by Sott Editors
03 December 2009
SOTT Website

Time magazine cover
April 1977
The First Global Revolution, A Report by the Council of the Club of
Rome (King, Schneider 1991):
"The need for enemies seems to be a common historical factor. Some
states have striven to overcome domestic failure and internal
contradictions by blaming external enemies.
The ploy of finding a
scapegoat is as old as mankind itself - when things become too
difficult at home, divert attention to adventure abroad. Bring the
divided nation together to face an outside enemy, either a real one,
or else one invented for the purpose."
The common
enemy of humanity is Man
"In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came
up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water
shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their
totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a
common threat which must be confronted by everyone together.
But in
designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which
we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for
causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in
natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity
Against The Tide - A Critical Review by Scientists of How Physics
and Astronomy Get Done, W. Kundt, 2008:
The term 'Gold Effect' was coined by Raymond Lyttleton in [1981],
after a conversation with [Austrian astrophysicist Thomas Gold]
during which Gold had explained how a mere unqualified belief can
occasionally be converted into a generally accepted scientific
theory - a dogma - through the screening action of refereed
literature, of meetings planned by scientific organizing committees,
and through the distribution of funds controlled by 'club opinions'.
A dish best served cold

With perfect timing, someone managed to sneak into a server of the
University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit (Hadley CRU) - a
stronghold of scientists who support the anthropogenic global
warming theory - steal thousands of files and email exchanges, and
publish them on the Internet.
We say it is perfect timing because
15th Conference of the Parties to the
UN Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC) takes place in Copenhagen from the 7th to
the 15th of December.
Hadley CRU's record is one of the four
official sources of global temperature data used by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). As such, the
authors of the emails compose a small group of key scientists who
have been most influential in driving the global warming agenda for
The significance of the emails is that they suggest manipulation of
data to support their thesis; there are also private admissions that
the globe is not warming as they would expect; as well as
indications of peer pressure to exclude global warming skeptics from
the debate.
There is also a great deal of animosity against their
opponents, but that is hardly surprising for anyone who has
witnessed how many individuals within the scientific community are
driven more by their egos than conscience.
the most damning email is the one written by (now former)
CRU director Phil Jones:
I've just completed Mike's Nature trick of adding in the real temps
to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) and from
1961 for Keith's to hide the decline. Mike's series got the annual
land and marine values while the other two got April-Sept for NH
land N of 20N.
The latter two are real for 1999, while the estimate
for 1999 for NH combined is +0.44C wrt 61-90. The Global estimate
for 1999 with data through Oct is +0.35C cf. 0.57 for 1998.
Phil Jones claimed that the word 'trick' was used "colloquially, as
in "a clever thing to do" and that it "is ludicrous to suggest that
it refers to anything untoward."
Bob Ward, director of policy and
communications at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change
and the Environment at the London School of Economics, defended
Jones by arguing that,
"scientists say 'trick' not just to mean
deception. They mean it as a clever way of doing something - a short
cut can be a trick."
While this may be technically correct, it does
not explain why a scientist would make use of a "clever short cut"
to hide the decline of temperatures.
Another interesting email reads:
...Phil [Jones] and I have recently submitted a paper using about
a dozen NH [Northern Hemisphere] records that fit this category, and
many of which are available nearly 2K back - I think that trying to
adopt a timeframe of 2K, rather than the usual 1K, addresses a good
earlier point that Peck made w/ regard to the memo, that it would be
nice to try to "contain" the putative "MWP" [Medieval Warming
Period], even if we don't yet have a hemispheric mean reconstruction
available that far back...
What they are discussing here is extending the record back another
1,000 years in order to "contain" the
Medieval Warming Period.
By emphasizing that the MWP was limited to a certain period of time and
that it was preceded by a cool period, it could be portrayed as a
'blip' in the overall trend, so buttressing their case that recent
warming is unique. However, their problem was that the Northern
Hemisphere records from beyond 1,000 years ago up to 2,000 years ago
was sparse and therefore wasn't as robust as the last 1,000 years.
So they were not trying to 'hide' the MWP as such, but they did
nevertheless downplay its significance by relying on the 'dozen'
data which represented global temperatures that just happened to be
cooler than the MWP in the preceding 1000 years. Thing is though,
that was the only data available to these scientists.
Although the
data had temporal (time series) coverage, it lacked spatial
coverage: twelve data points.
The following, by Kevin Trenberth (from the US National Center for
Atmospheric Research) is particularly interesting:
The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the
moment and it is a travesty that we can't. The CERES data published
in the August BAMS 09 supplement on 2008 shows there should be even
more warming: but the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is

Although at first glance this appears to be evidence of yet another
"trick", Trenberth - who has in the past written articles wondering
why the planet is not warming as the models predicted - may simply
be expressing an honest concern.
He is saying that the data coming from
the satellite
CERES (The Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy
System), points to more warming, but that this is not being measured
by thermometers on the ground. (CERES is part of the
EOS program - Earth Observation System
- and
it is used to "study the energy
exchanged between the Sun; the Earth's atmosphere, surface and
clouds; and outer space.")
Trenberth is claiming that the data
measured by the satellite shows a global energy budget that should
be warming the planet when in fact it is not. He then says "the data
are surely wrong" because they do not correlate with the fact that
the Earth is cooling, therefore the observing system - of the
satellites - is "inadequate."
What makes this so interesting is that it shows how a small group of
elite scientists responsible for key data - such as that coming from
a satellite - have the power to influence what data the scientific
community at large receive, and there is little or no oversight to
guarantee that their data is correct.
In fact, we might wonder if
such key pieces of information are not subject to intentional
manipulation from parties that care little for the truth when it
conflicts with their agenda.
Something that, unfortunately, can very
easily occur because the scientific establishment is similar in
structure to any corporate or military establishment: it's
bureaucratic, hierarchical and each field of study is
compartmentalized, rendering honest and open communication between
scientists across fields difficult, non-existent even.
The corporate
nature of modern research itself has only increased this power of
elite scientists and generated further isolation between 'lower
echelon' scientists by promoting ideals of competition, backstabbing
and mistrust:
Choosing research problems can be likened to an investment process (Bourdieu
1975, 1988). Scientists have available a certain amount of "capital"
- knowledge, experience, time and effort - that they can invest in
different ways.
A conservative investment strategy is to pursue
small, incremental innovations, with a high likelihood of success
and a modest return of investment.[...] A risky strategy is to
pursue a speculative idea: the likelihood of success may be low but
the returns, if the idea pans out, can be huge.[...]
A different investment calculation comes into play, though, when it
comes to someone else's ideas. To examine or even promote someone
else's challenge to orthodoxy requires significant time and energy,
yet the major returns go to another person, if they are recognized
as the innovator.
If the idea is a promising one, the temptation is
to grab credit, for example by domesticating the radical idea and
publishing in orthodox journals. It is no surprise that many
innovators are afraid of having their ideas stolen.
the Tide - a critical review by scientists of how physics and
astronomy get done by J.M Campanario and B.Martin)

There are a few other interesting emails, mostly because they show
how little respect these scientists have for their colleagues, by
expressing their desire to "beat the crap out of" skeptics, or
gloating over the death of one of the first climate change skeptics,
"In an odd way this is cheering news."
Clearly a famous
quote from Max Planck (1949, 33-34) is still relevant today as never
"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents
and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents
eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with
Or, as it is more euphemistically paraphrased, "Science advances
funeral by funeral."
As we continue to go over "hacked" emails, in another example we
find one of the scientists emailing the journal Climate Research to
tell them "I'm having nothing more to do with it until they rid
themselves of this troublesome editor" who had published articles
that were skeptical of global warming. For more of these jewels,
here (for a selection) and
here (for a complete list).
The above described method of squeezing dissenting scientists out of
the peer review process proved to be very successful thanks largely
to the concept of 'anonymous peer review' suggested by 'someone' at
NSF or on the National Science Board:
In 1951, the U.S Congress established the National Science
Foundation (NSF) to provide financial support for post-World War II
scientific research. Soon thereafter, someone at NSF or on the
National Science Board, which is charged with oversight of NSF, had
an idea, a really corrosive idea, the implementation of which would
lead to the perversion and corruption of American science for
decades ahead.
The idea was that reviewers of scientific proposals
to NSF for government research grant money should be anonymous; the
crux of the idea being that anonymity would encourage honesty in
evaluation even when those reviewers might be competitors or might
have vested interests. Thus the concept of anonymous peer review was
For decades, the use of anonymity within NSF, NASA, and elsewhere
has been gradually corrupting American science. Unethical reviewers
- secure, camouflaged, masked and hidden through anonymity - all too
often make untrue and/or pejorative statements to eliminate their
professional competitors.
Nowadays, it is a pervasive, corrupt
system that encourages and rewards the darkest elements of human
(Basic Cause of Current Corruption in American Science,
Herndon, J. Marvin, 2008)
And so it appears that the state of science nowadays is decaying and
waiting for its death, while many of the people who are unfamiliar
with the inner workings of the scientific community still hold a
somewhat naive misconception that science is the last bastion of
truth and objectivity.
Therefore we would like to offer our readers
a small peek into the history of scientific research by exploring
"how science really works" and consider if there is any contributing
factor that made it possible for the core principles of scientific
research to gradually become corrupted and be used to further
political agendas:
The most common view about how science works is that new ideas are
judged on the basis of evidence and logic: if a new idea explains
more data or provides more precise agreement with experiment, this
counts strongly in its favor.
Karl Popper claimed that
science advances by falsification (Popper
1963). In his view, it is the duty of scientists to attempt to
disprove theories, confronting them with experimental data and
rejecting them if they do not explain the data. Theories that cannot
be falsified are, according to Popper, not scientific.
scientists believe in falsificationism.

The Minority Report
These conventional views were challenged by
Thomas Kuhn (1970).
argued that scientists - and physicists in particular, since most of
his historical examples were from physics - adhere to a paradigm,
which is a set of assumptions and standard practices for undertaking
research. If an experiment gives results contradictory to theory,
then instead of rejecting the theory all together, alternative
responses include rejecting the experiment as untrustworthy and
modifying the theory to account for the new results (Chia 1998;
Chinn and Brewer 1993).
When anomalies accumulate, the paradigm can enter a state of crisis
and be ripe for overthrow by a new paradigm. This process of
scientific revolution does not proceed solely according to a
rational procedure but involves social factors such as belief
systems and political arrangements. [...]
In any case, the idea of paradigms puts a different spin on the
problem of new ideas in science. Rather than being dealt with
according to logic and evidence, challenging ideas may be ignored or
rejected out of hand because they conflict with current models.
effect, the logic and evidence used to establish the paradigm are
treated as definitive and are unquestioningly preferred over any new
logic and evidence offered that challenge the paradigm. During
periods of "normal science", the ideas developed by mainstream
scientists originate from current paradigms: they add more and more
pieces to standard puzzles.
Given that the paradigm is the source of
ideas, it is not surprising that challenges to the paradigm - the
framework that allowed mainstream scientists to contribute to the
development of science - are seldom greeted with open arms.
If a
theory is not considered physically plausible, it may be rejected
even though it makes successful predictions.
the Tide - a critical review by scientists of how physics and
astronomy get done, J.M Campanario and B.Martin, 2004)
Returning to the matter at hand, we are not suggesting that the
scientists involved in the "Climategate" affair are all conspiring
in the sense that they had a secret meeting and said "oh, let's have
a conspiracy!"
However, it is clear that, generally speaking, this
group of people have behaved in certain ways that they know are
dishonest at a fundamental level; they use subconscious selection
and substitution of premises and data to justify their theory in
their own minds. This is mainly a subconscious process though it has
to be conscious in some respects.
Indeed, the fact that US paleoclimatologist
Michael Mann, who features prominently in the
emails, said that "regardless of how cherry-picked" the emails are,
there is "absolutely nothing in any of the emails that calls into
the question the deep level of consensus of climate change," speaks
For Mann, it is the consensus that counts - not the truth.
In 2007 Professor Richard Lindzen described in the Wall Street
Journal the tremendous pressure upon scientists to conform to the
manufactured consensus:
Scientists who dissent from the alarmism have seen their grant funds
disappear, their work derided, and themselves libeled as industry
stooges, scientific hacks or worse. Consequently, lies about climate
change gain credence even when they fly in the face of the science
that supposedly is their basis.
To understand the misconceptions perpetuated about climate science
and the climate of intimidation, one needs to grasp some of the
complex underlying scientific issues.
First, let's start where there
is agreement. The public, press and policy makers have been
repeatedly told that three claims have widespread scientific
support: Global temperature has risen about a degree since the late
19th century; levels of CO2 in the atmosphere have increased by
about 30% over the same period; and CO2 should contribute to future
These claims are true. However, what the public fails to
grasp is that the claims neither constitute support for alarm nor
establish man's responsibility for the small amount of warming that
has occurred. In fact, those who make the most outlandish claims of
alarm are actually demonstrating skepticism of the very science they
say supports them.
It isn't just that the alarmists are trumpeting
model results that we know must be wrong. It is that they are
trumpeting catastrophes that couldn't happen even if the models were
right as justifying costly policies to try to prevent global

In other words, people like Mann or Ben Santer - who in 1996 was
accused of altering Chapter 8 of the 1995 IPCC report on the science
of climate change by deleting phrases that suggested scientific
doubts about human influences on climate to make the report conform
to the IPCC Summary for Policymakers - have betrayed their
scientific integrity - if they ever had any - by towing the 'party
They know that this will keep them well funded and will
secure their jobs and prestige, so it is much easier to ignore
inconvenient facts and accept Al Gore's convenient "truth".
have made a decision to support a particular world view that has
been 'decided before hand, and the data be damned'.
As cogs in the
Conspiracy Machine, they are certainly part of
The Conspiracy:
A conspiracy stratagem was openly presented by
Maurice Strong, a
godfather of the global environmental movement, and a former senior
advisor to Kofi Annan, the U.N. Secretary-General.
In 1972 Strong
was a Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on the
Human Environment, which launched the world environment movement,
and he has played a critical role in its globalization. In 1992
Strong was the Secretary-General of the "World Summit" conference in
Rio de Janeiro, where on his instigation the foundations for the
Kyoto Protocol were laid.
In an interview [with Canadian journalist
Daniel Wood], Strong
disclosed his mindset:
"What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the
principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of rich
countries? And if the world is to survive, those rich countries
would have to sign an agreement reducing their impact on the
environment. Will they do it? The group's conclusion is "no." The
rich countries won't do it. They won't change.
So, in order to save
the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet
that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our
responsibility to bring that about? This group of world leaders form
a secret society to bring about an economic collapse."
(Canada West
It is apparent then that a select few "top" scientists seem to be
lacking in the conscience department and are leading the "human-made
global warming" campaign and have been doing so for at least 10
These few are essentially ponerizing many of the other less
"genius" scientists, but not all by any means. It all seems to tie
back, through several degrees of separation, to the political elite
(Al Gore, anyone?), their friends in high places, the monied banking
families of this world and the industries.
Michel Chossudovsky's comments:
The carbon trading system is a multibillion money-making bonanza for
the financial establishment. The stakes are extremely high and the
various lobby groups on behalf of Wall Street have already
positioned themselves.
According to a recent report,
"the carbon market could become double
the size of the vast oil market if the new breed of City players who
trade greenhouse gas emissions through the EU's emissions trading
scheme have their way...
The speed of that growth will depend on
whether the Copenhagen summit gives a go-ahead for a low-carbon
economy, but Ager says whatever happens schemes such as the ETS will
expand around the globe."
(Terry Macalister,
Carbon trading could be worth twice that
of oil in next decade - The Guardian, 28 November
The large financial conglomerates, involved in derivative trade,
including JP Morgan Chase, Bank America Merrill Lynch, Barclay's,
Citi Bank, Nomura, Société Générale, Morgan Stanley and Goldman
Sachs are actively involved in carbon trading.
Investment banks in carbon trading
- Reuters, 14 September 2009)
But perhaps the money angle is not even the main reason behind the
elite's support for the man-made global warming campaign.
Ultimately, it might be a strategy to 'distract and conquer'.
starters, distract from the real nature of earth and cosmic changes.
A few examples from this month contradicting the official story on
climate change:
But there is much more to distract from.
forget about Global
Warming and keep on reading...
Just as were going to press, there have been a couple of
interesting and intimately connected developments.
Al Gore announced
he would not be attending the upcoming summit in Copenhagen,
while his close confidante James Hansen, the world's pre-eminent
climate scientist and head of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space
Studies essentially declared that he
wishes to see the summit fail:
[Hansen] said any agreement likely to emerge from the negotiations
would be so deeply flawed that it would be better to start again
from scratch.
"I would rather it not happen if people accept that as being the
right track because it's a disaster track," said Hansen, who heads
the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York.
"The whole approach is so fundamentally wrong that it is better to
reassess the situation. If it is going to be the Kyoto-type thing
then [people] will spend years trying to determine exactly what that
It would appear that in spite of the mainstream media's insistence
to the contrary, the leaked emails are making waves.
We have to ask at this crucial point just days before the man-made
global warming road-show hits Copenhagen:
Did the PTB intentionally
have them leaked, knowing they would survive "climate-gate"?
Are they
gunning for failure now, so that a new treaty can be pushed once -
they hope - the flak dies down?
Shots that kill

Two by two, hands of blue...
As we reported in
last month's Connecting the Dots:
The dangers of the over-hyped vaccine are becoming more and more
widespread. In Washington a RedSkins Cheerleader has been crippled
for life after being vaccinated. In Sweden, one of the first
countries to implement its vaccination program, further deaths
linked to the vaccine bring the total to four.
If those deaths
aren't sufficient warning against vaccination, Swedish nurses are
reporting side effects and sickness from the vaccine. Allegedly
incompetent medical staff are further adding to safety fears by
"over"-dosing children with the H1N1 vaccine.
In November, further evidence of the toxicity of the H1N1 vaccine
was reported worldwide.
In the US, a Brooklyn girl was
after being injected with the vaccine without her parents'
permission, and a Virginia teen athlete is now wheel-chair bound
after receiving his shot.
After the Canadian government cited the
need for urgent production in order to roll out a vaccine fortified
with controversial adjuvants, there
have been predictable
Manitoba health officials are investigating the deaths of two people
who died within a week of getting the H1N1 vaccine shot.
However, the province's top doctor said it's unlikely the vaccine
caused their deaths.
There have been 69 "adverse events" after people received the swine
flu shot, and eight were considered serious[...]
(CBC.ca report, 17
November 2009)
An 80-year-old
Quebec man died after taking H1N1 vaccine.
The H1N1
flu vaccine has been producing
higher levels of anaphylactic
reactions among Canadians, prompting manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline to
recall shots:
Manitoba announced manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline had asked provinces
to temporarily discontinue vaccinating Canadians from a specific
batch of vaccine shipped in October. The reason is that there has
been a higher ratio of severe adverse reactions to the vaccine among
Canadians than from other lots.
However, most of the vaccine Manitoba received from the suspect
shipment had already been used by the time the province received the
alert on Wednesday. Of the 63,000 doses shipped, only 630 remained
unused by the four regional health authorities in Manitoba that
received them, including Winnipeg's.
Kettner said the suspect lot produced serious and immediate
anaphylactic reactions in 1 out of 20,000 vaccinations, compared
with 1 out of 100,000 in other shipments.
Across the ocean, the German health authorities announced that a
55-year-old man from the eastern state of Thuringia did not die
after being immunized for the H1N1 virus despite the fact that an
autopsy revealed that he suffered a heart attack
on the same day he
received his vaccination.
In Slovenia, a
patient's heart stopped
after taking the H1N1 shot.
In the Asian continent, Chinese authorities are investigating
deaths that followed flu vaccinations:
The country's health ministry reported the deaths late Friday on its
Web site - the first time China has announced deaths with potential
links to the Chinese-made swine flu vaccine. The health ministry
statement said 1,235 people had been suspected of having abnormal
reactions to the vaccine as of Wednesday.
Reactions included fever
and swelling. Fifteen people had relatively serious responses such
as anaphylactic shock, a severe allergic reaction that can be
deadly. The health ministry statement said the vaccines are
generally safe and vaccinations will continue.
The madness with needles continues regardless of the fact that the
flu shot doesn't work anyway and that aspirin
kills 400% more people
than H1N1 swine flu!
Even more so than the last swine flu hoax pandemic in 1976, what is
becoming clear is that the whole over-hyped pandemic at present is
one of
the most massive cover-ups in history.
After much research
Dr. Russell Blaylock's key findings should be enough to convince
everyone that the vaccine is not safe and not worth taking the risk:
Pregnant Women NOT at Special Risk from Swine Flu
Initial Studies Show H1N1 NOT Dangerous or Highly Contagious
There is a dramatic disconnect between what the science is
discovering about this flu virus and what is being broadcast over
the media outlets
Majority of Children Respond POORLY to Flu Vaccine
Flu Vaccine DOUBLES Risk of Getting H1N1
Obese at Six Times Higher Risk from H1N1 Complications
H1N1 Vaccine is NOT Made the Same as Regular Flu Vaccine!!
Pregnant Women NOT at Increased Risk, Obese Women Are!!
Pediatric Flu Deaths by Year Made WORSE by Flu Vaccine
Every Parent Needs to Know Other Vaccines INCREASE Risk of H1N1
Pregnant Women Given Vaccine Have Babies with More Health Problems
Actually LESS Flu Deaths this Year
Insurance companies in Australia would not insure doctors who gave
the vaccine because it was a fast tracked vaccine and therefore
It is interesting to see that
Russia is considering withdrawing from
the World Health Organisation over its horrendous corruption:
Igor Barinov, Member of the Commission of the State Parliament (Duma)
in Charge of Corruption, said that there needed to be an
investigation into whether experts advising WHO received money from
pharmaceutical industry and whether this influenced WHO to declare a
pandemic level 6 emergency for the first time in 40 years in spite
of the fact that the swine flu is neither lethal nor spreading
Sadly most other Governments are either in bed with
Big Pharma and
the WHO or are using the pandemic for political gain.
Which brings
us to Ukraine... what on earth is going on there???
Flukraine - Swine flu mutating with a strain of politics
"We had to create a phantom and then have a white knight riding in
to save the day."
- Taras Berezovets, a senior campaign advisor for
Tymoshenko's BYuT bloc

Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, left,
wears a face mask
as she visits a regional hospital in Lutsk,
about 400 km (247 miles)
west of Kiev, Ukraine, Monday, Nov. 9, 2009.
A newspaper quoted a
government official warning that
Ukraine's presidential election in
January could be postponed because of swine flu.
The above quotation from the campaign advisor to the Ukrainian Prime
Minister provides a good explanation of Ukraine's phantom swine flu:
According to a campaign advisor to Yulia Tymoshenko, the Ukrainian
prime minister and presidential candidate purposely inflated fears
of an ongoing swine-flu epidemic to aid her presidential run.[...]
Since October, Ukraine has been in the grips of a full-blown panic
over swine flu, complete with quarantines, school closures, runs on
pharmacies. The Ukrainian health system, already badly dilapidated,
was caught off guard and
almost 400 people died of the flu in just
three weeks.
Tymoshenko flew into action, organizing a delivery of the antiviral
drug Tamiflu - and the requisite press conference - at the Kiev
airport in the early morning hours of Nov. 2.
She quarantined nine
regions of the country, closed all schools and universities, and
petitioned the president for $125 million in emergency funds to
fight what seemed to be "the plague of the 21st-century plague," as
one Ukrainian put it. Incidentally, she also banned all mass
gatherings and political rallies - after she had already had hers.
There have been a great deal of disturbing reports emanating from
Ukraine over its alleged "superflu" outbreak.
Although it is taken
for granted that these are swine flu cases there is actually little
evidence to support this.
The WHO and the CDC's Swine Flu deception
and disinformation campaign to fudge the numbers is particularly
relevant to Ukraine. We are lead to believe that all fatal Ukraine
cases at GISAID (Global Initiative on Sharing Avian Influenza Data)
are a new strain of the H1N1 virus that have an
RBD D225G mutation.
The virus is reportedly
a mixture of H1N1 and parainfluenza, which
causes cardiopulmonary failure and the total destruction of the
lungs. The high numbers of reported deaths is put down to a poor
health care system and antibiotics bought over the counter damage,
which irreparably an already weakened immune system.
These reports
have led to a slew of speculative theories trying to make sense of
what at first glance seemed like a new strain that would quickly
engulf the world and bring about the ridiculous predictions of
fatalities the WHO has been propagating:
After Baxter
shipped live avian flu viral material to a lab in
Ukraine there is suspicion that Baxter is part of a carefully
orchestrated planned outbreak that unleashed a bioweapon in Ukraine
(below video)
It is part of Big Phama's plan to create a new hyped-up threat to
increase the sales of vaccines and anti-virals
The interesting
case of Joseph Moshe, the Mossad-linked
microbiologist, whose dramatic arrest in Los Angeles prompted
stories of the swine flu vaccine being a bioweapon
Airplanes were seen
spraying mysterious substances over Ukraine
days before the outbreak began
There is however currently not enough credible evidence to accept
these theories outright, even though they are plausible.
As of December 1st, the Ukraine Health Ministry
reports that 440
people have died of flu and respiratory diseases. The outbreak began
on October 29th. Since then, nearly 1.9 million people have
contracted flu and respiratory infections. A total of 114,503 people
have been hospitalized since the start of the epidemic of which
90,284 people have been discharged.
It is interesting to note that there is no mention of swine flu or
H1N1 in that report and simple maths showing the fatality rate works
out to be around 0.02%. Aggressive infection rate yes, but the
actual risk of death has been blown out of all proportion by the way
the media has reported it.
The World Health Organization
agrees that,
"the numbers of severe cases do not appear to be excessive when
compared to the experience of other countries."
The editors of the
New York Times have been doing their job of increasing the fear
factor: they reported on November 27th that the H1N1 influenza virus
found in Ukraine has likely changed to the point where the swine flu
vaccine will no longer prevent infection. A case tested in Ukraine
was determined to be a "low reactor" to the swine flu vaccine.
means that the current vaccine is ineffective against this mutated
As one of our forum members pointed out, this last reference
comes from one of the primary sources used by the mainstream media:
Dr. Henry L. Niman's 'Recombinomics' website:
Further investigation reveals that Dr. Niman was a keynote speaker
at a conference in Asia in 2006 along with a whole roster of
representatives of some of the largest pharmaceutical corporations
in the world, among them Scripps, Merck, Roche and others. [...]
Global Research contributor F. William Engdahl also casts doubt upon
Dr. Niman's credentials and motivations as a serious and credible
source of information.

Activists of Yulia Tymoshenko's Bloc
hand out protective masks
during a pre-election campaign in Kiev.
Engdahl questions whether the current outbreak in the Ukraine is
swine flu at all and has written two excellent editorials
investigating the internal politics and wider geopolitical factors.
In his article
Ukraine, WHO and the Geopolitics of Swine Flu Panic, Engdahl concludes that events,
"appear to be a political concoction
by a threatened government to avoid election defeat and possibly
declare martial law."
The Ukrainian Presidential candidate Sergiy
Tigipko agrees stating that the Flu 'epidemic' is being used to
distract public attention from real problems.
Engdahl takes account
of current political upheaval and cites an interesting hypothesis
from Dr Lawrence Broxmeyer:
Broxmeyer suggests that the WHO and CDC wish to divert attention
from a worldwide epidemic of tuberculosis, while focusing attention
on flu instead. Indeed recently the WHO changed its categories of
causes of death to lump death from influenza in the same group as
death from tuberculosis and other pulmonary disease.
Given the
present Swine Flu hysteria, any pulmonary death seems to be reported
as "death from H1N1 influenza." In a passing note the report
typically notes the patient also suffered from lung problems.
Since Washington financed and organized the 2004 Orange Revolution
that brought a pro-NATO Victor Yushchenko in as President, Ukraine
politics has been a geopolitical tug-of war between Moscow and
Washington. How the current political games around allegations of
H1N1 panic play into that tug of war is not yet clear.
Prime Minister Tymoshenko, whatever the real facts of the case, is
using the WHO Swine Flu panic scenario to the hilt. In a recent
statement, she stated,
"We cannot relax even for a moment because
the World Health Organization predicts two more waves of flu,
including the bird flu, are expected in Ukraine. There is no
alternative to vaccination. The entire world is going this way..."
day earlier she admitted she was not vaccinated and that she prefers
"like all other people" to rely on garlic, onion and lemon as a way
of preventing the flu.
In his most recent piece,
Are Ukraine's 'Black Death' cases the
result of IMF Loans?, Engdahl cites a Cambridge University study
that establishes a clear link between the socio-economic conditions
that arise when a country is subject to the cruel shock therapy
imposed by the IMF and sharp rises in the incidence of Tuberculosis
- this disease being a far better match with the reported symptoms
than "swine flu" has exhibited:
The Ukraine Government has declared a state of emergency and medical
examiners describe results of autopsies on dead patients in chilling
terms that recall the Black Death descriptions from the Fourteenth
Century in Venice.
While everyone is calling it "Swine Flu" and the
WHO is using it to spread their panic and untested vaccines, there
is strong evidence that the deaths - almost all from pulmonary
conditions - are from a rising incidence of Tuberculosis (TB).
What is clear is that the Western-aligned Tymoshenko government is
using all the best
shock doctrine tactics to capitalize on the panic
generated in order to remain in power.
The following images portray
the over-dramatization being played out on the Ukrainian stage:

Ukraine’s Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko does her bit at spreading
hysteria in her country.

But not everyone is asleep:
Young Ukrainians in Kiev burn a replica
of an anti-flu mask to protest
against government-inspired hysteria
about swine flu that distracts the public from political issues.
And you all thought we were on our way out
While the Obama and the G20 would have us believe that the economic
recession was shooed away, the signs are not quite encouraging:
Analyst Max Keiser reckons the world is entering phase two of the
manufactured global economic crisis.
The tremor towards the end of
the month - measuring about a 6.0 on the financial shock scale, was
that Dubai World, the largest conglomerate in that white elephant
amidst a war-torn desert, has decided not to pay its sixty billion
dollar debts until next May at the earliest.
Meanwhile, gold has climbed higher than ever before (though it
should be even higher) and the US continues to sink lower and lower:
The IMF's Dominique Strauss-Kahn warned that the public will not
bail out the financial services sector for a second time if another
global crisis blows up in four or five years time, as this would not
be tolerated by the people and this would put "some democracies at
risk". Guess what, the current crisis might still be here in four or
five years, and yes, our political leaders may bail out again.
when have they been concerned about the opinion of the masses?
Brought to you by the War on Terror™!
Former Mossad chief Efraim Halevy warned the world this month of
potential nuclear terror attacks. He should know, given his
organisation's notorious involvement in creating terrorism; just
recently an accidental discovery revealed that Mossad trains their
recruits in the fine and noble art of planting "fake" bombs under
The only real threat to the world from nuclear terror attacks
is of course Israel, whose US-based envoys went to China two weeks
ahead of Obama to warn the Chinese that if they failed to get behind
their agenda to shut down Iran's legitimate quest for nuclear
energy, the US would be powerless to stop Israel unilaterally
bombing Iran. More on that below.
We suspect however there is another angle on Halevy's warnings of
'dirty bombs' (indeed the whole issue of nuclear weapons): the PTB
will surely be aware of the increasing frequency of fireballs
exploding in the atmosphere and will thus have some idea that the
planet is on course to encounter some rough cosmic weather in the
coming years.
As you will see from the videos below, it's not
inconceivable that the intense flash from an incoming meteor
exploding in the atmosphere could be mistaken for, or deliberately
spun as, a nuclear explosion.

Iran says labels reading 'Ministry of Sepah', a body that no longer
are enough to prove that the photos released by Israel are
The Mossad were involved in hijacking a ship allegedly smuggling
weapons from Iran to Hizb'llah in Lebanon. The cargo was displayed
amid Israel's screams of "war crimes!"
The stunt was transparent on
many levels, not the least of which was the fact that Israel's
actual war crimes were being discussed in the UN on the very same
day! After Israel released photos of the various rockets and
ammunition it had discovered aboard the Francop, Iranian news
agencies published evidence showing that the photos were forged.
Indeed, one of the images shows a couple of boxes labeled 'Ministry
of Sepah' - an Iranian government body that no longer exists.
The bomb that derailed a train on the Moscow-St.Petersburg line and
killed 26 people was interesting for a number of reasons: there was
a bomb attack on that same line two years ago and another train was
derailed on the same day in Dagestan.
It took five days for anyone
to claim responsibility for the Moscow-St.Petersburg attack, but
when they did, a familiar script reappeared: a group calling
themselves the "Caucasian Mujahideen" posted a message on a website,
the leader of which is apparently Doku Umarov, a wanted Chechen
Perhaps even more intriguingly, the Kremlin's top banker,
Boris Yevstratikov, was among the dead. Further suggesting this was
a sophisticated operation, is the fact that a second bomb was
detonated after the train derailed and is presumed that the targets
were the investigators at the site.
The US also witnessed the revival of a familiar script when a patsy
was framed in a blatant Secret Team psy-op to reverse flagging
public support for the Pentagon's imperial adventures. Perhaps it's
mere coincidence, but Fort Hood happens to be an interesting place
for many reasons.
Richard Dolan has this to say about the base in
his latest book,
UFOs & The National Security State: The Cover Up
Exposed 1973-1991:
[In the mid 1980s] claims of secret underground bases were beginning
to leak from the covert world. Several, replete with connections to
UFOs and reverse engineering, pointed to Fort Hood in Texas.
Researcher Richard Sauder communicated with a former member of the
Army who claimed that to reach his work station beneath Fort Hood,
he had to travel through two miles of tunnel.
There was evidently
much more beyond that.
When Sauder asked him whether his work
underground was UFO-related, the man remained sphinx-like, but
intimated yes. Another military source told Sauder of an underground
base at Fort Hood dating back to the 1950s, if not earlier. More
recently, Sauder expressed his firm conviction that there are
multiple, massive facilities beneath Fort Hood, perhaps even a
labyrinth of tunnels and bases.
Yet another person, writing
anonymously to the UFO news repository, Filer's Files, claimed to
have interviewed during the 1980s several individuals connected to
with Fort Hood. He concluded there was a secret base below,
containing either captured or man-made UFOs.
Some of his sources
claimed to have seen UFOs taking off or landing in a restricted part
of Fort Hood.
Setting the Middle East on Fire
Conflict in the Saudi peninsula has been steadily rising in the past
few months. Which isn't surprising given that the Saudis are far and
away the biggest military spenders in the Middle East. (Yes, even
more so than Israel.)
They've been busy trying out their American
toys in the neighborhood. In August, Yemen launched Operation
Scorched Earth in an attempt to crush Houthi resistance fighters, so
named after their deceased leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi. Yemen is a
former British colony and since its independence it has been little
more than a client state of the British economic empire.
A third of
its population are desperately poor, three million of those rely on
UN food aid to survive and half of its children - that's around 7
million children - are stunted from persistent malnutrition. An
estimated 175,000 people have been forced to leave their homes. The
conflict is presented as one between Shia Muslim forces and the
predominantly Sunni Muslim Yemeni government.
However the "Shia
forces" see their struggle not as a religious one, but a regional
one arising from systemic economic and political discrimination
against them by the corrupt central government, which is
unflinchingly supported by the British and American governments.
perception managers are trying to convey what is more appropriately
a class war as another front in the War on Terror™ by highlighting
the Sunni-Shia religious divide, a previously non-existent cleavage
we've seen ruthlessly exploited by Western intelligence and military
operatives in neighboring Iraq to further the 'Clash of
Civilizations' agenda.
This month, the Saudi air-force was joined by Jordanian special
forces attacking villages along the border with Yemen. Saudi jets
bombed northern Yemeni villages based on the allegation that the
Houthi fighters had killed two of its soldiers on the border. The
Houthis said they were counteracting Saudi encroachment inside
Yemeni territory, and that the Yemeni government had run to the
Saudis for air and ground support because it fears losing control of
the country.
A likely scenario right out of any counter-insurgency
manual is that "agents unknown" disguised as Houthi fighters stirred
the hornets' nest.
It makes no sense that a resistance movement of
limited means would assault the forces of a powerful neighbor and
draw its physical might down on its head. We caught a glimpse of
counter-insurgency at play back in June when Houthi fighters were
accused of kidnapping and murdering seven foreign aid workers.
"It is a government conspiracy to tarnish the Houthis' reputation.
It has never happened that a member of the Houthi followers
committed such a shameful act."

Saudi Arabia's response has been massive, killing women and children
with abandon as they pursue the "deviant" Houthis hiding amongst the
local population.
The Yemeni government has historically been
propped up by Saudi Arabia's Wahabbist regime and US "aid" by
training the Yemeni military as part of its regional
counter-insurgency program. That the Saudis justify their
involvement in their neighbor's civil war as "fighting extremism"
is laughable coming from arguably the most pathocratic government in
the region.
The border incursion, combined with reports that the
Saudis used phosphorous munitions against civilians, is reminiscent
of the pathological behavior of a certain other Middle Eastern
state towards its neighbors. In 2006 Israel justified its invasion
of Lebanon based on reports, later shown to be false, that Israeli
soldiers had been "kidnapped" by Hezbollah.
At the beginning of the
year Israel topped its long list of war crimes with the heinous use
of white phosphorous on defenseless Gazan civilians.
excusing Saudi behavior here, we nevertheless wonder if the Kingdom
has been dragged into this conflict with its southern neighbor to
divert its attention from Israel's brutal occupation of Palestine,
of which Saudi Arabia has been a relatively vigilant opponent, if
only in word and not in deed.
Interestingly, CIA director Leon Panetta met Saudi officials
mid-month, shortly after the US had arranged a military agreement
with the Yemeni government in which it promised to help its armed
offensive against the Houthi fighters "by providing intelligence and
training to its forces." We suspect this deal is intended to
retrospectively legitimize what the CIA has been covertly involved
with all along.
"Operation Scorched Earth", launched in August, has
a distinctly Western intelligence ring to it.
Going further back,
remember that a CIA Predator drone unilaterally blasted "al-Qaeda
suspects" in Yemen to martyrdom back in 2002. Last year the Yemeni
government arrested "a group of alleged Islamist militants linked to
Israeli intelligence" following the bombing of the US embassy in
Sana'a in which 18 people were killed.
The Iranian government is
able to see the hidden Israeli, British and American hand behind
this conflict. The Iranians are well versed in objective history and
have little doubt that these Western powers have manipulated and
fuelled this conflict as a continuation of the British dirty war
that cost 200,000 Yemeni civilian lives in the 1960s.
But Iranian
pleas for all sides to take note of this have fallen on deaf ears.
Nuclear blackmail
The war games with Iran have stepped up a gear this month with the
news that Russia and China got behind the US, UK and France to
support a new International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) resolution
calling on Iran to unconditionally halt all its nuclear operations.
While British foreign secretary David Milliband was delivering
Russian and Chinese support against Iran's right to develop nuclear
energy, his brother Edward British secretary for Energy and Climate
Change, announced Britain was to build ten new nuclear reactors!
Negotiations to convince Iran to export its low-enriched uranium to
the west for processing collapsed around the question of how much
uranium should be sent initially. The draft deal brokered by IAEA
Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei, involved shipping some 70
percent of Iran's low-level enriched uranium to Russia and France,
where the low-enriched uranium would be processed into fuel rods
with a purity of 20 percent to supply a research reactor in Tehran.
Iran actually agreed to this but the US, UK and France also wanted
Iran to ship the bulk of its supply up front, whereas Iran was only
willing to send it in installments.
It's little wonder the Iranians
feel the need to build trust before cooperating with such a plan:
the last time they agreed to do this, France reneged on the deal:
Tabled by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the
proposal requires Iran to ship as much as 70 percent of its LEU out
of the country for processing into fuel for the Tehran research
Iranian officials have welcomed foreign cooperation on fuel supply,
but have rejected the idea of sending out the bulk of its uranium
stock in one batch, saying there are no guarantees that Western
countries would keep their end of the bargain.
In the early 1970s, Iran made a deal with France under which it was
expected to receive around 50 tons of UF-6 gas, which can be turned
into enriched uranium.
France, however, later reneged on the deal and to this day has
refused to deliver the uranium-hexafluoride to Iran.
Moreover, Iran, has a 10-percent stake in France's Eurodif nuclear
facility and is entitled to the plant's output, but has never
received any nuclear material.
Israel's unique ability to bring huge international pressure to bear
on its perceived enemies has once more worked wonders.
resolution will likely be brought before the UN Security Council,
from where the pressure on Iran can be ratcheted up some more
through economic sanctions. Perhaps the Gaza model will be followed?
And why not; starving the Palestinians has worked wonders for
provoking the reaction Israel needs to launch its unilateral wars of
The Washington Post gave us a glimpse into how Israel,
"brings huge
international pressure to bear".
Dennis Ross, NeoCon signatory of
PNAC and now one of Obama's Zionist advisors, was sent to China two
weeks ahead of Obama's visit to deliver the message that,
if China would not support the US on the issue, Israel would be
likely to bomb Iranian nuclear facilities. The paper quoted the
officials as saying that Israel saw the issue as "an existential
issue," and that "countries that have an existential issue don't
listen to other countries."
What was implied to the Chinese was that due to Israel's unique
existentialist crisis, the only way of protecting Iran from an
Israeli attack is to get behind the sanctions agenda.
"Hey, Israel
is baying for blood here... We have to stave off Armageddon by
throwing it some scraps!"
Thanks to whatever hold it has on the 'big
players', including the world's supposed superpower, the latter
continue to dance to its dark tune.

Chavez this month said that Israel plans to exterminate the
Palestinians, while
Ahmadinejad said that Obama must choose between Israel or Iran
The Zionist-controlled media is working overtime to portray this
"nuclear showdown" as The World vs Evil Iran, but Ahmadinejad was
warmly welcomed throughout his tour of South America, in sharp
contrast to the demonstrations that clung to Shimon Peres like a bad
The media pounced on Iran's prosecution of its Nobel laureate
and human rights lawyer Shirin Ebadi, who is charged with tax
evasion, as if investigation of a Nobel winner was the most vile
offence imaginable.
However, if we look at the track record of those
awarded the Nobel prizes, it is clearly a political instrument used
to reward
pathological types:
... say no more.
Iran's response to all this? To hell with you lot: we're going to
enrich uranium to 20 percent for the fuel we need!
Oh, and we're
going to build ten more nuclear plants! We're also launching a
campaign to highlight the real human rights abuses of the real Axis
of Evil. Ahmadinejad put things simply to Obama: choose between
Israel or Iran. Obama continues to do Israel's bidding on the
international stage, but we noticed that he has quietly moved to
curb the influence of lobbyists in Washington.
It's an encouraging
development, if he's sincere about reining in The Lobby.
First they came for the Muslims
The US government is going after "organizations affiliated with Iran"
by seeking the closure of certain mosques.
No doubt the Secret
Team's 5th of November gunpowder plot helped inject new energy into
Islamophobia in the US, though we've yet to hear someone explain how
a man who frequented lap-dancing clubs was simultaneously preparing
jihad against the immoral infidels. It's right up there with the
blonde-haired, Gucci-wearing "Deccan Mujahideen" who
Mumbai last year high on drugs.
Does "mind control" sound too
Remember, remember what SOTT said last November:
It is important to understand that when we talk about mind control,
we are not saying anything more extraordinary than what the
mainstream media is already telling you. Even if you believe the
official narrative, you would have to accept that anyone capable of
randomly murdering as many people as possible in a suicidal mission
has been brainwashed into doing something against reason, moral,
nature and common sense.
Whether mind control is performed by social
indoctrination, Pavlovian conditioning or some technique of which
the public is unaware, the fact is that people can be led to believe
and do things against their natural inclination. So in reality, the
how is not really the issue; what is important is the why. As
always, in order to understand this, we need to ask: cui bono? (who

Encroaching fascism and no one seems to notice
Switzerland voted overwhelmingly to ban the building of minarets
even though the country's four standing minarets do not broadcast
the call to prayer outside their own buildings.
Yes there are only
four minarets in the country, but like many Europeans, the Swiss
have succumbed to the racist propaganda suggesting Muslims are on
the brink of overrunning the country.
The law was sponsored by the
largest political party, whose campaign emblazoned the country with
posters depicting minarets as missiles rising from the Swiss flag
next to a fully veiled woman.
American religious mafia makes a hit on the global neighborhood
Do you remember 'The Family'?
A series of sex scandals involving
family-values-preaching conservative Republican senators in the US
during the summer lifted the curtain on a hitherto secretive
organization calling itself 'The Family'. Its members are sworn to
secrecy within this outwardly religious organization which connects
powerful politicians with the limitless resources of the ambitious
powerbrokers behind America's fundamentalist Christian movement.
Author Jeff Sharlet, who infiltrated one of The Family's 'prayer
groups' and studied the organization for years has come to the
conclusion that their goal is,
"an 'invisible' world organization led by Christ -- that's what they
aspire to. They are very explicit about this if you look in their
documents, and I spent a lot of time researching in their archives.
Their goal is a worldwide invisible organization. That's their word,
and that's important because it sounds so crazy.
What they mean when they say 'a world organization led by Christ' is
that literally you just sit there and let Christ tell you what to
do. More often than not that leads them to a sort of paternalistic
benign fascism. There are a lot of places that they've done good
things, and that's important to acknowledge.
But that also means
they might be involved with General Suharto in Indonesia and if that
means that God leads him to kill half a million of his own citizens
then, well, it would prideful to question God leading them.
Sharlet revealed this month that 'The Family' is behind a proposed
Ugandan law that would execute HIV positive men who have committed
"aggravated homosexuality."

Currently, homosexuality is a crime
punishable with life imprisonment in Uganda.
As if that were not
inhumane enough, the new proposal would condemn HIV positive gay men
and "repeat offenders" to death, jail for three years anyone who
knows a gay man but refuses to report them to authorities, and
sentence to seven years prison term anyone who defends in public the
rights of gays and lesbians.
In a recent interview with National
Public Radio, Sharlet explained that,
"[The] legislator that introduced the bill, a guy named David Bahati,
is a member of The Family, [...] a core member of The Family. He
[...] organizes their Ugandan National Prayer Breakfast and oversees
an African sort of student leadership program designed to create
future leaders for Africa, into which The Family has poured millions
of dollars working through a very convoluted chain of linkages
passing the money over to Uganda."
And how did Sharlet discover the connection? "You follow [the]
money," he said. You look at their archives. You do interviews where
you can. It's not so invisible anymore. So that's how working with
some research colleagues we discovered that David Bahati, the man
behind this legislation, is really deeply, deeply involved in The
Family's work in Uganda, that the ethics minister of Uganda,
Museveni's kind of right-hand man, a guy named Nsaba Buturo, is also
helping to organize The Family's National Prayer Breakfast.
here's a guy who has been the main force for this Anti-Homosexuality
Act in Uganda's executive office and has been very vocal about what
he's doing, in a rather extreme and hateful way. But these guys are
not so much under the influence of The Family. They are, in Uganda,
The Family."
This is a remarkable piece of information, not just for the
unashamed pure evilness of the law, but because it shows how a
fanatical religious group of American politicians is capable of
extending its influence across the globe, directly into lawmaking
and the selection of new leaders for a whole continent.
We know that
The Family has "powerful friends in Nigeria", so we naturally wonder
to what extent its pathological influence is responsible for the
horrific abuse Nigerian children suffer. Over 15,000 of them have
been persecuted for "witchcraft" and over 1,000 have been murdered
in the last decade in that country's craze to embrace the most
extreme forms of firebrand evangelical "Christianity".
All "in Jesus
name", of course.
In our
March installment of Connecting The Dots we noticed that
British counter-insurgency was active in Ireland again (if indeed it
had ever left).
The Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR) is a
British military-intelligence counter-insurgency unit caught
red-handed attacking police units in Iraq and reintroduced to the
north of Ireland (where they originally cut their teeth) the day
before two British Army soldiers were gunned down at the Massareene
Barracks in County Antrim in March.
We noted at the time that this
incident, followed a day later by the murder of a policeman, had the
paw prints of counter-insurgency such as only Her Majesty's Finest
can deliver.
Tension built up over the summer with arrests and the usual
'low-level' sectarian violence occasionally punctured by bomb scares
- both hoaxes and near misses. November, however, witnessed a spike
of incidents coincide with more widespread arrests and detention of
political "insurgents." Complaints about low-flying airplanes
circling over border areas by night were denied until a plane
apparently crashed in County Fermanagh.
A British Army spokesman
initially said,
"It's not something we talk about," but when pressed
said the drones were training for missions in Afghanistan, which
suggests that the CIA is not the sole operator policing Afghan
skies, or that drones are being introduced for crowd control "closer
to home".

Special Reconnaissance Regiment aka British military
counter-insurgency unit
Since its arrival in March, the SRR has embedded itself within the
security apparatus, notably the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI),
the revamped police organization of Northern Ireland and key plank
of the "peace process".
The 'cleansing' of the old Royal Ulster
Constabulary (RUC) of undercover military-intelligence agents was
pivotal in delivering Irish republicans' acceptance of British
dominion of the gerrymandered police statelet and co-governance with
British unionists. Recent US Senate hearings have confirmed British
government collusion in the murders of Catholics.
Events this year
have justified the dissidents' suspicions that nothing has changed:
it emerged this month that the SRR have "been active at PSNI
checkpoints and in raids" in the border counties.
One such raid was initially presented as a successful operation that
foiled an attack on policemen by armed dissidents. In fact the only
weapons at the scene were those of the PSNI who, along with
operatives from MI5 and the SRR, had gone in with guns blazing, then
claimed they were fired upon first. They detained five men, one of
whom had actually been en route to warn a police officer that he was
being targeted by "dissidents".
The SRR's "carefully planned
military operation" looks suspiciously like a mad dash to prevent
someone from alerting the policeman and thus blowing the cover on
their black-op plan to murder him and blame it on "dissidents."
Locals suspect it was an attempted shoot-to-kill, a targeted
assassination, for which the SRR is infamous.
For whatever reason,
the whistleblower wasn't killed.
Despite being unarmed he stands
accused of opening fire on his would-be-assassins and is being
detained without bail, joining the hundreds of people under
surveillance in the British government's war against the people.
Following the theme of hitting police targets then pinning the blame
on political enemies of the state, on the same night the above raid
took place, the Belfast headquarters of the Policing Board was
rammed with a car full of explosives that failed to fully detonate.
Last month, a car bomb nearly killed another senior policeman.
the high-tech surveillance state that blankets most of the planet -
especially the UK - it simply doesn't stand to reason that armed
groups can successfully target a technologically superior opponent
without it seeing your operation develop before it happens.
In this light, it's interesting that it was publicly acknowledged
this month that one of the worst atrocities in the "Troubles", the
Omagh bombing which killed 29 civilians in 1998, was allowed to
happen; an event some 9/11 Truthers might term "LIHOP" (let it
happen on purpose).
This heinous false-flag terror attack resulted
in the the "Good Friday Agreement" and a cessation of armed
conflict. It was a false dawn that ushered in the current phase of
British rule-by-deception in Ireland.
Those that point out that
nothing has changed are instead persecuted for highlighting the
obvious and framed for acts of terrorism perpetrated by the Secret
Team's people within the British police state.

Serious and sheepish sectarian attack.
Obviously the work of dyed in
the wool republicans.
Allaying the heightened sense of anxiety, a cheeky prank brought
some much-needed comic relief when a farmer, whose sympathies lie
squarely with the British government, awoke one day to find his
sheep daubed in the colors of the Irish flag!
Not everyone saw the
funny side though:
"the local Ulster Unionist Party politician Billy
Armstrong, who knows the farmer, described the incident as sectarian
and intended to intimidate people."
If natural disasters reflect the disaster of human society, then
perhaps the deluge of rain that hit Ireland and the UK this month is
a cosmic reflection of the perilous state of both countries'
In a similar vein, we noticed that Saudi Arabia
experienced a Bible-sized flood that drowned over a hundred people
just as its
pathocratic government intensified its bombardment of
the Zaidi people of northern Yemen. We're not suggesting this is
heavenly revenge, as Yahweh would have you believe, but rather that
natural disasters reflect the disaster of human society.
If social
issues were ameliorated and freedom restored, would the mass
consciousness reflect that as well?

Clonfert, Co Galway. The flood levels have not abated in many parts
of the country and the damage is expected to cost billions
No sign of that yet in Ireland where the over-hyped and over-reached
Celtic Tiger is devouring its own tail, leaving tens of thousands of
households on the verge of defaulting on mortgage payments.
dutifully bailed out the bankers that exposed the economy to the
financial tsunami in the first place, the Irish government announced
that if people don't accept a €4 billion hatchet-job of wages and
public programs in December's budget, the IMF are poised to step in
and dictate even harsher shock therapy. When a quarter of a million
people took to the streets in the country's largest ever strike
action, the government's response was to announce the army is being
prepared to deal with "public disorder on the streets."
More strikes
are planned next month.
Meanwhile generations of systemic sexual abuse of the country's
children has officially been acknowledged, despite the Catholic
Church's best efforts to hide its central role in the trauma through
buying its victims' silence.
The sheer scale of the crimes detailed
in a series of reports led the government's Minister for Justice to
"I read the report as justice minister. But on a human level - as a
father and as a member of this community - I felt a growing sense of
revulsion and anger," Ahern said.
"Revulsion at the horrible evil acts committed against children.
Anger at how those children were then dealt with and how often
abusers were left free to abuse."

"I’m a channel for God’s love and I always have been a
channel for God’s love," says Joe Coleman
Revulsion and anger with
the Catholic Church compounded by the
natural and socio-economic turmoil is leading some to seek divine
solace elsewhere.
In America some are finding the image of Jesus on
truck windows and irons, but in Ireland rumors of visions of Jesus'
mother prompted around 10,000 people to heed the call of two
"visionaries" who claim to channel messages from The Mother of
They flocked to witness an apparition of The Virgin Mary who
personally told the two faith healers that she would appear at 3pm
on October 31st at Knock shrine, County Mayo, location of a famed
19th century sighting of The Mother of Jesus.
She didn't materialize
on this occasion, but she did leave a message with her channellers
asking for "all my children to pray for my priests", then booked
another appointment for December 5th.
November Rain
No, not of the terran variety... cosmic rain.
It was difficult not
to notice that reports of fireballs searing across our skies are
increasing in frequency, especially with many 'night-cams' providing
spectacular evidence to support people's excited testimonies. (An
unforeseen benefit of the post 9/11 security complex perhaps?)
California - Meteorite Sighting Startles Yolo County Residents
An emergency dispatcher with the Federal Aviation Administration
confirmed that the event is part of the annual Leonid Meteor Shower.
The FAA may be considered the civilian authority of high strangeness
in US skies, but the annual November Leonid sprinkle was ruled out
as the source for the following behemoth seen from California to
Wyoming mid-month:
US - Meteor the size of oven lights up the night sky, alarms Utahns
At exactly 12:07, people from all over the western United States
watched as the bolide meteor crashed into Earth's atmosphere. In
some areas, the flash of light was so bright it caused light sensor
street lamps to shut off.
Don White was in Wyoming and told KSL News-radio for a moment he
suspected a nuclear strike.
Everyone who saw it has a once-in-a-lifetime story.
Scientists believe it was not part of the famous Leonid debris
stream, instead a sporadic asteroid, a midnight fireball, which
exploded in the atmosphere with an energy equivalent of up to one
kiloton of TNT.
One kiloton of TNT?
This was a pebble then, compared with the
tremendous overhead explosion in broad daylight that terrified
Indonesians at the beginning of the month:
When analyzed, the amount and intensity of low frequency sound waves
created by the explosion allowed researchers Elizabeth Silber and
Peter Brown of the Meteor Infrasound Group at the Univ. of Western
Ontario to determine that the explosion caused by the asteroid was
on the scale of 30 - 50 kilotons of TNT.
A couple in Massachusetts had their "once-in-a-lifetime sighting" on
the 27th of the month:
"This thing was big. If I took a ruler and put it up to the sky,
this thing would be 6 inches wide in the sky."
When we consider the frequency of reported sightings over population
centers, it's natural to wonder how many sightings go unreported
because, well, there's nobody around to 'sight' them!
Only a
fraction of the planet's surface area is inhabited (one estimate as
low as 2%). Can we extrapolate from this that it's starting to pour?
It would help if we weren't blindsided by the refusal of those with
the means to survey the number of meteor and comet debris entering
our atmosphere to publish their data.
It's left to the media to
render these spectacular events 'harmless' by assuring us how unique
each one is:
Massive Fireball Over Tokyo
According to a statement from the Toyama Observatory, it was a
"massive fireball", "a rare phenomenon caused by a large mass of
As we said, completely unique, just like all the other ones!
California Fireball

Witnesses say it was "slow-moving," "white and green,"
and that it
left behind "a trail of smoke and sparkles of debris."
"This was a rare event," says Baldridge. "I have not seen a high
altitude 'smoke' stream like this for more than 20 years."
Thankfully some are paying attention and see that this is happening
the world over on a daily basis:
Possible Meteor Spotted in British Columbia Sky
"These are happening all the time. We've had some very spectacular
fireballs in the Malayasia area just a few weeks ago," said [David
Dodge, a retired astronomer].
"Earlier this year, there was a spectacular fireball that actually
ended up in meteorites over Sudan, and a few weeks ago we had one
over Vancouver, so these sorts of things are happening all the
Pennsylvania - Another Fireball

My 3 year old daughter started shouting "Look Mama, a comet!!" I
looked out the window and to my amazement I saw I HUGE yellow and
white ball of fire.
Out of the mouths of babes (oft times come gems). The fireball had
broken into pieces by the time this photo was taken.
Kansas, US - Biophysicist confirms Liberal boy's meteorite discovery
It's been a good year for meteorites in Kansas. Three new meteorites
have been confirmed [...]
That makes four meteorites reported in Kansas this year alone. When
does "extremely rare" become "common occurrence"?
Those of you wondering what caused that sonic boom you heard should
turn off your television sets and take note of this description of a
sound that often accompanies a fireball:
US - Fireball Lights Up Night Sky
 A photo believed to be depicting the meteor's aftermath,
taken at 7
a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2009, from Clive,
in western Tooele County,
looking east toward Salt Lake City.
Some have reported it as a "ball of light" and others called to say
it looked more like a "green streak."
Media outlets in Salt Lake City report that some even felt a "slight
rumble" or "sonic boom."
Queensland, Australia - Green object that lit up sky a chip off an
old meteor
Witnesses said the meteor was a green glow
traveling from
south-east to north-west, leaving a visible trail for 10 to 15
While the Leonid meteor shower has created spectacular night shows
some years, the meteor seen over Brisbane last night was at the
wrong time and heading the in the wrong place.
Meteor turns night into day with bright explosion over South Africa
People saw a bright "greenish, bluish" light heading towards
Pretoria at about 11pm on Saturday night.
"Almost looked like daylight for a few seconds"
"We looked up and that's when the sky lit up like day for a second
or two. The sky actually went blue."
It was unexpected, and not connected with any kind of shower.
There was also one of those close calls which have become a bit too
common for comfort in the last few years:
Enter Hope...
This installment opened with a quote concluding that,
"[a]ll these
dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and
it's only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be
overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself".
Mahatma Gandhi reminded us that,
"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few
drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty."
The few psychopaths that fell into the ocean of humanity infested
large parts of the waters.
You might say that one of the reasons SOTT exists is to bring this pollution and its causes to our
readers' awareness. By connecting the dots, we see that ugly truths
paint a very dark picture of our reality. It's cruel, it's painful,
but it's the Truth and it calls to be known.
Truth is beautiful
because it offers humanity freedom from the illusions that keep it
in slavery, gifts humanity the vision to see reality as it is and
illuminates a course towards an ideal of what reality can be.
So, as long as we are alive and breathing (properly), we have the
right to Hope!
"If you lose hope, somehow you lose the vitality that keeps life
moving, you lose that courage to be, that quality that helps you go
on in spite of it all. And so today I still have a dream."
Martin Luther King Jr.
The Trumpet of Conscience (1967)

Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
Time Unveiling Truth