by Catherine J. Frompovich
September 02, 2018
ActivistPost Website
Spanish version

There seems to be an
enigma, double standard or even a legal faux pas in tort law in the
United States. Nowhere is that more readily evident than in the
following example, in my opinion.
Back on July 19, 2018, a "Ride the Ducks Branson"
Duck Boat tragedy occurred on Table
Rock Lake, near the tourist magnet town of Branson, Missouri.
Seventeen unfortunate
people lost their lives by drowning due to the Duck Boat capsizing
and sinking, which apparently occurred due to some sort of
negligence(s), either accidental and/or deliberate, as is now being
proffered by Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley in late
August, 2018.
Missouri AG Hawley filed a lawsuit August 31st under
Missouri's consumer protection law wherein,
Hawley claims Ripley
Entertainment and Branson Duck Vehicles have "been on notice for
decades of ongoing safety hazards that posed a present and
deadly danger to every person who boarded a duck boat."
That's an interesting
concept at law, but how come it cannot be applied to a certain
segment of commerce and industry regarding a,
"present and deadly
danger to every person who is vaccinated."
Regardless of the
1986 Vaccine Law Congress gifted
the pharmaceutical industry with absolving them of all legal and
financial liabilities for their toxic chemical/nanoparticle products
deadly dangers (as qualified and quantified in the HRSA "Petitions
Filed, Compensated and Dismissed, by Alleged Vaccine, Since the
Beginning of VICP, 10/01/1988 through 8/08/2018" - Page
6) 1,270 death petitions were filed along with 18,399 other vaccine
health damage petitions.
This is indicating an
obvious "present and deadly danger to every person" who is
proselytized by HHS/CDC/FDA and media memes to believe
vaccines are 'safe',
while DELIBERATELY not told the full spectrum of possible adverse
health effects prior to forced vaccination by MDs, RNs, and all
those licensed to provide vaccine inoculations.
If the Missouri AG filed legal action against the Duck Boat
principals because,
…they did not notify
passengers of the dangers, the filing states, and falsely
assured them 'that safety was a top priority when in actuality
it was their own profits,'
...then what's the
difference legally between Duck Boat owners and vaccine
makers top priority, when vaccine makers rake in thousands times
more the profits Duck Boat owners do/did?
Back in 2016,
"the vaccine market
is worth close to $24 billion," whereas by 2020, the worth "will
be an estimated $61 billion in projected sales." [1]
What is it the law,
CDC, and
FDA really don't want to get about
protecting health consumers by not doing the following?
Mandating totally
informed consent regarding vaccines as per
vaccine package inserts
Contraindications, Warnings, Precautions and Adverse
Reactions extensive information before inoculation
reporting vaccines are not safe - even the U.S. Supreme
Court admitted that in the
Bruesewitz vs. Wyeth 2011
decision therefore, legally abiding by states laws providing
vaccine exemptions
Reinstating the
original intent of the 1986 Vaccine Law at the Vaccine Court
for the time being, before Congress is forced by various
tactics to rescind it
We are in the third
generation of U.S. children being damaged after receiving vaccines!
That is a documented fact
from the CDC's
VAERS reporting system, which
represents roughly between only 1% and 10% of vaccine injuries due
to MDs ardent reluctance to follow the law and file the proper VAERS
Furthermore, HRSA "Petitions
Filed, Compensated and Dismissed, by Alleged Vaccine..."
has paid out almost $4 Billion [$3,937,771,417.58] in settled claims
and attorneys' fees per Page 10 of that report.
Dr. Mercola points out,
Safety Provisions Not
Being Enforced
At the time of the law's creation in 1986, Congress said they
were committed to setting up a fair, expedited, non-adversarial,
less traumatic, less expensive no-fault compensation mechanism
alternative to civil litigation.
But Congress also
acknowledged that any legislation providing liability protection
must also be equally committed to preventing vaccine harm.
The Act contains strong safety provisions, including first-time
mandates for doctors to record and report serious health
problems, hospitalizations, injuries and deaths after
vaccination and give parents written benefit and risk
information before a child is vaccinated.
medical professionals i.e., MDs,
are the prime offenders in vaccine injury cases by not abiding
by the 1986 law and, as such, should be prosecuted, as most
impartial people would agree.]
However, the overarching
problem is current laws reflecting vested interests' rights vs.
human rights, including the U.S. Congress, which acts as
corporation lobbyists' "go fors."
Diseases always have been a human problem (see Otzi, the Iceman's
mummified corpse) [2] and will continue to be with living
However, humans have
evolved over millennia without vaccines,
pharmaceuticals and modern technological nanoparticles.
Now, it's to the point
where, currently, human life is threatened with possible extinction
Toxic chemicals and
pharmaceuticals, i.e.,
conventional cancer treatments
for one; neurotoxic
Weather geoengineering and
management: global ecosystems destruction, especially the
hydrologic cycle
Genetically modified 'phood'
and science, man-made 'life forms': should we question
Morgellons disease?
frequencies currently billions of times greater than all
life forms on Earth ever have experienced before the last 50
years, including the military's Directed Energy Weapons
being deployed as a commercialized version called
5G Wi-Fi for faster
Internet service
Nuclear fission
radiation: either accidents and/or warfare, something
the Deep State is clamoring
for, or so it seems
galactic activity emanating from military
involvement in the ionosphere
Undoubtedly, there
probably are many more, e.g., those from off-planet
ET assets and technologies back engineered
(reverse engineering) being applied.
Nevertheless, I think
readers get the idea humans are an endangered species whether we
admit it or not.
We have only ourselves to blame for deifying science, technology and
money as our idols.