



 -  A Brief History of The Planet Earth



 -  Alienologia - Studi e Ricerche Sulle Civiltà Extraterrestri



 -  An Andromedan Perspective on Galactic History



 -  An Overview of The Major Events in The Galaxy



 -  Diferentes Tipologías de Extraterrestres - Main File



 -  Different Typologies of Extraterrestrials - Main File



 -  Earth as Real Estate



 -  Earth's Galactic History



 -  Evidence of Ancient Extraterrestrial Invasions found in Holy Bible and Historical Texts


 -  Extraterrestrial Civilizations - Main File



 -  Galactic History According to Alex Collier and The Andromedans


 -  Galactic History - The Old Universe/Old Empire/Mind Eaters/DNA


 -  Galactic War III



 -  Historia Galáctica Según Alex Collier y Los Andromedanos


 -  History of The Galaxy - Alex Collier



 -  Human Origins and The Living Library


 -  La Civilización y Confederación de Andrómeda - Marielalero


 -  La Historia de La Galaxia - Alex Collier


 -  Las Pleyades - Main File


 -  Las Pléyades en La Historia Galáctica de La Tierra


 -  La Tierra como Un Inmueble


 -  Los Antiguos Guardianes de la Biblioteca Viviente - El Experimento Original


 -  Los Orígenes Humanos y la Biblioteca Viviente


 -  Por qué un Equipo de Científicos quiere Cambiar el Concepto de qué es "Vida" - En busca de Extraterrestres


 -  Terra Papers - A História Secreta do Planeta Terra



 -  Terra Papers - Hidden History of Planet Earth



 -  Terra Papers - La Historia Secreta del Planeta Tierra



 -  The Ages of Urăs - The Deep History of Planet Earth and Its People as Known to the Civilizations of our Galaxy


 -  The Ancient Guardians of The Living Library


 -  The Final Countdown! - Cosmic Conflicts - Clarity of Thought...


 -  The Pleiades in Earth's Galactic History


 -  Una Breve Historia del Planeta Tierra


 -  Una Perspectiva de Andrómeda Sobre la Historia Galáctica


Additional Information


 -  Alex Collier and The Andromedans - Main File



 -  Appendix to The Code to The Matrix - from "The Code to The Matrix"

 -  Defining Lyfe in the Universe - From Three Privileged Functions to Four Pillars


 -  Die beste Geschichte, die nie erzählt wird - das Buch von Lana Cantrell


 -  Entrevista a Un Contactado


 -  Fallen Goddess Scenario - The Sophianic Myth


 -  Galactic Empires - from 'Xenology - An Introduction to The Scientific Study of...'


 -  Galactic Federations and Councils - Main File


 -  Hidden History of The Human Race


 -  Integration With Universe Society - Toward a Decade of Contact


 -  La Historia Más Grande Jamás Contada - Reseña del Libro de Lana Cantrell


 -  Las Canalizaciones de Marielalero - Comentarios y Respuestas al Foro de Trinity A Tierra - 2011


 -  Las Canalizaciones de Marielalero - Comentarios y Respuestas al Foro de Trinity A Tierra - 2012


 -  Las Edades de Uraš - La Historia Profunda del Planeta Tierra y Sus Pueblos


 -  La Teogonía - Caída del Hombre desde Una Civilización Superior en La Antigüedad


 -  Los Hacedores de Alas - Main File



 -  Los Nibiru, los Anunnaki y la Retro-evolución Humana - Historia de Dos Hermanos


 -  Los Pioneros de La Tierra


 -  Lyssa Royal and Galactic Information - Main File


 -  Quienes Son Los Ummitas


 -  Razas Universales


 -  Sumer and The Anunnaki - Main File


 -  The Earth's Pioneers


 - "The Earth Will Be Mine" - Fall of Man From a Higher Civilization in Antiquity


 -  The Greatest Story Never Told - Book Review of Lana Cantrell's


 -  The New World and Its Fall - Fall of Man From a Higher Civilization in Antiquity


 -  The Nibiru, The Anunnaki and Human Devolution - A Tale of Two Brothers


 -  The Theogony - Fall of Man From a Higher Civilization in Antiquity


 -  The Wingmakers - Main File



 -  UFO-Contact From Planet Iarga



 -  UFO-Contact From Planet Ummo - 14 Lightyears Away - A Perfect Case? - Main File


 -  Universal Races



 -  Universe Politics





 -  Bringers of The Dawn - by Barbara Marciniak


 -  Defendiendo Tierra Sagrada - El Compendio de Andrómeda - por Alex Collier


 -  Defending Sacred Ground - The Andromedan Compendium - by Alex Collier


 -  El Prisma De Lira - Una Exploración De La Herencia Galáctica del Ser Humano - por Lyssa Royal y Keith Priest

 -  Estrela Amiga - AMARU II - por Anjee Cristina


 -  Mensajeros del Alba - por Barbara Marciniak


 -  Nossa América Rebelde - AMARU I - por Anjee Cristina


 -  O Prisma de Lira - Uma Exploração da Herança Galáctica Humana - Lyssa Royal - Keith Priest

 -  The Greatest Story Never Told - by L.C. Cantrell

 -  The Paul Wallis books:


        Echoes of Eden - What Secrets of Human Potential were Buried with our Ancestors' Memories of Et Contact?


        Escaping from Eden - Does Genesis teach that the Human Race was Created by God or Engineered by Ets?


        The Eden Conspiracy - Ancient Memories of ET Contact and the Bible before Go


        The Scars of Eden - Has Humanity Confused the idea of God with memories of ET Contact?


 -  The Prism of Lyra - An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage - by Lyssa Royal and Keith Priest

 -  The Wes Penre papers:


        First Level of Learning - A Journey Through the Multiverse


        Second Level of Learning - The Extraterrestrial Manipulation of Mankind


        Third Level of Learning - The Rise of the Machine Kingdom


        Fourth Level of Learning - Lucifer's Rebellion


 -  Xenology - An Introduction to The Scientific Study of Extraterrestrial Life, Intelligence, and Civilization - by Freitas




 -  Alex Collier Hablando en Japón - 2007


 -  Alex Collier Speaking in Japan - 2007


 -  An Andromedan Perspective on Galactic History


 -  Explore 10 Billion Years of Galactic History

 -  Extraterrestrials' Effects on Human History

 -  Perspectiva Andromedana Sobre La Historia Galáctica - Alex Collier

 -  The Book of Man


 -  Transformación Dimensional de La Tierra - Alfred Webre en SOLirisTV


Related Reports


 -  Cosmos - Main File


 -  Humanity's History and Ancient Civilizations - Main File


 -  Las Canalizaciones de Marielalero - Main File


 -  The Occult Reptilians Saga - Main File



 -  The Saga of Flying Objects - Present and Past - Main File