by Julian Rose
April 11, 2016
Spanish version

…Leading to
the rise of the Crypto Male
One of the things that might have given sex a bad name here on
planet Earth, was the supposed arrival of highly realized beings
whose conception (we are informed) did not come about via an act of
conjugation between a man and a woman. Nor, one presumes, via an act
of in-vitro fertilization.
But by some other means. Something which, as in the case of The
'Virgin Mary', the bible calls 'Immaculate Conception'.
Now the word 'immaculate' suggests something without a flaw;
something pure and perfect. And if the pure and the perfect are
directly associated with being 'sex free' then - right from the
outset - the sexual act is somehow denigrated.
Denigrated as being
less than pure.
Does this mean that making progress in spiritual development has
been linked, directly or indirectly, with the notion of somehow
needing to rise above and beyond the act of sexual union?
Beyond the
expression of the duality inherent in male and female?
In Yin and
And in the process, has duality, as the source of sexual
attraction, itself been reduced to that which needs to be 'overcome'
rather than celebrated?
These are big questions indeed, but vital one's to get a handle on.
Not to turn away from lest they should reveal the existence of some
long lost truths capable of turning our accepted views up side down.
Let's explore this avenue of thought with open hearts and minds -
and see where it leads.
For something of flesh and blood to come to life without a male
sperm or a female egg coming into the picture at all, would probably
fit the description of 'a miracle'.
The word 'miracle' and the word
'miraculous' have the same origin. They refer to that which is "not
explained by known laws of nature" (dictionary definition). Beyond
that which is conceived as possible.
In the story of Jesus's birth, the bible informs us that Jesus was
'born of the 'Virgin Mary'.''
And it is due to this event having taken
place that the birth has been tagged as 'miraculous': an immaculate
conception. After all, how could sperms and eggs be involved if Mary
was deemed to have remained a virgin at the time of the birth of her
In some African tribal societies it is believed that lightning
confers upon woman the where-with-all to bring a child into the
Nature can be wildly fecund under the electric conductivity
present during intense thunderstorms.
In currently fashionable 'electric universe' theories - who knows
what super charged electrons and neutrons might not get up to!
One thing I've learned in my steadily increasing time here on planet
Earth, is never to dismiss out of hand that which at first seems
inexplicable. There is so much we don't understand about almost
everything, let alone the small matter of how life comes (or came)
to be.
In fact, as regards the origin of our universe, purely
'rational science' has got us almost nowhere - swinging to and fro
between big bangs and a bunch of barking quarks!
Yet there might be an all together more simple and plausible
explanation for the immaculate nature of the so-called 'virgin
birth'. One whose exploration leads us into the vexed yet critically
important world of semantics.
Semantics as being the key without
which we cannot unlock the hidden agendas that have long since been
screened out of our perceptions - due to their wholly revolutionary
nature. Due to their power to turn the world we think we comprehend
on its proverbial head.
Imagine that a new angle on the meaning of one word could be the
detonator for an entirely fresh understanding of who we are and why
we're here. That the deliberate linguistic obfuscation of original
intentions and writings just might turn out to be the biggest bang
in the bible!
What if the 'Virgin Mary' was not actually a virgin at all - in our
normal understanding of this word - but an ascendant woman of great
spiritual power and purity?
Her son, Jesus, being conceived in the way nature intended
via Mary's union with Joseph; a suggestion which in fact is no
longer the least bit controversial.
However Mary 'the virgin' takes on a dramatically more illustrious
and enlightened meaning once we have banished the old unbroken hymen
- seal of purity - dogma.
And here I am most indebted to a colleague, Claire, for bringing to
my awareness this truly liberating interpretation of the original
meaning of the word 'virgin' within the context of the mythological
status accorded to the 'Virgin Mary', mother of Jesus.
A myth which
has dogged the female of our species pretty much since the dawn of
history; and thereby caused both men and women to suffer massive
misconceptions about what, why and even who - we are.
So here is what Claire wrote, as a comment to an essay on the 'The
Original Sin':
"Mary was a woman of high spiritual standing, an ascended being.
This was not an uncommon thing in the time of
Jesus (who had similar
women in his own ministry) but there was no word for such a woman in
the Western language when the bible was being translated from Paleo-Hebrew
or Aramaic.
The closest word for a spiritually pure, wise and
enlightened woman was "virgin", which of course means something
entirely different in Western terms, and has been a huge historical
deception which has reinforced the patriarchal agenda down through
the ages.
Similarly Mary Magdalene was construed as a
prostitute when at the time women had no choice, as slaves, but
to be so under Roman rule. The only other option was freedom
which often meant social exclusion and abject poverty, where
death was preferable.
Two more myths of history which need
Others (on Zen Gardner's Just Wondering site) picked up on this
disclosure adding to the dialogue sparked by Claire's intervention.
Comments by women willing to speak out honestly and deeply about the
third-rate status accorded to their gender since time immemorial -
due to a deliberate long-standing debasement of woman's true role
within (and without) the male/female partnership.
To this I must add
the distortion of the meaning and role of the female essence which
resides in the male - and for that matter, the male essence which
lies in the female.
This is such a profound subject - I hardly know how to do it
But we men must make that effort. We have an absolutely
vital role to play now in supporting the emancipation of the women
of our planet. And this starts with the recognition and emancipation
of the female within ourselves.
We men cannot progress on our journey of personal growth until we
honor that which provides us with our spiritual raison d'etre. I
state that outright because it is the truth. Within the realm of
'partnership' women cannot become 'realized women' until men become
'realized' men through honoring the woman in themselves.
I explored in some depth in 'The
Original Sin - A Myth Whose Time is
Up' the nature of duality as the essential catalytic force of the
universe. Duality being: female and male essence as the friction
inspired driving force of movement and change; that which stands
behind evolution itself.
I argued that this is not something 'to overcome' or 'get beyond',
as some spiritual aspirants believe; but to be fully embraced for
what it is, and accepted as inseparable from our divine origins.
That until this is fully achieved, and the old superimposed sexual
guilt trip abandoned and laid to rest, we cannot find our - centered
- place within.
And will always be circling restlessly around the
truth instead of becoming it. Letting it be...
If 'the virgin' is indeed correctly identified as signifying a
deeply enlightened and therefore sexually aware woman, then we had
better admit that some seriously devious force has played a very
dark and yet quite brilliant trick on mankind, whose repercussions
are almost beyond imagination.
A trick performed by twisting the
word 'virgin' into something wholly other than what was intended.
Once again it is religion and the church which reveal themselves to
be the villains and chief accomplices in spreading the falsified
version that has so thoroughly colonized our planet over the
The same deadly duo that foisted 'The Original Sin' and
'the dark side baptism' on our brow beaten humanity.

So to recap:
by placing the 'Virgin Mary' on a pedestal of 'sexual
purity' the perpetrators were able to ensure that all other
womanhood would be tainted, having resorted to the (impure) act of
sexual union in order to bear children.
As only a truly divine
being, it is implied, can be born by a route which avoids any
involvement in the sexual act.
So it follows that:
those who aspire towards spiritual purity and
union with Godhead must be taught to avoid, wherever possible, sex
and sexual communion. For in this skewed interpretation it is
clearly a severe deviant to the route to purity and Godliness.
route to all that is deemed undignified, debased and denigrating
within humanity's aspirations.
Man! Is this a truly massive act of sabotage of all that manifests
as a glorious expression of universal life.
A dastardly attempt to
neuter and render sinful that which is in fact the very wellspring
of life itself. The very dynamo of our expansive and ever expanding
This is all out war on the life force...
An attempt to render sterile
the very seed from which all life has sprung. From this deception
has followed the vast unfolding of a pervasive death cult.
A cult
whose roots lie in the blatant denigration of the female.
A denigration and sterilization of primal female power, which opened
the way for the consequent rise into almost unassailable power of
'the crypto male'
A (genetically) crippled species whose aims,
ideologies and actions are an expression of a dehumanized entity
primed to go to war.
A war which starts within, due to the
ostracizing and demonizing of the female in itself.
But because this denial is itself denied, the war quickly turns
outward and becomes a war against humanity and against nature
Nature, whose diversity and beauty can only be experienced
and celebrated by an animated and healthily balanced female/male
principle, freely and joyously at play within each one of us.
Look how this half-man has laid waste to our planet.
Unleashing a
monotone, monocultural depravity upon the spontaneous biodiversity
of nature. Ripping through eons of health embracing plant life and
raping our soils of their life giving fertility.
Then, as if this
wasn't enough, dispensing a
toxic soup of carcinogenic killer sprays
over what remains of the life giving properties that form the
foundation of the human, animal and insect food chain.
But even then crypto male cannot call a truce; but must go on to
genetically modify the DNA of the planetary gene pool itself, so as
to stamp
his transhumanist predispositions onto the blueprint of
elementary life.
All the while, in our societies of denial, these nefarious acts of
murder have been declared to be 'progress'.
Examples of ever more
'efficient' ways of controlling planetary life, including that of
other human beings. Of devising ever more 'smart' ways of making
sure than nothing, but nothing, escapes the now ubiquitous 'silent
weapons for quiet wars'.
Weapons that symbolize the male in denial of the female within - and
Crypto man: the ultimate Mr Male; able to perform even an
unfeeling act of genocide on his own duality! Wow! Hail to our
Rambo...! Surely the mark of a REAL man...
Enough, enough - lest I drown
in the bottomless pool of my own indignation.
But how has the feminine survived at all?
How has that which has
been under the sword for so long managed to maintain a wick and even
a flame, in spite of all?
The answer is that the baton of Real Life has somehow been passed on
and on even in the midst of torture and tyranny.
The power of the
female is irrepressible. She cannot be put down.
Even with every emasculated gun-slung terminator on the planet
running on a full tank of dark side adrenalin, female essence cannot
be destroyed. But like the medicinal clovers of blessed old cow
pastures, grows new leaves and new flowers however many times she is
reduced to just a seed buried in the tarnished ground.
However, let us not romanticize the true reality of life under the
twisted tyrannical regimes that continue to rule our planet.
desperate are they to possess, dominate and control the illusive
feminine spirit - the spirit of love - that we have to be super
alert to every top down move emanating from their despotic power
pyramid. Obsessed as they are with masterminding mechanisms for
monitoring every last element of societies' activities, lest some
spark of truth should ignite a rebellion.
A rebellion that would turn the tide on the dominance of controlling
mechanisms that ripple on via the deluge of hi-tec interference now
proliferating our planet. Even to the extent of distorting
natural Schuman Resonance upon which we all depend in order to
establish an inner harmony with universal forces.
But in spite of all these tools of oppression, there is an air of
desperation about this frenetic behavior. All is not so well in the
crypto male camp. In fact there is a sense of insecurity creeping
into its once super dominant
New World Order blueprint.
For the sparks of truth are taking-hold, and we men are loosing
faith in the old model of what it means to 'be a man'.
We are
listening to other voices now. Voices that come from another place
we had been taught to associate with 'weakness', but which in fact
turns out to be the place where resides our greatest strength. Our
intuitive and receptive nature. Our true guide to a still largely
unexplored universe of potentiality.
That is the place where everyday and at all times, we walk amongst
the joyous manifestations of truth, and in the blink of an eye, are
able to determine that which is fake and that which still manifests
as part of the old lie.
For so long the male thought that 'conquering' nations; 'conquering'
nature and then 'conquering' space, were the indisputable
prerogatives of the male ego. But all of this was the grand illusion
of grand illusions.
Aeons of death and destruction and all because
of an ingrained fear of the divine female principle. Our guide to
deeper truth. The female side of the male...
A fear put in place by forces in whose interests it was (is) to
separate and to divide against itself, the essentially inseparable
male/female duality which is our Universe.
Due to the extraordinary power that the concept of 'Immaculate
Conception' held over human society, the emancipation of woman was
lost before it could even be begun.
And woman, for so long accused of being the one to bring man down -
or of
being a witch because she occasionally expressed her true
powers - eventually resorted to imitating the male in an attempt to
break free of her chains.
But the only chains that got at least partially broken were the
one's that surrounded the male enclave; thus allowing woman to enter
this world, but not to enter hers.
Sadly much of the feminist
movement expressed that entanglement under the slogan 'women's
But the true woman, as with the true man - has no part
in that worn old male world - and is still emerging; taking a form
which we have glimpsed in bursts of enigmatic and energetic status
quo table-turning.
In the end, and inevitably, men and women are all entangled in the
web of divide, conquer, separate and destroy. The only way out of
this is to gain some deeper understanding of this predicament. To
recognize it honestly as the central dilemma that it is, and see how
this falsehood has infiltrated and taken control of every avenue of
daily life on planet Earth.
In writing this, I have tried to explore and expose the powers of
the words and symbols that lie behind the heinous disruption of
human evolution. And as with my previous articles on closely linked
subjects, it is the twin towers
of Church and
Religion that emerge
as the chief controlling influence over doctrines devised
specifically to send us on at least a two millenia detour from our
original and true trajectory.
Much of humanity has suffered the results: a deliberate poisoning
and denaturing of that which is our true guiding force for attaining
heightened knowledge and deeper awareness.
We have been deviated
away from experiencing the acts of inception, procreation and birth
as the natural microcosmic mirror of the macrocosmic universal birth
cycle. A celebration of God's profound inventiveness.
No one ever needed, or wanted, a 'virgin birth' or an 'immaculate
conception' to be the unattainable standard bearer for human
aspiration. No one ever needed to believe that the loving act of
union between man and woman, or between Shiva and Shakti, was in
some way sinful.
No one, that is, except that which at some point acquired the need
to vampire divine energy so as to sustain its artful and artificial
subterfuge. A subterfuge which has gone largely unrecognized (as a
subterfuge) by the great swathe of humanity to this day.
Yes, a semantic subterfuge. One achieved by subverting and reversing
the meaning of words. Words like 'virgin' and 'immaculate'. And
attempting in the process, to trick the human mind into nullifying,
sterilizing and rendering obsolete all that which springs from the
divine love affair of which we are the human manifestation.
Now we return to this unashamed source of love!
Bearing fulsome
offerings of gratitude for having been gifted our blessed male and
female essence; and the insight, intuition and passion to take this
extraordinary planet through the gathering apocalypse, and on to the
rebirth of a world swept clean of its blood-bloated vampiric energy
Yes, onward, onward, onward we go, tasked with nurturing into
existence a reawakened world, bursting anew with the liberated
joyous exigence of Love Reborn!