by Paul Adams, J.D.
April 2012
ActivistPost Website
Spanish version
Part 1
Physical and Mental Health Assault
April 9, 2012

In their quest to undo what is natural and good,
the globalists have launched a war on children.
This war against children
and innocent life is very real and must not be confused with contrived fake
wars like the war on terror, war on drugs, and war on cancer.
Attack on Parental
The globalists’ first line of attack is government usurpation of parental
rights and reducing the age of consent for dangerous and unnecessary medical
Recently a paper entitled
After-birth Abortion: Why Should the Baby Live?
was published in the Journal of Medical Ethics. It argues that abortion
should be extended to make the killing of newborn babies permissible, even
if the baby is healthy.
The paper is another example of how
Rockefeller medical establishment is dominated by a
eugenicist mindset.
Both fetuses and newborns do not have the
same moral status as actual persons…
Killing a newborn should be permissible in
all the cases where abortion is, including cases where the newborn is
not disabled…
Merely being human is not in itself a reason
for ascribing someone a right to life. Indeed, many humans are not
considered subjects of a right to life: spare embryos where research on
embryo stem cells is permitted, fetuses where abortion is permitted,
criminals where capital punishment is legal.
Not to be outdone by science fiction, new
legislation in Australia is paving the way for children of any age to
consent to sterilization without parental consent.
The Bill states that if a psychiatrist
determines that a child under the age of 18 years is ‘sufficiently mature’,
they will be sterilized without any parental consent.
There is no minimum age requirement so long as
the child is deemed 'mature' enough by a psychiatrist.
The legislation, known as the
Draft Mental Health Bill 2011, also allows
12-year-olds to consent to psychosurgery and electroshock. Other provisions
call for children to be involuntarily detained if 'suspected' of mental
illness and forcibly restrained.
Thus, the globalists’ political operatives in Australia are in favor of
adopting the,
There is also an overt effort by governments to demonize children.
Canada, the Manitoba government has plastered convenience stores and city
buses in the province with 4x8-foot posters purporting to provide resources
for parents. However, the posters feature a child who looks satanically
possessed, portraying parenthood as something to be avoided. And if you
decide to parent, clearly you need State assistance.
Also in Canada, one-sided TV shows
promote euthanizing children with
disabilities, in the name or 'mercy.'
We must remember that in the Nazi context,
'euthanasia' represented a euphemistic term for a clandestine murder program
which targeted mentally and physically disabled patients for systematic
On August 18, 1939, the
Reich Ministry of the Interior circulated a decree
compelling all physicians, nurses, and midwives to report newborn infants
and children under the age of three who showed signs of severe mental or
physical disability.
Beginning in October 1939, public health
authorities began to encourage parents of children with disabilities to
admit their young children to one of a number of specially designated
pediatric clinics throughout Germany and Austria.
The clinics were in reality children's killing
wards where specially recruited medical staff murdered their young charges
by lethal overdoses of medication or by starvation.
In the United States, the Department of Health and Human Services announced
that all student health care plans covering female college students in the
United States must include coverage for
free voluntary sterilization
Women of college age who do not attend school will also get free
sterilization coverage whether they are insured through an employer, their
parents, or some form of government-subsidized plan.
In England, children believed to be at risk of descending into a life of
crime and aggression can and should be identified at the age of two,
according to the
Government's 'discipline expert', Charlie Taylor.
'Those children likely to 'go off the rails'
should be sent to specialist behavioral institutions at the age of five
to stop their bad behavior escalating,' said Taylor.
As a solution, Taylor calls for the most
disruptive children to be sent to special centers to learn how to control
their anger and get on with classmates before starting formal school.
'It’s about training them how to be in
school, how to behave properly in school, what the rules are, how to
contain themselves, how to express themselves,' he said.
In other words, nonconformists must be
identified early, isolated, and re-educated/conditioned by State-licensed
mental health professionals.
Vaccine Attack on
Health officials
in the U.S, U.K, Canada, Australia and around the world are
disregarding parents’ right to protect their children from dangerous
Not only are public health entities habitually
and deliberately failing to inform the public of their right to refuse
vaccines in both school and work settings, but they are working towards
mandatory vaccination protocols which will allow officials to conduct
childhood vaccinations without any parental consent at all.
In fact, The RAND Corporation, known for war strategies and paid by
pharmaceutical giant Sanofi Pasteur, outlined how to turn schools into
drug-dealing vaccine clinics.
California lawmakers successfully attacked countless children as Governor
Jerry Brown signed bill AB499 allowing 12-year-old children to consent to
injected with Gardasil vaccines without their parents' knowledge. Gardasil has wrecked thousands of lives nationwide, even leading to over 49
Starting with the Hepatitis B vaccine at birth, children are constantly
bombarded by the medical establishment trying to inject them with dangerous
Vaccines have injured thousands if not millions
of people and have been
proven to contain the following:
Fortunately, parents can currently refuse
vaccines for their children in most states, but that right is now under
With no mainstream media coverage,
assembly bill (AB 2109) was submitted to
the California Legislature by state assemblyman, Dr. Richard Pan
(D-Sacramento), which will make it harder for parents to refuse to vaccinate
their children.
The bill was sponsored by powerful players
within the medical establishment. If passed, parents who wish to opt their
children out of vaccines would be required to bring with them on the day of
public school enrollment a written statement from a medical doctor or
conventional 'health care practitioner' that states they have been informed
of the benefits and risks of vaccines and the communicable disease they are
said to prevent.
If California falls like
Washington State recently did with the loss of
their philosophical exemptions, many other states will likely follow.
Fluoride and Diet
Attack on Children
The war against children includes contaminating their food supply.
Nursery Water for Babies, a subsidiary of
Waters, proudly adds toxic fluoride to drinking water marketed for children.
Fluoride has been found to damage soft tissues (brain, kidneys, and
endocrine system), as well as teeth (dental fluorosis) and bones (skeletal
fluorosis). There are now 24 studies that show a relationship between fairly
modest exposure to fluoride and reduced IQ in children.
Drinking fluoride
causes bone cancer according to the Harvard School of
Dental Health.
Top baby formula brands sold in stores contain
alarmingly high levels of
corn syrup and sugar. In light of rising rates of childhood obesity and
diabetes, parents need to read labels carefully to protect their children's
health. For example, the top five ingredients listed for Similac Sensitive
Formula for Fussiness and Gas are: Corn Syrup Solids, Sugar (Sucrose), Milk
Protein Isolate, High Oleic Safflower Oil, Soy Oil.
Soft drink conglomerates such as Coke and Pepsi target children with their
One can of Coke contains approximately 9
teaspoons of sugar and provides no nutritional value.
GMO Attack on Children
GM crops, most of which are produced by
Monsanto and DuPont, also can harm
They first appeared in 1995, and today
bio-engineered seeds are used in 81 percent of corn crops, 91 percent of
soybean crops and 95 percent of sugar beet crops. Genetically modified foods
are used in most processed foods and as feedstock for most cattle and
GMO soy has been linked to
sterility and infant mortality in animals.
books and thousands of articles have been written about the dangers of GMO
Bill Gates openly admits that he wants the world to have a lot
less children. He and his globalist friends have plans to reduce the world’s
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, purchased
500,000 shares in Monsanto in 2010 valued at more than $23 million.
Dumb-Down Attack and Debt Slavery
Education is what remains after one has
forgotten what one has learned in school.
Albert Einstein
As John Taylor Gatto and Charlotte
Iserbyt have documented, the public school system is not a failure; it
is tremendously successful in its intended purpose of
deliberately dumbing
children down.
Public schooling is a monopoly that uses the
police power of the State to guarantee its customers, as truancy laws make
attendance mandatory.
The days of being productive while we learn
things that interest us (master/apprentice) are over for those under
eighteen years old,
absent home schooling or unschooling. The days of
unnatural boredom and robotic memorization of lies to pass standardized
tests will never end until forced public schooling ends.
Public schools now employ the national socialistic
Prussian system to create
human drones for the army, obedient workers for the mines and business,
subordinated civil servants to government, and citizens conditioned to
quietly obey authority figures like children in a classroom.
Our Prussian education teaches us not to
question the system constructed by
our shadowy rulers, consisting of the
absurd left-versus-right divided-and-conquered political paradigm built on a
sand foundation of debt-based fiat currency and fractional reserve banking.
Aside from the poor quality of the public education systems, many higher
education students find themselves in
student loan debt hell.
In 2010, the average college graduate had
accumulated approximately $25,000 in student loan debt by graduation day.
Americans have accumulated well over $1 trillion in student loan debt. That
figure is higher than the total amount of credit card debt in the United
However, unlike credit card debt, student loans
almost never discharged in bankruptcy.
War Attack
War is a racket that kills and wounds children. It is a racket in which the
profits are reckoned in dollars and control over
the grand chessboard, while
the losses are measured in lives.
Depleted uranium was used against the children of Iraq and will continue to
injure and kill for many years to come.
...were used against children in the farming villages of Vietnam.
Nuclear bombs were used against the children of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Such
examples are endless.
According to Professor R.J. Rummel of the University of Hawaii,
Democide is
the murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide,
politicide, and mass murder. Democide does not include soldiers killed in
During the 20th Century (1900s) alone, Rummel calculates that
government power was used to murder approximately 262,000,000 people, many
of them children.
Wars are also used to justify absurd security measures such as airport naked
body porno scanners, which condition children to
cooperate with sex
predators and accept abuse by authority figures.
In conclusion, the globalists have launched a multi-front war on the
physical and mental health of children (below video).
However, it is ultimately a
conditioning program directed toward the whole of society in an effort to
acclimate the population to the concept that children (our future) is
As we will see in the next two parts of this
series, the conditioning program has many other levels that indicate a very
disturbing endgame.
Part 2
Predators, the Occult, and Pop Culture
April 10, 2012

It is well documented that global pedophile rings are operated primarily due
to demand from rich elitists in positions of power.
Cases in Portugal, Austria, France, Chile,
Belgium, and Bosnia have all pointed to the involvement of prominent
individuals in sex rings, sadomasochistic orgies and even murder.
Many within the global elite are sexual predators that target children. On
the morning of June 29, 1989 'Homosexual Prostitution Probe Ensnares
Official of Bush, Reagan,' screamed the front-page headline of the
Washington Times with the kicker 'Call Boys Took Midnight Tour of White
The Times reported, 'A homosexual prostitution
ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes
among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations,
military officers, congressional aides and U.S. and foreign businessmen with
close ties to Washington's political elite.'
publicized by Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, in the late 1990s,
DynCorp whistleblower Ben Johnston stated that supervisors engaged in
sex with 12- to 15-year-old children, and sold them to each other as slaves.
Ben Johnston ended up fired, and later forced into protective custody.
According to Johnston, girls were kidnapped by DynCorp employees from
Russia, Romania and other places.
DynCorp whistleblower, Kathryn
Bolkovac, demonstrated that DynCorp had a $15 million contract to hire
and train police officers for duty in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The officers were paying for prostitutes and
participating in sex trafficking. Additionally, one of the US embassy cables
released by WikiLeaks said that DynCorp workers who were employed to train
Afghan policemen took drugs and paid for young 'dancing boys' (child
prostitutes) to entertain them.
former FBI agent Ted Gunderson,
former Georgia senator Nancy Schaefer
investigated crimes, abuse, and kidnapping within Georgia’s
child protective
She found that,
'Child Protective Services nationwide has
become corrupt and that the entire system is broken almost beyond
repair. I am convinced parents and families should be warned of the
For her efforts to protect children, Nancy and
her husband were 'suicided,' much like
DC Madam Deborah Jeane Palfrey who
provided escorts to U.S. senators.
The Franklin Cover-Up (below video), involved government
drug smuggling, money laundering,
child kidnapping and
recruiting boys from orphanages in the Midwest for sex
with U.S. Congressmen.
Ted Gunderson also gave speeches exposing
the CIA and international child trafficking (below video).
another elitist pedophile ring has been exposed with the bust of
44-year-old mother of four Anna Gristina, charged with running a
prostitution ring out of a New York apartment that relied on police
protection to provide wealthy clients with minors for sexual encounters.
Until recently, Goldman Sachs
owned a 16 percent stake in Village Voice
media, which owns Backpage.com, possibly the largest forum for sex
trafficking of under-age girls in the United States.
Backpage has 70% of the
market for prostitution ads,
according to AIM Group, a trade organization.
When a journalist reported this information,
Goldman Sachs frantically unloaded its shares.
Pop Culture Perversion
Attack on Children
The children of the world are being attacked and degraded by the mainstream
media and entertainment, which is almost entirely
controlled by only six
Madonna’s recent occult Superbowl half-time show and Nikki Minaj’s black
mass satanic ritual at the 2012 Grammy Awards was only the tip of the
According to the research of
Fritz Springmeier and many others,
Disney truly is the 'magic kingdom,' that is occult
magic. Walt Disney was a 33° Freemason and an Illuminist who
worked with government to program children.
That’s why
Disney’s exclusive club is named Club
Behind the cartoons, magazines, movies etc., is a hidden agenda to
condition children's minds.
Disney's production over the years is filled
with Masonic symbolism, occultism, mind control and indoctrination. Disney
prepares our younger generations for the New World Order, and introduces
them to sorcery (black magic) as being a something good.
Disney is known to place
subliminal messages in its films and for
sexualizing children.
What are Madonna,
Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera,
and Anna Nicole Smith telling us?
Disney is not alone.
Lifetime channel's Dance Moms recently asked its child
contestants, the youngest of whom is just eight-years-old, to dress in nude
bikinis and perform a burlesque routine on stage. The raunchy dance moves
are usually the domain of striptease experts, the X-rated acts brimming with
nudity, nipple tassels and sexually explicit poses.
A clip from the show reveals dance teacher
Abby Lee Miller dressing the children in tan bikinis to give the
audience the impression of full nudity, before asking them to act as if a
man 'cant' afford' them.
Similar to occult movie blockbusters
Harry Potter and
The Hunger
Games amounts to a satanic ritual for teens. In the movie, twenty-four teens
must enter gladiatorial games to
torture and kill each other.
The victors
are paraded throughout the country.
Parents of murdered children must salute
the victors; the murderers of their children. The victor's families are moved into nice houses
and are wealthy for the remainder of their lives. The families of the
murdered children receive nothing.
As exposed by the documentary,
They Sold Their Souls For Rock and Roll,
many of the nation’s top music stars practice the Satanism of
Crowley and/or
Anton Lavey.
The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Marilyn Manson, The Eagles, The Doors, Led
Zeppelin, Eminem, Snoop Dog, Ozzy Osborne, AC/DC and many more
have ties to
Satanism. These artists knowingly corrupt children by encouraging them to
engage in drug and alcohol use, promiscuity, and other life destroying
Vigilant Citizen has documented countless examples of the media targeting
and manipulating children through movies, television, advertising and music.
Hollywood constantly produces horror movies to invoke fear in children,
knowing that fear is the opposite of love. We labor hard to earn money and
then waste it on letting our kids watch Saw, Nightmare on Elm Street,
Friday the 13th, Scream and the like.
These movies destroy our minds and souls as we entertain ourselves seeing
others tortured, maimed, toyed with and killed.
Our children have become obese by playing video games rather than enjoying
outdoors activities.
A recent study published in the Journal of Experimental
Social Psychology concluded that violent video games desensitized players to
violent imagery. Further testing showed that subjects who played games like Killzone or Grand Theft Auto showed more aggressive behavior against
However, extremely aggressive individuals that have been desensitization to
violence likely make great soldiers and
Predator drone controllers, which
the globalists need to bomb unsuspecting children in Pakistan.
Violence toward children is rising, as the violence that children are
exposed to through media is also increasing. It is a recipe for creating a
culture that is obsessed with themes of extinction.
Could it be that this is exactly the plan that
elites are attempting to fulfill?
Part 3
Culling the Human Race
April 11, 2012

The most merciful thing
that a
large family does
to one of its infant members is to kill
Margaret Sanger
Founder of Planned
The globalists are attacking children through
genocide of abortion, often justified under the false Malthusian premise
that the world is overpopulated so the human race must be culled.
For example, President Obama’s top science and
technology advisor John P. Holdren
co-authored a 1977 book in which
he advocated the formation of a 'planetary regime' that would use a 'global
police force' to enforce totalitarian measures of population control,
Holdren’s model seems to be that of Communist
China, where family planning authorities
forcibly abort nine-month year-old
children under a draconian one-child policy.
Said policy has resulted in a massive imbalance
in the population with 40 million girls are ‘missing’ in China as a result
of gender-selective abortion and infanticide. That is, 40 million Chinese
males will not find a spouse or ever start a family.
In addition to sponsoring vaccine research to reduce the population, the
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation supports the services of Planned
Parenthood, which includes millions of abortions.
Bill Gates’ father even served on the
board of
Planned Parenthood.
In 2000, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
provided the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) $8.8
Likewise, Planed Parenthood receives financial
support from the federal government, many millionaires, corporations and
foundations, including
the Rockefeller (below video), Ford and Carnegie foundations and
billionaire investor Warren Buffet’s foundation.
Planned Parenthood performed
332,278 abortions
in the United States in 2009. That is about as many as the 333,012 people
who lived in the city of Cincinnati, Ohio, in 2009, according to the U.S.
Census Bureau.
The Obama Administration has given its blessing to PepsiCo to continue
utilizing the services of a company that produces flavor chemicals for the
beverage giant using aborted human fetal tissue.
The aborted fetal
tissue used to
make Pepsi's flavor chemicals allegedly
does not end up in the final product sold to customers. Instead it is used
to evaluate how actual human taste receptors respond to these chemical
But the fact that Pepsi uses them at all when
viable, non-human alternatives are available illustrates the company's
blatant disregard for ethical and moral concerns in the matter. Is our
disregard for children and fetuses reducing us to cannibalism?
There is now no question that a massive industry exists,
harvesting pieces
of dead children for experiments, or transplantation into animals.
According to former abortion clinic technician
Dean Alberty, clinics were harvesting eyes, brains, hearts, limbs,
torsos and other body parts for sale to the scientific market:
laboratories wanting to test new drugs or
procedures, or researchers trying to find the causes of genetic
The trafficking was taking place inside abortion
clinics run by Planned Parenthood.
In America, late-term abortions are permitted, even up to 30 weeks
gestation. It’s a three-day procedure and involves forcing the mother to go
into labor but killing the baby with a spike to the base of the skull before
it leaves the birth canal. Even so, according to Alberty, it wasn’t unusual
out of the 30 or 40 late-term abortions each week to see several babies born
alive on the operating table before clinicians could perform the procedure.
They were coming out alive. The doctor would either break the neck or take a
pair of tongs and basically beat the fetus until it was dead.
In conclusion,
the globalists have launched a multi-front war on children in
an effort to reduce the population, destroy traditional virtues and the
family. This war must be exposed and ended by a massive amount of people
simply refusing to participate in globalist policies.
It is time to fly out of our self-imposed prisons.