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ProjectCamelot Website
The following is a detailed summary of
our tentative, current understanding of the core issues related to
presence of the visitors, and the possible
earth changes
that may be ahead of us.
By its very nature it is subject to change and revision at any time,
as the Big Picture comes into focus and becomes clearer.
It is also
intended to provoke thought and to invite readers to do their own
research and analysis. It would be extraordinary if every detail
below were correct.
Much of this information is also elsewhere on this site (interview
Henry Deacon) and elsewhere,
but the summary below may be a useful synopsis for the purposes of
The Roswell
The visitors who
crashed at Roswell were future
humans 1.
They were not from another planet 2,
but from a future Earth stepping (which may be a better word than
traveling) back in time to 1947 to attempt to deal with serious
problems which had occurred in their history 3. Their
mission was to try to change their past by creating an alternative
branch of their own timeline, so that particular events about to
happen to us in our very near future would not actually occur.
The Roswell visitors were on a purely altruistic mission. They did
not have to do this, but chose to... out of compassion.
But the
mission went disastrously wrong not just because they crashed (an
accident caused by high-powered radar later the military realized
this and made use of radar as a weapon), but because they had a
device with them which was their only means, as an orientation
device in time and space, to get them home and back to their own
The device was a little box, highly advanced and multifunctional in
nature, and was far smaller than the "Looking
Glass" that
Dan Burisch 4 and
Bill Hamilton 5 describe as being subsequently
utilized by military scientists in various experiments.
When the box
was acquired and investigated by the military, this became a
catastrophe in itself. It made the timeline problem many times
worse, because this both introduced time manipulation technology to
us at the wrong time... and also told the military what lay ahead.
It can not be stressed too strongly how totally calamitous for us
all the Roswell incident was. It was a major, major setback,
right at the start of the future humans' project to help fix the
Acquiring a device such as that which
the Roswell visitors carried would immediately alter the timeline
which the future humans were trying to change in the first place...
so there would then be two timelines that need fixing, and not just
NOAA, the Dark
Star, and Global Warming
A small organization within
NOAA (National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration) is aware of what scientists there
sometimes call the second sun. This is a massive astronomical
object, possibly a
dwarf 6, which is on a long
elliptical orbit around our own sun on an inclined plane to the rest
of the planets.
To align with other researchers 7, we'll
refer to this as
the Dark Star.
The Dark Star is now approaching, and is causing resonance effects
on our sun in various ways 8. This is the cause of the
warming of all the planets, not just the Earth 9. This
information is classified, but has been known for a number of years10.
This issue is connected with the Roswell catastrophe described
above. The problems the future humans were attempting to address
were multiple, but principally featured a possible event triggered
by a massive 'spike' of solar activity at some point in our
currently near future.
We emphasize most strongly that this event is only possible (having
been observed in Looking Glass devices in a possible
future)... and, importantly, is now evaluated to be unlikely 11.
increase in solar activity is caused only in part by the Dark
Star, multiple factors being at play. These are complex.
Some of
them are on a galactic scale 12, and are associated with
natural, periodic events which the Earth has suffered through a
number of times previously. What makes this particular time
completely unique for our planet is that there is a convergence of
serious factors such as global warming 13,
overpopulation, and our propensity for choreographing war 14
all of which combine with these major, cyclic and solar events to
simultaneously threaten the well-being of ourselves and the
The large-scale events are unstoppable.
It's also unclear when the
'spike' of solar activity is due to be - though our understanding is
that this is imminent, and could occur at any time in the next ten
years or so. Although the issue has been considerably hyped, it's
impossible not to observe that the year
2012 15 is
in the middle of this bell-curve of probability.
What is possible, however, is to minimize the effects of the solar
event. Evaluated Looking Glass data concludes that there is a
19% probability of the worse case scenario occurring, with 85%
confidence that that 19% figure is correct 16.
It seems we're off the hook... although
no matter what timeline one is on, significant problems lie ahead
with the man-made crises that surround us (exacerbated by solar
Insurance - Underground Bases, Project Preserve Destiny, and the Martian Colony
Readers may by now have made the connection with the trillions of
dollars 17 spent in recent decades by various military
agencies on
underground bases in a number of different countries 18.
Given the possibility of an imminent near-ELE (extinction level
event)19, a cynic would argue that it's a smart use of
our tax dollars to ensure that at least some humans survive 20.
Other readers will connect this potential scenario with the story
told by
Dan Sherman 21, in
straightforward, unassuming and sober fashion, in which he was
trained as an IC (Intuitive Communicator) as a
preparation for an unknown future event that would include all
electronic communications being rendered unusable 22.
The project he was part of was called
Project Preserve Destiny... the
title of which gives us a very heavy clue to what this was all about
Researchers who have looked into the claims of the infamous TV
Alternative 3 24
conclude in the main that the show was a hoax. There is clear
evidence that the show was a dramatic portrayal of arguably
fictional events. However, it would appear that it may have been
accidental disinformation rather than a hoax per se.
Certain events
portrayed in the program 25 are markedly similar to the
scenario presented here.
Among those is the existence of a substantial
Mars base, established
in the early 1960s and supplied by a combination of
stargates 26
and an advanced, classified space program codenamed
Mars base apparently has a number
of functions 28 but among those would certainly be the
ensured survival of the human species should anything untoward
happen on or to our home planet.
What Can Be
As has been written above, the major, cyclic large-scale events that
are set to occur are unstoppable by us or any other race, no matter
how advanced their technology. But what can be mitigated are certain
Much remains under our control, although as every day
passes the clock is ticking:
carbon emissions are not helping
choreographed and orchestrated war
14 adds to the chaos
new diseases and possible pandemics 29
may be controllable if we act in harness
This is no different a warning than has been stated by many other
messengers in recent years, but we place this in a context where the
stakes are rather higher than usually recognized.
It IS possible to
work together to make a difference in a situation in which the backs
of the human race may be up against the wall.
On an individual level, more is possible.
Michael St Clair 30
says simply: find a safe place, and do it now. Many others agree.
It may be smart to
avoid living:
Fresh water is likely to
be a major issue. Some analysts consider the southern hemisphere
(Australia?) to be safer than the north, as the craziness of
orchestrated war threatens.
Remember that
global warming will really start to bite in the near
The Atlantic Conveyor 31 may conceivably
shut down, plunging Europe into a
deep freeze. The warmer the Earth
gets, the more evaporation there will be from the sea; so expect
Katrina-scale hurricanes (in the west) and cyclones (in the east -
they're pretty much the same thing), and disrupted and extreme
weather patterns everywhere.
There is a metaphysical approach, too. Lynne McTaggart
32 in her new book
The Intention Experiment - Using Your Thoughts
to Change Your Life argues as she did in her previous
work, The Field, that
consciousness is a factor that can and
does affect macro-scale events. We would wholeheartedly agree.
Morphic fields 33 templates or patterns of
manifestations yet to unfold are as powerful and influential as
they are invisible; and
morphic resonance is also
amenable to the power of thought 34.
It's even possible to bootstrap oneself into an optimum (least
worst) timeline... though there's no instruction book on a
mechanical means to do this. Spiritual methodologies such as the
many forms of Meditation and other Yogic practice, Buddhism, Sufism
and Shamanism can assist one here.
(This is far from an exclusive
list, and may include some of the
major organized religions.
if well understood and applied by a mature and aware spirit, is
certainly capable of working miracles.)
Times are changing, and global awareness (actually, a large morphic
field) is gradually being heightened. The real question is, how
fast? The way to put one's shoulder to the wheel is to add one's own
strong and optimistic intention to the concept of the positive
And like all such mental or spiritual
gymnastics, this has to be real: it cannot be faked.
This information has been
reported by
Dan Burisch.
Not all visitors are time travelers. There are a great many
races currently visiting this planet; many of these are
genuine extraterrestrials.
Reported numbers vary, but the
respected witness Sgt.
Clifford Stone, for
example, says he knew of 57. Other witnesses have reported
numbers of a similar order of magnitude.
The motivations of the visitors are likely to vary as much
as human agendas do.
We can safely assume that some are
benevolent and altruistic; some are evil and self-serving;
and others may have agendas we can only guess at and may be
beyond human understanding.
According to Burisch, some of
the subsequent visitors were future humans who were (at that
future time) based on other planets, and no longer on the
future Earth.
This matter is complex.
According to Burisch, some future humans are benevolent,
while others are actually seeking to ensure that history is
not changed; see note 23 below.
Dan Burisch has made
technical drawings, from memory, of the 'Looking Glass'
device he was familiar with. We'll publish these as soon as
we have clearance.
Henry Deacon has said that he never
worked with or encountered the form of Looking Glass that Burisch described, and therefore is not in a position to
confirm it.
Bill Hamilton described the
Looking Glass
in some detail. (Note: the image shown is not the
real thing; this is taken from the movie The Time Machine.)
Andy Lloyd's section, and
Binary Research Institute's website.
For a series of excellent graphics depicting the Dark Star's
possible orbit, click
Researchers differ in some
details, but the consensus is that this is probably a brown
dwarf. Deacon only referred to it as a massive astronomical
object, causing serious gravitational and other effects.
Burisch has stated in personal correspondence that his best
recall is that he had been told that this object was a small
black hole.
The mechanism is unclear, but
appears to include electromagnetic, gravitational, and other
resonance effects.
This information is in the
public domain. It has been observed, for instance that
Mars, Jupiter and Pluto are all
warming up. There are many other references. Read
David Wilcock's and Richard Hoagland's
comprehensive and detailed research into 'climate
change' affecting every planet in our solar system.
A possible contender for the
companion star
was announced in 1983 by the Infrared
Astronomical Satellite (IRAS)
team, reporting a Jupiter-sized object at a distance of 550
astronomical units (550 times the Earth's distance from the
sun). The report was withdrawn soon afterwards, though IRAS
have always claimed this was not a cover-up. Deacon reports
that the small organization within
NOAA has known about the
"second sun" for a decade or possibly much longer, but has
never made any public reference to it.
Burisch has stated on record
that according to the most recent computer-analyzed Looking
Glass data, there is a 19% chance of the worse case scenario
occurring, with 85% confidence in that 19% figure.
Burisch and Deacon both report
that the principal factors at play are large scale and
galactic in nature, linked with long-term, recurring cycles
of influence on the Earth.
Read this article about the
correlation between cosmic ray activity and global warming,
for instance.
Al Gore, in his acclaimed
An Inconvenient Truth,
makes the case for the harmful effect of increased carbon
emissions with considerable impact. However, the real cause
of global warming is very likely to lie with other larger
scale causes (see note 9 above).
Report from Iron Mountain,
among other documents in the public domain, references the
organized and orchestrated requirement for war in order to
maintain macro-scale economic and social stability.
21 December, 2012 is when the famous
Mayan calendar comes to an end. Much has been
written in speculation about the reasons why the Mayans saw
no need to extend their calendar beyond that date. Deacon
and Burisch state that this apparently exact date is not a
precise prediction and that the solar events in question
could occur at almost any time in the window 2007 2016.
See note 11 above. Because
(according to Burisch) steps were taken to decommission
certain devices which were in danger of triggering massively
amplified earth changes at the time of the solar 'spike',
Burisch is confident in this calculation. Deacon states the
the situation is continually subject to change, and is less
sure of the figures.
See this page for some details,
and also many others.
There are persistent reports of
underground bases in the US, the UK, Puerto Rico, France,
Germany, Norway, Canada, Australia, South America and
Click here for some
interesting photos of giant tunnel boring machines.
There are also undersea bases, confirmed by
Deacon and researched by
Richard Sauder and others.
Burisch reports that according
to Looking Glass data, in the worse case scenario up to 94%
of the Earth's population might be killed over the period of
a small number of years following the catastrophe.
Any high-level military scenario
planning would be based on the premise that not everyone
could be saved if the world's population were under serious
Sherman's story is told in his
excellent e-book,
Above Black.
It's accepted by scientists that
one of the possible effects from a sufficiently major solar
'spike' is that on Earth all electronic communications might
be rendered unusable for some time.
The title
Project Preserve Destiny
is chilling, implying that the project may be based
on the premise that a cataclysmic future event has been
observed through very high technology time-portal devices...
and that it is to be ensured that what has been observed
must occur.
Burisch reports that a certain group of future
humans, whom he calls The Rogues and who come from approx.
45,000 years hence, are committed to making sure that events
in their history do indeed come to pass in our timeline and
are not averted.
Alternative 3 was shown by UK's
Anglia TV on 20 June, 1977 although it was initially
scheduled to be premiered on 1 April. Anglia TV made a
statement the day after the program that it had been
intended as a joke.
Click here for to
see a streaming video of the program
itself (54 mins).
Leslie Watkins,
authored the book of the same name, reveals that
although he intended it as fiction in support of the TV
program, he appears to have accidentally hit on something
very real with the premise he portrayed.
The premise described in the TV
program (and the book) was that to deal with the twin
problems of overpopulation and global warming, there were
three alternative solutions:
According to Deacon,
are routinely used for transport to distant locations,
'travel time' being instantaneous.
reports that SOLAR WARDEN encompasses a small fleet of large, highly classified
According to Deacon, the Mars
base is multifunctional and has a large population of around
670,000 (not all of whom are present-day humans). Situated
underground on the bottom of an ancient dried-up sea, it
has, apparently, been in existence for thousands of years
but was recently re-established in the early 1960s by an
international team. Its functions include stargate access to
more distant locations still.
HIV, SARS, Avian ('bird') flu,
and other modern scares whether orchestrated or not come
to mind.
Michael St Clair, a well-known visionary and astrologer
who predicts major problems in the coming few years and who
advocates prudently identifying safe places to live. (St
Clair has already moved to live in a small community in a
remote location.)
Click here for a summary of the
importance of the Atlantic Conveyor, a critical component of
the oceanic circulatory system. If the Atlantic Conveyor
were to shut down (as might be triggered by a massive amount
of cool water flooding into the North Atlantic from, for
instance, the melting of Arctic ice or Greenland glaciers),
then the warm waters of the Gulf Stream would no longer
reach European shores and Europe would experience a much
cooler climate... despite
global warming.
Lynne McTaggart's book,
Intention Experiment: Using Your Thoughts to Change Your
Life. She is also the author of the ground-breaking
The Field.
The British Biologist Dr.
Rupert Sheldrake introduced
the concepts of Morphic Fields and Morphic Resonance in his
revolutionary 1981 book
A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis
of Formative Causation. Simply put, Sheldrake
argues that species create Morphic Fields templates based
on accumulated experience that have an an effect on the
behaviors, attitudes and abilities of subsequent members of
the same species which influence others encountering the
same situations at the same or a later time.
The relevance here is that
humans can consciously create Morphic Fields, which
influence others once a critical mass of intention is
gathered. It's one way in which a small group, powerfully
and positively focused, can gradually change the world.