by Makia Freeman
March 16,
TheFreedomArticles Website

A new study that analyzes RFR and EMF
in light of the SARS-CoV-2 virus
has found compelling evidence
of a radiation-COVID connection.
THE STORY: A new study from January 2021 analyzes the close
similarities and effects that EMF radiation and
COVID have on the human body.
THE IMPLICATIONS: While the study doesn't prove causation, it shows a
preponderance of evidence that wireless radiation
effects could easily be called 'COVID.' There is no
need for a strange new virus.
The wireless radiation-COVID connection cannot be ignored if one is
truly committed to discovering the underlying medical causes of
whatever this COVID thing is.
I have dedicated
most of my articles to exposing the scamdemic, the fake death count,
the fake numbers, the fake PCR test, the
fake vaccine, the
non-existent virus and
However, I am writing this to bring some focus back to what
could be a major factor in causing the genuine and legitimate
illness some people have experienced from what is called COVID.
Early on in the
'pandemic' I talked about the
5G-coronavirus connection.
Now, I'd like to broaden the focus to
EMF (Electromagnetic Fields or Frequencies) and RFR (Radio Frequency
Radiation) in general, both of which are forms of non-ionizing
A study this year from January 2021 entitled
for a Connection between COVID-19 and Exposure to Radiofrequency
Radiation from Wireless Telecommunications Including Microwaves and
Millimeter Waves" analyzes this theme and finds some
compelling evidence to support the
radiation-COVID connection...
Uncovering the Wireless Radiation-COVID Connection
A hallmark of
Operation Coronavirus has been the
invention of an entirely new
disease (COVID-19) with such broad and vague symptoms that virtually
anything, but especially the,
common cold
be reclassified and recategorized as this 'new disease'...
My April 2020
article pointed out how it was crucial to avoid the trap of thinking COVID was some new thing, when there was
not 1 disease and not 1 cause.
That being said, it is beyond
coincidence that many COVID symptoms match up with many effects of
radiation exposure.
The authors of the study state they have
"a large body of peer
reviewed literature, since before World War II, on the biological
effects of wireless radiation that impact many aspects of our
health" and that from this research they were able to discover
"intersections between the
pathophysiology of COVID-19 and detrimental bioeffects of wireless
radiation exposure."
Pathophysiology is defined as,
convergence of pathology with physiology" and is the study of the "disordered physiological processes that cause, result from, or are
otherwise associated with a disease or injury."
In simple English,
the study found that many of the so-called effects or symptoms
blamed on COVID are identical or remarkably similar to ones caused
by wireless radiation...
Hypoxia and Hypoxemia
Let's start with
these 2 terms,
hypoxia and hypoxemia,
...which both refer to conditions
of under-oxygenation in the body.
In the article
Masks Cause Damage
- Study Reveals
Mask-Hypoxia-Blood Clot Connection, it was highlighted how
wearing masks limits oxygen intake which can then lead to
potentially fatal blood clots.
This study also
found very similar effects between EMF/RFR and COVID when analyzing
the blood:
"Two recent studies documented the
formation of erythrocyte aggregates (Havas, 2013) and
erythrocyte aggregates and echinocyte formation upon human
exposure to 4G-LTE smart phone radiation (microwaves) (Rubik,
Exposure to radiation from a cell
phone for two consecutive 45-minute periods caused two types of
initially increased stickiness of peripheral red blood
cells and rouleaux formation (rolls of stacked red blood cells)
and subsequently formation of echinocytes (spiky red blood
Similar red blood cell changes
have been described in peripheral blood of COVID-19 patients (Lakhdari
et al., 2020).
Rouleaux formation is observed in
1/3 of COVID-19 patients, whereas spherocytes and echinocytes
have been observed at variable levels. Rouleaux formation
impedes the microcirculation.
These blood changes may also
impede oxygen transport, contributing to
hypoxia, and increase
the risk of
(Wagner et al., 2013) and therefore
stroke, which can manifest in COVID ...
In short,
both RFR exposure and
COVID-19 can cause deleterious effects on red blood cells and
reduced hemoglobin levels contributing to hypoxia in COVID."
The tendency for
blood to coagulate (thicken) in dangerous ways accompanies both EMF
and COVID, and has been pointed out by doctors such as Dr. Robert
Young who
speaks of the corona effect.
(or not), the AstraZeneca Oxford vaccine (one of the
COVID vaccines
which is not a mRNA vaccine) is being
suspended by 20+ nations due to its apparent tendency to
blood clots.
Oxidative Stress
Next, the study
found that that oxidative stress was another indicator of a
radiation-COVID connection.
It defines
oxidative stress as a,
"condition reflecting an
imbalance between an increased production of ROS [Reactive
Oxygen Species] and an inability of the organism to detoxify the
ROS or to repair the damage they cause to biomolecules and
"Immune dysregulation... has been
identified in the cytokine storm accompanying severe COVID-19
infections and generates oxidative stress (Cecchini and Cecchini,
Oxidative stress and mitochondrial
dysfunction may further perpetuate the cytokine storm, worsening
tissue damage, and increasing the risk of severe illness and
Similarly low-level RFR generates ROS in cells that cause
oxidative damage. In fact, oxidative stress is considered as one
of the primary mechanisms in which RFR exposure causes cellular
Among 100 currently available
peer-reviewed studies investigating oxidative effects of
low-intensity RFR, 93 studies confirmed that RFR induces
oxidative effects in biological systems (Yakymenko et al.,
Oxidative stress is also an
accepted mechanism causing endothelial damage (Higashi et al.,
This may manifest in patients with
severe COVID-19 in addition to increasing the risk for blood
clot formation and worsening hypoxemia (Cecchini and Cecchini,
Immune Dysregulation, Calcium
Levels, Heart Disease and More
The study
proceeds to look at all the ways that COVID elicits the same
kind of response as EMF radiation, including the,
In all cases, there is strong evidence of a
radiation-COVID connection:
"In short, COVID-19 can lead
to immune dysregulation as well as cytokine storm.
By comparison, exposure to
low-level RFR as observed in animal studies can also
compromise the immune system, with chronic daily exposure
producing immunosuppression or immune dysregulation
including hyperactivation... cardiac arrhythmias are more
commonly encountered in critically
ill patients with COVID...
Regarding RFR exposure
bioeffects, in 1969 Christopher Dodge of the Biosciences
Division, U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington DC,
reviewed 54 papers and reported that RFR can adversely
affects all major systems of the body, including,
impeding blood circulation
altering blood pressure and
heart rate
affecting electrocardiograph readings
causing chest pain and heart palpitations
(Dodge, 1969)
In the 1970s Glaser
reviewed more than 2000 publications on RFR exposure
bioeffects and concluded that microwave radiation can
alter the ECG (electrocardiogram), cause,
chest pain
addition to myocardial infarction."
1971; 1976)
study also specifically mentions
"Most recently, Bandara
and Weller (2017) present evidence that people who live
near radar installations (millimeter waves: 5G
frequencies) have a greater risk of developing cancer
and experiencing heart attacks.
Similarly, those
occupationally exposed have a greater risk of coronary
heart disease.
Microwave radiation affects the heart,
and some people are more vulnerable if they have an
underlying heart abnormality (Cleary, 1969).
In short,
RFR exposure
can affect the heart and
cardiovascular system, directly and/or indirectly."
The Conclusion of the Study
The point of the
study was not to prove causation, but rather to show there is some
kind of radiation-COVID connection that needs to be further
The authors write that:
"evidence from the literature
summarized here suggests a connection between several adverse
health effects of RFR exposure and the clinical course of
The evidence indicates that RFR may weaken the host,
exacerbate COVID-19 disease, and thereby worsen the 'pandemic'.
This evidence presented here does not claim causation.
COVID-19 occurs in regions with little wireless communication.
In addition, the relative morbidity caused by RFR exposure in
COVID-19 is unknown.
The question of causation could be
investigated in controlled laboratory experiments."
Here is their
"We conclude that RFR and, in
particular, 5G, which involves 4G infrastructure
densification, has
exacerbated COVID-19 prevalence and severity
by weakening host immunity and increasing SARS-CoV-2 virulence
morphologic changes in erythrocytes including echinocyte and
rouleaux formation that may be contributing to hypercoagulation
impairing microcirculation and reducing erythrocyte and
hemoglobin levels exacerbating hypoxia
amplifying immune
system dysfunction, including immunosuppression, autoimmunity,
and hyperinflammation
increasing cellular oxidative stress
and the production of free radicals exacerbating vascular injury
and organ damage
augmenting intracellular Ca2+ essential
for viral entry, replication, and release, in addition to
promoting pro-inflammatory pathways
worsening heart
arrhythmias and cardiac disorders
In short, RFR is a ubiquitous
environmental stressor that contributes to adverse health
outcomes of COVID-19.
We invoke the
Precautionary Principle and
strongly recommend a moratorium on
5G wireless infrastructure..."
This study is not
the first to make the connection between 5G/RFR and COVID.
As I covered in
5G Induces Coronaviruses - New Study
Models Millimeter Wave Influence on DNA, there have been
other attempts analyzing this, although that study was later
Final Thoughts on the Radiation-COVID Connection
It's always going
to be more sexy and spectacular to sell a story of a killer virus
rather than explain that each individual is responsible for their
own state of health according to how well they cultivate, much like
a farmer, their own inner bio-terrain.
It's always going to be more
preferable for
Big Gov and the
Corporatocracy to blame an invisible
enemy rather than admit that, in their unbridled quest for
domination and control, their poisoning of the environment - even if
by unseen frequencies in the airwaves - is contributing to major
disease and sickness in the population.
It's just too easy and
convenient for the dark forces that rule this world to blame it all
on a 'virus,' especially when the alleged effects of a coronavirus so
closely mimic the effects of EMF radiation.
COVID op is a chance for
to wake up to a broader picture of reality, particularly in terms
of understanding health, disease, viruses, radiation and the
worldwide conspiracy...