by Brandon Smith
September 07, 2023
BirchGold Website

'ESG' Failure
as Globalists
Shift to
"Inclusive Capitalism" Agenda...
In July of last year as
the hype surrounding the
Covid 'pandemic' was finally dying out I
published an article about a barely publicized project called the
for Inclusive Capitalism" (CIC).
The group, headed by
Lynn Forester de Rothschild who now seems to be the public face
of the notorious
Rothschild dynasty, is the culmination of decades
of various globalist agendas combined to represent the ultimate
proof of "New World Order" conspiracy.
Remember when people used
to say that global governance by elitists was a paranoid fantasy...?
Well, now the plan is an
openly admitted reality.
The CIC is intimately tied to institutions like,
...but it is primarily an attempt to link
all these organizations more closely to the corporate world in an
open display of collusion.
The group pushes the
spread of what they call "Stakeholder Capitalism":
The idea that
international corporations have a 'responsibility' to participate
in social engineering, and that they are required (in the name
of the greater good) to manipulate civilization through economic
punishments and rewards...
We witnessed this agenda
in action during the
Covid lockdowns and the rush to
enforce vaccine
These efforts would not
have been possible without the participation of major corporate
chains working hand-in-hand with national governments and the
World Health Organization (WHO).
Luckily, the strategy
failed as local governments and the public fought back.
We have also seen the ugliness of stakeholder capitalism in the push
for ESG rating systems among major companies. Most readers are
probably familiar with 'ESG' at this point.
Just keep in mind that the
public was oblivious to the terminology until the past 2 years.
Globalists have been
developing ESG rules since 2005.
What is ESG...?
Klaus Schwab of
the WEF notes:
"The most important
characteristic of the stakeholder model today is that the stakes
of our system are now more clearly global.
Economies, societies,
and the environment are more closely linked to each other now
than 50 years ago. The model we present here is therefore
fundamentally global in nature, and the two primary stakeholders
are as well.
...What was once seen as externalities in national economic
policy making and individual corporate decision making, will now
need to be incorporated or internalized in the operations of
every government, company, community, and individual.
The planet is thus
the center of the global economic system, and its health should
be optimized in the decisions made by all other stakeholders."
ESG was intended to be,
the tool that
globalists and governments would use to
companies into the stakeholder capitalism model.
It is much like the
Chinese communist social 'credit system', but for businesses rather
than individuals.
The higher a company's ESG score, the more access
lending and government funding they would have (easy money).
It started out in 2005
focused on climate controls (influencing corporations to accept
carbon credits and taxation).
But, by 2016 it became
something else:
ESG widely adopted woke politics including,
This was the modern ESG that all of us are aware of today.
The goal was,
incentivize corporations into bombarding the public with woke
messaging 24/7...:
every movie,
every TV show, every book, every comic,
every children's cartoon, every commercial, every product,
major social media site, every employee handbook, every social
...would be tainted with the poison of
woke propaganda.
There would be nowhere to
hide, nowhere to escape the messaging.
And it worked, for a little
The exposure of ESG is perhaps one of the greatest triumphs of the
alternative media.
It was proof that the "wokification" of our
economy and society was not the result of some grassroots activist
movement or the natural evolution of civilization.
No, everything woke was a
rigged agenda, an astroturf movement forced into existence by
corporations and globalists using ESG as the vehicle.
It is with some disappointment I'm sure that,
Lynn Forester de
Rothschild recently admitted the defeat of ESG at the
G20 Summit in
Though, Rothschild also
suggests that,
the goal will be to replace the term "ESG" with
something else that the public is not as privy to...
In other words,
globalists have been forced to abandon ESG but will continue to look
for other methods to trap companies into the far-left hive...
It is typical for globalists to re-brand their projects whenever
they get exposed as a way to throw the public off the scent.
However, I don't think this tactic is going to work anymore.
Researchers are locked
onto the ESG dynamic and changing the name will not help the
establishment avoid scrutiny.
Interestingly, I have noticed a dramatic shift by globalists towards
a defensive posture, rather than the offensive posture they held a
couple years ago.
I can only conclude that,
something went very wrong
for them
during Covid...
They were brazen with
their rhetoric in 2020, basically admitting their intentions to
enforce a global authoritarian system.
Now they are sheepish and
much more careful in the things they say.
To this end, most of the honest discussion on globalism is no longer
found in the statements of the WEF or the halls of the Davos forums.
People like
Klaus Schwab are
fading into the background.
The true agenda is now
discussed at more obscure climate change events such as B20 in India
or the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact in Paris which I
covered in July.
These are the events
where globalists feel more free to talk about what they REALLY want.
One interesting comment from Rothschild at B20 was her claim that
Biden's "Inflation Reduction Act" is one of the best models for
incentivized climate controls.
This confirms what we already
The Inflation
Reduction Act had nothing to do with inflation...!
Rather, it was a way to
divert taxpayer funds into government subsidies for carbon taxation
and green tech.
That is to say,
Rothschild and the CIC,
want to dictate global
business and force
companies to adopt ESG-like policies using trillions of dollars in
climate funds ($7.5 trillion per year, to be exact)...
Look at it this way:
Any company that
"volunteers" to use less efficient green tech and to promote
climate ideology gets access to government subsidies: they
get rewarded.
Any company that
refuses to go along with the plan will ultimately face heavy
taxation while trying to compete with their subsidized peers:
they are forced out of business.
Sound familiar? It's not
your imagination...
This is, essentially,
the early stages of a
communist/collectivist economic regime...
capitalism" is a hoax
And here we get to
the crux of the issue.
There is no
"inclusive capitalism."
There is no
"stakeholder capitalism."
There is no "ESG."
Climate change
is not an existential threat.
Covid was never
as severe as they wanted you to think.
What do these
things have in common?
All of these issues
represent smoke and mirrors, a way to distract the
populace from the root intent to create,
total centralization in the
hands of a select few elites...!
The prize for them
is to convince the public to embrace economic micromanagement.
This is what ESG was all about.
This is what Inclusive Capitalism is
all about.
The globalists want
to hand-pick winners and losers.
Worse still, they
want to use your money to reward the faithful and punish
the skeptical.
Their goal is to build a
global economic panopticon,
an inescapable prison where every transaction is monitored,
evaluated, authorized or denied and (of course) recorded.
bank digital currency (CDBC) is a
crucial milestone in their
progress toward this goal.
Just imagine how much easier this will be
when the 100 or so largest, most influential corporations in the
world are on-board and enthusiastic about such a development...
I wrote about this
not long ago:
privacy in trade will be gone,
except for those people engaging in barter, black markets and
commodity-based transactions.
This is one of
the main reasons global central banks have persistently killed
the idea of intrinsically-sound money, like
physical gold and silver, for the last 50 years.
barter and black markets are more or less by definition
off the books. Untaxed, unregulated and untrackable.
But don't be
misled - this is much more than an issue of
of CBDCs would also mean that ownership of money and the ability
to transact, to participate in the economy, will become
privileges, not rights.
In communist
use of digital payments is tied to a social credit
Want access to
your checking and savings accounts?
Better not say anything
critical of the Party, or you could be reported by a neighbor
(or a stranger) using the tattletale function on their smartphone...
Digital money
can disappear in seconds.
Want your money back?
that you are "loyal" to the Party...
There are many
subtle levels between "upstanding citizen" and "outlaw," though,
and the CCP adjust their citizens' financial statuses
Bad social credit might mean taxis won't even stop
for you.
That you're
prevented from purchasing from upscale shops.
healthy? Your e-yuan won't even let you buy junk food at 7-11.
The citizen is
guilty until proven innocent.
Once the economy is
locked into an ideological prison and access to private trade can be
denied by a handful of bureaucrats working with corporations, the
establishment then has the means to dictate all of society.
Our behaviors, our
beliefs, our principles, our morals...
For if the
government has the power to determine whether you and your family
eat or starve, they have the power to compel you to do anything.
This is why owning
untraceable, intrinsically valuable
precious metals is crucial to your own personal liberty.
Today, now,
while you still can, diversify your savings with an alternative
form of money that will always be accepted, without question,
anywhere in the world.
There's a reason,
the globalists hate
gold and silver. They're virtually the only
financial assets you can own that are "off the books"...
Just as untrackable
as cash (they hate cash, too, but not as much) and, better yet, uninflatable, unhackable and free from central bank meddling.
Fight the globalist
agenda every step of the way.
And make sure that,
no matter what, you and your loved ones can endure their
tyranny without compromising your beliefs...