this presentation delivered to the Day 6 proceedings of
Coronavirus Grand Jury hearing organized by Dr.
Reiner Fullmich and teams of international lawyers, I
was asked to deliver remarks elucidating the origins of
the quasi-science of
Eugenics, and its role in mis-shaping
the 20th century.
This exercise required a brief overview of,
how the
Malthusian science of population control as it arose in
response to the spread of republican concepts of
humanity and freedom in the late 18th century
Charles Darwin himself (under the control of Thomas
Huxley) took his ideas directly from Malthus'
Essay on
how this in turn expressed itself in Francis
Galton's "new science" of eugenics
It may be hard to believe but Galton himself had stated
in 1904 that his new science (a repackaged
Malthusianism) was always designed to be a new macro
religion shaping the worldview of a new post-Christian
managerial elite:
"[Eugenics] must be introduced into the national
conscience, like a new religion.
It has, indeed, strong
claims to become an orthodox religious, tenet of the
future, for eugenics co-operate with the workings of
nature by securing that humanity shall be represented by
the fittest races…
I see no impossibility in Eugenics becoming a
religious dogma among mankind."
After a eugenics-driven attempt at a new world order was
aborted during WWII, Sir Julian Huxley (the grandson of
Darwin's bulldog and himself a life long member and even
president of the British Eugenics Society) spearheads a
re-organization of the British imperial grand strategy
with the intent of repackaging eugenics under a new name
but with the same effects as those outlined by Hitler
This was most clearly outlined in Julian's
manifesto for UNESCO where he said:
"Even though it is quite true that any radical
eugenic policy will be for many years politically
and psychologically impossible, it will be important
for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is
examined with the greatest care and that the public
mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much
that is now unthinkable may at least become
What form did this repackaging of eugenics take in the
post WWII era?
To answer this, we must review what organizations, and
policies Julian set into motion, that derailed that
positive momentum of history which had been lain by
Franklin Roosevelt, and revived by John F. Kennedy, Enrico Mattei, Charles de Gaulle and other great
statesmen throughout the 1960s.
One disclaimer for those confused by the claims that
Julian Huxley played a role in the establishment of the
World Health Organization (WHO):
While Julian created UNESCO
serving as its first Director General from 1946-48, and
openly played a key role in setting up the World
Federation of Mental Health in 1948 alongside a group of
Tavistock psychiatrists, his back channel role in
establishing the World Health Organization has been
obscured from public records making it difficult to
establish smoking gun evidence on this particular point.
This presentation used research published in
Matt Ehret's 3 part trilogy which features extensive
information which the short space of the live
presentation did not permit be discussed.
How the Unthinkable Became Thinkable: Eric Lander,
Julian Huxley and the Awakening of Sleeping Monsters
Part 2:
Eugenics, The Fourth Industrial Revolution and
the Clash of Two Systems
Part 3:
From Russell and Hilbert to Wiener and Harari:
The Disturbing Origins of Cybernetics and Transhumanism