ExopoliticsRadio Website
Episode 1
'Galactic COINTELPRO' with Dr. Michael Salla
'Clinton ET-UFO Cover-up: Clinton
Library Stonewalls UFO Disclosure' by Alfred Webre

Clinton Presidential
Library "Openess is our policy" Thanks to Grant Cameron
Galactic COINTELPRO with Dr.
Michael Salla/ Clinton ET-UFO Cover-up: Clinton Library Stonewalls
UFO Disclosure by Alfred Webre
WHO: Dr.
Michael E. Salla, is the author of
PRESENCE is a pioneer in the development of 'Exopolitics', the
scholarly study of the main actors, institutions and processes
associated with an extraterrestrial presence that is not
acknowledged to the general public, elected officials or the mass
He is Executive Director of the
Exopolitics Institute
in Kona, Hawaii.
Episode 2
'Exopolitics & Orbs' with Miceal Ledwith
'Obama, Clinton & Outer Space' by Alfred Webre

Orbs with Dr. Miceal
Ledwith, L.Ph., L.D., D.D., LL.D (h.c)
WHAT: Exopolitics & Orbs with Miceal Ledwith / Obama,
Clinton & Outer Space by Alfred Webre
WHO: Dr. Miceal Ledwith, L.Ph., L.D., D.D., LL.D (h.c),
served as a Catholic priest and as Professor of Theology and College
President for over 25 years in Ireland. During the course of his
academic and administrative careers he lectured extensively to
interested adult groups in many countries and continues to speak at
venues all over the world today.
He was one of the scholars featured in "What
the Bleep Do We Know," and its sequel "Down the Rabbit
Hole." His book "The Orb Phenomenon," co-authored with the German
physicist Dr. Klaus Heinemannand his DVD "The Phenomenon of
Orbs" are now available.
Episode 3
'ETs: Hillary, Kucinich, & Obama' with
Grant Cameron
'Exopolitics, Stephen Hawking &
Planetary Migration' by Alfred Webre

Leave or die:
Professor Stephen Hawking says mankind must develop Star Trek style
warp drive to get to other planets
WHAT: ETs: Hillary, Kucinich,
& Obama with Grant Cameron / Exopolitics, Stephen Hawking &
Planetary Migration by Alfred Webre
WHO: Grant Cameron is a Canadian author, researcher
and expert on the ET/UFO aspects of the US Presidents. In the past
few years Cameron has turned his research interests to the
involvement and actions of the President of the United States in the
UFO problem. He has made 20+ trips to the National Archives and most
of the various Presidential archives looking for presidential UFO
One highlight his presidential UFO
research was the chance to question Vice-president Dick Cheney on
his knowledge of the UFO subject. Another highlight of the
presidential UFO research was a FOIA to the White House Office of
Science and Technology which yielded 1,000 pages of UFO documents
from the Clinton administration.
Many of these findings have been written
up on
The Presidents UFO Website.
Episode 4
'ETs & U.S. Presidents' by Grant Cameron
'Stephenville, Texas: ETs vs ARVs vs
USAF False Flag?' by Alfred Webre

"Why did the
Stephenville incident create enough heat to lure the USAF out of its
Who knows.
President Bush's
ranch in Crawford is just 60 miles to the southeast" Journalist
Billy Cox
WHAT: Grant Cameron: ETs &
U.S. Presidents / Stephenville, Texas: ETs vs ARVs vs USAF False
Flag? by Alfred Webre
WHO: Grant Cameron is a Canadian author, researcher
and expert on the ET/UFO aspects of the US Presidents. In the past
few years Cameron has turned his research interests to the
involvement and actions of the President of the United States in the
UFO problem. He has made 20+ trips to the National Archives and most
of the various Presidential archives looking for presidential UFO
material. One highlight his presidential UFO research was the chance
to question Vice-president Dick Cheney on his knowledge of the UFO
Another highlight of the presidential
UFO research was a FOIA to the White House Office of Science and
Technology which yielded 1,000 pages of UFO documents from the
Clinton administration.
Many of these findings have been written
up on
The Presidents UFO Website.
Episode 5
'Exopolitics & Crop Circles'
with Robert
Nichol and Alfred Webre

Crop Circles & Blue
Comet Holmes outburst
or exploded unexpectedly on October 24-25, 2007
"On October 24-25, 2007, an obscure
comet known as "17P Holmes" suddenly outburst or exploded
between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Astronomers still have
no good idea why that happened, because most comets outburst
when they approach the heat of the Sun.
In any case, many of us
who are familiar with the crop-messaging phenomenon saw
immediately that newly-taken photographs of that comet matched a
famous crop picture that had appeared at Garsington near Oxford
two years earlier on July 15, 2005"
Three Significant Events In The Astronomy
Of Comet Holmes From 2007 Were Shown In English Crop Pictures
From Two Years Ago (In The Summer of 2005)
WHO: Remy Chevalier
founded the Eco-Saloon at the environmental nightclub Wetlands in
1989. He's the editor-at-large and webmaster for Electrifying
Times, a magazine dedicated to electric vehicles on newsstands
since 1993. An investigative journalist and researcher, Remy
contributes to dozens of blogs and magazines.
With 30 years of experience as a music
promoter, event organizer and environmental activist, Remy created
Rock The Reactors campaign in April
2006 to bring national attention to the fight to shut down Indian
Point using viral marketing techniques, securing the participation
of dozens of green product sponsors.
The Bruised Apple in Peekskill has
dedicated an entire section of their bookshop to Remy's
Environmental Library Fund.
Episode 6
'ET/UFOs & the Election' with Steve
'Extraterrestrial Civilizations from
Orion' by Alfred Webre

WHO: Stephen Bassett is
Executive Director of X-PPAC, the Extraterrestrial Phenomenon
Political Action Committee, and the only registered lobbyist with
the U.S. Congress on behalf of the Extraterrestrial activist
research community.
His work has been referenced in, among others,
the Washington Post, Washington Times, New York Times, Legal Times,
Christian Science Monitor, National Journal, Pravda, London Sunday
Express, The Hill (Washington, DC) and O'Dweyer's Washington Report.
Steve has worked with the late Prof.
John Mack of Harvard University; is the organizer of the
Exopolitics Conference I and II in Washington, DC; and
was a Candidate in 2004 for the U.S. Congress in Maryland on an
Exopolitics platform.
Episode 7
'ET/UFOs & the First Amendment - Part I'
with Paola Harris and Alfred Webre

Paola Harris, MEd is an Italo-American
photojournalist and investigative reporter in the field of
extraterrestrial related phenomena research. She has studied
extraterrestrial related phenomena since 1979 and is on personal
terms with many of the leading researchers in the field.
From 1980-1986 she assisted Dr. J.
Allen Hynek with his UFO investigations and has interviewed many
top military witnesses concerning their involvement in the
government truth embargo.
In 1997, Ms. Harris met and interviewed
Philip Corso in Roswell, New Mexico
and became a personal friend and confidante. She was instrumental in
having his book
The Day After Roswell, for
which she wrote the preface, translated into Italian. She returned
to Roswell in the summer of 2003 for the American debut of her book,
Connecting the Dots… making sense of the UFO Phenomena (Granite
Paola has consulted with many
researchers about the best avenues for planetary disclosure with
emphasis on the "big picture" and stressing the historical
connection. She has written for Nexus, UFO Magazine, Notizario UFO
and Dossier Alieni, among other publications.
Her books include
Connecting the Dots, and Exopolitics: How do you Talk to a
Ball of Light?
Episode 8
'ET/UFOs: How the CIA has controlled the
Media since 1952'
with Dr. Michael Salla and Alfred Webre

WHO: Dr.
Michael E. Salla, is the author of
PRESENCE is a pioneer in the development of 'Exopolitics', the
scholarly study of the main actors, institutions and processes
associated with an extraterrestrial presence that is not
acknowledged to the general public, elected officials or the mass
He is Executive Director of the
Exopolitics Institute in Kona,
Update 1
Episode 9
The Starchild Skull: Physical Evidence
of an ET Presence?
Lloyd Pye & Alfred Webre

"The "Starchild" is a real, true
bone skull independently dated by Carbon-14 to be 900 years old
(+/- 40 years) [2]. Research indicates is unlike any human skull
ever before recorded. The name "Starchild" is the result of
early X-rays taken of the skull and maxilla fragment found with
it, which showed unerupted teeth that, combined with the
smaller-than-normal-adult size of the skull, indicated a child
of age 5 or 6.
A second skull was found with the
Starchild, a normal, adult female of small stature, also C-14
dated to 900 years ago (± 40), and biochemically shown to have
lived in the same general area as the Starchild. This second
skull is often used for comparison to the Starchild. From its
extremely shallow eye sockets to the total lack of frontal
sinuses, the Starchild skull's morphology cannot be accounted
for by any known combination of deformities.
The bone is half as thick, weighs
half as much, and is substantially more durable than normal
human bone - unlike anything currently in the scientific record.
Furthermore, inside that unusual bone are microscopic fibers and
a reddish residue that so far defy any explanation."
Lloyd Pye is one of the world's
leading proponents of the Intervention Theory of origins,
which stands in sharp contrast to
Darwinism, Creationism, and
Intelligent Design. His classic book about these subjects,
Everything You Know Is Wrong - Origins of Life
and Humans, has been fully revised and updated as of
July, 2007.
Lloyd is also the caretaker of the
famous Starchild skull, and has written a new book about his
eight years of struggle to get it scientifically tested to establish
beyond dispute the precise genetic heritage of both of its parents.
So far, extensive testing indicates that its mother was a normal
human but its father was, in all probability, something other than
entirely human.
Lloyd Pye's new book titled
The Starchild Skull - Genetic Enigma or
Human-Alien Hybrid?
Episode 10
ET Disclosure 2008: UN-UFO Secret
Meetings, Presidential Campaigns, New Energy
with Dr Steven Greer & Alfred Webre

Secret UN meetings discussing UFOs
Chaired by President of the General
Assembly by Dr. Michael Salla
Clarifications on Sources Revealing UN Secret Meetings on UFO's &
Extraterrestrial Life
WHO: Dr.
Steven Greer, MD is the
Director of the
Disclosure Project, which has
identified and gathered testimony from more than 400 high-level
military intelligence and governmental witnesses regarding the
Extraterrestrial presence.
The May 9 2001 Disclosure Project Press
Conference at the National Press Club, Washington, DC was witnessed
by more than 250,000 persons via Internet broadcast, a record at the
Dr. Greer is the author of
Extraterrestrial Contact, Disclosure, and Hidden Truth – Forbidden
Knowledge. He is the founder of The Orion Project, a
non-profit New Energy project.
Episode 11
Extraterrestrials, Hopi Prophecy & Earth
with Miriam Delicado & Alfred Webre

"Watch the skies for
the Blue Star to appear"
WHO: Miriam Delicado, who live in
Northern British Columbia, has written of her Extraterrestrial
contact experiences in her book
Blue Star Fulfilling Prophecy.
"Watch the skies for the Blue
Star to appear" p. 197
Update 2
Episode 12
EXOPOLITICS: ETs & United Nations - Meme or
How the 1978 UN General Assembly
Decision Can Make World Disclosure Happen
Dr. Michael Salla & Alfred Webre

United Nations General Assembly
Decision 33/426 (1978)
[Reproduced from Resolutions and
Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly during its 33rd
Session (1978-1979): A/33/45 (GAOR, 33rd Session, Suppl. No.
"2. the General Assembly
invites interested Member States to take appropriate steps
to coordinate on a national level scientific research and
investigation into extraterrestrial life, including
unidentified flying objects, and to inform the
Secretary-General of the observations, research and
evaluation of such activities. "
WHO: Dr.
Michael E. Salla, is the author of
PRESENCE (Dandelion Boolks) is a pioneer in the development of 'Exopolitics',
the scholarly study of the main actors, institutions and processes
associated with an extraterrestrial presence that is not
acknowledged to the general public, elected officials or the mass
He is Executive Director of the
Exopolitics Institute in Kona, Hawaii:
Back to UFO Secret Meetings at The United Nations
Episode 13
Greys, & Ethical ETs
with Jean Eisenhower & Alfred Webre

"Jean Eisenhower's book
Rattlesnake Fire is a tour de
force. It is not only a work of great literature but an
important historical document, elucidating the inter-relations
Galactic Cointelpro, MILAB
(Military Abductions), the
Orion-based New World Order Greys,
and ethical, upper dimensional Extraterrestrial civilizations
now visiting Earth.
Jean Eisenhower - in my opinion
targeted by each of these because of her blood-line relationship
with U.S. President
Dwight D. Eisenhower - has
achieved the monumental accomplishment of making all of these
transparent and synthesizing their inter-twined operations in a
book charmed with lyrical prose. This is a book not to be
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
author of
WHO: Jean Eisenhower has a BA in
Media and MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Arizona,
and is an award-winning journalist. She is a peace and environmental
activist. Her book Rattlesnake Fire is a memoir of activism,
apparently retributive psychic attack, probable alien contact,
philosophical quest and spiritual and psychological healing.
Update 3
Review 1
Galactic Cointelpro with Dr.
Michael Salla
Exopolitics & Damage Control with Alfred

A FERI member's sketch depicts a
diminutive "gray" extraterrestrial life form. PHOTO COURTESY OF
Japan Times article)
WHO: Dr.
Michael E. Salla, is the author of
PRESENCE (Dandelion Boolks) is a pioneer in the development of 'Exopolitics',
the scholarly study of the main actors, institutions and processes
associated with an extraterrestrial presence that is not
acknowledged to the general public, elected officials or the mass
He is Executive Director of
the Exopolitics Institute in Kona,
Update 4
Exopolitics Live!
Exopolitics & A Positive Future
A Special Live Call-In
Program with Alfred Webre

Host Alfred Lambremont Webre - "Exopolitics
& A Positive Future"
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd is
UNIVERSE", a book that helped found the field of Exopolitics – the
science of relations between human society and advanced
Extraterrestrial civilizations in the Universe.
Alfred is International Director of the Institute for Cooperation
in Space (ICIS), dedicated to preventing the
weaponization of space; transforming the permanent war economy into
a peaceful, sustainable New Energy-based, Space Age society, and
supporting cooperation amongst Life in the Universe.
Alfred has proposed a Truth Amnesty-Disclosure process to
facilitate release of advanced ET-derived New Energy technologies to
heal the biosphere and create a sustainable, peaceful Space Age
Update 5
Review 2
Exopolitics & Orbs with Dr. Miceal
Coast to Coast's "War in Space" Meme
with Alfred Webre

"I was asked to go on Coast to Coast
as well but when I said I cannot validate his [Ed Grimsley's]
claims or experience due to the fact that in our case it did not
happen as he perceived it this led to [my] being instantly
uninvited. Seems fear, suspense, keeping the threat going is
more important than truth. Be well"
- James Gilliland
WHO: Dr. Miceal Ledwith,
L.Ph., L.D., D.D., LL.D (h.c), served as a Catholic priest and as
Professor of Theology and College President for over 25 years in
Ireland. During the course of his academic and administrative
careers he lectured extensively to interested adult groups in many
countries and continues to speak at venues all over the world today.
He was one of the scholars featured in "What
the Bleep Do We Know," and its sequel "Down the Rabbit
Hole." His book "The Orb Phenomenon," co-authored with the German
physicist Dr. Klaus Heinemannand his DVD "The Phenomenon of
Orbs" are now available.
Review 3
ETs 2008 Part I -
Hillary, Kucinich, & Obama with Grant
Civil Society Launches UN
Extraterrestrial Initiative with Alfred Webre

Civil Society
Launches UN Extraterrestrial Initiative at National Press Club Press
Conference in Washington, DC
( X-Conference Photo courtesy Mike Bird)
WHO: Grant Cameron is a Canadian author,
researcher and expert on the ET/UFO aspects of the US Presidents. In
the past few years Cameron has turned his research interests to the
involvement and actions of the President of the United States in the
UFO problem.
He has made 20+ trips to the National Archives and most of the
various Presidential archives looking for presidential UFO material.
One highlight his presidential UFO research was the chance to
question Vice-president Dick Cheney on his knowledge of the UFO
Another highlight of the presidential UFO research was a FOIA to the
White House Office of Science and Technology which yielded 1,000
pages of UFO documents from the Clinton administration.
Many of
these findings have been written up on
The Presidents UFO Website.
Review 4
ETs 2008 Part II -
ETs & U.S. Presidents with Grant
April 21, 2008: Phoenix Red Lights &
Washington, DC - ET Context Communication? by Alfred Webre

April 21, 2008:
Phoenix Red Lights &
Washington, DC
ET Context Communication?
WHO: Grant Cameron is a Canadian author,
researcher and expert on the ET/UFO aspects of the US Presidents. In
the past few years Cameron has turned his research interests to the
involvement and actions of the President of the United States in the
UFO problem.
He has made 20+ trips to the National Archives and most of the
various Presidential archives looking for presidential UFO material.
One highlight his presidential UFO research was the chance to
question Vice-president Dick Cheney on his knowledge of the UFO
Another highlight of the presidential UFO research was a FOIA to the
White House Office of Science and Technology which yielded 1,000
pages of UFO documents from the Clinton administration. Many of
these findings have been written up on
The Presidents UFO Website.
Review 5
YIN-YANG? ET's Dream Ticket by Alfred
Exopolitics & Crop Circles with Robert

YIN-YANG? ET's Dream Ticket
Open Letter to Hillary Clinton & to Barack Obama
(Thanks to Steve Bassett & XPACC)

Paradigm Research Group
April 30, 2008
Open letter to the
Honorable Hillary Clinton
United States Senate
Washington, DC
Dear Senator Clinton:
In March 1993 billionaire
Laurance Rockefeller
initiated an extraordinary approach to your husband’s
administration via the Office of Science and Technology
Policy headed by Dr. John Gibbons. A memorandum
from Mr. Rockefeller’s attorney Henry Diamond dated
March 29, 1993 conveyed a request to meet with Gibbons
“to discuss the potential availability of government
information about unidentified flying objects and
extraterrestrial life.”
Rockefeller, a friend and
supporter of you and your husband, wanted to meet with
the President and inform him “there is a belief in many
quarters that the government has long held classified
information regarding UFOs which has not been released
and that the failure to do so has brought about
unnecessary suspicion and distrust,” and that “Many
believe that the release of such information on a basis
consistent with national security would be a significant
gesture which would increase confidence in government.”
Thus began a three-year effort by a notable American to
convince your husband to essentially be the “Disclosure
President” and end a then 46-year truth embargo on
providing the full facts to the American people
regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the
human race. This effort, which included meetings,
reports, briefings, a book, draft letters to the
President and more, came to be known as the Rockefeller
Initiative. You were aware of this initiative from the
beginning as was a key advisor to the President, John
You and your husband met
with Rockefeller at his Wyoming ranch in August of 1995.
Your husband tasked a close friend, Associate Attorney
General Webster Hubbell, to look into the UFO issue at
the Department of Justice and elsewhere. He tasked John
Podesta, his eventual Chief of Staff, to reform and
accelerate the document declassification process. You
were kept informed of the ongoing initiative and helped
draft a letter from Rockefeller to the President.
It is notable that John
Podesta, the founder and now CEO of the Center for
American Progress, in 2002 and 2003 called for the
release to the public of all UFO and related documents
in government files. In 2004 Governor Bill Richardson,
UN Ambassador and Secretary of Energy during your
husband’s administration, made a similar request for
documents pertaining to the events in Roswell, New
Mexico during July of 1947.
These facts are known from news articles, public records
and, most importantly, from nearly 1000 pages of
correspondence and documents obtained by researcher
Grant Cameron from the Office of Science and
Technology Policy via the Freedom of Information Act.
Additional relevant documents are expected to be
released soon from the Clinton Presidential Library.
Senator, it is your ambition to reach a significant
milestone in American history by becoming the first
President of the United States who happens to be a
woman, or put another way, the 49th female head of
While this would be an
admirable legacy, what the American people need is less
legacy and more truth. The people have lost patience
with "in loco parentis" government that treats them like
children and candidates with long lists of issues they
can't discuss because it is not convenient to their
campaign or the people “can't handle the truth.”
Because you have been introduced to these matters within
the context of the White House, because you aspire to
the highest office in the nation, you have an
extraordinary opportunity and primary obligation to
address what is easily the most profound issue of our
time – an issue with major national security and policy

Stephen Bassett
Executive Director |
WHO: Robert Nichol is an award-winning Canadian film-maker whose
film STAR DREAMS explores the
reality and messages of Crop Circles.
Update 6
Review 6
ETs & the 2008 Campaign with Stephen
the Vatican announced its ET policy
on Fatima Day
(May 13, 2008) by Alfred Webre

Vatican: It's OK to believe in aliens
WHO: Stephen Bassett is Executive
Director of Paradigm Research Group and the political action
committee, X-PPAC and is the only registered lobbyist with the U.S.
Congress on behalf of the extraterrestrial activist research
His work has been referenced in, among others, the Washington Post,
Washington Times, New York Times, Legal Times, Christian Science
Monitor, National Journal, Pravda, London Sunday Express, The Hill
(Washington, DC) and O'Dweyer's Washington Report.
He is the
producer of
the X-Conference held near
Washington, DC; and was a Candidate in 2002 for the U.S. Congress in
Maryland on an Exopolitics platform.
Review 7
ETs & the Media with Paola Harris
A Positive Human Future by Alfred Webre

DISCLOSURE about Extraterrestrial
Civilizations (ETs)
DECADE OF CONTACT - Public funding
of education & research about ETs
DISARMAMENT - Ban space-based weapons and warfare in space
DIPLOMACY with ethical ETs now
visiting Earth
WHO: Paola Harris, MEd is
an Italo-American photojournalist and investigative reporter in the
field of extraterrestrial related phenomena research.
She has studied extraterrestrial related phenomena since 1979 and is
on personal terms with many of the leading researchers in the field.
From 1980-1986 she assisted Dr. J. Allen Hynek with his UFO
investigations and has interviewed many top military witnesses
concerning their involvement in the government truth embargo.
In 1997, Ms. Harris met and interviewed Col.
Philip Corso in Roswell, New Mexico
and became a personal friend and confidante. She was instrumental in
having his book
The Day After Roswell, for which
she wrote the preface, translated into Italian.
She returned to Roswell in the summer of 2003 for the American debut
of her book, Connecting the Dots…making sense of the UFO
Phenomena. Paola has consulted with many researchers about the
best avenues for planetary disclosure with emphasis on the "big
picture" and stressing the historical connection.
She has written for Nexus, UFO Magazine, Notizario UFO and Dossier
Alieni, among other publications. Her books include Connecting
the Dots, Exopolitics: How do you Talk to a Ball of Light?,
and her forthcoming book Exopolitics: All of the Above.
Update 7
Review 8
CIA Control of ET/Media with Dr. Michael
Are the Vatican (May 13) & UK Ministry
of Defense (May 14) trying to cast a Disclosure "spell" on us? with
Alfred Webre

NY Times publishes UFO
disinformation article: "British U.F.O. Shocker! Government
Officials Were Telling the Truth"
WHO: Dr.
Michael E. Salla, is the author of
(Dandelion Books) is a pioneer in the development of 'Exopolitics',
the scholarly study of the main actors, institutions and processes
associated with an extraterrestrial presence that is not
acknowledged to the general public, elected officials or the mass
media. He is Executive Director of the Exopolitics Institute in
Kona, Hawaii:
Review 9
The Starchild Skull with Lloyd Pye;
HAARP is a Space-Based WMD, targeted against ethical ET
visitors and humans,
and must be banned by Treaty! by Alfred Webre

Tianshui city, Gansu province,
China -
HAARP-related clouds preceding May 12, 2008 Environmental tectonic
warfare earthquake attack?
Space - HAARP is a Space-Based Weapon of Mass Destruction,
targeted against ethical
Extraterrestrial visitors and innocent human populations - HAARP
must be banned by Treaty!
Lloyd Pye is one of the world's
leading proponents of the Intervention Theory of origins, which
stands in sharp contrast to Darwinism, Creationism, and Intelligent
His classic book about these subjects, Everything You Know Is
Wrong - Origins of Life and Humans, has been fully revised and
updated as of July, 2007.
Lloyd is also the caretaker of the famous
Starchild skull, and has written a
new book about his eight years of struggle to get it scientifically
tested to establish beyond dispute the precise genetic heritage of
both of its parents. So far, extensive testing indicates that its
mother was a normal human but its father was, in all probability,
something other than entirely human.
Lloyd Pye's new book is titled The Starchild Skull - Genetic
Enigma or Human-Alien Hybrid?
Review 10
Disclosure Update with Dr. Steven Greer,
The EXTRA Campaign & Denver ET
Initiative by Alfred Webre

"Shall the voters for the City
and County of Denver adopt an Initiated Ordinance
to require the creation of an
extraterrestrial affairs commission to help ensure the health,
safety, and cultural awareness
of Denver residents and visitors in
relation to potential encounters or interactions
with extraterrestrial intelligent
beings or their vehicles, and fund such commission from grants,
gifts and donations?" Yes___ No___
Think Intergalactically, Act locally, Support the EXTRA Campaign
WHO: Dr.
Steven Greer, MD is the Director of
Disclosure Project, which has
identified and gathered testimony from more than 400 high-level
military intelligence and governmental witnesses regarding the
Extraterrestrial presence.
May 9 2001 Disclosure Project Press Conference at the National
Press Club, Washington, DC was witnessed by more than 250,000
persons via Internet broadcast, a record at the time.
Dr. Greer is the author of Extraterrestrial Contact, Disclosure, and
Hidden Truth – Forbidden Knowledge. He is the founder of The Orion
Project, a non-profit New Energy project.
Review 11
ET Contactee Miriam Delicado;
8-8-08 Galactic Freedom Day by Alfred Webre

We hereby exercise our
inalienable right of citizen governance and proclaim that on
08/08/08 at 8 pm (Universal Time):
• all secret agreements between any government authorized agency,
department, organization, or corporation
concerning or with any
extraterrestrial civilization or group are null and void;
• all future agreements between government authorized agency,
department, organization, or corporation
concerning or with any
extraterrestrial civilization or group not publicly disclosed and
openly ratified are null and void;
• all secret agreements involving corporations or groups acting
independently of
national governments or international
organizations, and not disclosed to national governments and to the
general public, are null and void.
WHO: Miriam Delicado, who lives in Northern British
Columbia, has written of her Extraterrestrial contact experiences in
her book "Blue Star Fulfilling Prophecy." According to Miriam,
"The writing of Blue Star began
after an abduction experience in 1988. Miriam was asked to write
a book for the Aliens about the Aliens at their request. The
idea and acceptance of this task was not easily accepted.
Fifteen years after the initial request the writing began."
Review 12
ETs & Mindcontrol with Jean Eisenhower;
U.N. & UFO/ET with Dr. Michael Salla;
CENSORSHIP! Wikipedia, Exopolitics & the
CIA by Alfred Webre

Article deleted from Wikipedia without substantive cause
NOTE: "Exopolitics" was nominated by the American Dialect Society as
2005 Word of the Year.
Deleted "Exopolitics" Article from Wikipedia:
Paradigm Research Group Press Release - 6/24/08 - Wikipression
Washington, DC – "A second instance of censorship has taken place
related to matters exopolitical".
WHO: Jean Eisenhower has a BA in Media and MFA in
Creative Writing from the University of Arizona, and is an
award-winning journalist.
She is a peace and environmental activist.
Her book Rattlesnake Fire is a memoir of activism, apparently
retributive psychic attack, probable alien contact, philosophical
quest and spiritual and psychological healing.
Rattlesnake Fire by Jean Eisenhower
WHO: Dr.
Michael E. Salla, is the author of
(Dandelion Boolks) is a pioneer in the development of 'Exopolitics',
the scholarly study of the main actors, institutions and processes
associated with an extraterrestrial presence that is not
acknowledged to the general public, elected officials or the mass
media. He is Executive Director of the Exopolitics Institute in
Kona, Hawaii:
Update 8
Season 4 Episode
A National Department of
Extraterrestrial Alliances
with Dr. Rebecca Hardcastle, Dr. Lynne
Kitei, Terri Mansfield & Alfred Webre

Phoenix Births National Department of
Extraterrestrial Alliances
Alfred Webre's Exopolitic Radio programs July 5 and 12 feature
with Dr. Rebecca Hardcastle, Dr. Lynne Kitei and Terri Mansfield on
National Department of Extraterrestrial Alliances, the Phoenix
Lights and
the Arizona Department of Peace Campaign.
"It is the lights and much more."
WHO: The Phoenix Lights 3
Department of Extraterrestrial Alliances initiative:
WHO: Rebecca Hardcastle, Ph.D. is originator of the concept
Exoconsciousness™. This is the study of extraterrestrial dimensions
of human consciousness: the processes, abilities and physical
endowments that link us directly to the cosmos and its inhabitants.
Her formal education in philosophy and religion commenced at
Otterbein College in Ohio. She then traveled to Basel, Switzerland
to concentrate on continental philosophy. She holds a Master of
Divinity in philosophical theology from Boston University and a
Doctor of Philosophy in parapsychic science from American Institute
of Holistic Theology.
She is the author of the forthcoming book, Exoconsciousness: Your 21st Century Mind
WHO: Lynne D. Kitei, M.D. is an internationally-acclaimed
physician and health educator, a leader in early disease detection
and prevention.
Dr. Kitei received her BS in Secondary Science Education from Temple
University and an M.D. from the Temple University School of
Medicine. She was Chief Clinical Consultant at the world-renowned
Arizona Heart Institute's Imaging/ Prevention/ Wellness Center in
Phoenix, Arizona until coming forward with the "Phoenix Lights"
She is a key witness to the still-unexplained mass sighting that
took place throughout Arizona on March 13, 1997 called the "Phoenix
Lights." After years of private research and continued sightings of
anomalous phenomena, Dr Kitei feels it is imperative to share the
riveting data she has compiled in her bestselling book, The Phoenix
Lights... A Skeptic's Discovery That We Are Not Alone (2004) and her Internationally award winning Documentary,
"The Phoenix Lights" (2005).
Dr. Kitei has been recognized in the Who's Who of American Women,
was chosen as the Woman of the Year in Pennsylvania, and has been
featured for her ground-breaking work in publications such as the
Philadelphia Inquirer, TV Guide magazine, Runner magazine, Phoenix
magazine, Physician's Management magazine and the LA Times Magazine.
WHO: Terri Donovan Mansfield experienced Air Force medical
life for 22 years, including 2 years in Turkey. She so appreciated
the sense of community that military bases exemplify for all active
duty members and their dependents.
After she saw the words "May Peace Prevail on Earth" on an 8 foot
Peace Pole in the Pentagon chapel in April 2003, she knew that the
Dept. of Defense and the proposed Dept. of Peace can work side by
side. Now, Terri is the executive director and co-founder of the
Arizona Department of Peace Campaign.
The U.S. cabinet level Dept. of Peace will research, articulate, and
facilitate nonviolent solutions to domestic and international
conflicts. It is an idea started in 1792 in an essay by Dr. Benjamin
Rush, who signed the Declaration of Independence ...an idea whose
time has come. She is interested in promoting peaceful relations
with extraterrestrial visitors, and ending efforts to weaponize
Season 4 Episode 2
A National Department of
Extraterrestrial Alliances
with Dr. Rebecca Hardcastle, Dr. Lynne
Kitei, Terri Mansfield & Alfred Webre

ECETI.org Ranch, Trout Lake,
Summer Solstice 2008 - Ultradimensional Lightship
"Those who have interpreted the year 2012 as the beginning of the
end of darkness—never mind the total end of the world!—have
misinterpreted its significance.
Most simply stated, 2012 heralds
Earth's entry into the Golden Age,
and between now and then is a
time of transition from life as you have known it into life totally
in harmony with all of Nature."
Matthew: Essay on 2012.
WHO: The Phoenix Lights 3
Department of Extraterrestrial Alliances initiative:
WHO: Rebecca Hardcastle, Ph.D. is originator of the concept
Exoconsciousness™. This is the study of extraterrestrial dimensions
of human consciousness: the processes, abilities and physical
endowments that link us directly to the cosmos and its inhabitants.
Her formal education in philosophy and religion commenced at
Otterbein College in Ohio. She then traveled to Basel, Switzerland
to concentrate on continental philosophy. She holds a Master of
Divinity in philosophical theology from Boston University and a
Doctor of Philosophy in parapsychic science from American Institute
of Holistic Theology.
She is the author of the forthcoming book, Exoconsciousness: Your 21st Century Mind
WHO: Lynne D. Kitei, M.D. is an internationally-acclaimed
physician and health educator, a leader in early disease detection
and prevention.
Dr. Kitei received her BS in Secondary Science Education from Temple
University and an M.D. from the Temple University School of
Medicine. She was Chief Clinical Consultant at the world-renowned
Arizona Heart Institute's Imaging/ Prevention/ Wellness Center in
Phoenix, Arizona until coming forward with the "Phoenix Lights"
She is a key witness to the still-unexplained mass sighting that
took place throughout Arizona on March 13, 1997 called the "Phoenix
Lights." After years of private research and continued sightings of
anomalous phenomena, Dr Kitei feels it is imperative to share the
riveting data she has compiled in her bestselling book, The Phoenix
Lights...A Skeptic's Discovery That We Are Not Alone (2004) and her Internationally award winning Documentary,
"The Phoenix Lights" (2005).
Dr. Kitei has been recognized in the Who's Who of American Women,
was chosen as the Woman of the Year in Pennsylvania, and has been
featured for her ground-breaking work in publications such as the
Philadelphia Inquirer, TV Guide magazine, Runner magazine, Phoenix
magazine, Physician's Management magazine and the LA Times Magazine.
WHO: Terri Donovan Mansfield experienced Air Force medical
life for 22 years, including 2 years in Turkey. She so appreciated
the sense of community that military bases exemplify for all active
duty members and their dependents.
After she saw the words "May Peace Prevail on Earth" on an 8 foot
Peace Pole in the Pentagon chapel in April 2003, she knew that the
Dept. of Defense and the proposed Dept. of Peace can work side by
side. Now, Terri is the executive director and co-founder of the
Arizona Department of Peace Campaign.
The U.S. cabinet level Dept. of Peace will research, articulate, and
facilitate nonviolent solutions to domestic and international
conflicts. It is an idea started in 1792 in an essay by Dr. Benjamin
Rush, who signed the Declaration of Independence ...an idea whose
time has come. She is interested in promoting peaceful relations
with extraterrestrial visitors, and ending efforts to weaponize
Season 4 Episode 3
Exopolitics Update 2008 with Steve
2012 & Inner Earth Intraterrestrials by Alfred Webre

Alfred Lambremont Webre talks about our new time line heading to
2012, no longer due for cataclysmic earth changes,
but moving with
grace, wisdom and compassion into a Golden Age of Peace & Harmony.
"Those who have interpreted the year 2012 as the beginning of the
end of darkness—never mind the total end of the world!—have
misinterpreted its significance.
Most simply stated, 2012 heralds
Earth's entry into the Golden Age, and between now and then
is a
time of transition from life as you have known it into life totally
in harmony with all of Nature."
Matthew: Essay on 2012.
WHO: Stephen Bassett is Executive Director of Paradigm Research
Group and the political action committee, X-PPAC and is the only
registered lobbyist with the U.S. Congress on behalf of the
extraterrestrial activist research community.
His work has been referenced in, among others, the Washington Post,
Washington Times, New York Times, LegalTimes, Christian Science
Monitor, National Journal, Pravda, LondonSunday Express, The Hill
(Washington, DC) and O'Dweyer's Washington Report.
He is the producer of the X-Conference held near Washington, DC; and
was a Candidate in 2002 for the U.S. Congress in Maryland on an
Exopolitics platform.
Season 4 Episode 4
2008 ET Disclosure Update with Stephen
Bassett Part II;
2008 Stephenville (Jan.) to Vatican/UK
(May): ET-Human Disclosure Management Ops? by Alfred Webre
UPDATE - Download Radar
Special Research Report -
Stephenville, Texas
Jan. 8, 2008 (Elvis Presley's Birthday) - 524-1048 ft.
UFO overfiles Stephenville, TX and within 10 miles of
Western White House
Feb 12-14, 2008 (Valentine's Day) -
U.S. Naval Intelligence officer Source A reports secret
meeting of 40 high level UN personnel, representing 28
nations (including Vatican rep and UK ambassador),
triggered by Stephenville event, discussing "new
openness policy" towards UFO/ET.
May 13, 2008 (Fatima Day) -
Vatican Chief Astronomer reverses Vatican policy of UFO
cover-up begun on May 13, 1917 at Fatima, Portugal UFO/ET
event, and publicly announces the "ET are our brothers"
signaling policy of new openness.
May 14, 2008 (Israel's 60th Anniversary) -
As announced in May, 2007, UK Ministry of Defense
announces major UFO/ET "data dump" releasing previously
secret files without any narrative context.
July 4, 2008 (USA Independence Day) -
MUFON releases Stephenville Radar report based on
FAA-radar FTW Antenna Chart showing Skin-Paint Returns
from 2.8 million data returns, establishing the
existence of an unknown craft 524-1048 ft in size on a
direct path to the Western White House, passing within a
verified 10 mi. of the White House without incident or
resistance by the USAF.
WHO: Stephen Bassett is Executive
Director of Paradigm Research Group and the political action
committee, X-PPAC and is the only registered lobbyist with the U.S.
Congress on behalf of the extraterrestrial activist research
His work has been referenced in, among others, the Washington Post,
Washington Times, New York Times, LegalTimes, Christian Science
Monitor, National Journal, Pravda, LondonSunday Express, The Hill
(Washington, DC) and O'Dweyer's Washington Report.
He is the producer of the X-Conference held near Washington, DC; and
was a Candidate in 2002 for the U.S. Congress in Maryland on an
Exopolitics platform.
Season 4 Episode 5
2008 ET Disclosure Management with Dr.
Michael Salla;
Is Gary McKinnon's Case linked to U.S.
Disclosure Management? by Alfred Webre

Gary McKinnon: Hacking Away At Truth and the
Failings of the Disclosure Community?
by David Griffin – Exopolitics UK
WHO: Dr.
Michael E. Salla, is the
author of
development of 'Exopolitics', the scholarly study of the main
actors, institutions and processes associated with an
extraterrestrial presence that is not acknowledged to the general
public, elected officials or the mass media. He is Executive
Director of the Exopolitics Institute in Kona, Hawaii: