by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics Examiner
January 30, 2011
Examiner Website
Spanish version
A second independent video (far below) and
report emerged today on January 30, 2011 confirming the authenticity
of the UFO orb over Mount Zion and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem
at 1 AM on the morning of January 28, 2011.
On January 28, 2011 at 1 AM, a UFO orb appeared over the Mount Zion
and the Dome of the Rock-Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
A video of the
UFO orb states,
“Two men capture a film of what might be one of the
most interesting UFO clips ever caught.
"Witnesses noticed the large oval shaped UFO suspended on the night
skyline. At about one minute into the clip the UFO descends almost
to ground level directly over the Dome of the Rock-Temple Mount. The
oval UFO hovers there for a short while, flashes lights into
surrounding buildings then shoots upwards at an incredible speed.
Witnesses were totally taken back and amazed at what they had just
Videos of Dome
of the Rock UFO orb
View a video with both independent videos of the Dome of the Rock
Video seen side by side:
One UFO specialist in UFO orbs after viewing this video wrote the
following to this reporter,
“Presumably you noted the lights on the Mothership near the end of the second video.”
2nd independent video of Dome of the Rock UFO orb over
January 28, 2011
The UFO orb shoots upward at tremendous speed at 42 seconds into the
Original video of Dome of the Rock UFO orb over Jerusalem
January 28, 2011
Original video of Dome of the Rock UFO orb
Three questions now linger for UFO and Exopolitics experts and
observers around the world:
Question #1:
Is the Dome of the Rock UFO orb a genuine ET
Question #2:
Is the
ET or interdimensional intelligence behind the
Dome of the Rock UFO Orbs sending an intentional, meaningful
“context communication” to humanity by this UFO event?
Question #3:
Does the Dome of the Rock UFO event fit the pattern
predicted by former NORAD officer Stanley A. Fulham in his Dec. 3,
2010 communiqué that [Extraterrestrial] “Interventions will then
accelerate, not so much over our cities, but dispersed over our
continents with sightings increasing in duration. The intent of
these interventions is to increase mankind’s acceptance of the alien
phenomena, so that hopefully, we will be prepared to accept a
face-to-face encounter and communicate, perhaps as early as next
year (2011).”
More at
predicted UFO sightings over New York confirm
ET will intervene in ecology
Question #1
Is the Dome of the Rock UFO orb a genuine ET
In order to ascertain whether this Dome of the Rock UFO was a
genuine ET phenomenon, this reporter engaged
a UFO specialist who is an expert in the orb type of UFO exhibited
at the Mount Zion, Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem UFO sighting.
This reporter asked the UFO specialist:
“Do you believe the [Dome of
the Rock] UFO sighting is genuine ET?”
After review and consultation of the video of the Dome of the Rock
UFO org sighting, the UFO specialist responded,
“Yes, it’s a Plasma Orb Light Entity/Interdimensional Angel, which
did the exact same phenomenon [one of] my other contacts, [Name
deleted], photographed in March of 2008.
“The entire incident and photographs are contained within the first
20 photo narrative here:
Slide show photo 1
“Specifically here below:

contact then began to line up the frames of the cell
phone camera to take a fifth photograph
when all of a sudden the POLE shot straight up into the
air "like a bullet" and disappeared into the night sky.
There was absolutely no noise nor was there any air
displacement whatsoever
which resulted from the POLE departing the contact's
roof and up into the sky.
contact returned to the house with his dog and went back
to sleep.
"The YouTube video of these events is here
Is the Dome of the
Rock UFO orb a CGI Hoax?
One UFO news source reports, "Jerusalem
UFO - UFO Over Temple Mount Jerusalem - A Real Deal or CGI Hoax?"
"Yesterday we have received the
email according to which This morning around 01:00 AM at the
promenade of Armon Hantziv in Jerusalem, i was witness (with
another guy), an amazing UFO aircraft over Jerusalem old city
(mount Moriah) Dome of the Rock, Temple Mount, قبة الصخرة, הר
"And now net is buzzing with speculation wither its a real or
just another CGI Hoax!
"According to another video poster : Down below video footage is
taken from different angle of same UFO sighting
"But we think we have find the hole in above video at least...
please have look: HERE we think the whole city in the above
video is just a picture and camera was moved around with voices
on the background.
"And down below video try to demonstrate how easily this kind of
UFO lights in first video can be created using CGI..
"Things are not stopping here interestingly while goggling on
this matter. We stumble on down below daytime UFO sighting which
was supposedly caught on tape, while a tourist was admiring the
old Wailing Wall in Jerusalem on December 27, 2010"
"So now you guys decide if its a real deal or just a continues
viral marketing to promote the tourism in the area or "GOD's
Chosen People' propaganda?"
UFO expert responds
to debunkers claim Dome of the Rock UFO orb video is CGI hoax
This reporter contacted a UFO expert to evaluate whether the Dome of
the Rock UFO orb was a CGI hoax.
The UFO expert responded,
"What the debunkers of the Dome of
the Rock UFO orb video are doing is calling the two persons who
filmed the event, as well as the third person".
"liars without providing any evidence.
"It is up to the debunkers to prove the individuals who filmed
the Dome of the Rock UFO orb are all hoaxers.
"Here is the first person who filmed the Dome of the Rock UFO
orb's YouTube channel:
"Is this person a Malicious hoaxer? A Liar?
"Nothing there suggests he would or could have hoaxed it.
"All I've seen are CGI videos created by the debunkers of the
Dome of the Rock UFO orb video, but no proof the Dome of the
Rock UFO orb video is CGI.
"In point of fact, there's a blue street light shimmering to the
top right of the screen in the first video of the Dome of the
Rock UFO orb video throughout; its not a still picture as the
debunkers who would state it is a CGI creation maintain.
"Here is the original video with the blue street light
shimmering in the top right. It shifts to bottom of the screen
when the cell phone camera is panned upward.
"The lights from the city also shimmer from various locations in
the original video further proving its not a photo."
In the opinion of this reporter, the UFO orb phenomena in the above
video display remarkable similarity to the Dome of the Rock UFO orb
The above photographs and video appear, on reasonable review, to
sustain the expert opinion of the UFO specialist that the January
28, 2011 Dome of the Rock UFO orb is,
“a Plasma Orb Light Entity/Interdimensional
Angel, which did the exact same phenomenon [one of] my other
contacts, [Name deleted], photographed in March of 2008.”
Question #2
Is the ET or interdimensional intelligence behind the
Dome of the Rock UFO Orbs sending an intentional meaningful “context
communication” to humanity by this UFO event?
The following analysis reasonably demonstrates that the January 28,
2011 Dome of the Rock UFO orb event is an intentional “context
communication” by the ET or hyperdimensional intelligence behind the
UFO orb event to humanity at large.
The extraterrestrial context communication in the Dome of the Rock
UFO orb event appears to be raising issues of significant future
impact for the 3.3 billion followers of the Christian, Islam and
Judaic religions.
Context communication theory of extraterrestrial communication
The context communication theory of extraterrestrial communication (The
age of cataclysm),
developed by Alfred L. Webre in 1974, states that many UFO
encounters are in fact contextual, symbolic communications by the
intelligent source behind the UFO encounter itself to the UFO
witnesses or to humanity at large, much in the same way that a dream
is a contextual, symbolic communication from the dreamer’s
subconscious mind to her or his conscious mind.
For example, as an extraterrestrial context communication, UFO
photographer Will Allen’s July 20, 2010 reported encounter with a
hyperdimensional ‘slow-moving UFO that emits a ray of light or
directed energy beam one mile from the White House’ may be
reasonably interpreted within at least three alternative frames.
1. Creative signaling in ‘enlightened universal consciousness’
The hyperdimensional UFO and ray of light may be horseplay or
creative signaling by a hyperdimensional UFO from an
inter-dimensional intelligent source as a unity consciousness
awakener to the public at large through Mr. Allen.
A veritable lightshow of creative universal consciousness signaling
from hyperdimensional UFOs took place over the Millennial
Celebration on January 1, 2000.
Author Robert Stanley reports that there was a UFO/ET flyover of
P-56A restricted airspace during the Millennial Celebration of
December 31, 1999 - January 1, 2000, which was attended by
approximately 1,000,000 persons.
According to Mr. Stanley, numerous
UFOs appeared to emanate from five cylindrical motherships and
perform acrobatics over the assembled crowd, much to the delight of
Mr. Stanley notes that the U.S. Capitol police,
responsible for security, did not panic.
According to the National UFO Reporting Center,
“the [UFO/ET
incident took place at 1A.M. on January 1, 2000. After the witness
attended America's Millennium celebration, the person with a friend
walked to the Metro station. He heard the firework explosions from a
barge on the Potomac River behind the Lincoln Monument. He noticed
near the monument what appeared to be shooting stars.
He looked
again and ‘saw a pair of dark but lit cylindrical objects 'flying'
in formation from NW to SE passing directly over (him).’ In the next
minute he saw three other cylindrical objects. His friend did not
notice the objects. This witness outside the Metro station observed
5 cylindrical objects moving at a high speed over the sky.”
This ‘universal consciousness-raising’ frame for the July 20, 2010
‘Ray of Light’ UFO Mr. Allen photographed near the White House in
Washington, DC is congruent with an interpretation of UFOs that goes
back to Carl Jung, the archetypal psychologist who saw UFOs as
‘mandalas’ for raising humanity’s consciousness.
As was noted,
“The weekend of July 17-18,
2010 (“Conscious Convergence”) marked a portal in linear time when
the singularity at the core of our universe began to emanate an
intentional ‘pre-wave’ to a final 9th wave of universal,
‘enlightened universal consciousness’ that will, according to some,
begin on March 9, 2011, end on October 28, 2011. From then on the
singularity at the core of our universe will emanate constant
‘enlightened universal consciousness.’”
The hyperdimensional intelligent civilization behind the July 20
‘Ray of Light’ UFO is presumably aware of higher universe energy
wave patterns, such as the entry of the 9th wave of non-dualistic
universal consciousness energy on March 9, 2011.
By this view, the ‘Ray of Light’ UFO near the White House Center of
Government of the (dualistic mindset) military superpower serves an
important consciousness raising function.
See 'UFO near White House emits ray of light: horseplay, false flag or
'socially destabilizing' event?'
Dome of the Rock
The Dome of the Rock is perhaps single the most symbolic structure
that is a functional nexus for three of humanity's mainstream
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, with a total of
billion followers.
Christianity is the world's largest religion with
2 billion followers. Islam is the world's second largest religion
with 1.3 billion followers. Judaism is world's 12th largest religion
with 14 million followers.
According to
one source,
"The Dome of the Rock (Arabic: مسجد قبة
الصخرة, translit.: Masjid Qubbat As-Sakhrah, Hebrew: כיפת הסלע,
translit.: Kipat Hasela) is an important Islamic shrine and
Jerusalem landmark located on the Temple Mount in the Old City of
Jerusalem. The structure, the oldest extant example of early Islamic
architecture, was completed in 691 CE at the order of Arabian
Umayyad Caliph, Abd al-Malik.
The site's significance stems from
religious traditions regarding the rock, known as the Foundation
Stone, at its heart.
"The Dome of the Rock is located at the visual center of a platform
known as the Temple Mount. It was constructed on the site of the
Second Jewish Temple, which was destroyed during the Roman Siege of
Jerusalem in 70 CE.
In 637 CE, Jerusalem was conquered by the Rashidun Caliphate army during the Muslim conquest of Syria.
"The Dome of the Rock was erected between 689 and 691 CE. The names
of the two engineers in charge of the project are given as: Yazid
Ibn Salam from Jerusalem and Raja Ibn Haywah from Baysan.
Caliph Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan who initiated construction of the
Dome, hoped that it would “house the Muslims from cold and heat” and
intended the building to serve as a shrine for pilgrims and not as a
mosque for public worship.
"During the Crusades the Dome of the Rock was given to the
Augustinians, who turned it into a church while the Al-Aqsa Mosque
became a royal stable.
The Knights Templar, who believed the Dome of
the Rock was the site of the Temple of Solomon, they later set up
their headquarters in the Al-Aqsa Mosque adjacent to the Dome for
much of the 12th century.
The "Templum Domini," as they called it,
was featured on the official seals of the Order's Grand Masters
(such as Evrard de Barres and Regnaud de Vichier), and it became the
architectural model for Templar churches across Europe
"Jerusalem was recaptured by Saladin on 2 October 1187, and the
Haram was re-consecrated as a Muslim sanctuary. The cross on top of
the Dome of the Rock was replaced by a golden crescent, and a wooden
screen was placed around the rock below. Saladin's nephew al-Malik
al-Mu'azzam Isa carried out other restorations within the Haram and
added the porch to the Aqsa mosque.
"The Haram was the focus of extensive royal patronage by the sultans
during the Mamluk period, which lasted from 1250 until 1510.
"Large-scale renovation was undertaken during the reign of Mahmud II
in 1817. Adjacent to the Dome of the Rock, the Ottomans built the
freestanding Dome of the Prophet in 1620.
"The Dome of the Rock was badly shaken during an earthquake in
Palestine on 11 July 1927 rendering useless many of the repairs that
had taken place over previous years.
"Israel took control of the Dome of the Rock during its victory in
the Six-Day War in 1967. Shlomo Goren also entered the Dome of the
Rock with a Torah book and a shofar.
"A few hours after the Israeli flag was hoisted over the Dome of the
Rock in 1967 during the Six-Day War, Israelis lowered it on the
orders of Moshe Dayan and invested the Muslim waqf (religious trust)
with the authority to manage the Temple Mount / Haram al-Sharif, in
order to "keep the peace".
"Groups such as the Temple Mount and Eretz Yisrael Faithful Movement
wish to relocate the Dome to Mecca and replace it with a Third
Temple. Since Muslim religious foundations own the Dome and consider
it particularly sacred such actions would inevitably lead to
violence. Many Israelis are ambivalent about the movement's wishes.
Some religious Jews, following a rabbinic dictum, feel that the
Temple should only be rebuilt in the messianic era, and that it
would be presumptuous of people to force God's hand.
However, some
Evangelical Christians consider this a prerequisite to Armageddon
and the Second Coming. This view is steeped in the belief that there
will be a prophetic rebuilding of the Temple in place of the Dome of
the Rock.
"The Dome of the Rock is depicted on the reverse of the Iranian 1000
rials banknote.
"According to Sunni Islamic tradition, the rock is the spot from
which Muhammad ascended to Heaven accompanied by the angel Gabriel.
Further, Muhammad was taken here by Gabriel to pray with Abraham,
Moses, and Jesus.
An important distinction is that this is to Islam
what the Transfiguration of Jesus is to Christians, a fulfillment of
scripture. After Muhammad's return, he called all that would believe
him to join with him and be Muslim. It was at this juncture that
Islam came into existence.
"The Foundation Stone is the holiest site in Judaism. Just as
Muslims pray towards the Kaaba at Mecca, the holiest site in Islam,
Jews pray towards the Foundation Stone. Jews have traditionally
regarded the location of the stone as the holiest spot on Earth, the
site of the Holy of Holies during the Temple Period. In former
times, some Jewish scholars thought that the location of the Holy of
Holies was not known for certain; today this is a minority opinion.
"The most propitious site for Jewish prayer is the spot that is
nearest the Foundation Stone. Because Muslim authorities refused to
permit Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount, the custom developed of
praying near the Western Wall, since it was the site nearest to the
Foundation Stone, or on the Mount of Olives facing the site of the
Between 1948 and 1967, when Jordanian authorities refused
permission to Jews to enter the Old City of Jerusalem, Jews made
pilgrimages to rooftops on Mount Zion and prayed towards the site of
the ancient Holy of Holies.
"According to Jewish tradition, the stone is the site where Abraham
prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac.
"In Christianity it is believed that during the time of the
Byzantine Empire, near by the spot where the Dome was later
constructed was where Constantine's mother built a small church,
calling it the Church of St. Cyrus and St. John, later on enlarged
and called the Church of the Holy Wisdom. On the walls of the Dome
of the Rock is an inscription in a mosaic frieze that includes the
following words:
"'Such was Jesus son of Mary and peace upon him on the day of birth
and on the day of death and on the day he is raised up again. It is
a word of truth in which they doubt. It is not for God to take a
son. Glory be to him when he decrees a thing he only says be, and it
is.' (Quran:19:33–35)
"The date recorded as 72 after the Hijra (or 691–692 CE), which
historians view as the year of the Dome's construction."
The Third Temple, Dome of the Rock & the UFO orb
The Third Temple relates to the Dome of the Rock and may be the
nexus for a possible context communication by the ET or
inter-dimensional intelligence behind the January 28, 2011 Dome of
the Rock UFO orb.
One source states,
"The Third Temple, also known as Ezekiel's
Temple, is a religious notion and desire in Judaism rooted in the
Hebrew Bible and expressed in many of Judaism's prayers for the
return and rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem that had once stood
as the First and Second Temples that were destroyed by the ancient
Babylonians and the Romans.
"Since the destruction of the Second Temple in AD 70, religious Jews
have expressed their desire to see the building of a Third Temple on
the Temple Mount. Prayer for this is a formal part of the Jewish
tradition of thrice daily Jewish prayer services. Though it remains
unbuilt, the notion of and desire for a Third Temple is sacred in
Judaism, particularly Orthodox Judaism, as an unrealized place of
worship. The prophets in the Tanakh called for its construction, to
be fulfilled in the Messianic era.
"The scenario of a rebuilding of the Third Temple also plays a major
role with-in some interpretations of Christian Eschatology.
"Unused ancient Jewish floor plans for a Temple exist in various
sources, notably in Chapters 40–47 of Ezekiel (Ezekiel's vision
pre-dates the Second Temple) and in the Temple Scroll discovered at
Qumran among the Dead Sea Scrolls.
"Rabbi Shlomo Goren and the movement to re-establish Jewish rights
on the Temple Mount
"In August 1967 after Israel's capture of the Mount, Rabbi Shlomo
Goren the chief rabbi of the IDF (and later chief rabbi of the State
of Israel) began organizing public prayer for Jews on the Temple
Mount. Rabbi Goren was also well known for his controversial
positions concerning Jewish sovereignty over the Temple Mount.
August 15, 1967, shortly after the Six-Day War, Goren led a group of
fifty Jews onto the Temple Mount, where, fighting off protesting
Muslim guards and Israeli police, they defiantly held a prayer
service. Goren continued to pray for many years in the Makhkame
building overlooking the Temple Mount where he conducted yearly High
Holiday services.
His call for the establishment of a synagogue on
the Temple Mount has subsequently been reiterated by his brother-
in- law the Chief Rabbi of Haifa, She'ar Yashuv Cohen.
"Goren was sharply criticized by the Israeli Defense Ministry, who,
noting Goren's senior rank, called his behavior inappropriate. The
episode led the Chief Rabbis of the time to restate the accepted
laws of Judaism that no Jews were allowed on the mount due to issues
of ritual impurity. The secular authorities welcomed this ruling as
it preserved the status quo with the Waqf, the Islamic authority.
Disagreeing with his colleagues, Goren continually maintained that
Jews were not only permitted, but commanded, to ascend and pray on
the mount.
"Goren repeatedly advocated or supported building a Third Temple on
the Temple Mount from the 1960s onward, and was associated with
various messianic projects involving the site. In the summer of
1983, Goren and several other rabbis joined Rabbi Yehuda Getz, who
worked for the Religious Affairs Ministry at the Western Wall, in
touring a chamber underneath the mount that Getz had excavated,
where the two claimed to have seen the Ark of the Covenant.
tunnel was shortly discovered and resulted in a massive brawl
between young Jews and Arabs in the area. The tunnel was quickly
sealed with concrete by Israeli police. The sealed entrance can be
seen from the Western Wall Tunnel, which opened to the public in
"The Chief Rabbis of Israel, Isser Yehuda Unterman and Yitzhak
Nissim, together with other leading rabbis, asserted that "For
generations we have warned against and refrained from entering any
part of the Temple Mount."
A recent study of this rabbinical ruling
suggests that it was both "unprecedented" and possibly prompted by
governmental pressure on the rabbis, as well as "brilliant" in
preventing Muslim-Jewish friction on the Mount. Rabbinical consensus
in the Religious Zionist stream of Orthodox Judaism continue to hold
that it is forbidden for Jews to enter any part of the Temple Mount
and in January 2005 a declaration was signed confirming the 1967
"There is a growing number of rabbis who encourage visits to certain
parts of the Mount, which they believe are permitted according to
most medieval rabbinical authorities. One of them, Shlomo Goren,
states that it is possible that Jews are even allowed to enter the
heart of the Dome of the Rock, according to Jewish Law of Conquest.
These authorities advise ablution in a mikva prior to the ascent and
to only wear non-leather shoes while on the Mount.
"Although in mainstream Orthodox Judaism the rebuilding of the
Temple is generally left to the coming of the Jewish Messiah and to
Divine Providence, a number of organizations, generally representing
a small minority of even Orthodox Jews, have been formed with the
objective of realizing the immediate construction of a Third Temple
in present times. These organizations include:
"The Temple Mount and Eretz Yisrael Faithful Movement states that
its goal is to build the Third Temple on the Temple Mount (Mount
"The Temple Institute states that its goal is to build the Third
Temple on Mount Moriah. The Temple Institute has already made
several items to be used in the Third Temple.
"The most immediate and obvious obstacle to realization of these
goals is the fact that two historic Islamic structures which are 13
centuries old, namely the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock,
are built on top of the Temple Mount. The Dome of the Rock is
regarded as occupying the actual space where the Temple once stood,
and Israel has undertaken to preserve access to these buildings as
part of international obligations.
Any efforts to damage or reduce
access to these sites, or to build Jewish structures within,
between, on, or instead of them, would lead to severe international
conflicts, given the association of the Muslim world with these holy
However, some 20th and 21st century scholars believe that
the Dome of the Rock is not the actual location of the First and
Second Temples, and that the Temples were actually located either
just north of or just south of the Dome of the Rock. The most recent
theory would put the temple in between The Dome of the Rock and the
Al Aqsa Mosque.
"In addition, most Jewish-Orthodox scholars reject any attempts to
build the Temple before the coming of Messiah. This is because there
are many doubts as to the exact location in which it is required to
be built. For example, while measurements are given in cubits, there
exists a controversy whether this unit of measurement equals
approximately 1.5 feet (0.46 m) or 2 feet (0.61 m). (For the most
part, however, even those who advocate the 2 ft. (0.61 m).
interpretation do so only as a stringency, and accept the 1-1/2 ft.
understanding as normative.)
Without exact knowledge of the size of
a cubit, the altar could not be built. Indeed, the Talmud recounts
that the building of the second Temple was only possible under the
direct prophetic guidance of Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. Without
valid prophetic revelation, it would be impossible to rebuild the
Temple, even if the mosques no longer occupied its location.
"Despite obstacles, efforts are underway by various analytical
groups to articulate the benefits to local and regional constituents
and participants to encourage developments that would progressively
align in support. It is known from the Talmud that in the time of
King Agrippa Jerusalem was filled with millions of visitors,
pilgrims from the entire region. Today the potential of spiritual
tourism would support the growth goals of the Mayor of Jerusalem
[19] for 10 million annual tourists.
This would provide a
significant boost to the economy and would benefit people locally
and regionally, many of whom live in poverty [20]. Since the
ultimate building of the Temple can come only through a process of
peace [21], it must be proceeded by numerous efforts, including the
financial and project infrastructures to support such a large
increase in tourism, local and regional co-operation agreements to
enable its ultimate construction and the success of modern attempts
to revive the Sanhedrin, the authority required to be empowered for
such an event to occur.
"Israel currently restricts access by Jews to the Temple Mount on
both religious and political grounds. Many religious authorities,
including the Chief Rabbinate, interpret halakha (Jewish law) as
prohibiting entering the area to prevent inadvertently entering and
desecrating forbidden areas (such as the Kadosh Kadoshim), as the
Temple area is regarded as still retaining its full sanctity and
Moreover, political authorities, concerned about past
violent clashes at the Temple Mount including one which inaugurated
the Palestinian Intifada, seek to reduce the likelihood of further
violent confrontations between Jewish religious activists and
Muslims worshipping at the mosques, which could further damage the
area's delicate archeological and political fabric.
"During the Sukkot festival in 2006 Uri Ariel, a National Union
member of the Knesset, ascended the Mount [1] and said that he is
preparing a plan where a synagogue will be built on the Mount.
suggested synagogue won't be built instead of the mosques but in a
separate area in accordance with rulings of the prominent rabbis. He
said he believed that this will be correcting an historical
injustice and that it is an opportunity for the Muslim world to
prove that it is tolerant to all faiths.
"While there are a number of differing views amongst Christianity
with regard to the significance or the requirement of a third temple
being built in Jerusalem, most believe that the New Covenant (spoken
of in Jeremiah 31:31-34) is marked by the indwelling of the Holy
Spirit in the believer (Ezekiel 36:26-27) and that, as such, the
body is the temple, or that the temple has been superseded. Paul
illustrates this concept in his letter to the believers at Corinth:
"'What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost
which is in you and which ye have from God, and that ye are not your
own? For ye are bought with a price. Therefore glorify God in your
body and in your spirit, which are God's..' (1 Corinthians 6:19-20
"This idea is related to the belief that Christ himself, having
claimed to be and do what the temple was and did, is the new temple
(John 2:19), and that his people, as a part of the "body of Christ"
(meaning the church), are part of this temple as well (2 Corinthians
6:16; Ephesians 2:19–22; 1 Peter 2:4–5).
The result, according to N.T. Wright, is that the earthly temple (along with the city of
Jerusalem and the Land of Israel) is no longer of any spiritual
"[Paul] refers to the church, and indeed to individual Christians,
as the ‘temple of the living God’ (1 Cor. 3:16, 6:19). To Western
Christians, thinking anachronistically of the temple as simply the
Jewish equivalent of a cathedral, the image is simply one metaphor
among many and without much apparent significance.
For a
first-century Jew, however, the Temple had an enormous significance;
as a result, when Paul uses such an image within twenty-five years
of the Crucifixion (with the actual temple still standing), it is a
striking index of the immense change that has taken place in his
thought. The Temple had been superseded by the Church. If this is so
for the Temple, and in Romans 4 for the Land, then it must a
fortiori be the case for Jerusalem, which formed the concentric
circle in between those two in the normal Jewish worldview.
"In the teaching of both Jesus and Paul, then, according to Wright,
"'God’s house in Jerusalem was meant to be a ‘place of prayer for
all the nations’ (Isaiah 56:7; Mark 11:17); but God would now
achieve this though the new temple, which was Jesus himself and his
"Ben F. Meyer, also, argued that Jesus applied prophecy regarding
Zion and temple to himself and his followers:
"[Jesus] affirmed the prophecies of salvation with their end-time
imagery Zion and the temple - belonging to the eschatological themes
that the "pilgrimage of the peoples" evoked. But contrary to the
common expectation of his contemporaries, Jesus expected the
destruction of the temple in the coming eschatological ordeal (Mark
13:2=Matt 24:2=Luke 21:6).
The combination seems contradictory. How
could he simultaneously predict the ruin of the temple in the ordeal
and affirm the end-time fulfillment of promise and prophecy on Zion
and temple?
The paradox is irresolvable until one takes note of
another trait of Jesus' words on the imagery of Zion and temple,
namely, the consistent application to his own disciples of Zion- and
the city on the mountain (Matt 5:14; cf. Thomas,
the cosmic rock (Matt 16:18; cf. John 1:42)
the new sanctuary
(Mark 14:58; Matt 26:61)
The mass of promise and prophecy will come
to fulfillment in this eschatological and messianic circle of
"Some would therefore see the need for a third temple as being
diminished, redundant, or entirely foreclosed, while others take a
position that the building of the third temple is an integral part
of end-time prophecy.
The various perspectives on the significance
of the building of a third temple within Christianity are therefore
generally linked to a number of factors including: the level of
literal or spiritual interpretation applied to what is taken to be
"end-time" prophecy; the perceived relationships between various
scriptures such as Daniel, the Olivet discourse, 2 Thessalonians and
Ezekiel (amongst others); whether or not a dual-covenant is
considered to be in place; and whether Old Testament promises of the
restoration of Israel remain unfulfilled or have all come true in
the Messiah (2 Corinthians 1:20).
Such factors determine, for
example, whether Daniel 9:27 or 2 Thessalonians 2:4 are read as
referring to a still future physically restored third temple.
"A number of these perspectives are illustrated below.
"The dominant view within Protestant Christianity is that animal
sacrifices within the Temple were a foreshadowing of the sacrifice
Jesus made for the sins of the world through his crucifixion and
shedding of his blood on the first day of Passover. The Epistle to
the Hebrews is often cited in support of this view: the temple
sacrifices are described as being imperfect, since they require
repeating (Ch. 10:1-4), and as belonging to a covenant that was
"becoming obsolete and growing old" and was "ready to vanish away"
(Ch. 8:13, ESV).
Christ's crucifixion, being a sacrifice which dealt
with sin once and for all, negated any need for further animal
sacrifice. Christ himself is compared to the High Priest who was
always standing and performing rituals and sacrifices. Christ,
however, having performed his sacrifice, "sat down" -
perfection having been finally attained (Ch. 10:11-14,18).
the veil or curtain to the Holy of Holies is seen as having been
torn asunder at the crucifixion - figuratively in connection with
this theology (Ch. 10:19-21), and literally according to the Gospel
of Matthew (chi 27:50–51). For these reasons, a third temple, whose
partial purpose would be the re-institution of animal sacrifices, is
seen as unnecessary.
"Additionally Jesus himself stated when asked where to worship,
"neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem... But in spirit and in
truth". He stated of the Herodian temple, "Not one stone will be
left on another; every one of them will be thrown down" - John 4:21,
Luke 21:6.
"Those Protestants who do believe in the importance of a future
rebuilt temple (viz., some dispensationalists) hold that the
importance of the sacrificial system shifts to a Memorial of the
Cross, given the text of Ezekiel Chapters 39 and following (in
addition to Millennial references to the Temple in other Old
Testament passages).
Since Ezekiel explains at length the
construction and nature of the Millennial temple, in which Jews will
once again hold the priesthood; some others hold that perhaps it was
not completely eliminated with Jesus' sacrifice for sin, but is a
ceremonial object lesson for confession and forgiveness (somewhat
like water baptism and Communion are today); and that such animal
sacrifices would still be appropriate for ritual cleansing and for
acts of celebration and thanksgiving toward God.
dispensationalists believe this will be the case with the Second
Coming of Christ when Jesus reigns over earth from the city of New
Jerusalem, and interpret a passage in the Book of Daniel, Daniel
12:11, as a prophecy that the end of this age will occur shortly
after sacrifices are ended in the newly rebuilt temple.
"Many Evangelical Christians believe that New Testament prophecies
associated with the Jewish Temple, such as Matthew 24-25 and 2
Thessalonians 2:1-12, were not completely fulfilled during the Roman
destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 (a belief of Full Preterism) and
that these prophecies refer to a future temple.
This view is a core
part of Dispensationalism, an interpretative framework of the Bible
that stresses Biblical literalism and asserts that the Jews remain
God's chosen people.
According to Dispensationalist theologians,
such as Hal Lindsey and Tim LaHaye, the Third Temple will be rebuilt
when the Anti-Christ, often identified as the political leader of a
trans-national alliance such as the European Union or the United
Nations, secures a peace treaty between the modern nation of Israel
and its Muslim neighbors following a war in which Russia and the
United States are destroyed or crippled as the result of a nuclear
war and/or the Rapture.
The Anti-Christ later uses the temple as a
venue for proclaiming himself as God and the long-awaited Messiah,
demanding worship from humanity. Dispensationalism is rejected by
Roman Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox communions.
Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox
"The Catholic and Orthodox churches believe that the Eucharist,
which they hold to be one in substance with the one self-sacrifice
of Christ on the Cross, is a far superior offering when compared
with the merely preparatory temple sacrifices, as explained in the
Epistle to the Hebrews.
They also believe that Christ Himself is the
New Temple, as spoken of in the Book of Revelation and that
Revelations can best be understood as the Eucharist, heaven on
earth. Their church buildings are meant to model Solomon's Temple,
with the Tabernacle, containing the Eucharist, being considered the
new "Holy of Holies."
Therefore they do not attach any significance
to a possible future rebuilding of the Jerusalem Temple. The
Orthodox also quote Daniel 9:27 ("he shall cause the sacrifice and
the offering to cease") to show that the sacrifices would stop with
the arrival of the Messiah, and mention that according to Jesus, St.
Paul and the Holy Fathers, the temple will only be rebuilt at the
times of the Antichrist.
Matthew 24:15, "When ye
therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by
Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4: "...that man of sin be
revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself
above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as
God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God".)
Hal Lindsey
"According to American fundamentalist Christian author
Hal Lindsey,
the Third Temple could be built right next to the Dome of the Rock.
He believes, based on the theory of Dr. Asher Kaufman regarding the
location of the Eastern Gate, that the Dome of the Rock was built on
what the Bible refers to as the Court of the Gentiles.
He states
that according to Revelation 11:1-2, the rebuilding of the Third
Temple was not to include the section of the temple mount known as
The Court of the Gentiles. Therefore, he believes that the Third
Temple and the Dome of the Rock could stand side by side.
Muslim view
"As previously mentioned, most Muslims view the movement for the
building of a Third Temple on the Temple Mount as an affront to
Islam due to the presence of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the
Rock in the stead of the former Holy Temple. Today the area is
regarded by the majority of Muslims as the third holiest site in
Furthermore, the mosque and the shrine have been on the
mountain longer than the Temples were. This being the case, Muslims
are resolute in calling for recognition of their exclusive rights
over the site and demand that it be wholly transferred over to
Muslim sovereignty; furthermore, some Muslims deny any association
with the Mount to the former Jewish Temples which stood at the site.
Calls for violent reaction against any presence of non-Muslims on
the site have often been made by Muslim authorities since East
Jerusalem was occupied during the six days war.
Bahá'í view
In the Bahá'í view the prophecy of the Third Temple was fulfilled
with the writing of the Súriy-i-Haykal by Bahá'u'lláh in pentacle
The Súriy-i-Haykal or Tablet of the Temple, is a composite
work which consists of a tablet followed by five messages addressed
to world leaders; shortly after its completion, Bahá'u'lláh
instructed the tablet be written in the form of a pentacle,
symbolizing the human temple and added to it the conclusion:
'Thus have We built the Temple with the hands of power and might,
could ye but know it. This is the Temple promised unto you in the
Book. Draw ye nigh unto it. This is that which profiteth you, could
ye but comprehend it. Be fair, O peoples of the earth! Which is
preferable, this, or a temple which is built of clay? Set your faces
towards it. Thus have ye been commanded by God, the Help in Peril,
the Self-Subsisting.'
"Shoghi Effendi, the Guardian of the Bahá'í Faith, explained that
this verse refers to the prophecy in the Hebrew Bible where
Zechariah had promised the rebuilding of the Temple in the End Times
as fulfilled in the return of the Manifestation of God, Bahá'u'lláh,
in a human temple.
Throughout the tablet, Bahá'u'lláh addresses the
Temple (himself) and explains the glory that is invested in it
allowing all the nations of the world to find redemption.
In the
tablet, Bahá'u'lláh states that the Manifestation of God is a pure
mirror that reflects the sovereignty of God and manifests God's
beauty and grandeur to mankind.
In essence, Bahá'u'lláh explains
that the Manifestation of God is a "Living Temple" and Bahá'u'lláh
addresses the organs and limbs of the human body and bids each to
focus on God and not the earthly world."
Question #3
Does the Dome of the Rock UFO event fit the pattern
predicted by former NORAD officer Stanley A. Fulham in his Dec. 3,
2010 communiqué?
This reporter undertook to evaluate
objectively whether the Dome of the Rock UFO orb fits the pattern
predicted by former NORAD officer
Stanley A. Fulham in his Dec. 3,
2010 communiqué, his last public statement before his untimely death
on Dec. 19, 2010.
As part of the evaluation, this reporter contacted a Canadian UFO
expert who is familiar with the UFO sightings associated with the
Stanley A. Fulham materials, and asked him the following question:
“As a Stanley Fulham UFO expert, would you make a correlation of
this UFO sighting to the ET council?
After review, the Canadian UFO expert responded,
“I am in complete agreement with
this statement by journalist
Michael Cohen:
"Perhaps this UFO visit to the Dome of the Rock/Temple Mount is a
prelude to open contact believed by many to be only a short time
“Stan [Fulham] would probably reiterate this written statement of
his were he still alive as it pertains to the Temple Mount UFO
incident and his predictions:
[Quote] “C. Interventions will then accelerate, not so much over our cities,
but dispersed over our continents with sightings increasing in
duration. The intent of these interventions is to increase mankind’s
acceptance of the alien phenomena, so that hopefully, we will be
prepared to accept a face-to-face encounter and communicate, perhaps
as early as next year (2011).
“D. Objective - a dramatic introduction of the alien reality - an
appearance at the United Nations.
“The Alien ‘intervention process’ will provide a philosophical
challenge to mankind as nothing else has ever done. It will
challenge our most fundamental beliefs. Did Christ teach to this
extraterrestrial world? Are they aware of Allah and his hatred for
the heathens and infidels (which, of course, must include the aliens
- they also have souls!). Do they have any religions? - or
spiritualism? [End quote]
Source of quote
“So, the answer is yes, Stan would likely see the sighting incident
as correlated with a pre-authorized Alien Council event.
“But before making any public statement, what he would do first is
contact Rik Thurston [Stanley A. Fulham’s former inter-dimensional
communicator] and ask the Transcendors about the event.
“If you recall the incident with the giant UFO hovering over a
Moscow shopping mall from 2-years ago (below video), I
sent Stan [Fulham] the video and Stan asked the Transcendors about
it, and was told it was a Bootes (Greys) Extraterrestrial vehicle (ETV).
(Time 0:37) “НЛО над ТЦ Каширский двор “[English translation: UFO above the Kisharsky Shopping Mall]”
How to
evaluate the January 28, 2011 Dome of the Rock UFO orb event
Genuine ET or interdimensional
The Dome of the Rock UFO orb event appears to
be a genuine ET or interdimensional phenomenon, captured on
video by at least 2 independent witnesses.
According to a
UFO orb specialist, the Dome of the Rock UFO orb phenomenon
is similar to UFO orb phenomenon that has been documented
and classified as “a Plasma Orb Light Entity/Interdimensional
Angel,” which did the exact same phenomenon as one of the
other contacts of the UFO orb specialist, photographed in
March of 2008.
ET or interdimensional
intelligence behind the Dome of the Rock UFO Orbs is sending
an intentional, meaningful “context communication” to
The extraterrestrial context communication in the
Dome of the Rock UFO orb event appears to be raising issues
of significant future impact for the 3.3 billion followers
of the Christian, Islam and Judaic religions.
The ET interdimensional intelligence behind the UFO orb
phenomenon at the Dome of the Rock may be signaling the
importance to the leaders of these three religions of being
alert to using peaceful non-violent conflict resolution over
disputes that may arise at this site and elsewhere in the
Middle East over religious issues.
As the conflicting history of the Dome of the Rock and of
the specific belief systems of Christian, Islamic and Judaic
followers around the symbolism of the Dome of the Rock
demonstrates, the ET interdimensional intelligence may be
signaling that a resolution to this conflict may come about
through an acknowledgement of or an intervention of
extraterrestrial intelligent knowledge or civilizations.
The Dome of the Rock UFO orb
event and the Dec. 3, 2010 Stanley A. Fulham communiqué
is reasonable to conclude that the Dome of the Rock UFO orb
fits the pattern predicted by former NORAD officer Stanley
A. Fulham in his Dec. 3, 2010 communiqué.
Most specifically, the Dome of the Rock UFO orb event
appears to relate organically to predicted UFO events that
would raise issues about inter-faith religious perspectives
of Christianity, Islam and Judaism, to wit:
“The Alien ‘intervention
process’ will provide a philosophical challenge to
mankind as nothing else has ever done. It will challenge
our most fundamental beliefs.
Did Christ teach to this
extraterrestrial world? Are they aware of Allah and his
hatred for the heathens and infidels (which, of course,
must include the aliens - they also have souls!). Do
they have any religions? - or spiritualism?"