by Peter Tremblay
December 28, 2007
TheCanadian Website
From: Exopolitics
Date: 12/28/07 22:17:52
To: Exopolitics Institute News; exopolitics@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: [exopolitics] Time Travel: Egyptian Artifacts supports
scholarly testimony of oppressive Manipulative Extraterrestrial
below is another
interesting article from the online Canadian National newspaper
which publishes a range of exopolitical articles. It deals with
archeological evidence of extraterrestrials present in Egyptian
society. While I don't necessarily agree that hieroglyphics depict
the influence of negative extraterrestrials ruling over society, I
do agree that an extraterrestrial presence is depicted. There was
very likely a mix of motivations and activities that span a similar
spectrum to what I depicted in my ET typology paper mentioned below.
The same constellation of factors facing us in dealing with official
secrecy concerning extraterrestrials, technological agreements
between elites and some ETs, and consciousness raising by more
ethically oriented ETs, was also very likely a factor in ancient
societies such as Egypt and Sumeria. In fact, we may be replaying
some very old dynamics in human extraterrestrial contact, some more
positive than others.
In peace,
Michael Salla, Ph.D.
Photos taken of
ancient hieroglyphics on different visits by individuals to Egypt,
distinctively show a military-looking helicopter, an aeroplane, a
submarine, and even some kind of alien spacecraft.
Photos which accompany
this article, were further documented to have been taken in 1996 and
1997. |

Ancient Egyptian
hieroglyphics that show a military-looking helicopter
constitute apparent
evidence of time travel related to
Extraterrestrial infiltration of Earthbound human society.
The glyphs suggest that
Extraterrestrials have shown an interest and have demonstrated the
capability to rule over humanity.
The glyphs also suggest
that similar technologies today, that apparently existed thousands
of years ago, may have originated from a similar source. Indeed, Dr.
Michael Salla has suggested the
current existence of military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex
that has access to “exotic technologies” which include
If these technologies
existed thousands of years ago, wouldn’t time travel by a related
group account for the re-introduction of the same technologies?
Retired NATO Commander, Rhodes Scholar, and four-star general Wes
Clark - who made a late October 2003 entry in the 2004 U.S.
Presidential race following a successful draft campaign -
made comments in reference to "time travel"
as an important
area of research that was quite attainable. Perhaps according to
scholarly testimony like Dr. Salla, and other researchers of UFO
phenomenon, such technology has already been developed.
Bill Hobbs further records that Clark said on the U.S.
Presidential campaign trial, that he thinks that time travel is
possible and that it will be accomplished. And he strongly implied
that as president,
he would openly allocate federal money to
develop it. Indeed, if such an "exotic technology" was
already developed, then
the elites who presided over any such
technology would be able to evaluate the American public's reaction
to such information.
Could time traveling manipulative extraterrestrials that presided
over the destruction of previous human civilizations, use time
travel as a means of selectively seeking to influence sentient races
at different stages of the technological development of various
planetary civilizations?
In 1848, one of numerous archaeological expeditions working in Egypt
discovered strange hieroglyphs at the height of about ten meters
right above the entrance to the Seti Temple in Abydos. The
walls were apparently covered with the strange signs that greatly
puzzled researchers.
The only thing the researchers realized at once
was that they had discovered some images of strange mechanisms that
nobody ever saw before.
"The archaeological
expedition carefully copied the mysterious signs on the temple
walls, and the hieroglyphs gave rise to endless disputes and
heated debates among Egyptologists. As a result, majority of
Egyptologists arrived at a conclusion at that time that there
were just strange objects drawn in different variations,"
the Russian newspaper Pravda.
Researchers of the 19th
century failed to understand what ancient Egyptians actually drew on
the temple walls. Like any sensation the mysterious Abydos
hieroglyphs were absolutely forgotten some time later.
The respectable Arab newspaper Al-Sharq Al-Awsat
published several evocative photos taken in the Amon Ra Temple in
Karnak. At that, the newspaper asked its readers whether they
believed that ancient Egyptians knew about battle aviation. The
photos showed an ancient artist(s) engraved a battle helicopter with
a distinct rotor and a tail unit. Nearby, the artist depicted
several other aircrafts astonishingly resembling contemporary
supersonic fighters and heavy strategic bombers.
The Russian article from Pravda titled "Ancient Egyptians used
helicopters and airplanes for battles?" documents that,
"After the thought
provoking publication of the photos it became clear why
Egyptologists of the 19th century could not tell what was
depicted on the walls of the temple in Abydos." .
Indeed, the nineteenth
century researchers did not know how helicopters and aircrafts look.
Well-known Egyptologist Alan Alford left to the Nile banks to
study the Abydos mystery. The researcher studied the mysterious
hieroglyphs and made sure that what seemed absolutely incredible was
in fact quite real. Alford told journalists that ancient Egyptians
had depicted a real helicopter model as if they made the engravings
from life. Some of the depictions by artists thousands of years ago,
are still apparently unknown.
These photos were met with the usual attempts by operatives of a
modern era, who are paid by the Establishment, and who operate in a
cloak of secrecy, to spin
an accompanying web of deceit and
These photos are further accompanied by archaeological findings in
Egypt of alien skulls attributed to an oppressive apparent
human-extraterrestrial hybrid race. Professor
Zecharia Sitchin’s research further supports
eyewitness accounts by indigenous and other peoples, about numerous
skulls of human-extraterrestrial hybrid race that have been
Joel Mills in the process of producing the CD-ROM "The
Secrets of Stargate." sought to collect photographs of giant skulls
of apparent human-extraterrestrial hybrid races. These skulls were
later apparently censored from the producing of the CD-ROM.
Notwithstanding this,
"these skulls are so
numerous in the area of the Nasca desert in South America, that
you can find small makeshift museums in the backyards of the
Mr. Mills believed that
these alien skulls and related artifacts proved that original
Stargate film (1994) of an
interstellar time teleportation mechanism could be not simply some
sort of science fiction fantasy (see below video).
Wikipedia documents that the film and later developed
television series was based upon the following storyline:
"The United States
civilian government holds the
Stargate's existence a secret,
so story lines present no contradiction between the episode's
events and reality. In the story, many Earth mythologies are in
fact based upon events involving aliens who visited or
controlled Earth civilizations in the distant past."
Posing as gods,
Manipulative Extraterrestrials were presented as enslaving
the inhabitants of ancient Egypt, creating its culture and
religion. These malevolent aliens were presented as using
Stargates to move labourers from Earth to other habitable
planets. The aliens were also depicted as being forced to flee
Earth following a successful rebellion by the humans, and the
Stargate was buried and forgotten until its rediscovery in Giza,
Egypt, 1928.
Adolf Hilter has
been historically documented as being a member of the UFO oriented
Thule society, before his rise to
power. Nazi Germany was allegedly inspired from his contacts with
representatives of alleged Great Pyramid inspiring Extraterrestrial
"Aryan" civilizations. This has been documented in the article
titled, "The
Aliens of the Golden Dawn".
In the book entitled
The Dawn of Magic by Louis
Pauwells and Jacques Bergier first published in France
under the title Le Matin des Magiciens 1960, Hitler was
documented as having indicated:
"The new man is
living amongst us now! He is here!" exclaimed Hitler,
triumphantly... "I will tell you a secret. I have seen the new
man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him."
Did the same group of
time-traveling Extraterrestrials that provide military technology
that were drawn on the Egyptian glyphs, also seek to funnel
technology to Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany so as to effectuate an
agenda to run planet Earth as "Aryan" custodial gods, over the
enslaving of humanity?
Local guides in Peru explained their church leaders feel the skulls
of apparent ancient ruling castes of human-alien hybrids, are "the
work of the devil", and the offspring of the fallen angels in the
With this in mind, learned scholar and author John Lash in
Metahistory.org documents ancient
Gnostics as seeking to warn humanity about intelligent inorganic
life possessing demonic consciousness that were presented in Gnostic
cosmology to be Archons or "fallen angels".
Findings prove that the Archonic rulers of these apparently
technologically advanced societies, shared the common bond of huge
skulls and brains that probably provided them with highly developed
intellectual capabilities. This information has been allegedly
shared by secret societies and religious leaders for hundreds of
These pictures have been described
by viewers as showing "proof of beings from another world"
interacting with humans.
Egypt's King Akhenaton and his daughters were allegedly proud of
their "distinct features" (elongated
skulls) and the true facts of this royal family are
shrouded in controversy.
Some historians paid by the Establishment to create dis-information,
pointing out that the giant skulls of this family are simply a
deformity caused by inbreeding. Others discount this and claim that
it is the art style of the Armana period.
Ignatius Donnelly in his book entitled
Atlantis - The Antediluvian World
explores historical accounts of a Continent that existed in the
middle of the Atlantic Ocean that sank into the sea. He documents
that before it sank, the apparent Human-Manipulative
Extraterrestrial hybrid rulers left for Egypt, Mexico and Peru and
became rulers of newfound apocalyptical empires with Great Pyramids,
that were based around oppressive religious-militaristic cults.
He found information
about elongated apparent alien-human hybrid skulls hidden in the
Library of Congress in Washington. Perhaps "the sinking" of
had something to do with a military attempt of these alien-human
hybrids to seize and take control of Atlantis as an allegedly highly
advanced human civilization?

Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori had advocated the
release of official photographic documentation of the
apparent skulls of an alien-human hybrid ruling caste. |
When President Alberto Fujimori took power in Peru he had decided to allow the skulls to be
photographed. The Peruvian government had indicated to a researcher
"these unusual
skulls could be found in many museums in Peru and excavations
were uncovering them even now near the Nasca Plateau." .
Brad Steiger’s
book entitled Worlds Before our Own presented evidence that
previous earth civilizations were destroyed possibly by very
sophisticated nuclear weapons, in a catastrophic war on Earth of
intergalactic proportions, involving different alien civilizations .
If this is the case,
then these glyps corroborate Dr. Salla’s research of a
military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex that once again may be
taking humanity into a path of planetary destruction for whatever
alien agenda might exist.
Dr. Salla in "A
Report on the Motivations and Activities of Extraterrestrial Races -
A Typology of the Most Significant Extraterrestrial Races
Interacting with Humanity" in Exopolitics, revised
January 1, 2005 documents that
Clifford Stone, a retired U.S.
army Sergeant who served in the U.S. Army for 22 years and
participated in covert operations to retrieve crashed
extraterrestrial ships and extraterrestrial biological entities (EBE’s),
revealed there were a total of 57 extraterrestrial races known by
UFO and Extraterrestrial dis-information operatives.
Dr. Salla further reveals that apparent Manipulative
Extraterrestrials (in contrast with socially responsible and Ethical
Extraterrestrials) have sought to introduce military technologies
through ego and greed driven elites, that have literally sold their
soul to gain access to these technologies. Dr. Salla indicates that
Manipulative Extraterrestrials having exploited short-sighted human
elites, have instigated a "range of systemic global problems."
Indeed, if there are, for example, baseball and football players as
well as track and field stars, who are willing to sell out their
personal health by taking steroids in order to get more money and in
their apparent view, "more glory," just think how many corrupt human
politicians, in turn, would be correspondingly willing to similarly
sell out their soul to manipulative aliens in their quest for their
sought prize of short-sighted planetary power.
Dr. Salla's further documents alleged interactions between
Manipulative extraterrestrial races and empire-driven human elites
as having "reached agreements with, and even collaborated in a
number of joint projects."
Gary McKinnon in a Wired Magazine article titled "'UFO
Hacker' Tells What He Found" indicates that,
"I also got access
to Excel spreadsheets. One was titled 'Non-Terrestrial
Mr. McKinnon uncovered
what he indicated appeared to be orbiting alien spacecraft, that
would then be systematically airbrushed out of high resolution
satellite images.
Could nuclear
weapons itself, which human elites now seek to threaten Iran
toward a global nuclear holocaust, also have been introduced
through human elite collaborations with manipulative alien
toward a global conquest agenda?
Secrets of the Lost
Races writer Rene Noorbergen reveals scientific research
on ancient Pyramids that have been in turn linked to
Human-Extraterrestrial hybrid races, have also demonstrated traces
of nuclear radiation consistent with a
pre-historic nuclear war.
In South America the Brazilian ruins of Sete Ciddaes are
enormously revealing. Author Noorbergen in Secrets of the Lost
Races writes of "ruins melted by apocalyptic energies..."!
Elsewhere, in Mesopotamia sizeable ziggurats - a form of early
pyramid - have been found melted to their base in a vitrified mass!
In the article "Nuclear Wars in Antiquity", by author Harry Hinde
further documents the following:
"In the Arabian
desert blackened stones litter the sands over a wide area,
showing signs of having been subjected to intense radiation. In
Israel the location of the Dead Sea and it's mysterious
connection with Sodom and Gomorrah bears evidence of an amazing
focus of heat that is thought to have gouged out the entire area
in a massive explosion.
Vitrified rock created under intense
pressure, is a frequent discovery, and in 1952 archaeologists
discovered a vitrified area of sand that stretched out over
hundreds of square feet! Apparently deposits like this are
similar to those left behind at the White Sands atomic testing
site in America."
"In fact wherever we look in the world the baffling enigma of
vitrified ruins challenges our intellect! From Peru, to Scotland
and Scandinavia; to the plateau's of China and India, this
indelible evidence attests to some undeniably violent act."
Erich von Daniken's
Chariots of the Gods? has presented theories of ancient
astronauts constituting a possible intergalactic alien invasion
force, landing on Earth. Von Daniken links Great Pyramid like
structures on Mars to similar looking Great Pyramids on Earth, as
the alleged basis of fascistic alien colonies on Earth.
humanoid face on Mars - that has apparently been
also subsequently subjected to elite-directed air-brushing toward an
alien disinformation campaign - has also been cited as evidence of
malevolent alien migrations to Earth.
Rene Noorbergen further documents charred ruins to be found
between the River Ganges in India and the mountains of Rajamahal.
"The walls have been
glazed, corroded, and split by tremendous heat. Within several
of the buildings that remain standing even the surfaces of the
stone furniture have been vitrified: melted then crystallized.
No natural burning flame or volcanic eruption could have
produced heat intense enough to cause this phenomenon. Only the
heat released through atomic energy could have done this
Also in this same region a human body was discovered
with a radioactivity "which was fifty times above the normal

Apparent skull
of alien-human hybrid ruling caste of ancient society are
reportedly prevalent in Peru, and have also been found by
researchers in Egypt. |
Mr Lash in
Metahistory.org documents, says that Gnostic research uncovered
intrusion by intelligent inorganic
Manipulative Extraterrestrials
that are native to other planets in Earth's solar system that sought
to instigate violence among humans in a "divide, conquest and rule"
Manipulative aliens through
opportunistic time periods of terrestrial conflicts on Earth, would
likely find many zealot human elites willing to do anything in order
to acquire military technology to destroy each other for their own
conquest agenda with "hybrid" confederates.
Mr. Lash documents the
extent to which alien-inspired organized religion has provided a
context for sowing bigotries, and an ensuing culture of violence,
that can "ripen" into the kind of militarism which now shapes
American foreign policy.
The so-called "War
on Terror" could be in fact a Manipulative
Extraterrestrial ruse for an evolving alien agenda, against
human rights, spiritual free will, and sovereignty.
Appreciating Manipulative Extraterrestrial intrusion on the development of human
civilization could very well illuminate such catastrophes from the
Holocaust against the Jews, the genocide in Rwanda where human
elites turned their back on, and on-goings acts of oppression and
barbarity on our planet.
Mr. Lash cites Gnostics as having illuminated that
individuals who seek to appreciate Manipulative Extraterrestrial
infiltration of Earthbound human society must introspectively
come to grips with what it means to be human. After doing that
through a process of critical inner spiritual reflection (free of
externally imposed alien inspired organized religious dogma)
individuals can readily be able to also detect Manipulative
Extraterrestrial infiltration.
Adult human beings can observe the human spirit in its rawest form
as being manifested in the newborn infant that smiles and that seeks
to reach out to other human beings in a spirit of empathy, free of
bigotry and the violence, that has been conditioned through
alien-inspired organized religions.
Extraterrestrial infiltration of humanity is evident among
subsequent development of certain constituencies of human beings who
are driven by exploitation, greed, and violence, and who then seek
to oppressively lash out at other human beings to perpetuate their
alien-induced exploitation agenda.
Brad Steiger suggests that humans must learn the mistakes
committed in the past in an apparent previous cycle(s) on nuclear
and general apocalyptical destruction, in order to avoid humanity
being once again manipulated into an elite-inspired agenda of
exploitation, oppression, and destruction.