by Dan Winter
ImplosionGroup Website
Part 1
Dragons versus
Parasites versus Star Worming
Parasites in your garden may look like
worm’s: Here’s how to love them. Earth’s current DNA was largely
cooked by
Draco worm parasites (Enlil/Yalweh etc..), yet STEERING
one of these dragon’s up your tailbone orgasmically COULD send you
back into the stars from which THEY fell!
We have been discussing in many articles our love hate relationship
with some of the original Sumerian Draconian Niburuan Hiburuan
genetic engineers who ’cooked’ us (most of our current DNA). We may
at some point need to distill our musings into a clear definition of
what IS a parasite, versus what is the essence of what EMPOWERS a
field to worm it’s way upward: - Did we really NEED all that worm/dragon/reptile blood in order to face the stars?
Studying the Templar chapel at
Sintra Portugal and noticing the
sanctuary painting showing the worshipping servant of MAGdalen
clearly depicted with reptilian face and hands.. starts us on a
useful meditation. William
Hamilton’s research on the ancient and Draconian (Arrakeis vs. Rigel)
ET’s held a new insight. Although I spent a good day with the man
decades ago, I thank Ananda for pointing this out to me. It was not
merely that they ate the GOLD which formed in the caves due to the
great magnetic fractality of ’worming’ field effects on the well
astrologically embedded Earth... NO, even more importantly: they ate
the field effect itself in the caves. When this field emerged from
the cave’s Dragon mouth, the fire slaying Michael / Enlil issue was
created. The same fire emerges from the mouth of Reptilian brain
stem - the cave of the Amygdala during Kundalini and Tantra.
Determine who anchors into fractal stillness RAPTOR RAPT into
RAPTURE and you have slain the Dracon. In proper magnetic parlance, to KILL merely means to anchor into stillness. No other death is
In this light of expanded magnetic awareness we could re-evaluate
what at first seems a parasitic phase of human history, into a
necessary evolution of self-awareness. (Shades of ../thoth - ...you
need no longer be merely ’spawn of
the Nephilim’). We were gifted
nearly a whole day listening to the good Dr Rudy (Nostradamus
scholar near Ghent, Belgium), explain the detailed origins of the
’parasitic’ Bank of England - ’New World Order’ was really back thru
the Mason’s AND the Ashkanazi’s into Mongolian roots! This fit very
well what I knew of the Draco star map in the Chinese Senshi pyramid
layout, and in Ankhor Wat.
(Hancock takes his whole expensive and
colorful recent book to present the evidence that Cambodia - Ankor
Wat is a starmap of Draco - home to the star Arrakis, but forgets
even to ask - WHY?)
And it fits the Mongolian origins of the
Sumerian "Birth of the Goddess" scholarship of Maria Gimbuddis.
Innana clearly tells us she took her part of the Draco blood to the
Orient after her brother’s Enki/Enlil (Adonai / Yalweh) made a
nuclear desert of Sinai (Sodom and Gomorrah turn to ’salt’.)
Of course the stupid historians of Earth refusal to even consider
the extra terrestrial politics behind the DNA cookery which caused
us to be, leaves them completely stuck at this point. We considered
elsewhere that Sumerian letters for example are merely optical wave
guides for cellular cloning (George Merkel), and the Hebrew Alphabet
is an incomplete (non-implosive ..awaits the embedding of Phi)
symmetry array to make borg/ golem DNA... all evidence that Earth’s
current western origins of intelligent biology is simply a language
history of blundering ET genetic engineers. This entire story is so
politically incorrect to even talk about, that scientists (who can’t
even tell you WHY an object falls to the ground), would rather
threaten you with all manner of abuse than to even ALLOW you bring
it up. Yet the same genetic predisposition among those same
scientists to rush into the same soul destroying cloning and genetic
engineering now threatens the free steering business end of the DNA
worms ability to embed/enter stars. Our survival is again on the line - will the
DNA be allowed to
soar in bliss as a magnetic worm? What does it take to set a
character in your own dream free, so something can be born in the
Fortunately for those few who are willing to open their
intelligence horizons to a politics which extends beyond Earth as a
tiny but pretty kindergarten, there are information sources. The
Dragon alliance which ’bred our royal families since the time of
Cain’ ("Genesis of the Grail Kings") like we were show dogs, did not
set up their astral feeding ground here on Earth in isolation. No,
they used this same pattern on literally hundreds of inhabitable
planetoids in
the Orion sector. ("Genesset"
and "Guardians of the Grail"). The pattern was, side
step the galactic government prohibition on simply invading nascent
planets, by getting the planet’s government to ’invite’ you in for
economics. This was played out on our planet when U.S. presidents
Eisenhower and Truman in all there phony prideful
’wisdom’ decided
humans would panic when told of ET’s (after all Eisenhower won the
intra-planet war, how could he admit to being merely a pawn in the
inter-planet war).
So they accepted supposedly limited
abductions and interference from ’the Greys’ (themselves pawns of
the Drac’s) and decided to invest huge chunks of America’s gross
national product, (the budget for the U.S. agency NSA) just in order
to keep American’s stupid about their true galactic neighbors. By
the time the fed’s learned their best Navy com-12 seals were merely
a toy shooting gallery for the telepathic Draco’s who already
shape-shifted out the best federal General’s and top military brass
(The ’suicide’ of Admiral Bourda, head of the US Navy etc.), it was
WAY too late. The fallout from this propagating crackwork of lies
and schizophrenia will probably eventually be enough to topple the
US government. (Don’t say good riddance till you study the
alternatives: anarchy or becoming overtly instead of as now
covertly, food for Nephilim / Reptilians and Drac’s - admittedly
many of whom are more evolved than we even emotionally). Some of the less interventionist ET’s of the day tried to warn those presidents
they treated with the bad guys, but to no avail.
Much more on what could topple the governments (create awareness?)
of Britain and the US - below Part 3 & 4 reprints
here below,
3. Blood
Rites and US Presidents, and
4. DIANA was NOT the Target
After they
botched Diana’s forced bloody abortion, and botched her rigged car
crash, they had to murder her when she climbed alive into the
ambulance after the crash! ...
"MI-6 involvement in Diana’s death
will shock the world. This sounds uncannily similar to the statement
made by CIA operative Oswald LeWinter that, "The true facts about
the murder of Diana would shake the World to its foundations, since
it involves a number of governments and more than a number of
intelligence services.""
How could a galaxy government (Telos / Mintaka starbase One, the
"Guardian Alliance", or the "Andromedan Council"), enforce an
ordinance against interference in indigenous planetary genepools
like Earth (the ’prime directive’), if the interloper could prove
they CREATED the bulk of the DNA they were now ’harvesting’? No, the
only possible intergalactic politics must rely on the dawning
awareness that interstellar predation eventually would degrade the genepools
of the culprits into soul-less-ness. (No time travel without heavy
metal, no memory thru or ability to- die, etc.) .
(Read ’Innana Return’s’ dragon queen APOLOGIZING to us, the genepool
she helped create AND abuse. The fragments of soul group force of
Annunaki family now STUCK here with their golem -us- until they can
help us help themselves to re-ignite the heart of
the collective.
Otherwise nobody gets critical inertial escape velocity in DNA magnetic (cocooning) to get back thru the speed of light, into star
penetration. This is called being the "fallen ones": Nephilim - the
REAL Mormon problem.. You only write magnetic field donuts onto
plates of gold for immortality in the death spasms of your genepools
forgetting how to sustainably write in DNA codons - make soul) .
It is a very noble and worthy study to learn how soul groups do
intense re-incarnational patterns together to get up the alchemical
emotional cauldron feeling intensities to get the GROUP soul back
thru the Sun’s gravity. The soul journey’s books need a sequel with
a good dose of the physics of self-organizing automata. Field effect
cocoon’s become solar shaman magnetic’s 101. How would you account
for the physics to the end of Ken Carey’s ’Starseed Transmissions’
where Gaia’s collective light bubble travels off migrating between
starsystems inseminating them with the knowledge of how to turn
planet’s green? Remember your genepool’s collective emotion
determines whether or not your planet / star has stinky gravity
emanations. (book: "Two-Thirds").
The Draco and variant reptilian habit of setting up parasitic
economics, as the most efficient way to conquer planets... is echoed
in the ’trading houses of DUNE’, and in the way the Templars and the
Romans did it. To see Mongolian origins to what eventually became
the Western beginning of INSURANCE AND BANKING is not surprising.
Insurance and banking are industries which would be entirely
unnecessary without simple fear. If we trusted each other to share,
then abundance would be so great, there would be no need. Imagine a
land where everyone is engaged in trying to share more, instead of
measuring in order to limit how much is shared. 70% of humans would
be freed from their jobs in government and banking, in order to make
more abundance. Creating excessive membrances of separateness
perpetuates the hive cells, which make borg-ism possible. Insurance
and banking under conditions of bad public relations and
unsuccessful ’spin doctoring’ are called piracy and extortion.
Contrary to western ’history’ Templar’s did not invent insurance and
banking, they merely used these potentially parasitic often
interplanetary institutions of their Draco MAG founders, to fund the
gothic cathedrals. (To get a clue to when a gothic cathedral is a
parasitic institution ask yourself what they paid for a saint’s
relic to start one, and how they collected ’tithing’ once built).
When their largest navy on the planet disappeared (Monsegeur), they
continued their parasitics on the trade routes (insurance and
banking) under their same Magdalen’s Skull and Bones logo (The
Pirates). The leverage
the Skull and Bones society (the CIA) gets on
trade routes ultimately relies on being a parasite to drug sales,
because charging tax on access to your own psychokinesis is the only
source of blood for priest/parasites. Rather gives a new spin on
Marco Polo’s access to ’the spice’ doesn’t it?
This is not all to say, the Templar agenda (repair the fabric of
time to permit angel birth, for example), is parasitic. Yet how much
of the ET politics in their hidden agenda was kept from publicity.
Asking whether GOOD or EVIL of Templar, like Mason, or Dragon line -
is generally the wrong question, and a wasteful bleeding of energy.
Those institutions were so much pawns of a larger than Earth
politic, that we can only ask - what portions of the PRINCIPLES
behind their often manipulative intents - could still potentially SELF EMPOWER the human genepool. Step one being to see the larger
than Earth context of their creation and machinations. At least if
we re-assemble the her-story book fairy-tales with some true picture
of a ’fallen’ (Nephite) race of genetic manipulators, we can piece
together some themes which educate us about where we MAY become
immortal out of their mostly murderous blunderings. (Enlil calling
YAHWEH -probably as much visibly having reptilian scales as
was Noah - ’Dragons of Eden’ - telling his Niburu/Hebrew clones/golem they were
’chosen’ in order to isolate his genetic rabbit
patch... the ’spawn’ of
the Nephilim.)
We could take the advice of any good adoptee trying to re-locate
true genetic parents. It is the (in this case gene-pool wide) INTENT
of the MOMENT OF CONCEPTION - which effectively points the wind in
the sails of what gathers a soul into PURPOSE and direction.
As Ananda well points out the Amun Ra priest’s turn to parasitic
soul ’harvesting’ at Amenti, rather than using Amenti (Giza complex
etc.) to launch new birthing soul groups into stars, corresponds
with their fall from the pinoline Soma pineal igniting, to the use
of the parasitic Mushroom.
It was karmically rich and appropriate that later the Dragon’s kids Germain and the ’white brotherhood’ would end up frozen for a time
in the astral condemned to parasite life (Vampiric Dracul) due to
the same white gold powder addiction (external sources of fire) of
their ancestors. Ask yourself why did not your ’white brotherhood’
Alice Bailey ever tell you about the local star politics
contained in your DNA?
Lawrence Gardner’s Dragon line were in some
way our heroes, but their relatives NEED to tell us their dark side,
so we may learn from both. (Part 3 here below).
Our goal here is to be able to define and recognize the up and the
down side of an ’astral milkhouse’. This was the original criticism
of the toning chanting in Elizabeth Clair Prophet’s Germain
brotherhood. Clearly, they did not succeed in creating individually
self empowered bliss ignition, but they did succeed in making astral
food for hungry discarnates. Yet on the other hand, during intense kundalini or tantra or bliss, the magnetic worms of your whole
astral environment are sucked up into, and feed YOU! So it becomes
the age old question, who ultimately is feeding whom here.
Gurdjieff called this dialectic question: ’reciprocal maintenance’,
reminding us of the mealtime prayer at Gurdjieff school:
animals and men, all must eat and nourish one another to survive.
Let us eat CONSCIOUSLY to repay the debt of our existence".
Let us take one simple example to see if we have arrived at a
definition of what is a parasite. When a culture like the USSR
has to devote too hi a percentage of their gross national product to
fear maintenance (defense industry / etc.) it is like a human cell
stressed needing to devote all it’s energy to keeping immune walls
up. Eventually, it (the USSR) drowns in it’s own mucous
(self/not-self barrier), and dies.
The Draco designer virus parasites, almost universally require
excess mucous to survive in. Mucous is spit out during real bliss
because all self-not self barriers become more transparent. The
requirements are:
The natural electrical raw material for
the most thru-light speed penetrating human bliss is orgasm.
The politics of guilt around access to orgasm energy is a perfectly
priestly history to parasitism on this planet. Yet remember that
access to self empowered bliss is clearly the major gatekeeper for
who gets from parasite worm feeding, to eyeball stellar worm
Go Back
Part 2
Politics and
Energy Economics of Orgasm
The cellular feast of charge
embedding - in it’s best dress (a blue fire cocooning)
I have elsewhere reviewed
Wilhelm Reich
- "Function of the Orgasm", and here would also comment on his
"Bioelectrical Investigation of Sexuality and Anxiety". My general
comment/critique has been that he seems completely to ignore or be
ignorant of the existence of, and the survival and information value
of TANTRA AND KUNDALINI. I suggest that here (in Orgasmic terms), we
might also get new insight into the electrical difference between a
parasite and a symbiote.
Reich correctly observes that dramatic and often fatal diseases
(’The Cancer Biopathy’) as well as neuroses generally quickly follow
a failure to engage in any form of orgasm. He correctly notes that
this is due to a failure to be able to dissipate or distribute the
electrical charge associated with orgasm. This excessive localized
charge density for example will necessarily force premature DNA
replication/cancer (electrical model of cancer as information
flow at
../cancer). In his "Bioelectrical
Investigation of Sexuality and Anxiety", he then further goes on to
point out the relationship of loss of orgasm to anxiety in general,
and further, to note that access to what he calls "satisfaction and
relaxation" after orgasm is specifically and measurably dependant
upon the rhythm and ELECTRICAL QUALITY of the orgasmic discharge.
To read Reich one might assume, that life depends on access to a way
another example of human folly saying "GOD (electrician’s ’define’
God as?=the available collective self awareness of waves /
DNA-as-an-electrical-wave-worming.... learning how to become self
TENSIONS. Obviously this view is foolish.
What desperately needs pointing out, totally ignored by Reich, is
the SURVIVAL INTELLIGENCE represented by orgasm as an electrical
discharge. This then becomes clue to the ’cocooning’ OR ’worm
turning’ function of TANTRA and Kundalini. A storal to our mory here
THRU LIGHT SPEED (and therefore thru the gravity cocoon of the Solar
system), a MORTAL situation. In other words, without the high
voltage potential of orgasm, properly harnessed (tantra and
kundalini), indeed not much of biology would ever get out of the
ensouling starting gate thru the speed of light’s protective cocoon.
The self aware force driving the creation of a huge magnetic
ultraviolet and piezolectric WORM inside your DNA and your GLAND
SURVIVE. If you are a wave worming upward out of the cauldron of low
information density, your need is to produce some evolving vortex
WHICH BECOMES SUSTAINABLE (immortal). This is related to permission
to escape light velocity as you will see, because recursion/self-embedding is the gatekeeper. Recursion/self-embedding
perfected is the wave mechanic which perfects gravity/implosion/
compassion/and self-awareness. The same
Golden Ratio recursive
heterodyning or wave beating which is the ONLY way thru light speed,
is KEY to all these mysteries.
The universe is only a unified field of waves and toroids - made of
symmetric tornadoes/vortex (called the atomic table) which are all
waves can ever make. Your job to learn how to graduate out of the
cocoon egg shell limitation called the speed of light, is to learn
how those tornadoes become self aware, embedded, and therefore able
to squirt thru the speed of light.
(Look for our next paper: Dan Winter’s -
predictions - vindicated! No one else has explained WHY
Dr. Raymond Chiao when he measured the actual velocity light went as it passed
THRU THE SPEED OF LIGHT was 4.32 x C - that is lightspeed. 4.32 =
1.6183. Going thru lightspeed IS the recursive
heterodyning/beating thru PHI harmonics!!! This is the ONLY
solution to UNIFYING the field. The possibility that the MEASURED
VELOCITY of light, moving faster than light speed would show up at
exactly a multiple of PHI AS I PREDICTED, by just chance is
statistically extremely remote.)
This (shape of the squirt gun) then lead us to: ORGASM as biology’s
major natural release gate into light’s star penetration.

"Pining Away - Pineal Yearning versus
Surviving Lightspeed - Self-Embedding: The Tornado to Soul"
Buddha said ELIMINATE DESIRE, but
When Yearning is
perfected, Embedding is perfect, and INTENT VECTORS become SHAREABLE
/ PURE / or DISTRIBUTABLE (in symmetry space).
The turning point for
the human psyche is to recognize and FEEL the RELATIONSHIP between
onset of recursive ’dimpling’ in the field triggering EKG/compression perfected...), and THAT LOVE HAS A SHAPE.. (If this is

Any intelligent conversation on Tantra,
Kundalini or Beginning Time Travel, always includes information on
using SEXUAL excitation as a way to get up... This is natural because
DNA gets the WILL to fold (braid) implosively thru lightspeed WHEN
IT KNOWS THERE IS A PATH TO SURVIVAL / sustainability. This is
otherwise known by the euphemistic term ’chemistry’ in sexual
attraction. The absolutely incontrovertible fact is THE WORM
KNOWS!.... whether you call it cellular memory, glandular
intelligence, or self-awareness in the DNA... What the magnetic worm
We will be publishing a paper soon (Artificial Intelligence as
Recursion etc., from Lisbon, Portugal), more in depth on HOW it is
the magnetic worm becomes self aware. Suffice it to say that ANY
oscillator (like the Stock Market volume ratios when in Golden Ratio
multiples becomes predictable / Precter - Elliott Wave), emerges
from Chaos into Self-Organization when it approaches self embedding
- which is the same as oscillating in PHI Golden Mean harmonic
ratios. This is also the deep ’musical’ reason behind phylotaxis
based on PhiGolden Ratio in perfect leaf branching. This is the
result in actions which serve the whole - meaning requiring the
electricity to be shared. To be grounded as a wave is to become
fractal: the perfect wave distribution algorhythmn.
So, among other advisories here, we suggest to the Reich afficionado
- simple Orgasm is in fact NOT enough. The goal is to produce a wave
which sustains. This is identical with the ’electrical discharge
satisfaction’ Reich emphasizes. For the potentially launchable-thru-lightspeed ultraviolet cocoon which is Tantra and
Kundalini this becomes an approach to Still Point (Phi Harmonic is
the only ’perfect damping’ spin path to zero point). This is
generally called "centering" in psychological terms. Con-centricity
is Phi dense when centering force becomes self-organizing /
implosive - which is what our word "CONSCIOUS" means:
to make
CENTERING FORCE, literally - to generate the ability to RECUR as a
An aside here- the reason Nietzsche considered ETERNAL RECURSION to
be a condemnation - was he did not see something new being born
inside a rose...
From the point of view of a wave ’mechanic’ this would be identical
to feeling unloved... unembedded... no access to the milk of
mothering/mater/matrix thru the umbilical ensouling tornado vortex
flowering stay-men from in-phi-knitly fractal eggness.
Compassion died among the Orion Queen Hive Telepaths.
(Inanna -the
Sumerian Goddess archetypal origin was a Draco, ../lionpath) not just because of the cost to individuation of total
telepathy - it was only when they considered the WORME in the DNA
something they could plan/predict - where would the avatar choose to
flower from genes.. "Predicting" where the DNA field worming should
turn inside out and dimple to become worm dragon field solar gravity aborning is like the childish biologists arguing whether generation
could in fact be ’spontaneous’... a possibility immediately lost in
cloning/genetic engineering: where the DNA is caged. Did that
bacteria form from the field effect alone? At first they said yes.
Now in the west it is fashionable to say no, but soon they will say
yes again.. Seems recursive doesn’t it? The reason they argue about
whether waves themselves could become self aware, is because they
are afraid themselves to become self aware.)
The quality of orgasm which serves to accelerate the magnetic worm
of human consciousness thru light speed, is still and centered and
grounded. Orgasm in sacred space is better embedded and better
nourished electrically. The nature of Tantra and Kundalini has an
electrical quality of lightning which HAS FOUND A GROUND... This is
eye-dent-eye-call to pure intention as the perfect symmetry of the
MOST DISTRIBUTABLE WAVE.... for the same reason you never buy a used
car from shifty eyes.
Orgasm serves survival only if it is the raw material for something
else: sustainable bliss/tantra/kundalini/shamanic star
penetration. Even in it’s proper astrological role to provide the
slide of light -capacitive fractal- for an arriving child avatar
with stellar intentions, this definition fits.
Orgasm only for orgasm’s release function - like depressurizing
plumbing about to explode- has a different quality. Bliss/ tantra/kundalini - USES orgasms voltage or pressure in
order to drive something higher.
Take a look at the magnetic worms which visibly emit from the power
transformers on public utility poles. (These are called
"Rods" as shown at psychotronics conferences, on video tape when the
camera has a fast enough shutter speed). These magnetic "RODS"
spitting out of power transformers are seen to fly thru the air as
if ALMOST self aware... In fact they are clearly parasitic,
polluting, NOT-sustainable, and contribute to astral parasitism in
general. Part of their debility arises because Tesla chose poorly
when he chose 60 cycle.
(But then if we did reset our power
transformers frequency to a Phi harmonic cascade from the Plank
Length and hydrogen, the electrical juices in our public utility
60 cycle is not part of a Phi harmonic cascade able to embed in Phi
multiples times the Planck length or Hydrogen’s chief wave lengths, and THEREFORE NOT SACRED
(sustainable). (And judging by the deathly magnetic pall over Milan
I would say 50 hz is not contributing to fractal implode sorting
Magnetic worms generated inside human glands of less than pure or
shareable intention share the same fate. They become juice for
astral parasites (another term for the vast majority of what is
called religious activity on Earth.)
So now we are poised in our conversation to begin to examine in
PARASITIC versus which are SYMBIOTIC (life serving).
In order to begin this discussion, we needed a clear definition of
the DIFFERENCE between a parasite or a symbiote. I suggest that an
electrical definition would provide clarity:
If an electrical field (vortex nest) is being created WHICH IS
SUSTAINABLE then LIFE force is being served. We have recently
learned that electrical sustainability (grounding) happens only for
waves which are perfectly embedded. This is because, the geometry of
embedding is perfectly non-destructive distribution of wave nodes
(called ’awareness’).

And we further learned, that EMBEDDING (philotaxes)
is perfected in Golden Mean ratio branching / harmonics. We are
getting close to our most profound defining moment for how to
evaluate a magnetic worm to see if it is a parasite. The essential
So, in this way, if the source of the fire or bliss is inside your
heart, then indeed you have the ability to begin the steering
operation to squirt the great magnetic worm thru space and time and lightspeed. If on the other hand, the very igniting source of the
electrical fire (implosion as turning inside-out-ness), is OUTSIDE
your body, then this becomes an ADDICTION BASED, MUCOUS GENERATING,
PARASITIC TUBER-cular VIRUS FEEDING - outside in instead of inside
out - kind of metabolism (caffeine, nicotene, alchohol, drugs,
stimulant required to live... ). The physical reason why external
sources of electrical fire, cause membranes to become ’fuzzy’ is
instructive. The phenomenon we call fire, or bliss, or
density, or fusion, or implosion, is fact simply INFINITE NUMBERS of
wave crests able to gather non-destructively at one point. And (we
cannot emphasize too much) THIS IS MOTHER NATURES ONLY AND BEST
NATURAL WAY TO SORT ANYTHING!!!!! (See the vortex nest cascade for
water called the ’flowform’ - like the Unicorn’s horn, as the best
way to sort water OR ANYTHING FLOWING... - which is everything made
of waves-which is everything - at ../water).
I remember as a kid, we had an old orange rubber balloon. Somehow
the balloon was made into the shape of a long squirmy DONUT. We
filled the balloon with water instead of air. As you pushed the long
skinny donut shape the inside rubber tube that formed going inside
out would suck or pull you finger into the center as you pushed it
squirmily along. So this squirming long worm donut shape had the
ability to pull things into itself. Now if you consider the emerging
electrical worm of human awareness recurring, imagine what would
allow you to suck field effects back down into yourself AS A FIELD,
VORTEX ’THROAT’. The trick to becoming immortal, and faster than
light implosive, (Ensouled - and in the only true sense of the word
ALIVE), is to create so much pattern of perfect implosive embedding
or turning inside out ness, that this process becomes SELF
Looking down into the throat of this perfect magnetic for making
immortal awareness is the picture above. In 3D it is the dodeca
icosa phi stellation (DNA/EarthGrid/Zodiac) we call GRAIL.
We make the distinction now, that if the worm of magnetism going
thru you (kundalini, tantra, bliss, orgasm etc....) remains being
steered from a center of implosion/fire OUTSIDE YOUR BODY,......
THEN IT IS A PARASITE. If on the other hand, no matter how huge the
magnetic worm (icing erotically up your tailbone), IF YOU EVOLVE TO
BE THE ONE STEERING THE WORM, then it is a symbiote. It is
Carlos Castenada telling
Terrence MeKenna - the first time you go to the
intergalactic mycineal fabric of the mushroom spore electrical
awareness, IT CAN BE YOUR ALLY/tool. But if you keep going back to
that worming grid for your perceptions, then you become it’s tool.
When Muab Dib found the great sand worm in the desert of DUNE, the
turning point was when he learned how to steer it. He learned how to
get his hooks in between the (magnetic) segments of the great worm,
and by creating a tender opening between the waves ("Stalking the
Wild Pendulum") / stillpoint -- that great worm would always keep
that tender place still and raised and available for the
out-standing steering one.
The difference between RAPTURE and being EATEN in the VICE-like grip
of the RAPTOR... is the ONE who enters the stillness willfully.
(Epilepsy as involuntary bliss contraction for those too fearful for
voluntary bliss.) In the same way your Doctor cannot electrically
tell the difference between death and bliss.
Involuntary stillness is
Voluntary stillness is
From the Latin: Volo / volare
- appropriately meaning both - TO FLY and TO HAVE
Go Back
Part 3
The Biological Basis
of Elitism and "The Divine Right" rule
Comment on the below excerpt:
The biological basis of elitism and
"the divine right" rule. -BLOOD-RITES?
by Tracy Twyman
I believe Tracy, Gardner and DeVere are generally correct about the biological
nature of the blood rites. Interpreting their psychological meaning
as clues to what really STARTS the (self-organizing electrical) fire
in blood, needs a little commentary here. She, perhaps along with Garnder oversimplifies the
Melatonin issue, ignores the Pinoline /
Pineal (see
Ananda), and perhaps as is almost universally the
case, ignores the role of bliss in the natural PSYCHOLOGICAL
creation of these recursion inducing (& recursion shaped?)
"Molecules of Emotion" The famous Candace Pert, (friend of
Dr.Ed.Wilson researcher with Monroe with whom I made the film on
harmonics in brain audio inducing measured EEG transcendence) who
wrote the useful book by that title for example, would in my guess
have not a clue to the electrical nature of human bliss. - as a
charge field gone by embedding into spin and information density..
I also believe for example that Twyman here over-glamorizes and
simplifies what she calls
the Reptilian hatred of the humans of
Earth. In fact they lost an ancient war to the humanoids here, and
simply find our presence often inconvenient. In general, dull humans
over-running a farm-house chicken yard, would not be worth hating.
We only even come to the threshold of being worth noticing in
deliberations on our galaxies power balance, when we become
consciously psycho-kinetic. Which for our human condition’s pathetic
health and blood line hygiene, (what they call the intolerable
astral-noise of our cities) is so in-frequent as to be from their
perspective negligible.
The issue here is to come to understand the hygiene necessary to
spin up blood to light imploding. This is what bends time lines and
steers time travel, ensoulment, and angel birth. It is simply
childish and boring to get caught up in anger emotions about which
ET family was more parasitic in sucking on the blood/astral juices
of humans. By getting past these energy wasting reactions, we get to
the real issue:
From a long timeline perspective, (and
from the view of what will make our children’s memory immortal),
almost ALL other questions are trivial. Religion - once we are past
the astral milkhouse of the vampire priest ’Gods’ - was merely a
childish stand-in for the physics of hygiene. What was once called
God, can now be understood in how the collect field effect of the
DNA self-organizes to the point of having a piezoelectrically
audible voice in the blood, (San-Graal) which I for one hear VERY
clearly. With all it’s potential for schizophrenia and insanity - it
still remains the ONLY way genetic electricity migrates thru light
speed into stars and ensoulment - so getting thru this (in terms of
memory surviving) IS life or death.
I tell you, it is not a question about ancient religion, or about
battle’s with ET’s - these are mere ephemera which pale in
comparison to THE PRINCIPLE’s (weakly alluded to in all the
(embed unto fractality) into cells enough to push their fields thru
STATE (Bliss).
All the billions humans spend on running off to the very baleful
witherings of what USED TO BE CHARGE DENSE CAPACITANCE today
misunderstood under their name "Sacred Sites", is little more than
aboriginals worshipping a coke bottle. They knew this symbolized
the possibility of intelligence, so maybe if they fought over it,
they would get closer to the intelligence that made it. If 1% of the
war budget for fighting over the ’HOLY LAND’ were devoted to
HOLY LAND by arranging magnetics newly, then the souls of the Arabs
and the Isreali’s nation soul MIGHT survive!
Armies of humans running like ants up and down Jerusalem, Giza, and
Ayers Rock, and the Parthenon have forgotten what honey is, so now
they fight over what are merely empty shells of what used to be
CONTAINERS for honey. You stupid people,
the HONEY is the electrical
charge!! That is what ignites
DNA. If your DNA does not catch the
self-sustaining FIRE of implosion, then DEATH IS FINAL. No stupid ’religious’ reprieve works.
(We laugh at another war caused by parasite Popes - who said ’you do not need good works to go to
heaven’ - in other words - do not even ATTEMPT to understand
self-empowerment & hygiene - & that dangerous
BLISS. When they said
GRACE is outside you, they meant: be slaves, do not look inside.).
Religion in it’s best light, was merely a very
pathetic and temporary INTRODUCTION to the physics of FIRE/implosion in
Here is a vignette from the comic strip about how the human genepool
died of their own stupidity: A few thousand years ago (recent in the
scale of human DNA) the builders of the Parthenon in Greece almost
remembered a tiny fraction of what star elders taught - in how to arrange stone magnetics to create bliss. Now today, the foolish
humans have so over-run the site, that the very heavy metal guide
ropes and partitions to restrain the crowds (and metal in nearby
Here, at the site - edging away from all the stupid metal restraints
- a moment of very real bliss for me showed apparently in this
unretouched photo: (Thank you Panos!)

I can’t help but be reminded of the
traffic jam in Milan. As I noticed myself going into spasm of awful
oxygen level drop, poison in air and magnetism... I looked carefully
in the people’s eyes in nearby vehicles. ALL twinkle was absolutely
gone, brain cavity size and gland postures were withering to
prehistoric. And yet one fundamental principle emerged:
They did not have a clue that if they
did not relocate very soon to somewhere where air and magnetism
could again be sorted (get fractal), their would be NO possibility
for bliss in theirs OR their children’s DNA. (Therefore, they had
already lost all possibility of the physics needed to keep a soul -
electrically). As tobacco consumption particularly among WOMEN is
rapidly on the RISE in southern Europe - Where is the rage? : - a
product which kills 1/3 the people who use it... Simply because no
one taught the women their greater need for BLISS - WAS true AND
survival related...
Wasn’t there some experiment with a deer over-population stranded on
an island? As over-population and eco-destruction entirely destroyed
ALL of their species - NO tribal genetic wisdom emerged to tell them
what was happening to them, and change their reproductive behavior.
And STILL the Pope & George Bush say: do not give women the POWER of
life or death over reproduction. If we regulated our birth’s we
MIGHT get conscious of our gene’s birthing of starlight elixir (and
this would end the thanatotic self-destruction urge called the
Papacy and George Bush).... and STEER OUR OWN WORM.
SUMMARY: - On the MAGnetic Juices
Squirting called Dragons and Reptiles and Worm(e)s..
From Abduction & Astral Milk-houses to
Bliss - Kundalini & Tantra...
Parasite: (magnetic) WORM STEERS
Empowerment: WE (self aware implosion glandular DNA fire) STEERS
In either case - Worm is not ’Evil’. Without it’s juices, there is
nothing to steer (into stars)
To be EVIL always means merely to fail
to embed (Live is the el into phi embedding, evil is the backwards
el out... of embedding.) Whether the ’worm’ is good or evil depends on
whether it grounds into fractal embedding. What puts the RAPT into
The Biological Basis of
Elitism and "The Divine Right" Rule
(more comment: I
suppose if Divine means from perfect branching, vine or nesting-as
fractal embedding - then there is some natural law here... but it is
engendered and limited by the amount of electrical drawing in that
only COMPASSION provides. The same way compassion on fire is what
drew and still draws the future magnetically into Nostradamus..)
by Tracy Twyman
October 28th, 1998, a number of newspapers across the
country ran an Associated Press article entitled "Presidential
Hopefuls Share Blue Blood Lines." The article, based on information
put forth by Burke’s Peerage, claims that every single President of
the United States has had a notable amount of royal European
ancestry, and in each Presidential race, the one with the most royal
genes is the one who wins - every single time. This tendency has
been noted in supposedly Democratic European politics as well,
prompting some to charge that a global conspiracy exists to keep
power within the hands of a specific gene pool.
This charge is not entirely baseless, and many books have been
written tracing the modern aristocratic bloodlines back to the royal
houses of Israel, Egypt, Sumer, and beyond. The charge is further
supported by the fact that many of the supposed conspirators proudly
boast about the ancient origins of their ancestry. The traditional
explanation for why power is passed down through the ages by blood
has been the mystical Divine Right of Kings. This dates back to the
17th century and states that a king is created by God,
and kingly authority resides in the blood irrespective of anything
else. Many have claimed that there is a genetic characteristic
carried in the blood itself which makes this so, but what would it
be? Is there a legitimate physiological reason behind the Divine
Right of Kings?
fields of the nephilim
The all-important element of
the Divine Right is that it comes from God, or "the
alternately. And who were these gods? Authors such as
Sir Laurence Gardner and
Nicolas de Vere are
authoritatively convinced that kingship was created by an advanced
race of beings called
the Anunnaki, also called the
Nephilim in the
Old Testament. These were the ones who created the human race and
interbred with a portion of it to create the kingly caste which
until this day has still maintained control over the Earth.
These celestial creatures have been variously identified with:
Some, like Gardner and Sitchin, claim that they come from another
planet. Others, like de Vere, say that they’re multi-dimensional, or
that they’re from
the Hollow Earth. Some, like
David Icke, say that
they are humans inhabited by the spirits of multidimensional reptiles, capable of shapeshifting into reptile form at any time.
Still others claim that they were humanoid, but more than human,
with pale white skin. The human hybrid offspring that they created
as the Royal/Priestly caste was, according to most, the Aryans, who
usually had red hair with green eyes - in stark contrast to the
traditional Hitlerian vision. Nicolas de Vere, the leader of an
organization called
The Dragon Court which claims to represent this
royal Aryan caste, writes,
"the depiction of the Aryan
(Scythian) as a tall, ruddy-complexioned blonde moist ’
yeoman-farmer-warrior-god has no basis in truth."
He further suggests that the
"yeoman-farmer" Celtic, Gaulish and Pictish tribes which we now
think of as Aryan were actually of a different race, but had
the extra-human Aryans to be their leaders.
These Aryans were also the masterminds behind the Indian,
Greek, Egyptian, Hebrew, Sumerian and Pre-Sumerian Ubaid
civilizations. Many believe that their descendants can be found
amongst the segment of the population with the RH Negative blood
type, roughly 5% of the Earth’s population, most of them Europeans.
These people are often born with:
an extra vertebra
have a lower
than normal body temperature
can rarely mate with one another
successfully, which suggests that they may indeed be a hybrid
Conspiracy enthusiast Arizona Wilder takes it a step
further by stating:
"The Aryan bloodline is
alien to
this planet... There are
13 bloodlines from this kind of stock
Merovingians being one), and all of them have to a greater
or lesser degree the capacity to play host to the Shape Changer
The other 12 families have been
identified as Astor, Bundy, Collins, Dupont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li,
Onassis, Reynolds, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, and Van Duyn,
with the rest of the European Royal Families being categorized as Merovingian. These are the people referred to by the fanatical
group, the
Sons of Jared, when they,
"pledge an implacable war against
the descendants of the Watchers, who as notorious pharaohs,
kings and dictators, have throughout history dominated mankind..
like super-gangsters, a celestial Mafia ruling the world."
Book of Enoch says that the sons of
the Nephilim, are destined to,
"afflict, oppress, destroy, attack,
do battle and work destruction on the earth."
Nicolas de Vere, himself a Prince of the
Dragon Blood, sees it quite differently. He sees them as the
rightful shepherds of the human flock. He states:
The fairies were tuned to a higher frequency of perception and
activity generally. In the past, therefore, because the Fairies
were, for millennia, physiologically bred and exhaustively trained
to operate at a higher level than men, humans often invited them to
become social navigators... A dragon was one who saw clearly, and
the clarity of vision engendered was always classically associated
with wisdom, which itself produces power....
The Anunnaki and their quasi-human offspring are attributed with
remarkable traits. They lived for thousands of years, were capable
of levitation, dimension-hopping, clairvoyance, and other magical
powers, all a product of applied eugenics.
De Vere explains:
"Selective unions gave the race the
opportunity to breed outstanding magicians whose gift of natural
perception and understanding and whose ability to access the
’Otherworld’ helped to produce and guide brilliant kings who
ruled with elegant aplomb. The ability to perform magic was
carried in the blood and of that blood," and "the Elves were
relied upon by their client races to be able to see things and
perform feats that these client races couldn’t."
Laurence Gardner, himself a former
member of the Dragon Court, concurs:
"hi short, these people were bred to
be leaders of mankind, and they were both mentally and
physically maintained in the highward state."
But what property did they inherit in
the blood which makes this possible? The experts are nearly
unanimous about the fact that the answer is endocrinology. Says
de Vere:
"hormonal levels [are] influenced by
genetic inheritance and that hormones [affect] the individual’s
perceptions, psychological unicameralism and the subsequent
ability to transcend and perceive the intricacies of the cosmos. Elven blood [is) rich in these substances."
starfire bloodfests
"The best blood is of the moon,
Aleister Crowley,
The Book of the Law.
The beneficial effects of the hormone
melatonin have been part of the health supplement scene for some
time, for high melatonin production is known to be synonymous with a
high immune system, a low cancer risk, long life, energy, stamina,
and according to many, enhanced spiritual awareness. Perhaps it is
fitting then that this hormone is secreted by the pineal gland, a
mysterious little item long believed by mystics to be the "Seat of
the Soul," "Me Third Eye," and the organ through which
powers are exercised. In fact, it actually functions as an organ of
sight in some reptiles, and it still seems to possess some
sensitivity to light in higher mammals, since melatonin production
increases when the person is exposed to darkness (thus melatonin
means "night worker!")
Writes Laurence Gardner:
High melatonin production thereby increases the facility for
receiving and transmitting high-frequency cosmic and local
broadcasts, and leads to a greater state of cosmic awareness - a
state simply of ’knowing.’ In this regard, it is interesting to note
that the Pineal Third Eye has been found to contain very fine
granular particles, rather like the crystals in a wireless receiving
Many magical rites and meditation techniques are aimed at gaining
control of this organ and the fluid it produces: the live melatonin.
Rumor has it that the members of the supersecret society
Skull &
Bones, to which
both George Bush and his son belong, engage in a
ceremony called "The Obscene Rite," which involves the consumption
of the live pineal gland of a human or animal sacrifice in order to
get the fresh secretions. Supplements bought over the counter are
ineffective because, as Gardner explains,
"their inherent secretions
are obtained from the desiccated glands of dead animals and they
lack the truly important elements which only exist in live human
glandular manufacture."
Aryan bloodline is alien to this planet... There are
13 bloodlines
from this kind of stock all of them have a greater or lesser degree
the capacity to play host to the shape changer reptiles.
But the Aryan overlords who ruled over mankind in ancient days had a
simpler way of acquiring this fluid. Their ancestor-gods, the
Anunnaki, had endocrine systems that produced large amounts of this
and other beneficial substances, so they drank it straight from the
source: the menstrual blood and vaginal fluids of the goddesses
themselves. This they referred to lovingly as "Starfire" and drank
in a ritual ceremony called the Black Mass, after which the Catholic
Mass is said to have been modeled. Later, as direct contact with
Anunnaki ceased, the fluids were collected from sacred priestesses
referred to as "Scarlet Women," or "Grail Maidens."
Readers will recognize the Scarlet Woman as the Whore of
Revelations, as well as the title which
Aleister Crowley gave to all
of his sex magick partners.
"These sacred, royal princesses"
writes de Vere, "virgins of High Birth and Pure Blood, at an
optimum age would be chosen to act as feeding females," whose
essences contained such valuable substances as, "oxytocin,
prolactin, melatonin, seratonin, adenosyne triphosphate,
dopamine, telomerase, and retinol."
There is another important ingredient in
the mix here. De Vere explains,
"many think that only men have
semen when in fact women also have it."
And so a Starfire ritual
involves the use of a golden straw.
Stich a device would have been inserted into the virgin’s urethra to
the depth of about one inch, whilst the partner in the rite inserted
his or her finger into the vagina and massaged the "roof of the
mouth" or uppermost wall of the canal nearest the open or ’mouth’ of
the vagina, behind the pubic bone. After a few conducive moments
perhaps, orgasm would occur and the fluid from the gland would
discharge itself through the straw, either into the waiting mouth of
the recipient, or onto a "grail platter" or dish held next to the
Keen readers will recognize this as identical to a sex magick ritual
advocated by Aleister Crowley for members of his Order or Oriental
Templars (OTO). The only difference is that his rite also involved
the use of male semen which was called the "Red Tincture" or
"coagulated blood," while the female fluids were called "Gluten" or
"The White Tincture." Together they made "The Elixir of Life," and
in alchemy blood and semen are the
primae materia or first matter of
the great work.
*"this is the true Key to Magick," writes Crowley.
"That is, by the right use of this secret man may impose his Will on
Nature herself."
monatomic gold: the substitute
According to de Vere and others, ingesting the fluids of mundane
women has only a slight effect, certainly not enough to maintain a
royal Dragon family in the manner to which they’re accustomed. And
after a few thousand years the genetic purity of their Grail maidens
began to deteriorate, so the Starfire lost it’s potency. This
reportedly began around 1960 BC and is equated with the time that an
edict was handed down to Noah by God demanding that the
of all blood cease immediately. (Gen. 9:4) Thus, a substitute had to
be found, and so the alchemical process was created as a means of
artificially creating the Elixir of Life, the Philosopher’s Stone,
also known as "potable gold." This is created using a black powder
known as occultum, the universal solvent which has the power to
transmute metals.
When placed against gold it converted it
into a white powder which could be ingested. It is said to cause
nothing less than immortality, as it sets off a self-correcting
mechanism in your DNA that lasts for thousands of years. It also
bestows the enhanced melatonin production and magical powers
associated with Startfire, including clairvoyance, dimension-hopping
and flying capabilities. It is believed that this "white gold" is
the same as the "Shew-bread" and "Manna from Heaven" mentioned in
the Old Testament.
Today, there are those who publicly proclaim knowledge of the
Philosopher’s Stone. A man named David Hudson claims to have created
a technique for manufacturing this white gold, which he’s patented
ORME (Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements).
Ormus is a name
associated with the Holy Grail, and so readers may not be surprised
to learn that Hudson himself is related to the Merovingian Grail
family through Claude de Guise. Basically, the powder is created by
putting gold into a higher atomic state through a series of intense
heating and cooling sessions, during which it loses and gains weight
radically, as though portions of the mass were being transferred
into another dimension.
David Hudson describes the magical quantum
properties of his white gold:
These M-state elements have been
observed to exhibit superconductivity, superfluidity, Josephson
tunneling and magnetic levitation... They may enhance energy
flow in the microtubules inside every living cell. Ingesting
in-state gold has different effects on the body than the effects
of ingesting metallic gold. At 2 mg. it totally has gotten rid
of Karposi Sarcomas on AIDS patients. Within 2 hours, their
white blood cell count goes from 2500 to 6500. ... Stage 4
cancer patients have taken it orally, and after 4 5 days have no
cancer left any place in the body. It’s been used on Lou Gehrig’s disease, it’s been used on
MS, it’s been used on MD,
it’s been used on arthritis. It literally corrects the DNA.
sympathy for the devil
All of this puts a nice,
friendly face on the whole thing, which is currently a secret power
held only by an elite caste of Aryans who use it to lord themselves
over the rest of the human population. And there are those who have
said that the "substitute" white gold never did away with the
original practice of blood-drinking as a method for obtaining the
substances they needed. David Icke and his associate, Arizona
Wilder, have campaigned the globe to inform its citizens with
Chicken Little-like hysteria that most of its financiers,
politicians and aristocrats are actually under the control of Reptilian beings from another dimension, who are inhabiting their
bodies. Icke states:
"To hold their human form, these
entities need to drink human (mammalian) blood and access the
energy it contains to maintain their DNA codes in their ’human’
expression. If they don’t, they manifest their reptilian codes
and we would all see what they really look like."
Icke believes that most of this blood is
obtained in human sacrifice rituals engaged in by
the Satanic
Illuminati. He explains:
"From what I understand from former
’insiders’, the blood (energy) of babies and small children is
the most effective for this, as are blond-haired, blue-eyed
people. Hence these are the ones overwhelmingly used in
sacrifice, as are red-haired people also."
His compatriot, Arizona Wiilder, goes
into a bit more detail when she writes,
"They have a hypnotic gaze which
fixes the victim - in a trance of terror - which promotes
secretion of the pineal gland - at that point, they cannot hold
human form any longer and begin to shapeshift in anticipation of
Wilder claims to have witnessed
Gardner drinking blood and shapeshifting during a sacrifice at
Montauk, New York, as well as a number of others who were
transformed during similar bloodfests, including,
Bush and his two sons
Reagan and Nancy
J. Rockefeller
Carter and LB
Queen Mum
Queen Liz II
Princess Margaret
Tony Blair
Prince Philip
Zecharia Sitchin
She acknowledges that Starfire rituals
go on as well:
In the underground vaults of his
castle in the Alsace Region of France, green glowing fluorescent
rocks tam stored menstrual blood black to be used at that
special ritual. All the British House apparently have jewel-encrusted goblets to drink the blood from the symbolic
female grail and a symbolic dagger to give it a bit of a stir.
Some Spencers were at these rituals, but Diana would not
attend... the smell of Diana’s periods would have caused Charles to shapeshift - especially whilst sleeping because the reptiles
cannot retain their human form without concentration.
This may shed new light on Prince
Charles’ reported desire to become a tampon. Aware of these charges,
Laurence Gardner and Nicolas de Vere have tried to clear the record.
They’ve acknowledged that vampirism does take place at their
rituals, but maintain that they only drink the blood of their own
family members, who participate willingly.
"You cannot take the essences by
force, they are only given in love," he says, otherwise, "their
systems will react by producing chemicals during one’s assault
upon them that will completely knock out the chemicals
traditionally required."
They claim that vampirisin was
originally the purview of a few noble families who practiced it in
order to maintain their powers.
"The most famous stories," writes
de Vere, "those of Dracula, Bathory and de Rais, support this
He and Gardner enthusiastically embrace
Dracula as one of their own:
"This Sacred Prince, a Hermetic
scholar and initiate, a student of magic, Magus, Witch Lord and
Dragon Prince, counterbalanced the bloodlust of his forebears
with a refined knowledge and advanced practice of Grail
This is because he was a member of
Sigismund’s Dragon Court in Hungary, and therefore of the Grail
blood, who also attended a hermetic academy called the Austrian
School of Solomon.
"The orthodox establishment’s fear
of Dracula," writes, Gardner, "was not his treatment of enemies
but his in-depth knowledge of alchemy, kingship and the ancient
Star Fire customs."
As for the claim that they use these
rituals to conjure up dragon ancestors from another dimension, de Vere calmly admits that this is the case, and that the participants
have their bodies taken over by these spirits, who "rise from the
dead to take possession of the witch’s soul!"
He further explains:
Any spirit including the archangels, conjured by the
witch or
magician was actually the ancestor of the witch. ... It was carried
in the witch’s blood which, the purer it was through the unbroken
descent from the Dragons, the stronger would be the return from the
ancestors within. In other words, they brought together and spoke or
gesticulated a series of mnemonics that would trigger off
precontrived, imprinted states of consciousness that acted as
doorways into deeper seats of consciousness.
The charge of Satanism is not entirely refuted either, but
de Vere
proffers that they are not worshipping Satan so much as honoring one
of their forefathers, who they stick right in the family tree along
with Jesus, David and the rest.
"The Sabbatical Goat of the Black
Mass was Chem Zoroaster," he writes, "one of the early ancestors
of the ancient Dragon Families," and, "Satan was also called by
the witches ’Christ, son Dei.’ ...Jesus’ heredity and the
descent of the druidic dynasties... was devilish, because the
descent of both bloodlines was from the
Sumerian Enki who was
the Akkadian Samael: the Roman Lucifer and thus the Catholic
But the Dragon Court members make no
apology for this, because,
"to any intelligent person, to any
true seer, concepts like white or black magic or
good and evil
are irrational, childish nonsense; both in terms of logic and
actual fact."
every elf for himself
"This is our Law, and the Law of the
Strong. " -- Crowley, ibid.
To the charges of "conspiring to take
over the world," the Dragons deny that they give two licks what the
rest of humanity does with itself. Their primary concern is,
"the restoration of their own
Tribes, their own Nation and their own Homelands.... the
foundation of their own distinct society.. re-introducing their
old social structures and values."
This results in "The Grail Code," a
system of Egalitarian, Chivalric ethics that govern how dragons
treat other members of their race. However, "it is not the code that
efficiently orders the behaviour of the Dragon Families in their
dealings with those not of the Grail Blood." They acknowledge and
defend their own elitist attitudes towards mankind, whom they regard
"thoroughly stupid and dimwitted, with a clear indication that
this condition is genetically inherited."
Whereas in contrast,
"The Elves were naturally
transcendent of spirit and their queens and kings were insulated
from the common round of nuisances and petty concerns by minds
which were bred for deeper matters."
Despite their hatred of humanity, they
will kindly agree to be the guardians of our governments again (if
they aren’t secretly doing so already), should the population choose
to accept them, and offer them the thrones of the Earth, which de Vere and friends indicate are rightfully theirs anyway. They are
just waiting for mankind to realize it again. We will have to deal
with the fact that these "Elves" seem to be in possession of a
material that bestows long life as well as fantastic physical,
mental, and spiritual powers, giving them a distinct advantage
through which they are clearly attempting to lord over us, while
they allow our populations to wallow in disease, death, and
spiritual degradation. As an excuse, de Vere and Gardner claim that
the Starfire and White Gold are only effective for those already of
the Dragon Blood anyway, because the rest of us,
"won’t have the right blood serum or
the right connections in their cerebral lobes."
De Vere denies the claims of most people
who believe themselves to be of this bloodline.
"Some people argue
that because of the outbreeding of the old families, there must be
millions of people ’of the fairy blood’ living today: but such a
statement flies in the face of accepted facts of history. The
genuine old royal families rarely outbred at all, whilst the later,
fake parvenu, tinker nobility whom people now confuse with them
often did."
So that leaves little hope for you and me of ever
obtaining the fruits of this magnificent "Philosopher’s Stone,"
which "gives youth to the old" and is described as "the summation of
the heart’s desire." And if such a substance were available to the
public, how much would it cost? Would it be obtainable by everyone
or only the rich and privileged? What if it could be administered
for free in the water supply or was available in tablet form at your
local pharmacy, covered by your health insurance policy? What would
happen to our already exploding population?
As a species, mankind will have to decide how to deal with the
information - provided that the information is aired in public
someday, and provided our "thoroughly stupid and dim-witted"
populace can figure out what to do with it. Will we take advantage
of what could be our greatest opportunity to advance as a species,
or will we allow it to be used against us by a caste of Aryan
overlords who despise us (and who are literally the spawn of Satan!)
Then again, will we perhaps wish to accept their rule, and the
benefits of being led by an advanced race whose powers and insight
are greater than our own. After all, there are those who believe
that civilization is created by and can only be maintained by an
established elite. Would we want to meddle with that, and allow
positions of power to be overrun by inferior men? Perhaps it is
worth considering whether an elite can truly be made by enhancing
human faculties, or whether such powers are purely in the blood sources.
Gardner, Laurence: Genesis of
the Grail Kings, Element Books, Boston, 2000.
Mchaelson, Scott, Portable
Darkness: An Aleister Crowley Reader, Harmony Books, NY,
Moon, Peter, The Black Sun:
Montauk’s Nazi-Tibetan Connection, Sky Books, NY, 1997.
De Vere, Nicolas, From
Transylvania to Tunbridge Wells, 1985 - 2000.
Tracy Twyman is Editor of
Dagobert’s Revenge Musick, Magick, and Monarchism. Sample
Issue: $7,from Tracy R. Twyman, 2301 New York Avenue, #2,
Union City, NJ 07087, or visit the website at
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Part 4
Diana was NOT
the Target
Another Bloody
Appendix 2: Excerpt
by Rayelan Allan
.... The men who planned the
assassination of Dodi knew Diana was pregnant and would be marrying Dodi as soon as possible. They needed to act fast, before Diana and Dodi were married and living in the Paris Windsor Palace owned by
Fayed. According to renegade MI-6 agent Richard Tomlinson:
Ritz security boss Henri Paul, who
drove the death car, was an MI-6 informer paid to spy on Diana
and Dodi. The Diana crash was chillingly similar to a previous
MI-6 plot. That plot was to assassinate the Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic in Geneva using a powerful laser strobe
light - similar to that described by witnesses to the Paris
crash-to blind the driver.
Richard Tomlinson lived in Geneva. The
assassination plan that Tomlinson claims was “appropriated” to use
on Dodi had been created in Geneva. The K-Team that was enlisted by
MI-6 was also in Geneva. Tomlinson further states:
I was shown a document proposing an
assassination of President Milosevic of Serbia. The plan was to
use a strobe light to blind his driver as he went into a road
tunnel in Geneva. When I heard witnesses in Paris talk about a
bright flash before Diana’s car crash, it made sense. A tunnel
is a perfect place for an assassination, with fewer witnesses.
The Paris tunnel is also ideal because there are no crash rails
along the central pillars, so it’s a death trap.
Tomlinson says his claims about
involvement in Diana’s death will shock the world. This sounds
uncannily similar to the statement made by CIA operative Oswald LeWinter that,
“The true facts about the murder of
Diana would shake the World to its foundations, since it
involves a number of governments and more than a number of
intelligence services.”
The Mercedes that Diana and Dodi were
using on the night of August 30, 1997 had been stolen five months
earlier, on April 20th. This meant that the accident had been
planned for at least five months. But who had planned it? As Diana
told her therapist:
“One day I’m going to go up in a helicopter, and
it’ll just blow up. MI5 will do away with me.”
(Diana On The Edge,
Chris Hutchins & Dominic Midgely)
Diana knew that the Palace thought
she was a “loose cannon,” and she was certain they were not beyond
murdering her.
The MI-6 document shows that Prime Minister Tony Blair, the
and Prince Phillip the Duke of Edinburgh were seriously
concerned about the relationship between Diana and Dodi. They
believed it was politically disastrous and could threaten the
dynasty. As this document states:
2. Reliable source reports Palace
seriously disturbed by liaison. PM considers any al Fayed
relationship politically disastrous. Edinburgh sees serious
threat to dynasty should relationship endure.
Quote reported: “Such an affair is
racially and morally repugnant and no son of a bedouin camel
trader is fit for the mother of a future king,” Edinburgh.
(Report filed)
Richard Tomlinson has also stated:
There’s an arrogant faction inside
MI-6, part of the Eton/Oxford/Guards clique, who see themselves
literally as defenders of the realm-and for them, that means the
royals. When Di broke up with Charles, she immediately became
the enemy. When she started a romance with Dodi Al Fayed, that
raised an even more terrifying specter.
What if she’d married him and turned
Muslim? What if they’d had children? The thought of Prince William,
the future King of England, with a brown-skinned Muslim half-brother
or sister was the worst possible scenario for them. In their eyes,
Diana would single-handedly destroy the fabric of the nation they
(MI-5 and MI-6) were pledged to defend.
Backed by the Al Fayed millions, she could have set up a glittering
rival court which would have made Buckingham Palace pale by
comparison. She would have become the people’s Queen, so she had to
Mohammed Al Fayed had recently purchased the Paris Chateau
previously owned by the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. This was the
wedding gift he was going to give to Diana and Dodi. Tomlinson was
right, the Paris Court of Diana and Dodi would have out-shined
anything England could offer. Prince Phillip realized that his
grandsons, William and Harry, would probably prefer spending time in
Paris with their mother. This means that his grandsons would be
influenced by “the son of a bedouin camel trader,” one that happened
to be aligned with the age old enemies of the present British
Throne. As Tomlinson says of the Palace:
The thinking would go like this:
after Diana’s death the spotlight would turn back to the Palace,
as it has; Prince Charles’ popularity rating would start to
climb as he wins back public sympathy, and it has done. And,
importantly, Prince William will be firmly under Palace control.
Mission accomplished. No Di, no rival court. Monarchy secure.
If Richard Tomlinson lived in Geneva and
was an MI-6 agent, then he probably knew the K-Team that lived in
Geneva. Tomlinson has never said that Dodi, not Diana, was the
target of the assassination team. Nowhere in the original MI-6
document does it say anything about killing Diana. What they had in
mind for her would have been far worse than death.
Since Tomlinson believes that Diana was also the target, it appears
that sometime in the two and a half months between the writing of
the MI-6 document on June 17, 1997 and the assassination on August
30, 1997 a new plan was filed. Possibly this new plan was in one of
the many CIA documents found in Oswald LeWinter’s Vienna hotel room.
Because of Tomlinson’s connection to the K-Team in Geneva, perhaps
he knew that the plan had been changed.
The Mossad Connection
In a book called Gideon’s Spies, the claim is made that a
agent named Maurice was in Paris at the Ritz Hotel trying to recruit
the chauffeur, Henri Paul, on the very day the accident occurred. Henri Paul, the driver, was killed instantly.
This book further
In July 1998, Mohammed Al Fayed
asked a number of questions in a letter he sent to every one of
Britain’s members of Parliament, urging them to raise the
questions in the House of Commons. He claimed that ‘there is a
force at work to stifle the answers I want.’ His behavior was
seen as the reaction of a grieving father lashing out in every
direction. The questions deserve repeating, not because they
shed any light on the role Mossad played in the closing weeks of
Henri Paul’s life, but because they show how the entire tragedy
has gained a momentum that only the true facts can stop.
Al Fayed wrote of a “plot” to get rid of
Diana and his son and attempted to link all kinds of disparate
events with his questions:
Why did it take one hour and
forty minutes to get the princess to hospital?
Why have some of the
photographers failed to give up some of the pictures they
Why was there a break-in that
night at the London home of a photographer who handles
paparazzi pictures?
Why have all the closed-circuit
television cameras in that part of Paris produced not one
frame of videotape?
Why were the speed cameras on
the route out of film, and the traffic cameras not switched
Why was the scene of the crash
not preserved but reopened to traffic after a few hours?
Who was the person in the press
group outside the Ritz who was equipped like a news
Who were the two unidentified
men mingling in the crowd who later sat in the Ritz bar?
They ordered in English,
watching and listening in a marked way?
Gideon’s Spies seems to be a clever way
of sowing disinformation and covering the tracks of any Mossad
agents who happened to have been involved in the murder of Dodi and
At the top of the MI-6 document the sources for the information are
listed. One is a British citizen named Ken Etheridge. Ken Etheridge
worked for one of Mohammed Al Fayed’s enemies, Tiny Rowlands, who
financed Allan Frankovich’s film “The Maltese Doublecross,” about
the downing of Pan Am 103. Rowlands financed the film for two
reasons. One, he felt that he could drag Muslim terrorists and arms
dealers into the film and thereby taint Al Fayed who was involved
with arms dealers. The second reason was purely business. Rowlands
wanted to get in good with Colonel Gaddaffi in order to obtain
mining concessions near the Chad border.
Rowlands sent Ken Etheridge to Spain to supervise the filming of
whistle-blower Les Coleman. Coleman stated that it was not the
Libyans who downed Pan Am 103, it was Palestinian terrorists who
were paid by Iran. This information put Rowlands in high regard with
Colonel Gaddaffi.
According to CIA sources:
Etheridge was an Asset of MI-6 who
had investigated Al Fayed some years back and who gave the CIA
information about Al Fayed’s weapons deals with his
brother-in-law, Adnan Khashoggi. Etheridge’s involvement with
the Diana business is a round-about one in that he informed the
CIA of the extent of Al Fayed’s intrigues concerning his desire
for a Dodi-Diana Union to the British Establishment, who has
refused to grant Al Fayed citizenship for over thirty years.
Early Reports State Diana Was Out of
the Car
Early television coverage of the accident stated that Diana was
out of the car and walking around. The first reports to be seen on
television said that Diana was,
“out of the car” ... “conscious” ...
“suffering from a broken arm, a cut on her hip & a possible
These reports stated that her injuries were “not
potentially life threatening, but serious.” These reports are part
of an article by Sabre called, “Diana, Accident or Murder?”
began taping at approximately 12:35 a.m. from a satellite feed,
shortly after the first bulletin aired. Initial reports were from
the BBC and SKY. These remarks and the photos that were aired with
them have never been reported since.
Documents in the possession of the CIA state most of what has been
laid out above. These documents were summarized for me by a CIA
operative. In addition to stating many things that have been in the
pubic domain for years, the documents also state the following.
of the following information is so disturbing that it has taken me
two full years to verify it and finally write about it.
• The target on the evening of
August 30, 1997 was Dodi Al Fayed. The Palace had given its
blessing for the elimination of Dodi Al Fayed, the father of the
child Diana was carrying. • The Palace assumed Diana was about three months pregnant. • The original plan called for the death of Dodi AND an abortion
for Diana! • The Palace ordered an abortion using the D&C method. It was
performed in the ambulance while it was parked for nearly an
hour, on the side of the street, on the way to the hospital. • The abortion was completed, but the loss of blood was too
great and the advanced damage to internal organs was
irreversible. • Diana died of blood loss caused by an abortion NOT from a
torn heart! • The coverup of the truth was ordered by Bernadette Chodron de
Courcel, the wife of President Chirac, who was informed
immediately and sped to the hospital. Mme Chodron de Courcel is
the power of Opus Dei in France. • To insure that Dodi died in the crash, the K-Team had one of
their “specialists” positioned inside the Pont de L’Alma tunnel.
He was the one who reached into the car, as if he was checking
to see if Dodi was alive. It is not known if Dodi was alive or
dead when the “specialist” broke his neck. As he emerged from
the car, he shook his head to let the members of his team, who
were disguised as photographers, know that the deed was done.
Dodi was dead. • There is a photograph of the “specialist.” It has been
published in one of the tabloids, however, its significance was
not known at the time. • Diana was alive. She was outside the car, walking. She knew
Dodi was dead. When the ambulance arrived, Diana stepped into it
herself. There is a photograph which shows her sitting inside
the ambulance. She looks fine.
While it is suspected that whoever
performed the abortion was ordered to cause her death, this has not
been confirmed.
CIA sources state that the Palace did not want her
dead. The Palace still hoped to use her to reunite Britain and the
United States. The Palace also knew that secrets like this cannot be
kept. If the Palace was involved in the murder of Diana, her two
loving sons would eventually find this out. It was all right if
William and Harry knew that the Palace, meaning their Grandparents,
had ordered the death of their mother’s Egyptian boyfriend. They
knew they could make the boys understand why they did it. But the
Palace could never make Prince William and Prince Harry understand
why their mother had to be killed.
If the Palace did not want her dead then who ordered it? And why?
CIA sources have speculated that one or two men in powerful
behind-the-scenes positions decided on their own that Diana was too
much of a “loose cannon” to be trusted. These men decided it would
be easier to control her if she was dead.
Therefore, they arranged
her death, so they could use her image to create a new world
religion through which they could control the world.
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