by Mike Whitney
May 21, 2022
UNZ Website

"I can't
it's monkey-pox
season already
and I haven't
even taken
my Ukrainian
decorations down."
Robin Monotti
Bill Gates prediction that the world would face an unexpected
smallpox outbreak is miraculously unfolding.
Should we be surprised...?
I know I'm not.
Here's the money-quote
that was delivered by Gates 6 months before the first case was
"It'll take probably about a
billion a year for a pandemic Task Force at the WHO level, which
is doing the surveillance and actually doing what I call 'germ
games' where you practice...
You say, OK, what if a
bioterrorist brought smallpox to 10 airports?
You know, how
would the world respond to that?"
Bill Gates, Sky News, November 6, 2021
One can only marvel at Gates'
extraordinary 'powers' of perception.
He's like some kind of Software
Soothsayer able to divine the future from the entrails of animals.
Is that it, or does he have a
crystal ball tucked-away somewhere in the bowels of his Lake
Washington mansion...?
Whatever it is, it's truly
Here's more from the World Socialist
Web Site (WSWS):
"An unprecedented outbreak of
monkeypox virus has officially spread to 10 countries outside of
Africa, with 107 confirmed or suspected cases reported as of
this writing, in,
Much remains unknown about what is
causing the outbreak, which is the most geographically dispersed
and rapidly spreading monkeypox outbreak since the virus was
first discovered in 1958.
In the coming days and weeks, more
data and scientific understanding will emerge, but already there
is profound concern within the scientific community and among
the public, which has found wide expression on social media."
100 monkeypox infections detected in 10 countries as
unprecedented outbreak spreads globally", World Socialist
Web Site - WSWS
The most "rapidly spreading
monkeypox outbreak since the virus was first discovered in
I wonder if that "rapidly spreading"
has something to do with the way
that researchers have been tweaking the gain-of-function of
these unique pathogens in order to make them more contagious and
more lethal?
Is that what's going on?
We'll probably never know.
is it fair to ask whether
monkey-pox might be another lab-generated virus that was
concocted in the 300-or-so Pentagon-funded secret labs sprinkled
around the world that are presently conducting a massive war on
humanity to further the ambitions of billionaire elites who are
committed to reducing the global population while imposing
strict, police state surveillance on every sentient being on
planet earth?
We probably won't get an answer to
that one either.
In the interest of fairness, though,
we should mention that "reputable" media outlets, like Newsweek
magazine, have refuted the claim that Gates made the prediction that
we allude to above.
Here's Newsweek's explanation:
"While Gates has talked about the
possibility of bioterrorist smallpox attacks in the past, his
comments have been drawn slightly out of context and don't
mention monkeypox."
Fact Check: Did Bill Gates Predict The Monkeypox Outbreak?
"Slightly out of context?"
You mean, Gates did NOT draw
attention to a particular infectious disease (smallpox) that
magically reemerged from extinction just months later?
What "context" is the author
talking about?
We'd like to know...!
Strictly speaking, it doesn't matter
what Newsweek says or doesn't say, after all, Gates has become the
embodiment of everything that's wrong with today's Public Health
Gestapo, which is why he's become a magnet for criticism.
And, whether he's been treated fairly
or not, a sizable number of people believe quite strongly, that
Gates is the mastermind behind a plan to use lab-generated
infectious diseases to subjugate the global population in order to
establish a tyrannical
New (World) Order controlled by voracious elites like
WHO's new
sovereignty-eviscerating treaty further underscores this point, in
fact, it seems to suggest that Gates and his fellow travelers
believe their lifelong ambition to rule the world is now within
their grasp.
Check it out:

In researching this article, I
stumbled across a number of tidbits that readers might find
For example, I discovered that there
had been a tabletop exercise simulating a "global pandemic involving
an unusual strain of #monkeypox" that took place in March 2021.
It's astonishing how many of these
'preparatory drills' seem to take place just prior to some
particularly horrific event.
Can we dismiss them all as mere
Check out this blurb from the
Brownstone Institute:
"... media outlets around the
world are on red alert over the world's first-ever global
outbreak of Monkeypox in mid-May 2022 - just one year after an
international biosecurity conference in Munich held a simulation
of a 'global pandemic involving an unusual strain of Monkeypox'
beginning in mid-May 2022.
was first identified in 1958, but there's never been a global
Monkeypox outbreak outside of Africa until now - in the exact
week of the exact month predicted by the biosecurity folks in
their pandemic simulation.
Take these guys to Vegas!
The global Monkeypox outbreak -
occurring on the exact timeline predicted by a biosecurity
simulation of a global Monkeypox outbreak a year prior - bears a
striking resemblance to the outbreak of COVID-19 just months
Event 201, a simulation of a coronavirus pandemic almost
exactly like COVID-19."
Was a Table-Top Simulation Only Last Year", Brownstone
And here's a minute and a half video
that helps to explain the excerpt above:

You may notice that the anchor
reporting the (simulated) outbreak says,
"Scientists have decided that this monkeypox virus was engineered."
Uh huh...
And, further along, one of the
analysts offers these prescient words of advice:
"We're seeing far fewer cases
where governments' took early and decisive action"...
What do you think that means?
Could it mean that we'd better prepare
ourselves for another round of experimental clot shots?
Is that what it means?
So, here's your Pandemic Quiz for
the Day:
What do you think the chances
are that an oddball affliction, like Monkeypox, could
spontaneously break out in 10 different locations around the
world (where it had never appeared before) at the exact same
How about "zero" chance?
Is that too high...?
I'm going to go out-on-a-limb here and
say there is zero chance that this new disease occurred "naturally".
The only rational assumption one can make, is that monkey-pox, like Covid, is a
lab-generated pathogen spread by covert agents that are
prosecuting a bio-war on the global population.
But we'll have to consult Dr
on the matter and see if he agrees.
Here's more from the WSWS:
"In preliminary posts, scientists
speculate that the virus, which is
endemic in parts of Africa,
could have evolved to become more contagious and better suited
to human-to-human transmission.
In addition, nearly all people
under 42 years old have not received a smallpox vaccine (which
is 85 percent effective at preventing monkeypox infection) since
smallpox was eradicated in 1980.
As a result, they have no
immunity, and younger adults can be infected as easily as
This simply confirms that another mass
vaccination campaign is on the way.
Here's more from the same article:
The emergence of multiple cases
across different countries is deeply problematic...
Given that we have seen now
confirmed cases out of Portugal, suspected cases out of Spain,
we're seeing this expansion of confirmed and suspect cases
globally, we have a sense that no one has their arms around this
to know how large and expansive it might be...
In nearly every public statement
by epidemiologists, they have all admitted to being bewildered
by how entrenched the virus already is in communities, given
that it is normally extremely rare.
Tom Inglesby, director of the
Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, told STAT News,
"this is starting off with
much more of a foothold, in a much more distributed way, and
we don't understand how it got into those networks."
100 monkeypox infections detected in 10 countries as
unprecedented outbreak spreads globally", World Socialist
Web Site - WSWS
So, it's everywhere already?
Then, what do we do?
The obvious answer is lock-down,
mask up and get vaccinated as soon as possible.
Otherwise, most of the world's
population could face an agonizing death...
just like Covid, remember?
Of course, some people might
conclude that we are being deliberately misled again, and that 2
pandemics in 2 years is a statistical impossibility.
But why be reasonable when
mass-hysteria is the order of the day...?
Here's more:
"The number of severe side-effects
of the smallpox vaccine makes its use in a mass vaccination
campaign problematic.
However, due to the long
incubation period for monkeypox, the smallpox vaccine can work
as a post-exposure prophylaxis in a 'ring vaccination' model..."
In other words, don't be dissuaded by
the sky-high rates of heart attacks, strokes, blood clotting or
Just follow the CDC's thoughtful
recommendations and everything will be just fine.
Besides, the government has already
purchased 13 million of these new-improved poison-death shots (U.S.
Buys 13 Million Doses of Monkeypox Vaccine) so just calm down,
take a deep breath and roll up your sleeve.
We all know the drill by now.
We do, however, scratch our heads
when we read about the suspicious goings-on at the Pentagon's
secret bio-labs that appear to be engaged in all manner of
illicit skullduggery including the industrial-scale creation of
lethal pathogens that could exterminate billions of people in
one fell-swoop.
That does keep us up at night.
Check out this article in Tass:
"The US researched Ebola and
smallpox viruses in Ukraine, says Irina Yarovaya, Co-Chair of
the Parliamentary Commission on Investigation of US Biological
Laboratories in Ukraine.
"Today, we presented an analysis
of which pathogens the US was particularly interested in in
Ukraine," she told reporters Friday.
"Aside from the pathogens that are
territoriality bound to Ukraine, [the laboratories] researched
viruses and pathogens that are endemically very far from
Ukraine, such as Ebola and smallpox."
According to the legislator, the
information obtained indicates "aggressive goal-setting that
underpins the foundation of these programs, de facto implemented
by US Department of Defense on Ukrainian soil."...
"I would like to underscore that
the dialogue that we had with the SVR chief today, combined with
the proof obtained by the commission, fully confirms the
US-created network of biological intelligence worldwide and the
implementation of active military-biological exploitation of the
globe, and Ukraine in particular.
This essentially poses a serious
global threat"...
"But at the same time, [it should]
urge the global community to seriously get to the bottom of this
secret and dangerous military biological activity, implemented
by the US.
So that comprehensive measures
pertaining to common, equal and indivisible security could be
Given the distinction between
peaceful and non-peaceful use of bacteriological research and
the study of toxins, it must be completely transparent and
And there simply must not be any
bacteriological weapons in the world, this is Russia's principal
"Key Russian lawmaker reveals illicit Ebola, smallpox research
at US-run Ukraine biolab", Tass
So, what's going on here...?
Why does the Pentagon have over
300 bio-labs spread around the world conducting secret
gain-of-function research on pathogens that pose a clear threat
to all of humanity?
And why has the Pentagon partnered
with notorious elites whose links to
the eugenics, depopulation
and climate movements suggest the research may be shaped to a
particular strategic agenda that could involve significant
And what if Monkeypox is not, in
fact, a natural occurring virus but merely the next phase of a
relentless war on Constitutional government, individual freedom
and the basic institutions of modern civilization?
Perhaps, we are being prepared for
a different civilization altogether, a civilization in which all
of our decisions will be made for us by enlightened elders,
corporate stakeholders and 'well-meaning'
Is that
It's certainly worth thinking about.