by Peter Koenig
24, 2022
GlobalResearch Website

Would it be fair
to say
that the Triumph
of the Beast
is the
dictatorial takeover of the world
by the doctrines
of the World Economic Forum?
Has the WEF been
by the Masters
that Be
to invoke
worldwide Apocalypse?
The Triumph of the Beast is, or would be - if we, The People,
let it happen - a full Reset of our mostly western, over-indebted,
over-extended, run out-of-control financial system.
It concerns mostly the
dollar- and euro-based economies...
The financial reset and a
Global World Order would imply
three major objectives:
A massive
reduction of the world's population, again, primarily and in
a first step, the western population or Global North - many
or most of them are considered by the ruling elite, "useless
eaters and consumers".
Around the
mid-1960s, the world's total consumption of natural
resources exceeded the factor "1" (one) of what Mother Earth
is generally providing.
This over-consumption reaches today, in the early 2020s,
factors 3.5 to 4.5 between Europe and the US of Mother
Nature's offerings.
This refers not
just to food - which, after all, is a renewable resource -
but primarily to non-renewable resources, one of which is
hydrocarbon. Fossil fuels in mid-2020 (the year of
the Covid 'lockdown') accounted for 84% (87% in 2019) of all energy used
An increase of 4%
was projected for 2021.
On food, as an example, Eurostat (2018) reports that in the
EU about 88 million tons of food waste are generated per
year, at a cost of about 143 billion Euros.
This corresponds
to about 20% of total food produced. According to FAO,
worldwide approximately a third of all food produced for
human consumption is lost or wasted -
see this.
A huge shift of
capital and assets are transferred from the bottom and the
middle class (mostly small- and medium-sized enterprises) to
the top.
According to
Forbes, 2021 accounted for 2,755 billionaires worldwide, an
increase of 660 new ones over 2020. Altogether these
billionaires are worth $13.1 trillion, up from $8 trillion
in 2020.
These gains
include increased share values -
see this.
Digitization of
everything - including the human brain - converting humans
transhumans (Klaus Schwab). But foremost
full-digitization of money which gives governments full
control over your - the people's - money.
Governments or
those of the planned Global Government may seize your bank
account, whenever they find a reason for punishing a
disobedient citizen.
This is what
Schwab (WEF) calls "Governance 4.0", congruent with what he also
calls the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
allows for full control of everything...
Despite all the widely
propagated, so-called loosening of Covid restrictions, there
are already quietly put EU laws in place which would require full
vaccination of every EU citizen (EU Resolution 2361) - and an
all-encompassing digital ID, without which citizens cannot move.
Similar actions are envisaged in the US.
However, resistance there
by the public and especially by State Governors - see especially
Texas and Florida - has been greater than in Europe.
And this despite
President Biden's constant pressure for "universal vaccination".
Also, US court
interventions, including by the Supreme Court, have so far on
several occasions sided with the people.
These digital IDs,
Bill Gates' invention
Agenda ID2020, will most likely
come in the form of
QR codes.
The QR code will also be
used for making electronic/digital payments and has virtually
unlimited capacity of storing information, about,
your health, bank
accounts and other properties, consumption, habits, travels,
...literally, every step you take will be
also this.
The completion of
this three-step - or triple-objective - agenda is the Real Goal
UN Agenda 2030.
The so-called UN
Development Goals, euphemistically called UN Agenda 2030, are
nothing but an unrealistic smoke-screen.
As said above, if we, the
People, won't let it happen - with spiritual will-power and foremost
NO FEAR - this nefarious agenda will not come to fruition.
An Alternative
Yes, a reduction of resources wasted and excessively used, is
absolutely necessary.
But not to be imposed by
a turbo-neoliberal financial elite, WEF-style.
Also, according to FAO, there is currently, with 2020 technologies,
enough food-producing capacity available in the world to nourish 12
billion people.
Capacity will increase as
new technologies are developed.
Inequality, poverty and famine have
to do with profit-seeking food-price speculation, with a failing or
inappropriate distribution system and largely with greed of the
ruling classes, that prefer hoarding food for "better times",
causing shortages and famine.
And now, to stress the
point of "shortages", with artificially interrupted or destroyed
supply chains.
To gain back our autonomy and sovereign lives, We, the People,
must take consciousness, must wake up from our comfort slumber, see
through the Covid pandemic scam - and take matters into our own
hands and minds.
That means - without
Back to sovereign
de-digitization of banking, finances and monetary systems
Back to
economy-based and supported sovereign currencies
cultural differences
trading and cooperation according to comparative advantages
- an economic principle that gradually died with the
onslaught of global, neoliberal capitalism of the 1980s - to
achieve to the maximum possible "win-win" situations
If it sounds impossible
to achieve - think again...
Think back three quarters of a century, after WWII in the 1950s,
when we rebuilt the war-devastated world.
With the onset of the
slowly and gradually US secret services imposed global ideology of
Club of Rome, of a united one
government, one currency federation of multi-cultural European
countries beginning in the mid-sixties European nations' sovereignty
and independence gradually melted away.
This was never a European
idea, but sold to and then nurtured by corrupt European colonialist
"leaders" (sic).
Yes, we the People can do it; can regain our sovereign independence
and peoples' values.
Absolutely without Klaus
Schwab in any form or shape, and without
the WEF...
In this Dark Cult language, the Triumph of the Beast
would be preceded by the Mark of the Beast.
Would that be the
fake "vaccine" - the instrument that brings about death and
And eventually the
infamous Triumph of the Beast...?
There is no doubt, what
is happening to humankind and even to Mother Earth, is the deed of a
diabolical cult.
As one of such cults'
rules, in order to succeed, they must disclose to the public - to
their chosen and potential victims - what they intend to do. For
decades they have complied with this rule.
we the people didn't
see it, didn't believe it, or were too complacent and blind in our
comfort to see it...
This planned and aspired world domination by a super-rich and a
super-sick elite has started decades ago, at least since
WWII, probably earlier.
While we could go back
much further, this is just to mention a few of these open warnings
within the last couple of decades:
Rockefeller Report. It outlined in four simple steps and
chapters what was planned and what would be the end-result.
Starting with the
"Lockstep" phase, where people would be stunned, shocked,
isolated and made fearful and totally submissive to
authorities (à la Naomi Klein's "The Shock
Doctrine"), from things not visible including an invisible -
and never isolated - virus, all the way to the final phase
of full digitization and total control.
Bill Gates'
February 2010 TedTalk, "Innovating to Zero" in which he
infamously said:
"If we are
really doing a good job [vaccinating], we could reduce
the world population by between 10% and 15%".
(about minute four
of the video).
The June 2016
(Swiss) Gotthard Base Tunnel Opening Ceremony,
depicting a Luciferian ceremony beginning with a Lockstep
scenario and ending with the total submission of the people.
It was attended
mostly by European politicians in lead positions - and, in
hindsight, many of those who attended went to Klaus Schwab's
"academy" for Young Global Leaders.
See this 6-minute
video clip:
'Event 201 - An
open simulation of the Covid plandemic' that was to come, on
18 October 2019 in NYC, organized by The Johns Hopkins
Center for Health Security in partnership with the
World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates
The event
depicted a high-level pandemic exercise with participants
from the World Bank, IMF, various agencies of the UN system,
including WHO and UNICEF and many more, illustrating,
"areas where
public/private partnerships will be necessary during the
response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish
large-scale economic and societal consequences."
For more details
and video clips,
see this.
The rest is history. In the meantime we know how large-scale
economic and societal consequences were avoided or diminished.
To the contrary, they
were intended to hit the population as severely as possible, to
cause utmost shock, fear, financial, physical and emotional damage.
The Role of
the Financial Giants
They - the masters behind the WEF and above all 193
United Nations member
countries, the collective trillionaires of this world and their (so
far) all-commanding financial institutions like,
BlackRock, Vanguard,
State Street and Fidelity,
...are advancing at
relentless pace on several fronts and in several dimensions.
These financial giants are largely inter-woven through mutual share-holderships
and inter-changeable management positions.
Together, they control
some US$ 20 to 25 trillion of assets, giving them a leverage power
in excess of 100 trillion dollars (the world's 2021 GDP US$ 95
trillion, IMF estimate -
see this).
With such powers it is possible to coerce, force, or blackmail
everyone nation of the 193 UN members to chant and act to the tune
of Big Finance, whether or not they agree with the root purpose of
such coercion.
WHO declared,
Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 January 2020,
and a pandemic on 11 March 2020...
As we know by now, a lockdown and plandemic and all the
repressive Covid measures, that have nothing, but nothing to do with
health, but only with the ulterior goal of installing a global
One World Government with absolute
and total control over everything, including all surviving citizens.
In fact, making those
citizens into,
digitally manipulable
transhumans, modern slaves that own nothing but are happy (Klaus
Schwab -
The Great Reset)...
This agenda is advancing
despite people's protests throughout the globe, and despite the
"fake" loosening of Covid restrictions throughout the world,
predominantly the western world.
With almost all Covid restrictions lifted in the western world, be
aware and conscious, not to fall into the trap of
illusions, that all is over now and that we are back to
This thought would be
It is part of an ongoing
psychological warfare.
It's a strategy to shock
you again into submission, to clamp down even further in the fall,
or before, if We, the People, let it happen.
We are just entering Phase 6 of the Great Reset - full digitization:
Agenda ID2020, fully
integrated into the QR codification of everything, digital money
- towards total and absolute control - and transhumanism.
Precursors to the final
blow may be artificially produced inflation (in the US already 7%
[end January 2022], expected to move into double-digits by fall
2022, or before), rising interest rates, further rising debt driven
by all the Covid-induced subsidies, more "new" money put in
circulation without any economic backing - all to be "balanced" and
"resolved" by a (sudden) debt-wipe-out and introduction of digital
money, over which governments and banks have full control on behalf
of the world financial elite.
But again, only if We, the People, let it
And be prepared - NOT SCARED - as part of the renewed
socio-psychological fear domination, possibly the application of the
"shock doctrine" through a serious disease, like
Ebola, tested in
West Africa in 2014...
Earlier this year, French
Prime Minister Jean Castex, warned of possibly postponing
France's Presidential election in April 2022, due to a possible
outbreak of Marburg (Ebola) disease.
Any reference to this
statement has disappeared from internet. It may have been simply a
fear-mongering remark.
Whatever may happen, we may expect more forced "vaxxing", more
experimental "gene-therapy", many more deaths before closure of
Agenda 2030.
Nothing is beyond evil, for these 'un-people'...
But there is nothing that cannot be successfully fought, if We
the People, collectively and solidarily put our minds,
conscience and spirits together.
It is never too late, in fact it is high time, to step up protests,
to step up our conscious rejection of this monster tyranny that is
descending on Mother Earth, threatening full annihilation of
whatever democracy was left, of humanity, or at least of
civilization as we know it.
We cannot idle. Time is precious and is of the essence.
If anyone still doubts that we are in the fangs of a worldwide drive
towards a One World Order, a Global Government led by extraordinary
financial interests, but also by a cult of power-thirsty
megalomaniacs, then think again.
The world is in deep
If anything
"globalist" has to happen, it is a global awakening.
What is occurring at ever
accelerating pace, is the establishment of a global tyranny; a
tyranny directed and led by the World Economic Forum.
It is obvious that the
financial elite and the all-controlling top financial institutions,
such as BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and Fidelity, plus some
obscure multi-multi billionaires, are calling the shots.
The WEF complies with an
agenda well and by long-hand prepared - we are talking decades -
implementing this nefarious, diabolical plan which also goes under
the anodyne name of UN Agenda 2030.
The WEF's
Trained Global Leaders
Canada may be the beginning of absolute totalitarianism.
The first WEF-led tyranny...
Canada may well be an
example for others to follow. Especially those countries for which
the WEF selected its WEF-trained leaders.
For three decade the WEF has been "educating",
young promising
politicians, artists, industrialists (Volkswagen, the Coca Cola
Company, BP Amoco and more...) - but foremost politicians,
...to become so-called
"Young Global Leaders" (YGL).
Among those that went to
Klaus Schwab's YGL-academy, were,
Angela Merkel,
Sarkozy, Macron,
Jacinda Ardern,
Prime Minister, New Zealand
Scott Morrison,
PM, Australia,
...and many more...
But outstanding is
Justin Trudeau, Canada's Prime Minister -
see this...
Klaus Schwab singled Trudeau out as a "model" leader who will show
the world how a country can be turned into a modern "democracy" - in
the age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and in an all-digitized
New World Order, as depicted by the Great Reset (Schwab).
In other words, Trudeau
will lead Canada not in favor of and for the benefits of the
Canadian people, but for the global objectives of the WEF.
Trudeau is an
instrument of the WEF.
To strengthen the
ties with the WEF, Trudeau is assisted by Chrystia Freeland,
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, who is also on
the WEF's Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees
serves as the guardian of the World Economic Forum's mission and
values -
see this.
Prime Minister Trudeau has recently invoked the Emergency Act,
against the truckers' protest and freedom convoys, actually for
reasons that have nothing to do with what the Canadian Constitution
specifies as reasons for invoking this totalitarian act.
But so far nobody has
stopped him. A majority of the Parliament supported this Emergency
Measure against the people's interest. The leader of the NDP who
secured the vote in favor of the Liberal Government is also a WEF
Global Leader.
You may just imagine what kind of corruption, coercion or outright
blackmail and threats are in play to achieve such tyranny.
Incidentally, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the
European Commission (EC), is also a member of the WEF's Board
of Trustees,
see this.
Just to show, the WEF is also in charge of the European Union. Who
would have thought…?
However, the Canadian experience empowered hundreds of thousands, or
millions of people across the world to stand up to their own
governments and demand their freedoms be restored.
Citizens in New Zealand,
Australia, across Europe, and North America, after nearly two years,
tolerating massive government encroachment into nearly every aspect
of their lives, and after seeing how these policies were not
effective at reducing the spread of Covid,
finally had enough...!