by Patrick Wood
May 23, 2022
Technocracy Website

I am currently traveling the country with Drs.
Judy Mikovits,
Richard Fleming and
Reiner Füllmich.
Our one-day conference topic
in nine cities focuses on the case for crimes against humanity
having been committed by leaders of
Big Pharma and the biosecurity
Indeed, there are a multitude of potentially criminal
violations at national and international levels.
But now, meet monkeypox...!
Our case is built from a forensic point of view examining the
SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in hindsight:
its conspiratorial beginnings,
violations of international law and the Nuremberg Code and the
massive cover-up campaign to conceal criminal acts.
Suddenly, however, monkeypox has sprung forth upon the world stage,
following the same playbook as
As such, it is a "crime-in-progress" brought to us by the same people and in the same
This time, the script is following a paper,
Strengthening Global
Systems to Prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological
Threats, that was based on a,
"2021 tabletop exercise conducted in
partnership with the Munich Security Conference."
This scripted
simulation of a bio-terror attack was based on an intentionally weaponized version of the
monkeypox virus.
Produced by the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), the participants
and contributors overlap those who sat in
the Event 201 simulation
that predicted SARS-CoV-2, its rollout and its policies:
According to the report's
Executive Summary,
The exercise scenario portrayed a deadly, global pandemic involving
an unusual strain of monkeypox virus that emerged in the fictional
nation of Brinia and spread globally over 18 months.
Ultimately, the
exercise scenario revealed that the initial outbreak was caused by a
terrorist attack using a pathogen engineered in a laboratory with
inadequate biosafety and biosecurity provisions and weak oversight.
By the end of the
exercise, the fictional pandemic resulted in more than three
billion cases and 270 million fatalities worldwide.
On the simulation schedule, the attack takes place on
May 15, 2022...
Since NTI's simulation took place over one year earlier in
2021, it was no coincidence that the World Health Organization (WHO)
was notified of four "confirmed" cases of monkeypox in the U.K. on,
wait for it... May 15, 2022...
What? Yes, the very same day as
Thereafter, headlines of a monkeypox outbreak spread like wildfire
and now dominate the global news cycle.
Here are a few examples:
Massachusetts public health
officials confirm case of monkeypox
- Massachusetts Department of Public Health, May 18
- WHO, May 19, an info page all about monkeypox
goes global: why scientists are on alert
- Nature, May 20
Rare monkeypox outbreak in
U.K., Europe and U.S.: What is it and should we worry?
- NPR, May 20
CDC Advises Doctors to Be on
Alert for Monkeypox as WHO Confirms Outbreaks in 11
Countries - The
Epoch Times, May 21
WHO expects more cases of
monkeypox to emerge globally
- Reuters, May 21
Should Be Concerned' About Monkeypox, Biden Warns
- New York Times, May 22
Israel, Switzerland and Austria confirm cases
- BBC News, May 22
According to the NTI
scenario, by June 5, 2022 it is discovered that a,
"genome sequencing
of monkeypox patient samples reveal that the strain in Brinia
contains mutations that make it resistant to existing vaccines."
This revelation prompts "aggressive measures" such as,
"shutting down mass
gatherings, imposing social-distancing measures, and
implementing mask mandates."
Sound familiar...?
It is immediately apparent that all of these
so-called experts have learned nothing about the proven uselessness
of all these policies and instead, amplify them as if they were the
only way to "flatten the curve."
More disturbing than any of the above, however, is a change in
alerting policy of a new pandemic.
In Finding 2, they recommend that,
"governments should
improve preparedness by developing national-level pandemic
response plans built upon a coherent system it 'triggers' that
prompt anticipatory action on a 'no-regrets' basis."
No regrets...? Where did this phrase come from?
Apparently from an
exercise participant who said,
"It will be chaotic
and frightening, but you can't wait until you have certainty.
You have to act with
no regrets."
This insane policy means that governments should be prepared to
order a lockdown even if they only have a suspicion that a pandemic
might be brewing.
That is, no concrete evidence is necessary...
Such a
policy would be triggered on a "no-regrets" basis if they are wrong
and yet have caused great damage to their populations and
Triggered by whom? This part is abundantly clear.
recommendations state,
"The WHO must establish a graded, transparent,
international public-health alert system" and also "develop and
institute national-level triggers for early, proactive pandemic
Governments and their leaders,
"must err on the side of taking early
action... leaders cannot wait for cases or fatalities to accumulate
before responding.
If there is a significant chance that the
outbreak could turn into a pandemic, national leaders should lean
forward to scale up response efforts and capabilities."
In short,
the WHO sets triggers based on hunches rather than
evidence and then national governments are expected to act on those
triggers to shut everything down just in case.
They must throw all
restraint and caution aside, pre-committed to having no regrets even
if they make a huge mistake.
By the time the monkeypox scenario is over on December 1, 2023, they
predict that there will be 3.2 billion cases of monkeypox and 271
million deaths.
Of course, this is pure
fiction, but,
will it be
sufficient fear porn to drive governments into "no-regrets"
lockdowns just in case...?
Apparently so in Belgium's case, as it is
the first country to introduce compulsory monkeypox quarantine:
anyone testing positive must isolate for 21 days.
Mandated mass
testing is certain to follow as are renewed contact tracing
Technocracy is at
war with the the entire civilized world is
now self-evident...
I have warned that additional attacks, beyond
SARS-CoV-2 would certainly take place.
This monkeypox panic is only
exacerbated by contrived,
food shortages, inflation, energy crisis
and financial crisis....
I will leave you with one last thought.
These sophisticated looking
experts at NTI's simulation pretend that they are serving the
"greater-good" by protecting us from unknown bio-terrorists.
what if
THEY are the real terrorists hoaxing the entire planet again
as they did with