by Dr. Joseph Mercola
May 02, 2020
Mercola Website

Story at-a-glance
While COVID-19 meets the technical definition of a pandemic, the
death toll is nowhere near that of earlier serious pandemics that
would legitimately justify the extraordinary measures being deployed
by the U.S. government
An estimated 75 million to 200 million people in Eurasia and as much
as 60% of the European population in rural areas were wiped out by
the Black Death (bubonic plague) between 1347 and 1351
The Spanish flu (swine flu), which hit during World War I in 1918,
infected 500 million people worldwide, killing an estimated 50
million, or 2.7% of the global population
Using the higher of two prominent COVID-19 trackers, 238,950 people
had died, globally, from COVID-19 as of the afternoon on May 2,
2020. Based on a global population of 7.8 billion, 238,950 deaths
amount to 0.003% of the global population
Mid-March predictions said COVID-19 would kill 2.2
million Americans if allowed to run its course. April 8,
2020, the Murray Model downgraded the threat to 60,000
dead by August, which is lower than the death toll for
the seasonal flu of 2017/2018
COVID-19 meets the technical definition
1 of a pandemic (i.e., "an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing
international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of
people"), the death toll is nowhere near that of earlier serious
pandemics 2 that would legitimately justify the extraordinary
measures being deployed by the U.S. government and others around the
The Black Death
For comparison, the "Black Death," which swept through Europe
between 1347 and 1351 and kept resurfacing at intervals for the next
300 years, decimated up to one-third of the population with each
recurrence. 3,4
While the Black Death was long thought to be the same as the
plague, in more recent years, researchers have questioned this
assumption, 5 and at least some of the evidence suggests they were
not the same disease.
Either way, the plague killed 75 million to 200 million people in
Eurasia, with deaths peaking in Europe from 1347 to 1351. 6
As much
as 60% of the European population in rural areas were wiped out by
the Black Death in the first four-year-long pandemic wave. People
died within days of having symptoms. 7
This horrific lethality is
typically what people think of when they hear the word "pandemic."
The Spanish Flu
Similarly, the
Spanish flu (aka,
swine flu), which hit
during World War I in 1918, infected 500 million people worldwide,
killing an estimated 50 million, or 2.7% of the global population.
It killed 675,000 in the U.S. alone - more than died in combat
during World War I, World War II, the Korean, Vietnam, Iraq and
Afghanistan wars combined, according to the historical documentary
Like the bubonic plague, the Spanish flu was a very rapid killer,
causing death in as little as 12 hours. Like the novel coronavirus
SARS-CoV-2, the virus also spread very easily and rapidly.
COVID-19, however, people between the ages of 20 and 40 were most
susceptible to the infection.
With COVID-19, it's the elderly and immune compromised that are at
greatest risk, but even in these high-risk groups, the mortality
rate is nowhere near that of the Spanish flu:
Data points vary, and mortality statistics differ widely depending
on the country and area you're looking at, but using the higher of
two prominent COVID-19 trackers - Worldometer, 9 opposed to Johns
Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center 10 - 238,950 people had died,
globally, from COVID-19 as of the afternoon on May 2, 2020.
Based on a global population of 7.8 billion, 11 238,950 deaths amount
to 0.003% of the global population.
Even if this tally is off by
hundreds of thousands, we're still only looking at a fraction of a
percent of the global population succumbing to COVID-19 in three and
a half months.
April 15, there were also 1,403,420 active cases, 96% of which were
mild and only 4% of which were serious or critical, 12 so clearly, a
vast majority of people who are infected make it through and end up
having antibodies that will confer long-term immunity.
I for one could see shutting down the global economy for a true
plague or something much like the Spanish flu, but
COVID-19 simply
doesn't warrant the draconian elimination of personal freedom and
liberty we're currently seeing...
Nor is it serious enough to warrant
the kinds of long-term surveillance strategies suggested by
Understand What's Happening Right Now
The Corbett Report above is well worth listening to if you're still
on the fence and think the way we're going is a good idea to
safeguard the vulnerable.
Remember, infectious diseases have been
with us since the dawn of mankind, and are not going to stop. Ever.
Right now, we're being told that,
we have to forgo our civil
liberties because we might spread a virus to a potentially
vulnerable individual, and if that happens, we're culpable in their
So, to prevent "mass homicide" from occurring by people
moving about freely, we're told,
we have to
isolate ourselves and
stop living.
Yet every single flu season throughout history, people have moved
about, spreading the infection around.
Undoubtedly, most people who
have ever left their house with a cold, stomach bug or other
influenza at any point in the past has unwittingly spread the
infection to others, some of which may have ended up with a serious
case of illness and some of which may ultimately have died from it.
There is simply no way to prevent such a chain of events in
Giving up our civil liberties in an effort to prevent
all future deaths from infectious disease is profoundly misguided,
and ultimately will not work anyway.
From my perspective, the only mitigating factor in this analysis is
that there appears to be solid, well-documented evidence that this
is an 'engineered virus', one that was constructed in biosafety level
3 and 4 labs that are focused on offensive biological weapons
This may result in unprecedented adverse biological
adaptations that impair innate immunity.
But at this time, I seriously
doubt it...
Mortality Predictions Fall Apart
Mid-March predictions said COVID-19,
would kill 2.2 million Americans
if allowed to run its course. 13
By the end of March, Dr.
Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy
and Infectious Diseases, downgraded the projected death toll,
we were probably
looking at 100,000 to 240,000 Americans dying. 14
April 8, 2020, a new model referred to as the
Murray Model 15 downgraded the threat further,
COVID-19 will kill
60,000 in the U.S. by August 16 - a number that is still
20,000 lower than
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's death toll numbers
attributed to the seasonal flu the winter of
2017/2018. 17
In the Liberty Report video above, Dr.
Ron Paul, former GOP
congressman, also points out that Fauci's "doom and gloom
predictions" have completely collapsed,
"with the new
official prediction coming in under the normal flu numbers for
If COVID-19 is not causing any greater death toll than the regular
flu season two years ago,
why are we now asked to end society as we
know it well into the foreseeable future...?
There's no doubt in my
mind that there will be far more deaths attributable to the
'financial collapse and isolation' than there will be from the actual
H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic Response Was a Gift to Big Pharma
H1N1 swine flu of 2009 was the most recent pandemic of note, and
Fauci and
Gates are both saying we won't be able (read,
allowed) to go back to any semblance of normalcy until or unless we
have a vaccine and enforce mandatory vaccination of the global
population, it's worth remembering what happened during the 2009
swine flu pandemic.
The CDC estimates that from April 12, 2009, to April 10, 2010, there
were 60.8 million cases of H1N1 infection, 274,000 hospitalizations,
and 12,469 deaths (0.02% infection fatality rate/mortality rate) in
the United States.
June 11, 2009, the World Health Organization declared a global
pandemic of novel influenza A (H1N1). 18
A vaccine was rapidly
unveiled, and within months, cases of disability and death from the
H1N1 vaccine were reported in various parts of the world.
In the aftermath, the
Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
(PACE) questioned
the WHO's handling of the pandemic.
In June 2010,
PACE concluded,
"the handling of the
pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), EU
health agencies and national governments led to a 'waste of
large sums of public money, and unjustified scares and fears
about the health risks faced by the European public'." 19
Specifically, PACE concluded there was
"overwhelming evidence that
the seriousness of the pandemic was vastly overrated by WHO," and
that the drug industry had influenced the organization's
decision-making. 20
As reported by the Natural Society in 2014:
"… a joint investigation by the
British Medical Journal (BMJ) and
the Bureau of Investigative Journalism (BIJ) has uncovered some
serious conflicts of interest between the World Health Organization
(WHO), who proposed... heavy
vaccinations, and the pharmaceutical
companies which created them.
The joint-investigation's report explains that the WHO profited
immensely 22 from the scare tactics they utilized to promote the use
of a swine flu vaccine.
Creating mass hysteria was the WHO's emergency advisory committee's
goal... The WHO told the world that up to 7 million people could die
without the vaccines they were pushing...
The advisory panel was
choked with individuals highly connected to the pharmaceutical
companies with vested interests in both antiviral and influenza
An over $4 billion stake was invested in developing
these vaccines, and without a pandemic there would be no use for
them. Utilizing propaganda and fear, the drugs were pushed on
unsuspecting people, and the money was made."
Disturbingly, while the WHO was found to have had serious conflicts
of interest with
the drug industry, nothing has actually changed
since then, which makes one wonder whether the WHO's COVID-19
pandemic response can actually be trusted.
White House Halts Funding to WHO
On the upside, U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams stated in an April
13 radio interview 23,24 with Breitbart News Daily that,
the White
House Coronavirus Task Force is no longer relying on predictive
projection models at this point, for the simple reason that we now
have sufficient real-time data that provide a far more accurate
overview of the situation.
According to Adams, the reopening of American communities will be
based on actual infection rates (derived from testing) rather than
'predictive modeling', and communities' ability to handle the
real-world medical case load.
April 14, 2020, President Trump also
halted funding to WHO until a
White House review of the organization's handling of the COVID-19
pandemic has been completed.
As reported by Politico:
"Trump... accused WHO of
'severely mismanaging and covering up the
spread of the coronavirus' and called its opposition to U.S. travel
restrictions on China in the outbreak's early months 'disastrous.'
While WHO did call such travel bans 'ineffective in most
situations' at the time, the group did acknowledge that they
could buy countries time to 'to initiate and implement effective
preparedness measures'."
Considering WHO is acting like little more than a
'front group' for
Big Pharma, just like the Gates Foundation (which is now the largest
funder of WHO), this may actually be a good thing.
WHO really needs
to decide whether it's going to do what's right for public health or
take its direction from Gates and the drug industry.
Gates, through his massive involvement with WHO - detailed in "Bill
Gates - Most Dangerous Philanthropist in Modern History?"
- is both
calling the shots during this pandemic and stands to gain handsomely
from it, seeing how the Gates Foundation Trust is invested in
vaccine development companies that in turn receive
donations" from the Gates Foundation.
Gates has gone on record saying the U.S. needs a national tracking
system 26 that could involve vaccine records embedded on our bodies
(such as invisible ink quantum dot tattoos described in a Science
Translational Medicine paper 27,28) and mandatory COVID-19
vaccination for anyone wanting to move about and travel freely in
the future.
Limiting Gates influence, even if that means defunding the WHO, is
likely going to be imperative if we want to avoid the dystopian
surveillance state he proposes.
What We Learned From the Pandemic Swine Flu Vaccine
Even if a COVID-19 vaccine comes out in a year, we will have no
proof that it's safe since researchers are foregoing some of the
normally required safety testing in order to get a vaccine out as
soon as possible. 29
What if it turns into a repeat of the
H1N1 swine flu vaccine released in Europe during the
swine flu pandemic of 2009-2010?
Even more important would be how effective it is.
The effectiveness
of influenza vaccines has historically been abysmal, so,
what good
would administering the vaccine do if it doesn't work?
In July 2009, the U.S. National Biodefense Safety Board unanimously
decided to forgo most safety and efficacy tests to get the vaccine
out by September of that year. 30,31
Europe also accelerated
its approval process, allowing manufacturers to skip large-scale
human trials 32 - a decision that turned out to have tragic consequences
for an untold number of children and teens across Europe.
Over the next few years, the ASO3-adjuvanted swine flu vaccine
Pandemrix (used in Europe but not in the U.S. during 2009-2010) was
causally linked 34 to childhood
narcolepsy, which abruptly
skyrocketed in several countries. 35,36
Children and teens in,
Finland 37
the U.K. 38
Sweden 39
...were among
the hardest hit.
Further analyses discerned a rise in narcolepsy
among adults who received the vaccine as well, although the link
wasn't as obvious as that in children and adolescents. 40
A 2019 study 41 reports finding a,
"novel association between Pandemrix-associated narcolepsy and the non-coding RNA gene
...a gene thought to regulate the production of glial cell
line-derived neurotrophic factor or
GDNF, a protein that plays an
important role in neuronal survival.
They also confirmed a strong association between vaccine-induced
narcolepsy and a certain haplotype, suggesting,
"variation in genes
related to immunity and neuronal survival may interact to increase
the susceptibility to Pandemrix-induced narcolepsy in certain
As of right now, one of the main contenders for a COVID-19 vaccine
is using synthetic mRNA to instruct DNA to produce the same kind of
proteins COVID-19 uses to gain access into our cells.
The idea is
that your immune system will learn to recognize and kill the real
What the limited human trials on this vaccine will NOT tell us is
whether it might have devastating genetic effects. No one expected Pandemrix to have genetic effects. Yet it did...!
The pandemic H1N1 vaccine was largely voluntary.
Had it been
mandated across the entire world, which is what they're considering
for COVID-19, the health ramifications would have been absolutely
devastating, and that's the risk we're facing if a COVID-19 mandate
goes through.
The Swine Flu Fraud of 1976
Last but not least, we can look at and learn from the swine flu
fiasco of 1976 as well, detailed in this 1979 '60
Minutes' episode:
Fearing a repeat of the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic,
"the government
propaganda machine cranked into action," 60 Minutes says, telling
all Americans to get vaccinated.
According to
60 Minutes, 46 million Americans were vaccinated
against the swine flu at that time. Over the next few years,
thousands of Americans filed vaccine damage claims with the federal
government. 42
As reported by Smithsonian Magazine in 2017:
"In the spring of 1976, it looked like that year's flu was the real
thing. Spoiler alert: it wasn't, and rushed response led to a
medical debacle that hasn't gone away.
'Some of the American public's hesitance to embrace vaccines
- the
flu vaccine in particular - can be attributed to the long-lasting
effects of a failed 1976 campaign to mass-vaccinate the public
against a strain of the swine flu virus,' writes Rebecca Kreston for
'This government-led campaign was widely viewed as
a debacle and put an irreparable dent in future public
health initiative, as well as negatively influenced the
public's perception of both the flu and the flu shot in this
A 1981 report by the U.S. General Accounting Office to Senator
Durkin reads, in part: 44
"Before the swine flu program there were comparatively few
vaccine-related claims made against the Government. Since 1963,
Public Health Service records showed that only 27 non-swine flu
claims were filed.
However, as of December 31, 1979, we found that 3,839 claims and 988
lawsuits had been filed against the Government alleging injury,
death, or other damage resulting from the 45 million swine flu
immunizations given under the program.
A Justice official
told us that as of October 2, 1980, 3,965 claims and 1,384
lawsuits had been filed. Of the 3,965 claims filed, the Justice
official said 316 claims had been settled for about $12.3
million …"
CDC Lied About Swine Flu Vaccine Safety
According to 60 Minutes, the claims amount for the nearly 4,000
claimants totaled $3.5 billion. Two-thirds of the claimants suffered
neurological damage and at least 300 of them died.
As explained by 60 Minutes, Americans who got the vaccine were told
the vaccine had been field tested. What they were not told was that
the vaccine they received was not the actual vaccine that had
undergone testing.
According to Dr. Michael Hattwick, who directed the surveillance
team for the 1976 swine flu vaccination program at the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there was evidence showing influenza
vaccinations could, and had, caused neurological complications in
the past.
He claims he warned his superiors of this possibility, as it
pertained to the swine flu campaign.
Yet the CDC denied the evidence
and the American public was never informed of this risk. 60 Minutes
also reveals the CDC was proven to have lied in its marketing
materials for the vaccine.
Judy Roberts was one of the victims of that campaign. She was
paralyzed by the vaccine, and suffered permanent damage.
husband, who was also vaccinated and suffered no ill effects, ends
the segment saying:
"I told Judy to take the shot...
I'm mad with my government. They
knew the facts but they didn't release those facts, because if they
had released them, people wouldn't have taken it.
And they
can come out tomorrow and tell me there's going to be an
epidemic, and they can drop off like flies next to me, and I
will not take another shot that my government tells me to take."
Remember, DO NOT
TRUST any vaccine messaging
Fauci, Gates and other
misinformed and ill-intentioned professionals are seeking to spread.
It would be far wiser to focus on improving your innate immunity
through solid inexpensive and safe strategies we have previously
Sources and References
1 WHO.int
Classical Definition of a Pandemic
2 History
March 27, 2020
3, 5 New
Scientist November 24, 2001
4 Live
Science December 12, 2019
6 Storymaps.arcgis.com,
The Black Death
7 History
Extra, Black Death Facts
8 Our
World in Data, The Spanish Flu, March 4, 2020
9, 12 Worldometers.info
10 Johns
Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
11 Worldometer
Current World Population
13 The
Intercept March 17, 2020
14 CNN
March 31, 2020
April 2, 2020
16 CNN
April 8, 2020
September 26, 2018
18 CDC.gov
June 11, 2009
19, 20 Assembly.coe.int
June 24, 2010
21 Natural
Society February 23, 2014
22 Engineering
Evil February 10, 2014
23 Breitbart
News Daily, April 13, 2020, Aprox 14 minutes in
24 Community.oilprice.com
April 14, 2020
25 Politico
April 14, 2020
26 Forbes
March 18, 2020
27 Science
Translational Medicine December 18, 2019; 11(523):
28 Scientific
American December 18, 2019
News March 11, 2020
30 Science
in Society July 27, 2009
31 National
Biodefense Science Board July 2009
32 The
Guardian July 26, 2009
33 CDC.gov,
Narcolepsy Following Pandemrix Flu Vaccination in Europe
34, 39 Eurosurveillance
June 30, 2011; 16(26)
35 European
Centre for Disease Prevention and Control September 20,
36, 40 CIDRAP
January 30, 2013
37 PLoS
One. 2012;7(3):e33536
38 BMJ
41 EBioMedicine.
2019 Feb; 40: 595–604
42, 44 GAO.gov,
Report to US Senator Durkin, January 14, 1981 (PDF)
43 Smithsonian
Magazine February 6, 2017