by Dawn Abel, Director
Maya Mystery School of
Northern California
MayaMysterySchool Website
And the
people bowed and prayed, to the neon god they made. And
the sign flashed out its warning, in the words that it
was forming. And the sign said, “The words of the
prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement
halls.” And whispered in the sounds of silence.
(The Sound of Silence, Paul Simon, 1964) |
Part I -
The Writing On the Wall
February 2000
The information age is upon us full force. It allows us to
disseminate information in seconds, rather than in years and
decades, which is about the time it took our churches and
forefathers to selectively write and publish documents for an even
more select public.
With the Internet, and with global access to
computers, thousands and even millions of people can read and
publish information at the click of a button. The bad news is that
some of the information continues to be biased and in favor of the
disseminator rather than based on factual evidence. The good news is
that information can be questioned and challenged more quickly than
ever before.
When monks and historians wrote our cultural stories, it was based
on who, ultimately, was the power broker at the time. The victors
scored high and the victims were obliterated into historical
anonymity with only enough reported to substantiate the victor’s
story. The victor’s story has always been HIS story. However,
history, as taught in the 20th century, was challenged
more times during that century than in any other in the last 2000
The civil rights and equal rights movements brought about a
recognition of our diverse cultural and gender legacies at the
dismay of our historians and religious institutions. Until then,
information was solely disseminated through the selective publishing
and power brokering of a small set of institutions and media gods
that maintained HIStorical control.
Throughout the years, many organizations—some altruistic and some
far more insidious with dark ulterior motives—have sought to
understand the “writing on the wall”. Many seekers have wanted to
destroy the ancient petroglyphic and hieroglyphic writings or find a
way to control them for personal or historical gain. The controlled
release of this information has resulted in the dissemination of
information so biased that it has erased some very basic cultural
and universal truths. The most tragic example was during the Spanish
At that time
the Vatican condoned the destruction of Mesoamerican
and European cultures for religious and historical control, as well
as for personal greed.
As a result, they also destroyed all they
could that substantiated living, breathing, and vibrant
civilizations. These included monuments, and most of the writings
that proved the existence of these
The destruction has not always been through burnings, wars, and
desecrations, however. Some has been through the controlled
analysis, translation, and redistribution of information to
substantiate a different belief system sponsored by that
institution. This has definitely been evidenced by the very
controlled release of the Dead Sea Scrolls by the Vatican, over a
50-year period. In the last decade, the cover was blown thanks to
some very brave researchers and reporters. However, the coverup is
far from over.
The Vatican is not the only institution that has a vested interest
in recreating history. So do governments, corporations, and
associated educational institutions. In concert with religious
organizations, our way of life is being dictated by institutions
that feed money into defining our belief systems for us. Even in
such areas as higher education, where objectivity is supposed to be
the thermostat in our search for truth, there are still guidelines
and parameters that subjugate honest research.
The biggest challenges to the last decade—those that began heralding
the new millennium and creating an information war—came from the
purveyors of alternative history and alternative archaeology; in
other words those who would dare to challenge the Ph.Ds of our
western society with new science and alternative guidelines for
finding the truth, feeding a public starving for better answers.
The battle has never been greater than in the fields of the world’s
archaeological zones. The battle for truth, in the
Giza plateau
alone, has led to the sponsorship of archaeological digs by private
institutions and even educational institutions that are supported by
stealth organizations interested in promoting specific end results.
As a result, findings are not being disclosed in a timely or
objective manner, and if you follow the alternative sources for your
news, you learn of the battles, the egos, and the power plays
between the brokers, the writers, and the publishers for complete
authority over “the truth”. Now that information is available on the
Internet, you can find everyone’s version of the truth, but in
truth, the truth is not always out there.
To find the truth, it is important to
get the whole picture, not only from the Ph.Ds and corporate
sponsors, but from the indigenous groups with their stories, and
from the alternative researchers who have proven that there are
other sound
methods of recording and analyzing the same cultural data. Currently
there are many sites that are not yet controlled by corporations but
may very well be in the near future.
For instance, the
archaeological zone at Chichen Itza is up for sale by the Mexican
Government. I saw the signs posted at the site over the new year
holiday. Supposedly, the government can no longer afford the upkeep
and is looking for a savior. Saviors, however, do not always come in
the form of angels and saints. Sometimes they come in dark coats and
red ties, under the guise of religious institutions, governments,
and even educational systems.
If Chichen Itza is purchased or
subsidized by any of these organizations, beware of the information
that is disseminated to the public, as well as the access allowed to
this site. While some information might be objective enough, much
may be manipulated to change or control our view of HIS story. In
fact, the closest we can get to a real story comes from the original
“writings on the walls” of the tombs and monument corridors, and
from the descendants of these writers and storytellers, and not
necessarily the media giants and institutions that have a vested
interest in maintaining the status quo.
We are at the brink of publishing a new story, one that incorporates
everyone’s cultural truths, and not just the short-term victor’s. We
need these truths to understand the mistakes of our past and to
build a world that honors the diversity of its cultures and their
As we herald the new millennium and attempt to become an
active part of a
galactic federation—one that all of our indigenous
ancestors have tried, throughout time, to teach us about—we must
continue to discerningly question the validity of all sources of
information. You can hear the words of the ancestors, through the
suppressed voices of the indigenous cultures, if you listen. But you
must break through the institutional code of silence.
You must lobby governments for access to controlled archaeological
sites, findings, and archived information; and support the new
sciences, the alternative history researchers, and the groups that
have emerged to free us from HIStorical bondage.
Only then will we
have enough information to discern basic universal truths from the HIStorical brainwashing that has kept us from recognizing our true
Part 2 - Vatican Disclosure
May-June 2000
Zecharia Sitchin is a Sumerian and Hebrew scholar who has translated
key writings from Sumerian tablets and has published a series of
books known as
the Earth Chronicles.
These books deal with the birth of our most recent civilization,
starting in the Nile region, about 12,800 years ago, which is highly
disputed by the historians and universities who have a vested
interest in maintaining the status quo. The chronicles talk about
the inhabitants of a twelfth planet known as
Nibiru, who were
responsible for the creation of humans, or the Adam Kadmon, of whom
we are descendents.
This information fills in the gaps of our Hebrew
bible, and allows us to understand the battles between two brothers, Enlil and Enki (in our bible these brothers are considered as one;
benevolent and malevolent), and the continuing battles between their
sons and daughters for dominion on Earth. These battles are
responsible for many of the
current conflicts in the middle east and
even with our modern-day religions.
According to Sitchin, Thoth - the god of science, writing,
mathematics, calendars and architecture - was the brother of Ra and
was banished from Egypt due to a power conflict that included
power-brokering, jealousy, sacred numbers and calendars (some of
which are still a source of contention, even between the Maya). He
supposedly resettled in Central America, building a new civilization
similar to that in Egypt.
He has been called
Quetzalcoatl and
Kulkulkan by those in Central America, and according to Sitchin, the
Mayans may well be one of the Lost Tribes of Israel.
During the Spanish Inquisition,
Vatican-supported Spanish army swept through the region, killed many
indigenous tribes, burned sacred books, and destroyed structures and
temples that held information pertinent to the origins and sacred
teachings of these tribes. They forced the remaining tribes into
indoctrinated submission, and replaced indigenous religion and
practices with Catholicism and the Julian calendar, which was later
replaced by the Gregorian calendar.
For hundreds of years Catholics, and later Baptists,
imposed Christianity on Central and South America, and on Mexico. As a
result, many of the indigenous tribes forgot their teachings, with
the exception of such Mayan activists as Hunbatz Men and
Jose Arguelles among a small group of others. They have fought to
re-establish Mayan science, religion, culture, and the Mayan
calendar system despite their own dispute over the start date of the
Haab calendar (associated with Thoth).
In addition to burning sacred books in Central America, the Vatican
was also responsible for the burning of texts in Alexandria, in the
Northern part of Egypt, as well as those found in the Pyrenees at
Rennes le Chateau, the home of the
Knights of Templar. For years, the Vatican withheld many, more recently found sacred texts, and for
fifty years would not release anything but very biased information
on the
Dead Sea Scrolls, interpreted only by Vatican scholars.
In the last five years, due to pressure from the outside and
possibly pressure from those "above",
the Vatican has started to
"come clean" about some of their more notable black deeds. First
they admitted that Galileo was right about the Sun not being the
center of the universe (my, my, it only took them 375 years!).
Then they finally apologized for their role (or lack thereof) in the
Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, the Holocaust, as well as their violent treatment of indigenous people and women (remember the witch
In the last two to four years, an even more remarkable occurrence
has begun to manifest; the slow but sure leaking of an
acknowledgment that "we are not alone". This has also coincided with
the admittance to Jose Arguelles, who had a visit with the Pope,
that the Mayan calendar is definitely a time table that is, if not
more important, equally as important as the Gregorian calendar. I,
personally have found no redeeming value for the Gregorian calendar
other than its use to enslave society to a clock that controls our
economy and western holidays, rather than the natural cycles of the
earth, solar system and galaxy.
Also, the entire history of Christ
revolves around bogus dates. Additionally, with the added leap day,
especially this year - which the Vatican ruled must be used to
correct the Gregorian calendar due to the precession of the
equinoxes - many people who showed up for important and
Mayan-specific equinox events in the Yucatan were disappointed to
find out that by following the dates on the Gregorian calendar, they
missed the one-day solar event!
So, some of the more recent releases of information, though they
should come as no surprise to many, are certainly outstanding acknowledgments by the
Vatican that we may, indeed, be kin to extraterrestrials (While they
have not quite gotten around to saying that, if you follow the rest
of my thesis, you will understand what I mean). This is in
consideration of the Vatican claiming for years that ETs were
demons. Here is the lowdown on the more recent acknowledgments.
Some of you know my friend, Lena Jacobson. She is an engineer and
technical writer who lives and works in the Silicon Valley.
Recently, she was invited by Sitchin to be part of a small group to
accompany him to Italy the end of March/early April of this year,
where he was invited to speak at the International Convention on the
Mystery of Human Existence in Bellaria (near Rimini). The convention
was covered by local, national, and international news, and Zecharia
Sitchin was interviewed by Italian national radio and television.
The group was present at the interviews.
Another prominent part of this trip was the group’s meetings with Monsignor Corrado Balducci, who works in the Papal offices of
Vatican and who was also a presenter at the convention. The
Monsignor met with the group twice for lunch and discussions, at
which time he answered questions about
the Vatican’s views on
extraterrestrials. This was also the subject of his convention
The gist of the presentation to the group on these private occasions
is remarkable and the details are expressed here. The presentation
at the conference was shorter and less detailed and the Monsignor
spent most of his time talking about demonology. He did acknowledge
Sitchin as his friend as well as acknowledge his research. He almost
completed his presentation without mentioning extraterrestrials,
when the audience started hissing and booing. At that point he
brought up the issue of extraterrestrials, with a quick speech
acknowledging their presence and Sitchin’s findings.
The Monsignor stated the Vatican’s OFFICIAL position on
extraterrestrials, which included the following.
Some of the
positions were stated in more detail during the group meetings with Sitchin as a result of the group asking for clarification.
First, extraterrestrials
have been taken off the Vatican’s list of demons.
Second, he IMPLICITLY (according to Lena) admitted that
the Vatican is in agreement with Sitchin’s findings (Note: if
you have not read Sitchin, these findings are in regard to the
twelfth planet called Nibiru, which NASA detected about fifteen
years ago and calls Planet X, and to the regular
extraterrestrial visitations on Earth by the Nibiruan
Third, the Monsignor stated that these beings, who look
like us (Note: who according to Sitchin’s findings are our
creators) have not only been on this planet since historical
times, but have been here in recent times; that is, in our
lifetime. (Note: You may recall some of the rumors that have
circulated over the years about the Pope’s extraterrestrial
And last, but certainly not least, the Nibiruans will
also be returning here VERY SOON, and thus, the Vatican needs to
find a way to prepare the Christian community around the world
if the Catholic Church wants to preserve its role in the life of
the people. (Note: seems to me the preparation has little to do
with preserving the church’s role and more to do with how the
Vatican can undo years of lies, as well as lessen the shock that
will accompany a world-wide announcement).
In regard to getting a full disclosure
of the truth behind ET visitations both in our biblical past and
now, if you are Catholic I encourage you to confront your local
Bishops for a full disclosure. This may be exactly the excuse the
church is waiting for to allow their clergy to speak on the issue or
more likely get versed on an issue that they have closeted for
In regard to visitations from ETs, the Mayans do not have special
words to define UFOs and extraterrestrials as we define them, or as
the Vatican now defines them. According to Hunbatz Men, the beings
who we call extraterrestrials have always been part of Mayan
consciousness, but are known as the Muxuls, or the ancient ones from LeMUria with knowledge of the end times. The word
Xul is synonymous
with the Hebrew word schul or school, which is a house where sacred
knowledge is taught.
According to Hunbatz Men, a migration of ancient peoples with
ancient knowledge occurred from
Lemuria to
Atlantis, to Egypt, to
the Yucatan, and then to India. Of course the migration from Egypt
may well have coincided with
the ancient one, known as
immigrating to Central America after yet another religious war and
consequential banishment, along with a group of his followers.
However, in regard to visitations, we face a problem here in the
states that has encouraged equal censorship over the centuries. In
the US, we view ourselves as the "most advanced" country in the
world; thus, we have the most to lose in terms of our economic,
religious, and scientific beliefs if our major institutions are to
make similar disclosures. Of course, first our institutions must
"come clean" themselves.
Any acknowledgments, let alone confirmation of ET activity, will
raise CAIN within these communities. Obviously the creationists and
Darwinists will have a hell-of-a-time dealing with this when they
realize we were most likely genetically cloned, ruling out or
actually combining both creationism and evolution! Maybe that’s why
ETs were on the Vatican’s demonology list to begin with.
They have
been controlling us and we can’t control them! While this has been
theory all along, a disclosure by the Vatican makes if far more
Since the time that I sent out my email notification last week
regarding the posting of this information for this Director’s Page,
I’ve received some very nasty mail. There are UFO debunkers out
there who are screaming over this disclosure and of course, now will
have to fight both the UFO and religious communities. Interestingly
enough, while the religious community is trying to prepare for these
visitations and fit them into a schema that can be understood by
religious and spiritual people, there are hard-core Darwinists and
Atheists who received my email and who were so outraged that they
got very, very nasty.
They won’t acknowledge the existence of
a "Monsignor Balducci" and believe he’s a phony priest created by
the Christian and UFO communities to try and indoctrinate more
people into buying yet more religious and spiritual dogma.
course, I too am skeptical of cut and dry, black and white
information, and always believe that there is limitless gray matter
to be explored, so I encourage you to use common sense in exploring
the validity of this startling message if you were not already aware
of it, starting first with your Bishops and local priests. Believing
any information without question or analysis is dangerous, as many
Christians have found out over the last five years (cult suicides,
Vatican lies, etc.).
Regarding the response by creationists, I have not yet heard from
any but they may not be the sort of people who would be interested
in this website, or this information, unless someone purposely sent
my email to them. However, as part of the religious community, maybe
they’ll be the first to come to terms with this issue to try to heal
the wounds surrounding this breach in their faith.
Of course, many in the mainstream
scientific community will have problems dealing with this as well
because they still haven’t accepted the reality of quantum physics
nor the scientific findings that time travel is plausible to bridge
great distances. Thus, Newtonian physicists will have a hard time
changing their thinking and humbling their huge egos. Regarding the
Monsignor’s briefing to the Sitchin group about preparing for a
visitation very soon, there are many timetables that are available
over the next twelve to twenty-four years in which this could
possibly happen.
Mayan Long Count Calendar end date (12/ 21/2012) points to the
birth of a new age and the rebirth of Father Sun (Son), or Hunab Ku.
Adrian Gilbert, co-author of both The Mayan Prophecies and
The Orion Mystery, has written a new book called
Signs in the Sky, in which he has
found information that astronomically calculates two succinct portal
openings that coincide with the summer and winter solstices this
The astronomical degrees of these
solstice dates place both events on the Galactic plane in our
heavens (which will be the case for many years to come), as well as
places the winter solstice in conjunction with the galactic center
(birth of the galaxy). He is preparing a tour to Egypt and Israel to
visit special sites that, during this solstice period, will align
with the portal opening.
For additional information on this
pilgrimage, contact Adrian Gilbert.