by Sott Editors
05 November 2009
SOTT Website

Terrorism has been defined as "a criminal act
that influences an audience beyond the immediate victim". We agree, but the
question is, what entity today has the greatest capacity to carry out
criminal acts and influence an audience beyond the immediate victim?
that one out, and you've got the real terrorists.
But first, let's look at some of the influences we've all come under during
the month of October.
Vaccination season has kicked off in US, Canada and UK
and Obama has declared the swine flu a national emergency!
Well, if Mr.
Charm, Change and Hope says so, it must be true! Right...?
Read on and we'll take you through the talking
Swine logic
The image below (click to enlarge) contrasts the number of deaths in the
past 300 days from "swine flu" and the number of deaths from other causes,
including "communicable diseases".

Without going into too much detail, in the past
300 days over 8 million people have died from communicable diseases and
almost 30 million have died from non-communicable diseases.
In contrast,
just over 5,000 have allegedly died from "swine flu". We say "allegedly"
because of the reports that many people who have been diagnosed with "swine
flu" in the last 6 months did not in fact, have swine flu at all!
Here's a short CBS News report with the details:
Why the hype?
In short, in the last 300 days more than twice as many people have died from
encephalitis than have died form swine flu and more than three times as many
have died from dengue fever than from swine flu.
So why haven't we heard
about the encephalitis or dengue fever pandemics??
What is becoming increasingly clear is that the billions of deaths predicted
and propagandized by the media, the WHO and major Western governments are
vastly over-exaggerated, yet the worldwide induced panic and fear mongering
continues with a vengeance.
The US began rolling out its mass swine flu vaccine program by focusing
discussion on whether they are able to provide enough vaccination in time -
as opposed to the real issue of the safety and necessity of vaccines known
to contain toxins. The UK targets supposed 'high risk', health workers, the
vulnerable and Canada is using the excuse of the need for urgent production
to roll out vaccine fortified with
controversial adjuvants.
Governments around the world are adding to the
fear by closing schools and public meetings. The Ukraine Government's
actions are typical of what is been reported: Gripped by swine flu fears it
declares three week school holiday and ban of public events.
There is the usual mix of fear, threats and 'it's for your own safety'
rhetoric to try and generate the maximum uptake of vaccinations. Obama's
declaration of a swine flu national emergency empowers the health secretary
to suspend normal federal requirements.
A New York hospital has given the official
warning that every employee must be vaccinated against both seasonal and
H1N1 flu or face possible termination. Despite resistance, Hospital Corp. of
America has required it's 120,000 employee's to be given the vaccine or face
losing their jobs.
The U.S. Military is set to get mandatory swine
flu shots soon and will act as guinea pigs:
"Because I can compel people to get the
shots, larger numbers will have the vaccine," said Renuart, commander of
U.S. Northern Command.
"They will, as a percentage of the population, be
vaccinated more rapidly than many of us. So we may see some objective
results, good or not, of the vaccinations."

The dangers of the over-hyped vaccine are
becoming more and more widespread.
In Washington a RedSkins Cheerleader has been
crippled for life after being Vaccinated. In Sweden, one of the earliest
Countries to roll out a vaccination program, the further deaths linked to
swine flu vaccine bring the total to 4. If those deaths aren't sufficient
warning against vaccination, Swedish Nurses are reporting side effects and
sickness from the vaccine.
Incompetent medical staff are further adding to
the fears over safety by 'over' dosing children with the H1N1 vaccine.
There are increasing vocal outrage and concerns from Doctors speaking out
about the dangers of the H1N1 vaccine.
Important research highlights the fact that
autism rates double in children as vaccines poison an entire generation and
historical data shows that vaccines are not what saved us from previous
Scientific medicine has taken credit it does
not deserve for some advances in health. Most people believe that
victory over the infectious diseases of the last century came with the
invention of immunizations. In fact, cholera, typhoid, tetanus,
diphtheria and whooping cough, etc, were in decline before vaccines for
them became available - the result of better methods of sanitation,
sewage disposal, and distribution of food and water.
The result of many individuals waking up to the
fact that they are being lied to yet again is seen in the widespread
shunning of the vaccine:
British hospital bosses quizzed by The
Guardian newspaper claim that as few as 10 per cent of [health] staff
will have the shot. In the US, many hospital employees are protesting
against rules saying they must be vaccinated or lose their jobs. [...]
40 per cent of US parents say they won't vaccinate their kids, according
to a poll by the University of Michigan. Many parents and health workers
argue that swine flu is not dangerous enough to justify the potential
side effects of a vaccine.
Further evidence of popular revolt is found in
Finland, where polls report that 75% of Finns don't want to be vaccinated.
A highly controversial action of creating a two-class vaccination program
was announced in Germany, where German politicians and the German army are
to get a vaccine that does not contain controversial additives.

As well as swine flu's bigger impact on blacks and Hispanics not being
addressed there is a great deal of speculation as to how this alleged
pandemic will play out.
Is it simply an early Christmas present to
Big Pharma who are among those companies reaping the swine flu windfall?
Or is
this something more sinister?
Could paper money become another victim of the
"pandemic" as
implantable RFID chips to prove vaccination are united with
the introduction of a cashless society?
News that Obama's H1N1 National emergency declaration could invoke a
response to a pandemic, that the company promoting implantable RFID chips,
that VeriChip shares jumped after the H1N1 patent license win, and that
Homeland Security is to get new powers allowing website blocking security,
all offer ample warning that our predictions may well be on the horizon.
But why worry folks? All you have to do is, GET YOUR DAMN VACCINE!
Ballistic 'Fun and
games' from the Middle East to Southern Asia
Iran was finally granted a 'civil audience' with the big boys this month to
discuss its non-existent nuclear weapons program.
The US, French and British
dignitaries wanted to talk timetables and ward Iran off developing nuclear
energy, but the Iranians chose instead to use the stage to say that "no one
should have nuclear weapons".
Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the IAEA, trashed
British intelligence claims that Iran had been making nukes on the sly for 4
years by saying there is "no evidence Iran is developing nuclear weapons."
Even US National Security Adviser James Jones agreed with him, while Turkey
and Russia stood by the Iranian government. Unfazed by the warmongers'
propaganda, Iran further announced that it planned to launch a satellite
into orbit by next spring.
Having failed to generate regime change by way of 'soft revolution' in June,
the PTB resorted to more familiar tactics when one of its proxy terrorist
groups 'Jundullah' executed a sophisticated attack on leading party members
in Sistan-Baluchistan, leaving 42 people dead, including 5 senior members of
Iran's Revolutionary Guards. 2 policemen were shot dead in the region
several days later.
Researcher Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya explains that
contrary to the way it is portrayed as a legitimate resistance movement in
western media, Jundullah is a Pakistan-based terrorist organization created
by British, American and Pakistani intelligence and without any popular
mandate for its activities:
Baluchi separatism is not a factor in Iran,
but it is a real force in Pakistan.
The Baluchistan People's Front,
which from Britain claims to represent the Baluchi in Iran also has no
real popular base and is propped up by British and American support,
whereas the Baluchistan Nationalist Party has a popular base of support
in Pakistan.
This war between Baluchi fighters and the Pakistani military has been
neglected by the same journalists and mainstream media outlets that
report on Jundallah synonymously with the allegations of the systematic
mistreatment of the Baluch in Iran.

Members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards
carry the coffin of one
of its senior commanders killed in the blast
through Sarbaz, southeastern Iran
Nevertheless, these differences amongst the Baluchi in Iran and Pakistan
are generalized as one. This generalization is given so as to vindicate
Jundallah as a home-grown Iranian movement that germinated out of the
conditions on the ground in Iranian Baluchistan without the involvement
of any external powers.
Nor is anything mentioned about the evidence Iran has provided to the
United Nations, starting in 2007, validating Tehran's claims of American
and British involvement.
In an attempt to connect its operations with the broader demands for
reform in Iran, Jundallah's aims started being presented as part of a
battle for Baluchi civil rights instead of its previous pretext of
fighting Shiite Muslims in a hardcore sectarian war. The organization
also changed its name to the People's Resistance Movement of Iran to
distance itself from a separatist identity that the Baluchi in Iran did
not support.
[Its leader] Abdul-Malak Rigi is a former Taliban fighter and a smuggler
involved in the international narcotics drug ring that is active on the
borders of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran.
Jundallah is a modified face of the [original CIA/ISI-created] Taliban.
The group would not be able to attack the Iranian police, the Iranian
border guard, and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard without help from the
state apparatus of Pakistan or the collusion of the occupying powers in
It's known that
Bush government was funding Jundallah as part of a regime change agenda against Iran. It's known that
for the CIA it was a matter of when, not if, they would unleash Jundullah
upon Iran.
The brother of the terror group's leader, Abdolhamid Rigi, caught
for his involvement in detonating a bomb in a mosque prior to Iran's
elections in June, confessed that:
"After meeting with the U.S. officials in
the U.S. embassy in Pakistan four years ago, they (the U.S. officials)
promised to help us with everything we needed. We received monetary and
armed supports from the United States... We received orders from them to
carry out the terrors inside Iran."
Sounds like another heroin-funded CIA covert
operation then.
The Iranians didn't waste any time asking Pakistan's
military-government to hand over the usual suspects, but it's unlikely to
cooperate given that Pakistan's regime is heavily corrupted by decades-long
exposure to CIA influence and some of its members are likely behind the
efforts to destabilize Iran anyway.
The Iranian government called the US and the UK out on their sneak attack,
the smokescreen of delicate nuclear nonsense be damned:
"We know you are behind this and we have
Even Robert Baer, a former Middle East CIA field
officer, confirmed Jundullah was America's Iranian attack dog.
The Chief-of-Staff of Iran's Joint Armed Forces,
Major General Hassan Firouzabadi, correctly identified the proliferation of
Wahhabism, an extreme interpretation of Islam, as one of the catalyzing
factors behind the violent bloodshed affecting the region:
"Today Wahhabi thought is paving the way to
legitimize the presence of US and NATO forces."
Firouzabadi went on to say that western plans
for the region were behind the 'war, bloodshed and terror' in the Middle
"The aim of these brutal measures was to
create discord among Muslim nations and prevent Muslim unity."
If Wahhabism is useful for corralling downwardly
adjusted Muslims along the path of religious violence, then suitably
engineered ideological propaganda through academia serves to entice less
critical minds towards violent revolution.
Having previously been busted twice for his
propaganda efforts in 2007 and earlier this year, this time around
Iranian-American 'scholar' Kian Tajbakhsh was sentenced to 12 years in
prison for "spying and working as a consultant for
George Soros' Open
Society Institute," for whom he designed aspects of the "Green Revolution"
against Iran's government.
Jacked up by Israel the US may be keen to slap sanctions on Iran for the
transgression of not submitting to its dictates, but elsewhere Iran is very
much regarded as open for business, announcing that a new international oil
bourse is to be based in Tehran. It's negotiating with Russia, China, Japan,
Venezuela and others to drop the dollar like a hot potato and expand its oil
trade in other currencies.
Turkey wants in on this future too. Perhaps
that's why Turkish PM Erdogan considers Ahmadinejad his new best friend. The EU may talk tough to Iran, but it acknowledges the geo-political reality
that access to Iranian natural gas is the only viable way it's going to
lessen its energy dependence on Russia.
In our last installment we wondered if the targeting of Iran served as a
cover for developing an integrated space-based weapons program of truly
global reach, with the US sitting at the console:
The US Military-Industrial Complex has
engaged a classic bait and switch maneuver: its missile shield was never
intended to protect the US and Europe from non-existent Iranian ICBMs.
Furthermore, fixed sites in Poland and the Czech Republic appear to have
been a ruse all along for deploying a far more sophisticated sea and
space-based program of much greater scope and proximity to Russia's
Interesting then that Iran should bring this up
at the UN this month and thus join Russia and China in warning the world of
such an eventuality.

Iraqis gather at the site of a massive bomb
attack at the Ministry of Justice in Baghdad
Two car bombs kill 132 in Iraq as 'militants' target official buildings
ahead of election
Pakistan saw so many bombings this month that we are unsure we covered them
There were waves of bombings in all Pakistan's major cities, leaving
over 300 dead. Many, but not most, were soldiers and security personnel.
Pakistan's military junta responded with a ground war offensive, 30,000 more
troops drawn into the valleys of Waziristan along the Afghan border.
copying NATO by paying off warlords to stay out of the fight (and in one
stroke making a mockery of the notion that the offensive is supposed to
target these same warlords), the Pakistani military is meeting such heavy
resistance that hundreds of thousands have fled their homes in search of
Now the narrative that the US, Pakistan's establishment and the mainstream
media would like us to believe is that Pakistan is defending itself from al-Qaida/Taliban/insert-fictional-entity-here
terrorists and/or militants bringing mass terror to Pakistan's densely
populated cities. But when you consider that the so-called leader of the
Pakistani Taliban pinned the blame for an enormous explosion in Peshawar
late in the month on the American CIA cut-out Xe (formerly known as
Blackwater), the official narrative becomes questionable to say the least.
Over 100 people were killed in that blast; 500 more were wounded. US
Secretary of State Hilary Clinton had arrived in town only 5 hours
previously. Her visit was just the latest effort to coax the Pakistani
military-government into cementing itself fully behind NATO's "pacification"
of the Pashtun people of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
What better way to
encourage them than to have a series of horrific attacks at marketplaces,
schools, several military and police barracks, and the United Nations, then
"See! We told you that terrorism is really a threat to your country!
Come join us in our hunt for these (phantom) terrorists in the mountains!"
The Pakistani regime has been a regional yes-man to the US to one degree or
another since its conception in 1947.
It's held in check only by the need to
stave off a civil war that might threaten it's control. In the meantime the
country's suicidal trajectory shows little outward signs of changing course.
Pakistani political and media figures put up a good show of resisting
American influence, but then launch and justify the slaughter and repression
of their own population to show their benefactors that they too suffer from
the scourge of terrorism and they too are determined to fight it with
righteousness and military might.
There does appear to be a dawning among
many ordinary Pakistanis however that elements of their own military
establishment - particularly the ISI, Pakistan's intelligence branch of the
CIA - helped create these 'terrorists', continue to fund and shepherd them
and even carry out the bombings and "self-inflicted wounds" themselves.
Pakistan is on a precipice.
There were more drone attacks on hapless
civilians this month. Each bombing brings only the promise of 'retaliation',
though it is never clear against whom as ordinary people bear the brunt of
both ends of the stick.
As if the region hadn't enough thunder and death to deal with, there were
two strong earthquakes in the Hindu Kush region just across the border in
northeastern Afghanistan.
The first was 6.1 magnitude and the second was
6.2, occurring 6 days apart and sharing nearly identical epicenters.
Several people were killed on the Pakistani side of the border following the
second one. But if you were to ask the U.S. Geological Survey, this second
quake never happened: they deleted their report "after review by a
seismologist", but the event is still reported elsewhere.
What are they
hiding on this occasion?
Last month we speculated that the the PTB was preparing Afghanistan for
regime change by re-arming the Taliban and ousting Karzai:
What better way to oust him than for US
troops, CIA agents and their mercenary buddies to secretly help the
Taliban re-take the country? After all, the US government has much more
in common with a bunch of misogynistic warlords than anyone else.
Thing is, the Karzais are warlords too - albeit
glorified warlords kept in check by the need to play within boundaries set
by their benefactors in Washington and London.
The thin veneer of electoral
legitimacy and the official titles of 'President' and 'Governor' the two
brothers hold can't mask the brutal truth of their complicity in crimes from
their own people, but they are enough for the Western governments to
convince Western citizens of their moral righteousness and prevent them from
understanding the truly horrific state of affairs threatening the existence
of Afghanistan and the wider region.

Can we be friends again?
Reagan with his Taliban brothers in the 1980s
As the country is churned into another Iraq, it's worth asking:
How can the
combined might of the largest military the world has ever known, together
with soldiers from nearly 50 other countries fail to defeat a few thousand
malnourished Talibs in a collapsed state suffering from decades of war?
America really on the verge of defeat at the hands of the Taliban, or are we
being enticed to believe this in preparation for massive military
Remember this story about Stephen Farrell, the
New York Times journalist who
was dramatically rescued in a daring raid by "NATO commandos"?
interpreter Sultan Munadi was "accidentally" slain in a hail of bullets
despite holding his arms up shouting "journalist, journalist!" as he
approached the commandos he mistakenly presumed were there to rescue him
too. The local Afghan governor initially said that Munadi was killed by
Talibs during the firefight, but Stephen Farrell, who was by his side, said
he didn't know who shot his colleague.
How did this raid by a "large number"
of special forces fail to successfully "extract" the Afghani interpreter?
The answer came with something we have suspected all along: the occupation
forces are airlifting "Taliban" around Afghanistan:
The British army has been relocating Taliban
insurgents from southern Afghanistan to the north by providing
transportation means, diplomats say.
The diplomats, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said insurgents are
being airlifted from the southern province of Helmand to the north amid
increasing violence in the northern parts of the country.
The aircraft used for the transfer have been identified as British
Chinook helicopters.
The officials said Sultan Munadi, an Afghan interpreter who was
kidnapped along with his employer, New York Times reporter Stephen
Farrell, was killed by a "British sniper" as commandos executed a rescue
operation to free Farrell.
They said Munadi was targeted for possessing documents and pictures
pointing at the British military's involvement in the transfer
The Afghan journalist also had evidence of the involvement of the
foreign forces in Afghanistan in the tensions that rocked China's
Xinjiang autonomous region in July, the diplomats said.
This is evidence that illustrates just what 'counter-insurgency'
entails: creating a fake enemy that commits heinous acts against innocent
people and regular soldiers, thereby tarnishing the legitimate resistance to
the forces of occupation and terrorizing anyone with a conscience.
That part
of the interpreter's information pointed to Afghanistan effectively being a
forward operations base for 'special operations' is interesting in light of
the carnage that took place in the western Chinese city of Urumqi in July.
Chinese media reported its government's suspicions of foreign involvement at
the time:
Evidence shows Uygur separatists who
orchestrated the July 5 riots in Urumqi, capital of the Xinjiang Uygur
autonomous region, have close relations with the Afghanistan-based Al-Qaida. The
riots that claimed 184 lives and left hundreds of people injured, took
place immediately after the US and allied forces launched their fresh
offensive in Afghanistan.
They are not coincidental because terrorist
groups in Central Asia have always had close connections. The Uygur
separatists used a ploy that the Western media fell prey to. The media
lapped up the fake photographs they had sent, which showed
Han people,
and not
Uygurs, were spreading violence from China's other areas to
Toronto Sun columnist Eric Margolis explained
that the US trained Uygur terrorists for the eventuality of war with China
Chinese muslims from Xinjiang province in Western China were being trained
by Bin Laden to go and fight the communist Chinese in Xinjiang, and this was
not only with the knowledge, but with the support of the CIA, because they
thought they might use them if war ever broke out with China [...] or just
to raise hell there.
Raising hell with a nuclear power like China is just part of the fun and
games for
psychopaths. And so is airlifting commandos dressed as Taliban.
Ahmad Kawoosh in the Asia Times relays how widespread these reports are in
"Just when the police and army managed
to surround the Taliban in a village of Qala-e-Zaal district, we saw
helicopters land with support teams," said a soldier from the 209th
Shahin Corps of the Afghan National Army.
"They managed to rescue
their friends from our encirclement, and even to inflict defeat on
the Afghan National Army."
This story, in one form or another, is being
repeated throughout northern Afghanistan. Dozens of people claim to have
seen Taliban fighters disembark from foreign helicopters in several
The local talk is of the insurgency being consciously moved
north, with international troops ferrying fighters in from the volatile
south, to create mayhem in a new location.

"Our fight against the Taliban is
nonsense," said the soldier from Shahin Corps. "Our foreigner
'friends' are friendlier to the opposition."
Provinces that were relatively calm even six
months ago are experiencing armed attacks, suicide bombings and even
outright Taliban control over several districts.
As has always been the case with US, British and Israeli wars of
aggression - when there is no enemy to fight... just invent one as a
pretext for expanding the war!
In a district of Baghlan province, Baghlan-e-Markazi, residents
witnessed a battle last month in which they insisted that two foreign
helicopters had delivered the Taliban fighters who then attacked their
district center.
"I saw the helicopters with my own
eyes," said Sayed Rafiq from Baghlan-e-Markazi. "They landed near
the foothills and offloaded dozens of Taliban with turbans, and
wrapped in patus [a blanket-type shawl]."
According to Rahim Rahimi, a professor at
Balkh University, America and the United Kingdom are trying to keep all
of Afghanistan insecure, so that people feel the need for the foreign
"They will try and destabilize the north
any way they can," Rahimi said. "It is a good excuse to expand their
presence in the area, to get a grip on the gas and oil in Central
Whether it's "private security contractors"
guarding America's embassy in Kabul while dressing up as mujahideen fighters
and going "on unauthorized night-time military operations" or helicopters
full of US military dressed in 'Afghan garb', the modus operandi is the same
wherever the western allies invade.
Two incidents involving helicopters in the
middle of the month stand out in light of these reports.
They happened on
the same day in separate provinces of south and western Afghanistan. 14
American soldiers were killed in a mid-air collision between two
helicopters, while 7 soldiers and 3 American 'civilians' were killed in the
second incident. A further 26 people were injured in the second crash, over
half of them 'Afghans'.
That's a lot of people to be brought down in
"accidents" which an American spokesman claimed "did not involve hostile
fire" and at least one of which had just completed a "successful anti-drug
trafficking mission." We suspect this is cover for missions of quite a
different order.
None of this is news in Afghanistan.
It's worth recalling an
earlier version of "Operation
Airlift of Evil":
The Taliban is a laboratory product, created
to unleash instability throughout the area. Reports indicate that not
more than 5% of Afghans in 2001 still supported these zealots.
It also became evident in 2001, when the US Special Forces, with the
help of the Tajik-Uzbek-Hazara dominated Northern Alliance, breezed
through Afghanistan and took control of the whole country in six weeks
that the Taliban could not fight.
Although the Bush Administration did
not divulge it at the beginning, it soon became public knowledge that
Washington had allowed the Pakistani government to rescue thousands of
Afghan Taliban, Pakistani adjuncts of the Taliban, Pakistani ISI and
Army officers, al-Qaeda volunteers, and Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)
members from the northern Afghan city of Kunduz.
All the important Taliban commanders and Pakistanis escaped along a
safe-flight corridor, supposedly guaranteed by the Americans.
A report was leaked to The Times this month
detailing how Italian commanders had been bribing the Taliban to not attack
their bases.
They neglected to inform a French contingent of this custom
when they replaced the Italian units at these 'safe havens' and ten of their
soldiers were killed in August of last year.
Perhaps somebody delivered a
message to Italian leader Silvio Berlusconi?
But this is small change in a
war where US and NATO forces pay hundreds of millions of dollars to some
5,000 private militias who later switch loyalties to the next highest

"He may be corrupt, but he's our man"
French foreign minister
Bernard Kouchner speaking to the NY Times, Nov 5
Karzai got his message anyway.
He played the part of capitulating to Western
demands for a recount of the votes. The farce that proceeded illustrates how
puppet regimes are managed through the media: with the 're-count' taking Karzai's share of the vote just below 50%, a run-off vote was forced between
him and the second highest bidder, Abdullah Abdullah, another
Western-groomed front man.
With Karzai likely to win that too, Abdullah
withdrew from the run-off contest when his request that electoral reforms be
put in place beforehand were ignored by Karzai's government.
Rather than
hold a one-man ballot, Karzai was declared winner and the White House
'congratulated' him on his victory, with the caveat that he must 'clean up
corruption' and enter a power-sharing arrangement with Abdullah to satisfy
the America and Britain's exemplary paramoral standards of "legitimacy". In
the midst of all this "militants dressed in police uniforms" stormed a UN
residence, killing 12 UN staff and firing rockets at Karzai's nearby
While Western pressure on Karzai to play the game was intended to soften him
up, he perhaps thought he had a strong hand to play when he publicly
supported an investigation into the 'Taliban airlift', personally adding
"helicopters have been taking gunmen to Baghlan, Kunduz and Samangan
provinces overnight for about five months now."
This is possibly what
prompted the Secret Team - through one of their favorite propaganda rags,
The New York Times - to leak the claim that Karzai's brother is on the CIA
payroll and is a drugs warlord for his southern Afghan neighborhood.
Ahmed Karzai retorted that he had no idea what
the New York Times was talking about:
In an interview, Ahmed Wali Karzai denied
any role the drug trade and that he takes money from the C.I.A.
He said he received regular payments from
his brother, the president, for "expenses," but said he did not know
where the money came from. He has, among other things, introduced
Americans to insurgents considering changing sides. And he has given the
Americans intelligence, he said.
But he said he is not compensated for that
"I don't know anyone under the name of
the C.I.A.," Mr. Karzai said. "I have never received any money from
any organization. I help, definitely. I help other Americans
wherever I can. This is my duty as an Afghan."
Given the nature of the CIA's embedded role
within the US Government and military structures, and how whole units of the
US military are CIA operations from start to finish (created by the Secret
Team and often operating undercover for decades), it's perfectly conceivable
that Ahmed Karzai was on the CIA's payroll and had no idea about it.
If we
take him on his word that he is a "dutiful Afghan", and that he was largely
obedient to his American superiors, then he was unaware that the Americans
he was doing favours for were not who he thought they were.
Hamid Karzai
responded by saying what everybody knows but can't talk about;
NATO troops
are also neck deep in the heroin trade.
As Indian diplomat M.K. Bhadrakumar wrote in
Asia Times:
When Afghan Minister of Counter-Narcotics,
General Khodaidad Khodaidad said on Sunday that the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization (NATO) contingents from the US, Britain and Canada
are "taxing" the production of opium in the regions under their control,
he carried a stern warning on behalf of Karazi.

Opium for the masses
But western agents are doing far more than
"taxing" opium production.
The CIA created the lucrative $50 billion Afghan
drug trade when it first arrived in the late 1970s. Even US Senate hearings
reluctantly admitted that the US was responsible for "inadvertently
creating" this situation.
This was done partly to fund its counter-terrorism units disguised as
'Taliban' resistance or 'Jundullah' or 'Uygur' agents provocateurs, all
following the same model of fake terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and all
created by western intelligence through their regional body, the Pakistani
It's a pattern that repeats:
Afghanistan's heroin production was zero
before the CIA moved in with its trained jihadists in the 1980s.
The Taliban
committed a significant 'crime' of economic warfare when it rose to power
and decimated the CIA's opium industry in 2000.
Now that a friendly
government has been reinstalled and a fake Taliban has been set loose,
business is booming again: Afghanistan produces double the world's demand
for heroin as young people embrace this dance with death the world over.
Another road to
Bombs, tricks and covert operations do not mean that open political pressure
is relieved.
On the contrary, while Iran and its neighbors are getting the
Secret Team's Trademark Destabilization Treatment, the road to the next war
is still slowly being followed. There is, of course, the possibility that
the tricks and pressure together will eventually lead to a regime change
that is favorable to the interests of the US/Israel Axis of Evil, making an
invasion no longer necessary - but we are not counting on that.
Such a
scenario would represent dire consequences for the rights and well being of
the Iranian population, but at least less women and children would die under
the rubble or be poisoned by depleted uranium.

Experts suggest the war
drill will test the two countries' missile defense systems,
testing technology that could
be used to shield Israel from a potential Iran attack.
The strongest signal this month that war is
still well placed at the center of the table was a US-Israeli missile
defense war game.
The anti-missile system is useless against the short-range
rockets of Hamas and Hezbollah - rockets which, by the way, are largely
harmless and Israel is very happy to exploit politically, so why stop them?
Instead, the system is intended to stop longer-range Iranian missiles.
would not make the mistake of attacking a nuclear armed Israel without a
very good reason, so it logically follows that
Israel and the US are
preparing to bomb first.
We still do not know how or when this next aggression will happen, but if
the declarations of politicians are anything to go by, there's little reason
for optimism. French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner joined the chorus of
those who think Israel may launch an attack.
Others are even enthusiastic
about opening the door to hell; prominent psychopath John Bolton even
advised a nuclear attack on Iran, while retired US General Charles Wald,
former Deputy Commander of the US European Command, following the same
pathological logic, opined that if "our great ally Israel" decided that it
"can't take it anymore" - that is, the remote prospect of an Iranian nuclear
bomb to compete with Israel's 200-400 nuclear warheads - then "pressure will
mount for us to stand by Israel", so the US should join in the attack.
Obama is doing his part by lobbying Russian and French leaders over the
phone, as he builds a "coalition of like-minded nations" against Iran - a
phrase used by The Wall Street Journal or one of its sources and which is
eerily reminiscent of
George W. Bush's "coalition of the willing" against
Iraq. Yet another obvious clue for us all.
On the other side of the equation, Russia pledged it would continue military
cooperation with Iran, which includes the sale of advanced anti-aircraft
missiles. While Russia's government has yet to give its final approval for
the sale of the S-300 missile system, Iran has already received dozens of
the Russian made TOR-M1 system.
Given that it has been more than a month
since Russia jumped onto the possible sanctions against Iran bandwagon, it
is not yet clear what game Medvedev and Putin are playing.
Certainly, Russia
will not balk at an opportunity to extract the most profit out of the
problems of others.
But of course we are invited to smile at the possibility of peace that goes
with a UN draft deal which proposes that uranium processed in Russia and
France be used to produce ready-to-use nuclear fuel rods for Iran. Even
Netanyahu is endorsing the proposal. Curiously, a few days earlier it was
reported that an Israeli atomic expert and a senior Iranian official
allegedly had nuclear talks in secret in Cairo, so we are invited to believe
that all is well behind the scenes.
However, Iran denied the secret meeting
with Israel, so we wonder if the whole deal is not for PR purposes. In other
words, it is part of the back and forth waltz which we saw before the Iraq
war and which has the purpose of keeping the public under the spell that our
good leaders did all they could to stop a war that unfortunately turned out
to be inevitable.
Furthermore, negotiations do not seem to have mattered
much, as the US Senate Banking Panel has just passed a bill authorizing new
sanctions against Iran and companies that conduct business with it.
Pulling a 'Dr. Kelly'
It is in the context of UN negotiations that the Iran saga steps into the
mystery murder genre that bears striking resemblance to an ugly episode from
the Iraq war.
Perhaps you remember British microbiologist and UN weapons
inspector Dr.
David Kelly, a man who was evidently "suicided" by some
alphabet soup agency? Dr. Kelly's bosses at the British Ministry of Defense
had discovered that not only he had been secretly talking to journalists
about the lack of WMDs in Iraq, but was also preparing to write a book about
his work.
No Sherlock needed to figure this one out.
That was back in 2003.
Jump forward to this year and on the 20th of October
British nuclear expert Timothy Hampton, who had joined the United Nation's
team for the talks between Iran, France, Russia and the US, died after
falling from the 17th floor of the Vienna International Center.
For once,
murder has not been ruled out by the police. Nevertheless, a UN spokesman
said that there were no "suspicious circumstances" surrounding the death. Of
course, falling from the 17th floor of a UN building when one is at the
center of international negotiations that may lead to sanctions or war is
not suspicious at all!
God knows what Hampton knew, or what beans he might
have been ready to spill. A week later, Hampton's widow, unhappy with the
initial autopsy, requested another.
The result this time, from a different
doctor, was murder.
The US domino is about
to collapse

Iran announced late last month that its foreign
currency reserves would henceforth be held in euros
rather than dollars.
Imagine a world without the US dollar as the dominant global currency.
hard to do, but not impossible; there are signs that the world is turning
its back on the greenback:
Turkey will be using national currencies
instead of dollars and euros in trade with Iran and China for about
20% of its commodity turnover. It has already done this with Russia.
President Hugo Chavez revealed that OPEC
countries, such as Venezuela, Iran and Russia, among others, believe
that the US dollar should be replaced as the currency used for oil
Chavez also assisted a summit of the
Bolivarian Alternative for Latin America and the Caribbean (ALBA)
group in Bolivia. The nine leftist Latin American leaders agreed to
use a new intra-regional trading currency, dubbed as Sucre, instead
of the US dollar, to be implemented in 2010.
Daisuke Uno, chief strategist of
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp., predicted that the dollar may drop to
50 yen next year, and eventually lose its role as the global reserve
Apparently, Obama and the G20's efforts
to get the US and the world out of the crisis by spending is
undermining the dollar. As explained by Edmund Phelps, 2006 Nobel
Prize in Economics:
According to data compiled by Bloomberg,
central banks are increasingly snubbing dollars in favor of Euros
and Yen. In the words of Steven Englander, the chief US currency
strategist at Barclays in New York,
The price of gold struck an all-time
high at the beginning of October as the dollar fell on a news report
of a plan by Gulf states to stop using the greenback for oil
Former stockbroker Max Keiser believes
that China and Russia are interested in collapsing the US economy by
rejecting the dollar.
Barry Grey writes in a recent article:
There are growing signs of a major shift in
world currency alignments. Since March, the US dollar has steadily
declined, depreciating by 13.3 percent on a trade-weighted basis. Last
week the decline accelerated, driving gold prices to record levels and
prompting a number of Asian central banks to intervene on currency
markets to slow the dollar's fall.
And on the consequences for the masses, Grey
The US is to become a low-cost producer of
goods for the world market. The American working class is to experience
levels of exploitation which it hasn't faced in a century. Its wages and
living standards are to be brought more closely in line with those faced
by the super-exploited workers of Asia.
What else could the end of the dollar's hegemony
mean to the people?
For those in the US, specifically, it means a period of
(hyper) inflation. Since the dollar has been used as the global currency for
trade and reserves, there is an excess of it floating around the world. If
the world decides to not use dollars anymore, or use them significantly
less, that excess eventually makes it back to the US, where they are still
used. That does not mean more wealth, but simply more papers representing
the same wealth.
With more papers in their hands, people buy more, and
prices go up. Or to put it another way:
if yesterday there was one apple to
be bought for every dollar to buy it, tomorrow there will be one apple to be
bought for every ten dollars to buy it; resulting in an increase of the
value of the apple, or more accurately, a decrease in the purchasing power
of the dollar.
An increase in the cost of living within the US will eventually lead to
further loss of jobs and poverty. In turn, all the world economies will be
affected. As it often happens, if the developed countries get a cold, the
Third World gets pneumonia. Talk about epidemics!
A traumatic transition period in accordance to the Shock Doctrine would no
doubt take us into a situation in which the world's financial elite, in
agreement with their PR staff (i.e. the world governments), will offer an
unpopular but 'necessary' solution.
An economic
New World Order, perhaps, in
which a single global currency makes the job of pulling the strings of power
even easier for the Board of Directors of our planet?
Surely they meant the
If you have read this far, you can imagine our surprise when one day we read
the news to find out that Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize - and it
wasn't a joke!
Instead, George Orwell's dystopia had definitely
merged with our reality and war was peace. (Read
John Pilger's commentary
for a good summary of the already impressive record of Barack the
But perhaps it is us who are at fault, for
expecting the Nobel Peace Prize Committee to do its job:
Naming Obama as the 2009 winner will only
further undercut the standing of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee...
committee has a history of awarding the peace prize to individuals who
were anything but peacemakers. Former U.S. secretary of state and war Elihu Root [one of the original Zionist warmongers masquerading as an
American] was awarded the 1912 Nobel Peace Prize.
This was despite the
fact that Root oversaw U.S. policy in the Philippines following the
Spanish-American War. As a result of the American occupation hundreds of
thousands of Filipinos - some estimates range as high as 1.5 million -
died between 1899 and 1902.
And another clear indication that the past is
prologue to the future in an ever repeating cycle of tragedy and farce,
Obama called the
Goldstone report - which accused joined-at-the-hip ally
Israel of war crimes in its most recent onslaught of the 1.5 million
captives held in the world's largest open-air prison in Gaza - "flawed".
Alas, it was the quisling leader of the bereft Palestinians,
Mahmoud Abbas
himself, who withdrew the draft resolution to the National Security Council
which was to study the findings for a possible referral of the case to the
International Criminal Court in the Hague.
And what of the Democratic lead
Congress? They condemned the report, even though
Richard Goldstone himself
asked the US to point to just one flaw in the report.

© Devil’s Due Publishing
Let us state the obvious once more and make it clear that presidents are
simply not in charge.
They serve a world elite more interested in corporate
shares and financial profits than the will of the people; an elite that is
well connected and often overlaps with the military and secret services of
the world. The role of our governments is to convince the public that all is
reasonably well. They are the smiling face of the Public Relations
department and not the decision makers, which explains why Obama has been
behaving so much like Bush.
Once this basic fact has been understood, is there any logical reason for
Obama to get a Nobel Peace Prize other than being part of the marketing
campaign for the current and future wars that he has been charged with
carrying out?
If the Nobel Peace Prize sends 13,000 more troops to
Afghanistan on top of the 21,000 already announced in March, surely it is
moral and necessary. If he chastises Iran for its non-existent nuclear
weapons but condones Israel's, no doubt that is the right thing to do.
As Michel Chossudovsky has put it:
We are the crossroads of the most serious
crisis in modern history. The US in partnership with NATO and
Israel has
launched a
global military adventure which, in a very real sense,
threatens the future of humanity.
At this critical juncture in our history, the Norwegian Nobel
Committee's decision to award the Nobel Peace Prize to President and
Commander in Chief Barack Obama constitutes an unmitigated tool of
propaganda and distortion, which unreservedly supports the Pentagon's
"Long War": "A War without Borders" in the true sense of the word,
characterized by the Worldwide deployment of US military might...
Granting the Nobel Peace Prize to Barack Obama
provides legitimacy to
the illegal practices of war, to the military occupation of foreign
lands, to the relentless killings of civilians in the name of
Obama undeservedly got the distinction in spite
of the fact that three out of five members of the jury had objections, which
makes the decision even more puzzling.
Perhaps Obama got a little help from
Thorbjørn Jagland, former Prime Minister of Norway and chairman of the Nobel
Committee, a man who together with Obama and Madeleine Albright, as part of
the Secret Team's psyops circus, had a role to play in the destabilization
of the Kenyan electoral process back in 2007 in order to help their
appointed man Raila Odinga into the position of prime minister under the
cover of an "orange revolution".
Oh, what a tangled web they weave...
Never mind the BOOM!!
Speaking of the tangled web of half truths, deliberate omissions and
castrated science, it is time for our monthly cosmic weather report:
September 25th: Spectacular
Fireball filmed over Canada
September 28th: Cosmic shock and
awe: Fireball explodes over Argentina
October 5th: Video: Fireball lights
up sky over Iceland
October 8th: Indonesian asteroid
exploded with energy of 'small atomic bomb'
October 9th: Caught on camera:
Meteorite streaks across New Mexico sky
October 13th: Hundreds See
'Exploding Fireball' in Netherlands and Germany Sky
October 26th: Hoax? Video footage
of blazing 'meteorite' in Latvia
Gradual increase in
meteor activity and overhead
explosions all over the world is anticipated.
Unfortunately, we can't advise
you to follow the new reports or astronomical forecasts, because there
probably won't be any. In order to elaborate this point, let us zero in on
two of the listed events.
The first is about a possible fiery object striking farmland near a small
town in northern Latvia, just at the time of Orionid meteor shower - Earth's
passing through a stream of dusty debris from Halley's Comet.
The alleged
meteorite crash received and extensive attention all over the world due to
the dramatic video taken by a group of film students who said that they had
heard the meteor strike.
But this amazing (and for yours truly, not really surprising) story was
quickly dismissed as a hoax.
Versions proposed by the media vary, as some
say the prank was done by a group of the mentioned above students, and
others say that Latvian
mobile operator Tele2 was involved in the hoax.
After couple of days of internet frenzy,
media jackals moved on to better
grounds and Tele2 was left to
collect the results of their efforts.
End of story? Hardly.
For consider what
the Robertson Panel report
recommended way back in 1953, pertaining to
UFOs, but could easily be
ascribed to all foreign and unexplained objects traversing our little
planet's skies:
That the continued emphasis on the reporting of these phenomena does, in
these parlous times, result in a threat to the orderly functioning of the
protective organs of the body politic.
We cite as examples the clogging of channels of communication by irrelevant
reports, the danger of being led by continued false alarms to ignore
real...indications of hostile action, and the cultivation of a morbid
national psychology in which skillful hostile propaganda could induce
hysterical behavior and harmful distrust of duty constituted authority...
In order most effectively to strengthen the national facilities for the
timely recognition and the appropriate handling of true indications of
hostile action, and to minimize the concomitant dangers alluded to above,
the Panel recommends... that these aims may be achieved by an integrated
program designed to reassure the public of the total lack of evidence of
Inimical forces behind the phenomenon, to train personnel to recognize and
reject false indications quickly and effectively, and to strengthen regular
channels for the evaluation of and prompt reaction to true indications of
hostile measures.
Be it a hoax or a particularly thorough cover-up (and we suspect that this
event was a genuine meteor impact, but that damage control went into
overdrive), whatever happened in Latvia will have even more damaging
influence by adding a ridicule factor similar to UFO reports to coverage of
meteorite sightings or impacts.
We hope there is no need to remind you of
the story of the boy who cried wolf, and about the real possibility that the
next impact will be in a densely populated, quite devastating, and blamed on
terrorists to further the global agenda?
Which leads us to another event that
happened on 8th of October over
A 10-meter wide asteroid exploded in the atmosphere with the
energy of a small atomic bomb. That is about 50 kiloton of TNT, meaning two to
three times more powerful than World War II-era atomic bombs.
But, apparently, and accordingly to spaceweather.com, the Earth-shaking
blast received remarkably little coverage in Western press.
And even if spaceweather.com was quick to calm the readers by adding that meteor
scientists have given it their full attention, in the next paragraph they
confessed that the asteroid was in fact not known before it hit and took
astronomers completely by surprise. Well, at least we know that curiosity is
not entirely dead among Earth scientists.
But what we've been able to gather
in the process of years' long research and working on our
"watching the
skies" project, is that, unfortunately, the same scientists are either in
complete darkness when it comes to a true nature of the cosmic threat, or
they are willing tools in the hands of the control system that has a goal of
suppressing progress of true science, consequently putting the entire human
population in grave danger.
The next time you are presented with information backed up by the mainstream
scientific community as an absolute truth (that Earth is in no immediate
cosmic danger) or for your own benefit (mandatory vaccinations), consider
the following comments by
Laura Knight-Jadczyk:
"In the book about D.D. Home, one learns that
Michael Faraday, the most
influential scientist of his day, agreed to "test" Home (at the request of
Crooks, and others who had already tested him and been satisfied) only if
Home would sign a statement that if his abilities proved to be real, he
would disavow them as evil.
Why? Because - get this - Faraday was
a fundie!
He believed in the death and resurrection of
Jesus... but could not
allow that ever present consciousness behind all creation to be a part of
normal human beings! He was, in short, programmed by, and a tool of,
Meanwhile, of course, the idea of catastrophism has been firmly relegated to
cuckoo land because it was latched onto by the fundies in the 19th century
as an explanation for all fossils...
We recognize that, while philosophy has a long history as an academic
discipline with a vast literature of self-examination, there is a lack of
such literature - and activity - in the domain of the more exact sciences
such as, but not limited to, astronomy and physics.[...]
There is no venue for the study of the influence of the prevailing social
structure of science within which scientists work, and even less for the
examination of the ways in which this structure is used in negative ways to
hinder innovative research and even destroy the careers of those who dare to
step outside the dogmatic scientific paradigms.
At the present time, there are few academic outlets where scientists can
express their opinions about the scientific establishment itself. In the
not-too-distant past, there were astronomical journals where such issues
were raised, but those journals have ceased to exist under pressure from the
scientific establishment or have been re-aligned to carry only "pure
Physicists have no outlet for expressing their views on how their field is
serving their needs as researchers and society's needs as the beneficiary of
their ideas. There is little possibility of expressing unorthodox views on
the nature of the scientific method or how the social structure negatively
affects science.
We recognize the difficulties faced by well-qualified scientists who
challenge scientific orthodoxy and the illicit, shameful censorship and
blacklisting of scientists that takes place daily.
Scientific elites under
the control of political elites who are most often pathological, control the
scientific system.
Anonymity in the
peer review system is particularly
susceptible of corruption and interferes with the objective examination of
extraordinary ideas on their own merits. These problems of science are
global and even more present in rich, industrial nations where science is
the backbone of power and control.
The same problems in physics and astronomy are widespread in all fields of
science and in all areas of research performed by humans where the first
criterion of ponerogenesis is ever present.
Whether the ideas that are
suppressed or ignored are correct is a different matter.
We recognize that suppression of new ideas and free and open discussion is
not the way to filter science and promote progress in human knowledge, and
is harmful to the search for Truth.
We recognize that the state of science
today is that of decay proceeding to death and we declare our right - the
right of humanity - to academic and scientific freedom."
A Scary Reflection for the Halloween Season

Firestorms caused by thermonuclear weapons would be the major cause of
fatalities. The radius of firestorm damage would be two to five times the
radius destroyed by blast.
Not a single philosopher would dispute that a technology may be
life-enhancing or life-diminishing. Which is it? Only a fool would blithely
welcome any technology without having given serious thought to the question.
- Neil Postman
On October 15, 2009 CBC News published an article concerning an astounding
study done on flies entitled "False Memories 'Written' on Flies' Brains".
In the first paragraph we learn that:
Scientists have given fruit flies memories of traumatic experiences that
never actually happened by directly manipulating nerve cells in their
Upon further reading we learn why this technology is being developed:
...this technique could lead to a greater understanding about how the brain
functions by directly stimulating circuits of nerve cells...study of the
fruit fly brain can reveal a lot about how more complex brains work.
In other words, the "successful" experimentation on fruit flies, the aim of
which was to create trauma, was just the means to the end of discovering how
"more complex brains work" Which more complex brains are being referred to
here? Those of lizards? Birds? Mammals? Humans?
Why is there such a desire to master the technology of injecting negative
emotions about events that never happened into living organisms? As any
technology can be used for good or for evil, one wonders to what ends this
technology will be applied.
This is not an idle question as the 20th Century and the first nine years of
the 21st have given the world "advances" that just might destroy not only
life as we know it - but all life, period. Take for example the "success" in
making the atom bomb.
As Daniel Ellsberg writes in the opening chapter of
his book
A Hundred Holocausts - An Insider's Window Into U.S. Nuclear Policy:
One day in the spring of 1961, soon after my 30th birthday, I was shown how
our world would end. Not the Earth, not-so far as I knew then-all humanity
or life, but the destruction of most cities and people in the Northern
What I was handed, in a White House office, was a single sheet of paper with
some numbers and lines on it. It was headed "Top Secret-Sensitive"; under
that, "For the President's Eyes Only."
The "Eyes Only" designation meant that, in principle, it was to be seen and
read only by the person to whom it was explicitly addressed, in this case
the president. In practice this usually meant that it would be seen by one
or more secretaries and assistants as well: a handful of people, sometimes
somewhat more, instead of the scores to hundreds who would normally see
copies of a "Top Secret-Sensitive" document.
Later, working in the Pentagon as the special assistant to the assistant
secretary of defense, I often found myself reading copies of cables and
memos marked "Eyes Only" for someone, though I was not that addressee, nor
for that matter was my boss. And already by the time I read this one, as a
consultant to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, it was routine for me
to read "Top Secret" documents. But I had never before seen one marked "For
the President's Eyes Only," and I never did again.
The deputy assistant to the president for national security, my friend and
colleague Bob Komer, showed it to me. A cover sheet identified it as the
answer to a question President John F. Kennedy had addressed to the Joint
Chiefs of Staff a week earlier. Komer showed it to me because I had drafted
the question, which Komer had sent in the president's name.
The question to the JCS was:
"If your plans for general [nuclear] war are
carried out as planned, how many people will be killed in the Soviet Union
and China?"
Their answer was in the form of a graph (see representation below). The
vertical axis was the number of deaths, in millions. The horizontal axis was
time, indicated in months.
The graph was a straight line, starting at time
zero on the horizontal-on the vertical axis, the number of immediate deaths
expected within hours of our attack-and slanting upward to a maximum at six
months, an arbitrary cutoff for the deaths that would accumulate over time
from initial injuries and from fallout radiation.

The lowest number, at the left of the graph, was 275 million deaths. The
number at the right-hand side, at six months, was 325 million.
That same morning, with Komer's approval, I drafted another question to be
sent to the Joint Chiefs over the president's signature, asking for a total
breakdown of global deaths from our own attacks, to include not only the
whole Sino-Soviet bloc but all other countries that would be affected by
fallout. Again their answer was prompt. Komer showed it to me about a week
later, this time in the form of a table with explanatory footnotes.
In sum, 100 million more deaths, roughly, were predicted in East Europe.
There might be an additional 100 million from fallout in West Europe,
depending on which way the wind blew (a matter, largely, of the season).
Regardless of season, still another 100 million deaths, at least, were
predicted from fallout in the mostly neutral countries adjacent to the
Soviet bloc or China:
Japan and
Finland, for example, would be wiped out by fallout from U.S.
ground-burst explosions on the Soviet submarine pens at Leningrad. (The
total number of "casualties" - injured as well as killed - had not been
requested and was not estimated; nor were casualties from any Soviet
retaliatory strikes.)
The total death toll as calculated by the Joint Chiefs, from a U.S. first
strike aimed primarily at the Soviet Union and China, would be roughly 600
million dead. A hundred Holocausts.
In reading this account as presented by Ellsberg, one is struck by how
mundane so much of the procedure leading up to this report seems to be.
There is a boss who wants some information and people to whom he assigns the
task of researching the topic and coming up with an answer. Except for the
titles of the people involved - "the president"," the deputy assistant to
the president for national security", "the special assistant to the
assistant secretary of defense" - the people working on this report seem to
be ordinary people doing their jobs just as most of us are ordinary people
going about our jobs.
And it is just this: this juxtaposition of the horrific to the mundane that
gives the scenario its nightmarish quality. For what is being investigated
here in its ordinary, business-like way are the number of people -
represented by numbers on a graph and a chart- who would be killed in the
Soviet Union and China, the direct targets, and the number who would be
annihilated from radioactive fallout in the neutral countries in East and
West Europe, Finland, Austria, Finland, India, Japan.
At the end, 100
million deaths would occur if there were to be an attack: and, as Ellsberg
points out, not every possibility had been covered in the report, although
it does point out that "Finland would be wiped out".
So, in light of the example above, it may behoove us not to be sanguine
about experiments such as the one concerning fruit flies and their false man
made traumas.
In such a case it may serve us well to ask, as Neil Postman does:
What is the problem to which this technology is the solution?
For the fact is that before the experiments on these insects were done,
before the researchers collected their fruit flies and brought them to their
laboratories before they went to the trouble of directly manipulating the
nerve cells in their brains, there did not yet exist such a technology for
creating imaginary traumas in fruit flies.
Up until the "successful"
completion of this study, such traumas that came to be embedded in the
brains of fruit flies arrived there through the insect's direct experience
with the natural world.
One might pause here to reflect on the fact that a need for a technology to
implant false memories in fruit flies was of sufficient concern and
importance to someone that finances were allocated, plans were drawn up,
approved, and personnel were hired to undertake such a study.
How will the ability to induce false memories in fruit flies make life
better for fruit flies or for us?
Will whoever financed this this study that developed the technology to plant
false memories in the brains of fruit flies limit the application of this
technology solely to brains of their original subjects?
One has only to look at a number of recent technological "breakthroughs to
get a sense of the "problems" identified by those who have enough money and
influence to found studies to find an "answer" to such "problems".
Here are
the applications to which some of the successful results have been put:
Upon scanning through the titles, one notices that the technologies listed
above have some themes in common.
Developments in weaponry and crowd control
is one theme, and enhanced methods of surveillance are another. We notice
also that there is a reference to a food crisis, (Wasn't there a "Green
Revolution" to solve this problem, or could it be that the solution has
become the problem?), among other things.
Yet, it stands to reason that those who are benefiting from such
technologies as those employed in "Operation Hammer Anvil", or
"the Radio
Waves that See Through Walls" do not view these technologies as problems,
but as a means to an end.
What possible aims would lead to the development of technologies that give
their masters the power to shoot a laser at a moving vehicle or launch a
robot craft?
What type of consciousness would even conceive of such things?
To answer this, let us consider for a moment the immense influence the
owners and wielders of such technologies would be able to create for their
benefit. So much so that they could change existing power structures,
civilization as we know it, and decide the future of the human race.
Richard Dolan, historian and ufologist, addresses these concerns in his 2009
lecture: Exopolitics in a New Key: Creating a Fresh Roadmap (video at
bottom page).
The term "exopolitics" suggests a phenomenon outside of what most of us
ordinarily think of as "reality" that nevertheless is affecting our
infrastructures, political systems, and technologies.
Its influence is so
great that Dolan goes so far as to say that those with whom it collaborates
will have the means to develop technologies so advanced that they will give
those who have access to them an understanding of reality that the rest of
us could not even imagine let alone comprehend.
Are the fruit flies aware of the scientists who study them?
Are they aware
that the laboratory in which they find themselves is not their natural
world, and that the reality of their enclosures is not their true state?
the imprisoned fruit flies were to be visited by a member of their species
who had never been held captive and experimented upon would they be able to
accept or even conceive of the world from which it had come?
Or would they,
like the prisoners in Plato's "The Parable of the Cave" turn on this
stranger, vilify him, ridicule him, and perhaps even demand that he be put
to death?
And so, just as the insects are unaware of the scientists who move among
them, we as a species are collectively unaware of the alien presence that
moves among us.
Likewise, just as the scientists (whose lifespans stretch before them on a
scale that to a fruit fly would seem an eternity) have been studying and
manipulating generations of fruit flies - so this phenomenon (the length of
which is to our lifespans as they are to those of the fruit flies) has
studied us for generations.
Who Are They?
According to Dolan:
They operate by stealth.
There is likely more than one species involved with diverse agendas.
They are highly telepathic.
They have the ability to manipulate the human mind and emotions.
They seem to have mastered the ability to manipulate space and time.
What do we need to learn about them?
Why do we need to know this?
Uninformed citizens of a democracy is a very very dangerous thing. We must
disabuse ourselves of the notion that we have a truly open process -
politically, academically, or in our mainstream media. This matters when we
discuss topics such as UFO/ET Disclosure." - Richard Dolan
Why does this matter?
The answer seems to revolve around the rapid rise of cutting edge
technology, which has changed our world dramatically over the last 100 years
- and not for the better.
In the course of a human life span we have witnessed the decoding of the
human genome, the creation of artificial intelligences, the deletion of our
natural resources, and the nuclear bomb. And failing infrastructures which
have occurred over a "backdrop of global transformation"
In 1991 we saw the break-up of the Soviet Union, the birth of the personal
computer, the rise of the influence of the internet, what seems to be the
demise of the nation-state, and the rise of a New World Order controlled by
corporations and the financial sector.
Where is the money coming from that is enabling these changes to take place?
Dolan argues that many of these "advances" in technologies issue from what
he calls "Special Access Programs" that have little or no oversight and are
financed by illegal monies that come from securities fraud and narco-trafficking.
Government agencies have become dominated by private money to the extent
that in many cases they have completely no idea of what these SAPs involve.
If those who control the monies that go into the SAPs keep the technologies
that are developed to themselves, this has serious ramifications for the
rest of us. Take the rapid advances in the development of Artificial
Intelligence, for example. Dolan estimates that in about 10 years artificial
intelligence will outstrip our own. That means that our computers will be
smarter than we are!
What other cutting-edge technologies are being developed that will place
power in the hands of the few whose covert funds allow them to pay for them?
And who are the partners in this endeavor? Are they human? Dolan thinks not.
Are they benign? Look at the state of our world and our environment.
Dolan makes the case that there is numerous documentation for the existence
of a hyper-dimensional presence in our world, and that we, as citizens of
the world, need access to this information.
In order to understand the urgency of the situation Dolan asks this
Does it matter if disclosure comes from a democratic government or a fascist
Are we moving toward democracy or
A world of slaves and slave owners?
A world where the masses escape into virtual worlds?
Eugenics? Nanotech? Creation of a super race?
Elimination of redundant people
Is it possible that the differences between the two groups - the haves and
the have-nots - could one day be so great that that
two entirely separate
human civilizations could develop?
As we contemplate these questions and the implications of their answers, we
may feel that we are in a similar position to that of the fruit flies being
subject to experimentation. If we are indeed suspended now in a moment in
time when the possibility of a new, amoral, technologically advanced
civilization is poised to subsume our own, then the least we can do for
ourselves is to open our minds and listen to those who have walked this path
before us.
Fear has always been a method used to control the masses, so now more than
ever it is imperative that we keep our heads amidst the hysteria that is
being generated by the government and the media in their joint efforts to
create a sense of urgency for mass vaccinations to avert the certain
pandemic, (they say), that will inevitably be brought about by the H1N1
Like the technology being beamed into a fruit fly's brain to create
false trauma, these scare tactics are being beamed throughout the entire
globe to herd the population into accepting this newly created technology.
Knowledge Protects - Ignorance Endangers...
The information is out there; it
is up to us to choose to let it in.