by Dr. Joseph Mercola
April 15,
Mercola Website

episode 26 of Children's Health Defense (CHD) Tea Time,
I discuss the transhumanist agenda and how its ultimate
goal is to control the human population
You're being surveilled 24/7, and most of the
surveillance you are allowing into your life, as you
give up your privacy and consent to surveillance in
exchange for convenience
Google is a primary culprit and the most egregious
offender; they have major control and influence since,
worldwide, 93% of the searches done online use Google
Transhumanists don't have to put a microchip into your
arm to gain immeasurable control; they can already alter
reality and brainwash the population via data collection
and the manipulation of information
can help protect your privacy and fight back against the
transhumanism movement by avoiding any and all Google
The notion of
transhumanism is being actively researched and
explored, while on some level it's already here.
Many people regard
transhumanism as turning human beings into robots, but it actually
describes a social and philosophical movement that involves the
development of human-enhancement technologies. 1
In episode 26 of Children's Health Defense (CHD) Tea Time, I spoke
with Polly Tommey, director of programming for CHD-TV, and
colleagues about the transhumanist agenda and how its ultimate goal
is to control the human population.
The process has been accelerated
by the
COVID-19 'pandemic', and over the last two years, the global
cabal has succeeded in influencing behavior, primarily through fear
and the creation of narratives.
Most people don't appreciate that they're being surveilled 24/7, and
most of the surveillance you are allowing into your life, as you
give up your privacy and consent to surveillance in exchange for
Google is a primary culprit and the most egregious
offender, and they have major control and influence since,
worldwide, 93% of the searches done online use
Google. 2
It's the biggest monopoly
in the history of the world.
Capturing Your Data and Influencing Your Mind
In the future, it's possible that transhumanism will use
technologies that are physically embedded in the human body or brain
to offer superhuman cognition or forms of mind control.
However, at
this time transhumanism is already occurring, not from an
implantable device but through mass formation psychosis and the
manipulation of information.
A key example is the term "mass formation psychosis," which Dr.
Robert Malone, inventor of the
DNA and
mRNA vaccine core platform
technology, 3 mentioned on an episode of "The Joe Rogan Experience"
December 31, 2021:
Robert Malone on The Joe Rogan Experience
(JRE #1757 Dec 31 2021 / 1 Jan 2022)
The episode was viewed by
more than 50 million people. 4
January 2, 2022, mass formation psychosis reached a value of 100 on
Google Trends, 5 which means it had reached peak popularity, after
previously being practically unheard of.
The technocrats quickly took action, manipulating search results and
populating Google with propaganda to discredit Malone and the mass
formation psychosis theory - even though Mattias Desmet, professor
of clinical psychology at the University of Ghent in Belgium, who
has 126 publications to his name, 6 has been studying it for many
years, and the phenomenon actually dates back over 100 years.
Those under the spell of mass formation psychosis obsessively focus
on a failure of the normal world or a particular event or person - in this case COVID-19
- which becomes the focus of the attention and
can effectively control the masses.
The phenomenon leads to
totalitarian thinking and, eventually, to totalitarian states - and
it's clear that Google didn't want you to know about it.
Infiltrates Your Home
Because of their monopoly, Google controls what you see by
manipulating search results and censoring websites or labeling them
If you want to find out how to truly get healthy,
for instance, the information exists on the internet - it's there - but you won't be able to find it easily if you don't know where to
look because of the way
Google controls information.
By manipulating information, they can shape and alter reality about
any topic - from COVID-19 to Ukraine - in order to fit their agenda.
It's not only Google's search engine that's tracking what you do but
also your browser.
Google Chrome browser
tracks everything you do
online, while Gmail captures every character you type - and saves it
on its servers indefinitely.
If you use smart speakers in your home, like Alexa and Google Home
smart speakers or the Google Assistant smartphone app, there's a
chance people are listening to your requests, and even may be
listening when you wouldn't expect.
Even smart thermostats can have
microphones in them.
Have you ever had a phone conversation with someone and then in the
next hour or day started getting ads related to something you spoke
This is a powerful example of the amount of data they're
collecting about you and how they're using it to control and
manipulate your behavior.
They don't need a futuristic
device to go in and manipulate your brain:
they're already doing it
without it...
Organisms' to Reengineer Life Itself
The beginning of CHD's video features transhumanist
Yuval Noah
Harari, professor at Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a top
adviser to
Klaus Schwab, owner and chairman of the World Economic
Forum (WEF).
It's important to be aware that
Schwab, WEF and Harari
speak openly about transhumanism as part of
The Great Reset, and Harari admits data might enable human elites to do more than,
"just build digital
"By hacking organisms," Harari said,
"elites may gain the power to reengineer the future of life
itself because once you can hack something, you can usually also
engineer it." 7
Soon, he says, some
corporations and governments will be able to,
"systematically hack
all the people."
And, if they succeed in hacking life, he describes
it as the,
"greatest revolution
in biology since the beginning of life 4 billion years ago."
According to Harari:
"For 4 billion years,
nothing fundamental changed. Science is replacing evolution by
natural selection with evolution by intelligent design.
Not the intelligent
design of some god above the clouds, but our intelligent design,
and the intelligent design of our clouds - the IBM cloud, the
Microsoft cloud - these are the new driving forces of
Once human life is hacked, the hackers will maintain control over
life itself - a process that has been accelerated by the 'pandemic'.
After all, Harari said,
"It's often said that
you should never let a good crisis go to waste." 9
Surveillance is a key part of the plan for global totalitarian
control, and Harari says that in 100 years, people will be able to
look back and identify the COVID-19 'pandemic' as the moment when a
new regime in surveillance took over,
surveillance under the skin." 10
Even though a brain-computer implant recently enabled a fully
paralyzed man to communicate with family and doctors with his
thoughts, 11 I don't believe the technology has advanced to the point
that implantable microchips are being used as brain-machine
interfaces to control your thoughts.
But what does exist today are
vaccine passports, which can progress to digital IDs, which then
lead to central bank digital currencies (CBDC) - the endgame.
CBDCs appear to be inevitable:
it's not a question of if they're
going to have them, but when...
Once CBDCs become widespread, they'll
be able to control everything, as it will be difficult to survive
without them.
They don't have to put a microchip in your arm to gain
this immeasurable control - they'll be able to track and control
your every move via CBDCs.
Develop Your
Personal Resilience
Optimizing your health is one of the best measures you have to
develop your personal resilience against whatever new threat may
come your way.
I outlined three top priorities in the
below video, which
Avoid seed oils in your diet
Seed oils, which
are often referred to as vegetable oils, are hidden in
virtually every processed food, including restaurant foods,
unless you can confirm the chef is cooking only with butter.
There's virtually
nothing more destructive to your body in producing heart
disease, cancer, age-related macular degeneration, diabetes,
obesity and dementia. 12
Even if you cut out processed foods and other major seed-oil
offenders like sauces and salad dressings at restaurants, you
can still be hit by these pernicious toxins because they're
hidden in ostensibly "healthy" foods like chicken and pork.
These animals are fed grains loaded with the
omega-6 fat linoleic acid, which is found in most seed oils and causes
health damage when consumed at the excessive levels that are
common today.
Many people eat loads of chicken because it's perceived as a
health food and it's inexpensive, but it's a major source of linoleic acid.
In your own cooking, examples of healthy fats to
use instead of seed oils are beef tallow, butter or coconut oil.
Avoid iron overload
If you're male or a postmenopausal
woman, iron overload can put your health at risk.
As a potent
oxidizer, iron can damage your tissues and impair mitochondrial
function. Your body has limited capacity to excrete iron, which
allows it to build up in your organs, including your heart,
liver and pancreas.
Men and postmenopausal women can reduce their risk of iron
overload by donating blood two or three times a year.
It's an
effective and inexpensive remedy that will also help others.
Get regular sun exposure
Getting outdoors in the sun,
exposing as much of your bare skin as possible, is the best way
to ensure your vitamin D levels are optimized.
When you get sun
exposure, it also increases the active form of vitamin A along
with mitochondrial melatonin, a profoundly important antioxidant
inside your mitochondria that reduces oxidative stress.
You don't have to be on Google.com to risk your privacy and be
It's much more pernicious than this, as your data can be
captured while you're, for instance, talking on your phone. Apps can
track and collect your data, which is then used to essentially
brainwash you.
It's possible to de-Google your cellphone by getting an Android
phone that doesn't have a Google operating system, but you'll need
to find a skilled IT person who can reformat your cellphone's hard
You can further help protect your privacy and fight back
against the
transhumanism movement by avoiding any and all Google
This includes:
Stop using
search engines. Try
Brave search engine instead.
Uninstall Google
Chrome and use Brave browser instead, available for all
computers and mobile devices. It blocks ads and protects
your privacy.
If you have a
Gmail account, try a non-Google email service instead such
ProtonMail, 13 an encrypted email service based in
Stop using Google
If you're a high
school student, do not convert the Google accounts you
created as a student into personal accounts.
and References
CHD.TV, Tea Time
Episode 26, 5:20
Trial Site News May
30, 2021
Church Militant
January 11, 2022
Google Trends, mass
formation psychosis
University of Ghent,
Professor Mattias Desmet, Academic Bibliography
YouTube, Awaken With
JP March 5, 2022, 3:35
YouTube, Awaken With
JP March 5, 2022, 4:30
YouTube, Awaken With
JP March 5, 2022, 6:01
YouTube, Awaken With
JP March 5, 2022, 6:27
The New York Times
Brain Implant Allows Fully Paralyzed Patient to
Communicate. March 22, 2022
YouTube, Omega-6
Apocalypse 2, Chris Knobbe August 25, 2021