by Stephen McMurray
Vol.28 - No. 2
Nexus Magazine
February - March 2021
AvalonLibrary Website

Enoch was one of the antediluvian patriarchs.
He was the father of
Methuselah and great-grandfather of Noah.
Despite the claim that he
was only one of two people who didn't actually die but was taken up
to be with God, the Bible provides very little information on him.
It is really the eponymous apocryphal text that highlights his
The Book of Enoch, believed to have been written circa the second
century BC, is attributed to the patriarch.
It was first brought to
light in 1773 when Scottish explorer James Bruce discovered copies
of it in Ethiopia. Fragments of the original Aramaic text were then
discovered as part of the
Dead Sea scroll cache found in Qumran in
The book details the fall of the angels, Enoch's journeys to heaven
as well as various astronomical data. However, from the perspective
of those who adhere to the ancient alien theory, it is replete with
references to extraterrestrial beings.
Many people interested in the
Ancient Astronaut theory will be
familiar with the passage from Genesis 6, 1-4:
"And it came to pass,
when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and
daughters were born unto them. That the sons of God saw the
daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives
of all which they chose.
And the Lord said,
my spirit shall not
always strive with man, for that he also is flesh:
yet his days
shall be a hundred and twenty years.
There were Giants in the
earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God
came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to
them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of
The Ethiopian Book of Enoch
The famous passage, above, is viewed by many as proof that angels
were actually extraterrestrials...
People may think this is the only
reference to this union of angel and woman but the Book of Enoch
mentions this interbreeding on numerous occasions:
"And it came to
pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were
born unto them beautiful and fair daughters.
And the angels, the
children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one
'Come, let us choose
us wives from among the children of men and have children with
them'." 1
Then, just as in the
Genesis version, it mentions
Giants, who were the offspring of these
extraterrestrial/human unions.
However, whereas Genesis
makes no mention of them other than they existed, Enoch tells us
that they eventually turned on humans and killed them. 2
Enoch, himself, has
numerous encounters with extraterrestrial visitors.
His first
vision, or what could be interpreted as his first flight aboard
UFO, is described in detail:
"In the vision,
clouds invited me and summoned me into a mist and the course of
the stars and the flash of lightning hurried and drove me, and
the winds in the vision caused me to fly and lifted me up, and
bore me into heaven.
And I went in till I drew near to a wall
which is built of crystals and surrounded by tongues of fire,
and it began to frighten me.
I went into the tongues of fire and
drew near a large house which was built of crystals; and the
walls of the house were like a mosaic of hailstones and the
floor was made of crystals like snow.
Its ceiling was like the
path of the stars and the lightning flashes, and between them
were fiery cherubim." 3
In this chapter Enoch is
surrounded by clouds and a mist and levitated into a building made
of a crystal-like substance.
Clouds and mists surrounding UFOs have
been noted in various cases and it is speculated that these are
formed as a result of whatever exotic propulsion system the craft
utilizes. 4,5,6
Indeed, a haze is clearly visible surrounding the
craft in the famous UFO footage released by the pentagon showing a
UFO recorded by aircraft crew in 2015. 7
The ceiling of the building would appear to be transparent as Enoch
can see the stars through it. This theme of being able to see the
stars though transparent walls or ceilings of a spacecraft has been
noted by
abductees before. 8
Enoch then sees a second, larger construction, whose door is open
and built of flames of fire.

The floor and ceiling are also
described as being made of fire.
"Its floor was of
fire, and above it was the lightning and path of the stars, and
its ceiling was also of flaming fire." 9
Of course, in Enoch's day
any sort of modern artificial lighting would be thought of as fire
as that was the only source of light, other than the astronomical
bodies, with which they would have been familiar.
In the following chapter God once more admonishes the fallen angels
Watchers for having slept with Earth women and producing giants
and warns that the giant offspring will rise up against humans.
In this chapter Enoch is surrounded by clouds and a mist and
levitated into a building made of a crystal-like substance.
and mists surrounding UFOs have been noted in various cases...
"And the spirit of
the giants afflict, oppress, destroy, attack, war, destroy and
cause trouble on the earth." 10
Enoch is then taken to
another part of 'heaven' where the creatures there were like,
"flaming fire and, when they wished, made themselves appear as
men." 11
This could be interpreted
as the ability to shapeshift or, could simply be the fact that the
entities were wearing luminous uniforms with head gear and when they
took it off were human-like underneath.
There is then another allusion to the ability of the
extraterrestrial entities to shape shift:
"Here shall stand the
angels who have connected themselves with women, and their
spirits assuming many different forms are defiling mankind and
shall lead them astray into sacrificing to demons as gods."
Further on in the text a
list of angels or aliens is given and what knowledge they imparted
to humans.
The leader is called
Samjaza. 13
Interestingly, the famous
Swiss abductee
Billy Meier said one of the aliens he was in contact
with was called
Semjase - a very similar sounding name.
Some people believe Meier to be a fraud but others believe him to be
A physicist in the 1970s examined Meier's photos of alleged
UFOs and stated:
"Nothing was found to
indicate a hoax" and concluded.
"Nothing was found in
the examination of the print which could cause me to believe
that the object in the photos is anything other than a large
object photographed a distance from the camera."
Analysis of metal
allegedly given to Meier by the alien was also undertaken by an IBM
chemist and various anomalies were detected. 15
In the middle of listing
the aliens that helped humankind, the Enoch text says that humans
were created to be immortal just like the angels but, due to their
quest for knowledge, now suffered death.
"For men were
created exactly like the angels, to the intent that they
should continue pure and righteous, and death, which
destroys everything, should not have taken hold of them, but
through their knowledge they are perishing, and through this
power consumes them." 16
In fact, extreme
longevity for certain individuals is noted in the bible.
long lives of the patriarchs are listed but gradually these lifespans are reduced to what we would consider to be more
normal lifespans.
For example,
Adam supposedly lived to 930 and
Seth to 912.
Jared, Enoch's father was noted as having lived to
962 years old and his son, Methuselah to 969.
Enoch himself died
at 365 years old. 17
However, long lifespans being attributed to humans in ancient
times are not unique to the Bible.
There is a document called
Sumerian King List which also accredits certain humans with
incredibly long lifespans. Some of them are noted to have
reigned for many thousands of years. 18
According to Chinese
texts, China, too, has citizens living for hundreds of years. 19
Could this suggest
some sort of genetic manipulation by the extraterrestrials to
reduce our lifespans as punishment for disobeying them?
Proof of alien manipulation of our DNA may, in fact, have been
Two scientists working on the human genome project
have concluded that,
97 per cent of non-coding sequences in human
DNA is genetic code from alien life forms...
One of the scientists involved,
Maxim A. Makukov, stated,
have to accept the fact that all life on Earth carries the
genetic code of our extraterrestrial cousins and that evolution
is not what we think it is..." 20
Further on in the text
Enoch once again ascends to heaven where he sees the "holy sons of
God" stepping on "flames of fire".
Again, rather than actual fire
this could refer to an illuminated floor.
He also describes them as
wearing white garments and their faces shining like snow. 21
This is
significant as Noah, Enoch's great- grandson, as we shall see, is
reported to have a face that shone, indicating that Noah was, at
least in part, of extraterrestrial origin.
Incorporated into the Book of Enoch is a fragment of the Book of
It is within this text that Noah's extraterrestrial origins
are explained:
"Methuselah took a wife for his son, Lamech, and she became pregnant
by him and bore a son.
And his body was white as snow and red as the
blooming of a rose, and the hair of his head and his long curls were
white as wool, and his eyes beautiful.
"And when he opened his eyes, he lighted up the whole house like the
sun, and the whole house was very bright.
"And on it he levitated, thereupon he arose in the hands of the
midwife, opened his mouth, and conversed with the Lord of
"And his father Lamech was afraid of him and fled, and came to his
father Methuselah.
And he said unto him:
'I have begotten a strange
son, diverse from and unlike man, and resembling the sons of the God
of heaven; and his nature is different and he is not like us, and
his eyes are as the rays of the sun, and his countenance is
"And it seems to me that he is not sprung from me but from the
angels, and I fear that in his days a wonder may be wrought on the
earth." 22
This must be one of the most obvious and explicit historical
descriptions of a human-extraterrestrial hybrid...
The Slavonic Book of Enoch
A second book of Enoch was discovered in the
Belgrade library in 1886.
This is known as
2 Enoch or the
Slavonic Book of Enoch.
At the beginning of the Slavonic Book of Enoch it is stated that the
patriarch lived for 365 years. Again, it suggests the extended
longevity of humans in ancient times. 23
Very early on in the first chapter, Enoch has his first encounter
with alien beings.

He describes two giants
with wings and shining
faces that came to his house:
"And there appeared
to me two very large men, so big I never saw such on earth.
Their faces were shining like the sun, their eyes were like
burning light, and from their lips fire was coming out. They
were singing. Their clothing was of various kinds in appearance
and was purple.
Their wings were brighter than gold and their
hands were whiter than snow." 24
They tell him that they
are about to take him up to heaven and to tell his family what is
Enoch is not alone in his mention of giant winged beings. There is,
of course, the legendary mothman whose exploits at Point Pleasant,
West Virginia are described in detail by John Keel in his book,
The Mothman Prophecies. 26
There is also the bizarre case of the Russian
cosmonauts who, in 1985, say they saw a giant winged humanoid
floating outside the space station 26 and the modern wave of flying
humanoids spotted in and around the Chicago area. 27
One of the first things Enoch sees when he gets to "heaven" are
creatures called chalkydri.
These are bizarre, hybrid creatures
comprising of a lion's tail and a crocodile's head. 28
crocodile-headed deities were well known in
ancient Egypt.
crocodile-headed god, Sobek, was the god of strength and power.
Enoch, the chalkydri are said to accompany the Sun and in Egypt,
during the period 1550-1069 BC, Sobek was fused with the sun god Ra
to become Sobek-Ra. 29
Could this be the same entity...?
There was also Ammit, a funerary deity also known as the "Devourer of the Dead" who
was part lion and hippopotamus with a crocodile's head. 30
When he is taken up to a higher level, Enoch meets the archangels
with their shining faces.
They appear to be clones or robots as
Enoch describes them by saying,
"there is no difference in their
faces, or behavior, or manner of dress". 31
This is a similar description given by modern UFO abductees who
describe the "greys" as behaving robotically and being
indistinguishable from each other. 32

US army Colonel
Philip Corso,
in his book,
The Day After Roswell, claimed that the grey were part
"biorobots". 33
When Enoch is taken to
the "tenth heaven" or 10th deck of the spacecraft, something
extraordinary happens. He is actually transformed into an angel;
although the description actually sounds like he is donning an
astronaut's suit and preparing for a trip through space.
The Lord tells the archangel Michael:
"Go and take Enoch and remove
his earthly garments and anoint him with my sweet ointment and put
him in the garments of My Glory." 34
When he has been covered in ointment that was "shining like the
sun's rays" and donned his new outfit, Enoch says he was transformed
into one of the glorious ones, i.e. an angel.
Intriguingly, being covered or submerged in aromatic or
sweet-smelling liquid has been mentioned by some UFO abductees.
Moreover, the abductee in one of these encounters also describes the
liquid as golden yellow, which is similar to it being like' the rays
of the Sun, as described by Enoch. 35
Moreover, being submerged in breathable liquid has been proposed as
an aid to future space travel. 36

At the end of the Slavonic text the focus moves away from Enoch and
to Noah's brother, Nir and his wife Sopanim.
In this extraordinary
section of the text, Sopanim, who is infertile and too old to give
birth, miraculously becomes pregnant, despite not having had sexual
relations with her husband.
At this point the angel Gabriel appears
and calls the child a "gift from god".
She then dies and a fully
grown child is removed from her womb who is able to speak
immediately after being born. This child is then removed from Nir
and Sopanim by Gabriel. 37
Reading this from a modern perspective and taking into account alien
abductee stories, it would appear that Sopanim was artificially
inseminated by extraterrestrials to create a hybrid baby but, due to
its size, caused the death of its mother.
As with all abductee
stories where the woman gives birth to a hybrid, the offspring is
subsequently removed from the human parent and taken away by the
aliens. 38
It would appear then that Enoch and his lineage are all
hybrids and are considered special. Perhaps this is why Noah and his
family are saved when the flood comes and the rest of the human race
is left to perish.
Alien encounters and
abductions involving entire families are well known in modern UFO
literature suggesting perhaps that the extraterrestrials are
interested in a particular genetic trait. 39
The Hebrew Book of Enoch
The Hebrew version of Enoch was compiled around 300 to 400 AD.
the text, Rabbi Ishmael is transported to heaven in a fiery chariot
where he meets Enoch, who has now been transformed into the angel Metatron.
When he arrives in heaven, the rabbi is frightened by the appearance
of the angels, particularly a reptilian group called the seraphim,
(fiery serpents) and so God tells them to hide their faces.
The angels then ask God why they have let a man born of woman see
the Merkaba, which is a flaming chariot. Clearly the aliens are not
happy with a mere human seeing the technology on board the
They ask God why the rabbi should be granted access to
the raquia.
The word raquia means "firmament" but interestingly, it
also means "plate".
So, the alien crew could well be asking why the
human has been allowed onto the plate, i.e. a plate-shaped craft.
flying saucer in other words...
To support the fact that it was a
solid object they were referring to rather than just the firmament,
the word raquia is translated as "a firm or solid structure" in the
Septuagint, the Greek version of the old testament, according to the
author Joseph Lumpkin.
Clearly then the alien crew are referring to
a saucer-shaped solid craft. 41
Later Enoch is taught how to
see into the future, and the power of
Enoch explains how the Holy One,
"revealed the thoughts of
all living creatures and their feelings... Before a man thought a
thought in secret, I saw it and before a man made a thing I watched
it." 42
Both of these abilities have been associated with aliens in
abduction cases. 43,44
At one point it is explained to the rabbi that the words "holy,
holy, holy" must be sung by the "angels" in exactly the right manner
at the right time.
If so, "crowns" are placed upon the angels.
not, the "angel" who errs is burnt alive and a new one instantly
created at God's command. 45
Could it be that the angels in this case are robots or machines of
some kind and they have started malfunctioning and are destroyed and
The ones that carry out their function properly are marked
with crowns to highlight the fact they are not faulty?
A few pages
later it says the ones that don't sing properly are consumed by the
flames from the "rooms of the whirlwind".
They then travel in a
river of fire and become mountains of burning coal. This sounds as
if the faulty "angels" or robots are being burnt in a furnace and
then travelling along a conveyor belt with other burning remains.
The word Holy may simply be the sound the machine makes when
performing the task that it has been programmed to carry out. Holy,
in Hebrew is "qadosh".
It may sound to the rabbi that all the
machines when working in unison are singing "qadosh, qadosh, qadosh".
There is an extremely interesting section where the rabbi is shown
letters engraved on the throne of glory. He is told the letters
created everything in the universe. 47
This corresponds with the
Bible where everything is created by the word of God.
In Genesis
1:3, God says,
"Let there be light", and there was light.
In 1:11 God
"Let the earth bring forth vegetation: seed- bearing plants
and fruit trees, each bearing fruit with seed according to its kind.
And it was so."
Simply by uttering words,
God created matter.
The idea that simply saying something can bring it into being seems
far-fetched but the latest scientific breakthroughs show that sound
waves can indeed move and manipulate matter.
According to an article
in Science Daily, a team of scientists from the Max Planck Institute
of Quantum Optics have shown how,
"electrons can be moved or held in
place by electric potentials that are generated by acoustic waves on
the surfaces of piezoelectric materials." 48
A team of Russian scientists have even used sound to alter
According to the study:
"The team achieved
incredible results using vibration and language. For instance,
they successfully transmitted information patterns from one set
of DNA to another.
Eventually, they were even able to reprogram
cells to another genome - they transformed frog embryos into
salamander embryos without lifting a single scalpel or making
one incision." 49
It is even possible to
levitate objects using sound, 50 and scientists now believe sound
waves may have helped form matter when the Universe was first
formed. 51
There is another possible link between extraterrestrials and the
power of sound to manipulate matter.
Cymatics is the study of
patterns produced in a medium by sound vibrations.
The patterns are
usually formed by placing sand or some other powdered substance on a
plate connected to an oscillator.
When different frequencies of
sound are played, the vibrating plate creates different, geometrical
Interestingly, a lot of these patterns are similar to those found in
crop circles, leading some to believe the circles may have been
created by sound waves. 52,53
UFOs have frequently been witnessed
in the vicinity of the circles, some cereologists believe it is
extraterrestrials that are creating them. 54
Could it be that an alien race is trying to tell us something about
the power of sound by incorporating a physical representation of
certain frequencies into patterns on the ground?
Could they, like
the extraterrestrials of Enoch's day, be capable of altering or
creating matter by soundwaves and they want to share this knowledge
with us?
A common feature related by alleged UFO
abductees is the
warnings the aliens give about the future of humankind.

Nursteed Farm, near
Devizes, Wiltshire,
reported 17th August, 2016.
(Image: www.cropcircleconnector.com)

Sacred geometry fractal Metatron's Cube
(Image: Alexa Szlavics)
This is usually conveyed
the abductee whilst they see supposedly future events unfold on
some sort of viewing screen. 55
In the Hebrew Book of Enoch just such
a scenario is played out.
The rabbi is shown past and future events
recorded on a "curtain".
Enoch, in the shape of
Metatron, says to the rabbi:
"Come, and I
will show you the Curtain of the Divine majesty which is spread
before the Holy One, blessed be he.
On it are written all the
generations of the world and their deeds, both what they have done
and what they will do until the end of all generations." 56
He then witnesses all the actions of all future generations.
The book of Enoch must be one of the most detailed accounts of
repeated and prolonged alien encounters in history. The fact that
there are so many similarities between Enoch's experiences and
modern UFO encounters speaks for its authenticity.
This is
reinforced even more by the fact that some of what he describes may
be explained by modern science.
All references referred
to in the Books of Enoch are taken from Joseph B. Lumpkin's
Books of Enoch, published by Fifth Estate in 2011.
1. Ethiopian Book of
Enoch, Chapter 6, V 1–2, Page 30
2. Ibid., Chapter 7, V 4, Page 32
3. Ibid., Chapter 14, V 8-11, Page 41–42
4. Hammons, Steve, UFON Digest, UFO witness reports seem
credible: Are we ready for more disclosure?, 2010,
5. UFO Hunters, Wakefield NH, 2004,https://tinyurl.com/y493auam
6. UFOs Northwest, Woman Sees Red-Orange Object Surrounded by
Haze Move Low Over the Ohio River, May 5 2011,
7. Sky News, UFO: Pentagon releases three leaked videos - is the
truth finally out there? 2020,
8. Above Top secret, One of the earliest Abduction cases,
Salzburg Austria, 1951: humanoid encounters, 2018,
9. Ethiopian Book of Enoch, Chapter 14 V 15–17, page 42
10. Ibid., Chapter 15 V 10, page 44
11. Ibid., Chapter 17 V 1 and 2, Page 46
12. Ibid., Chapter 19 V 1, Page 48
13. Ibid., Chapter 69 V 2, Page 89
14. Semjase.net, The Semjase Contacts from 1975,
15. Mutual UFO Network, Billy Meier 1964–Present,
16. Ethiopian Book of Enoch, Chapter 69 V 11, Page 92
17. Biblestudy.org, How Old are the Biblical Patriarchs,
18. Crystal links, Sumerian King List,
19. The Epoch Times, Did Ancient People Really Have Lifespans
Longer Than 200 Years? 2014,
20. The Express, Shock Claim: Human DNA Was 'Designed by
Aliens', Scientists Claim, 2017,
21. Ethiopian Book of Enoch, Chapter 71 V 1, Page 95
22. Ibid., (Book of Noah fragment) Chapter 106 V 1–5, Page 156
23. Slavonic Book of Enoch, Chapter 1 V 3, Page 177
24. Ibid., Chapter 1 V 6, Page 177
25. The Mothman Prophecies, Keel, John A. Panther Books, 1975
26. Wordpress, Space Angels: Aliens or Sign Of The Apocalypse?,
2012, https://tinyurl.com/y3lggz68
27. Wayland, Tobias and Emily, New Witness Reports Sighting of
Red-Eyed, Winged Humanoid Near O'Hare Airport, 2019, https://tinyurl.com/y5t3qj6x
28. Slavonic Book of Enoch, Chapter 12 V 1, Page 180
29. Wikipedia, Sobek,
30. Fandom, Ammit,
31. Slavonic Book of Enoch, Chapter 19 V 1, Page 184
32. Orionsunset.com, What Are Grey Aliens?
33. Infinityexplorers.com, Colonel Philip James Corso Reveals
Grey Aliens are Actually Biorobots, 2020,
34. Slavonic Book of Enoch, Chapter 22 V 8, Page 187
35. Redfern, Nick, Alien Abductees and a Mysterious Liquid,
2017, https://tinyurl.com/y228pn6m/
36. Bionity.com, Liquid Breathing,
37. Slavonic Book of Enoch, extended version, Page 208–212
38. Redfern, Nick, Aliens: The Hybrid Baby Controversy, 2018,
39. Kelly, Debra, The Untold Truth of the 1969 Berkshire UFO
Sighting, 2020, https://tinyurl.com/y29ha5w540. Hebrew book of
Enoch, Chapter 1 V 7, Page 220
41. Hebrew book of Enoch, Chapter 4 V 7, Page 223
42. Ibid., Chapter 11 V 1–3, Page 230
43. International Center for Abduction Research, Telepathy and
Emotion in Alien Society,
44. StarworksUSA, Denise Stoner, 2011,
45. Hebrew book of Enoch, Chapter 40 V 1–4, Page 230
46. Ibid., Chapter 47 V 2, Page 268
47. Ibid., Chapter 41V 1–4, Page 261
48. Science Daily, Trapping and Manipulating Electrons with
Sound Waves, 2017, https://tinyurl.com/ya2rgkxs
49. Journal of Clinical epigenetics, Application of Sound
Frequencies as an Epigenetic Tool in Reversing the Limiting
Symptoms of Autism, 2017, https://tinyurl.com/y497v6bk
50. O'Carroll, Eoin, Scientists Use Sound Waves to Levitate,
Manipulate Matter, 2013, https://tinyurl.com/y3cthqbm
51. Britt, Robert Roy, First Sound Waves Left Imprint on
the Universe, 2005, https://tinyurl.com/yyr55ol5
52. Timberwolf HQ, Cymatics, Crop Circles and 2012,
53. Silva, Freddy, Is Sound Creating Crop Circles, 2002
54. UFO Video, Crop Circles - Messages from Aliens,
55. Rowell Keith, Some UFO Q&A,
56. Hebrew book of Enoch, Chapter 45 V 1–6, Page 265