by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics
May 22, 2011
Examiner Website
In a May 21, 2011 ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont
Webre, independent scientist Leuren Moret states that she has
found that the March 11, 2011 Fukushima nuclear tectonic event was
in fact monitored by international HAARP partners (EISCAT)
...at the time it was occurring.

Fukushima HAARP
tectonic nuclear attack, March 11, 2011
Massive HAARP
activity 3/10-3/12/11
Credit: Leuren Moret
This new finding, which is demonstrated by empirical data (click
above image) from HAARP facilities operated by each of these partners, now
confirms that all of these nations were jointly part of the HAARP/chemtrails
tectonic nuclear attack that has released deadly nuclear
radiation onto,
North America (including Canada,
the United States and Mexico)
the Northern Hemisphere,
and now nations of the Southern
Hemisphere including Australia and New Zealand
HAARP Nations -
Partners in Crime
From March 2-9, 2011, there was an international
HAARP experiment at
Tromso, Norway that appears to have been a component of the March
11, 2011 Fukushima false flag event.
All the nations participating
in this experiment were monitoring the Fukushima tectonic event,
according to Ms. Moret.
This new finding makes it clear that it is the citizen populations
and not the nations that are targeted. Nations, such as Japan and
the U.S., are targeting their own citizens for depopulation.
This depopulation capability extends to
CERN, which now has the
capacity to destroy the Earth and turn it into a
black hole.
The new data also confirms that the March 11, 2011 Fukushima
earthquake was triggered by the HAARP weapons system and not by
solar or astronomical factors such as some have speculated.
View ExopoliticsTV interview with independent scientist Leuren Moret:
earthquakes and elite controllers
At Fukushima, the HAARP triggered earthquake released the equivalent
of one million Hiroshima sized nuclear weapons of 30 kilotons each.
Ms. Moret indicated that the HAARP/chemtrails weapon system was the
“terrible” weapons system that former Soviet leader Nikita
Khrushchev was referring to when he stated the Soviet Union
possessed a weapon that could destroy the planet.
She stated that HAARP in fact was jointly developed by the United States and the
Soviet Union and launched on July 4, 1976. Russia now has the most
powerful HAARP facilities in the world.
The Soviet Union and Russia have been major HAARP perpetrators, said
Ms. Moret, along with the City of London Zionist bloodline financial
bankers including:
This new finding confirms that governments major nations are now
intentionally engaged in the global depopulation plan, directed at
eliminating up to 2/3 or more of the world's human population
through covert means such as radiation.
At the top of the depopulation controllers’ pyramid appear to be the
“puppet masters” (or international war crimes racketeering
organization) including the City of London Zionist bloodline
financial bankers including the Rothschild family, and the
Rockefeller interests in the U.S., and the British crown and DOPE
Inc. aristocracy, and Black aristocracy of Europe such as the House
of Orange (Netherlands).
Now it is confirmed that major nations whose governments are
controlled by these “puppet masters” including Russia, UK, China,
U.S., as well as other HAARP-owning nations such as Sweden, Norway,
Japan, and others are actively involved in the HAARP depopulation
program that includes radiation events such as Fukushima.
Specific military and intelligence agencies such as
the CIA and the
U.S. Navy are operational arms controlled ultimately by this
international war crimes racketeering organization.
Global depopulation through radiation and weather
The purpose of the March 11, 2011 Fukushima event, is global
depopulation by radiation.
Leuren Moret highlights two prominent nuclear radiation scientists
who have now publicly declared that the northern 1/3 part of Japan
has become uninhabitable because of radiation due to the Fukushima
March 11, 2011 quake/nuke false flag operation, and should be
One of the radiation experts, Dr.
Chris Busby, is a UK Govt. and
European Parliament Low Level Radiation Expert.
Dr. Busby developed
the first radiation risk model to challenge the U.S. government’s
Hiroshima and Nagasaki studies model that underestimated internal
exposure risk by a factor of 1000.
Dr. Busby has conducted research
Sellafield nuke plant contamination and health risks, depleted
uranium exposures in the Middle East, Yugoslavia, C. Asia, and
Fukushima disaster.
The other radiation expert, Marion Fulk, is a Manhattan Project
scientist who made the U.S. hydrogen bomb work.
Mr. Fulk was the
radiation rainout/snowout expert for the U.S. nuclear weapons program
during atmospheric testing. He has trained and mentored Leuren Moret
for 11 years on radiation issues such as the environmental and
biological effects of ionizing radiation.
In a March 30, 2011
interview on RussiaToday with Dr. Chris Busby,
he declared that the Fukushima nuclear plant meltdowns will
result in at least 417,000 new cancers.
False Flag
Target Japan
Destruction of Japanese economy, agriculture, and
Ms. Moret states that the sovereign people of Japan were
intentionally targeted by the March 11, 2011 Fukushima quake/nuke
false flag operation.
Operationally, the false flag operation was coordinated by General
Electric company in much the same way that the BP dictated the
chaotic manner in which the BP oil spill. The response by TEPCO (the
Japanese company operating the Fukushima plant) was dictated by
General Electric to maximize the nuclear fall-out.
Ms. Moret stated that the same “Disaster Capitalism Footprint”
exists at the false flag operation of Fukushima as was present at
the false flag operations of,
Among the objectives of the controllers of the Fukushima quake/nuke
false flag operation on Japan were the crippling of Japan and the
rendering of at least 1/3 of Japan radioactive in order to cripple
the Japan détente with China since former Prime Minister Koizumi.
The Fukushima false flag operation intentionally has created
substantial destruction of Japan’s economy, agriculture, and
In the same way that Russia was intentionally crippled by
the radiation from the Chernobyl false flag operation, the negative
impact on the health of Japan of the radiation will include a
substantial reduction in productivity, as occurred in Russia after
False Flag
Target North America
Canada, USA, Mexico, and Hawaii
Ms. Moret details how the March 11, 2011 Fukushima quake/nuke false
flag operation is now affecting North America, including Western
Canada, the west coast of the United States, Hawaii, and Mexico.
Ms. Moret includes updates on how:
Weather warfare engineering is
delivering radiation and nuclear war to targeted regions of
Canada, California, the Northwest, Mexico, and Hawaii.
Governments and media are
complicit in covering up and misreporting the levels of
radiation that these areas are subjected to.
HAARP-triggered tornadoes
intended as part of the radiation distribution mechanism
were reported in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Arizona on
March 18, 2011:
HAARP-aerosol/chemtrails plasma
weapons are creating rain in specific areas because rainout
is most efficient form of radiation nuclear war.
The most targeted areas by the
radiation war are the western food baskets, in order to
radiation poison future generations of the population and
weaken them for the
New World Order.
A principal purpose of the
radiation nuclear war on North America is contamination of
food sources, drinking water, and dairy products with the
aid of the governments, media and health regulators.
The dangers of the Chernobyl
fuel rods burned (where 1 million have died) vs. Fukuoka
spent fuel rods (which is much more powerful than Chernobyl)
and involves thousands of times more dangerous radiation.
Radiation exposure standards
have been raised by the Canadian, U.S. and Japanese
governments to permit a larger dose of radiation to reach
their populations.
The governments of the U.S.,
Canada and Japan maintain a policy of denial of radiation
contamination. There is no reporting on radiation levels,
and in Vancouver, B.C. mobile radiation testing was halted by
the Government of Canada.
In California, physicians are
told by state health authorities not to give iodine to
concerned patients.
Authorities are not measuring
radiation in milk (which is now higher than Chernobyl).
There is a cover-up and no
reporting of true radiation levels in the U.S. and Canadian
The governments of Japan, the
U.S. and Canada (and others) are complicit in genocide.
U.S. President
Barack Obama has
not taken action to alert the public of this crisis.
False Flag
Target - Northern Hemisphere
Ms. Moret sets out the impacts of the Fukushima quake/nuke false
flag operation on the Northern Hemisphere.
Ms. Moret notes that the radiation steered into the Northern
Hemisphere will result in contamination from the Arctic to the
Equator. The long-lived radioactive isotopes will continue to cause
environmental and health damage.
Ms. Moret states that humans in the Northern Hemisphere will now be
exposed to cumulative radiation from atmospheric testing, nuclear
power plants, Chernobyl,
depleted uranium (DU), and now Fukushima.
Leuren Moret notes that the public health impact of radiation from
the Fukushima quake/nuke false flag operation on the northern
hemisphere population will include negative impacts on,
chronic illnesses
birth defects
lowered fertility,
...as well
as a long-lasting environmental Impact.
False Flag
Target - Humanity
Leuren Moret traces the origins of the Fukushima quake nuke
radiation war as rooted in intentional genocide of the human
population and a depopulation plan developed by the ideologies of,
Cecil Rhodes
the Rockefellers,
...and implemented as official
U.S. policy when
Henry Alfred Kissinger was U.S. Secretary of State.
Ms. Moret recalls a quote from Labyrinth of the World that underlies
the policy behind false flag operations like Fukushima.
“Destroy the
environment, public health, degrade quality of life, destroy mental
ability, it all destroys spirituality - that is the will to live and
to thrive and to be creative.”
False Flag
Target - Ecosphere/biosphere
Leuren Moret notes that the genome of human life and all life that
has developed over 4.5 billion years of evolution is now being
destroyed in 100 years by radiation wars.