by Chris Bourne (Open)
May 05, 2019

from OpenHandWeb Website







Never before in our history have we faced such grave and challenging times as we do right now.


Besides environmental destruction and accelerating climate change, we face the natural cycle of the Pole Shift, which is already having a radical impact on the weather systems too.


On top of all of this though is the breakneck role out of 5G.


It's as if an unseen consciousness has declared war on the natural biology of our planet.


Yet despite all of this, people that are determined to awaken and evolve have a golden opportunity. It is always within the crucible of great challenge that the Spiritual Warrior in us is forged.

"We can still be free as sovereign beings, but not by sleepwalking into the future as the masses currently are.


Like never before in our history, we must awaken the drive and the commitment to,

  • reconnect with the True Self

  • reclaim soul sovereignty

  • align with the accelerating shift into higher consciousness...

Above all, remember, you are a spiritual being not physical.


It's time to reclaim that allegiance. It's time to take back your power.


The time is NOW...!"


This article and videos contained within it, will likely fire deep emotional and karmic processes, very possibly anger.


Remember always that you are the infinite presence of The One, and everything moves within you, the 'good', the 'bad' and everything in between.


There is an invitation to engage, to process and work through, but then find your inviolable essence of The One through it.


Also, although my approach has been to state it's as if a 'war' has been declared on the natural biology of our planet, I'm certainly not advocating projection of anger and blame - not to polarize or demonize, not for us to partake of 'war'.


But it is essential to grasp the severity and magnitude of what is now clearly unfolding.




Part 1 - Just another 'Upgrade'?

You'd be forgiven for thinking that, "5G is just another SMART phone upgrade". It couldn't be further from the truth...

"Based on battlefield target acquisition technology, it is designed to form a digital map, with the global population in it, interconnected by AI through every gadget used in daily life, from the telephone to the TV and refrigerator.


It will represent an increase of EMF by 100 fold.


Heightening the impact, they're installing millions of extra mini mobile phone masts in cities and neighborhoods and up to 20,000 satellites around the globe, meaning that not one square inch, be it city, suburb or deepest countryside, will not be irradiated.


It represents no less than a war on the natural eco-systems of the planet and on human consciousness.


A positive and vigorous response is necessary."

Already, even though it's only just entering the general public's awareness, plenty of valiant researchers, whistleblowers and medical practitioners who've conducted thousands of studies have warned that it will cause a huge increase in,

  • heart cancers

  • brain tumors

  • cognitive problems

  • exhaustion

  • DNA damage (especially in fetuses)

  • Alzheimer's

  • disrupted immune systems and fertility...

Recently, where a new type of street lamp was installed in Gateshead in North East England that had 5G base stations incorporated, people were reporting nausea and nose bleeds, simply by being in proximity to them.


Suspiciously the technology is being regulated by telecoms people and rolled out a break neck speed with no referral to the health interests of the general public.

"Besides the human impact, the effect on nature is likely to be devastating.


Already swarms of birds are simply dropping from the sky, and scores of whales getting beached, probably due to the excessive EMF, and together with chemtrails, is causing the rapid decline of bees.


With a 100 fold increase in irradiation effects, it's hard to imagine the pollinators and huge swathes of insects will survive, with the corresponding severe knock on effect throughout the natural ecosystems."



Inform Yourself and Process the Effects

It's essential we are informed of exactly what's going on and what the underlying agenda might be.


It's only from the place of awareness that you can respond positively. There is most definitely a successful way forwards through all of this, which I'd like to discuss with you.


But if you aren't already aware of the implications, I would commend you to watch this informative and well researched below documentary by Sascha Stone. It incorporates a wide variety of knowledgeable commentators and whistleblowers.

Always you have the question the validity of such material, especially as the title is so stark.


Yet I have come across several of the commentators before, who've offered informed and well researched views. I have to say it took me a few days to process the feelings after watching the documentary. Others I know have reported anger and a sense of powerlessness. Above all, I can feel the general rightness in what's being conveyed.

Afterwards, please do return to the second part of my article on how we can approach this growing menace within our midst...






Part 2 - Exploring the Underlying Agenda of 5G



First let's contemplate the agenda behind 5G.


Assuming the new role out will be as impactful as the film implies, and personally I feel the truth in that because I already feel the invasive magnitude of 3G and 4G, then you have to question, 'who' exactly is behind all this and what might their agenda be?


If we're looking at the destruction of our natural eco-systems and the serious down-grading of human consciousness with no regards at all for health, then 'who' stands to benefit?

Let's be clear, this kind of microwave EMF can cause such internal dissonance that it disconnects you from your higher self, and fragments the soul in the lower self so it's difficult to feel and follow in daily life.


It makes people dumb down and controllable.


You can break free by consciously integrating soul and shifting center of consciousness into the higher vibrations beyond the 3D, but there needs to be a 100 commitment, especially now, with this quantum increase in 5G dissonance.


Above all, what needs to happen, is a progressive internal switch of allegiance into the higher bodily vehicles of expression, such as the spirit light body, beyond the physical which EMF is impacting.

Actually the war on human consciousness is nothing new.


This just marks an intensification of what's being going on for aeons. Homo Sapiens is a hybrid species that has been genetically downgraded to fit within a system of control, with the human soul encapsulated within.

Plenty of other sentient, writers and researchers are also speaking about it.


We can clearly see it in our adapted DNA coding, the shift from 48 chromosomes in Original Humans to 46 in Homo Sapiens, which when you deeply consider, marks a minimum of 4 simultaneous step changes that happened all at once.


You can see it in the highly sophisticated early megaliths that were clearly built many thousands of years ago by an advanced civilization (check out Graham Hancocks superlative work on this... Fingerprints of the Gods).


Speaking personally though, the most compelling evidence for me comes from first-hand past life regression therapy, where I've encountered people all around the world sharing similar experiences of downgrading hybridization.

Indeed, the Earth has suffered a controlling Extra Terrestrial Intervention by several species going back millions of years.


Many sentient here know it, have come to share the implications of it, and to help reactivate aligned human consciousness that a divinely new human can emerge out. We are being greatly successful, with awakenings accelerating the world over. The Earth is shifting simultaneously into a higher 5D paradigm of being.

That's the reason for the intensification in the Opposing Consciousness agenda right now, which to me, is the source behind 5G:

they're failing to prevent The Shift.

I believe the reason for 5G, is our growing success of shifting consciousness into 5D.


Several times in the past there have been earth shifts and waves of human consciousness ascending out. Several times advanced ET civilizations have broken down, their controlling agenda unraveled as human consciousness strives to emerge.



The Benevolent Mission

I work multidimensionally, I can feel these different ET groups in the field, and have daily direct contact with several of them, some friendly, others not.


And I am acutely aware of the Benevolent Mission around us in the ether, which is to help Gaia cleanse herself of this Intervention and to realign humanity.


2012 was a major 'coup' within this mission, as the centre of Gaia's consciousness was shifted into 5D and the New Paradigm was born there. Many expected some profound transition to become immediately 'visible' at that galactic alignment, which of course didn't happen.


But when you think back to how dramatically the earth's current situation has changed since, in just a few short years, then you realize a major shift was initiated at that time.

As Gaia shifts, the Intervention is losing control of the planet.


Any interdimensional being with any kind of foresight will recognize the growing impact in the advancing Pole Shift, which is due to complete within a few decades, and will be devastating in the 3D.


That includes a lowering of the Earth's magnetic shield, which is set to coincide with powerful changes in the constitution of our Sun. So, in the years ahead, we can not only expect an increasing impact of cosmic radiation, but also the strong likelihood of solar plasma pulses.


It's clear to me, and from many powerful visions that I've experienced, the Earth will be cleansed in the lower dimensions leaving a pristine New Paradigm in the 5D/6D/7D.

I believe it's clear to the Intervention Consciousness that this is going to happen, and that's why there's now scant regard for the biology of our planet - they're not intending to stay, but rather to assimilate as many human souls as possible into their agenda, to accelerate their technological evolution, create augmented realities based on AI, and take whatever souls they've harvested to establish colonies elsewhere in the cosmos... Mars for example.


The space program (both overt and covert) is already at reasonably advanced stages and developing quickly.

As far out as this may seem to some, do we not already witness the assimilation of the masses into 'SMART' technology, in every town, city, airport and shopping centre?


In practically every coffee shop and restaurant you witness the distractive consumption of human consciousness into technology.



This is my belief, to me the evidence points strongly that way, and it's something for sentient people to carefully consider, because it will influence how we should each respond to it.

I should also say it's essential not to judge and project anger at the proponents behind this technology and 'war' on aligned consciousness, which I strongly suspect are the misaligned Grey Entities on and around Earth.


We must reflect back a willingness to forgive, not to harden internally which becomes self limiting. Yet we must also absolutely NOT come from a place of weakness or acceptance of 'anything goes'.


We must work to unwind the negative effects of this Intervention within our very beings.



Part 3 - 5D: the most Viable Response to 5G

So what can we do? What should our response be?

As tough as the task may seem on the surface, in the 3D, we can still each evolve out of the density, and I believe it will be the making of humanity - those that are prepared to commit to the challenge.


It is now paramount to reclaim full soul sovereignty, to self determine and align with the clear direction-knowing of your soul. Be very careful of blindly taking on board information (including this here) without carefully processing it through your own sense of knowing-rightness.


But do commit 100% to your evolution as a being and carefully watch/feel the new multidimensional landscape that you start to unfold into.

"Get to know what the higher dimensions of the 5D feel like on a day to day basis, and begin to integrate them as a way of being.


It may not be in your power to stop the role out of 5G, but by progressively opening into your higher bodily vehicles of expression, you shift consciousness beyond the physical where the EMF impacts."




Here are 10 suggested ways we can respond directly:


  1. Accelerate Your Shift into 5D Consciousness:

    I'm working with groups of people all around the world who're unfolding into higher dimensional consciousness and living it now.


    They can feel the New Paradigm all around them.


    Be clear though, because there's lots of confusion around what 'Ascending into 5D' really means. There is a very clear science to it.


  2. Inform yourself about the implications of 5G:

    get to know what the implications are and where possible, take part in protestations and demonstrations, which are currently beginning to happen.


    It is still possible to limit the full role out.


  3. Learn how to mitigate the effects of EMF:

    good sources are springing up on the web of how to minimize and mitigate the impacts of increasing EMF. For example the volcanic rock shungite is highly effective at reducing microwave radiation.


  4. Conduct daily inner cleansings and fasting:

    already we can clearly see the general health of humanity is degrading. Amongst others EMF greatly impacts the immune system.


    Investigate how you can strengthen this through detox juicing, a healthy plant based diet and fasting. Daily Intermittent fasting for example gives the body invaluable time to rest and rebuild cell structure...


  5. Take back Soul Sovereignty:

    the internet is a great source of information, but also misinformation masquerading as 'the truth'. The truth for you, is something only you can know, feel and integrate.


    Get to know how your soul wants to draw you to particular inquiries, but stay connected to how you feel about them inside. Get to know your own sense of 'higher knowing landing' - that sense of instant landing flash - "yes, that's it"...


  6. Beware of Excessive Distraction "Out there":

    the Intervention is trying all ways to distract souls from the true source of their power, which is aligned consciousness within.


    The 'narrative' is escalating daily, with constant new,

    • distractions

    • information

    • social media

    • gadgets and 'toys'...

    This only risks attuning you more into the physical and intellectual planes. Remember always your true source of power is what you feel at the core of you, centered in this storm...


  7. Connection with Nature:

    Make it as much of a priority as possible to connect with nature and form loving bonds with the plant and animal kingdoms.


    Despite the degradation in our environment and eco-systems, there's still plenty to connect with. Renew your connection with Mother Earth, respect and cherish all life. Let natural feedback loops build between you.


    To ascend into the New Paradigm is to become as one with the natural rhythms of the Earth.


  8. Activate Your Spirit Light Body:

    inform yourself on the nature of your higher bodily vehicles of expression and especially the Spirit Light Body, which is your vehicle of Ascension, that you can activate and live through right now.


    It brings with it a deep sense of connection to the Universe, peace and a sense of well being. What's more, it is beyond where 5G can impact. If in doubt, meditate, meditate, meditate!


  9. Develop Effective Processes for dealing with Karmic Density:

    as you commit to the progressive shift into the new dimensions, it will activate inner karmic density. It is self-defeating to override or ignore this.


    The invitation is to turn right into it and process through, so that you can transcend it.


  10. Live the New Reality Now:

    we're currently living in two worlds not one:

    • there's the old paradigm which is breaking down, yet desperately trying to pull souls in

    • there's the New Paradigm we're ascending into that many can already feel and experience

    Your reality becomes where you place your focus. If you know higher dimensional living is for you, then begin to live it here and now.


    Ultimately the physical will fall away, but you can continue your journey in the higher bodily vehicles of the New Paradigm.


    It's a feeling that you can shift into and live right now.


5G - Catalyzing Our Shift into 5D

When an understanding of the likely impact of 5G comes into view, it's likely to invoke all manner of responses from fear to anger.


Certainly don't disregard these feelings - turn directly into them and process them through. My advice is to then be really clear with yourself what your response now needs to be, where your loyalty in respect of the old reality lies, and what's the growing sense of impulse for you now.


What's your soul's calling...?

Initially people have felt a sense of powerlessness in the wake of it all. But we are far from powerless! When we connect deep with our spirituality, interconnected with the Universe, we become beings beyond measure.


Let this new phase inspire you to find the Spiritual Warrior in You...

The time has now gone for dipping one's toes into the shallow end. We must dive fully into the centre stream of our immaculate home coming - our Ascension.

We have no time to waste in this endeavor. I used to feel we had several decades for souls to complete the Shift, but now, due to the impact of the Intervention on our environment and weather systems, I don't believe you should automatically assume we still have that luxury.


The situation is accelerating. The Gateways of Ascension are open, but that requires a viable living space for people to work in the 3D.


My advice to people is to assume you only have a decade or two to make your higher dimensional shift. There is certainly enough time. But no time to waste. My strong advice is to make your spiritual evolution the daily focus of your life.


And that's how we can each benefit from the intervention of 5G... by catalyzing powerful motivation for our shift into 5D..!