by Dr. Joseph Mercola
November 14,
Mercola Website

How Fauci
the Public
Health System
to Big Pharma...
Story at-a-glance
Fauci is the highest-paid federal employee in the U.S.,
and 68% of his $437,000 a year salary comes from
bioweapons research
Instead of safeguarding public health, Dr. Anthony Fauci
turned the National Institutes of Health into an
incubator for pharmaceutical products, and essentially
sold the entire country to the drug industry
Fauci has had a hand in creating the vaccine gold rush.
In 2000, he met with Bill Gates, who asked to partner
with the NIH in an agreement to vaccinate the world with
a battery of new vaccines. In 2009, this agreement was
rebranded as "The Decade of Vaccines," the objective of
which was to implement mandatory vaccinations for every
adult and child on the planet by the year 2020
of the darkest stains on Fauci's career, aside from his
role in the COVID 'pandemic', was his handling of the HIV
epidemic. Suppressing the use of repurposed drugs, Fauci
zeroed in on AZT, a toxic drug that has killed an
estimated 300,000 AIDS patients
similarities between the AZT scandal and what's
happening today with the COVID jab and remdesivir are
striking. Again, Fauci has suppressed all treatments
using inexpensive and nontoxic drugs. U.S. taxpayers
have paid for research, while drug companies have raked
in the profits, all while having zero liability for
injuries and deaths
In this interview,
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an environmental
activist and attorney turned ultimate freedom fighter, discusses his
latest book, "The
Real Anthony Fauci - Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on
Democracy and Public Health," which is a must-read if you
want to know more about the behind-the-scenes of this giant fraud...
We could talk for hours
and not cover but a fraction of what's in this book, which Kennedy
calls a,
indictment of
Tony Fauci"...
In a nutshell,
describes how Fauci turned the National Institutes of Health
into an incubator for pharmaceutical products, and essentially sold
the entire country to the drug industry.
The book is an incredibly
well-referenced record of his history of decimating human health,
and exposes him as a self-serving charlatan...!
Fauci basically created this template
that he then
used over the next 45 years,
to develop toxic
drug after toxic drug.
He killed early
treatment, and killed any protocol
that competed
with his pharmaceutical enterprise.
A lot of people
have died [as a result].
Robert F.
Kennedy Jr.
I particularly enjoyed how Kennedy placed Fauci in the context of
Rockefeller's legacy with respect to
Bill Gates, who
developed an alliance with Fauci over 20 years ago.
Rockefeller set us on a
course of toxic, profit-driven medicines synthesized from the
byproducts of the oil refinery process a century ago, and Gates
picked up where he left off and then collaborated heavily with Fauci.
The Decade of
Fauci, in turn, has had a hand in creating the vaccine gold rush.
In 2000, he met with Bill
Gates, who asked to partner with the NIH in an agreement to
vaccinate the entire population of the world with a battery of new
In 2009, this agreement
was rebranded as "The Decade of Vaccines," the objective of which
was to implement mandatory vaccinations for every adult and child on
the planet by the year 2020.
"I show how they use
the 'pandemic' simulations, working very closely with the
intelligence agencies, with the big media companies and the
major pharmaceutical companies to make that happen," Kennedy
"Gates calls what he does philanthropy capitalism, [the idea
that] you can use philanthropy to make money. He had a
foundation where he has sheltered $50 billion in tax-free money.
And, he continues to have absolute control over it.
He uses that money to
gain control of public health agencies in our country and the
World Health Organization.
He's created a lot of his own [organizations] with Dr. Fauci and
a lot of these quasi-governmental agencies that people think are
governmental. They're actually front groups of the
pharmaceutical industry like GAVI and SEPI...
He uses this battery and this control of the WHO to set
pharmaceutical or medical policy, public health policy around
the globe, in a way that maximizes the profits from his
stakeholding in these big pharmaceutical companies.
I also show he's simultaneously doing the same thing to control
the global food supply...
[He's] really trying
to change both public health and food policies in ways that
benefit corporations that he's invested in and that he's
partnered with."
Fauci's Lethal
Handling of the AIDS Epidemic
Gates didn't lure Fauci to the dark side, however.
Fauci had already spent
decades playing with people's lives and sacrificing public health
for profit. One of the darkest stains on Fauci's career, aside from
his role in the COVID 'pandemic', was his handling of the HIV
The first cases
of AIDS surfaced in 1981.
Initially, the AIDS
program was run by the National Cancer Institute, a separate
institute inside the Health and Human Services Department (HHS). The
general belief was that AIDS had a chemical etiology caused by drug
This all changed when the
HIV virus was discovered.
Fauci started working for the NIH in 1968 as a clinical associate in
the Laboratory of Clinical Investigation at National Institute for
Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
He became director of the
NIAID in 1984, the year after the discovery of the HIV virus, and
was appointed director of the Office of AIDS Research in 1988, when
that office was established.
As explained by Kennedy,
Fauci essentially built the NIAID around an AIDS drug called
"AZT was a
chemotherapy formulation that was so toxic it killed all the
rats when they gave it to them. The inventor of AZT felt that it
was unsafe for any human use, so he didn't even patent it,"
Kennedy says.
"Very early on, the National Cancer Institute had found that
when you put AZT in a culture of HIV, that killed the HIV, not
It killed anything it touched...
And so, Fauci
partnered with the manufacturer of AZT...
He guided that
formulation through the regulatory process and tried to fast
track it. He cheated terribly on the clinical trials.
In the clinical trials, it was killing everybody. It literally
kills everybody who takes it. But he was able to keep the people
in the treatment group alive by giving them huge numbers of
blood transfusions.
It does keep them
alive for the eight weeks, and based upon that eight-week trial,
he got approval for AZT. It was unprecedented.
Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel Prize for discovering the
polymerase chain-reaction (PCR) technique, said, with any
chemotherapy drug, you're supposed to give it to somebody for
two weeks.
Chemotherapy is
designed to kill every cell in the body, but hopefully it kills
tumor cells first, and you can take the person off it. The tumor
dies, if your time it right, and the person doesn't die.
If you put somebody on that for life, like Tony Fauci was doing,
every one of them is going to die. And that's what happened.
Meanwhile, there were a lot of drugs at that time that were
being repurposed.
community-based doctors in San Francisco and New York who were
treating the AIDS community were finding that these drugs
treated the symptoms of AIDS, and they stopped people from
Fauci made a deliberate crusade to sabotage those, to make sure
they were not available to sick people, in order to make sure
that AZT would be the only solution. And AZT was the most
expensive drug in history.
It was $10,000 for a
one-year supply [while costing just $5 per dose to manufacture,
plus U.S. taxpayers paid for all of the research and development
of the drug]...
Tony Fauci basically created this template that he then used
over the next 45 years, to develop toxic drug after toxic drug.
He killed early treatment, and killed any protocol that competed
with his pharmaceutical enterprise.
A lot of people have
died [as a result]..."
Although a bonanza of
money was made with AZT, it pales in comparison to Pfizer making out
like a bandit with its
COVID shot. The U.S. taxpayers paid
$20 billion to fund the research, and another $10 billion to market
the COVID jab.
Pfizer created the best-selling drug in the world and
will make $35 billion from it this year. 1
Even better, unlike AZT,
this is absolutely risk-free and they can never be sued for
Everything in
Fauci's Career Is Groundhog Day
An estimated 330,000 people have died from AZT alone.
Overall, the similarities
between the AZT scandal and what's happening today with the COVID
jab and remdesivir are striking. Again, Fauci has discouraged the
use of any prevention for COVID-19, and any treatment using
inexpensive and relatively nontoxic drugs such as
U.S. taxpayers funded the research while drug companies have made an
estimated $100 billion in profits from the shots in a single year,
all while having zero liability for injuries and deaths even as
people are being coerced into taking them.
"Everything in Tony
Fauci's career is Groundhog Day," Kennedy says.
"Again, and again,
and again, he is repeating the same behavior and it is paying
off. And he has this way of talking where he never really says
And this habit of
just lying, and lying, and lying...
I knew a lot about what happened during the HIV crisis because
my uncle, Ted Kennedy, was chair of a health committee at that
time. Teddy was the first presidential candidate to court the
gay vote, and I was running his campaign at that time...
In the health committee, his primary concern for most of the
time was AIDS. I talk about this in my book.
Finally, Fauci was called in front of Congress, and was just
Henry Waxman and all of these well-known Democratic
congressmen were saying,
'What the hell
are you doing? You've produced nothing. You're totally
After that, his
career was over, and he decided at that point,
'OK, I'm going to
work on getting these repurposed drugs on the market.'
He did that for a
couple of years, and he had a project, which was a dual track
project where they could, without going through the clinical
trials and FDA randomized, placebo controlled trials, they could
get approval for these drugs, so that people could get insurance
for them and pay for them.
So, I was deeply
involved in this for many, many years, and I've known Tony Fauci
for a long time.
I have insights on who he really is, that most liberal Democrats
are utterly ignorant of.
He is the opposite of everything they
He is the architect who turned our public health system
over to the pharmaceutical industry.
He does not do public
And there is no
metric at NIH, where they look and say,
'We are improving
public health.'
The only metric they
have is,
'How many
vaccines have we given?
How many pharmaceutical drugs have
we sold?
How much kickback money are we getting into the
As I explain in the
book, this agency has become an incubator for
the pharmaceutical
Gain-of-Function Research Under Fauci's Watch
Fauci is responsible for an annual budget of about $6.1 billion.
He gets another $1.6
billion from the military to do bioweapons research, which is where
68% of his $437,000 a year salary comes from. (Fauci is the
highest-paid federal employee in the U.S. Second-highest is the
president, at $400,000 a year.)
"That's why he had to
do that gain-of-function shenanigans in Wuhan," Kennedy says.
"He had to do it,
because he had to hold on to his salary. And most of his salary
comes from bioweapons research...
Gain-of-function research has never provided a single scientific
or medical development that has assisted us in responding to
'pandemic's. Not one. But Fauci continues to do it, because it is
critical to his salary.
And it's critical to
that funding stream."
Now, the bulk of the
NIAID's funding was intended to be used to study American health and
to improve it; to eliminate infectious allergic diseases and
autoimmune diseases. Instead, under Fauci's watch, the chronic
disease epidemic has exploded.
This, despite the fact that between Fauci, Gates and the
U.K. Wellcome Trust, they control 63% of the biomedical research on earth
through their funding.
Over his career, Fauci
alone has distributed more than $930 billion in research grants
through the NIAID.
You could say they control all of it, really,
because they also have the capacity to dry up funding to projects
they don't want done.
Ruthless Fauci
Case in point:
Something happened in
1989, triggering a series of epidemics - autism, food allergies,
Tourette's Syndrome, narcolepsy, ADD/ADHD, speech delay,
language delay, rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune diseases
like juvenile diabetes.
All of them sprang up
right around 1989.
Why? What's causing them...?
It's Fauci's job to find
out, but he refuses to, and he blocks anyone else from digging too
"Tony Fauci's job is
to say, why did that happen?
It has to be an
environmental toxin. Genes don't cause epidemics. They provide
the vulnerability, but they cannot cause an epidemic. You need
an environmental toxin.
All we have to do is
figure out which one started in '89, and became ubiquitous the
same year.
But if anybody tries
to do that study, Fauci will ruin their career."
Top suspects include
vaccines, which dramatically increased in '89, and virtually all of
the chronic diseases that have skyrocketed are listed as potential
side effects on the manufacturers' inserts.
herbicide glyphosate
also became ubiquitous around that time, and really exploded in 1993
when RoundUp Ready corn was invented.
GMOs, other pesticides,
ultrasound and PFOAs are other potential culprits.
"Our kids are
swimming around in a toxic soup. And it could be all of those
things, or it could be one or another, but it's easy to find
You just do the
And that science is
easy to do, but it will never be done as long as Tony Fauci's in
office, because he doesn't want us to know - because those are
the industries he has survived by protecting," Kennedy says.
Fauci Works on
Behalf of Big Pharma
Kennedy goes on to explain how Fauci works on behalf of Big Pharma,
and why he's become so important for the drug industry.
"Between 2009 and
2016, about 230 drugs were approved by the FDA, all of which
came out of his shop. So, he is an incubator for Pharma.
And here's what he does:
At his lab, he has petri dishes filled
with every virus [imaginable], and he has scientists that are
messing around with different molecules and different poisons,
and they'll drop those poisons into a petri dish and see if it
kills the culture.
If it kills the
culture, then he has a potential antiviral drug.
The next step is, they give it to rats, and see if it kills the
If most of the rats survive, now you have a potential
antiviral that may work in humans. Then, he farms it out to a
big university.
Now the person it
goes to at the university is usually a very powerful person.
It's the dean of the medical school, or the chair of one of the
departments, and they run the clinical trials, which is
extremely lucrative.
So, they will do the Phase 1 trial, and they'll recruit maybe
100 people for the trial.
Fauci gives that principal
investigator maybe $20,000 per recruit.
The university skims off
50% to 75% of that.
So, now, that
university is hooked into the system.
Then, if the drug works in Phase 1 and Phase 2, then they have
to bring in big groups of people - 10,000 people - and you're
talking about hundreds of millions of dollars.
And they have to
bring in a pharmaceutical company that now takes control of
about half the patent.
Tony Fauci's agency keeps a share of the patent.
For example,
they now collect royalties on the Moderna [COVID] vaccine. [The
NIAID] gets half the royalties, billions of dollars.
The university
researcher keeps some of the patent, so he is now permanently
attached to Tony Fauci and will do anything he says, and the
university itself is getting some of that patent.
So, it's hundreds of millions of dollars that are going to these
universities every year, in addition to the grants that he's
giving, and he can cut all that off if somebody at the
university does the 'wrong study'...
Once the drug goes through Phase 3, it goes to the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA)...
Fauci says,
'Well those are
independent scientists at FDA.'
The panel is called
VRBPAC [Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory
Committee], and they're NOT people who work for the FDA. They're
outside persons who are brought in.
Well, where are they brought in from?
They're Tony Fauci's
principal investigators from all the universities, who are
working on his other projects, and they're brought in to rubber
stamp the drug...
They OK it and give it a license, because they know that, next
year, their drug is going to be in front of that committee, and
they are going to want the committee to rubber stamp them.
So, that committee
never says no. It always green lights everything, and it's
completely controlled by Fauci. He controls the whole process...
Every 'expert' you see on CNN is on Tony Fauci's payroll, and CNN
will never tell you that. It will say,
'This is an
independent virologist, he's an immunologist at Baylor
University, or Stanford, or Harvard'...
They're not telling
you where that guy's bread is being buttered, and that the
person who's buttering it is Tony Fauci, with your taxpayer
The whole system is
just fixed."
Fauci's Past
and Rotten Character Are Catching Up on Him
As more and more of Fauci's lies and his funding of sadistic
experiments on animals and aborted fetuses are coming to light,
Kenney predicts Fauci will be forced to resign, especially as the
book comes out and people really start to understand what he's been
up to all these years.
"Nobody who was not a
sadist in his soul would allow [the beagles being eaten by
sandflies] experiment to happen," Kennedy says.
"Yet, Tony Fauci
deemed that the best use for $450,000 of U.S. taxpayer money,
with all of the screaming needs in public health.
But it's not just $450,000.
Millions and millions [of dollars]
he has put into
these sadistic experiments where they're
torturing animals to death...
Like you'd see in a
schoolyard with little boys, who don't know any better and need
to be told,
'You don't do
that to another creature.'
Fauci doesn't have
that instinct, it's lacking.
It explains what he has done during COVID - denying early
treatment to millions of Americans and forcing them to suffer
and die in their homes, or on ventilators and
remdesevir, which
is a deadly toxic drug, rather than get treated and be healthy.
And punishing, silencing, censoring, delicensing, discrediting
any doctor who tries to say,
'Wait a minute,
I've been treating patients, and my patients aren't dying,
because I'm using hydroxychloroquine,
...and an entire
battery of repurposed drugs that we now know treat virtually all
COVID cases.
70% to 90% of COVID deaths and hospitalizations could have
been prevented, and there are hundreds of studies that support
Yet, he forbids people from doing it.
That is a
And shutting down a million businesses, is that really going to
save lives? There's no study that indicated it would... We have
4.2% of the global population, and we had 14.5% of the deaths.
Why is anybody
listening to this guy? There's no Health Minister in the world
who has a worse track record than Tony Fauci.
There are many countries that had 1/100th of our death rate per
million in population.
And guess what?
Those are mainly
the African and Asian countries, that as a matter of course
are giving ivermectin for river blindness and
hydroxychloroquine for malaria control."
In support of Kennedy's assertion that Fauci will be forced to
resign, you can view above his recent grilling November 4, 2021, by Sen.
Rand Paul in front of Congress.
What is most impressive
are the comments, which are virtually unanimously disparaging Fauci.
Lethal, Illegal Experiments on Children
In his book, Kennedy includes a chapter on some of the animal trials
Fauci funded.
He also tells a far
grimmer story, where the guinea pigs were Black and Hispanic
children. At least 85 of these children died, but the number could
be as high as 1,000 or so.
Fauci got these children
by arranging for foster care programs in New York and six other
states to assign children who had lost their parents to AIDS to
participate in drug studies.
These children had no guardian, so they were illegal studies.
To do a clinical trial on
children, you need to have a guardian appointed who puts their
interests first, ahead of the drug companies. Fauci didn't want
that, so he allowed these studies to go forward without a legal
guardian for any of these kids.
No one was watching out for them.
The trials weren't even
done by licensed medical professionals.
"They were mainly
Dominican immigrants, who were deeply compassionate, who
discovered in the middle that they were actually being hired to
treat these children as guinea pigs, and they were killing huge
numbers of them.
Many of the kids
didn't even have HIV, so they had no possible benefit from the
drug, which is illegal.
Yet Fauci got away with all of it. I believe there was a
Congressional investigation for a brief time, but like
everything that gets near him, it kind of peters out.
The BBC did a
documentary on these kids back in 2004 called 'Guinea Pig Kids.'
They interviewed these children, [one] who said,
'I took the
drugs. They made me feel sick. I was vomiting, I couldn't eat, I
was tired all the time, it was painful, and I refused to take
And when they refused, they were sent to another of Tony Fauci's
principal investigators at
Columbia Presbyterian who installed a
feeding tube to force feed these children these toxic
chemotherapy drugs that they refused to take...
As bad as Beagle gate
is, what he did to these Black and Hispanic children is even
COVID-19 - The
Culmination of Fauci's Criminal Enterprise
As for the COVID-19 'pandemic', Kennedy equates it to the culmination
of Fauci's career.
In the book, he recounts
how Fauci has been a key figure in 'pandemic' planning - not
necessarily how to prevent one, but how to create it, as infectious
disease mortality had dropped so dramatically that infectious
diseases were becoming an increasingly low priority.
So far, every single 'pandemic' that has been dramatized has turned
out to be a complete fraud, and the same can be said for
All the while, billions
of dollars were spent on vaccines.
"They've taken all of
these lessons they learned from all the other fake 'pandemic's and
rolled it into coronavirus," Kennedy says.
"Now, I want to make
clear, I'm not saying that coronavirus is not a 'pandemic', or
that it doesn't kill a lot of people. It does. But we've all
been manipulated by an
exaggeration of cases, the exaggeration
of deaths, the obscuring of data, all of the manipulations that
they've done to us.
[In the book] I have a picture that somebody got from a Freedom
of Information Act request.
It's a March Madness
graph of all of the different 'pandemics' - fake 'pandemics' - [Fauci]
has tried during his career, all converging with the grand
winner being coronavirus.
And [Fauci] signed
it, somebody on his staff made it.
But it was Tony Fauci's triumph, winning March Madness. It's
basically a picture of his career. Him trying every three or
four years a new fake 'pandemic', and finally hitting on all eight
cylinders with coronavirus.
It's like a
joke, and we are the punchline...
Here's what I would say to people. We have to stop this. This is
the hill that we all have to die on. If you are a parent, and
you let them give this [COVID shot] to your child, you are not
doing your job as a parent. If you are a doctor, you are
committing malpractice to give this to a child.
We all need to
I would say that every American who sees what's happening has to
start engaging in civil disobedience every day. And that may
mean going to a store and telling them, if they demand a vaccine
passport, that you are not going to patronize that store
It may mean resisting
on the job. Do not quit! Make them fire you. Because then you
have a lawsuit.
Right now, the best thing is to make them fire you for not
taking an emergency use authorization vaccine, because there are
no approved vaccines in this country available to any American.
It was a myth, it was
a hoax, it was a chicanery for them to say,
'We approved this
Comirnaty vaccine.'
If you go on Pfizer's
website, it will tell you, 'We do not make Comirnaty available
in the United States.'
Why are they trying to go after our kids? Here's why.
The vaccines can
only get liability protection once they are approved.
The only way they
get liability protection is if they're on the child's
vaccination schedule.
And then, once
the CDC votes them onto the child vaccination schedule, then
they get liability protection, even for adults.
One lawsuit can
bankrupt the company if they didn't have liability protection.
So that's why they're going after our kids.
They need it to get
that liability protection...
And we need to stop
them from the collateral damage they're going to cause to an
entire generation of children; 26 million children will get a
vaccine that's been tested on 1,300 kids, with catastrophic
"The Truth About
COVID-19" exposes the hidden agenda behind the 'pandemic', showing the
countermeasures have nothing to do with public health and everything
to do with ushering in a new social and economic system based on
totalitarian, technocracy-led control.
So, it's not
misinformation they fear. It's the truth they want to prevent from
Sources and References