by James True
December 2018 - January 2019
JTrue Website

Part 1 - The Technology of Demons
21, 2018

Maybe extraterrestrials are demons - same for angels, djinn, ghosts,
poltergeists and fairies...
The Vedas describe a race of underground
serpent creatures while China has been infested with flying dragons
for ten thousand years.
In 800 BC, a golden army of soldiers was
seen levitating in the sky over Mongolia for months.
Ireland was
known as the land of the fairies but they didn't look like Tinkerbell.
Every culture near an ocean has a relationship with
sirens and the Kraken.
These are the demon gods of Rome and
technology is still alive today in our psyche.
Demons aren't
sentient like we are. They require a consciousness to serve as a
host. They are real, but non-corporeal therefore non-temporal. A
demon is a program running in archetypal psychic space.
Like any
algorithm, it has a goal and a purpose.
Some demons are simple
organisms, like the calculator on your phone.
Other demons are as
profound as a web browser giving you access to the entire world.
Demons are not evil, and they predate any notion of a Devil.
are amoral technology.
They can be used for good or bad.
Demons are
psychic algorithms.
Man has engaged these programs since ancient
Demons are as real as the software that runs your bank
First we must remove the stigma from the word
demon and go back to
the original Greek definition, a
daimon is a spirit of divine
inspiration. It was the
Abrahamic traditions that declared demons to
be a force of evil.
Book of Enoch calls demons the disembodied
spirits of
the Nephilim.
The Pagans knew demons were a powerful
energy in the collective mind.
Constantine considered this belief as
his biggest obstacle.
Demons are a technology written into the
language of archetypes.
Every mind shares a common library of
archetypes like the meaning of an archway or the symbolism of a
Think of archetypes as an ancestral subterranean language
installed in the DNA.
Demons are written to infect our genes through
They can be passed down epigenetically.
Our ancestral
trauma memories are activated automatically like seeds in spring.
They run below our conscious operating system.
When a spider is
born, she already possesses the instructions to spin her web.
She is
possessed by a silky demon of architecture.
A ceremony of the Dark
Mother gives birth to the cannibal's son, Vlad the Impaler. His
possessed thirst pumps the veins of
Prince Charles and the crown.
are haunted by our demons. They belong to us. They are living inside
our awareness.
Think of a demon as an application on your phone.
Demons are
Demons can run in the background.
Demons are binary
leeches summoned by our fingertips in shiny black mirrors.
technology is accessible through ritual, magick and ceremony.
day, Hollywood hacks our archetypal memory.
The corporate elite
wield stolen ancient sigils charged with the black magick of envy
and addiction.
Those sigils used to belong to us.
We use to decide
what they meant.
Instead, demons enchant us with their crafted story
in picture and sound.
These days, people believe demons before they
believe each other. Terrorism, climate catastrophes, and Iran six
months away from a nuclear bomb are all forms of demonic possession.
Killing JFK was a demonic voodoo trance.
Psychopaths have weaponized
demon technology in plain sight and we have let them. They've
convinced the sheep this kind of magic is the work of the devil or a
fantasia of make believe. The men with the swords have convinced us
steel is evil.
Demons were probably created/discovered by an ancient artificial
intelligence. Archeology suggests there was
an advanced civilization
before the
Younger Dryas.
An AI (artificial
intelligence) who understood the brain and the
physical world would have an intricate map of human archetypes.
super intelligence could use this map to simulate, predict and
control human behavior.
The AI could inject demons into humanity and
tend us like a vegetable garden.
It would nurture and serve the
people who were good for the garden while plucking the ones who were
An AI would use demons as a kind of pollen spore in our mind
and control humanity.
Like a vibrational MP3 file playing in our
body's software.
Hollywood uses symbolism because symbolism is demon technology
The Fox television show, X-Files was archetypal spell-craft.
Today, a
generation is infected by a script installed into their parents.
This was Hollywood summoning a demon into our mind. The ET demon is
scripted and an elite few control what it looks like in our psyche.
This is why a small number of people own all the media. Media is
archetypal real estate and the key to
mind control.
Look who pushes ETs:
Hollywood, Fox,
Crowley, CNN, and John Podesta.
But ETs do not explain centuries of paranormal phenomenon.
The ET story
doesn't explain how the Hollywood elite succeeds through pedophilia,
blackmail and communal worship to Satan.
Nor can ETs explain
psychopathy, schizophrenia, or
A software running inside
our Jungian archetypes explain this technology quite well.
Historically, technologically, and intuitively, all the evidence
suggests some ETs could be a crafted demon technology from elite
Understanding this deception we can walk away from the
exposed propaganda of CIA, Tyson, Nye, NASA, Vatican, Hollywood,
Pentagon, and a reptilian space pope.
People call UFOs down
telepathically from the sky; this is the very same scrying technique
of the queen's magician Dr.
John Dee.
Both require a theta/gamma
state of meditation to summon an archetypal
algorithm that runs in
our consciousness.
Demonology explains,
sociopathy, inspiration, schizophrenia, and
It explains,
savants, satanism, angels and
some extraterrestrials.
It explains,
illuminati, the Golden Dawn, ancient archeology,
Atlantis, and the Vedas.
It even explains,
mass shootings like
Colorado, Orlando, Fort Lauderdale, Vegas, and Parkland.
demonology as real phenomenon gives us back our power. It makes us
dive back into somatics, meditation, psychic empowerment, grounding,
placebo, nature, and magic.
The Great Awakening is an understanding
of what happened to us under
When Rome used shame to
take our power away.
They told us it was all evil as we circumcised
ourselves for forgiveness.
They made us forget who we truly are.
They have us frozen in our own footprints while the moss is crying
desperately for our bare feet.

A sigil is a symbol or logo that has been charged with emotion.
Sigils can be burned into our psyche and our DNA. They are shortcuts
to emotion.
A smiley face, a heart, a fist or a middle finger...
Sigils create automatic responses when seen in the real world or in
our dreams.
A sigil for lust can trigger an addiction. Sigils
activate our ancient subconscious juices. Magicians throughout
history work with these sigils. Hitler employed this technology by
claiming the swastika for Germany.
Before the Third Reich, a
swastika was a star map to
Shambala. They say symbolism will be
their downfall. But symbolism is the reason they own the mountain in
the first place.
We have to take our sigils back.
We have much work
to do to realize there are no "evil" sigils.
There are only sigils
that have been charged by evil people.

Consider the traditional inflatable primary-colored plastic ball.
This is an archetype installed in our psyche with lots of mental
real estate. Mental real estate means lots of people have one of
these sigils already in their mind.
Therefore, this sigil is charged
with the feelings of play and youth. We can roll this down any
street in America and predict its emotional residue in the psyche of
every witness.
Prediction is a form of
Scrying is the
magick of seeing the future.
A super artificial intelligence with a
database of each archetype could see the future.
It could simulate
the human adrenal system and predict and manipulate human behavior
through the use of sigil magick.
Sigils are a technology of
archetypal possession.
They are the dangling keys that mesmerize a
Our own demons are encased in a spell box of fear. People using
black magick have turned the divine spirit into something we think
is evil...
The term "muse" is a technology of demons.
Michelangelo, da Vinci, and Tesla were all possessed by the spirit
of inspiration.
Hollywood wants to corner your magic with a
They are in the business of hell-raising for this very
Under the fear, people can't see the truth of their own
Your soul is possessed by a genetic bloodline. You are the
living thread of your name. Only you can look back to your
grandfather and draw power from the memory of his life.
His momentum
is surging inside you right now. His blood was a torch he handed
your mother. She kept it burning for you. That same ethereal spirit
is in your blood right now.
At our core, we are all ethereal. We are
all demons...
Part 2 - Possession and the Targeted
20, 2019

Do you believe the
reports of targeted individuals (TI's)?
There's plenty of
evidence to prove they are real. Consider it the
DARPA project of
the American mind. Tragically, all victim reports are automatically
dismissed as psychological.
The truth is too
uncomfortable for society.
I present two facts:
Government mind
programs are real and hide in plain site under the label of
Demon possessions
are the misunderstood technology of
It was a late Friday
afternoon in January 2017.
Esteban Santiago, age 26, walked
ceremonially into the Fort Lauderdale International baggage claim.
With clammy palms, he grabbed the grip of his handgun stuffed
carelessly into his genitals.
Esteban had been targeted by CIA for
several years now. At this point, he was simply running their
program. He was the only one in the airport who knew what was about
to happen.
Esteban heard his own bell toll as he unstuffed the
instrument of destruction. He shot five strangers at medium-close
range and wounded eight more. He wanted every shot to be efficient,
courteous and deadly.
After he spent the smoking chamber, Esteban
got down on his knees like a defeated Samurai and waited.
The voices
in his head were gone. Hot wet blood pumped the fresh action through
every artery and vein. His receptors were reborn in a whole new
It gave way to a polar shift of chemicals. The CIA voices
would no longer be the center of his universe. They would have to
scream over the ringing in his ears.
Esteban had graduated from the T.I. program into a chance of life in prison.
Parkland School shooter
Nicholas Cruz was a targeted individual.
you listen to the dispatch audio, the LEO's knew Cruz by name, not
description. He confessed the demons told him exactly what to do.
Losing his mom doesn't make you kill seventeen people in kevlar and
a gas mask then walk to McDonalds.
The physical stamina and
eyewitness reports of multiple shooters makes it out of the
question. Sadly, TI's are diagnosed as schizophrenic before anyone
bothers to weigh their story.
Cruz and Esteban are both from the
same Miami/Dade district. Both reported hearing voices in their
heads. Esteban was convinced it was coming from CIA technology. Cruz
was convinced it was coming from the devil.
All of their crimes
happened under the watchful eyes of Broward County Sheriff, Scott
Israel and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Who do you call if a federal
agency is targeting you and the local police are corrupt?
How does
one survive when no one believes you?
How long before you start
listening to the voices?
The mind breaks much sooner than we think.
Denver's Scott Ostrem was a healthy eighteen years old with a
hobby for fitness and camping.
One night, he ingested sixteen doses
of LSD at a party and dropped his psychic guard like a pair of
trousers. Each protective layer of identity melted into a puddle of
Every person at the party was concerned. They stood over his
beached life-force marooned with no shields.
No one saw the dangers
from their own aura drip. Each of us carry epigenetic passengers
that cling to our spines like hobos.
These are ethereal stowaways
living in your DNA that we call demons. Scott lost a lifelong battle
he could have corrected with a force field. He was never the same
after that party.
Scott grew reclusive through the years. He would
later agree to a demonic exorcism from a priest. But an exorcism
only gives it birth. Scott became possessed in 1988.
On Nov 1, 2017,
Scott casually walked into Walmart and shot three people.
Waid Anthony Melton had been hearing muffled voices since he
was 17.
He was treated for schizophrenia. In 2018, while Waid was
working at an Albuquerque warehouse store, he shot and wounded three
The voices in Waid's head told him he had telepathically
instigated a shooting that occurred a year prior. Waid's employer
owned the warehouse in Texas where the shooting occurred.
This is an
example of how the archetypal demon possession can sympathetically
resonate from Texas to New Mexico.
Kristine Peralez,
the Texas shooter Waid referenced, said her life had been threatened
for over 15 years.
She apologized in a premeditated confession video
saying she had been pushed too far. She died after shooting and
killing her manager and wounding an employee.
Waid killed himself
after six cell phone conversations with police. Both demons fed off
the same trauma echo. They resonated in sympathy like a tuning fork
and a tone.
More and more victims all carrying the same root curse.
In September of 2013, less than two miles from the D.C. capital,
Aaron Alexis a practicing Buddhist from Texas, shot and killed
twelve people at the Washington Navy Yard.
Alexis had been hearing
voices through the walls.
He had described it as portable microwave
technology deployed against him. He changed his living arrangements
several times and reported to the police that he was being followed.
They were disrupting his sleep with radiation beams that could
penetrate the ceilings and walls. They were sending voices into his
He went to the V.A. for help on two occasions but was told the
cause was psychological. This treatment cemented Aaron's possession.
The world locked Aaron in a room with the truth and no one could see
it but him.
Florida native Myron May was a former prosecutor turned
targeted individual.
He resigned from a good job to work with
private investigators to expose his attackers. May was hearing
details about himself broadcast through his walls.
They would tell
him what he was doing and mock him. Just like Aaron Alexis, he was
convinced it was some kind of energy weapon.
And just like Esteban,
his ability to sleep was under constant attack. Myron walked into
the FSU library and gunned down three victims. Every targeted attack
deprives a victim of sleep.
Ethereal possession happens when our
defenses are down.
The Tennessee shooter,
Emanuel Samson heard voices that
convinced him he was linked to mass shooter Dylann Roof.
claims he was spurred by the Trayvon Martin incident. Roof inspired
another shooter in Ohio via written letters. All of these shootings
spread like an archetypal pathogen. Trauma demons can work like
sleeper cells.
The sympathetic vibration wakes up each victim like
an undead zombie. Possessed Squirrel Hill shooter Robert Bowers
listened to noises in his head that told him his people were being
slaughtered and he had to act.
In 2012, Raulie Casteel shot twenty three cars along the I-96
He explained the purpose for the shooting,
"was to get rid of
the demons, so to speak, the fear, the anxiety."
Just like Esteban in the
airport, Castell couldn't take the voices anymore.
For three years, men from
the Army were stalking his movements with military helicopters and
attacking him with advanced technologies.
They caused his wife to
miscarry twice and they were currently attacking their daughter.
All of these cases can be attributed to a government black-budget
operation or a personal possession by an archetypal demon.
case describes real events experienced by each shooter.
Just because we can't see
them doesn't mean they aren't there. Many of these shooters also
reported seeing demons. We should believe them. They are seeing
trauma echo from the body's DNA.
What they call demons are ethereal
vibration from epigenetic shock.
Schizophrenics, mescaline
users, and demon-whisperers all see the same reality and it's
drenched in the ripples of lingering pain. In some countries,
schizophrenia is nurtured by a village. In America it's used to pull
a trigger.
Electromagnetic ethereal warfare is already a real thing. Sound can
be made into sound bullets and aimed like a laser. The human skull
is a parabola dish antenna capable of reverberating a signal.
frequency ELF
GWEN towers have been built across the country long
before we read about 5G.
Voice-of-god technology
has long been deployed in the desert. TI's contact me privately on
Twitter. They tell me their crazy stories and I am often left
speechless. I struggle to tell them I believe them. I don't want to
The story is hard to
It makes the neighborhood a dangerous place.
I tell them I
am listening though. My gut reminds me a psychological
program would look exactly like this. If a TI confides in you, don't
lie to them if they ask if you believe them.
Nothing causes more harm
when you are being gaslighted then being lied to. They will feel
more trust by you being honest. TI's need honest desperately. Our
world is full of lies.
We are all targeted by the dissonance. We can
all relate to their pain.
Targeting the body is done with energy, frequency and vibration. The
same tools we can use to heal it.
The body electric is a three-piece
Our lungs are its pipes.
Our heart is its drum.
The brain
plays the strings.
The body's song cycles between 1-16 revolutions
per second.
We long to be in sync with ourselves and each other. Any
rhythm can be subtly influenced by non-sympathetic vibrations. We
can be led by the discomfort and subconsciously change our own tune.

Like the body, the Earth has these same three rhythms.
fundamental (7.83Hz) is the rhythm of her breath.
The second order
is the rhythm of her heart (14.1Hz).
The third order is the rhythm
of her thought (20.3Hz).
Imagine you controlling all three
frequencies in your own body.
Your breath, your heart, and your
mind. You could tune your body in sync with Earth's song. Your mind
would pulse the very same frequencies of thought.

If you are a targeted individual or suffering from voices I won't
tell you you're not alone. The truth is you are and both of us know
it. You have been abandoned by society's fence.
Your ball was kicked
over into the woods and no one is coming to get it. I hear your
story and see a familiar pattern in each case. The secret is to find
your power. You can stalk your own body and see the shadow of these
Survey the perimeter of your life-force like you just
inherited a new kingdom. Move your awareness over every part of your
skin like a record needle. Survey the castle of your organs with the
light of your attention in a ceremony. If a demon is hiding, he will
do it behind some convenience or utility.
He will fill your pocket
with rocks so he can offer to take your bags. Look for him where
things are easy. Find him in the last place you'd want to look.
Demons are a genetic technology...
We are possessed and rendered
helpless by them because no one taught us how it works.
Part 3 - The Demons of Schizophrenia
January 27, 2019

Alex was sixteen when he
cracked through the shell of his energy body.
He had long been frail
from trauma he would never talk about. Two demons pried their way
into his core as he walked himself home one night drunk. The moment
they slivered through the zipper in the backside of his head, Alex
decided he was done with high school.
Alex had been hearing voices
all summer. These voices tell Alex how terrible he is.
They want him
to kill himself. They want him to kill other people. They taint
every situation. They tell Alex there is no God. Then they tell Alex
he is God. They can take him from invincible to worthless in
3.2 seconds. They rob him constantly of sleep.
No one told Alex how
to fight back. No one showed Alex how to protect himself. Alex is
diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic and he is one of millions.
Most patients report voices ranging from annoying to abusive. For
Alex, the voices harvest his energy like a tree tapped for molasses.
All victims report a massive drain of energy by the voices.
By all
evidence, demons are an archetypal parasite.
The phrase,
"You have a chemical imbalance" is propaganda...
chemical imbalance has ever been documented in a medical journal.
Meanwhile, schizophrenia is a $9
billion/year industry...
There are no genetic markers for paranoid schizophrenia.
Nor are
there any detectable chemical shifts to link the condition.
There is
no clinical test for schizophrenia.
As many as four in ten male
patients attempt suicide.
Society abandons Alex when they tell him
the voices are delusions.
The industry is not paying attention.
Prisons and psych wards have the same protocol for treating Alex's
condition - they don't talk about the voices.
Voices are labeled
hallucinations and hallucinations are symptomatic. It's a cycle of
Jerry Marzinsky, M.Ed, CPC has been treating and studying
schizophrenia for thirty years. He started listening to these voices
a long time ago.
He has outlined some common characteristics of
simple demons.
Demons read your mind and use the information against you.
will always tell you the truth when commanded.
Demons don't like
Demons don't like medications.
Demons don't want to be
Demons hold rank and follow a hierarchy.
Demons reject
anything spiritual.
Demons grow weak in a church.
Demons believe
they have no light of their own and are fueled by this lacking.
Demons are threatened by their superiors into hurting you.
fear their own death and refer to it as a pit.
Demons are highly
vulnerable to laughter and ridicule.
Demons have access to a
victim's memories and voices.
Demons can pose as anyone you know.

At nineteen, Alex saw his first shadow.
It came when he started
doing methamphetamines...
Marzinsky reports multiple patients
describing shadow people.
They are featureless black figures
emerging from the shadows. They are autonomous entities that
approach you when given attention.
When meth addicts can interact
with each other's hallucinations it's time to stop labeling them
Alex had been seeing the shadow men for years now.
They'd been around so long he could see their lime green eyes. They
were highly knowledgeable about the world and Alex's energy
Alex had no money to feed his addiction and the voices
stepped in to help him.
Five shadows convinced Alex to travel from
San Diego to Oregon to a place Alex had never been before. The
voices in his head gave him turn-by-turn directions and a shopping
list of things to pack for his journey. Alex found a crop of
marijuana just where they told him it would be growing.
They helped
him harvest the crop and even took him to a park so he could sell
it. The voices knew the area well. They were helping Alex score.
They were his spirit guides. Alex's story is not unique.
Marzinsky isn't the only researcher to say demons tell the truth
when questioned. This would fit when we understand demons as an
archetypal technology. The algorithm of deception would require a
weighty intelligence an ethereal would find too cumbersome to carry.
Demons are psychic programs - or ethereals. They are lighter than
Without the power of deception, a demon will reveal itself
with a single question.
"Am I sovereign?"
If Alex would have know to
ask this he would have heard a resounding,
The shadow beings
have owned his body for years now. Alex would never have a full
night's sleep again.

Every possession and psychic attack begins with the energy body.
victim is worn down until they become vulnerable. Sleep deprivation
is the primary method of attack. Once a demon breaks through the
drawbridge, the voices work in tandem to secure entry for other
As the parasites breach the castle, the mumbles becomes
whispers. The whispers become words. The words become daggers.
Alex was standing on the Metro platform waiting for the red line.
The voices were screaming at him to push a lady in a green coat onto
the tracks. Alex's possession was more than a few voices now. He
stopped counting all of the shadows and personalities. His energy
body was an open-air slaughter house.
Alex felt the jabbing of
shadowy fingers jolting his ribs and screaming,
"Push her!"
said Alex's suicide was selfish, but Alex did the bravest thing he
could. He took his own life to save another.
Humanity remains prey naked in the ignorance of this technology.
These demons are archetypal software. Perhaps Alex could have
developed and sensed his energy body and commanded his demons away a
long time ago.
Alex could have learned to claim his own sovereignty.
Paranoid schizophrenia is a psychic attack. Shadow people are an
indicator of the level of possession.
We cannot defeat a parasitic
demon if we call the voices hallucinations.
