by A Lily Bit recovered through TheWayBackMachine Website
Climate change continues to serve as the tool of fear employed to gather
the masses'
The temporary concessions made to the public, in the guise of easing draconian mandates, are primarily aimed at quelling immediate discontent among the populace while securing their future compliance and obedience.
This strategy is intended to pave the way for the establishment of a true submissive society under state authority.
One pivotal element in this scheme involves the centralization of the population into so-called "smart" cities, featuring 15-minute zones where travel outside of this timeframe is subject to highly restrictive monitoring.
This ostensibly convenient and safety-focused
approach is, in reality, a disconcerting form of madness cloaked in
the guise of safeguarding the environment.
Even as I compose these words, the development of 15-Minute City, is actively in progress in various locations, including,
While many have remained unaware, lulled into a false sense of diminishing totalitarianism, the overarching technocratic scheme has continued unabated.
For those who may feel excluded, there is no need
for concern, as a 15-Minute Prison-like System will soon find
its way to a city or town near you.
This trial, however, is essentially a climate-related lockdown experiment designed to condition the populace for ongoing lockdowns or, more accurately, a constrained existence within controlled environments.
It's crucial to bear in mind that the global agenda to exert control hinges on the consolidation of populations into smaller urban centers, accompanied by extensive technological mechanisms for government oversight and authority, necessitating comprehensive surveillance.
This strategy is cloaked under the guise of addressing climate change, and the quest for global dominance relies on the implementation of a centralized, digital monetary system.
Such a system is being orchestrated by central banking institutions worldwide and privately managed by the ruling elite - part of the same deep state that wields influence over governments.
Once centralized bank digital currencies become a reality, personal freedoms will dwindle.
The concept and execution of controlled digital
currencies are antithetical to individual liberty and are
indispensable tools for state control.
...and a plethora of existing and forthcoming control scenarios, that are all interconnected.
They are integral parts of a singular agenda:
This overarching objective is precisely what the Great Reset, the establishment of a new global governance system, and the monetary takeover are all geared towards achieving.
Regardless of which specific scheme dominates the headlines on any given day, they are merely different facets of the same overarching ambition.
It is crucial not to dismiss the various smaller
schemes but to recognize that they all converge on one ultimate goal
- to exercise dominion over you and every inhabitant of our planet,
and nothing less.
This solitary declaration ties together the entire narrative of purported 'climate change' and global conflicts as justifications for implementing worldwide lockdowns.
It is crucial to recognize that this plan has
been in motion for decades but gained significant momentum,
particularly since the questionable lockdown measures enforced by
governments in 2020.
Regarding the U.S. government and its citizens, it's important to remember that this government and its overarching regulatory apparatus can be likened to an organized criminal enterprise.
It thrives on the broad cooperation and compliance of a largely obedient population primarily focused on getting by and maintaining their dependence on modern conveniences such as,
This prevailing mindset could potentially spell the downfall of this society.
However, it doesn't have to remain this way,
given the vast numbers of individuals who do not subscribe to this
perspective, and the relatively few who claim control over the
majority of the populace in this country.
It is and will continue to be the tool of fear employed to gather the masses under its influence.
...each time this happens, you relinquish a part of your autonomy while the state accumulates more authority and dominion over you.
The ultimate agenda of fear known as
'climate change' serves as the sledgehammer, and each of you may
appear as individual nails, but when you unite, you have the power
to keep everything intact.
While these controllers are,
...the majority of people continue to comply with every directive and propaganda, all while remaining deeply attached and dependent on their cell phones and their apathetic and superficial pseudo-lives.
All of this paints a grim picture of humanity's
decline and the ascendance of technocratic oligarchs...