by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics Examiner
May 9, 2011
Examiner Website
In an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview
(below video)
released May 9, 2011, independent scientist Leuren Moret has stated
that the Fukushima HAARP tectonic nuclear attack was done by an
international racketeering war crimes network within the,
Ms. Moret states that the war crimes network behind the March 11,
2011 events at the Fukushima nuclear plant is the same war crimes
racketeering organization behind the false flag operations of,
...and other HAARP-triggered false flag operations.
The Fukushima tectonic nuclear attack is an intentional genocidal
depopulation of the northern and southern hemispheres, Ms. Moret
states. The west coasts of the United States and Canada, Mexico, and
Hawaii are being intentionally targeted by dangerous radiation from
the March 11, 2011 tectonic warfare earthquake and nuclear meltdown
events at Fukushima, Japan.
These areas of the United States and Canada, and Mexico, Ms. Moret
indicates, are the major food producing areas for North America.
Radiation from the Japan quake/nuclear meltdown events at Fukushima
is intentionally being steered into these areas in order to dose the
land and the food with radiation.
Danger of radiation in the rain
Ms. Moret warned that the U.S. government is covering up the
radiation danger in North America, and stated that individuals
should venture out in the rain with their bodies fully covered,
including gloves.
During WWII, it was discovered that the most effective method of
nuclear warfare was to detonate an atomic bomb in a raincloud, and
let the radiation rain down on the target population.
The weather warfare capabilities of
and the
GWEN towers
systems are being used to create weather patterns (such as
tornadoes) and rain that bring radiation as high as in the Fukushima
area of Japan on the southeast, mid west, southwest and west coasts
of the United States.
Interview with
independent scientist Leuren Moret
Fukushima -
Planet earth as the latest weapon of war
In her interview, Ms. Moret quotes
Claudia von Werlhof, Professor
of Political Sciences and Women's Studies at Innsbruck Austria:
"We have discovered that the military in the east and west has
developed new technologies which could attack the planet and
transform it into a weapon itself! This technological process is by
no means controlled by the public. Moreover these technologies can
be used everywhere on the planet as "plasma weapons, weather wars
and geo-engineering"
notes that Dr. Werlhof observes that under neoliberal economic
"social, cultural, traditional and ecological considerations
are abandoned and give way to a mentality of plundering. All global
resources that we still have - forests, water, genetic pools - have
turned into objects of utilization. Rapid ecological destruction
through depletion is the consequence."
of the Fukushima HAARP Tectonic Nuclear Events
In her ExopoliticsTV interview (above video), Ms. Moret states that, as with all
false flag operations, there was foreshadowing of the Fukushima
HAARP tectonic nuclear events.
Nuclear radiation into the ocean
The intentional dumping of high
levels of dangerous nuclear radiation into the Pacific ocean, to be
distributed by the
great conveyer belt currents was foreshadowed by
the intentional targeting of India with the nuclear radiation from
Sellafield (UK) nuclear power plant. The ocean-born radiation
from Sellafield has led to the deaths of 25 million Indian children,
Ms. Moret states.
US Ronald Reagan
As was the case in the HAARP false flag
operations of
Katrina hurricane, the Haiti earthquake, and the
Sumatra earthquake-tsunami, U.S. warships such as the U.S. Ronald
Reagan, complicit in the false flag operation, stood by the
operation and were an operational part of it.
Government (DOE) complicity in the Fukushima false flag operation
Fukushima Power Politics - CIA, US Department Of Energy (DOE -
BP-controlled), And Tepco Joint Project For London bankers
Ms. Moret discussed how the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) was
actually running the “emergency response” including inordinate
delays, organized “chaos”, and apparent Tepco “incompetence”.
Only low-level employees were allowed into the nuclear power plants
and no expert engineers were deliberately kept out of the 6 units of
the nuclear power plant. Government at all levels in Japan “stepped
back”, creating a vacuum of information and direction.
The false flag operation involved the introduction of the CIA-Mossad
Stuxnet virus, causing melt-downs in all nuclear cores
within 90 minutes, followed by complete cover-up. This was aided by
intentionally poor design, as though the power pant were from the
beginning a giant nuclear weapon.
Ms. Moret states that the secrecy surrounding Fukushima in Japan has
intensified as of May 2011.
U.S. Radiation
Ms. Moret states that her radiation research shows that the highest
incidence of autism and diabetes occurs during periods of rain.
Autism and diabetes are medical conditions attributed to radiation,
according to Ms. Moret. From March 18 to March 30, 2011 (a period
during which the Fukushima radiation was over the U.S.), the GWEN
tower system was used in conjunction with HAARP to create unseasonal
rain throughout the United States, in order to radiate the
Although California Gov. Jerry Brown declared a state of
emergency because of the rain, there was no mention of radiation in
the declaration.
Leuren Moret
points out that immediately before and following the
March 11, 2011 Fukushima HAARP tectonic nuclear event, the federal
and state governments in the U.S. confiscated iodine supplies. In a
March 17, 2011, a California county health department directed
physicians to deny iodine to their patients.
California state
inspectors were seen in full body suits taking air samples in Santa
Clara, CA.
response to atomic bombs - Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Ms. Moret states that a new book by Mr. Kakihara and Mr. Yukuo
Sasamoto (Occupational Period Historian), published in March 2011 by
NGO "Academic Research Fund" shows that the U.S. was concerned about
the residual effects of radiation but did not know what the
biological effects of the bombing would be on survivors.
According to the book, the U.S. wanted to bury and hide effects of
nuclear bombing to protect its future nuclear weapons program and to
hide the effects from U.S. citizens. This is exactly what the U.S.
is doing in hiding the genocidal and ecological effects of
uranium (DU) and 4th generation nuclear weapons in Iraq,
Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Gaza, Lebanon and now Fukushima, according
to Ms. Moret.
The U.S. sandwiched the data on nuclear weapons biological effects
and hid the effects with cooperation of the Japanese government.
Thus there are many information filters that have been developed by
the U.S. and Japanese governments to hide radiation effects since
World War II.
These radiation information filters are what make the genocidal
global radiation war possible.
The Hiroshima-Nagasaki radiation
cover-up was carried out the same way the Fukushima radiation
is being carried out.
Hacking a PDF
reveals the power politics
Ms. Moret reveals that Japanese researcher
Shingo Annan obtained a
joint U.S.-Japan PDF radiation information update document on
Fukushima and Chernobyl, called “U.S. DOE and Japan government Joint
Cesium Survey”.
The PDF document had two layers with “joint us/japan survey” on top
layer, but under the top layer was the original base doc of the map
with the title at the bottom indicating it was a U.S. DOE original
document. Therefore the U.S. DOE produced the original document.
Ms. Moret revealed that US/DOE personnel from Lawrence Livermore
labs were at Chernobyl right after the accident and produced a
fraudulent report that minimized the radiation danger.
information control in Japan
Ms. Moret reveals that Japanese professors from Tokyo and Nagasaki
universities have regularly been on television in Japan, downplaying
danger of Fukushima radiation.
They had done extensive research
previously on radiation effects from Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
Chernobyl, and now will study Fukushima.
Their previous work on
radiation exposure was careful and well done, but in interviews
about Fukushima effects they contradict what they have already
stated in published reports.
Radiation and
Ms. Moret notes that radiation is an efficient and effective way
to depopulate/weaken populations by causing disease, contaminating food, selling
pharmaceuticals, making huge profits, and implementing total control
over the population.
She states that the U.S. DOE recently initiated mining uranium in
Mongolia through Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories and French
mining companies. China is growing potatoes for the Mongolian food
market in Mongolia at China nuclear test site with
radiation-contaminated soil.
This is an intentional depopulation of
Mongolia for land grabs, water, and resources.
We are living
under a global totalitarian scientific oligarchy
As to the future, Ms. Moret sees big nuclear power expansion plans
globally and continuing depopulation of northern hemisphere.
principal actors in the U.S. in this scenario are,
BP gave Dr. Chu $500 million for the
Helios project as director of
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories. Dr. Chu oversaw the BP
false flag disaster operation in the Gulf of Mexico and also oversaw
the Fukushima false flag operation disaster.
The City of London bankers own all oil companies now, and want to
eliminate competitors.
Most indigenous people live and eat on coastlines.
Ms. Moret sees
depopulation of northern hemisphere and global
coastlines through nuclear radiation and other toxic means, for the
purpose of land and resource grabs and to eliminate competition to
the international war crimes racketeering organization of banking
and royal bloodlines that controls HAARP.