by Michael Rectenwald
November 07,
MichaelRectenwald Website

I'll begin by addressing
the elephant in the room.
Isn't the Great Reset simply a "conspiracy
theory" concocted and circulated by "rightwing extremists?"
The so-called conspiracy
theories run something like this:
the Great Reset is a plot hatched
by a technocratic global elite to establish a socialist-communist
New World Order.
The Great Reset will
abolish the property rights of the majority, as well as individual
and national sovereignty, and wipe out the last vestiges of personal
It uses
Covid-19 and
climate change as pretexts to enslave what will remain of humanity,
using never-ending lockdowns, experimental vaccines, and pervasive
and inescapable surveillance.
According to the New York Times 1 and the Anti-Defamation
League, 2 the Great Reset has no basis in fact.
Or, as the BBC claims,
the Great Reset is a
benign effort on the part of "leading thinkers" 4 to bring
about "a fairer, greener future," 5 based on a reset of
Meanwhile, Time devoted
an issue to the Great Reset, effectively hailing it as the solution
to all our problems post-Covid. 6
Klaus Schwab, the Founder and Executive Chairman of the World
Economic Forum (WEF), suggests that the Great Reset is merely an
attempt to address the weaknesses of capitalism exposed by the Covid
crisis, as well as the looming catastrophes posed by unmitigated
climate change and environmental degradation.
This is what Klaus
Schwab and Thierry Malleret suggest in their book,
Covid-19 - The Great Reset.
It's what numerous
documents on the WEF website claim.
Why, then, has the
Great Reset been construed as a vast leftwing conspiracy to
create a totalitarian one-world government?
I don't mean to suggest
that the truth lies somewhere between denial and conspiracy.
Rather, I want to make
clear just what the Great Reset entails, according to its architects
and subscribers.
I rely on the claims of Klaus Schwab and his WEF
contributors, the WEF's partnerships, developments in the U.S. and
around the world, and on the implications that can be reasonably
drawn from proposals and their implementation.
In the process, I also
mean to show how the Great Reset idea generates "conspiracy
theories," as if spontaneously.
Before grappling with the main components of the Great Reset, a
history of the idea and its development is in order. Although its
philosophical roots may go much deeper, the Great Reset can be
traced to the inception of the World Economic Forum, founded as the
European Management Forum in 1971.
In the same year, Klaus
Schwab, an engineer and economist by training, published his first
book, Modern Enterprise Management in Mechanical Engineering,
written in his native German. 7
Here, Schwab first
introduced what he would later call "stakeholder capitalism,"
arguing, as the WEF website notes,
"that the management of a modern
enterprise must serve not only shareholders but all stakeholders to
achieve long-term growth and prosperity." 8
Schwab and the WEF have
promoted the multistakeholder concept ever since.
The WEF is the source for
the stakeholder and public-private partnership rhetoric and policies
embraced by governments, corporations, non-governmental
organizations (NGOs), civil society organizations, and international
governance bodies worldwide.
partnerships have played a key role in the response to the Covid
crisis and are instrumental in the response to the supposed climate
change crisis.
The exact phrase, "the Great Reset," came into circulation in 2010
with the publication of the book, The Great Reset, by the American
Urban Studies theorist Richard Florida 9 - although others claim
that they used the phrase before him.
Florida's Great Reset was
a response to the 2008 financial crisis and argues that
the 2008
Crash was the latest in a series of Great Resets, including the
Depression of the 1870s and the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Far from being the fallow
years typically depicted, Great Resets are periods of
paradigm-shifting innovation and geographical reconfiguration.
Schwab apparently appropriated the phrase and adapted it to
represent his stakeholder vision for a new kind of capitalism and
world system.
At the WEF annual meeting in 2014, Schwab declared:
"What we want to do
in Davos this year... is to push the reset button." 10
By this he referred to an
imaginary reset button on the world economic system of "neoliberal"
A graphic depiction of a
reset button would later appear on the WEF's website...
In 2017, the WEF published a paper entitled, "We need to reset the global
operating system to achieve the SDGs [Sustainable Development
Goals]" of
the United Nations (UN). 11
Next, the WEF organized two events that eerily anticipated Covid-19,
which became the primary inspiration for the Great Reset project.
In May 2018, the WEF
collaborated with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security to
conduct the CLADE X Exercise, a "tabletop" simulation of a national
response to a 'pandemic'. 12
The exercise simulated
the outbreak of CLADE X, a novel strain of a human parainfluenza
virus with genetic elements of the Nipah virus.
According to Homeland
Preparedness News, the CLADE X simulation demonstrated that,
"[t]he lack of both a
protective vaccine and a proactive worldwide plan for tackling
the spread of a catastrophic global 'pandemic' resulted in the
death of 150 million people across the Earth." 13
Clearly, preparation for
a global 'pandemic' was in order.
A little over a year later, in October 2019, the WEF's uncanny
prescience was again on display, only this time with greater
Along with the Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation, the WEF teamed up with Johns Hopkins
University to stage another 'pandemic' exercise, called Event 201.
Event 201 simulated the
international response to the outbreak of a novel coronavirus - two
months before the Covid-19 outbreak became international news and
five months before the World Health Organization (WHO) declared it a
The Johns Hopkins Center
for Health Security's summary of the exercise closely resembles the
actual Covid-19 scenario, including apparent foreknowledge of
so-called asymptomatic spread:
Event 201 simulates
an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from
bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently
transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe
The pathogen and the
disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more
transmissible in the community setting by people with mild
symptoms. 14
The CLADE X and
Event 201
simulations anticipated practically every eventuality of the Covid
crisis, notably the responses by governments, health agencies,
conventional media, social media, and elements of the public.
The responses and their
effects included worldwide lockdowns, the collapse of businesses and
industries, the adoption of biometric surveillance technologies, an
emphasis on social media censorship to combat "misinformation" and
"disinformation," the flooding of social and legacy media with
"authoritative sources," widespread riots, and mass unemployment.
These premonitory exercises and other Covid curiosities have
contributed to the "plandemic" narrative - speculation that the
Covid-19 crisis may have been staged by global elites centered
around the WEF as an alibi for initiating the Great Reset.
In addition to the
'pandemic' exercise just referenced, Swiss Policy Research points to
the WEF's role in promoting digital biometric identity systems,
thrusting its Young Global Leaders into major roles in the
governmental management of the Covid crisis, and advocating the
vaccination of children as,
"an entry point for
digital identification." 16
On June 13, 2019, the WEF
signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the UN to form a
partnership centered on advancing the UN "2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development." 17
The WEF published the
"United Nations-World Economic Forum Strategic Partnership Framework
for the 2030 Agenda" shortly thereafter. 18
The WEF promised to help
"finance" the UN's climate change agenda. The framework also commits
the WEF to helping the UN "meet the needs of the Fourth Industrial
Revolution," including providing assets and expertise for "digital
Agenda 2030 appears to
have been tailor-made to accommodate the UN-WEF partnership.
It adopts the stakeholder
concept introduced by Schwab decades before. The word "stakeholders"
is used no less than thirteen times in the 2030 resolution.
The Great Reset, then,
may be understood, in part, as the WEF's contribution to Agenda
In June 2020, the WEF held its Great Reset summit as the fiftieth
annual meeting of the World Economic Forum - delayed and refocused
due to the Covid crisis - and announced the Great Reset's official
Just months into the Covid crisis, on July 19, 2020, and a mere
month after the annual meeting, Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret
published Covid 19: the Great Reset.
Steve Umbrello,
the Managing Director at the Institute for Ethics and Emerging
Technologies at the University of Turin, wrote in his academic
review of the manifesto:
Although not
impossible, the speed at which a book on this particular topic,
proposing these theses, was produced[,] does play into the
conspiratorial aesthetic that the book has since induced.
Even though the
authors are transparent about writing and publishing the book
within a month's time, this neither confirms the veracity of
such claims nor dispels suspicion from those who question its
expediency. 19
The short interval
between the WHO's declaration of a 'pandemic' and the book's
publication is not the only factor that has fed "the conspiratorial
aesthetic" surrounding the Great Reset.
Schwab's writing with
Malleret and other WEF statements have stoked the speculations.
The co-authors
declare, without apparent regret or shame, that,
represents an "opportunity [that] can be seized"
and "we should
take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity to
reimagine our world" 21
and “the moment
must be seized to take advantage of this unique window of
opportunity" 22
and "[f]or these
companies the 'pandemic' is a unique opportunity to rethink
their organization and enact positive, sustainable and
lasting change" 23
and "[f]or those
fortunate enough to find themselves in industries
'naturally' resilient to the 'pandemic' [like Big Digital
Tech], the crisis was not only more bearable, but even a
source of profitable opportunities at a time of distress for
the majority" 24
This last sentence may be
suggestive of the Great Reset's overall plan.
The Great Reset combines resets in all conceivable domains of human
life: economic, environmental, geopolitical, governmental,
industrial, technological, social, and individual.
The Great Reset ushers in a bewildering economic amalgam, what I've
socialism" 25 and "capitalism with Chinese
characteristics," 26
...or what Giorgio Agamben later called,
capitalism." 27
Schwab and company
euphemistically call this system "stakeholder capitalism."
Stakeholder capitalism involves the behavioral modification of
corporations to benefit "stakeholders."
A stakeholder is anyone
or any group that stands to benefit or lose from corporate behavior
- other than competitors.
Stakeholder capitalism includes not only corporate responses to
ecological issues such as climate change,
"but also rethinking
their [corporations'] commitments to already-vulnerable
communities within their ecosystems." 28
This is the "social
justice" aspect of stakeholder capitalism and the Great Reset.
Governments, banks, and
asset managers use the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
index to squeeze non-woke players out of the market. The ESG index
is essentially a social credit score for rating corporations.
The collectivist planners
drive ownership and control of production away from the
One of the WEF's many "strategic partners," 29
BlackRock, Inc., the
world's largest asset manager, is solidly behind the stakeholder
model of the Great Reset program.
In a 2021 letter to CEOs,
BlackRock's CEO Larry Fink declared that,
"climate risk is
investment risk," and "the creation of sustainable index
investments has enabled a massive acceleration of capital
towards companies better prepared to address climate risk."
Fink states that the
'pandemic' accelerated the flow of funds toward sustainable
We have long believed
that our clients, as shareholders in your company, will benefit
if you can create enduring, sustainable value for all of your
As more and more
investors choose to tilt their investments towards
sustainability-focused companies, the tectonic shift we are
seeing will accelerate further.
And because this will
have such a dramatic impact on how capital is allocated, every
management team and board will need to consider how this will
impact their company's stock.
Fink's letter is more
than a report to CEOs. It is an implicit threat. Meanwhile,
investment according to the ESG index and other financial tools is
gaining the force of law in the U.S., with the Biden
administration's recent "U.S. Climate-Related Financial Risk:
Executive Order 14030." 31
Schwab and Malleret pit "stakeholder capitalism" against "neoliberalism,"
"a corpus of ideas
and policies... favoring competition over solidarity, creative
destruction over government intervention and economic growth
over social welfare." 32
That is, "neoliberalism"
refers to what is otherwise known as the free market.
Stakeholder capitalism is
thus opposed to the free enterprise system. It means not only
corporate cooperation with the state and NGOs but also vastly
increased government intervention in the economy.
Schwab and Malleret
promote "the return of 'big' government," 33 as if it ever
If "the past five
centuries in Europe and America" have taught us anything, they
assert, it is that "acute crises contribute to boosting the
power of the state. It's always been the case and there is no
reason why it should be different with the Covid-19 'pandemic'."
Schwab and company erect
the strawman of neoliberalism as the source of our economic woes.
But the governmental
favoring of industries and players within industries - or
corporatism, otherwise known as economic fascism, 34 and not fair
and free competition - has been the real source of what Schwab and
his ilk apparently decry.
The Great Reset vastly
increases corporatism or economic fascism.
While approved corporate stakeholders are not necessarily
monopolies, the tendency of the Great Reset is toward monopolization
- vesting as much control over production and distribution in these
favored corporations as possible, while eliminating industries and
producers deemed either unnecessary or inimical.
To bring this reset
"[e]very country,
from the United States to China, must participate, and every
industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed," writes
the authoritarian Schwab. 35
stakeholder capitalism has been seen as a new approach to achieving
socialism, even by socialists. 36
As I've suggested,
stakeholder capitalism tends toward "corporate socialism," or
"capitalism with Chinese characteristics," two ways of understanding
the overall economics of the Great Reset.
Anthony C. Sutton, the late historian and Hoover Institute
scholar, described corporate socialism as follows:
John D.
Rockefeller and his 19th century fellow capitalists were
convinced of one absolute truth: that no great monetary wealth
could be accumulated under the impartial rules of a competitive
laissez faire society.
The only sure road to
the acquisition of massive wealth was monopoly:
drive out your
competitors, reduce competition, eliminate laissez-faire,
and above all get state protection for your industry through
compliant politicians and government regulation.
This last avenue
yields a legal monopoly, and a legal monopoly always leads to
This robber baron schema is also... the socialist plan. The
difference between a corporate state monopoly and a socialist
state monopoly is essentially only the identity of the group
controlling the power structure...
We call this
phenomenon of corporate legal monopoly - market control acquired
by using political influence - by the name of corporate
socialism. 37
The corporate-socialist
tendency is toward a two-tiered economy, with monopolies and the
state on top, and "actually existing socialism" for the majority
"Actually existing
socialism" is socialism as it really is, as opposed to how Marx and
his epigones claimed it would be. 38
"Capitalism with Chinese characteristics" is a play on the Chinese
Communist Party's description of its economic system. Several
decades ago, as China's growing reliance on the for-profit sectors
of its economy could no longer be credibly denied by the CCP, its
leadership approved the slogan "socialism with Chinese
characteristics" to describe its economic system.
Formulated by Deng
Xiaoping, the phrase became an essential component of the CCP's
attempt to rationalize Chinese for-profit development under a
socialist political system.
According to the party, the growing privatization of the Chinese
economy was to be a temporary phase - lasting a hundred years if
necessary(!) - on the way to a classless society of full
The party leaders
claimed, and still maintain, that socialism with Chinese
characteristics is necessary in China's case because China was a
"backward" agrarian country when socialism was introduced - too
early, it was suggested.
China needed a capitalist
booster shot.
With the slogan, the party was able to suggest that China had been
an exception to the orthodox Marxist position that socialism arrives
only after the development of capitalism - although Marx himself
deviated from his own formula late in life.
At the same time, the
slogan allowed the CCP to confirm the orthodox Marxist position.
China's socialist
revolution had come before developed industrial capitalism - an
exception to orthodox Marxism. Capitalism was thus introduced into
China's economic system later - a confirmation of orthodox Marxism.
Stripped of its socialist ideological pretensions, socialism with
Chinese characteristics, or the Chinese system itself, amounts to a
socialist or communist state increasingly funded by "capitalist"
economic development.
The difference between
the former Soviet Union and contemporary China is that when it
became obvious that a socialist economy had failed, the former gave
up its socialist economic pretenses, while the latter has not.
The Great Reset represents the development of the Chinese system in
the West, only in reverse.
Whereas the Chinese
political class began with a socialist political system and
introduced privately held for-profit production later, the West
began with a degree of capitalism and is implementing a socialist
political system now.
It's as if the Western
oligarchy looked to the "socialism" on display in China, and said,
"yes, we want it."
This Chinese-style system
includes vastly increased state intervention in the economy on the
one hand, and the kind of authoritarian measures that the Chinese
government uses to control the population, on the other.
Now, let's look at contemporary developments and how they have been
moving in this direction.
The draconian lockdown measures employed by governments just so
happen to have accomplished what corporate socialists like the WEF
and their collaborators apparently wanted done. They have destroyed
small businesses, thus eliminating competitors for corporate
As the Foundation for
Economic Education reported, in the U.S. alone, millions of small
businesses closed their doors due to lockdowns. 39 Yelp data
indicates that 60% of business closures are now permanent. 40
Meanwhile, the Big
Digital giants - including Amazon, Apple, and Facebook - appreciated
massive gains.
During the three months
ending in June 2020, for example, Amazon's,
"quarterly profit of
$5.2bn (£4bn) was the biggest since the company's start in 1994
and came despite heavy spending on protective gear and other
measures due to the virus." 41
A data analysis from
Harvard University, Brown University, and the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation found that government-mandated lockdowns devastated
lower-income-earning workers and benefitted those at the top.
Meanwhile, studies have
shown that lockdowns did nothing to mitigate the spread of Covid-19.
Developments advancing the Great Reset agenda include unfettered
immigration, travel restrictions for otherwise legal border
crossing, the Federal Reserve's unrestrained printing of money, the
subsequent inflation, increasing taxation, the increased dependence
on the state, the supply-chain crisis, the restrictions and job
losses due to vaccine mandates, and the prospect of personal carbon
allowances. 44
Altogether, these and
other such policies constitute a coordinated attack on the majority.
Ironically, they also
represent the "fairness" aspect of the Great Reset - if we properly
understand fairness to mean leveling the economic status of the
"average American" with those in less "privileged" regions.
And this is one of the
functions of woke ideology - to make the majority in developed
countries feel unworthy of their "privileged" lifestyles and
consumption patterns, which the elite are in the process of
resetting to a reduced and static new normal, but not for
themselves. 45
The corporate stakeholder model of the Great Reset spills into its
governance and geopolitical model: states and favored corporations
in "public-private partnerships" in control of governance.
The configuration yields
a corporate-state hybrid largely unaccountable to the constituents
of national governments.
The cozy relationship between multinational corporations and
governments has even aroused the scorn of a few academics. 46
Some note that the UN-WEF
partnership and the governance model of the WEF represent at least
the partial privatization of the UN's Agenda 2030, with the WEF
bringing corporate partners, money, and supposed expertise on the
Fourth Industrial Revolution (4-IR) to the table.
And the WEF's governance
model extends well beyond the UN, affecting the constitution and
behavior of governments worldwide.
This usurpation has led
political scientist Ivan Wecke to call the WEF's governmental
redesign of the world system,
"a corporate takeover
of global governance." 47
This is true, but the WEF
model also represents the 'governmentalization' of private industry...
Under Schwab's
stakeholder capitalism and the multistakeholder governance model,
governance is not only increasingly privatized, but also and more
importantly, corporations are deputized as major additions to
governments and intergovernmental bodies.
The state is thereby
extended, enhanced, and augmented by the addition of enormous
corporate assets. These include funding directed at "sustainable
development" to the exclusion of the non-compliant, as well as the
use of Big Data, AI, and 5G to monitor and control citizens.
In the case of the Covid
vaccine regime, the state grants Big Pharma monopoly protection and
indemnity from liability in exchange for a vehicle to expand its
powers of coercion.
As such, corporate
stakeholders become what I have called "governmentalities"
48 -
otherwise "private" organizations wielded as state apparatuses, with
no obligation to answer to pesky constituents.
Since these corporations
are multinational, the state essentially becomes global, whether or
not a "one-world government" is ever formalized.
As if the economic and governmental resets were not dramatic enough,
the technological reset reads like a dystopic sci-fi novel. It is
based on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4-IR).
The 4-IR, we are told,
follows the first, second, and third industrial revolutions - the
mechanical, electrical, and digital, respectively. 49
The 4-IR builds on the
digital revolution, but Schwab sees the 4-IR as an exponential
take-off and convergence of existing and emerging fields, including,
Big Data
intelligence (AI)
machine learning
quantum computing
nanotechnology, and robotics (GNR)
The consequence is the
merging of the physical, digital, and biological worlds.
The blurring of these
categories ultimately challenges the very ontologies by which we
understand ourselves and the world, including "what it means to be
human." 50
The specific applications include a ubiquitous Internet, the
Internet of Things (IoT), the Internet of Bodies (IoB), autonomous
vehicles, smart cities, 3-D printing, robots, nanotechnology,
biotechnology, materials science, energy storage, and more.
While Schwab promotes a particular vision for the 4-IR, there is
nothing original about his formulations.
Transhumanists and
Singularitarians (or prophets of the technological singularity),
such as Ray Kurzweil and many others, forecasted these and more
revolutionary developments, long before Schwab heralded them.
The significance of
Schwab's and the WEF's take on the new technological revolution is
the attempt to harness it to a particular end, presumably "a fairer,
greener future."
But if existing 4-IR developments are any indication of the future,
then Schwab's apparent optimism is misplaced, and the 4-IR is
grossly misrepresented.
These developments
already include,
algorithms that feed users prescribed news and
advertisements and downrank or exclude banned content
algorithms that
censor social media content, and consign "dangerous"
individuals and organizations to digital gulags
keyword warrants
based on search engine inputs
apps that track
and trace Covid suspects and report violators to the police
robot police with
QR code scanners to identify and round up the unvaccinated
and other dissidents
smart cities
where everyone is a digital entity to be monitored,
surveilled, and recorded, while data on their every move is
collected, collated, stored, and attached to a digital
identity and social credit score,
...to name a few of the
panoptic manifestations of the 4-IR.
In short, 4-IR technologies subject human beings to a technological
management that makes surveillance by the NSA look like child's
And Schwab lauds
developments that connect brains directly to the cloud and enable
the "data mining" of thought and memory, a technological mastery
over decision-making that threatens autonomy and undermines any
semblance of free will.
The 4-IR accelerates the
merging of humans and machines, resulting in a world in which all
information, including genetic information, is shared, and every
action, thought, and unconscious motivation is known, predicted, and
possibly even precluded. Naturally, Aldous Huxley's Brave New World
comes to mind.
Yet Schwab touts
brain-cloud interfaces as enhancements, as vast improvements over
standard human intelligence.
Unless taken out of the hands of corporate-socialist technocrats,
the 4-IR will constitute a virtual, inescapable prison of body and
In terms of the social order, the Great Reset promises "inclusion"
in a "shared destiny." 52
But the subordination of
"netizens" implies economic and political disenfranchisement, a
hyper-vigilance over self and others, and social isolation - or what
Hannah Arendt called "organized loneliness" 53 - on a global scale.
In the age of Covid, this
organized loneliness is already manifest in lockdowns, masking,
social distancing, and the exclusion of the "unvaccinated."
The "Alone Together"
public service announcement produced and circulated by the Ad
Council in March of 2020 represented organized loneliness
succinctly. 54
In Google Archipelago, I argued that leftist authoritarianism is the
political ideology and modus operandi of what I call Big Digital,
and that Big Digital is the leading edge of a nascent world system.
Big Digital is the
communications, ideological, and technological arm of an emerging
corporate-socialist totalitarianism. The Great Reset is the name
that has since been given to the project of establishing this world
Just as Klaus Schwab and the WEF hoped, the Covid crisis has
accelerated the Great Reset.
The response to the
Covid-19 scourge has consolidated the grip on the economy of
monopolistic corporations above, while advancing "actually-existing
socialism" below.
In partnership with Big
Tech, Big Pharma, the legacy media, national and international
health agencies, and compliant populations, hitherto "democratic"
Western states are being transformed into totalitarian regimes
modeled after China, seemingly overnight.
I need not provide a
litany of the tyranny and abuses. You can read about them on
alternative news sites - until you can no longer read about them.
The Great Reset, then, is not a conspiracy theory:
it is an open,
avowed, and planned project, and it is well underway...!
But because capitalism
with Chinese characteristics or corporate-socialist statism lacks
free markets and depends on the absence of free will and individual
liberty, it is, ironically, "unsustainable."
The vast majority will
not accept the Great Reset's attempts to lock them away in an
economic, governmental, and technological prison.
Like earlier attempts at
totalitarianism, the Great Reset is doomed to fail...
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