by Dr Michael Salla
February 13, 2022

On February 8, 40 out of 49
Starlink satellites launched by
Musk's SpaceX for his space-based communications system failed to
reach their orbital paths and crashed back to Earth in a fiery
SpaceX quickly
put out a
statement that a geomagnetic storm was the culprit, even though the
storm hitting the Earth during the satellites' deployment was
relatively weak.
According to a
representative of the
Galactic Federation of Worlds, however, the
satellites were shot down by a
Deep State faction still active in
It has been two months since I
last shared information from
Thor Han Eredyon, as relayed through
Elena Danaan, so it is worth repeating
why I consider his information reliable and worth considering.
- First, Elena was a
former professional archeologist who worked both in Egypt and France
for 20 years.
Elena gave up a respected professional career to work
on esoteric and extraterrestrial related topics, which carry little
prestige among her former peers.
A pure motivation and
integrity are vital elements for reliable information, and Elena
displays these in abundance in her communications with Thor Han.
- Second, there have been multiple sources that have come forward
who have independently confirmed key aspects of Elena's information,
many of whom I have interviewed about a variety of topics she first
In particular,
...all confirm key
aspects of Thor Han and Elena's testimony about a large fleet of
spacecraft comprising highly evolved extraterrestrials that recently
entered our solar system.
In addition, Elena's
information about an
Ashtar Command
facility on Jupiter used for
galactic diplomacy was independently corroborated by a remote
viewing team
from the Farsight Institute.
- Finally, I have worked closely with Elena in vetting and
corroborating her information using open-source scientific
Elena is not merely content to put out unsubstantiated
stories, but vetting and confirming all the information she receives
and relays out to the public.
An excellent example is that Elena has just let me know about a
February 10 scientific announcement confirming that a third planet
was discovered around Proxima Centauri, a red dwarf star:
In her book,
A Gift
from the Stars, she had stated that,
there were three inhabited
planets orbiting Proxima Centauri, four around Alpha Centauri, and
six around Beta Centauri which she illustrated in a diagram (p.

Used with permission from
Elena Danaan,
'A Gift From the Stars' (2020)
This kind of scientific corroboration is an important reason why I
enjoy working with Elena and believe her information from her
Galactic Federation sources is reliable and well worth considering
to get the big picture of what is happening on Earth, our solar
system, and beyond.
On February 10, I asked Elena about the failed Starlink satellites:
Did you notice that
40 of Elon Musk's Starlink satellites were knocked down due to
solar activity, even though it's quite weak at the moment.
Perhaps Thor Han can enlighten us on what really happened?
Later that day, Elena
sent me Thor Han's reply:
E: Now what about
these 40 satellites knocked [out] by a solar emission?
TH: I am allowed to tell you that the attack was shot from the
ground, not from space. Some of the secret organizations on this
planet have a military program and hybrid weapons.
E: What are hybrid weapons?
TH: Back engineered technology from the enemy, including non-Terran
parts. This wasn't shot from the USA but from the European
There is a powerful dark cult that owns this type of
E: So all bad ETs have gone from Earth, but still, there are
some negative human organizations up and running?
TH: Yes, we are doing our best to assist you in taking
them down.
It's worth pointing out
that Ben Davidson from
Space Weather News did an analysis of the
geomagnetic storm that impacted the SpaceX satellites.
He pointed out how weak
these were in comparison to severe space weather that can be as much
as 1000 times more powerful.
Most importantly, he affirmed that SpaceX satellites have survived geomagnetic conditions ten times as
disruptive as the one that allegedly took out the satellites.
To explain the puzzling failure of the satellites, Davidson
concludes that the real culprit for their demise is the Earth's
weakening geomagnetic field.
Effectively taking away
Earth's protective shield from disruptive space weather...
It's hard to imagine that a weakening geomagnetic field suddenly
makes SpaceX satellites vulnerable to space-weather 10 times weaker
to what has been previously endured.
The more likely scenario
is that the weak space weather in the path of the satellites was
temporarily augmented in a disguised attack, as claimed by Thor Han.
It's likely that the place in Europe that was used in the attack on
Musk's satellites is in northern Italy...
This has long been
rumored to be a stronghold for the "black
nobility" and was the birthplace of
Italian Fascism in
the 1920s.
Occult researchers such
as Fritz Springmeier have discussed in books such as
'13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati,' the long history and power of the
black nobility that dates back to medieval Europe.
I further speculate that the hybrid weapons system and military
program used in the attack was very likely associated with the same
aerospace defense contractor allegedly involved in
hijacking the
2020 US federal elections in what was widely dubbed "Italygate", and
led to furious debunking efforts by mainstream media sources
such as
Leonardo SpA is an
Italian satellite company that gets defense contracts from military
organizations worldwide in building advanced aerospace technologies.
Thor Han's information suggests that the weak geomagnetic storm that
impacted the Starlink satellites was, in fact, a cover for a
Directed Energy Weapon that was used to increase the storm's
severity in the vicinity of the Starlink satellites.
This is the same method
in which natural hurricanes are exacerbated and redirected by
weather modification technologies, which
were acknowledged to exist
in 1997 by
William Cohen, the Secretary of Defense, during
the Bill Clinton administration.
This would explain why SpaceX engineers and scientists believed a
geomagnetic storm was responsible for the Starlink satellites'
demise, since the Deep State's weather modification technologies are
not widely known.
Thor Han went on to describe Elon Musk's role and why his satellites
are now being targeted by a Deep State faction:
TH: Listen, this
will be difficult for some people to hear:
Elon Musk is
protected by us, as long as he will respect the agreements
of good conduct.
He was granted
assistance in developing more advanced technologies for the good
future of this planet. The Terrans working for service to self
are trying all they can to stop him.
I first discussed Musk's
involvement with the Galactic Federation of Worlds back
July 2021 when it was claimed he attended the diplomatic meetings
held high in Jupiter's atmosphere at the Ashtar Command
facility there.
Musk's entrepreneurial
endeavors have had a powerful effect in advancing the electric car
industry, rocket industry, and now satellite communications
It is very plausible that Musk is
being helped by the Galactic
Federation to release more advanced technologies, many of which have
been suppressed for decades.
Currently, there are
6000 patent applications that have been suppressed by secrecy
orders imposed by the Intelligence and Defense communities through
the US Patents and Trademark Office.

In earlier articles, I have discussed how an "Earth Alliance" is
being helped to build
advanced technologies on the Moon for eventual
public release.
This raises the critical question:
Is Starlink going to become an
important tool for helping free humanity, or will it be used to
control us with even more sophisticated technologies?
A crucial
point to keep in mind in finding an answer is that the current
global communications system is controlled by Deep State assets that
own the mainstream media and big tech social media companies.
These companies have been used to censor free speech all over the
world, inflame public passions through contrived social and medical
crises, and stifle the Great Awakening taking place on our planet.
Musk's Starlink would
break the Deep State's monopoly control over global communications,
which explains why his Starlink satellites are now being targeted.
While credible independent sources such as Ben Davidson find
it plausible (above video) that,
Musk's Starlink satellites were knocked down by a
weak geomagnetic storm,
...I don't buy it...
Given the Deep State's
access to weather modification and other hybrid technologies that
can exacerbate atmospheric and solar storms with great accuracy, I
find Thor Han's explanation far more plausible and worth
investigating further.