by Michael Salla
19, 2019
Exopolitics Website

Only days after drawing attention to "Operation
Looking Glass", QAnon just took this reference further in
another post by claiming foreknowledge of the Deep State's plans.
QAnon appears again to be alluding
to an advantage the US military intelligence community has over the
Deep State in terms of advanced technology enabling them to view the
In part one, I referred to
the Deep State having similar
technology in its possession and the incredible implication that we
are witnessing a "temporal war" between the Q/military intelligence
community and the Deep State.
How deep does this
temporal war go, who is involved, and what are the implications?
If you agree these are
questions worth pursuing, then read on.
The answers will shock
and surprise you.
In order to better understand the nature and extent of this temporal
war, let's begin with Q's November 15 post [3596]
which hints at time travel technology being used to gather
foreknowledge over an opponent's plans:
What advantages might
exist when you know the other sides playbook?
Enjoy the show!
On its own, the above
post may simply suggest that Q has reliable intelligence gained from
traditional intel sources or from simply anticipating the moves of
the Deep State based on conventional methods such as psychological
However, only four days
earlier, in post
3585, Q referred to a mysterious
"Project Looking Glass" and made a quip about traveling forward in
time to look back:
Project Looking
Going Forward in Order to Look Back.
We also need to consider
a post (2548)
made on December 4, 2018, where Q said:
You are witnessing
something [firsthand] that many cannot possibly comprehend or
accept as reality [Sci-Fi or precision M_planning?]
Taken together, posts
3596, 3585, and 2548 suggest that Q is doing far more than using
conventional intelligence gathering to anticipate the moves of the
Deep State for "precision military planning" - some unconventional
"Looking Glass" technology that many consider to be Sci-Fi is being
In my earlier analysis of post 3585 (Part
1), I covered the origins of "Project Looking Glass",
and described how both the military intelligence community and the
Deep State have been using such "time distorting" technology since
at least the 1960s.
I concluded that we are
witnessing a "temporal war" where both sides can peer into the
future and anticipate the other's moves.
An insider who best describes the intelligence gathering uses of
time distorting or time travel technology is
Andy Basiago, J.D., currently a
licensed attorney for the state of Washington.
Basiago said that in
1969, as an eight-year-old, his father recruited him into a CIA-run
intelligence gathering operation called "Project
Pegasus" in which he served until 1972.
"Project Pegasus at
the time that I joined it in 1969 was not primarily a time
travel project - it was an intelligence program for the CIA."
Project Pegasus involved
children testing up to a total of eight different
time-travel and
teleportation related technologies,
and revealing what they had experienced in subsequent debriefings as
Project Pegasus was
debriefing the teleportees and the other forms of time
traveling... time travelers - including myself, having gone to
the past and future using different methodologies and different
So we were being
interviewed to derive when we were going forward in time...
information with which the US government could create reports
that were promulgated by the CIA, and then sent around the
project in other areas of the government to people with a ‘need
to know' status, to know of certain events.
Basiago's statement is
vitally important given
the role of the CIA in supporting
the Deep State in the current undeclared civil war between the Trump
administration/Q/military intelligence community and the Deep
Basiago is telling us
that as far back as the late 1960s, the CIA and Deep State began
using time travel technology as an intelligence gathering
As discussed in part one, the US military intelligence community has
developed its own time-distorting methods to view the future via
"Project Looking Glass".
There is far more to a "temporal war" than just looking at the
future or past to gather intelligence to outmaneuver an opponent or
for "military precision planning".
There is also the
ability to change time itself, which of course leads to many
unpredictable outcomes...
We know from part one
the Montauk Project (aka Phoenix
Project) conducted time distorting experiments involving
extraterrestrial technology - a
chair which significantly enhanced psychic abilities to open viewing
portals into the past or future by the conscious intent of the
These time portals could
also be used for time travel, and I briefly mentioned that thousands
of children were ruthlessly exploited in these "temporal
experiments" when they were sent back or forward in time and were
Testimonies of child
survivors of these experiments is available in the
Montauk Chronicles
According to another insider,
Corey Goode, the temporal
experiments conducted at Montauk got out of hand, and
extraterrestrials intervened to put a stop to it.
Goode says he had access
to a smart glass pad that had information on these earlier temporal
From what I read on
the glass pad, one of the major reasons that they put buffers on
this temporal technology is that some of this time travel
experiment and technology got extremely out of hand.
People were traveling
back in time, deciding that if they killed one person, it would
change the timeline. These people would end up coming back and
being on the timeline they created.
And it was creating
all these schisms and split timelines...
Then they were sending people to go back and prevent it and fix
it, and it was causing even more and more problems, and more and
more timeline splits to where there were all kinds of
fragmentations, and it was just way out of hand.
And they started getting visitations from very advanced ET
groups saying ‘Enough! You guys have got to stop'. And it was
also explained that time is very much an illusion, that just as
they were using consciousness - that was a key component.
They were using
consciousness in that chair to manifest things, which is
something that we do with our mass consciousness every day.
We're manifesting our
(Cosmic Disclosure, 9/22/2015)
Goode has previously
described a group of humans from the future he calls
the Anshar, traveling approximately
17 million years into the past to preserve the timeline against
efforts to manipulate it after experiencing a future version of
the Mandela Effect.
She finally confirmed
for me that the Anshar are actually people from the future, from
after we've gone through all of these fourth-density changes,
somewhere in the future the Anshar had what we would consider
like a Mandela Effect thing occurring in their society.
Their people... had
their own Mandela Effects occurring that caused them to look
back and see about when this was, this bifurcation, was
occurring, and they decided to send a group back 17 million
years, around... just before the time that the temporal anomaly
was occurring, to have this group be stewards of their timeline.
There's a possibility if they don't steward the timeline
properly, that they could cease to exist.
(Cosmic Disclosure,
The Anshar subsequently
established themselves as an underground civilization that
intervenes when the timeline is threatened or altered by other
groups in what amounts to a temporal war.
The idea that advanced civilizations from the future are intervening
in current human affairs to preserve the timeline is also supported
Alex Collier, who claims to
have had contact with extraterrestrials from
the Andromeda Constellation.
He said in a 1996
Now, in our galaxy
there are many councils.
I don't know
everything about all those councils, but I do know about the
Andromedan council, which is a group of beings from 139
different star systems that come together and discuss what is
going on in the galaxy. It is not a political body.
What they have been
recently discussing is the tyranny in our future, 357 years from
now, because that affects everybody.
Apparently what they have done, through time travel, is that
they have been able to figure out where the significant shift in
energy occurred that causes the tyranny 357 years in our future.
They have traced it back to our solar system, and they have been
able to further track it down to Earth, Earth's moon and Mars.
Those three places.
Sacred Ground - p. 10)
Collier's comment that a
galactic tyranny suddenly appears in the future which can be traced
to the Earth, Moon, and Mars is very revealing.
These are the precise
locations where a German-run secret space program (SSP) had
established itself after having first
established a colony in Antarctica with the help of an
extraterrestrial civilization called
the Draconians.
The German SSP subsequently established a base
on the Moon with the Draconian's help and finally
established multiple
bases on Mars after reaching secret
agreements with the Eisenhower administration.
The Germans subsequently
began serving alongside Draconian extraterrestrials in imperial
galactic conquests taking place far outside our solar system.
While all this might appear to be Sci-Fi to some Q
supporters, it's important to keep in mind that Q has confirmed that
time distorting technologies exist and are being used against the
Deep State.
What I wish to emphasize
is that the Deep State, which is linked to this German-run secret
space program, also possesses time distorting technology and is
using it as well to alter the timeline in which we live.
The best physical
evidence that our timeline is being altered is the
Mandela Effect, which many people have observed and
written about...
The highly popular
Edge of Wonder YouTube channel created a video documenting the
top ten proofs of the Mandela Effect.
Consequently, the struggle we are witnessing between the Trump
administration/Q against the Deep State is part of a temporal war
involving different extraterrestrial and human groups from the
future intending to either protect or alter timelines that
prevent a future galactic tyranny.
While the
Q (Anon) movement has major
implications for preserving the US Republic and exposing the Deep
State, many may not appreciate the movement's far greater
significance for humanity's future and the wider galaxy.