by Cassie B.
February 05,
BiologicalWeapons Website
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While some doctors are encouraging people to get in line for their
COVID-19 vaccine, others are bravely speaking out about why rushing
to get an untested shot might not be such a good idea.
Lee Merritt, a former president of the Association of
American Physicians and Surgeons, has admitted that she believes
the current
coronavirus vaccines are actually
very dangerous bioweapons that are being deployed against the
Dr. Merritt knows plenty
about bioweapons, having studied
them while she served as an orthopedic surgeon for the United States
Navy for nearly a decade.
"We had a lot of
bioweapons over the years and the one I was very worried about
was smallpox. But most of these bioweapons were either hard to
distribute or there was treatment for them," she said.
"I think that there
is a host of evidence that shows coronavirus is a naturally
occurring very benign virus that doesn't even give most people
the cold but at the most it'll give you a common cold."
She has also published several
peer-reviewed papers and was on the board of the Arizona Medical
In an interview with The New America, Dr. Merritt said that
she believes we're living in a time of "fifth-generational warfare"
where covert biological agents, propaganda and economic warfare are
being used instead of weapons on the battlefield to turn the tide of
power between nations.
She said that vaccines are most effective when they are used for
deadly, untreatable viruses like polio and smallpox.
However, scientists have
already found some promising coronavirus treatments, such as
hydroxychloroquine and
intravenously delivered vitamin C, which makes one wonder,
why a
vaccine is so 'urgent'...
She stated:
"If we are at
biowarfare right now as a part of this
multi-dimensional warfare, if you have a treatment in your back pocket, they
cannot terrorize you with viruses and that's important
because... [the vaccine] doesn't prevent
transmission by their own admission."
Of course, the media
regularly censors information about effective ways to prevent and
treat the disease, leaving the masses to believe a vaccine is the
only option.
Social media is also
doing its best to silence those who share information about natural
ways to reduce your risk, and the major platforms are also working
overtime to stop people from discussing the potential dangers of
these vaccines.
vaccines are nothing like traditional vaccines
Unfortunately, as she points out,
coronavirus vaccines
are nothing like the vaccines we have long used...
With these vaccines,
messenger RNA is injected into people's bodies, which
their genetic code so they start producing their own
modified version of the virus, which the immune system learns to
fight - at least in theory.
However, not only has this particular vaccine never been tested over
the long term, but this entire approach to vaccination has never
undergone long-term studies to prove its safety in humans.
Animal studies have shown
an "antibody-dependent enhancement" that sees the virus making its
way into the body undetected because a person's immune system sees
it as being part of the body, she says, which can cause swift death.
In fact, she says that,
the longest they have ever followed people
after getting the vaccine is two months, which is not
nearly enough time to determine if there will be an antibody
enhancement problem.
This, she says, is precisely how,
a foreign adversary
would go about waging clandestine biowarfare on its enemies
without the process being traced back to them...
She calls the vaccines "a
perfect binary weapon," saying:
"There's no way I
know exactly what that mRNA is programmed to and neither do you
and neither do most doctors. The doctors can't get at that data.
That's for the guys
at the very top of this project...
If I were China and I
wanted to take down our military, I'd just make an mRNA that I
know it doesn't exist in nature so nobody's going to die from a
vaccine and then two years later, I release whatever it is that
I made... and it causes this immune enhancement death."
When you see all the
footage of people proudly rolling up their sleeves to get the coronavirus vaccine, it's pretty scary to think of what might happen
if Dr. Merritt is right and the masses are willingly being injected
with a form of
weaponized medicine...