by Mark Crispin Miller
09, 2022
MarkCrispinMiller Website
Italian version

Lest we
forget, Her Majesty was
vaccinated and had a booster shot",
or so we were
Whether she was
or not
(could it be
possible she really was?),
her death SHOULD
At the risk of seeming crass at this Sad Moment (which "our free
press" will now embellish with their usual restraint and dignity), I
urge that we remember, in the days and weeks to come, that,
Queen Elizabeth
(reportedly) was triple "vaccinated"
then, roughly one
year later, caught "COVID," which she (reportedly) had
trouble getting over (assuming she got over it)
now she's dead...
I think we should
remember those three facts, since "our
free press" clearly wants us to forget both (1) and (2),
screaming - with their usual lucidity and honesty - that Her Majesty
was not killed by her "vaccination"...
Here's the "evidence"
that she most certainly was not, as marshaled by 'the
Einsteins' at Politifact:
Her son, now King
Charles, said in a statement posted on Twitter that he and his
"mourn profoundly
the passing of a cherished Sovereign and a much-loved
He didn't mention the
COVID-19 vaccine.
Elizabeth and her late husband, Prince Philip, were first
vaccinated against COVID-19 in January 2021. She tested positive
for COVID-19 about a year later.
News reports then
noted that she had been fully vaccinated and received a booster
shot by the time of her diagnosis.
In the months since, media reported on health issues affecting
the queen - especially COVID-19 - but there was nothing about a
vaccine endangering her life.
And so the Queen could
not have died of any "vaccine" injury, since, if she had, King
Charles would certainly have "mentioned" it yesterday,
just as, when she
came down with "COVID" after her injections, the media would
certainly have said that that the "vaccine" was now "endangering
her life."
Case closed...
What's notable about that "case," aside from its jaw-dropping
stupidity, is its sly avoidance of the fact that Elizabeth's
"late husband, Prince Philip" had, four months after his first
"vaccination," died, at 99.
Of what...?
Here's what
StyleCaster reported five days later:
Prince Philip's
official cause of death hasn't been revealed by Buckingham
Palace yet, but many believe that his declining health could've
been a result of a recent infection and heart issue.
On February 16, a
spokesperson for Buckingham Palace confirmed that Philip has
been admitted to King Edward VII's Hospital in London as a
"precautionary measure."
A week later,
Buckingham Palace reported that Philip was in the hospital for
an infection.
The palace confirmed
that the infection was unrelated to the novel coronavirus, which
he and the Queen had been vaccinated against in January 2021.
So, five weeks after his
first (and last) "vaccination," Philip was admitted to the hospital
for treatment of,
"a recent infection
and heart issue"... problems "unrelated" to COVID-19, "which he
and the Queen had been vaccinated against in January 2021."
Thus "the palace"
inadvertently revealed, to readers brighter than the nitwits at
Politifact, that Philip's fatal illness surely was not
"unrelated" to that "vaccination" - just as the Queen's last illness
could have been induced by her three "COVID shots."
Now, it's possible, of course, that neither one of them was actually
injected, any more than,
...actually got jabbed.
If the royal couple, like
those others, only feigned their "vaccination," then one might ask
exactly what kind of "infection" and/or "heart issue" carried Philip
off, and how Elizabeth came down with "COVID."
I have a friend in
Britain who suspects that they were killed so as to further
normalize the "sudden death" of older people...
A paranoid idea, perhaps,
though there's no doubt that this relentless "vaccination" drive has
had precisely that effect,
as countless elderly
have been "dying suddenly" in unprecedented numbers these past
18 months... and all too many (younger) people - including
readers of this column - shrug it off as not that big a deal.
Talk about crass...
The notion that it's not
so bad for older folks to be killed off before their time,
regardless of their fitness and vitality, is one that the
eugenicists of yesteryear embraced, and that their psychopathic
heirs have been promoting for some time.
Like, for example, Dr.
Ezekiel Emanuel, a "bio-ethicist" whose "Why
I Hope to Die at 75" raised something of a stink (though
nowhere near as big a stink as it deserved) when it ran in The
Atlantic in 2014,
foretelling the
catastrophe that rolled out six years later, and that's been
killing countless older people in particular - so many, and so
flagrantly, that one might easily define the COVID crisis, from
the outset, as a deliberate global exercise in what Dr.
Vernon Coleman has called 'eldercide'...
One might compare this
systematic cull of "useless eaters" to
Aktion T4, the Nazi program of
involuntary euthanasia to cleanse Germany of children with
Except that this program
is vastly larger, hasn't stopped (Aktion T4 ended quickly, once the
Church protested it) - and far more perverse, since Hitler et
al. never feigned concern for the disabled, whereas this global
eldercide was mounted in the name of,
"keeping Grandma
Under that sentimental
cover, the 'Eichmanns of the COVID crisis' quickly managed to
exterminate old people in large numbers.
They did it through
the lockdowns that kept countless elderly in isolation from
their families, causing, in April, 2020, a sharp uptick in
excess mortality, due mainly to deaths of despair (as Denis Rancourt showed early on).
They did it through
the criminal warehousing of COVID patients throughout nursing
homes in New York, California, Michigan, Washington and North
Carolina, as well as the UK and Canada, leading to a special
boom in COVID deaths for which no one has been held accountable.
(Gov. Cuomo was ejected not for that mass murder in his state,
but for sexual harassment.)
They did it by
denying countless older people proper treatment, and intubating
them instead - a practice estimated to have killed 90% of those
elderly hooked up to ventilators (based on a lethal protocol
devised in China, and which the WHO then recommended to the
They did it by
outright euthanizing of the elderly, most notably in Britain,
through the swift administration of
midazolam, so as to put them
all to sleep, and thereby save the state a fortune in retirement
benefits and medical expenses.
A great financial boon
that surely also influenced the overseers of other "democratic"
countries, including Italy, whose aged population has been gradually
slaughtered, from the lockdowns through
the ongoing "vaccination"
drive - and so it's been elsewhere throughout the world.
It's not for us, or anyone, to say that people of a certain age
should die, already, never mind whatever economic benefits such
termination yields.
Even Queen Elizabeth,
who died at 96, had every right to figure she might live to 99, like
Philip - or 101, like her own sturdy mother.
I make this point in full
awareness of the Windsors' own eugenicist affinities - as evidenced
by Philip's heinous quip from 2009, which flashed all over "social
media" upon his death:
"In the event that I
am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to
contribute something to solving overpopulation."
Although he's far too
smooth to say a thing like that (in public), King Charles III is
just as keen on "solving overpopulation" - as is his son Prince
William, who, just last year, infamously bitched about how
"overpopulation" throughout Africa is hurting wildlife there.
(William has three children.)
And now, at 73, the
Prince of Wales can finally step outside his mother's shadow as King
Charles III,
a title whose
prestige is likely to enhance his efforts to depopulate the
world, along with such fanatics as Bill Gates (who also has
three children) and
Klaus Schwab.
And those of us who don't
believe in an untimely death for anyone must - therefore -
keep on working to indict all those who organized the COVID crisis
to put all the rest of us to death before our time.
Their systematic murder
of the old must no more be forgotten, or forgiven, than the
countless other murders they've committed, and are still committing
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