious in his
anxiety to verify the MJ-12 document.
What would have stopped
someone from carrying the Cutler memo in with them when examining
the supposedly secure box?
Jo Ann Williamson, Chief of the Military Reference Branch, has
indicated that "this particular document poses problems" in a number
of ways. Williamson points out that it is not typed on government
letterhead and does not have a watermark; it does not have a top
secret registration number; it is the single document with a
notation about
MJ-12 in the folder in which it was found; the
marking TOP SECRET RESTRICTED INFORMATION attached to it was not
used until many years after the Eisenhower administration; and
Robert Cutler was traveling in Europe and North Africa on the day
the memo was supposedly issued.
Other significant factors, possibly the most significant in the
evaluation of the authenticity of the MJ-12 documents and
the Cutler
memo are the associations of their recipient and primary
Jaime Shandera, who reportedly received the film
containing images of the MJ-12 document, had in 1980 been involved
in pre-production for a fictional movie about UFOs with Stanton
Friedman and William Moore. Some rash souls have suggested that the
production of the MJ-12 document may have been their next fictional
Shandera had also "been working closely with Bill Moore and
myself on the Roswell crash," according to Friedman.
Shandera and Moore had both been in contact with Richard Doty, who
was at the time of the MJ-12 document's release working for the Air
Force Office of Special Investigations. Doty was trained in
disinformation and psychological warfare, and allegedly a
self-admitted member of a disinformation group. According to
published reports, Moore has stated that Doty reported to a Pentagon
official named Hennessey, reportedly chief of security for the
Stealth project.
It is impossible to gauge Doty's actual
connections, since portions of his service records are censored,
although while stationed at Linsay Air Force Base in West Germany,
according to Klass:
Doty was charged with falsifying official documents and telling
falsehoods to his commanding officer. A formal investigation
confirmed these charges and Doty was "decertified" as a special
agent [with the] Air Force Office of Special Investigations and
returned to Kirtland AFB in late 1986. Doty spent his last two years
before retirement in food services management.
Doty was allegedly involved in an earlier UFO hoax regarding a
sighting near Kirtland Air Force Base in 1980. An anonymous letter,
purporting to be from an airman and indicating that the same
information had been submitted to the Office of Special
Investigations, was sent to a UFO organization.
According to
researcher Robert Hastings,
"careful analysis of the anonymous
letter reveals that it was almost certainly typed on the same
typewriter used by Doty..."
According to Dr.
Bruce Maccabee of the Fund for UFO Research, Doty
also confessed to William Moore that he been involved in another
hoaxed UFO incident, called the Ellsworth case, and that he had
forged documents and submitted them to researchers as authentic.
Was Doty or the OSI the source of the MJ-12 documents? Did he forge
them? No conclusive proof exists.
But the plot continues to thicken.
Researcher Lee Graham has
reportedly said that William Moore had contacted him "in an
intelligence capacity" and that he worked for the government in
releasing sensitive UFO information. According to Graham, Moore had
flashed a Defense Investigation Service badge, although Stanton
Friedman in his 1996 MJ-12 apologia titled Top Secret/Majic puts a
different spin on the event.
Friedman says,
"As a joke, Bill once
pulled out a MUFON identification card, flashed it at Lee, and
indicated that he was working for the government. Lee bought it."
This sidesteps the issue of this alleged impersonation of a
government official, as well as Graham's memory of a government
badge, not a MUFON card. Friedman carefully sidesteps these matters
in his defense of a person who has otherwise admitted to
collaborating with agents of the government!
Another issue that Friedman does not approach in Top Secret/ Majic
is Moore's association with men claiming to be Air Force
Although I was not present at the 1989 MUFON
Conference at which William Moore spoke, Jacques Vallee was, and
offered the following description:
In a confused and embarrassing presentation before the MUFON
Conference, Bill Moore indeed confessed that he had willingly
allowed himself to be used by various people claiming to act on
behalf of Air Force Intelligence and that he had knowingly
disseminated disinformation, although he has never been "on the
payroll." This is a mere play on words, of course. Not being on the
payroll does not mean
that he was not paid in cash or through other means...
Moore gave a weak excuse for his actions, claiming that he had
acted in a heroic private effort to infiltrate and ultimately expose
Does Friedman avoid bringing up these matters because they provide
additional evidence that the MJ-12 document is a hoax, or simply
because he is Moore's friend? It is impossible to know, although
Friedman's recent career as a "UFO expert" has been largely based on
protesting too much about the discrepancies in MJ-12.
Although the MJ-12 document has not been conclusively proven to be a
fake, the weight of evidence suggests that this is the case. More
significantly, to be given serious consideration, in order to be
factored in as valid data into any real evaluation of the nature of
UFOs, it must be proven to be real, and this certainly has not taken
In a sense, it doesn't matter if the MJ-12 document or the Cutler
memo are proven to be counterfeit, since the majority of UFO true
believers will continue to believe what they want, despite any facts
to the contrary. My experience is that a significant portion of the
UFO hobbyist community use their obsession as a form of excitement,
for the feeling of being "in the know," and as a substitute for a
Deep down, they hope that we are being invaded by evil aliens!
That aside, it is obvious that the government is attempting to
defuse UFO investigations by overwhelming them with incendiary
disinformation and by having informants report on the activities of
groups and individuals. This is no longer the matter of conjecture
that has buzzed among UFO researchers since the earliest days of
these investigations. Now there is more than enough proof to show
that this is the case.
Providing more support for the idea that UFO abductions may have
more to do with humans than aliens, we do know that the American
government, at least, is in possession of top secret aircraft of a
radically different type than orthodox aircraft, and that these may
include saucer craft. Certainly there is much evidence to show that
advanced disk craft designs confiscated from the Germans after World
War II may have been put into production.
It is only in recent years that the existence of this kind of
aircraft has been able to be fairly easily verified by observation
outside the military installation known as Area 51 in Nevada.
this sort of testing moved on to other regions, large crowds would
gather outside this military preserve for UFO watching parties.
There, on many nights (Wednesday was said to be the most active
night for the flights), one was able to observe strange aircraft
doing aerial maneuvers that would have been impossible for the
unclassified aircraft of which we are aware.
But that does not make
these craft extraterrestrial, nor does it make them
extraterrestrial/ human technological hybrids. It does make it
obvious, however, that the people who maintain that this is the
case, without a shred of hard evidence, are blithering idiots.
The relatively common occurrence of garden variety humans being seen
in the vicinity of, entering and leaving, and sometimes piloting
UFOs may be another significant clue as to the meaning and origin of
these craft.
Many operations which are said to take place inside the
saucers and performed by "alien" beings are in fact carbon copies of
the kind of operations performed on the restraining tables of
psychiatrists in the employ of the CIA and other military and
intelligence agencies - right down to the reports of tiny electronic
brain implants inserted through the nose, the standard insertion
technique for both brain control shrinks (as exemplified by Dr. Jose
Delgado, the originator of the technique) and, so we are told, the
grey aliens.
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6 - A Symbolic
It has been established, I think, that there are aspects of the UFO
mystery that owe more to the activities of humans than
extraterrestrials. But my purpose is not simply to show that humans
forces of some sort - perhaps the CIA - are hoaxing the populace into
believing that the aliens are here and pose a threat to the
well-being of mankind. I am hoping to provide a look into the
purpose behind the hoaxing.
There are strange clues that need to be examined in detail; these
involve a tangled web of symbolism in the UFO mythos that,
fortunately, resolves into a single meaning: Trust me on this. As I
cite each reference in this symbolic odyssey, I will try to distill
the relevant images that will assist in forming a conclusion.
In the incredible account "My Life Depends On You!", which has
circulated widely in the underground press, Martti Koski describes
the experience of literally going mad. In 1975 he began to be
plagued by unwanted voices that he believed were being broadcast
from the hotel room above him.
Assuming that he was experiencing a
neurotic bout he put up with the voices until, in the late summer of
1979, his mental torture escalated. Now Koski found that he was
losing control of his bodily functions, and that his senses were
being scrambled. His heartbeat became erratic to the point that he
entered the University of Alberta Hospital in Edmonton, Canada.
Once checked into the hospital, the voice in his head identified
itself, claiming to be a spokesman for the Royal Canadian Mounted
Police (RCMP), and telling Koski that he had been chosen to be a spy. The
voice dubbed Koski the "Microwave Man." Koski claims that while in
the hospital bizarre experiments were performed on him by the
doctors while, in the meantime, interior voices were telling him to
perform acts like stealing shirts and engaging in covert sales of
cigarettes to other patients.
After leaving the hospital, Koski attempted to escape the barrage of
voices by traveling to his native Finland, but to no avail. The
voices did not let up.
After eighteen years of psychic attack, Koski has, to a degree,
learned to live with it. In Finland he works with other individuals
who claim that they have been victims of government mind control
experimentation, some of them being able to back up their claims
with x-rays that seem to show tiny mushroom-shaped brain implants.
Koski's plight may be interpreted in at least two ways. He may be
simply crazy, and the voices may be entirely the product of his own
mind. The lucidness of his written account of his ordeal, however,
argues against this possibility. He may also be correct in his
conclusions. He may be mind controlled by, as he suspects, the RCMP.
Certainly there is a huge body of literature detailing the
activities of government intelligence operations on civilians, and
there is proof that brain implants in fact actually are performed,
including numerous x-ray photos of tiny, otherwise unexplainable
brain implants. It is also interesting that the most infamous of
doctors working in the
CIA MKULTRA mind control experiments of the
1950s was Dr. Ewen Cameron, his horrendous experimentation performed
at his gothic Ravenscrag facility in Montreal, Canada.
But there is an additional strange element to the Koski story that
may provide a piece to the puzzle that we are researching. After
Koski returned to Finland, the voices he was hearing began to tell
him a different story. Now they told him that they weren't RCMP, at
They were beings from the "Dog Star," Sirius. So Koski is being
mind-manipulated by extraterrestrials?
There are further symbolic linkages on this speculative trail that
may or may not lead to the stars. At the beginning of this century,
contact with the Sirius star system was claimed by the occultist
Lucien-Francois Jean-Maine who, through the famous occultist
learned the rituals of the Ordo Templi Orientis lodge, founded by
Aleister Crowley, and formed his own group in his native Haiti.
Jean-Maine is said to have in 1922 combined the OTO rituals with
voodoo practices to form the Cult of the Black Snake in Haiti.
also claimed to be in contact with a disembodied being or voodoo loa
Lam, an entity who OTO Grand Master
Kenneth Grant said was one
of the Great Old Ones, an elder as well as eldritch god
nigh-identical with those portrayed by the American horror writer
H.P. Lovecraft in the 1920s and 30s.
Lam, according to Grant, has the task of uniting the current that
emanates from the Andromeda galaxy with the current that flows from
Sirius. Grant believed that a dimensional portal exists in the
Andromeda galaxy, and through this portal will enter the Old Ones,
demonic entities intent on returning Earth to their dominion and
having humanity for breakfast.
Prior to Jean-Maine's contact with Lam, the famous occultist and
founder of the OTO Aleister Crowley reported that he had summoned
the same entity through one of his own "magickal" workings. Crowley
also penned a drawing of Lam, reprinted in Kenneth Grant's The
Magical Revival, adding another strange dimension to the now
inter-dimensional puzzle.
Crowley portrays the entity Lam as a prototypical big-headed "Gray,"
i.e. as the picture of modern popular conceptions about what a UFO
alien is supposed to look like. Crowley, relates Grant, also,
"unequivocally identifies his Holy Guardian Angel with Sothis
(Sirius), or Set-Isis."
The obvious connection here is the
significance of Sirius, although the Ordo Templi Orientis lodge,
Crowley, and Lam also have their own special relevance.
Evaluating this mish-mash of occultism, who would imagine that the
telepathic transmissions from Sirius might have something to do with
military intelligence? Occult investigator James Shelby Downard, in
his wonderful "Sorcery, Sex, Assassination, and the Science of
Symbolism" (published in my Secret and Suppressed anthology)
researches the existence of a Sirius-worship cult that he believes
exists at the highest levels of the CIA!
He cites as one of their
ritual locations the telescope viewing room of the Palomar
Observatory in California. There, he says, the adepts of the
Sirius-military intelligence cult enact rituals in the
telescopically-focused light of the Dog Star, in imitation of the
Egyptian priesthood, astral rays bathing the viewing chamber and the
participants when the telescope is aimed Sirius-ward.
Utter madness? Tell that to Colonel Michael Aquino of U.S. military
intelligence, the admitted head of the satanic
Temple of Set, a
deity identified in occultism with Sirius. Aquino makes no bones
about the fact that he is the head of his offshoot of Anton LaVey's
Church of Satan, known to draw many of its leaders from military
circles. Again, we see the strange conjunction of Sirius, occultism,
and military intelligence.
Another occultist and "spirit channeler," championing the cause of
Sirius, the Dog Star, in the 1950s and 60s, was well-known ufologist
George Hunt Williamson (the penname for Michel d'Obrenovic).
Williamson authored the classic UFO book
Other Tongues - Other Flesh,
an extended treatise on the beneficence of the ufonauts from
who supposedly provided mankind with civilization in the far distant
Williamson treats this theme at length again in his book Secret
Places of the Lion, extolling the "Goodly Company," the "Star
People," the "Children of Light," who "migrated to earth"
- the "dark
star" - "planet of sorrows" - about eighteen million years ago and
have worked ceaselessly and tirelessly in their gigantic task of
acting as the Creator's mentors to a backward, fallen race.
Williamson claimed that he had met these benevolent "space friends,"
and was in fact a member of the group of witnesses who claimed to
have seen George Adamski contact a saucer craft and an alien being
in the California desert. The alien warned him about the evil
influence of the beings from Orion.
Williamson also rhapsodizes at length, but in a somewhat circumspect
fashion, on the seemingly-unrelated theme of Solomon's Temple and
the reappearance of the Messiah, hinting at certain "secrets"
relating to same. Although it may seem quite a digression,
Williamson's treatment of the Messiah theme provides the solution as
to his own and to others' "secret" orientation in ufology.
Drawing upon a selection of quotes from his book, Williamson
maintains that:
Throughout the entire history of the earth, the "Goodly Company" or
the multitude of "Christ Souls" have incarnated in a group...
Pharaoh was addressed as "The King, the Ra, the Sun." This signified
his position as leader of the "Goodly Company" of star born beings
dedicated to the salvation of a planet!...
A special hereditary order of men was now created to keep a
semblance of Aton (One God) worship amongst the Israelites; although
the Greater Light could not be theirs because they were not yet
ready for it, a less spiritual worship was set up, based on pagan
ritualism, that nevertheless was symbolic in its sacrifices,
ceremonies, vestments, etc...
The promise of an Eternal King, to arise out of David's Family, was
repeated over and over again: to David, to Solomon, and again and
There are references to the breaking of the bread and drinking of
the wine as a symbol of "the sacred repast." The wine represents the
"Holy Vine of David" and the bread "the life and knowledge of God."
Those "Children of the Greater Light" who are descendants of the
"Holy Vine of David" serve, through the "sacred repast," "the life
and knowledge of God!! God made a covenant with David of an eternal
David and Bathsheba prepared the way for the coming of the Master or
the Fulfillment in Israel...
When Solomon ascended the throne of his father, he consecrated his
life to the erection of a temple to God and a palace for the kings
of Israel. David's faithful friend, Hiram, King of Tyre, hearing
that a son of David sat upon the throne of Israel, sent messages of
congratulation and offers of assistance to the new ruler...
Now we are entering the "twilight of the gods," when the final
destruction of the Old Age will take place and man and the gods will
be regenerated and reunited!
Man will have revealed unto him a true
vision of his eternal heritage - that earthly things may show him the
nature of his spirit!
So sayeth George Hunt Williamson.
But what do the Temple of Solomon,
Hiram, King of Tyre, the "Holy Vine of David," the ancient
manipulation of Earthlings by space aliens, and the coming
"Fulfillment in Israel" have to do with Sirius, the Dog Star? A
surprisingly large amount, it turns out.
A more recent version of essentially the same Sirius scenario is
provided by the UFO contactee Oscar Magocsi.
After contact with the extraterrestrials, Magocsi believes that he
has a mission to impart the wisdom of the "Psycheans," members of
the "Interdimensional Federation of Free Worlds," whose base of
operations is located near Arcturus.
Magocsi reports that humanity
migrated from the Pleiades thousands of years ago, and that we (and
the Interdimensional Federation) are at war against evil forces from
Draconis. These Dark Forces, Magocsi maintains, rely on human
allies - the Illuminati secret society - whose mission is to assist in
enslaving mankind through a long term disinformation operation
intended to portray them as forces of good hailing from the Orion
There are, Magocsi claims, actual good guys from Orion
- he
dubs this faction the Lords of Light - but the Illuminati are a
different bunch altogether.
Magocsi also maintains that a particular
area of positive influence is Sirius, the intelligences there
supposedly beaming telepathic transmissions intended to counteract
the bad vibes of the Dark Forces.
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