by Dr. Michael Salla
14, 2021
Exopolitics Website

On September 11, I received an important update concerning the
impending public release of advanced healing technologies that are
being mass produced on the Moon, as a result of the Jupiter
Agreements involving military and space program officials from 14
nations and cutting-edge aerospace companies that occurred back in
The update was given by
Val Nek, a High Commander of
the Galactic Federation of Worlds who
took part in
the Jupiter Agreements, according to
Megan Rose who
relayed Val Nek's intel.
Val Nek's update involves,
Lunar Operations Command (LOC), a former
base on the Moon that initially was handed over by
Dark Fleet to US authorities including the Air Force Secret
National Reconnaissance Office
Security Agency (NSA),
...and a consortium of corporations in the 1970s, as a
result of secret agreements.
This corporate
consortium became more dominant over the subsequent years in
managing the LOC and has been called the
Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate.
The first Secret
Space Program insider to discuss LOC was Randy Cramer who came
forward in April 2014 with his revelations.
says he was taken to LOC for induction and training, before
being sent to Mars for a 17-year period as a
supersoldier to fight indigenous Reptilians and Insectoids to
protect Mars corporate colonies, before serving in the Solar Warden
program for a further three years in deep space operations.
described being returned to the LOC at the end of his "20 and back"
program in 2007, when he was put through
age regression technologies that reversed his age back to 17.
was then returned back in time to when he began his service in 1987.
experiences on Lunar Operations were very similar to what was later
described by Corey Goode in early 2015 when he came forward with his
compared Randy and Corey's experiences in an article published
in April 2015, and also incorporated them along with another
insider, Michael Relf, with information about events on Mars in a
chapter of
Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs (2015).
insiders have since come forward describing their own experiences at
LOC and the advanced medical technologies that exist there.
Consequently, Val
Nek's information that LOC will be repurposed for the mass
production and release of
advanced healing technologies to humanity
is very important news.
This is what Val Nek (VN) said:
VN: I can now
report that Lunar Operations Command (LOC) is in the process of being
remodeled into a medical facility for the Terran military.
There are
technologies, as you know, being manufactured. I repeat again, that
these technologies are advanced technologies from the Federation and
are being manufactured by the Terran people.
The technology that
will be present in Lunar Operations Command are medical
technologies. It will be used as a medical base for the Terran
It is necessary to
point out that until this time, real healing technologies have not
been available to the Terran people. It was and is important to the
Federation that these technologies be released in the proper way,
through us (the Federation) and the [Earth] Alliance.
Thus, these
medical technologies and the release of such, is also outlined in
the Jupiter agreements. The Terran military is to help manufacture
these technologies as well.
Their scientists and medical personnel
are being retrained and educated by the Federation.
Lunar Operations
Command was chosen as the medical facility because of its vast space
and also its location on the moon. The location on the Moon makes it
very accessible.
The Alliance is in charge of Lunar Operations
Command and organizing the Terran military there. The facility is
being renovated with special technology.
This technology is very
interesting to the Terran people as it has never been used before.
Val Nek's
information here is that the Earth Alliance has assumed control over
the LOC (Lunar Operations Command), thereby replacing the
Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate
that was closely aligned with the Dark Fleet.
whatever age regression and healing technologies that existed at LOC
for secret space programs are now being augmented by healing
technologies provided by the Galactic Federation that will be mass
produced by the Earth Alliance.
These healing technologies will be
used by the multinational space alliance being assembled under the
Artemis Accords and Combined Space Commands under US leadership, as
stipulated in the Jupiter Agreements, which was
covered in a previous article.
What's most
crucial is that these advanced healing technologies will be released
to the rest of humanity, which is a very welcome break from past
practices where such technologies were only available in highly
classified programs to a select number of participants.
such technologies will be very helpful in dealing with many,
Val Nek continued
his update as follows:
There are healing
frequencies that are blasted in certain sections of the medical bay
at this facility.
We are using this technology to heal the super
soldiers and slaves that we have rescued from Mars. As these people
are victims of our enemy, it is the Federation's responsibility,
once they were evacuated, to give them proper medical attention.
technology is frequency based...
I cannot be too specific, however, I
can explain that when the body comes in contact with these
frequencies, it rearranges the atoms to its original structure,
completely healing the DNA and returning it to its original
This process is
especially beneficial for the super soldiers who have undergone
trauma based mind control.
The trauma in their brains has caused the
neurons to form strong links between each other, in a pattern that
usually cannot be undone naturally or without intervention.
nothing is impossible, the best form of healing we can offer is
through medical intervention.
The high frequency retrains the
brainwaves to behave in a normal pattern very quickly instead of the
soldier doing years of therapy or psychotropic medications to
retrain the brain tissue.
I am happy to report that this process is
ongoing and will report more when the time is right.
Upon hearing Val
Nek's information about healing frequencies being blasted through
the medical bay of LOC, I immediately thought of
Nikola Tesla's
electromagnetic frequencies that he believed could be used to both
heal people and to enhance their mental capacities.
I asked Val Nek
about Tesla and his inventions, and his reply appears below after
the completion of his September 11 update.
The September 11
update continued with Megan (M) and Val Nek (VN) having a
Q and A:
M: So has Lunar
Operations Command already been refurbished or is it in the process
of being refurbished, is it functional as a medical facility?
There are sections of it that are operational.
It is a very large
facility, it has not been completely refurbished. There are other
sections of the facility that will also be used for other things
that will be reported at a later date.
The operational sections are
being used to recover the human soldiers
from Mars.
M: Are you talking
about med beds?
VN: We do not call them
med beds... the concept of med beds, yes this
medical technology is similar to what you call med beds.
Because of
the potential for this technology to be misused or sold for profit,
and not for the benefit of Terra, the Federation is very strict on
how it will be administered as outlined in the Jupiter Agreements.

It's worth
pointing out that med bed technology was part of the pioneering
space medicine that was being developed by a major aerospace
TRW, from 1967 to 1971,
according to William Tompkins, who worked there at the time.
Age regression,
and other advanced medical technologies for the aerospace industry
were developed at TRW, which was later acquired by Northrup Grumman
in 2002.
I asked Val Nek about this Grumman connection and his
answer also appears below in response to my questions.
Megan and Val
Nek's Q & A continued as follows:
M: So some of
these technologies have already been manufactured for use?
VN: Yes in
preparation for the liberation of Mars and the Dark Fleet leaving,
agreements were made on a smaller scale than the Jupiter agreements
to manufacture some of these technologies by the [Earth] Alliance.
As I said, Lunar Operations Command is in the hands of the Alliance
and so are their manufactured technologies.
The medical
technologies, the same ones manufactured on a smaller scale by the
Alliance, will be manufactured on a larger scale, mass produced
by corporations that participated in the Jupiter Agreements.
M: Val Nek gave
me an image of this technology being used:
I was shown a person
lying down with a frequency around and running through their body.
Val Nek's explanation of the image.
VN: The frequency
is a higher frequency and has an inter dimensional component.
goes between the matter and uses magnetic force to rearrange the DNA
to its original pattern. In each strand of DNA, there are sequences
that are held together by a magnetic pattern.
This pattern is
identified by the technology and then rearranged to form that
It is very advanced.
M: What is the
technology made out of?
VN: It is made out
of precious metals and other elements... some of it natural to Terra
and some of it is not natural to Terra.
M: Is there a
reason why you have been giving so much intel recently?
Because I think it's important to notify the Terran people of our
ongoing operations.
They need hope...
It is very helpful
to know that
the Galactic Federation is being proactive in
encouraging the Earth Alliance to release suppressed and newly
acquired advanced health technologies in order to give the rest of
humanity hope.
It is indeed a challenging time for humanity as
individuals have to deal with,
job losses
suicides, etc.,
the Deep State
plays its
final cards to ward off their inevitable defeat by the
Earth Alliance and their Galactic Federation partners.
After receiving
Megan's update, I (MS) asked Val Nek five questions and what follows
are his answers:
1. Val Nek
said that the release of medical technologies is part of the Jupiter
Does he know how many of the 5,915 suppressed patent
applications in the US Patents and Trademarks Office for the year
2020 involve medical technologies?
am not sure about the exact calculation for the year 2020...
I can
say, I know, about half of those patents include suppressed medical
The reason the Federation is involved with the
suppressed patents is because they involve extra-terrestrial
technology that was suppressed by our enemies and we are in
accordance by Federation laws, righting a wrong.
We are also helping
to improve upon these plans, the schematics for the technology so
that it is the most up to date.
At the end of
2020, the US Patents and Trademarks Office
reported 5,915 patents being withheld due to secrecy orders
being placed by one or more Federal government agencies.
Such orders
effectively put the patents in limbo where they can't be developed
for commercial release, but may be incorporated into classified

MS: 2. Also, do
the Jupiter Agreements refer to the release of new energy and
propulsion technologies that are also part of the 5,915 suppressed
patent applications in the US?
am very happy to report that
free energy is part of the Jupiter
I can report that a corporation run by one of the men
that was speculated to be in attendance at the Jupiter Agreements,
and later confirmed, by Thor Han and myself, will be manufacturing
some of the free energy and releasing it within the decade.
course, you can speculate who this might be, but I am unable to name
the person or corporation specifically.
My speculation is
that it is either Elon Musk's SpaceX or Jeff Bezos'
Blue Origins
that will manufacture free energy technologies for commercial
Musk's SpaceX is planning ambitious missions to Mars later
this decade to set up
The development of free energy
technologies would make such an endeavor feasible so I would lean
towards SpaceX as the company Val Nek is alluding to.
MS: 3. Val Nek
refers to healing frequencies that are used to heal supersoldiers
and others suffering brain trauma and/or mind control.
This sounds
very similar to the kind of EM frequencies that Nikola Tesla
promoted for healing and brain enhancement in the early 1900s.
Is it
correct to say that these kinds of EM healing technologies have been
suppressed for more than a century by the Deep State?
am very amused by this man, his is very sharp (referencing M. Salla).
Yes exactly, these ideas and technologies were given to
Nikola Tesla
over 100 years ago by the Federation.
Since these ideas and
technologies, the ideas and schematics, were interfered with by our
enemy, we have the right in accordance with our law, to intervene
and right a wrong.
It shall be noted that these improvements will
benefit all of humanity, not one specific country, and administered
as such, as they were originally intended.
The Nazi-Reptilian
alliance (the Dark Fleet) and the Cabal, as you call it, interfered
with the evolution of society by suppressing these advancements.
in the interest of balance, we are involved with releasing to
humanity what is rightfully theirs.
Tesla's inventions
in this regard actually began to be implemented in Sweden for school
classrooms in 1912, just before the events of World War 1 swept
aside these pioneering efforts.
A story appeared in Popular
Electricity Magazine on Dec 1, 1912, titled "Tesla's Plan of
Electrically Treating School Children," which explained how finely
calibrated electromagnetic baths had special healing and brain
enhancement properties.

My questions to
Val Nek continued thus:
MS: 4. Regarding
the healing technologies that are about to be mass produced by
corporations, does this include companies such as SpaceX, Blue
Origin, Virgin Galactic, Bigelow Aerospace that have an interest in
such technologies for prolonged space travel?
Because this involves parties that are working with, but are also
separate from the Federation, I cannot completely answer this
question in the interest of the companies privacy, but also Megan's
You can speculate if you wish, but I cannot confirm.
This is not the
first time Val Nek has referred to the need to protect Megan from
repercussions for releasing intel.
The home of Megan's mother was
visited by four Men in Black a few days ago making inquiries about a
young lady, Megan.
It's clear that the visit was meant to send a
message and intimidate Megan's mother, and thereby influence Megan
not to continue releasing updates.
My final question
was thus:
MS: 5. Finally,
William Tompkins said that from 1967 to 1971 he worked at TRW and
they were working on age regression technologies that were later
incorporated into the US Navy Secret Space Program.
TRW was acquired
by Northrup Grumman in 2002.
Therefore is Northrup one of the
companies that participated in the Jupiter Agreements and will be
involved in the mass production of healing technologies to be soon
released to the Terran population?
I cannot say much because these companies are separate from the
Federation, but you can speculate if you wish.
I am aware of the
schematics given and incorporated into the US Navy at that time. I
can also confirm that I am aware of the Federation being in touch
with the Navy during this time period.
The healing technologies
given at that time were very advanced and will be similar to those
being released.
The new technologies being released are over sighted
by the Federation to ensure they are the absolute safest and most
It is important to note that these technologies will be
in accordance with the evolution of humanity.
By this I mean
everything has a potential to be misused for nefarious reasons,
which is why the Federation and the Council of Five is involved with
overseeing these projects while working with the Alliance.
Val Nek is here
confirming that the US Navy did acquire such advanced technologies
at the time, and further that it was working with the Galactic
In short, the Nordic extraterrestrials that
Tompkins repeatedly referred to in his books and interviews, were
members of the Galactic Federation.
What is also clear
is that Val Nek will neither give nor confirm specifics, but invites
speculation about the companies and individuals involved in
implementing the Jupiter agreements.
My best guess consequently is
that Northrup Grumman continues to be associated with the production
of advanced healing technologies, and will be among the companies
setting up mass production facilities at the LOC.
In conclusion,
is clear that the Galactic Federation is taking action to rectify
the wrong done to humanity due to the repression of many advanced
healing technologies over the period of the last century dating back
to the pioneering work of Nikola Tesla.
Under their Prime Directive,
the Galactic Federation is
permitted under Article IX and X to take action when wrongs are
perpetuated by off-planet species such as the
Draco Empire and the
Orion Alliance, who began intervening in human affairs in the 1930s,
as a result of secret agreements reached with Nazi Germany.
The early
agreements with Nazi Germany and subsequent agreements with
Draconian and Orion extraterrestrials involving the US and other
nations led to,
the suppression of thousands of free energy, exotic
propulsion, and healing technologies...
This is best evidenced today
with the 5,915 patents that have not been publicly released due to
secrecy orders being placed upon them.
What Val Nek is effectively
saying is that many of these suppressed technologies, along with
newer contributions from the Galactic Federation, are currently
being mass produced on the Moon and will be soon released into the
public arena.
That indeed is a prospect worth looking forward to in
these dark times on our planet.