by David Icke
28 March 2013
DavidIcke Website
I will explain why what has happened in
Cyprus has crossed a crucial line, green or any other color, but
first some essential background is necessary.
Background is always necessary to put an
event into context and the mainstream media never provide that.
They tell you about a situation in isolation - as a dot - with very
few others connected, mostly none at all. This presents the world as
a series of dots or events that appear to have no explanation or
connection beyond the barely-one-dimensional cover stories read from
the Teleprompter and spewing from the mendacious mouths of ‘world
People cannot understand world events without the following:
An awareness that a network of
families and secret societies connect,
...and so on.
The understanding that this
network is seeking to create a world in which a tiny
mega-rich few living in isolated high-tech luxury rule over
a poverty-stricken masses with no ‘middle class’, just
mega-rich and a mega-poor kept in line by
an Orwellian police state.
An appreciation that the
technique most efficiency deployed to take us there is to
continually engineer problems to which they can impose
solutions (the technique I dubbed long ago
Problem-Reaction-Solution) and each ‘solution’ takes
them closer to their goal.
When you further know that the
Rothschild dynasty oversees all of this and that Goldman Sachs is an
asset of
the Rothschilds you can see why
Goldman Sachs has been so heavily involved in
the financial crash in Europe (see
Greece for a start) and why a ‘former’ Goldman Sachs executive,
Mario Draghi, is the head of the Rothschild-instigated European
Central Bank which is coordinating the engineered mayhem in league
with the Rothschild-owned German government.
With this background, the current outrages in Cyprus - and their
global implications - can be clearly explained …
