Dr. Joseph Mercola
February 16, 2021
TheLibertyBeacon Website

Story at-a-glance
Publicis Groupe, a leading PR firm, represents major
companies within the technology, pharmaceutical and
banking industries. These companies, in turn, have
various partnerships with the U.S. government and global
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
Publicis is a partner of the World Economic Forum, which
is leading the call for a "reset" of the global economy
and a complete overhaul of our way of life. As such,
Publicis appears to be playing an important role,
coordinating the suppression of information that runs
counter to the technocratic narrative
role of the free press is to counter industry
propaganda. That role has been effectively subverted
through advertising. News outlets rarely report on
something that might damage their advertisers
Publicis connects to the drug industry, banking
industry, NewsGuard-HealthGuard, educational
institutions, Big Tech companies like Google, Microsoft
and Bing, the U.S. State Department and Department of
Defense, global technocratic institutions like the World
Health Organization, national and global NGOs like the
CCDH and the World Economic Forum, and dominating health
websites like WebMD and Medscape
These connections, taken together, explain how certain
views can be so effectively erased. The answer to this
dilemma is transparency. We must expose the machinations
that allow this agenda to be pushed forward
Any strategy that successfully manipulates public opinion is bound
to be repeated, and we can now clearly see how the tobacco
industry's playbook is being used to shape the public narrative
COVID-19 and the projected post-COVID era.
In 2011, after many years of raising awareness regarding genetically
modified organisms (GMOs) and industrial agriculture, we decided we
needed a new game plan.
Educating people through
our newsletter was great, but we realized the best way to expose
Monsanto - a leading GMO advocate and patented seed owner at the
time - was to get them to engage directly and ensure national
To that end, Mercola.com funded the signature gathering in
California that initiated Proposition 37, the right to know what's
in your food by ensuring proper GMO labeling.
We spent more than $1
million for the Prop 37 initiative, plus several million dollars
more for GMO labeling initiatives in other U.S. states in the
following years.
This initiative forced Monsanto to engage with the public directly
to defend their toxic products and dangerous business practices, all
while receiving national coverage in the process.
The Monsanto
Monsanto spent tens of millions of dollars attacking anyone in their
way, but they did so indirectly, just like the tobacco industry did
before them.
This is the core
take-home of what I'm about to describe next...
They used a public
relations team to do most of their dirty work - paying scientists
and academics to voice their "independent opinions," influencing
scientific journals, and getting journalists and editorial boards to
write favorable and influential pieces to help them maintain their
lies and influence minds.
Still, while the spending of tens of millions of dollars to
influence voters resulted in a narrow defeat of
Proposition 37, the new,
widespread awareness of GMOs, pesticides and industrial agriculture
eventually led to Monsanto's demise.
In 2013, in a last-ditch effort to salvage its tarnished image,
Monsanto hired the PR firm Ketchum.
As noted in a HuffPost
article by Paul Thacker, 1
"Monsanto hit reboot
with Ketchum," which "created a campaign called GMO Answers, and
used social media and third-party scientists to offer a counter
narrative to allay concern about Monsanto's products."
The GMO Answers' website
is set up to allow professors at public universities answer GMO
questions from the public - supposedly without remuneration from the
But over the years,
evidence emerged showing that these academics are far from
independent, and often end up getting paid for their contributions
via hidden means, such as unrestricted grants.
University of Florida professor Kevin Folta is one prominent example
described in my 2016 article "Scientific American - Another Monsanto
In that article, I also
review how GMO Answers co-sponsored a panel discussion about GMOs in
March that year with the media and partnerships division of
Scientific American.
At the time, Jeremy Abatte, vice president and publisher of
Scientific American, insisted the event was not a Ketchum event but
a Scientific American event.
Few bought his reasoning though, and
many ended up filing Scientific American into the chemical biotech
shill category.
Having purchased Monsanto at the end of 2016,
Bayer continued the
strategy to rely on PR firms for public acceptance.
In the article 2
"Bayer's Shady PR Firms - Fleishmanhillard, Ketchum, FTI Consulting,"
Right to Know reviews the many deception scandals involving these
A key discovery was
evidence showing,
"there are objective
strategies to silence strong voices."
After investigating the
strategies used by Monsanto and Bayer, we can now see that the same
playbook is being used by
Big Tech and
Big Pharma to shape the
public narratives about COVID-19 and
the Great Reset.
Again, a central facet of
these campaigns is to silence critics, in particular those with
large online followings, including yours truly.
I have been publicly labeled a "national security threat" to the
U.K. by Imran Ahmed, a member of the Steering Committee on
Countering Extremism Pilot Task Force under the British government's
Commission for Countering Extremism and the chief executive of the
Centre for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH).
According to Ahmed, I and others who question the safety and
necessity of a COVID-19 vaccine may be prone to violent extremism.
This defamatory statement
clearly has no basis in reality whatsoever.
Rather, it's part of the
propaganda aimed at destroying the opposition - in this case the
opposition to the technocrats driving the Great Reset agenda, which
spans across social, economic and health related sectors.
As reported by the National Vaccine Information Center, which was
also on the CCDH list of national security threats: 3
"The anonymously
funded CCDH also has an office in Washington, D.C. and the
defamatory publicity campaign created in December 2020 was
designed to not only discredit NVIC's four-decade public record
of working within the U.S. democratic system to secure vaccine
safety and informed consent protections in public health
policies and laws, but to destroy our small charity."
Publicis Is an
Organizing Force in the
Great Reset Deception
Public deception is now being carried out at a mass scale, and the
whole thing appears to be led and organized by another major PR
firm, this time the
Publicis Groupe, self-described as,
"one of the world's
largest communications groups," 4
...which represents major
companies within the technology, pharmaceutical and banking
Publicis is also a partner of the World Economic Forum, which is
leading the call for a "reset" of the global economy and a complete
overhaul of our way of life.
These companies, in turn, have various partnerships with the U.S.
government and global nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).
Publicis itself is also a
partner of the World Economic Forum, 5 which is leading the call for
a "reset" of the global economy and a complete overhaul of our way
of life. 6
As you will see, Publicis'
fingerprints can be found throughout the net of censorship and
misdirection that is now being cast across the digital landscape.
The Publicis Groupe has manipulated what people think about
commercial products for nearly a century.
Over that century, they
have bought or partnered with targeted advertising avenues,
beginning with newspapers, followed by radio, TV, cinema and the
More recently, they've
branched into Big Data acquisitions and artificial intelligence
To understand the power PR companies such as Publicis have today,
you need to understand the role of the free press. While
pro-industry advertising worked well for decades, there was still
the irksome problem of the Fourth Estate, a term that refers to the
The problem for industry was that professional investigative
journalists working for magazines, newspapers and broadcast outlets
would write in-depth exposés, outing the truth behind deceptive
advertising and countering industry propaganda with science,
statistics and other documented facts - and when a free press with
honest reporting based on verifiable facts actually does its job,
ineffective or toxic products are driven off the market.
The answer that industry came up with in the late 20th
century to combat truth in journalism was, pure and simple, to
control the Fourth Estate with advertising dollars.
News organizations will
simply not run reports that might harm the bottom line of its
By further partnering with the "big guns" of media - such as the
Paley Center for Media - Publicis and its industry clients have been
able to influence and control the press to restrict, indeed
virtually eliminate, your ability to get the truth on many important
Publicis, Big
Pharma and NewsGuard
To start off this sprawling web of industry connections surrounding
Publicis, let's look at its connections to the self-appointed
internet watchdog NewsGuard.
NewsGuard rates
websites on criteria of "credibility" and "transparency,"
ostensibly to guide viewers to the most reliable sources of news
and information.
In reality, however, NewsGuard ends up acting as a gate keeper
with a mission to barricade unpopular truth and differences of
opinion behind closed gates.
Its clearly biased
ranking system easily dissuades people from perusing information
from low-rated sites, mine included.
NewsGuard received a large chunk of its startup capital from
NewsGuard also has
ties to The Paley Center for Media, mentioned earlier.
For clarification,
The Paley Center is
composed of every major media in the world, including,
Tribune Media...
One of its activities is
to sponsor an annual global forum for industry leaders. 7
NewsGuard is housed in The Paley Center in New York City. In
November 2015, Publicis' chairman of North America, Susan
Gianinno, joined The Paley Center's board of trustees. 8
Leo Hindery, 9,10 a former business partner of the co-CEOs of
NewsGuard, Steven Brill and Gordon Crovitz, is also a
former trustee and director of The Paley Center.
Taken together,
NewsGuard has fairly
influential connections to The Paley Center besides being a
tenant in their building.
As mentioned, Publicis
represents most of the major pharmaceutical companies in the world,
and since so much of its revenue comes from the drug industry, it's
not far-fetched to assume Publicis might influence NewsGuard's
ratings of drug industry competitors, such as
alternative health
Publicis, Big
Pharma, NewsGuard and Big Tech
Next, let's add a layer of Big Tech into the mix.
Publicis, which
represents Big Pharma, not only has the ability to influence the
public through NewsGuard, but it's also a Google partner, 11,12 which
allows it even greater ability to bury undesirable views that might
hurt its clientele.
NewsGuard is also partnered with Microsoft, initially through
Microsoft's Defending Democracy Program. 13
Through an expanded
partnership announced in 2020, Microsoft Edge users gained access to
NewsGuard for free, and Microsoft Bing gained access to NewsGuard's
data. 14
Publicis, Pharma, NewsGuard, Big Tech, Government and NGOs
Expanding the web further onto government and NGO territory, we find
that NewsGuard is also connected to,
the U.S. State Department
U.S. Department of Defense
the World Health Organization...
All three are listed as
NewsGuard partners. 15
NewsGuard is also
partnered with: 16
Public libraries
Trend Micro,
...and many others...
To summarize,
the web around
Publicis now includes,
Mind you, this is not a
comprehensive review of links.
It's merely a sampling of
entities to give you an idea of the breadth of these connections,
which when taken together explain how certain views can be so
effectively erased.
Add in 'Anti-Hate' Group
and Google-Trusted Health Sites
But we're not done yet.
health-related service called HealthGuard 17 is also partnered with
WebMD, Medscape and the CCDH - the progressive cancel-culture
leader 18 with extensive ties to government and global think tanks
that recently labeled people questioning the COVID-19 vaccine as
national security threats.
In 2017,
WebMD was acquired by Internet Brands, a company under the
global investment firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR)
KKR also owns several
other health-related internet brands. Since WebMD owned Medscape, it
too now belongs to the KKR Internet Brands as well.
...have launched a public
service campaign called
The goal of the campaign
is to,
"provide facts and
tools to help consumers make informed decisions about vaccines,"
WebMD reports. 19
In tandem with that
campaign, Google is funding fact-checking organizations to the tune
of $3 million, with the aim of countering "vaccine misinformation,"
and NewsGuard maintains a "Coronavirus Misinformation Tracking
Center" that includes a "Top COVID-19 Vaccine Myths Tracker."
WebMD dominates health searches done through Google and shares user
information with Google's advertising arm and other third-party
firms - a practice that is illegal in Europe...
What this means is,
Google's ad service, knows which prescriptions you've
searched for on the site, thus providing you with
personalized drug ads.
Facebook knows
what you've searched for in WebMD's symptom checker, as well
as any medical diagnoses you received.
I reviewed these findings
in "WebMD and Healthline exposed Violating Your Privacy."
Since most of its revenue comes from advertising, WebMD is far from
an independent source of well-researched health news.
For example,
it has been
caught shilling for Monsanto, publishing industry-friendly
"articles" that are really paid advertisements known in the media
world as advertorials...
Ten years ago, WebMD was also caught publishing a
fake online
depression screening test.
In actuality, it was an advertising trick
for the antidepressant Cymbalta, and there was no way for test
takers to get a clean bill of mental health.
So, to recap, we find connections between,
the drug industry
Big Tech
companies like Google, Microsoft and Bing
the U.S. State
Department and DoD
technocratic institutions like
the WHO
national and
global NGOs like the CCDH and the
World Economic Forum,
...and dominating health
websites like WebMD and Medscape.
Again, this is far from an exhaustive investigation of these kinds
of connections. It's merely a small sampling of readily obvious
Toward the center of this
web is the Publicis Groupe, the clients of which include major drug
companies, Big Tech companies and financial institutions in more
than 100 countries. 21
By the way, Publicis also began investing in artificial intelligence
technology in 2017 22 and partnered with Microsoft in
2018 to develop a global AI platform. 23
It also purchased the
data firm Epsilon in 2019, 24 thereby establishing ownership of
first-party data - a crucially valuable resource when it comes to
the use of AI.
As detailed on its website, the firm's expertise is concentrated
within four main activities: communication, media, data and
technology (including AI services), and all clients have access to
its expertise in all of these areas.
While it's easy to dismiss Publicis as just 'another ad agency,' I
believe it would be foolish to underestimate its power to organize
the kind of coordination required to shut down vaccine concerns,
anti-lockdown proponents and people trying to educate their fellow
man about the dangers of the Great Reset, which is being brought
forth as a "necessary" post-COVID step...
While these things may seem unrelated, they're really not.
As mentioned, the Great
Reset involves everything, including,
...and much more.
What Can You
Everything we know is set to change, and those who disagree with the
mainstream narrative are troublemakers that must be silenced, lest
the plan get pushed off-track by an unwilling public.
The answer to this dilemma is transparency.
We must expose the
machinations that allow this agenda to be pushed forward.
Part of that exposure
is looking at the role of big PR companies like Publicis, which
helps influence the public mind so that the technocrats can
maintain their lies until it's too late to do anything about it.
Monsanto and we will defeat this threat to our
freedom too.
We simply allowed the
public to learn the real truth about the issues, and that triggered
Monsanto's collapse.
I am currently working with some of the brightest minds in the tech
space - cybersecurity experts and billionaire philanthropists who
are very well networked.
These individuals are
committed to preserving your personal freedoms and liberties.
We are seeking to involve
a massive redo of the entire internet that will not allow tech
monopolies the ability to censor the truth because it happens to
conflict with their advertisers.
There has been an increasing call for the decentralization of the
Internet as expressed in this article on
Coin Telegraph last week.
This would mean that
rather than web sites being hosted on centralized servers in one
location their content would be stored and served from thousands if
not millions of computers all over the world making it virtually
impossible to censor or shut down.
We are seeking to implement a strategy that Tim Berners-Lee
is proposing.
For those of you who
don't know, Berners-Lee is the person that gave us the world wide
web graphical interface of the internet, and he didn't take a penny
for it.
Had he licensed this
technology, he surely would be the richest person in the world
You can read more about
Berners-Lee's plan in this February 5, 2021,
article in The
Conversation, 25 but essentially in involves data sovereignty, giving
you control over your data and privacy.
So, what can you do?
Please understand you play a VERY important, if not critical role in
this process.
The first part
of the strategy is to repeat what we did with Monsanto and
expose their plans.
So, if you have any
interest in preserving your freedoms, I strongly encourage you
to share this article and my video with everyone you know so
people can start to understand how they are being manipulated.
This will effectively
"immunize" them against the propaganda.
Secondly, encourage your friends and family to subscribe
to the newsletter so you can be updated on the next steps that
will be necessary to defeat these tech monopolies tyrannical
attempts at control.
Sources and References
1 Huff
Post August 6, 2019, Updated August 13, 2019
May 2019, Updated November 11, 2020
January 26, 2021
4, 5 World
Economic Forum, Publicis Groupe
6 World
Economic Forum, The Great Reset
7 The
Paley Center for Media 2018 Agenda
8 Paley
Center for Media November 23, 2015
9 The
Paley Center for Media 2008 Annual Report
10 USCC.gov
11 Ad
Week September 22, 2008
12 Google
Marketing Platform Partners, Publicis Sapient
13 Microsoft
August 23, 2018
14 Windows
Central May 15, 2020
15 Dropbox
NewsGuard Partners
16 NewsGuard
News Literacy Program
17 NewsGuard
18 Off-Guardian
August 11, 2020
19 WebMD
February 3, 2021
20 NewsGuard
Coronavirus Misinformation Tracking Center
21 Publicis
Top Global Clients
22 Forbes
June 23, 2017
23 Bright
Media Pakistan January 29, 2018
April 15, 2019
25 The
Conversation February 5, 2021