by S.D. Wells
18, 2023
GenocideNews Website

Never before have so many humans suffered from post-traumatic
vaccine disorder.
PTVD (premature
triple-vessel disease) is sweeping
the globe as the
spike protein prions clog and clot
the vascular system of those "vaccinated" with the gene mutation
In fact, mRNA
"technology" is so deadly that the FDA never got approval to use it
for humans, and even the "emergency use authorization" (EUA)
was not valid because there were several other alternative
for Covid that proved effective,
Even though many vaccines
contain known neurotoxins and carcinogens, like,
mercury, aluminum,
peanut oil, dairy, GMOs, latex, MSG, and human albumin,
...they still are not as
dangerous and deadly as
mRNA Fauci Flu jabs.
In fact, the Wuhan Virus
injections have
killed and maimed more humans that
ALL other vaccines combined.
According to
VAERS, hundreds of thousands of Americans are dead due to the Fauci
Flu jabs, and several million injured
In 2021, there was a massive jump in vaccine-related deaths like the
world has never seen before.
The CDC claims this
is from over-reporting, but everyone and their brother who's
ever tuned into truth news about vaccines knows that the
vaccine-induced injuries and deaths reported to
VAERS are vastly
UNDER-REPORTED, by as much as 540 percent, and therein lies the
There were (and still
are) more adverse events reported for the mRNA Covid jabs than
for ALL other vaccines in history combined.
The FDA never really got any true approval for the use of mRNA
jabs on humans. This was all faked...
The EUA, "emergency use
authorization," did not apply to the mRNA Covid jabs, because that
type of use only applies when there are no other alternative
medications or treatments that can mitigate the disease, and we know
for a fact there were several.
WHO, and
FDA buried these known
treatments, censored them, outlawed them, and persecuted doctors who
prescribed them or even just recommended them.
Ivermectin is 90
percent effective at mitigating Covid, and with next-to-zero
adverse events or side effects. Go figure.
Then there's vitamin
D and zinc. Don't forget about hydroxychloroquine also.
That's why EUA was
never proper for the situation, so 270 million Americans got at
least one toxic spike protein jab that was 100 percent
experimental, dangerous, unsafe, and never proven effective.
Get it...?
The CDC, WHO, and FDA also,
lied outright about
how the Covid vaccines "remain at the injection site," embedded
in your muscle tissue.
The spike proteins
created by your cells travel throughout the entire vascular system,
flooding every organ with toxic, virus-mimicking prion particles
that cause,
heart stress
even infertility
Look it up.
Check out
spontaneous abortion post-Covid-jab.
And now, without further
Top 7 reasons
mRNA fake vaccines are much deadlier than any other jab ever
manufactured and administered
mRNA jabs were
never even approved by the FDA (even the "emergency use
authorization" was faked because there were other
alternatives to fighting Covid available).
They clog your
vascular system with spike proteins, causing mass
inflammation (MIS).
There is no
guarantee of when mRNA stops producing toxic spike prions.
They trick your
cells and alter their natural function.
Each jab and
booster causes worsened auto-immune dysfunction and
less immunity against future
mRNA is an
experiment and has never been proven safe or effective.
The jabs kill
animals tested and human babies in the womb, and
cause infertility.