by CarlosZ

September 16, 2024

from BitChute Website







With God Vs Aliens, award-winning filmmaker Mark Christopher Lee states that,

the Vatican's publishing of a new guide on apparitions is paving the way for full disclosure of the UFO phenomena.

Lee comments:

"The Vatican has been studying UFOs for decades and even has its own Cardinal appointed to deal with first contact.


From my research I believe that this new guidance on apparitions is proof that they know that UFOs are more than just physical crafts from other worlds and that they have a paranormal side to them."

Lee's film God Vs Aliens, looks at the role that the Vatican has played in keeping the truth hidden from the public and that they are convinced, as are members of the US and UK governments, that UFOs are "demonic" in origin...

Lee adds:

"I have spoken to some UFO researchers who actually believe that the Vatican are collaborating in the cover up with the US military.


The fact is the truth may be too scary for it to be revealed which is why we are not seeing full UFO disclosure.


We could handle the fact that there is Alien life on other planets, but,

could we handle life from other dimensions or realms of existence...?"

The film also looks at the role that AI (Artificial Intelligence) will play in the search for extraterrestrial life.


It features Harvard Professor Avi Loeb, who controversially says that,

Alien A.I. will bypass humanity altogether and form a bond with our own AI...!








Video also HERE and HERE...




God Versus Aliens reveal Vatican UFO secrets
May 2024

from LandMarkCinemas Website





The documentary 'God Versus Aliens' reveal the Vatican's secrets about UFOs.

The award-winning filmmaker Mark Christopher Lee says that the Vatican publishing new guidance on apparitions means that the full disclosure about the UFO phenomena is getting closer.

He said:

"The Vatican has been studying UFOs for decades and even has its own Cardinal appointed to deal with first contact.


From my research I believe that this new guidance on apparitions is proof that they know that UFOs are more than just physical crafts from other worlds and that they have a paranormal side to them."

The film analyses the role that the Vatican has played in keeping the truth about UFOs hidden from the public and suggests they believe - along with members of the US and UK governments - that the spacecrafts are "demonic" in origin.

Lee added:

"I have spoken to some UFO researchers who actually believe that the Vatican are collaborating in the cover up with the US military.


The fact is the truth may be too scary for it to be revealed which is why we are not seeing full UFO disclosure.

"We could handle the fact that there is Alien life on other planets, but,

could we handle life from other dimensions or realms of existence?"

The film also studies the role that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will play in the hunt for extraterrestrial life and features a contribution from Harvard Professor Avi Loeb, who controversially claims that,

Alien AI will bypass humanity completely and form a bond with artificial intelligence on Earth...



God Versus Aliens' - A New Documentary exploring the intersection of Faith, Society and UFOs
August 08, 2023

from Higgypop Website



In an age where the headlines are buzzing with talk about Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs) and possible disclosure of the existence of extraterrestrial life, a new documentary by Mark Christopher Lee delves into the profound questions surrounding the impact of such disclosure on society and religion.

The creator of "God Versus Aliens," explained the inspiration behind the documentary in an extensive conversation with Steve Higgins.


According to Mark, the recent news stories and potential of disclosure were strong motivators to tackle this subject.

"The main premise of the film is to tackle the debate about these issues surrounding disclosure that society will have to face quite soon.


We're all talking about Disclosure, but no one's like saying, what would be the consequences of disclosure?" said Mark.

The film also includes commentary from Mark, who scripted and narrated the documentary.


Drawing from his background in science and a longstanding interest in the paranormal, he shared insights into his curiosity about how potential disclosure might affect society and the world's religions.

'God Versus Aliens' aims to ask rather than answer questions, presenting a nuanced and impartial view.

It explores various theories regarding the reasons behind the government's secrecy on the subject, the impact on religious beliefs, and the potential societal impact.

Mark spoke to the potential clash between faith and the existence of extraterrestrial beings, mentioning an interview with Reverend Daniel Thompson, who surprisingly sees no problem with ETs being part of God's creation.


Nick Pope, also featured in the film, pondered the possibility that aliens might bring their religions with them, leading to a "reverse colonialism."

The film goes beyond the conventional ideas of aliens coming from outer space.

Mark referred to John Keel's ultra-terrestrial theory, suggesting that these beings might be already among us.


They could be from a different dimension, feeding us what we need to see, leading to various cultural interpretations of the phenomena over time.

Mark also discussed the idea of AI-driven crafts, a theory put forward by Avi Loeb from Harvard University.


The documentary explores the possibility of,

AI clones and the implication of alien AI beings bypassing humans and contacting our AI.

According to Mark, the disclosure that "we are not alone" could have a colossal impact on society, though perhaps not as dramatic as 'War Of The Worlds'.


The film also explores how major institutions like the Catholic Church might cope with such a paradigm shift.

"Some people have suggested that this sort of stuff is already in the Vatican's secret archives," Mark added.

'God Versus Aliens' serves more as a conversation opener than a conclusion-drawer.


By exploring evidence from historical texts, engaging with experts like Seth Shostak, the chief astronomer of SETI, and presenting a balanced view, it invites viewers to contemplate a complex and multifaceted issue.

The documentary is an essential watch for those interested in the intersection of science, faith, and the unknown, offering a grounded and thoughtful perspective on questions that have captured the human imagination for generations.